Exemplo n.º 1
def decision_time_no(bot, cuser, other_user):
    cuser.on_edge = False
    cuser.in_chat_with = ""
    utils.set_redis(cuser.id, cuser)

    other_user.on_edge = False
    other_user.in_chat_with = ""
    utils.set_redis(other_user.id, other_user)

    message_text = "Both random parties did not agree to share.\nConnection Disconnected"

    bot.send_text_message(cuser.id, message_text)
    bot.send_text_message(other_user.id, message_text)
    send_starting_gate(bot, cuser)
    send_starting_gate(bot, other_user)
Exemplo n.º 2
def handle_postback(raw_event):
    bot = Bot(utils.config["page_access_token"])
    cuser = messages.user(bot.get_user_info(raw_event["sender"]["id"]),

    payload = raw_event["postback"]["payload"]

    red_user = utils.get_redis(cuser.id)

    # welcome message, user has not signed up yet
    if red_user == None:
        messages.intro_message(bot, cuser)

    # if something is different between the user and the database user
    if red_user.is_different(cuser):
        utils.set_redis(cuser.id, red_user)

    if payload == "starting_gate":
        # and not red_user.looking_for_chat:
        if not red_user.in_chat and not red_user.looking_for_chat:

            found_chat = red_user.search_for_chat()

            bot.send_text_message(red_user.id, "Searching...")
            if found_chat:
                messages.found_chat_reply(bot, red_user, found_chat)

        elif red_user.looking_for_chat:
            messages.send_in_limbo(bot, red_user)

    elif payload == "decision_time_yes" or payload == "decision_time_no":
        if not red_user.on_edge:

        other_user = utils.get_redis(red_user.in_chat_with)

        if payload == "decision_time_no":
            messages.decision_time_no(bot, red_user, other_user)
            if red_user.showed_id:
                messages.waiting_for_decision(bot, red_user)
            messages.decision_time_yes(bot, red_user, other_user)

    elif payload == "start_message":
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_api_key(self, code):

        raw_data = requests.get(
            "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/oauth/access_token?client_id=" +
            utils.config["fb_client_id"] + "&redirect_uri=" +
            utils.config["website"] + "/fb_callback?id=" + self.id +
            "&client_secret=" + utils.config["fb_client_secret"] + "&code=" +

        access_token = raw_data["access_token"]

        self.api_key = access_token

        req_string = ("https://graph.facebook.com/v2.8/me?" +
                      "fields=id,name&access_token=" + self.api_key)

        self.profile_id = requests.get(req_string).json()["id"]
        utils.set_redis("-" + str(self.profile_id), self.id)
Exemplo n.º 4
def handle_auth_message(user_id, code):
    # get the info used for all messages
    bot = Bot(utils.config["page_access_token"])
    cuser = utils.get_redis(user_id)
    new_user = False

    if cuser == None:
        cuser = messages.user(bot.get_user_info(user_id), user_id)
        new_user = True

    needs_update = cuser.needs_api_update
    cuser.needs_api_update = False
    utils.set_redis(user_id, cuser)

    if new_user:
    elif needs_update:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def search_for_chat(self):
        friendlist = self.get_friendlist()

        for raw_friend in friendlist:

            cuser = get_user_from_profile_id(raw_friend["id"])

            if cuser != None and cuser.looking_for_chat:
                cuser.looking_for_chat = False
                cuser.in_chat = True
                cuser.in_chat_with = self.id
                utils.set_redis(cuser.id, cuser)

                self.looking_for_chat = False
                self.in_chat = True
                self.in_chat_with = cuser.id
                utils.set_redis(self.id, self)
                return cuser.id

        return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def decision_time_yes(bot, cuser, other_user):
    cuser.showed_id = True

    # if the other user has not decided yet
    if not other_user.showed_id:
        utils.set_redis(cuser.id, cuser)

    cuser.showed_id = False
    other_user.showed_id = False

    cuser.on_edge = False
    other_user.on_edge = False

    cuser.in_chat_with = ""
    other_user.in_chat_with = ""

    utils.set_redis(cuser.id, cuser)
    utils.set_redis(other_user.id, other_user)

    bot.send_image_url(cuser.id, other_user.profile_pic)
    bot.send_image_url(other_user.id, cuser.profile_pic)

    output = "You were chatting with {0} {1}!"
        cuser.id, output.format(other_user.first_name, other_user.last_name))
                          output.format(cuser.first_name, cuser.last_name))

    second_out = "Your conversation on 20messages with them is over\n"
    bot.send_text_message(cuser.id, second_out)
    bot.send_text_message(other_user.id, second_out)

    send_starting_gate(bot, cuser)
    send_starting_gate(bot, other_user)
Exemplo n.º 7
def handle_message(raw_event):
    # use pymessenger to make an API call to FB to get the
    # info about the user who send the message
    bot = Bot(utils.config["page_access_token"])
    user_id = raw_event["sender"]["id"]
    user_info = bot.get_user_info(user_id)

    cuser = messages.user(user_info, user_id)

    red_user = utils.get_redis(cuser.id)

    # welcome message, user has not signed up yet
    if red_user == None:
        messages.intro_message(bot, cuser)

    # if something is different between the user and the database user
    if red_user.is_different(cuser):
        utils.set_redis(cuser.id, red_user)

    elif red_user.looking_for_chat:
        messages.send_in_limbo(bot, red_user)

    elif red_user.in_chat:
        if "message" in raw_event.keys():
            raw_message = raw_event["message"]
            messages.handle_chat(bot, red_user, raw_message)
            bot.send_text_message(user_id, "You are in a chat currently")

    elif red_user.on_edge and not red_user.showed_id:
        messages.send_decision_message(bot, red_user)

    elif red_user.on_edge and red_user.showed_id:
        messages.waiting_for_decision(bot, red_user)

    elif not red_user.in_chat and not red_user.looking_for_chat and not red_user.on_edge:
        messages.send_starting_gate(bot, red_user)
Exemplo n.º 8
def handle_chat(bot, cuser, raw_message):
    other_user = utils.get_redis(cuser.in_chat_with)

    messages_display = cuser.messages_left
    cuser.messages_left -= 1
    other_user.messages_left -= 1

    messages_left = cuser.messages_left

    if messages_left == 0:
        cuser.in_chat = False
        cuser.on_edge = True
        other_user.in_chat = False
        other_user.on_edge = True
        cuser.messages_left = 20
        other_user.messages_left = 20

    utils.set_redis(cuser.id, cuser)
    utils.set_redis(other_user.id, other_user)

    if "text" in raw_message.keys():
        text_message = raw_message["text"]
        text = "{0}: '{1}'".format(messages_display, text_message)
        bot.send_text_message(other_user.id, text)

    elif "url" in raw_message["attachments"][0]["payload"].keys():
        img_url = raw_message["attachments"][0]["payload"]["url"]
        text = "{0}:".format(messages_display)

        bot.send_text_message(other_user.id, text)
        bot.send_image_url(other_user.id, img_url)

    if messages_left == 0:
        send_decision_message(bot, cuser)
        send_decision_message(bot, other_user)
    elif messages_left == 1:
        bot.send_text_message(cuser.id, "You have one message left!")
        bot.send_text_message(other_user.id, "You have one message left!")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def set_looking_for_chat(self):
     self.looking_for_chat = True
     utils.set_redis(self.id, self)