Exemplo n.º 1
    def _request(self, url, params, retries=3, is_cert=False):
        if not isinstance(params, dict):
            raise Exception('params must be a dict')

        params['sign'] = self.build_sign(**params)

        xml_str = self.to_xml(**params)

        ret = {}
        error = None
        for i in xrange(retries):
                if is_cert:
                    r = requests.post(url,
                    r = requests.post(url, data=smart_str(xml_str))

                for child in ET.fromstring(smart_str(r.text)):
                    ret[child.tag] = child.text
                return ret
            except Exception as e:
                error = e
        raise 'Failed to request url, %s' % error
    def __init__(self, key, secret, host, app={}):
        """ if app = int return app(id)
            elif app = {} init app with dict
            new app using app = {}, id = 0
        self.host = host
        self.consumer_key = key
        self.consumer_secret = secret

        if type(app) == int:
            self.id = app
            ## can't modify
            self.id = int(app.get("id", 0))
            self.created = app.get("created", "")
            self.deleted = app.get("deleted", "")
            self.last_saved = app.get("last_saved", "")
            self.socialize_consumer_key = app.get("socialize_consumer_key", "")
            self.socialize_consumer_secret = app.get("socialize_consumer_secret", "")
            self.socialize_app = app.get("socialize_app", "")
            self.push_certificate = app.get("push_certificate", None)
            self.is_socialize_editable = app.get("is_socialize_editable", True)
            self.c2dm_token_source = app.get("c2dm_token_source", "socialize")

            self.notification_quotas = app.get("quotas", {})

            ## modifiable
            notifications_enabled = app.get("notifications_enabled", False)
            if type(notifications_enabled) == str:
                if notifications_enabled == "false":
                    notifications_enabled = False
                    notifications_enabled = True
            self.notifications_enabled = notifications_enabled

            self.android_package_name = app.get("android_package_name", "")
            self.c2dm_sender_auth_token = app.get("c2dm_sender_auth_token", "")
            self.apple_store_id = app.get("apple_store_id", "")
            self.category = app.get("category", "")
            self.description = smart_str(app.get("description", ""), strings_only=True)
            self.name = smart_str(app.get("name", ""), strings_only=True)
            self.mobile_platform = app.get("platforms", [])
            self.resource_uri = app.get("resource_uri", "")
            self.stats = app.get("stats", "")
            self.display_name = self.name
            self.icon_url = app.get("icon_url", None)

            self.stats = app.get("stats", {})

            if len(self.stats) > 0:
            # logger.info(self.stats)

            # to make forward and backward compatible with API-user changes (temporary)
            user_id = int(app.get("user", "0"))
            if user_id == 0:
                user_id = int(app.get("user_id", "0"))
            self.user = user_id
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _request(self, url, params, retries=3, is_cert=False):
        if not isinstance(params, dict):
            raise Exception('params must be a dict')

        params['sign'] = self.build_sign(**params)

        xml_str = self.to_xml(**params)

        ret = {}
        error = None
        for i in xrange(retries):
                if is_cert:
                    r = requests.post(url, data=smart_str(xml_str),
                    r = requests.post(url, data=smart_str(xml_str))

                for child in ET.fromstring(smart_str(r.text)):
                    ret[child.tag] = child.text
                return ret
            except Exception as e:
                error = e
        raise 'Failed to request url, %s' % error
Exemplo n.º 4
    def listdir_container(self, cache, container, path=""):
        """Fills cache with the list dir of the container"""
        container = smart_str(container)
        path = smart_str(path)
        logging.debug("listdir container %r path %r" % (container, path))
        if path:
            prefix = path.rstrip("/")+"/"
            prefix = None
        _, objects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/")

        # override 10000 objects limit with markers
        nbobjects = len(objects)
        while nbobjects >= 10000:
            # get last object as a marker
            lastobject = objects[-1]
            if 'subdir' in lastobject:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                lastobjectname = lastobject['subdir'].rstrip("/")
                lastobjectname = lastobject['name']
            # get a new list with the marker
            _, newobjects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/", marker=lastobjectname)
            # get the new list length
            nbobjects = len(newobjects)
            logging.debug("number of objects after marker %s: %s" % (lastobjectname, nbobjects))
            # add the new list to current list
        logging.debug("total number of objects %s:" % len(objects))

        for obj in objects:
            # {u'bytes': 4820,  u'content_type': '...',  u'hash': u'...',  u'last_modified': u'2008-11-05T00:56:00.406565',  u'name': u'new_object'},
            if 'subdir' in obj:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                obj['name'] = obj['subdir'].rstrip("/")
            elif obj.get('bytes') == 0 and obj.get('hash') and obj.get('content_type') != 'application/directory':
                # if it's a 0 byte file, has a hash and is not a directory, we make an extra call
                # to check if it's a manifest file and retrieve the real size / hash
                manifest_obj = self.conn.head_object(container, obj['name'])
                logging.debug("possible manifest file: %r" % manifest_obj)
                if 'x-object-manifest' in manifest_obj:
                    logging.debug("manifest found: %s" % manifest_obj['x-object-manifest'])
                    obj['hash'] = manifest_obj['etag']
                    obj['bytes'] = int(manifest_obj['content-length'])
            obj['count'] = 1
            # Keep all names in utf-8, just like the filesystem
            name = posixpath.basename(obj['name']).encode("utf-8")
            cache[name] = self._make_stat(**obj)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_projects(self, bot, event):
        if not self.projects:
            json = self.get(self.base_url + "projects.json")
            self.projects = json
            json = self.projects

        bot.connection.privmsg(bot.main_channel, "Sir, you have %d projects in basecamp right now:" % len(json))
        for count, project in enumerate(json):
            sleep(1)  # needed to not flood the server
            name = "%s: %s" % (smart_str(project["name"]), smart_str(project["description"]))
            bot.connection.privmsg(bot.main_channel, "%d: %s" % (count + 1, name))

            bot.main_channel, "That was all your projects in basecamp. Do you need to know more ? Just ask."
Exemplo n.º 6
 def key(self, index):
     """Returns a key for a user distributed cache."""
     tenant_name = self.cffs.tenant_name or "-"
     logging.debug("cache key for %r" % [self.cffs.authurl, self.cffs.username, tenant_name, index])
     if not hasattr(self, "_key_base"):
         self._key_base = md5("%s%s%s" % (self.cffs.authurl, self.cffs.username, tenant_name)).hexdigest()
     return "%s-%s" % (self._key_base, md5(smart_str(index)).hexdigest())
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: fs.py Projeto: jakop345/sftp
 def key(self, index):
     """Returns a key for a user distributed cache."""
     tenant_name = self.cffs.tenant_name or "-"
     logging.debug("cache key for %r" % [self.cffs.authurl, self.cffs.username, tenant_name, index])
     if not hasattr(self, "_key_base"):
         self._key_base = md5("%s%s%s" % (self.cffs.authurl, self.cffs.username, tenant_name)).hexdigest()
     return "%s-%s" % (self._key_base, md5(smart_str(index)).hexdigest())
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, key,secret,host,entity={}):
        self.host = host
        self.consumer_key = key
        self.consumer_secret = secret          
        self.created    = datetime.strptime(entity.get('created','2001-01-01T00:00:01'),'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')       
        self.application= entity.get('application',None)
        self.resource_uri= entity.get('resource_uri','')
        self.id         = int(entity.get('id','0'))

        #TODO this self.key is over write app's consumer key 
        # I don't think self.key at object level is being use anywhere (only on application) 

        self.key        = entity.get('key','')
        self.original_key= entity.get('original_key','')
        self.name       = smart_str(entity.get('name',''), strings_only=True)   
        self.type       = entity.get('type','') 
        self.views      = entity.get('views',None)       
        self.shares     = entity.get('shares',None)       
        self.likes      = entity.get('likes',None)       
        self.comments   = entity.get('comments',None)
        self.meta       = entity.get('meta',None)
            self.meta = simplejson.loads(self.meta)
        self.total_activity   = entity.get('total_activity',None)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def build_sign(self, **kwargs):
        build wechat pay signature
        sign_temp = '%s&key=%s' % (self.create_sign_string(**kwargs),

        return hashlib.md5(smart_str(sign_temp)).hexdigest().upper()
Exemplo n.º 10
    def set_params(self, **kwargs):
        self.params = {}
        for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
            self.params[k] = smart_str(v)

        self.params["nonce_str"] = random_str(32)
        self.params["trade_type"] = self.trade_type
Exemplo n.º 11
    def build_sign(self, **kwargs):
        build wechat pay signature
        sign_temp = '%s&key=%s' % (self.create_sign_string(**kwargs),

        return hashlib.md5(smart_str(sign_temp)).hexdigest().upper()
Exemplo n.º 12
    def set_params(self, **kwargs):
        self.params = {}
        for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
            self.params[k] = smart_str(v)

        self.params["nonce_str"] = random_str(32)
        if self.trade_type:
            self.params["trade_type"] = self.trade_type
Exemplo n.º 13
    def is_duplicate(self, table, row):
        '''Checks to see if the row is in the database
        Returns True if match found, else false
        @table = the table you want to perform the test on
        @row   = the row whose existince your checking for
        # get names of all fields in the table except for the id
        #fields = [x[1] for x in self.get_field_list(table)][1:]

        # temporary fix to remove loc_id from logs table
        #fields = [x for x in fields if x != 'loc_id']

        # get table info (to be used when determining field type below)
        #field_type = {x['name']:x['type'] for x in self._table_info(table)}
        conditionals = []
        for i, x in enumerate(row.items()):
            field = smart_str(x[0])
            value = smart_str(x[1])

            if i == 0:
                conditionals.append(u"WHERE {0}=\"{1}\"".format(
                    field, value.decode('utf8')))
                conditionals.append(u" AND {0}=\"{1}\"".format(
                    field, value.decode('utf8')))

        conditionals = u"".join(x for x in conditionals)
        field_names  = tuple(row.keys())
        field_values = u"VALUES{0}".format(
                      tuple([smart_str(x) for x in row.values()]))

        sql = u"SELECT id FROM {0} {1}".format(table, conditionals)
        out = u"INSERT INTO {0} {1} {2}".format(
                    table, field_names, field_values)

        # if its not a duplicate, return the insert statment
        rs = self.cursor.execute(sql).fetchone()
        if not rs:
            return out # yield
            # its a duplicate
            return None
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: fs.py Projeto: jakop345/sftp
    def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
        name = getattr(fn, "func_name", "unknown")
        log = lambda msg: logging.debug("At %s: %s" % (name, msg))
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
        except ClientException, e:
            # some errno mapping
            if e.http_status == 404:
                err = ENOENT
            elif e.http_status == 400:
                err = EPERM
            elif e.http_status == 403:
                err = EACCES
                err = EIO

            msg = "%s: %s" % (smart_str(e.msg), smart_str(e.http_reason))
            raise IOSError(err, msg)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
        name = getattr(fn, "func_name", "unknown")
        log = lambda msg: logging.debug("At %s: %s" % (name, msg))
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
        except ClientException, e:
            # some errno mapping
            if e.http_status == 404:
                err = ENOENT
            elif e.http_status == 400:
                err = EPERM
            elif e.http_status == 403:
                err = EACCES
                err = EIO

            msg = "%s: %s" % (smart_str(e.msg), smart_str(e.http_reason))
            raise IOSError(err, msg)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: post.py Projeto: kaiix/tuan
def tsina_post(content):
    from local_config import post_url
    content = content_filter(content)
    data = { 'act': 'add', 'rl': '0', 'content': smart_str(content) }
    resp = urlfetch.fetch(url=post_url, 
                          headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        logging.warning('Failed posting to sina miniblog!')
Exemplo n.º 17
 def write(self, key, value, version=None):
     key   = utils.smart_str(key)
     value = utils.smart_str(value)
     with open(self.database, 'rb+') as f:
         data   = '%s\0%s' % (key, value)
         length = len(data)
         f.seek(0, 2)
         position = f.tell()
         if key in self.table:
             previous, header = self.table[key]
             if not self.overwrite and header.version != version:
                 raise Conflict(self.read(key), version)
             header = Header(previous, header.version+1, length)
             header = Header(0, 0, length)
         write_header(f, header)
         self.table[key] = (position, header)
         return Document(header, key, value)
Exemplo n.º 18
def make_regexp(q):
    words = []
    w = re.compile(r'\W+', re.U)
    for k in q:
        if k != 'operator':
    words = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2, words)
    words.sort(lambda x, y: len(y) - len(x))

    patt = "|".join(words)
    patt = "([\W|-]{1})(" + patt + ")([\W|-]{1})"
    return re.compile(patt, re.I | re.U)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def stat(self, path):
        Returns an os.stat_result for path or raises IOSError.

        Returns the information from the cache if possible.
        path = path.rstrip("/") or "/"
        logging.debug("stat path %r" % (path))
        directory, leaf = posixpath.split(path)
        # Refresh the cache it if is old, or wrong
        if not self.valid(directory):
            logging.debug("invalid cache for %r (path: %r)" %
                          (directory, self.path))
        if path != "/":
                stat_info = self.cache[smart_str(leaf)]
            except KeyError:
                logging.debug("Didn't find %r in directory listing" % leaf)
                # it can be a container and the user doesn't have
                # permissions to list the root
                if directory == '/' and leaf:
                        container = self.conn.head_container(leaf)
                        if (self.cffs.storage_policy is not None
                                and container['x-storage-policy'] !=
                            raise IOSError(
                                ENOENT, 'No such file or directory %s' % leaf)
                    except ClientException:
                        raise IOSError(ENOENT,
                                       'No such file or directory %s' % leaf)

                        "Accessing %r container without root listing" % leaf)
                    stat_info = self._make_stat(
                    raise IOSError(ENOENT,
                                   'No such file or directory %s' % leaf)
            # Root directory size is sum of containers, count is containers
            bytes = sum(stat_info.st_size for stat_info in self.cache.values())
            count = len(self.cache)
            stat_info = self._make_stat(count=count, bytes=bytes)
        logging.debug("stat path: %r" % stat_info)
        return stat_info
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, key,secret,host,app_id, api_user):
            new app using app_dict = {}, id = 0
        self.host = host
        self.consumer_key = key
        self.consumer_secret = secret
        self.app_id = app_id
        if type(api_user)==int:
            self.id = api_user
            self.id                  = int(api_user.get('id','0'))                
            self.resource_uri        = api_user.get('resource_uri','')
            self.created             = datetime.strptime(api_user.get('created','2001-01-01T00:00:01'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')           
            self.updated             = datetime.strptime(api_user.get('updated','2000-01-01T00:00:01'),'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')        

            self.username            = smart_str(api_user.get('username',''), strings_only=True)
            self.date_of_birth       = api_user.get('date_of_birth','')    
            self.description         = api_user.get('description','')       
            self.device_id           = api_user.get('device_id','')         
            self.email               = api_user.get('email','')        
            self.first_name          = api_user.get('first_name','')        
            self.last_name           = api_user.get('last_name','')         
            self.location            = api_user.get('location','')          
            self.sex                 = api_user.get('sex','')               
            self.small_image_uri     = api_user.get('small_image_uri','')       
            self.medium_image_uri    = api_user.get('medium_image_uri','')      
            self.large_image_uri     = api_user.get('large_image_uri','')
            self.meta                = api_user.get('meta',None)     
            self.stats               = api_user.get('stats','{}')
            self.user_devices        = api_user.get('user_devices',[]) 
            self.third_party_auth    = api_user.get('third_party_auth',[])
            self.reach = None

            reach = 0
            for tpa in self.third_party_auth:
                if "connections_count" in tpa:
                    reach = reach + (tpa.get("connections_count",0) or 0)
            if reach > 0:
                self.reach = reach
Exemplo n.º 21
    def stat(self, path):
        Returns an os.stat_result for path or raises IOSError.

        Returns the information from the cache if possible.
        path = path.rstrip("/") or "/"
        logging.debug("stat path %r" % (path))
        directory, leaf = posixpath.split(path)
        # Refresh the cache it if is old, or wrong
        if not self.valid(directory):
            logging.debug("invalid cache for %r (path: %r)" % (directory, self.path))
        if path != "/":
                stat_info = self.cache[smart_str(leaf)]
            except KeyError:
                logging.debug("Didn't find %r in directory listing" % leaf)
                # it can be a container and the user doesn't have
                # permissions to list the root
                if directory == '/' and leaf:
                        container = self.conn.head_container(leaf)
                    except ClientException:
                        raise IOSError(ENOENT, 'No such file or directory %s' % leaf)

                    logging.debug("Accessing %r container without root listing" % leaf)
                    stat_info = self._make_stat(count=int(container["x-container-object-count"]),
                    raise IOSError(ENOENT, 'No such file or directory %s' % leaf)
            # Root directory size is sum of containers, count is containers
            bytes = sum(stat_info.st_size for stat_info in self.cache.values())
            count = len(self.cache)
            stat_info = self._make_stat(count=count, bytes=bytes)
        logging.debug("stat path: %r" % stat_info)
        return stat_info
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: fs.py Projeto: jakop345/sftp
def unserialize(js):
    """Unserialize a JSON object into a cache dict."""
    return dict(((smart_str(key), os.stat_result(value)) for key, value in json.loads(js).iteritems()))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def listdir_container(self, cache, container, path=""):
        """Fills cache with the list dir of the container"""
        container = smart_str(container)
        path = smart_str(path)
        logging.debug("listdir container %r path %r" % (container, path))
        if path:
            prefix = path.rstrip("/")+"/"
            prefix = None
        _, objects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/")

        # override 10000 objects limit with markers
        nbobjects = len(objects)
        while nbobjects >= 10000:
            # get last object as a marker
            lastobject = objects[-1]
            if 'subdir' in lastobject:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                lastobjectname = lastobject['subdir'].rstrip("/")
                lastobjectname = lastobject['name']
            # get a new list with the marker
            _, newobjects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/", marker=lastobjectname)
            # get the new list length
            nbobjects = len(newobjects)
            logging.debug("number of objects after marker %s: %s" % (lastobjectname, nbobjects))
            # add the new list to current list
        logging.debug("total number of objects %s:" % len(objects))

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            manifests = {}

        for obj in objects:
            # {u'bytes': 4820,  u'content_type': '...',  u'hash': u'...',  u'last_modified': u'2008-11-05T00:56:00.406565',  u'name': u'new_object'},
            if 'subdir' in obj:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                obj['name'] = obj['subdir'].rstrip("/")

                # If a manifest and it's segment directory have the
                # same name then we have to choose which we want to
                # show, we can't show both. So we choose to keep the
                # manifest if hide_part_dir is enabled.
                # We can do this here because swift returns objects in
                # alphabetical order so the manifest will come before
                # its segments.
                if self.cffs.hide_part_dir and obj['name'] in manifests:
                    logging.debug("Not adding subdir %s which would overwrite manifest" % obj['name'])
            elif obj.get('bytes') == 0 and obj.get('hash') and obj.get('content_type') != 'application/directory':
                # if it's a 0 byte file, has a hash and is not a directory, we make an extra call
                # to check if it's a manifest file and retrieve the real size / hash
                manifest_obj = self.conn.head_object(container, obj['name'])
                logging.debug("possible manifest file: %r" % manifest_obj)
                if 'x-object-manifest' in manifest_obj:
                    if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
                        manifests[obj['name']] = unicode(unquote(manifest_obj['x-object-manifest']), "utf-8")
                    logging.debug("manifest found: %s" % manifest_obj['x-object-manifest'])
                    obj['hash'] = manifest_obj['etag']
                    obj['bytes'] = int(manifest_obj['content-length'])
            obj['count'] = 1
            # Keep all names in utf-8, just like the filesystem
            name = posixpath.basename(obj['name']).encode("utf-8")
            cache[name] = self._make_stat(**obj)

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            for manifest in manifests:
                manifest_container, manifest_obj = parse_fspath('/' + manifests[manifest])
                if manifest_container == container:
                    for cache_obj in cache.copy():
                        # hide any manifest segments, but not the manifest itself, if it
                        # happens to share a prefix with its segments.
                        if unicode(unquote(cache_obj), "utf-8") != manifest and \
                           unicode(unquote(os.path.join(path, cache_obj)), "utf-8").startswith(manifest_obj):
                            logging.debug("hiding manifest %r segment %r" % (manifest, cache_obj))
                            del cache[cache_obj]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __str__(self):
     return smart_str("Comment Object: %s" % self.id)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __str__(self):
     return smart_str("Evis Object: %s (%s)" % (self.id, self.evi_permalink))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __str__(self):
     return smart_str("File Object: %s (%s)" % (self.id, self.fle_permalink))
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __str__(self):
     return smart_str("Node Object: %s (%s)" % (self.id, self.nod_name))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __str__(self):
     return smart_str("Member Object: %s (%s)" % (self.id, str(self.mem_name)))
Exemplo n.º 29
	def __repr__(self):
			u = unicode(self)
		except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
			u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
		return smart_str(u'<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, u))
Exemplo n.º 30
def unserialize(js):
    """Unserialize a JSON object into a cache dict."""
    return dict(((smart_str(key), os.stat_result(value)) for key, value in json.loads(js).iteritems()))
Exemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, key,secret,host,app={}):
        ''' if app = int return app(id)
            elif app = {} init app with dict
            new app using app = {}, id = 0
        self.host = host
        self.consumer_key = key
        self.consumer_secret = secret  

        if type(app)==int:
            self.id = app
            ## can't modify
            self.id                         =int(app.get('id',0)) 
            self.created                    =app.get('created','') 
            self.deleted                    =app.get('deleted','') 
            self.last_saved                 =app.get('last_saved','') 
            self.socialize_consumer_key     =app.get('socialize_consumer_key','') 
            self.socialize_consumer_secret  =app.get('socialize_consumer_secret','') 
            self.socialize_app              =app.get('socialize_app','') 
            self.push_certificate           =app.get('push_certificate', None)
            self.is_socialize_editable      =app.get('is_socialize_editable', True)
            self.c2dm_token_source          =app.get('c2dm_token_source', 'socialize')

            self.custom_propagation_domain  =app.get('custom_propagation_domain', None)
            self.twitter_consumer_key       =app.get('twitter_consumer_key', None)
            self.twitter_consumer_secret       =app.get('twitter_consumer_secret', None)
            self.notification_quotas        =app.get('quotas', {})
            ## modifiable  
            notifications_enabled           =app.get('notifications_enabled', False)
            if type(notifications_enabled) == str:
                if notifications_enabled == "false":
                    notifications_enabled = False
                    notifications_enabled = True
            self.notifications_enabled      =notifications_enabled
            self.android_package_name 	    =app.get('android_package_name','') 
            self.c2dm_sender_auth_token     =app.get('c2dm_sender_auth_token','')
            self.apple_store_id             =app.get('apple_store_id','') 
            self.category                   =app.get('category','') 
            self.description                =smart_str(app.get('description',''), strings_only=True)
            self.name                       =smart_str(app.get('name',''), strings_only=True) 
            self.mobile_platform            =app.get('platforms',[]) 
            self.resource_uri               =app.get('resource_uri','') 
            self.stats                      =app.get('stats','') 
            self.display_name               =self.name
            self.icon_url                   =app.get('icon_url',None)
            self.stats                      =app.get('stats',{})
            if len(self.stats) > 0:
                self.__calculate_stats(self.stats )
            #to make forward and backward compatible with API-user changes (temporary)
            user_id = int(app.get('user','0'))
            if user_id == 0:
                user_id = int(app.get('user_id','0'))
            self.user  			    =user_id
Exemplo n.º 32
Arquivo: fs.py Projeto: jakop345/sftp
    def listdir_container(self, cache, container, path=""):
        """Fills cache with the list dir of the container"""
        container = smart_str(container)
        path = smart_str(path)
        logging.debug("listdir container %r path %r" % (container, path))
        if path:
            prefix = path.rstrip("/")+"/"
            prefix = None
        _, objects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/")

        # override 10000 objects limit with markers
        nbobjects = len(objects)
        while nbobjects >= 10000:
            # get last object as a marker
            lastobject = objects[-1]
            if 'subdir' in lastobject:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                lastobjectname = lastobject['subdir'].rstrip("/")
                lastobjectname = lastobject['name']
            # get a new list with the marker
            _, newobjects = self.conn.get_container(container, prefix=prefix, delimiter="/", marker=lastobjectname)
            # get the new list length
            nbobjects = len(newobjects)
            logging.debug("number of objects after marker %s: %s" % (lastobjectname, nbobjects))
            # add the new list to current list
        logging.debug("total number of objects %s:" % len(objects))

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            manifests = []

        for obj in objects:
            # {u'bytes': 4820,  u'content_type': '...',  u'hash': u'...',  u'last_modified': u'2008-11-05T00:56:00.406565',  u'name': u'new_object'},
            if 'subdir' in obj:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                obj['name'] = obj['subdir'].rstrip("/")
            elif obj.get('bytes') == 0 and obj.get('hash') and obj.get('content_type') != 'application/directory':
                # if it's a 0 byte file, has a hash and is not a directory, we make an extra call
                # to check if it's a manifest file and retrieve the real size / hash
                manifest_obj = self.conn.head_object(container, obj['name'])
                logging.debug("possible manifest file: %r" % manifest_obj)
                if 'x-object-manifest' in manifest_obj:
                    if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
                    logging.debug("manifest found: %s" % manifest_obj['x-object-manifest'])
                    obj['hash'] = manifest_obj['etag']
                    obj['bytes'] = int(manifest_obj['content-length'])
            obj['count'] = 1
            # Keep all names in utf-8, just like the filesystem
            name = posixpath.basename(obj['name']).encode("utf-8")
            cache[name] = self._make_stat(**obj)

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            for manifest in manifests:
                manifest_container, manifest_obj = parse_fspath('/' + manifest)
                if manifest_container == container:
                    for cache_obj in cache.copy():
                        if manifest_obj == os.path.join(path, cache_obj):
                            logging.debug("hidding part dir %r" % manifest_obj)
                            del cache[cache_obj]
Exemplo n.º 33
    def listdir_container(self, cache, container, path=""):
        """Fills cache with the list dir of the container"""
        container = smart_str(container)
        path = smart_str(path)
        logging.debug("listdir container %r path %r" % (container, path))
        if path:
            prefix = path.rstrip("/") + "/"
            prefix = None
        _, objects = self.conn.get_container(container,

        # override 10000 objects limit with markers
        nbobjects = len(objects)
        while nbobjects >= 10000:
            # get last object as a marker
            lastobject = objects[-1]
            if 'subdir' in lastobject:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                lastobjectname = lastobject['subdir'].rstrip("/")
                lastobjectname = lastobject['name']
            # get a new list with the marker
            _, newobjects = self.conn.get_container(container,
            # get the new list length
            nbobjects = len(newobjects)
            logging.debug("number of objects after marker %s: %s" %
                          (lastobjectname, nbobjects))
            # add the new list to current list
        logging.debug("total number of objects %s:" % len(objects))

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            manifests = {}

        for obj in objects:
            # {u'bytes': 4820,  u'content_type': '...',  u'hash': u'...',  u'last_modified': u'2008-11-05T00:56:00.406565',  u'name': u'new_object'},
            if 'subdir' in obj:
                # {u'subdir': 'dirname'}
                obj['name'] = obj['subdir'].rstrip("/")

                # If a manifest and it's segment directory have the
                # same name then we have to choose which we want to
                # show, we can't show both. So we choose to keep the
                # manifest if hide_part_dir is enabled.
                # We can do this here because swift returns objects in
                # alphabetical order so the manifest will come before
                # its segments.
                if self.cffs.hide_part_dir and obj['name'] in manifests:
                        "Not adding subdir %s which would overwrite manifest" %
            elif obj.get('bytes') == 0 and obj.get('hash') and obj.get(
                    'content_type') != 'application/directory':
                # if it's a 0 byte file, has a hash and is not a directory, we make an extra call
                # to check if it's a manifest file and retrieve the real size / hash
                manifest_obj = self.conn.head_object(container, obj['name'])
                logging.debug("possible manifest file: %r" % manifest_obj)
                if 'x-object-manifest' in manifest_obj:
                    if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
                        manifests[obj['name']] = smart_unicode(
                    logging.debug("manifest found: %s" %
                    obj['hash'] = manifest_obj['etag']
                    obj['bytes'] = int(manifest_obj['content-length'])
            obj['count'] = 1
            # Keep all names in utf-8, just like the filesystem
            name = posixpath.basename(obj['name']).encode("utf-8")
            cache[name] = self._make_stat(**obj)

        if self.cffs.hide_part_dir:
            for manifest in manifests:
                manifest_container, manifest_obj = parse_fspath(
                    '/' + manifests[manifest])
                if manifest_container == container:
                    for cache_obj in cache.copy():
                        # hide any manifest segments, but not the manifest itself, if it
                        # happens to share a prefix with its segments.
                        if unicode(unquote(cache_obj), "utf-8") != manifest and \
                           unicode(unquote(os.path.join(path, cache_obj)), "utf-8").startswith(manifest_obj):
                            logging.debug("hiding manifest %r segment %r" %
                                          (manifest, cache_obj))
                            del cache[cache_obj]