def all_docs(): with open(filename, newline='') as doc_file: fields = get_fieldnames(doc_file) dict_reader = csv.DictReader(doc_file, fieldnames=fields) if 'ticket' in doc_type: fields.append("ticket_time") echo('Using the following ' + str(len(fields)) + ' fields:', quiet) for field in fields: echo(field, quiet) i = 0 for row in dict_reader: # Prepare meta info for each indexed document. meta = { 'index': idx_name, 'type': doc_type, } if id_field_idx is not None: meta['id'] = row[fields[int(id_field_idx)]] # Convert tim inteval to an integer in minutes. for k, v in row.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and isperiod(v): row[k] = t2i(v) if 'ticket' in doc_type: row['ticket_time'] = time_interval(row['create_time'], row['close_time'], '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') i += 1 echo('Sending item %s to ES ...' % i, quiet) yield index_op(row, meta)
def grad_desc(original_image, distorted_image, init_kernel, criteria, dump): kernel = np.expand_dims(init_kernel, axis=0) kernel = np.expand_dims(kernel, axis=0) kernel = torch.tensor(kernel.astype(np.float32), requires_grad=True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([kernel], 0.5) for i in range(1000): optimizer.zero_grad() loss_v = criteria(conv(original_image, kernel, True), distorted_image, True) + 0.01 * torch.mean(kernel**2) loss_v.backward() optimizer.step() print('I: {} | LOSS: {:.10f}'.format(i, loss_v)) # /= torch.sum( dump['found_kernel'] = t2i(kernel)
def test_2_time2integer(self): self.assertEqual(t2i('03:30:18'), 210)
def val(model, dataloader, vis, boxShow=False): model.eval() segCFM = EvalMatrix() ancCFM = EvalMatrix() seg_Loss, anc_Loss, reg_Loss, dice = 0, 0, 0, 0 seg_Precision, seg_Sensitive, anc_Precision, anc_Sensitive = 0, 0, 0, 0 RegCriterion = BBoxRegLoss() AncCriterion = AnchorLoss() SegCriterion = SegLoss() totalNum = len(dataloader) with torch.no_grad(): for ii, (img, mask, anchors_labels, bbox_labels, ancLossIdx, bboxLossIdx, segIdx, GtBoxes) in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)): segCFM.reset() img = V(img).float().cuda() mask = V(mask).float().cuda() seg, ancOutput, boxOutput = model(img) vis.show_hist(name="Val Anchor Output", tensor=ancOutput) # ----------------------Show Anchor Location-------- for threshold in np.arange(0.4, 0.6, 0.1): image_ = mapAnc2Img(ancOutput, img, threshold=threshold) vis.show_anchor(name="Anc Loc {}".format(threshold), imgs=image_) # ----------------------Segmentation------------- temp_seg = 0 if seg is not None: temp_seg = SegCriterion(seg, mask, segIdx) if temp_seg != 0: dice += Iou_loss(seg, mask) vis.plot("Dice in Iteration:", t2i(Iou_loss(seg, mask))) # --------------------Loss Computation-------------- if temp_seg != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_seg): seg_Loss += temp_seg vis.plot("Follow Seg Loss:", t2i(temp_seg)) for i in range(config.Output_features): temp_reg = RegCriterion( V(boxOutput[i]).cuda(), V(bbox_labels[i]).cuda(), V(bboxLossIdx[i]).cuda()) if temp_reg != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_reg): reg_Loss += temp_reg temp_anc = AncCriterion( V(ancOutput[i]).cuda(), V(anchors_labels[i]).cuda()) if temp_anc != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_anc): anc_Loss += temp_anc # ---------------Show Bounding Box---------------- if boxShow and temp_anc / config.Output_features < 1.0 and temp_anc != 0: for j in range(config.ValBatchSize): boxes_input = [ boxOutput[i][j:j + 1] for i in range(config.Output_features) ] # bbox:[features, batch, 9, h, w, 4], bbox:[batch, features, 9, h, w, 1] anchors_input = [ ancOutput[i][j:j + 1] for i in range(config.Output_features) ] # anchor:[features, batch, 9, h, w, 4], anchor:[batch, features, 9, h, w, 1] output_anchcors, output_bboxs = apply_bboxReg_area( bboxMat=boxes_input, img_shape=config.Image_shape, anchors=anchors_input) box = [] box_Precision = 0 box_Recall = 0 for i in range(config.Output_features): finalBox = nms(output_bboxs[i], output_anchcors[i]) if finalBox is None: continue box.append(finalBox) if len(box) != 0: box = t.stack(box, dim=0) vis.show_boxes(mask[j], box) if len(GtBoxes) != 0: tmp_p, tmp_r = PrecisionRecall(GtBoxes, finalBox) box_Precision += tmp_p box_Recall += tmp_r vis.log("Box Precision:" + myStr(box_Precision)) vis.log("Box Recall:" + myStr(box_Recall)) else: continue if seg is not None: segCFM.genConfusionMat(seg.clone(), mask.clone()) seg_Precision += segCFM.precision() seg_Sensitive += segCFM.sensitive() for i in range(config.Output_features): ancCFM.genConfusionMat(ancOutput[i].clone(), anchors_labels[i].clone()) anc_Precision += ancCFM.precision() / config.Output_features anc_Sensitive += ancCFM.sensitive() / config.Output_features Val_avgLoss = (seg_Loss + anc_Loss + reg_Loss) / totalNum vis.log("Validation Dice:" + myStr(dice / totalNum), isTrain=False) vis.log("Validation Seg Loss:" + myStr(seg_Loss / totalNum), isTrain=False) vis.log("Validation BoxReg Loss:" + myStr(reg_Loss / totalNum), isTrain=False) vis.log("Validation Anchor Loss:" + myStr(anc_Loss / totalNum), isTrain=False) vis.plot("Avg Val Iou:", t2i(dice / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Loss for Seg: ", t2i(seg_Loss / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Loss for Regression:", t2i(reg_Loss / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Loss for Anchor Net:", t2i(anc_Loss / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Precision for Seg: ", t2i(seg_Precision / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Sensitive for Seg: ", t2i(seg_Sensitive / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Precision for Anchor Net:", t2i(anc_Precision / totalNum)) vis.plot("Avg Val Sensitive for Anchor Net:", t2i(anc_Sensitive / totalNum)) # -------------Weight Statistics---------------- for name in model.module.ANCNets.state_dict(): if name.endswith("weight"): vis.show_hist(name=name, tensor=model.module.ANCNets.state_dict()[name]) model.train() return Val_avgLoss
def train(**kwargs): vis = Visualizer(env=config.Env, port=config.vis_port) model = nn.DataParallel( RetinaUNet(base=config.Base, InChannel=config.InputChannel, OutChannel=1, BackBone='fpn', IncludeTop=False, Godown=False, IncludeSeg=False)).to(config.Device) model.train() scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() Seg_Matrix = EvalMatrix() Anc_Matrix = EvalMatrix() if config.checkpoint: try: if isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel): model.module.load(get_pth(model, config.checkpoint)) else: model.load(get_pth(model, config.checkpoint)) print("Load Model Successfully") except: pass if config.Data_type.lower() == '2dplus': img_read = read_2dPlus img_lst = get_Path_2dPlus() elif config.Data_type.lower() == '2d': img_read = read_image_2D img_lst = get_ImgPath() else: raise ValueError train_lst, val_lst = data_split_2D(img_lst, ratio=(1 - config.Val_percent), shuffle=True) train_data = RetinaDataSet(train_lst, img_read) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=config.TrainBatchSize, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.Num_workers) val_data = RetinaDataSet(val_lst, img_read, isTrain=False) val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.Num_workers) lr = RegCriterion = BBoxRegLoss().to(config.Device) AncCriterion = AnchorLoss().to(config.Device) SegCriterion = SegLoss().to(config.Device) optimizer = optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=config.Weight_decay) # scheduler_exp = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=0.1) # scheduler_cosin = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=10, eta_min=1e-5, last_epoch=-1) scheduler_monitor = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.1, patience=3, threshold_mode='rel', threshold=0.0001, cooldown=5, min_lr=1e-5, eps=1e-8) previousLoss = 0 previousValLoss = 100 debug_patient = config.Debug_Patient patient = config.Lr_Patient for epoch in range(config.Max_epoch): Seg_Matrix.reset() Anc_Matrix.reset() start_time = time.time() Seg_precision, Seg_sensi, loss_counter, AvgAncLoss, AvgAncPrec, AvgAncSensi = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # if epoch != 0: # for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: # param_group['lr'] = lr * config.lr_decay for ii, (img, mask, anchors_labels, bbox_labels, ancLossIdx, bboxLossIdx, segIdx, _) in enumerate(tqdm(train_dataloader)): input = V(img).float().to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float) mask = V(mask).float().to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float) optimizer.zero_grad() seg, ancOutput, boxOutput = model(input) # ---------------------Anchor Output Statistics---------------- # vis.show_hist(name="Train Anchor Output", tensor=ancOutput) Anc_precision, Anc_sensi, Anc_iou = 0, 0, 0 box_loss, anc_loss, seg_loss, loss = 0., 0., 0., 0. temp_seg = 0 if seg is not None: temp_seg = SegCriterion(seg, mask, segIdx) if temp_seg != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_seg): seg_loss += temp_seg for i in range(config.Output_features): # ----------------------Bounding Box Regression----------------- temp_reg = RegCriterion( boxOutput[i], V(bbox_labels[i]).to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float), V(bboxLossIdx[i]).to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float)) if temp_reg != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_reg): box_loss += temp_reg / config.Output_features # ----------------Anchor Loss Computation---------------- temp_anc = AncCriterion( ancOutput[i], V(anchors_labels[i]).to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float), V(ancLossIdx[i]).to(config.Device, dtype=torch.float)) # handle = ancOutput[i].register_hook(utils.get_grad) if temp_anc != 0 and not t.isnan(temp_anc): anc_loss += temp_anc Anc_Matrix.genConfusionMat(ancOutput[i], anchors_labels[i]) Anc_precision += (Anc_Matrix.precision() / config.Output_features) Anc_sensi += (Anc_Matrix.sensitive() / config.Output_features) Anc_iou += (Anc_Matrix.mIoU()) if seg_loss != 0: loss += seg_loss if anc_loss != 0: loss += anc_loss if box_loss != 0: loss += box_loss if loss == 0: # vis.log("Nan Loss: Seg:{}, Box:{}, Anc:{}".format(myStr(seg_loss), myStr(box_loss), myStr(anc_loss))) continue loss.backward() # ---------------------Anchor Gradient Statistics---------------- # vis.show_hist(name="Train Anchor Gradient", tensor=t.tensor([k.mean() for k in utils.features['loss']])) loss_counter += t2i(loss) optimizer.step() # scheduler_cosin.step() # if anc_loss != 0: # scheduler_monitor.step(anc_loss) # ---------------------Train Evaluation------------------------- if seg is not None: Seg_Matrix.genConfusionMat(seg.clone(), mask.clone()) Seg_precision += Seg_Matrix.precision() Seg_sensi += Seg_Matrix.sensitive() AvgAncLoss += anc_loss AvgAncPrec += Anc_precision AvgAncSensi += Anc_sensi if seg_loss != 0: vis.log('train loss in Segmentation: ' + myStr(seg_loss)) vis.plot('Segmentation loss:', t2i(seg_loss)) if ii % config.Print_freq == config.Print_freq - 1: vis.log('train loss in bounding box regression: ' + myStr(box_loss)) vis.log('train loss in Anchor Net: ' + myStr(anc_loss)) vis.plot("Anchor Precision:", t2i(Anc_precision)) vis.plot("Anchor Sensitive:", t2i(Anc_sensi)) vis.plot('Bounding box regression loss', t2i(box_loss)) vis.plot('Anchor Net Loss: ', t2i(anc_loss)) vis.plot('Training Loss: ', t2i(loss)) end_time = time.time() # -----------------Validation-------------------- val_loss = val(model, val_dataloader, vis, boxShow=False) avg_loss = loss_counter / len(train_dataloader) vis.plot("Avg Train Anchor Loss:", t2i(AvgAncLoss / len(train_dataloader))) vis.plot("Avg Train Anchor Precision:", t2i(AvgAncPrec / len(train_dataloader))) vis.plot("Avg Train Anchor Sensitive:", t2i(AvgAncSensi / len(train_dataloader))) epoch_str = ( 'Epoch: {}, Train Loss: {:.5f}, Train Seg Mean Precision: {:.5f}, Train Seg Mean Sensitive:{:.5f},\ Valid Loss: {:.5f}'.format( epoch, avg_loss, Seg_precision / len(train_dataloader), Seg_sensi / len(train_dataloader), val_loss.item())) print( epoch_str + " Time:" + str(end_time - start_time) + ' lr: {}'.format(optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]['lr'])) if avg_loss >= previousLoss != 0: debug_patient -= 1 if patient == 0: patient = config.Lr_Patient lr = lr * config.lr_decay for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr else: patient -= 1 if debug_patient == 0: pdb.set_trace() debug_patient = config.Debug_Patient previousLoss = avg_loss if val_loss < previousValLoss / 2 and previousLoss != 100: previousValLoss = val_loss
def main(): args = get_args() if not args.gray: raise NotImplementedError( 'Work with color images is not implemented yet. Use --gray flag.') dump = {} original_image = i2t(read_image(args.original_image, args.gray)) if args.gen_distortion: assert len(args.xp) == len(args.yp) args.kernel_size += (1 - args.kernel_size % 2) generated_kernel = generate_kernel(np.array(args.xp), np.array(args.yp), args.kernel_size) if generated_kernel is None: print('Poor conditioned kernel.') exit(-1) dump['generated_kernel'] = generated_kernel distorted_image = conv(original_image, generated_kernel) else: distorted_image = i2t(read_image(args.distorted_image, args.gray)) criteria = Loss(args.loss) kernel, kernel_size, kernel_angle = initialize_kernel(t2i(distorted_image)) kernel = kernel_threshold(kernel) print('ESTIMATED KERNEL PARAMETERS: size - {} | angle - {}'.format( kernel_size, kernel_angle)) if args.init_with_grid: m_kernel = MutableKernel(kernel_size, order=1) save = True if args.dump_path is not None else False kernel, _, _ = grid_search(original_image, distorted_image, m_kernel, criteria) dump['estimated_kernel'] = kernel dump['original_image'] = t2i(original_image) dump['distorted_image'] = t2i(distorted_image) if args.grid_search: m_kernel = MutableKernel(kernel_size, kernel) save = True if args.dump_path is not None else False found_kernel, _, all_data = grid_search(original_image, distorted_image, m_kernel, criteria, save=save) dump['found_kernel'] = found_kernel if save: dump['all_data'] = all_data else: grad_desc(original_image, distorted_image, kernel, criteria, dump) if 'found_kernel' not in dump or dump['found_kernel'] is None: print('Kernel is not found.') exit() dump['restored_image'] = restoration.richardson_lucy( t2i(distorted_image), dump['found_kernel'], args.lr_itr) process_dump(args.dump_path, dump)