def validate(val_loader, model, criterion, args_, profile=False): losses = AverageMeter('Loss', ':.4e') top1 = AverageMeter('Acc@1', ':6.2f') top5 = AverageMeter('Acc@5', ':6.2f') # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() durations = [] if profile: start() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (images, target) in enumerate(val_loader): torch.cuda.synchronize() start_time = time.time() if args_.gpu is not None: images = images.cuda(args_.gpu, non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(args_.gpu, non_blocking=True) # compute output output = model(images) torch.cuda.synchronize() durations.append(time.time() - start_time) loss = criterion(output, target) # measure accuracy and record loss acc1, acc5 = accuracy(output, target, topk=(1, 5)) losses.update(loss.item(), images.size(0)) top1.update(acc1[0].item(), images.size(0)) top5.update(acc5[0].item(), images.size(0)) if profile: stop() return top1.avg, top5.avg, durations
def solve(startingNumbers, nth=2020): utils.start() i = 0 spokenNumbers = {} spokenNumbersBefore = {} while i < len(startingNumbers): number = startingNumbers[i] i += 1 if number in spokenNumbers: spokenNumbersBefore[number] = spokenNumbers[number] spokenNumbers[number] = i while i != nth: i += 1 if number in spokenNumbersBefore: number = spokenNumbers[number] - spokenNumbersBefore[number] else: number = 0 try: spokenNumbersBefore[number] = spokenNumbers[number] except: pass spokenNumbers[number] = i print("%d (%.2fms)" % (number, utils.stop())) return number
def ensure_ceph_storage(service, pool, rbd_img, sizemb, mount_point, blk_device, fstype, system_services=[]): """ To be called from the current cluster leader. Ensures given pool and RBD image exists, is mapped to a block device, and the device is formatted and mounted at the given mount_point. If formatting a device for the first time, data existing at mount_point will be migrated to the RBD device before being remounted. All services listed in system_services will be stopped prior to data migration and restarted when complete. """ # Ensure pool, RBD image, RBD mappings are in place. if not pool_exists(service, pool): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'ceph: Creating new pool %s.' % pool) create_pool(service, pool) if not rbd_exists(service, pool, rbd_img): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'ceph: Creating RBD image (%s).' % rbd_img) create_rbd_image(service, pool, rbd_img, sizemb) if not image_mapped(rbd_img): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'ceph: Mapping RBD Image as a Block Device.') map_block_storage(service, pool, rbd_img) # make file system # TODO: What happens if for whatever reason this is run again and # the data is already in the rbd device and/or is mounted?? # When it is mounted already, it will fail to make the fs # XXX: This is really sketchy! Need to at least add an fstab entry # otherwise this hook will blow away existing data if its executed # after a reboot. if not filesystem_mounted(mount_point): make_filesystem(blk_device, fstype) for svc in system_services: if utils.running(svc): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Stopping services %s prior to migrating '\ 'data' % svc) utils.stop(svc) place_data_on_ceph(service, blk_device, mount_point, fstype) for svc in system_services: utils.start(svc)
def such_as_np(s, np_sent): ''' Given a np chunked sentences, try to extract the concepts X--set y--set ''' X = set() Y = set() if re.findall(r'\bsuch\b\s\bas\b', s): # extract the such as pattern # semi_pairs = relextract.tree2semi_rel(np_sent) reldicts = relextract.semi_rel2reldict(semi_pairs) # find the first such as # pprint(semi_pairs) # pprint(reldicts) # if len(reldicts) > 0: try: while 'such as' not in reldicts[0]['untagged_filler']: reldicts.pop(0) X.add(reldicts[0]['subjsym']) Y.add(reldicts[0]['objsym']) reldicts.pop(0) # find the sub concept for reldict in reldicts: if reldict['untagged_filler'] not in [',', 'and', 'or']: Y.add(reldict['subjsym']) break Y.add(reldict['subjsym']) Y.add(reldict['objsym']) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) logging.error(reldicts) logging.error('Original sentence: '+s) stop() return (X, Y)
def crawler(page_num, category, whole_data=None): t1 = time() page = BASE_PAGE.format(category, page_num) soup = get_soup(page) runtime = time() - t1 timeout = False if runtime > 25: one_page = None last_page = None timeout = True return one_page, last_page, timeout titles ='.title') tags ='.tags') days ='.date') thumbs ='.img-responsive') urls ='.cover a') one_page = [] for _title, _tag, _url, _thumb, _day in zip(titles, tags, urls, thumbs, days): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) tag = parse_tag(_tag) url = parse_url(_url) day = parse_day(_day) obj = { 'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': category, 'tag': tag } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page, timeout one_page.append(obj) last_page = False if one_page else True print(last_page, ': ', page_num) # delete return one_page, last_page, timeout
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): page = BASE_PAGE.format(page_num) soup = get_soup(page) titles ='.all_news .title') days ='.date') times ='.time') thumbs ='.all_news img') urls ='.all_news .title') cats ='.all_news a') one_page = [] for _title, _url, _thumb, _day, _time, _cat in zip(titles, urls, thumbs, days, times, cats): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) url = parse_url(_url) day = parse_day(_day) time = parse_time(_time) cat = parse_cat(_cat) if exception(title, cat): continue obj = { 'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'time': time, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(CORP, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = False if one_page else True return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_num) soup = get_soup(page) titles ='.tt') thumbs = soup.find_all('div', class_='txt_wrap') urls = soup.find_all('div', class_='txt_wrap') tags = soup.find_all('div', class_='info') one_page = [] for _title, _tag, _url, _thumb in zip(titles, tags, urls, thumbs): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) tag = parse_tag(_tag) url = parse_url(_url) soup = get_soup(url) cat = parse_cat(soup) day, time = parse_day_time(soup) if not cat: continue obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'time': time, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'tags': tag, 'category': cat, 'cat1': cat[0], 'cat2': cat[1] } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = False if one_page else True return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, category, ended_categories, whole_data=None): page = BASE_PAGE.format(category, page_num) soup = get_soup(page) titles ='.post_header_title h5 a') days ='.post_info_date') thumbs = soup.find_all(class_='post_header') urls ='.post_header_title h5 a') cats ='.post_info_cat')[1:] one_page = [] title_list = [] for _title, _url, _thumb, _day, _cat in zip(titles, urls, thumbs, days, cats): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) url = parse_url(_url) day = parse_day(_day) cat = parse_cat(_cat) title_list.append(title) if duplication(cat, ended_categories): continue obj = { 'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(CORP, ': ', title) if obj: one_page.append(obj) last_page = False if title_list else True return one_page, last_page
def irobotnews(page_number, update=False, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_number) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') titles ='.ArtList_Title a ') urls ='.ArtList_Title a ') days ='.View_SmFont') thumbnails ='.ArtList_Title') categories ='.ArtList_Title .FontKor') corp = soup.title.text one_page = [] last_page = False for _title, _day, _thumb, _cat, _url in zip(titles, days, thumbnails, categories, urls): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) day = parse_day(_day) url = parse_url(_url) cat = parse_cat(_cat) time = parse_time(url) obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'time': time, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return last_page, one_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return last_page, one_page
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): obj[page_key] = page_num my_obj = obj page =, data=my_obj, headers=headers) page = page.text.encode('utf8') page = page.decode('unicode_escape') soup = bs(page, 'html.parser') urls = soup.find_all('h3', {'class': 'entry-title'}) titles = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'td-image-wrap'}) datetimes = soup.find_all('time', {'class': 'entry-date'}) thumbs = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'entry-thumb'}) cats = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'td-post-category'}) one_page = [] for _title, _url, _thumb, _cat, _datetime in zip(titles, urls, thumbs, cats, datetimes): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) url = parse_url(_url) cat = parse_cat(_cat) day, time = parse_day_time(_datetime) obj_ = { 'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'time': time, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(CORP, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj_) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def bikorea(page_num, update, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') corp = soup.head.title.text thumbs ='.ArtList_Title') cats ='.ArtList_Title a') titles ='.ArtList_Title a') days ='.FontEng') urls ='.ArtList_Title a') one_page = [] for _title, _day, _url, _thumb, _cat in zip(titles, days, urls, thumbs, cats): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) day = parse_day(_day) url = parse_url(_url) cat = parse_cat(_cat) time = parse_time(url) obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'time': time, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if update and stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') titles ='.post-wrap img') thumbs ='.post-wrap img') cats = soup.find_all('span', class_="cat-title") urls ='.image-link') datetimes = soup.find_all('time') one_page = [] for _title, _cat, _url, _thumb, _datetime in zip(titles, cats, urls, thumbs, datetimes): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) cat = parse_cat(_cat) url = parse_url(_url) day, time = parse_day_time(_datetime) obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'time': time, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): page = BASE_PAGE.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') titles = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'cate'}) urls = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'cate'}) cats = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'cate'}) thumbs = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'cate'}) one_page = [] for _title, _url, _thumb, _cat in zip(titles, urls, thumbs, cats): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) url = parse_url(_url) cat = parse_cat(_cat) day, time = parse_day_time(url) obj = { 'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'time': time, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(CORP, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def hellodd(page_num, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') content = soup.find('section', {'id': 'section-list'}) titles_urls = content.find_all('h4', {'class': 'titles'}) time_category = content.find_all('span', {'class': 'byline'}) thumbs = content.find_all('li') one_page = [] for _titles_urls, _time_category, _thumb in zip(titles_urls, time_category, thumbs): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title, url = parse_titles_urls(_titles_urls) time, day, cat = parse_time_category(_time_category) obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat } if '[인사]' in title or cat is '인사동정': continue if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, whole_data=None): page = main_page.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') corp = soup.head.title.text titles ='.mt-0') thumbs ='.media img') days = soup.find_all('time') urls = soup.find_all('a', class_='media') one_page = [] for _title, _day, _url, _thumb in zip(titles, days, urls, thumbs): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) day = parse_day(_day) url = parse_url(_url) obj = { 'corp': corp, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url } if stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(corp, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
def crawler(page_num, update, whole_data=None): page = BASE_PAGE.format(page_num) html = requests.get(page) soup = bs(html.content, 'html.parser') titles = soup.find_all('a', {'id':'title'}) urls = soup.find_all('a', {'id':'title'}) thumbs = soup.find_all('div', {'id':'image'}) cats = soup.find_all('div', {'id':'tag_container'}) days = soup.find_all('div', {'id':'writer'}) one_page = [] for _title, _day, _url, _thumb, _cat in zip(titles, days, urls, thumbs, cats): thumb = parse_thumb(_thumb) title = parse_title(_title) day = parse_day(_day) url = parse_url(_url) cat = parse_cat(_cat) obj = {'corp': CORP, 'thumb': thumb, 'title': title, 'day': day, 'url': url, 'category': cat} if update and stop(obj, whole_data): last_page = True return one_page, last_page print(CORP, ': ', title) one_page.append(obj) last_page = True if not one_page else False return one_page, last_page
help='path or URL of a photo of the faces to be found') parser.add_argument( 'candidate', help='path or URL of a photo to find expected target faces') args = parser.parse_args() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- target_url = if is_url( else get_abspath( # Get the photo of target faces candidate_url = args.candidate if is_url(args.candidate) else get_abspath(args.candidate) # Get the photo to be checked if os.path.isdir(target_url) or os.path.isdir(candidate_url): stop("Only one photo allowed!") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare Face API client # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Request subscription key and endpoint from user. subscription_key, endpoint = get_private() credentials = CognitiveServicesCredentials(subscription_key) # Set credentials client = FaceClient(endpoint, credentials) # Setup Azure face API client # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect faces # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH, exist_ok=True) data = {} if os.path.exists(ENCODE_FILE): # Load known faces data if available data = load_data(ENCODE_FILE) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine the person's name to match # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use_database = False name = None if is not None: # Use the name provided name = elif args.batch: # Stop if in batch mode stop("No name provided!") else: # No name provided if not args.capture: if data != {}: # Recognise faces of known persons in database use_database = True name = None else: name = ask_for_input("\nPlease give a person's name to recognise (For example, Satya)") else: name = ask_for_input("\nPlease give the person's name to capture") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate face database or load existing one # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not use_database and name in data and is None: # Face data is available for the name