Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_negative_auth_post_saml_invalid_saml(self):
        Check exception raised while posting saml with invalid saml, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
        # get auth first
        head, content = utils.auth_get_auth()
        # get cookie
        cookie = head['set-cookie']
        logging.info("The retrieved cookie from Auth server is '%s'" % str(cookie))
        header = utils.headers
        header['cookie'] = cookie
        logging.debug("The requested headers are '%s'" % str(header))

        http = httplib2.Http()
        # construct invalid responses
        invalid_saml = [utils.random_str()]
        for isa in invalid_saml:
            logging.info("The invalid saml to be tested is '%s'" % str(isa))
            url = 'http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + utils.auth_partner + '/saml'
            logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % url)
            saml = {'SAMLResponse': isa}
            h, c = http.request(url, 'POST', headers = header, body = urlencode(saml))
            # assert response head status is 400
            self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
            # assert error msg is correct
            utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("InvalidSAML", "AuthPostSamlGrantExceptions"), self)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_negative_get_auth_horizon_partner_not_exist(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for not existent partner, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     nosub = utils.random_str()
     logging.info("The not existent subdomain to be tested is '%s'" % nosub)
     with self.assertRaises(rest.RequestFailed) as e:
         self.res.get('/auth/config/' + (nosub), headers=utils.headers)
     self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 400)
     # verify the exception is expected
     utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(e,utils.get_exception('UnknownSubdomain', 'GetAuthExceptions'), self) 
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_negative_delete_tokens_parameter_missing(self):
     Check exception raised while deleting tokens without giving parameter, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     malpayloads = ['']
     for mp in malpayloads:
         logging.info("The malpayload acting unauthorized client is '%s'" % mp)
         with self.assertRaises(rest.RequestFailed) as e:
             self.res.delete('/tokens/'+mp, headers=utils.headers)
         self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 400)
         # verify the retrieved exception is expected
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(e, utils.get_exception('ParameterMissing', 'DeleteTokensExceptions'), self)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_negative_get_tokens_invalid_token(self):
     Check exception raised while getting tokens information with invalid tokens, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     malpayloads = [utils.random_str()]
     for mp in malpayloads:
         logging.info("The malpayload acting unauthorized client is '%s'" % mp)
         with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
             self.res.get('/tokens/'+mp, headers=utils.headers)
         self.assertEqual(self.res.response.status, 404)
         # verify the retrieved exception is expected
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(e, utils.get_exception('InvalidToken', 'GetTokensExceptions'), self)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_negative_auth_get_auth_missing_URI(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for missing uri, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     http = httplib2.Http()
     # construct invalid client id 
     url = 'http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + utils.auth_partner + '/authorize?' + 'response_type=token' + '&client_id=' + utils.auth_client_id_no_uri
     logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % url)
     h,c = http.request(url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
     logging.debug("The retrieved header is '%s'" % str(h))
     logging.debug("The retrieved content is '%s'" % str(c))
     # assert it's a bad request
     self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
     # assert the exception content is correct
     utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception('MissingURI', 'AuthGetAuthExceptions'), self)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_negative_auth_get_auth_invalid_response_type(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for invalid respone type other than 'token', and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     http = httplib2.Http()
     # construct invalid responses
     invalid_response = ['', utils.random_str()]
     for ir in invalid_response:
         logging.info("The invalid response type to be tested is '%s'" % str(ir))
         url = 'http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + utils.auth_partner + '/authorize?' + 'response_type=' + ir + '&client_id=' + utils.auth_client_id
         logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % url)
         h,c = http.request(url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
         # assert it's a bad request
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # assert the exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception('UnknownResponseType', 'AuthGetAuthExceptions'), self, ir)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_negative_auth_get_auth_empty_partner(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth with empty partner, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     http = httplib2.Http()
     # construct invalid invalid partner 
     invalid_partners= [' ']
     for ip in invalid_partners:
         logging.info("The invalid partner to be tested is '%s'" % str(ip))
         url = urllib.quote('http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + ip + '/authorize?' + 'response_type=token' + '&client_id=' + utils.auth_client_id, ':/&=')
         logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % url)
         h,c = http.request(url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
         logging.debug("The retrieved header is '%s'" % str(h))
         logging.debug("The retrieved content is '%s'" % str(c))
         # assert it's a bad request
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 500)
         # assert the exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception('EmptySubdomain', 'AuthGetAuthExceptions'), self)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_negative_auth_get_auth_invalid_URI(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for uri, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     http = httplib2.Http()
     # construct invalid client id 
     invalid_request = [utils.random_str()]
     for ir in invalid_request:
         logging.info("The invalid uri to be tested is '%s'" % str(ir))
         url = urllib.quote('http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + utils.auth_partner + '/authorize?' + 'response_type=token' + '&client_id=' + utils.auth_client_id + '&redirect_uri=' + ir, ':/&=?')
         logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % url)
         h,c = http.request(url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
         logging.debug("The retrieved header is '%s'" % str(h))
         logging.debug("The retrieved content is '%s'" % str(c))
         # assert it's a bad request
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # assert the exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception('UnmatchedURI', 'AuthGetAuthExceptions'), self)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_negative_auth_get_config_invalid_client(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for invalid client, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     # get config 
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     invalid_auth = ["Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.random_str()))[:-1], "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.random_str(), utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1], "", " "]
     for ia in invalid_auth:
         headers['Authorization'] = ia
         logging.debug("The requested url is '%s'" % str(self.url))
         logging.info("The invalid authentication head is '%s'" % ia)
         h, c = self.http.request(self.url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
         logging.debug("The response head is '%s'" % str(h))
         logging.debug("The response body is '%s'" % str(c))
         # assert status code is '400'
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # verify exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("UnknownClient", "AuthGetConfigExceptions"), self)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_negative_auth_post_token_empty_SAML(self):
     Check exception raised while posting token with empty SAML, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1]
     logging.debug("The requested header is '%s'" % str(headers))
     # construct invalid responses
     invalid_SAML= [' ', '']
     for ism in invalid_SAML:
         logging.info("The invalid SAML to be tested is '%s'" % str(ism))
         logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % self.url)
         # post token 
         body = {'grant_type': 'http://oauth.net/grant_type/assertion/saml/2.0/bearer', 'assertion': ism}
         h, c = self.http.request(self.url, 'POST', headers = headers, body = urllib.urlencode(body))
         # assert response head status is 400
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # assert error msg is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("EmptySAML", "AuthPostTokenExceptions"), self)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_negative_auth_post_token_invalid_grant_type(self):
     Check exception raised while posting token with invalid grant_type, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1]
     logging.debug("The requested header is '%s'" % str(headers))
     # construct invalid responses
     invalid_grant_type= [utils.random_str(), ' ', '']
     for ig in invalid_grant_type:
         logging.info("The invalid grant_type to be tested is '%s'" % str(ig))
         logging.info("The requested url is '%s'" % self.url)
         # post token 
         body = {'grant_type': ig, 'assertion': utils.SAMLResponse}
         h, c = self.http.request(self.url, 'POST', headers = headers, body = urllib.urlencode(body))
         # assert response head status is 400
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # assert error msg is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("UnsupportedGrantType", "AuthPostTokenExceptions"), self)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_negative_auth_get_config_empty_partner(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for empty partner, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     # get config 
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1]
     invalid_partners = [' ']
     for ip in invalid_partners:
         logging.info("The invalid partner is '%s'" % ip)
         url = urllib.quote('http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + ip + '/config', ':/&=')
         logging.debug("The requested url is '%s'" % str(url))
         h, c = self.http.request(url, 'GET', headers = utils.headers)
         logging.debug("The response head is '%s'" % str(h))
         logging.debug("The response body is '%s'" % str(c))
         # assert status code is '500'
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 500)
         # verify exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("EmptySubdomain", "AuthGetConfigExceptions"), self)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_negative_auth_post_token_empty_partner(self):
     Check exception raised while getting auth for empty partner, and verify the exception contains correct error messages.
     # get config 
     headers = utils.headers
     # compose basic auth
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (utils.auth_client_id, utils.auth_client_secret))[:-1]
     body = {'grant_type': 'http://oauth.net/grant_type/assertion/saml/2.0/bearer', 'assertion': utils.SAMLResponse}
     invalid_partners = [' ']
     for ip in invalid_partners:
         logging.info("The invalid partner is '%s'" % ip)
         url = urllib.quote('http://' + utils.auth_server + '/' + ip + '/token', ':/&=')
         logging.debug("The requested url is '%s'" % str(url))
         h, c = self.http.request(url, 'POST', headers = utils.headers, body = urllib.urlencode(body))
         logging.debug("The response head is '%s'" % str(h))
         logging.debug("The response body is '%s'" % str(c))
         # assert status code is '400'
         self.assertEqual(int(h['status']), 400)
         # verify exception content is correct
         utils.verify_rest_requetfailed_exception(c, utils.get_exception("InvalidSubdomain", "AuthPostTokenExceptions"), self)