Exemplo n.º 1
    def setAclRule(self, rule=None, role='read', scope_type='default', scope_value=None):
        Set the role for a rule. If no rule is specified a new rule will be created with the provides scope_type / scope_type.

        gcal = self.gCalendar
        if not gcal:
            return None
        aclink = gcal.GetAclLink()

        newRole = gdata.calendar.Role(value=to_role_uri(role))

        if rule is None:
            # add the entry
            rule = gdata.calendar.CalendarAclEntry()

            rule.scope = gdata.calendar.Scope()
            rule.scope.type = scope_type
            if scope_value:
                rule.scope.value = scope_value

            rule.role = newRole
            return with_request_error_try(lambda: self.account.service.InsertAclEntry(rule, aclink.href))
            # update the entry
            rule.role = newRole
            return with_request_error_try(lambda: self.account.service.UpdateAclEntry(rule.GetEditLink().href, rule))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save(self):
        gcal = self.gCalendar
        if gcal:
            # existing calendar update
            new = False
            new = True
            gcal = gdata.calendar.CalendarListEntry()

        gcal.title = atom.Title(text=self.title)
        gcal.summary = atom.Summary(text=self.summary)
        if self.where:
            gcal.where = gdata.calendar.Where(value_string=self.where)
        elif gcal.where and gcal.where.text:
            self.where = gcal.where.text
        if self.color:
            gcal.color = gdata.calendar.Color(value=self.color)
        elif gcal.color and gcal.color.value:
            self.color = gcal.color.value
        if self.timezone:
            gcal.timezone = gdata.calendar.Timezone(value=self.timezone)
        elif gcal.timezone and gcal.timezone.value:
            self.timezone = gcal.timezone.value

        if new:
            new_gcal = with_request_error_try(lambda: self.account.service.InsertCalendar(new_calendar=gcal))
            # gooogle replaces the title with the (email address) style Calendar Id
            #self.calendar_id = new_gcal.title.text
            new_gcal.title = atom.Title(text=self.title)
            new_gcal = self.account.service.UpdateCalendar(calendar=new_gcal)

            self.uri = new_gcal.id.text
            for link in new_gcal.link:
                if link.rel == 'alternate':
                    self.feed_uri = link.href

            new_gcal = with_request_error_try(lambda: self.account.service.UpdateCalendar(calendar=gcal))

        m = re_cal_id.match(self.uri)
        if m:
            self.calendar_id = urllib.unquote(m.group(1))

        # ACL model
        rule = self.getAclRule('default')
        if not self.default_share:
            # Not sharing
            if rule is not None:
                # remove the rule
                with_request_error_try(lambda: self.account.service.DeleteAclEntry(rule.GetEditLink().href))
            if rule is None:
                # new rule
                self.setAclRule(role=self.default_share, scope_type='default')
            elif to_role_uri(self.default_share) != rule.role.value:
                # role change
                self.setAclRule(rule=rule, role=self.default_share)

        super(Calendar, self).save()