Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_weighted_var(regimes,
    regi_ids = dict(
        (r, list(np.where(np.array(regimes) == r)[0])) for r in regimes_set)
    if sig2n_k:
        sig = dict((r, np.dot(u[regi_ids[r]].T, u[regi_ids[r]]) /
                    (len(regi_ids[r]) - x.shape[1])) for r in regimes_set)
        sig = dict(
            (r, np.dot(u[regi_ids[r]].T, u[regi_ids[r]]) / len(regi_ids[r]))
            for r in regimes_set)
    sig_vec = np.zeros(y.shape, float)
    y2 = np.zeros(y.shape, float)
    for r in regimes_set:
        sig_vec[regi_ids[r]] = 1 / float(np.sqrt(sig[r]))
        y2[regi_ids[r]] = y[regi_ids[r]] / float(np.sqrt(sig[r]))
    x2 = spbroadcast(x, sig_vec)
    if yend != None:
        yend2 = spbroadcast(yend, sig_vec)
        q2 = spbroadcast(q, sig_vec)
        return y2, x2, yend2, q2
        return y2, x2
Exemplo n.º 2
 def hessian(self, par):
     beta = np.reshape(np.array(par), (self.k, 1))
     q = 2 * self.y - 1
     xb = spdot(self.x, beta)
     qxb = q * xb
     lamb = q * norm.pdf(qxb) / norm.cdf(qxb)
     hessian = spdot(self.x.T, spbroadcast(self.x, -lamb * (lamb + xb)))
     return hessian
Exemplo n.º 3
 def hessian(self, par):
     beta = np.reshape(np.array(par), (self.k, 1))
     q = 2 * self.y - 1
     xb = spdot(self.x, beta)
     qxb = q * xb
     lamb = q * norm.pdf(qxb) / norm.cdf(qxb)
     hessian = spdot(self.x.T, spbroadcast(self.x,-lamb * (lamb + xb)))
     return hessian
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_weighted_var(regimes,regimes_set,sig2n_k,u,y,x,yend=None,q=None):
    regi_ids = dict((r, list(np.where(np.array(regimes) == r)[0])) for r in regimes_set)
    if sig2n_k:
        sig =  dict((r, np.dot(u[regi_ids[r]].T,u[regi_ids[r]])/(len(regi_ids[r])-x.shape[1])) for r in regimes_set)
        sig =  dict((r, np.dot(u[regi_ids[r]].T,u[regi_ids[r]])/len(regi_ids[r])) for r in regimes_set)
    sig_vec = np.zeros(y.shape,float)
    y2 = np.zeros(y.shape,float)
    for r in regimes_set:
        sig_vec[regi_ids[r]] = 1/float(np.sqrt(sig[r]))
        y2[regi_ids[r]] = y[regi_ids[r]]/float(np.sqrt(sig[r]))
    x2 = spbroadcast(x,sig_vec)
    if yend != None:
        yend2 = spbroadcast(yend,sig_vec)
        q2 = spbroadcast(q,sig_vec)
        return y2, x2, yend2, q2
        return y2, x2
Exemplo n.º 5
def hac_multi(reg, gwk, constant=False):
    HAC robust estimation of the variance-covariance matrix for multi-regression object 
    reg             : Regression object (OLS or TSLS)
                      output instance from a regression model

    gwk             : PySAL weights object
                      Spatial weights based on kernel functions
    psi             : kxk array
                      Robust estimation of the variance-covariance

    if not constant:
        reg.hac_var = check_constant(reg.hac_var)
    xu = spbroadcast(reg.hac_var, reg.u)
    gwkxu = lag_spatial(gwk, xu)
    psi0 = spdot(xu.T, gwkxu)
    counter = 0
    for m in reg.multi:
        reg.multi[m].robust = 'hac'
        reg.multi[m].name_gwk = reg.name_gwk
            psi1 = spdot(reg.multi[m].varb, reg.multi[m].zthhthi)
            reg.multi[m].vm = spdot(psi1, np.dot(psi0, psi1.T))
            reg.multi[m].vm = spdot(reg.multi[m].xtxi,
                                    np.dot(psi0, reg.multi[m].xtxi))
        reg.vm[(counter * reg.kr):((counter + 1) * reg.kr),
               (counter * reg.kr):((counter + 1) * reg.kr)] = reg.multi[m].vm
        counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def hac_multi(reg, gwk, constant=False):
    HAC robust estimation of the variance-covariance matrix for multi-regression object 


    reg             : Regression object (OLS or TSLS)
                      output instance from a regression model

    gwk             : PySAL weights object
                      Spatial weights based on kernel functions


    psi             : kxk array
                      Robust estimation of the variance-covariance

    if not constant:
        reg.hac_var = check_constant(reg.hac_var)
    xu = spbroadcast(reg.hac_var, reg.u)
    gwkxu = lag_spatial(gwk, xu)
    psi0 = spdot(xu.T, gwkxu)
    counter = 0
    for m in reg.multi:
        reg.multi[m].robust = 'hac'
        reg.multi[m].name_gwk = reg.name_gwk
            psi1 = spdot(reg.multi[m].varb, reg.multi[m].zthhthi)
            reg.multi[m].vm = spdot(psi1, np.dot(psi0, psi1.T))
            reg.multi[m].vm = spdot(
                reg.multi[m].xtxi, np.dot(psi0, reg.multi[m].xtxi))
        reg.vm[(counter * reg.kr):((counter + 1) * reg.kr),
               (counter * reg.kr):((counter + 1) * reg.kr)] = reg.multi[m].vm
        counter += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def robust_vm(reg, gwk=None, sig2n_k=False):
    Robust estimation of the variance-covariance matrix. Estimated by White (default) or HAC (if wk is provided). 
    reg             : Regression object (OLS or TSLS)
                      output instance from a regression model

    gwk             : PySAL weights object
                      Optional. Spatial weights based on kernel functions
                      If provided, returns the HAC variance estimation
    sig2n_k         : boolean
                      If True, then use n-k to rescale the vc matrix.
                      If False, use n. (White only)
    psi             : kxk array
                      Robust estimation of the variance-covariance
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal
    >>> from ols import OLS
    >>> from twosls import TSLS
    >>> db=pysal.open(pysal.examples.get_path("NAT.dbf"),"r")
    >>> y = np.array(db.by_col("HR90"))
    >>> y = np.reshape(y, (y.shape[0],1))
    >>> X = []
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("RD90"))
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("DV90"))
    >>> X = np.array(X).T                       

    Example with OLS with unadjusted standard errors

    >>> ols = OLS(y,X)
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.17004545,  0.00226532, -0.02243898],
           [ 0.00226532,  0.00941319, -0.00031638],
           [-0.02243898, -0.00031638,  0.00313386]])

    Example with OLS and White
    >>> ols = OLS(y,X, robust='white')
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.24515481,  0.01093322, -0.03441966],
           [ 0.01093322,  0.01798616, -0.00071414],
           [-0.03441966, -0.00071414,  0.0050153 ]])
    Example with OLS and HAC

    >>> wk = pysal.kernelW_from_shapefile(pysal.examples.get_path('NAT.shp'),k=15,function='triangular', fixed=False)
    >>> wk.transform = 'o'
    >>> ols = OLS(y,X, robust='hac', gwk=wk)
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.29213532,  0.01670361, -0.03948199],
           [ 0.01655557,  0.02295829, -0.00116874],
           [-0.03941483, -0.00119077,  0.00568314]])

    Example with 2SLS and White

    >>> yd = []
    >>> yd.append(db.by_col("UE90"))
    >>> yd = np.array(yd).T
    >>> q = []
    >>> q.append(db.by_col("UE80"))
    >>> q = np.array(q).T
    >>> tsls = TSLS(y, X, yd, q=q, robust='white')
    >>> tsls.vm
    array([[ 0.29569954,  0.04119843, -0.02496858, -0.01640185],
           [ 0.04119843,  0.03647762,  0.004702  , -0.00987345],
           [-0.02496858,  0.004702  ,  0.00648262, -0.00292891],
           [-0.01640185, -0.00987345, -0.00292891,  0.0053322 ]])

    Example with 2SLS and HAC

    >>> tsls = TSLS(y, X, yd, q=q, robust='hac', gwk=wk)
    >>> tsls.vm
    array([[ 0.41985329,  0.06823119, -0.02883889, -0.02788116],
           [ 0.06867042,  0.04887508,  0.00497443, -0.01367746],
           [-0.02856454,  0.00501402,  0.0072195 , -0.00321604],
           [-0.02810131, -0.01364908, -0.00318197,  0.00713251]])

    if hasattr(reg, 'h'):  # If reg has H, do 2SLS estimator. OLS otherwise.
        tsls = True
        xu = spbroadcast(reg.h, reg.u)
        tsls = False
        xu = spbroadcast(reg.x, reg.u)

    if gwk:  # If gwk do HAC. White otherwise.
        gwkxu = lag_spatial(gwk, xu)
        psi0 = spdot(xu.T, gwkxu)
        psi0 = spdot(xu.T, xu)
        if sig2n_k:
            psi0 = psi0 * (1. * reg.n / (reg.n - reg.k))
    if tsls:
        psi1 = spdot(reg.varb, reg.zthhthi)
        psi = spdot(psi1, np.dot(psi0, psi1.T))
        psi = spdot(reg.xtxi, np.dot(psi0, reg.xtxi))

    return psi
Exemplo n.º 8
def robust_vm(reg, gwk=None):
    Robust estimation of the variance-covariance matrix. Estimated by White (default) or HAC (if wk is provided). 
    reg             : Regression object (OLS or TSLS)
                      output instance from a regression model

    gwk             : PySAL weights object
                      Optional. Spatial weights based on kernel functions
                      If provided, returns the HAC variance estimation
    psi             : kxk array
                      Robust estimation of the variance-covariance
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal
    >>> from ols import OLS
    >>> from twosls import TSLS
    >>> db=pysal.open(pysal.examples.get_path("NAT.dbf"),"r")
    >>> y = np.array(db.by_col("HR90"))
    >>> y = np.reshape(y, (y.shape[0],1))
    >>> X = []
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("RD90"))
    >>> X.append(db.by_col("DV90"))
    >>> X = np.array(X).T                       

    Example with OLS with unadjusted standard errors

    >>> ols = OLS(y,X)
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.17004545,  0.00226532, -0.02243898],
           [ 0.00226532,  0.00941319, -0.00031638],
           [-0.02243898, -0.00031638,  0.00313386]])

    Example with OLS and White
    >>> ols = OLS(y,X, robust='white')
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.24491641,  0.01092258, -0.03438619],
           [ 0.01092258,  0.01796867, -0.00071345],
           [-0.03438619, -0.00071345,  0.00501042]])
    Example with OLS and HAC

    >>> wk = pysal.kernelW_from_shapefile(pysal.examples.get_path('NAT.shp'),k=15,function='triangular', fixed=False)
    >>> wk.transform = 'o'
    >>> ols = OLS(y,X, robust='hac', gwk=wk)
    >>> ols.vm
    array([[ 0.29213532,  0.01670361, -0.03948199],
           [ 0.01655557,  0.02295829, -0.00116874],
           [-0.03941483, -0.00119077,  0.00568314]])

    Example with 2SLS and White

    >>> yd = []
    >>> yd.append(db.by_col("UE90"))
    >>> yd = np.array(yd).T
    >>> q = []
    >>> q.append(db.by_col("UE80"))
    >>> q = np.array(q).T
    >>> tsls = TSLS(y, X, yd, q=q, robust='white')
    >>> tsls.vm
    array([[ 0.29569954,  0.04119843, -0.02496858, -0.01640185],
           [ 0.04119843,  0.03647762,  0.004702  , -0.00987345],
           [-0.02496858,  0.004702  ,  0.00648262, -0.00292891],
           [-0.01640185, -0.00987345, -0.00292891,  0.0053322 ]])

    Example with 2SLS and HAC

    >>> tsls = TSLS(y, X, yd, q=q, robust='hac', gwk=wk)
    >>> tsls.vm
    array([[ 0.41985329,  0.06823119, -0.02883889, -0.02788116],
           [ 0.06867042,  0.04887508,  0.00497443, -0.01367746],
           [-0.02856454,  0.00501402,  0.0072195 , -0.00321604],
           [-0.02810131, -0.01364908, -0.00318197,  0.00713251]])

    if hasattr(reg, 'h'):  #If reg has H, do 2SLS estimator. OLS otherwise.
        tsls = True
        xu = spbroadcast(reg.h, reg.u)
        tsls = False
        xu = spbroadcast(reg.x, reg.u)

    if gwk:  #If gwk do HAC. White otherwise.
        gwkxu = lag_spatial(gwk, xu)
        psi0 = spdot(xu.T, gwkxu)
        psi0 = spdot(xu.T, xu)
    if tsls:
        psi1 = spdot(reg.varb, reg.zthhthi)
        psi = spdot(psi1, np.dot(psi0, psi1.T))
        psi = spdot(reg.xtxi, np.dot(psi0, reg.xtxi))

    return psi