def cpu(*F, N=(500, 5000, 500)): '''Mostra gráfico com o consumo de tempo das funções *F, para entradas com tamanho variando no intervalo N=(500,5000,500). Um parâmetro E = g define a função que gera as entradas''' C = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'] M = ['o', 's', 'p', 'h', '+', 'x', 'v', '^'] X = [] Y = [[] for _ in range(len(F))] print('n = ', end='') inicio = time() rodada = 1 for n in range(N[0], N[1] + 1, N[2]): print('%s ' % rodada, end='') X.append(n) v = sample(range(0, n), n) for i, f in enumerate(F): w = deepcopy(v) Y[i].append(tempo(f, w)) rodada += 1 print('\nTempo total: %.1fs' % (time() - inicio)) xlabel('tamanho da entrada') ylabel('tempo de execução (s)') ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='both', scilimits=(-3, +4)) grid(True) for i, f in enumerate(F): plot(X, Y[i], color=C[i % len(C)], marker=M[i % len(M)], label=f.__name__) legend(loc='upper left') show()
# Read the labeled tempo bpm = float(utils.read_tempofile(DB, f)) print('ground-truth tempo: ', bpm) label.append(bpm) # Estimate a static tempo sr, y = utils.read_wav(f) hop_length = 512 oenv = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # tempogram = librosa.feature.tempogram(onset_envelope=oenv, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # predict the tempo1(slower one), tempo2(faster one) # tempo1, tempo2 = librosa.beat.tempo(onset_envelope=oenv, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) tempo1, tempo2 = utils.tempo(onset_envelope=oenv, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) pred_t1.append(tempo1) pred_t2.append(tempo2) print(tempo1, tempo2) # p score s1 = tempo1/(tempo1+tempo2) s2 = 1.0 - s1 print(s1, s2) p = s1 * utils.P_score(tempo1, bpm) + s2 * utils.P_score(tempo2, bpm) p_score.append(p) # ALOTC score ALOTC = utils.ALOTC(tempo1, tempo2, bpm) ALOTC_score.append(ALOTC)
def executar_teste(t): #t=(função, lista) print('processando %s com uma lista de %d' % (t[0].__name__, len(t[1]))) return tempo(t[0], t[1])
def beat_estimate(DB,GENRE,fout,name="***** Q1 *****\n",multi=1,method="own"): genres_p, genres_ALOTC = list(), list() for genre in GENRE: print('GENRE:', genre) FILES = glob(DB + '/wav/' + genre + '/*.wav') label, p_score, ALOTC_score = list(), list(), list() for f in FILES: f = f.replace('\\', '/') #print('FILE:', f) # Read the labeled tempo bpm = float(utils.read_tempofile(DB, genre, f)) #print('ground-truth tempo: ', bpm) label.append(bpm) if method=="own": # Estimate a static tempo sr, y = utils.read_wav(f) hop_length = 512 oenv = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # predict the tempo1(slower one), tempo2(faster one) tempo1, tempo2 = utils.tempo(onset_envelope=oenv, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) elif method=="madmom": # madmom estimate tempo proc = madmom.features.tempo.TempoEstimationProcessor(fps=100) act = tempo1 = (proc(act)).astype(float)[0][0].item() tempo2 = (proc(act)).astype(float)[1][0].item() # Q2 tempo1 = tempo1*multi tempo2 = tempo2*multi # p score s1 = tempo1/(tempo1+tempo2) s2 = 1.0 - s1 #print(s1, s2) p = s1 * utils.P_score(tempo1, bpm) + s2 * utils.P_score(tempo2, bpm) p_score.append(p) # ALOTC score ALOTC = utils.ALOTC(tempo1, tempo2, bpm) ALOTC_score.append(ALOTC) #print(p, ALOTC) p_avg = sum(p_score)/len(p_score) ALOTC_avg = sum(ALOTC_score)/len(ALOTC_score) genres_p.append(p_avg) genres_ALOTC.append(ALOTC_avg) print('finished : ',genre) print(genres_p) print(genres_ALOTC) fout.write(name) fout.write("Genre \tP-score \tALOTC score\n") for genre in range(len(GENRE)): fout.write("{:13s}\t{:8.2f}\t{:8.2f}\n".format(GENRE[genre], genres_p[genre], genres_ALOTC[genre])) fout.write('----------\n') fout.write("Overall P-score:\t{:.2f}\n".format(sum(genres_p)/len(genres_p))) fout.write("Overall ALOTC score:\t{:.2f}\n".format(sum(genres_ALOTC)/len(genres_ALOTC)))