def validate_account_stake(snapshot, balances, args): step('Verifying user account stake') invalid_stake = 0 print_count = 0 total_accounts = len(balances) for account in balances: total = asset2int(balances[account][CSV_EOS_BALANCE]) liquid, net, cpu = get_account_stake(snapshot, account, args.core_symbol) # TODO: validate F(stake) ? if total != liquid + cpu + net: print_count = print_some( print_count, '{0} => TOTAL: [{1}] L:[{2}] C:[{3}] N:[{4}]'.format( account, total, liquid, cpu, net)) invalid_stake += 1 if invalid_stake > 0: print "> %d accounts with invalid stake" % (invalid_stake) else: success() return True
def validate_system_accounts(snapshot): step('Verifying system accounts') found = [] for name, account in snapshot['accounts'].iteritems(): tick() if name in system_accounts: if account['privileged'] != system_accounts[name]['privileged']: fail() print "> %s account wrong privileged setting" % (name) return False # Verify resignement if name != "eosio.null" and name != "eosio.prods": actor = system_accounts[name]['actor'] permission = system_accounts[name]['permission'] if authority_controlled_by_one_actor(account['permissions']["owner"], actor, permission) != True or \ authority_controlled_by_one_actor(account['permissions']["owner"], actor, permission) != True: fail() print "> %s account NOT PROPERLY RESIGNED" % (name) return False found.append(name) not_found = set(system_accounts.keys()) - set(found) if len(not_found): fail() print "> missing system accounts %s" % (','.join(not_found)) return False success() return True
def monitor_progress(software): """Until all nodes are complete, monitor and print the status of the upgrade""" step("Watch the progress") errors = 0 with LiveMultilineOutput() as output: while True: try: software.get(fields="state,status_details,elapsed_duration,estimated_duration") if not software.state == "in_progress": break errors = 0 new_list = [] for detail in software.status_details: new_list.append( "[%s]: %s - %s" % (,, detail.issue.message) ) percent_complete = ( software.elapsed_duration / software.estimated_duration ) * 100 new_list.append("%.2f%% complete (estimate)" % percent_complete) output.change(new_list) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except errors += 1 if errors > 10: break finally: time.sleep(30) if errors > 10: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: No longer could communicate with the server. Is it down?")
def validate_EOS_token(snapshot, args): step('Verifying EOS token') symbol = args.core_symbol key = name_to_string(symbol2int(symbol), False) sym = str(symbol2int(symbol)) eos_token = snapshot['tables']['eosio.token'][key]['stat'][sym]['data'] ok = True if asset2int(eos_token['max_supply']) != 100000000000000: if ok: warning() ok = False print "> EOS max supply != 10000M (%s)" % eos_token['max_supply'] tokens = 0 code = snapshot['tables']['eosio.token'] for s in code: if 'stat' in code[s]: tokens += 1 if tokens != 1: if ok: warning() ok = False print "> more than one token found in eosio.token" if ok: success() return True
def visualize(seq, env, env_path, v_t, policy, T, task, goal): for t in range(T): # basic info pos = env.agent_pos vec = dir2num(env.dir_vec) front_cell = env.front_pos # Get the cell in front of the agent print("time:{t}, state: {p},{v}".format(t=t, p=pos, v=vec)) if task == 'Key': # the key is in front of the agent if what(front_cell, env) == 'Key': seq.append(PK) cost, done = step(env, PK) print("----get Key----") return seq if task == 'Door': # the door is in front of the agent if what(front_cell, env) == 'Door': seq.append(UD) cost, done = step(env, UD) seq.append(MF) cost, done = step(env, MF) print("----unlock the door----") return seq # read the corresponding policy given current position control = policy[pos[0], pos[1], vec, t] print("next move: {c}".format(c=c_dict[control])) seq.append(control) cost, done = step(env, control) if done: print("Reached Goal") return seq
def validate_genesis(snapshot, genesis): step('Validating genesis') ddiff = DictDiffer(snapshot['genesis_state'], genesis) added = ddiff.added() removed = ddiff.removed() changed = ddiff.changed() if len(added) != 0 or len(removed) != 0 or len(changed) != 0: fail() if len(added) != 0: print "> Snapshot has '%s' and your genesis dont" % ( ','.join(added)) if len(removed) != 0: print "> Your genesis has %s and snapshot dont" % ( ','.join(removed)) if len(changed) != 0: print "> Your genesis and snapshot have different '%s'" % ( ','.join(changed)) print "# Snapshot genesis" print json.dumps(snapshot['genesis_state'], indent=2, sort_keys=True) print print "# Your genesis" print json.dumps(genesis, indent=2, sort_keys=True) return False success() return True
def import_timetable(self): print() for unit in self.units: if not self.import_timetable_for_unit(unit): return False else: utils.step("Przetwarzam plan lekcji klasy {}".format(unit), state=" OK ") return True
def load_erc20_snapshot(args): step('Loading ETH snapshot') with open(args.csv_balance, 'rb') as csvfile: balances = {} for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','): tick() row = [unicode(i) for i in row] row[CSV_EOS_BALANCE] = '{0} {1}'.format(row[CSV_EOS_BALANCE], args.core_symbol) balances[row[CSV_EOS_ACCOUNT]] = row success() return balances
def show_current_cluster_image(): """Verify our current software status""" step("Show the packages") substep("Show the current cluster image") software = Software() software.get() print("Current software package:", software) substep("Show the available software packages") print("Available software packages:", list(SoftwarePackage.get_collection())) return software
def run(self): """ Run the network simulation by evaluating model equations at every time step. """ # integration constant rho_a = 1./(self.stim_len) # simulation time time = np.arange(0, self.t_max) for t in time[1:]: # stop simulation if target found or max guesses if self._terminate_condition(t): break # ----- Semantic Layer ----- # winning/active units self.z[t-1] = step(self.w[t-1], self.theta_w) # unit activities self.a[t] = self.a[t-1] + rho_a*(mult(self.W, self.z[t-1], self.a[t-1]) + self.I[t-1]) # ----- WTA Layer ----- eta = np.random.random(self.N) - self.noise_offset # normalise activities to 0-1 divisor = np.max([1., self.a[t-1].max()]) self.w[t] = self.w[t-1] + self.rho_w * \ (self.c1*self.z[t-1] + self.c2*self.a[t-1]/divisor - self.c3*self.y[t-1] - self.c4*self.r[t-1] + self.c5*eta) self.y[t] = self.z[t-1].sum() # ----- Inhibitory Layer ----- # -2 added because of discreete update lags self.r[t] = (self.r[t-1] + step(self.z[t-self.stim_len:t].sum(axis=0), self.stim_len-2)).clip(max=1) # several winners are not allowed if self.y[t] > 1: raise Exception('Multiple winners') # rectify WTA activities to 0 (if needed) self.w[t] = self.w[t].clip(min=0)
def run(self): """ Run the network simulation by evaluating model equations at every time step. """ # integration constant rho_a = 1. / (self.stim_len) # simulation time time = np.arange(0, self.t_max) for t in time[1:]: # stop simulation if target found or max guesses if self._terminate_condition(t): break # ----- Semantic Layer ----- # winning/active units self.z[t - 1] = step(self.w[t - 1], self.theta_w) # unit activities self.a[t] = self.a[t - 1] + rho_a * ( mult(self.W, self.z[t - 1], self.a[t - 1]) + self.I[t - 1]) # ----- WTA Layer ----- eta = np.random.random(self.N) - self.noise_offset # normalise activities to 0-1 divisor = np.max([1., self.a[t - 1].max()]) self.w[t] = self.w[t-1] + self.rho_w * \ (self.c1*self.z[t-1] + self.c2*self.a[t-1]/divisor - self.c3*self.y[t-1] - self.c4*self.r[t-1] + self.c5*eta) self.y[t] = self.z[t - 1].sum() # ----- Inhibitory Layer ----- # -2 added because of discreete update lags self.r[t] = (self.r[t - 1] + step(self.z[t - self.stim_len:t].sum(axis=0), self.stim_len - 2)).clip(max=1) # several winners are not allowed if self.y[t] > 1: raise Exception('Multiple winners') # rectify WTA activities to 0 (if needed) self.w[t] = self.w[t].clip(min=0)
def validate_memory(snapshot): step('Verifying 64Gb max ram size') table = snapshot['tables']['eosio']['eosio']['global'] params = table[table.keys()[0]]['data'] max_ram_size = int(params["max_ram_size"]) >> 30 if max_ram_size != 64: warning() print "> Max ram size != 64Gb : (%d)" % max_ram_size else: success() return True
def update_cluster_image(software, new_package): """Set the new version of the software on the cluster""" step("Update the cluster to the new image") software.version = new_package.version try: if Node.count_collection() > 1: # make sure cluster HA is enabled cli = CLI() cli.execute("cluster ha modify", body={"configured": "true"}) software.patch(poll_timeout=1200, poll_interval=30, skip_warnings="true") except NetAppRestError: print("Current cluster software status:") software.get() pprint(software)
def validate_no_privileged_accounts(snapshot): step('Verifying privileged accounts') privileged_accounts = [] for sa in system_accounts: if system_accounts[sa]['privileged']: privileged_accounts.append(sa) for name in snapshot['accounts']: if snapshot['accounts'][name][ 'privileged'] and name not in privileged_accounts: warning() print "> Invalid privileged account found : %s" % name else: success() return True
def validate_account_permissions(snapshot, balances): step('Verifying user account permission') accounts = snapshot['accounts'] invalid_perm = 0 for account in balances: perms = snapshot['accounts'][account]['permissions'] if authority_controlled_by_one_key(perms["active"], balances[account][CSV_EOS_ADDR]) != True or \ authority_controlled_by_one_key(perms["owner"], balances[account][CSV_EOS_ADDR]) != True: invalid_perm += 1 if invalid_perm > 0: warning() print "> %d accounts with invalid permission" % (with_code) else: success()
def MCTS_search(self, state: str, history: list, last_action: tuple): """ 以state为根节点进行MCTS搜索,搜索历史保存在histoty之中 :param state: 一个字符串代表的当前状态,根节点 :param history: 包含当前状态的一个列表 :param last_action: 上一次的落子位置 :return: """ while True: board = utils.state_to_board(state, self.config.board_size) game_over, v = utils.is_game_over(board, self.goal) # 落子前检查game over if game_over: self.update_tree(v, history=history) break if state not in self.tree: # 未出现过的state,则评估然后展开 v = self.evaluate_and_expand(state, board, last_action) # 落子前进行评估 self.update_tree(v, history=history) break sel_action = self.select_action_q_and_u(state) # 根据state选择一个action history.append(sel_action) # 放进action board = utils.step(board, sel_action) state = utils.board_to_state(board) history.append(state) last_action = sel_action
def run(self, e=0.25): """ 对弈一局,获得一条数据,即从初始到游戏结束的一条数据 :return: """ state = self.get_init_state() game_over = False data = [] # 收集(状态,动作)二元组 value = 0 last_action = None while not game_over: policy, action = self.get_action(state, e, last_action) data.append((state, policy, last_action)) # 装初始局面不装最终局面,装的是动作执行之前的局面 board = utils.step(utils.state_to_board(state, self.config.board_size), action) state = utils.board_to_state(board) # self.pruning_tree(board, state) # 走完一步以后,对其他分支进行剪枝,以节约内存;注释掉,以节约时间 game_over, value = utils.is_game_over(board, self.goal) # assert value != 1.0 last_action = action self.reset() # 把树重启 turns = len(data) if turns % 2 == 1: value = -value weights = utils.construct_weights(turns, gamma=self.config.gamma) final_data = [] for i in range(turns): final_data.append((*data[i], value, weights[i])) # (状态,policy,last_action, value, weight) value = -value return final_data
def validate_no_code_in_accounts(snapshot, balances): step('Verifying user account code') with_code = 0 for account in balances: tick() acnt = snapshot['accounts'][account] if int('0x'+acnt['code_version'],16) != 0 or \ acnt['abi'] != "" or \ acnt['vm_type'] != 0 or \ acnt['vm_version'] != 0: with_code += 1 if with_code > 0: warning() print "> %d accounts with code set" % (with_code) else: success()
def validate_EOS_token(snapshot, balances, args): step('Verifying EOS token') symbol = args.core_symbol key = name_to_string(symbol2int(symbol), False) sym = str(symbol2int(symbol)) eos_token = snapshot['tables']['eosio.token'][key]['stat'][sym]['data'] ok = True if asset2int(eos_token['max_supply']) != 100000000000000: if ok: warning() ok = False print "> EOS max supply != 10000M (%s)" % eos_token['max_supply'] # Calc supply: def EOS_for_N_buys_of_8k_ram(N): return int(round(10000.0 * float((10**6) * N / ((2**23) - N)))) # 163928 number of registered accounts in final snapshot expected_supply = 10000000000000 + EOS_for_N_buys_of_8k_ram(163928) if abs(asset2int(eos_token['supply']) - expected_supply) > 20000: if ok: warning() ok = False print "> EOS supply %s != %s" % (eos_token['max_supply'], int2asset(expected_supply, "EOS")) tokens = 0 code = snapshot['tables']['eosio.token'] for s in code: if 'stat' in code[s]: tokens += 1 if tokens != 1: if ok: warning() ok = False print "> more than one token found in eosio.token" if ok: success() return True
def delete_account(): """Delete the User""" step("Delete the limited account and role") show_account() accname = input( "Enter the name of the Account that needs to be deleted:- ") try: account = Account.find(name=accname) except NetAppRestError as error: print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) substep("Delete our %s account" % accname) try: account.delete() except NetAppRestError as error: print("Exception caught :" + str(error))
def validate_global_params_against_genesis(snapshot, genesis): step('Verifying global params vs genesis') table = snapshot['tables']['eosio']['eosio']['global'] params = table[table.keys()[0]]['data'] diff = [] for gp in genesis['initial_configuration']: if genesis['initial_configuration'][gp] != params[gp]: diff.append(gp) if len(diff): warning() print "Global params different from genesis : %s" % diff else: success() return True
def download_new_cluster_image(parsed_args: argparse.Namespace): """Start our HTTP server and tell ONTAP to start downloading the new image""" step("Download a new software package") substep("Start an HTTP server to serve the file") image_server = Thread(target=serve_image_download, args=(parsed_args,)) image_server.start() substep("Have ONTAP download the package") local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) url = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (local_ip, parsed_args.port, parsed_args.image_path) download_package = SoftwarePackageDownload(url=url), poll_interval=60) image_server.join() substep("Show the new package") packages = list(SoftwarePackage.get_collection()) print("Available software packages:", packages) return packages[0]
def update_account(): """Module to update the account details with new role""" step("Update the account with new roles") show_account() accname = input( "Enter the name of the Account that needs to be updated with the new role:- " ) try: account = Account.find(name=accname) except NetAppRestError as error: print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) print("======================") substep("Create the new role") rolename = input("Enter the name of the Role to be created:- ") privpath = input( "Enter the name of the Command Directoey PATH [eg: /api/storage/volume]:- " ) pathaccess = input( "Enter the Access for the Command Directory PATH [none/all/readonly]:- " ) role = Role( name=rolename, privileges=[ RolePrivilege(access=pathaccess, path=privpath), ], ) try: except NetAppRestError as error: print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) print("New role created: %s" % rolename) substep("Assign the test account to the test role") account.role = role try: account.patch() except NetAppRestError as error: print("Exception caught :" + str(error)) print("======================") print("Account updated with the new role: %s" % account)
def validate_account_creation(snapshot, balances): found_users = {} print_count = 0 step('Verifying user account creation') for account in balances.keys(): tick() if account not in snapshot['accounts']: print_count = print_some(print_count, account) continue found_users[account] = balances[account] not_found = len(balances) - len(found_users) if not_found: print "> %d (out of %d) accounts were not found in the EOS snapshot" % ( not_found, len(balances)) else: success() return found_users
def load_eos_snapshot(args): step('Loading EOS snapshot') with open(args.snapshot) as file: snapshot = json.load(file) # Convert list to dictionary accounts = {} for acc in snapshot['accounts']: tick() accounts[acc['name']] = acc snapshot['accounts'] = accounts # Add permissions to account dict for perm in snapshot['permissions']: tick() if perm['id']['_id'] == 0: continue owner = perm['owner'] if owner not in snapshot['accounts']: raise ValidationException( "invalid snapshot: permission owner not found") if 'permissions' not in snapshot['accounts'][owner]: snapshot['accounts'][owner]['permissions'] = {} snapshot['accounts'][owner]['permissions'][perm['name']] = perm # Tables tables = {} for t in snapshot['tables']: tick() code = t['tid']['code'] scope = t['tid']['scope'] table = t['tid']['table'] if code not in tables: tables[code] = {} if scope not in tables[code]: tables[code][scope] = {} tables[code][scope][table] = t['rows'] snapshot['tables'] = tables success() return snapshot
def generate_episode(pi, returns, counts, epsilon, start_from=None): """ generates an episode in a uniformly chosen random state and random action then follows policy pi updates returns and counts first visit variant """ assert (np.array_equal(pi[0, :], np.zeros(n + 1))) assert (np.allclose(pi.sum(axis=0)[1:], np.ones(n))) sample_uniform_action = lambda s: np.random.choice(s) + 1 # from 1 to s if start_from: s, a = start_from if a == None: a = sample_uniform_action(s) else: s = np.random.choice(n - 1) + 1 # from 1 to n-1 a = sample_uniform_action(s) def eps_greedy_sample_action(s): greedy = np.random.choice(2, p=[epsilon, 1 - epsilon]) if not greedy: return sample_uniform_action(s) else: return np.random.choice(n + 1, p=pi[:, s]) # from greedy policy pi states = [s] actions = [a] rewards = [0] first_visited = np.ones(n + 1, dtype=int) * (-1) while s != n and s != 0: if first_visited[s] == -1: first_visited[s] = len(states) - 1 s_n, r = step(s, a, p_h, n) states.append(s_n) rewards.append(r) if s_n != 0 and s_n != n: actions.append(eps_greedy_sample_action(s_n)) else: actions.append(0) s = states[-1] a = actions[-1] for s, t in enumerate(first_visited): if t == -1: # never visited continue a = actions[t] returns[a, s] += sum(rewards[t + 1:]) if first_visited[s] == t: counts[a, s] += 1
def _get_reward(self, offset=3): golden_standard_db = self.golden_standard_db data_cur = [] if golden_standard_db[0][0] is None: print("THE GOLD STANDARD IS MORE LIKE SILVER...[?] HMMM") #print(self.current_data) #print(self.golden_standard_db) try: sys.exit(-1) except SystemExit: os._exit(-2) else: tmp = golden_standard_db[0][0].lower().replace(' ', '') golden_standard_db = [(tmp, golden_standard_db[0][1])] """ data_cur.append((tup[0][0].lower().replace(' ', ''), tup[0][1]))AttributeError: 'spacy.tokens.span.Span' object has no attribute 'lower' """ for tup in self.current_db: data_cur.append((str(tup[0][0]).lower().replace(' ', ''), tup[0][1])) a = set(golden_standard_db) if len(a) == 0: print("Well josue, the world is weird") try: print("ERROR IN THE FUNCTION _get_reward()") sys.exit(-1) except SystemExit: os._exit(-2) # TODO: PA: it shouldn't be the extracted NER from the snippet in self.current_data ? b = set(data_cur) # Jaccard index - penalty # penalty = e^(alpha * len(b)) * u(len(b)-offset) + min (edit_distance(A,B)) / len(A_content) edit_vect = np.array(utils.edit_distance(a, b)) # Range: [0, inf) penalty = m.pow( m.e, self.alpha_reward * len(b)) * utils.step(len(b) - offset) penalty += edit_vect.mean() / utils.len_content(a) reward_cur = (len(a.intersection(b)) / len(a.union(b))) - penalty reward = reward_cur - self.reward_prev self.reward_prev = reward_cur return reward
def validate_genesis(snapshot, genesis): step('Validating genesis') ddiff = DictDiffer(snapshot['genesis_state'], genesis) added = ddiff.added() removed = ddiff.removed() changed = ddiff.changed() if len(added) != 0 or len(removed) != 0 or len(changed) != 0: warning() tmp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] with open(tmp, 'w') as out: if len(added) != 0: out.write("> Snapshot has '%s' and your genesis dont\n" % (','.join(added))) if len(removed) != 0: out.write("> Your genesis has %s and snapshot dont\n" % (','.join(removed))) if len(changed) != 0: out.write("> Your genesis and snapshot have different '%s'\n" % (','.join(changed))) out.write('\n') out.write("# Snapshot genesis\n") out.write( json.dumps(snapshot['genesis_state'], indent=2, sort_keys=True)) out.write('\n') out.write("# Your genesis\n") out.write(json.dumps(genesis, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) out.write('\n') print "> please check %s for details" % tmp else: success() return True
def main() -> None: """Main function""" arguments = [ Argument("-c", "--cluster", "API server IP:port details", required=True), Argument( "-a", "--cert_account", "Account which be used for certificate authentication", default="admin", ), Argument( "-o", "--organization", "Organization name for the root certificate", default="MyCompany", ) ] args = parse_args( "This script will enable certificate authentication on the provided account (or admin)", arguments, ) setup_logging() setup_connection(args.cluster, args.api_user, args.api_pass) # make a temp directory for certs to live in dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() step("Install a root CA for %s" % args.organization) my_ca = install_cert(args) step("Sign a CSR for cert_user with our root") sign_domain(my_ca, dirpath, args) step("Install signed cert as client-ca") enable_cert_auth(args) step("Verify cert auth works for our user") test_cert_auth(args, dirpath)
def make_preds(dataset, encoder, decoder, dictionary, batch_size, cuda, max_length): # Turn on evaluation mode which disables dropout. encoder.eval() decoder.eval() utils.set_gradient(encoder, False) utils.set_gradient(decoder, False) pred_corpus_tokens = [] gold_corpus_tokens = [] start_time = time.time() minibatches = utils.minibatch_generator(batch_size, dataset, cuda) for n_batch, batch in enumerate(minibatches): _, pred, _ = utils.step(encoder, decoder, batch, None, False, args, beam_size=args.beam_size) # true target gold = batch[1].data for i in xrange(pred.size(1)): # get tokens from the predicted iindices pred_tokens = [dictionary.idx2word[x] for x in pred[:, i]] gold_tokens = [dictionary.idx2word[x] for x in gold[:, i]] # filter out u'<pad>', u'<eos>' filter_tokens = [u'<pad>', u'<eos>'] pred_tokens = filter(lambda x: x not in filter_tokens, pred_tokens) gold_tokens = filter(lambda x: x not in filter_tokens, gold_tokens) pred_corpus_tokens.append(pred_tokens) gold_corpus_tokens.append(gold_tokens) if n_batch % args.log_interval == 0 and n_batch > 0: elapsed = time.time() - start_time print('| {:5d}/{:5d} batches | ms/batch {:5.2f} |'.format( n_batch, len(dataset[0]) // args.batch_size, elapsed * 1000 / args.log_interval)) start_time = time.time() return pred_corpus_tokens, gold_corpus_tokens
def GetPath(self): path = [] env = deepcopy(self.env) i, j, dir, hasKey, is_locked = self.init_state done = False while not done: action = self.policyMap[i][j][dir][hasKey][is_locked] path.append(action) _, done = step(env, action) i, j = env.agent_pos vec = env.dir_vec if vec[0] == 0: dir = 1 + vec[1] else: dir = 2 - vec[0] hasKey = 1 if env.carrying else 0 is_locked = 1 if env.grid.get(['door_pos'][0],['door_pos'][1]).is_locked else 0 return path