Exemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, arr, aux=None):
     shape = arr.shape
     if self.move is not None:
         center = random_center(shape, self.move)
         arr_ret = crop(arr, center, self.size)
         angle = np.random.randint(4, size=3)
         arr_ret = rotation(arr_ret, angle=angle)
         axis = np.random.randint(4) - 1
         arr_ret = reflection(arr_ret, axis=axis)
         # order = np.random.permutation(3)  # generate order
         # arr_ret = reorder(arr_ret, order)
         # zoom_rate = 0.8 + (1.15 - 0.8) * np.random.rand()
         # (arr_ret, _) = resize(arr_ret, [1., 1., 1.], new_spacing=[zoom_rate] * 3)
         # zoomed_center = arr_ret.shape // 2
         # arr_ret = crop_at_zyx_with_dhw(arr_ret, zoomed_center, self.size, 0)
         arr_ret = np.expand_dims(arr_ret, axis=-1)
         if aux is not None:
             aux_ret = crop(aux, center, self.size)
             aux_ret = rotation(aux_ret, angle=angle)
             aux_ret = reflection(aux_ret, axis=axis)
             # aux_ret = reorder(aux_ret, order=order)
             # (aux_ret, _) = resize(aux_ret, [1., 1., 1.], new_spacing=[zoom_rate] * 3)
             # aux_ret = crop_at_zyx_with_dhw(aux_ret, zoomed_center, self.size, 0)
             aux_ret = np.expand_dims(aux_ret, axis=-1)
             return arr_ret, aux_ret
         return arr_ret
         center = np.array(shape) // 2
         arr_ret = crop(arr, center, self.size)
         arr_ret = np.expand_dims(arr_ret, axis=-1)
         if aux is not None:
             aux_ret = crop(aux, center, self.size)
             aux_ret = np.expand_dims(aux_ret, axis=-1)
             return arr_ret, aux_ret
         return arr_ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def draw_ant(draw: ImageDraw.ImageDraw, ant: Ant):
    y, x = ant.position
    pos = (np.array([x, y]) + .5) * c.C2P
    rot = rotation(-ant.direction * TAU / 8)
    start = rot @ np.array([0., -c.C2P / 3]) + pos
    end = rot @ np.array([0., c.C2P / 3]) + pos

    color = (255, 0, 0) if ant.food else (0, 0, 0)

    draw.line(start.tolist() + end.tolist(), fill=color, width=2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def draw_ant(ant: Ant, surface: Surface):
    y, x = ant.position
    pos = (np.array([x, y]) + 0.5) * c.C2P
    rot = rotation(-ant.direction * TAU / 8)
    start = (rot @ np.array([0., -c.C2P / 3]) + pos).astype(int)
    end = (rot @ np.array([0., c.C2P / 3]) + pos).astype(int)

    color = (255, 0, 0) if ant.food else (0, 0, 0)

    # pygame.draw.line(surface, color, start.tolist(), end.tolist(), width=1)
    draw_arrow(surface, color, end.tolist(), start.tolist(), width=1)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def dead_reckoning(self, points, dt, v, w):
     if w == 0:
         # going in a straight line.
         displacement = dt * v
         points[:, 0] -= displacement
         angle_along_arc = dt * w
         radius_of_curvature = np.abs(v / w)
         dx = radius_of_curvature * np.sin(angle_along_arc)
         dy = radius_of_curvature * (1 - np.cos(angle_along_arc))
         # print("dx:", dx, "dy:", dy)
         points[:, 0] -= dx
         points[:, 1] -= dy
         rotation_matrix = rotation(angle_along_arc)
         points[:, :2] = np.matmul(points[:, :2], rotation_matrix)
     return points
Exemplo n.º 5
    def motion_cb(self, msg):
        new_pose = np.zeros((3, 1))
        new_pose[0] = msg.pose.pose.position.x
        new_pose[1] = msg.pose.pose.position.y
        new_pose[2] = utils.quaternion_to_angle(msg.pose.pose.orientation)

        if isinstance(self.last_pose, np.ndarray):
            dx = new_pose[0, 0] - self.last_pose[0, 0]
            dy = new_pose[1, 0] - self.last_pose[1, 0]
            d_theta = new_pose[2, 0] - self.last_pose[2, 0]
            # Compute the control from the msg and last_pose
            # Apply noise.
            # TODO: May want to scale e_theta
            # Rotation matrix
            rotation = utils.rotation(self.last_pose[2, 0])
            dX = np.array((dx, dy)).reshape((2, 1))
            dX_prime = np.matmul(rotation.transpose(), dX)
            control = np.array((dX_prime[0, 0], dX_prime[1, 0], d_theta))

            self.apply_motion_model(self.particles, control)

        self.last_pose = new_pose
Exemplo n.º 6
 def transform(arr):
     angle = np.random.randint(4, size=3)
     arr_ret = rotation(arr, angle=angle)
     axis = np.random.randint(4) - 1
     arr_ret = reflection(arr_ret, axis=axis)
     return arr_ret
def stage_cost(env, goal, FLAG):
    stg_cost = np.full((n, n, 4, 3), np.inf)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            for direc in range(4):
                for u in range(3):
                    if FLAG and what([i, j], env) == 'Door':
                        stg_cost[i, j, :, :] = 20000
                    if what([i, j], env) == 'Wall':
                        stg_cost[i, j, :, :] = 20000
                    # Move Forward
                    if u == 0:
                        # position of next step
                        pos = np.array([i, j]) + direcs[direc]
                        cost_fw = 1
                        if FLAG and what([i, j], env) == 'Door':
                            cost_dis = 10000
                        if what([pos[0], pos[1]], env) == 'Wall':
                            cost_dis = 10000
                            # distance b/t next step and the goal
                            cost_dis = (pos[0] - goal[0])**2 + (pos[1] -
                        stg_cost[i, j, direc, u] = cost_fw + cost_dis

                    # Turn Left
                    if u == 1:
                        # the new direction after rotation
                        angle = (rotation(-90) @ np.transpose(
                        # position that rotate and move one step forward
                        pos_new = np.array([i, j]) + angle

                        # default cost
                        cost_rt = 5
                        # distance b/t original pos
                        cost_tr_dis = (i - goal[0])**2 + (j - goal[1])**2
                        if FLAG and what([pos_new[0], pos_new[1]],
                                         env) == 'Door':
                            cost_dis = 10000
                        if what([pos_new[0], pos_new[1]], env) == 'Wall':
                            cost_fw_dis = 10000
                            # distance b/t the next step after a turn
                            cost_fw_dis = ((pos_new[0] - goal[0])**2 +
                                           (pos_new[1] - goal[1])**2)
                        stg_cost[i, j, direc,
                                 u] = cost_rt + cost_tr_dis + cost_fw_dis

                    # Turn Right
                    if u == 2:
                        # the new direction after rotation
                        angle = (rotation(90) @ np.transpose(
                        # position that rotate and move one step forward
                        pos_new = np.array([i, j]) + angle
                        cost_rt = 5
                        cost_tr_dis = (i - goal[0])**2 + (j - goal[1])**2
                        if FLAG and what([pos_new[0], pos_new[1]],
                                         env) == 'Door':
                            cost_dis = 10000
                        if what([pos_new[0], pos_new[1]], env) == 'Wall':
                            cost_fw_dis = 10000
                            # distance b/t the next step after a turn
                            cost_fw_dis = ((pos_new[0] - goal[0])**2 +
                                           (pos_new[1] - goal[1])**2)
                        stg_cost[i, j, direc,
                                 u] = cost_rt + cost_tr_dis + cost_fw_dis
                    #print("tr cost:", stg_cost[i,j,direc,u])
    return stg_cost
def update(v_T, stg_cost, T):
    v_t = np.full((n, n, 4), np.inf)
    policy = np.empty([n, n, 4, T])

    for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1):
        Q_t = np.full((n, n, 4, 3), np.inf)
        # use terminal cost for the first step
        if t == T - 1:
            v = copy.deepcopy(v_T)
            v = copy.deepcopy(v_t)

        # calculate total cost
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                for direc in range(4):
                    for u in range(3):
                        if u == 0:
                            pos = np.array([i, j]) + direcs[direc]
                            if pos[0] < n and pos[0] >= 0 and pos[
                                    1] < n and pos[1] >= 0:
                                v_val = v[pos[0], pos[1], direc]
                                v_val = 10000
                        if u == 1:
                            angle = (rotation(-90) @ np.transpose(
                            v_val = v[i, j, dir2num(angle)]
                        if u == 2:
                            angle = (rotation(90) @ np.transpose(
                            v_val = v[i, j, dir2num(angle)]

                        # given a state, stage cost + the cost of its next step
                        Q_t[i, j, direc, u] = stg_cost[i, j, direc, u] + v_val

        #find optimal cost of each states
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                for direc in range(4):
                    # find the index of the minima
                    motion = np.where(
                        Q_t[i, j, direc, :] == np.min(Q_t[i, j,
                                                          direc, :]))[0][0]
                    opt_cost = Q_t[i, j, direc, motion]
                    v_t[i, j, direc] = opt_cost

                    policy[i, j, direc, t] = motion
                    policy = policy.astype(int)

        # report collect
        key_s1_.append(v_t[2, 1, 1])
        key_s2_.append(v_t[1, 2, 2])
        goal_s1_.append(v_t[3, 1, 0])
        door_s1_.append(v_t[2, 1, 0])

        if (v_t == v).all():

    return v_t, policy
Exemplo n.º 9
# Iterator
dataiter = iter(train_loader_match)

if args.gs:
    kernel_size = 3
    pad = 2
    sigma = 1
    kernel = get_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=kernel_size, pad=pad,

criterion_kl = nn.KLDivLoss(size_average=False)
for epoch in range(args.epochs):
    running_loss = 0
    for i, (imgs, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
        img = imgs[0].to(device)
        img_rot = rotation(img)[0]
        img_aug = imgs[1].to(device)

            img_match = next(dataiter)[0]
        except StopIteration:
            dataiter = iter(train_loader_match)
            img_match = next(dataiter)[0]
        img_match = img_match.to(device)


        # Unconstrained Adversaries
        adv = netG(img)
        adv_rot = netG(img_rot)