Exemplo n.º 1
    def candiate_urls():
        for (item, property, id) in page_statements(page_title):
            if property != "P9586":
            if not id or id in skip_ids:
            url = "https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/{}".format(id)
            yield (url, id)

        for url in shuffled(appletv.fetch_new_sitemap_urls())[0:250]:
            (type, id) = parseurl(url)
            if type != "movie":
            if not id or id in skip_ids:
            yield (url, id)

        for index_url in shuffled(appletv.fetch_sitemap_index_urls())[0:250]:
            for url in shuffled(appletv.fetch_sitemap_index(index_url)):
                (type, id) = parseurl(url)
                if type != "movie":
                if not id or id in skip_ids:
                yield (url, id)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def random(cls, elizo):
        """ generate random element from available.

            Generate useful element, depending on drop_useless_chance

`           elizo - elements in zone, list of Element instances

        Logger.debug("Element.random: elizo=%s available_elnames=%s", elizo,

        all_elnames = [x.elname for x in elizo]
        green_elnames = [x.elname for x in elizo if x.activated]
        white_elnames = [x.elname for x in elizo if not x.activated]

        # first - check if we can just drop enything
        if random() < defs.drop_useless_chance:
            elname = choice(list(cls.available_elnames))
            Logger.debug("elements: appear pure random element")
            return Element(elname)

        # try to drop element E (which is not in zone) which combined with GREEN elements in zone will give
        # element R which is new
        for x in shuffled(set(cls.available_elnames) - set(white_elnames)):
            #iterate over all availables except those which lay just by wizard
            # (to not duplicate them)

            if cls.is_useful(x,
                return Element(elname=x)

        # try to drop element E (which is not in zone) which combined with ANY elements in zone will give
        # element R which is new
        for x in shuffled(set(cls.available_elnames) - set(white_elnames)):
            #iterate over all availables except those which lay just by wizard

            if cls.is_useful(x,
                return Element(elname=x)

        # Nothing useful, drop random
        ret = choice(list(cls.available_elnames))
        Logger.debug("fourth nothing useful, drop pure random(%s)", ret)
        return Element(ret)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _get_elements_weighted_random(self):
     Elements are shuffled semi-randomly.
     The `position` attribute of each element act as a weight for the randomization.
     Elements that are "heavier" are more likely to be at the beginning of the list.
     return shuffled(self._get_elements(), weight=lambda e: e.position)
Exemplo n.º 4
        def init_population(pop_number, gene_pool, state_length):
            """ initialize population """

            population = []
            for i in range(pop_number):
            return population
Exemplo n.º 5
        def init_population(pop_number, gene_pool, state_length):
            """initialize population"""

            population = []
            for i in range(pop_number):
            return population
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _get_elements_cluster_random(self):
     Elements are grouped according to their `position` attribute.
     Each group is then shuffled randomly.
     qs = self.elements.order_by("position")
     grouped = groupby(qs, key=lambda e: e.position)
     return chain.from_iterable(shuffled(elements) for _, elements in grouped)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _get_elements_cluster_random(self):
     Elements are grouped according to their `position` attribute.
     Each group is then shuffled randomly.
     qs = self.elements.order_by('position')
     grouped = groupby(qs, key=lambda e: e.position)
     return chain.from_iterable(shuffled(elements) for _, elements in grouped)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def run(self):
        right = cards = total = 0

        while True:
            cards = cards or shuffled(copy(self.cards))
            percent = (right / total * 100.0) if total else 0
            stat = status % (right, total, percent)

            right += int(cards.pop().draw(stat))
            total += 1
Exemplo n.º 9
    def run(self):
        right = cards = total = 0

        while True:
            cards   = cards or shuffled(copy(self.cards))
            percent = (right/total*100.0) if total else 0
            stat    = status % (right, total, percent)

            right += int( cards.pop().draw(stat) )
            total += 1
Exemplo n.º 10
    def open_files(self,target_file,input_file,index_file):

        input = h5py.File(input_file,'r')
        target =  np.load(target_file)

        index_data = np.load(index_file)
        if self.istrain:
            index_data = shuffled([a for a in index_data if a[1] not in self.val_list and a[1]!=0])
            index_data = [a for a in index_data if a[1] in self.val_list and a[1]!=0]
        if self.calc_vid not None:
            index_data = [a for a in index_data if a[1]==self.calc_vid]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def open_files(self, target_file, index_file):

        target = np.load(target_file)

        index_data = np.load(index_file)
        if self.istrain:
            index_data = shuffled(
                [a for a in index_data if a[1] not in self.val_list and a[1] != 0])
            index_data = [a for a in index_data if a[1]
                          in self.val_list and a[1] != 0]

        print len(index_data)

        return index_data, target
Exemplo n.º 12
def evolve():
    population = [rand_term_guesser(2) for i in range(POPSIZE)]
    for iteration in itertools.count(0):
        sequents = exp2.random_statements(max_depth=3,
        fitnesses = [calc_fitness(tg, sequents) for tg in population]
        crossover_base = [tournament(population, fitnesses) for i in range(2 * POPSIZE)]
        indices = pairs(utils.shuffled(range(2 * POPSIZE)))
        population = [x for i, j in indices for x in crossover(crossover_base[i], crossover_base[j])]
        # print(population)
        for i in range(POPSIZE):
            population[i] = mutate(population[i])
        print('POPULATION:', [string(x) for x in population])
        print('FITNESSES:', fitnesses)
        print('CROSSOVERB:', [string(x) for x in crossover_base])
        print('INDICES:', indices)
Exemplo n.º 13
def find_start_bag(td: TreeDecomposition,
                   history: Counter = None,
    if USING_COMPLEXITY_WIDTH:  # pick bag with highest complexity
        complexities = compute_complexities(td, DOMAIN_SIZES)
        if CW_TRAV_STRAT == "max":
            bag_order = sorted(complexities,
        elif CW_TRAV_STRAT == "max-min":
            bag_order = sorted(complexities,
                               reverse=not CW_TARGET_REACHED)
        else:  # max-rand or tw-max-rand
            if CW_TARGET_REACHED:
                bag_order = shuffled(complexities.keys())
                bag_order = sorted(complexities,
        mincount = min(history[bag_id] for bag_id in bag_order)
        for bag_id in bag_order:
            if history[bag_id] == mincount:
                return bag_id
        # maxbagidx, _ = max(complexities.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        # if history[maxbagidx] == 0:
        #     return maxbagidx
        # else:  # cw target already met, return random bag
        #     print("randomly picking bag:", end="")
        #     return pick(td.bags.keys())
    elif TRAV_STRAT == "random":  # randomly pick a bag
        return pick(td.bags.keys())
    else:  # pick bag with least count and earliest in order
        if TRAV_STRAT == "post":
            trav_order = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(td.decomp))
        elif TRAV_STRAT == "pre":
            trav_order = list(nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(td.decomp))
            raise ValueError(f"invalid traversal strategy {TRAV_STRAT}")
        mincount = min(history.values())
        # todo[opt]: avoid retraversing every time
        for bag_id in trav_order:
            if history[bag_id] == mincount:
                return bag_id
Exemplo n.º 14
    def train_als(self, X_data, optimizer, epochs=1000):
        Use alt. least-squares to find the CP/Tucker decomposition of tensor `X`.

        X_var = tf.Variable(X_data)
        loss_op, train_ops = self.get_train_ops(X_var, optimizer)

        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            for e in trange(epochs):
                for alt, train_op in enumerate(shuffled(train_ops)):
                    _, loss = sess.run([train_op, loss_op],
                                       feed_dict={X_var: X_data})
                    _log.debug('[%3d:%3d] loss: %.5f' % (e, alt, loss))

            print 'final loss: %.5f' % loss
            return sess.run(self.X)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def train_als_early(self,
        ALS with early stopping.

        X_var = tf.Variable(X_data)
        loss_op, train_ops = self.get_train_ops(X_var, optimizer)
        fit_prev = 0.0

        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            for e in trange(epochs):
                for alt, train_op in enumerate(shuffled(train_ops)):
                    _, loss = sess.run([train_op, loss_op],
                                       feed_dict={X_var: X_data})
                    _log.debug('[%3d:%3d] loss: %.5f' % (e, alt, loss))

                if e % stop_freq:
                    X_predict = sess.run(self.X)
                    fit = get_fit(X_data, X_predict)
                    fit_change = abs(fit - fit_prev)

                    if fit_change < stop_thresh and e > 0:
                        print 'Stopping early, fit_change: %.10f' % (
                    fit_prev = fit

            print 'final loss: %.5f\nfinal fit %.5f' % (loss, fit)
            return sess.run(self.X)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def renew_integrity(self, scale: list):
        ''' checks the duration of the bar and adds or remove notes if the duration do not match '''

        # calculate total duration
        total_duration = 0
        for note in self.notes:
            total_duration += note.duration

        duration_delta = self.duration - total_duration

        while duration_delta != 0:
            for note in shuffled(self.notes):
                if duration_delta < 0: # we try to reduce bar's duration

                    # By removing notes

                    duration_delta += note.duration

                else: # we try to increse bar's duration

                    # By adding notes
                    new_duration = None
                    for duration in NOTE_DURATIONS:
                        if duration == duration_delta:
                            new_duration = duration_delta

                    if not new_duration:
                        new_duration = random.choice(NOTE_DURATIONS)

                    new_tone = random.choice(scale) # this could be better, using a relative tone

                    new_note = Note(new_tone, new_duration)

                    duration_delta -= new_duration
Exemplo n.º 17
    def hooi(self, X_data, epochs=100):
        HOOI: Higher-Order Orthogonal Iteration

        X_var = tf.Variable(X_data)
        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        svd_ops = [None] * self.order

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            for e in trange(epochs):

                # Set up orthogonal iteration operators
                for n in range(self.order):
                    Y = self.get_ortho_iter(X_var, n)
                    _, u, _ = tf.svd(unfold_tf(Y, n), name='svd%3d' % n)
                    svd_ops[n] = tf.assign(self.U[n], u[:, :self.ranks[n]])

                for n in shuffled(trange(self.order)):
                    sess.run([svd_ops[n]], feed_dict={X_var: X_data})

                    X_predict = sess.run(self.X)
                    fit = get_fit(X_data, X_predict)
                    _log.debug('[%3d-U%3d] fit: %.5f' % (e, n, fit))

            # Compute new core tensor value G
            core_op = self.get_core_op(X_var)
            sess.run([core_op], feed_dict={X_var: X_data})

            # Log final fit
            X_predict = sess.run(self.X)
            fit = get_fit(X_data, X_predict)
            _log.debug('[G] fit: %.5f' % fit)

            return X_predict
Exemplo n.º 18
    def hosvd(self, X_data):

        X_var = tf.Variable(X_data)
        init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            for n in shuffled(trange(self.order)):
                _, u, _ = tf.svd(unfold_tf(X_var, n), name='svd%3d' % n)

                # Set U[n] to the first ranks[n] left-singular values of X
                new_U = tf.transpose(u[:self.ranks[n]])
                svd_op = tf.assign(self.U[n], new_U)

                # Run SVD and assign new variable U[n]
                sess.run([svd_op], feed_dict={X_var: X_data})

                # Log fit after training nth component
                X_predict = sess.run(self.X)
                fit = get_fit(X_data, X_predict)
                _log.debug('[U%3d] fit: %.5f' % (n, fit))

            # Compute new core tensor value G
            core_op = self.get_core_op(X_var)
            sess.run([core_op], feed_dict={X_var: X_data})

            # Log final fit
            X_predict = sess.run(self.X)
            fit = get_fit(X_data, X_predict)
            _log.debug('[G] fit: %.5f' % fit)

            return X_predict
Exemplo n.º 19
    def col(): return shuffled([cmp(), cmp(), 0]) # Random color for cmap

    cmap = ColorMap(col(), col())
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _get_elements_random(self):
     Elements are simply shuffled randomly.
     return shuffled(self.elements.all())
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _get_elements_random(self):
     Elements are simply shuffled randomly.
     return shuffled(self.elements.all())
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _to_db(self, database):
        '''Common method to export data for all the relational databases using DB-API'''
        cursor = database.cursor()

        logging.info('creating the associations table ...')
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE associations (%s)' % ', '.join('group_%i INTEGER' % i for i in xrange(len(self._fragments))))
        cursor.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_associations ON associations (%s)' % ', '.join('group_%i' % i for i in xrange(len(self._fragments))))
        cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO associations VALUES (%s)' % placeholders(len(self._fragments)), ifilter(None, (self._associations.values())))

        # create the schema table that will be used by the querier to know where the attributes are
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE schema (attribute TEXT PRIMARY KEY, typ TEXT, fragment INTEGER)')

        for fragment_id, fragment in enumerate(self._fragments):
            # select will extract only the data included in the fragment
            select = itemgetter(*fragment)
            attributes = select(self._table.attributes)
            data = (select(self._table[row]) + (group,) for group, rows in self._associations.get_groups(fragment_id).items() for row in shuffled(rows))

            logging.info('creating the fragment_%i table ...' % fragment_id)
            cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE fragment_{0} ({1}, group_{0} INTEGER)'.format(fragment_id, ', '.join('%s %s' % attr for attr in attributes)))
            cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX i_fragment_{0} ON fragment_{0} (group_{0})'.format(fragment_id))
            cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO fragment_%i VALUES (%s)' % (fragment_id, placeholders(len(fragment) + 1)), data)
            cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO schema VALUES (?, ?, ?)', ((attr[0], attr[1], fragment_id) for attr in attributes))

        return database