def ReadPrivateLog(self): # Read log file config = log = os.path.join(config["logging"]["privatelogsdir"], fixpath(self.user.replace(os.sep, "-")) + ".log") try: lines = int(config["logging"]["readprivatelines"]) except: lines = 15 try: f = open(log, "r") d = f.close() s = d.split("\n") for l in s[-lines:-1]: AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, l + "\n", self.tag_hilite, timestamp_format="", username=self.user, usertag=self.tag_hilite) except IOError, e: pass
def ShowUserInfo(self, descr, has_pic, pic, totalupl, queuesize, slotsavail, uploadallowed): self.conn = None self._descr = descr self.image_pixbuf = None self.descr.get_buffer().set_text("") AppendLine(self.descr,, self.encoding), self.tag_local, showstamp=False, scroll=False) self.uploads.set_text(_("Total uploads allowed: %i") % totalupl) self.queuesize.set_text(_("Queue size: %i") % queuesize) if slotsavail: slots = _("Yes") else: slots = _("No") self.slotsavail.set_text(_("Slots free: %s") % slots) if uploadallowed == 0: allowed = _("No one") elif uploadallowed == 1: allowed = _("Everyone") elif uploadallowed == 2: allowed = _("Users in list") elif uploadallowed == 3: allowed = _("Trusted Users") else: allowed = _("unknown") self.AcceptUploads.set_text(_("%s") % allowed) if has_pic and pic is not None: try: import gc loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.write(pic) loader.close() self.image_pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() self.image.set_from_pixbuf(self.image_pixbuf) del pic, loader gc.collect() self.actual_zoom = 0 self.SavePicture.set_sensitive(True) except TypeError, e: name = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(name, "w") f.write(pic) f.close() self.image.set_from_file(name) os.remove(name) except Exception, e: self.image.set_from_pixbuf(None) self.SavePicture.set_sensitive(False)
def Login(self): timestamp_format =["logging"][ "private_timestamp"] AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, _("--- reconnected ---"), self.tag_hilite, timestamp_format=timestamp_format) self.ChangeColours()
def ConnClose(self): timestamp_format =["logging"][ "private_timestamp"] AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, _("--- disconnected ---"), self.tag_hilite, timestamp_format=timestamp_format) self.status = -1 self.offlinemessage = 0 self.ChangeColours()
def SendMessage(self, text, bytestring=False): user_text = self.frame.pluginhandler.OutgoingPrivateChatEvent( self.user, text) if user_text is None: return (u, text) = user_text my_username =["server"]["login"] if text[:4] == "/me ": line = "* %s %s" % (my_username, text[4:]) usertag = tag = self.tag_me else: if text == CTCP_VERSION: line = "CTCP VERSION" else: line = text tag = self.tag_local usertag = self.tag_my_username line = "[%s] %s" % (my_username, line) timestamp_format =["logging"][ "private_timestamp"] AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, line, tag, timestamp_format=timestamp_format, username=my_username, usertag=usertag) if self.Log.get_active(): WriteLog(["logging"]["privatelogsdir"], self.user, line) if bytestring: payload = text else: payload = ToBeEncoded(self.frame.AutoReplace(text), self.encoding) if self.PeerPrivateMessages.get_active(): # not in the soulseek protocol self.user, slskmessages.PMessageUser(None, my_username, payload)) else: slskmessages.MessageUser(self.user, payload))
def __init__(self, parent, nicotine): self.nicotine = nicotine GenericAboutDialog.__init__(self, parent, _("License"), self.nicotine) self.set_resizable(True) self.resize(550, 450) self.ScrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.ScrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.ScrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.TextView = gtk.TextView() self.TextView.set_cursor_visible(False) self.TextView.set_editable(False) self.TextView.set_left_margin(3) self.ScrolledWindow.add(self.TextView) text = """GNU General Public License version 3 notice Copyright (C) 2007 daelstorm. All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see < >.""" AppendLine(self.TextView, text, None, None, showstamp=False) self.vbox.pack_start(self.ScrolledWindow) self.show_all()
def __init__(self, parent, nicotine): self.nicotine = nicotine gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("About Nicotine+"), parent, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) self.set_resizable(True) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) self.vbox.set_spacing(10) self.set_border_width(5) img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_pixbuf(self.nicotine.images["n"]) ScrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() ScrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) ScrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) ScrolledWindow.set_size_request(400, 250) TextView = gtk.TextView() TextView.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) TextView.set_cursor_visible(False) TextView.set_editable(False) TextView.set_left_margin(3) ScrolledWindow.add(TextView) text = _("""Nicotine+ %s Website: Bug Tracker & Source Code: Soulseek: Based on code from Nicotine and PySoulSeek""") % version AppendLine(TextView, text, None, None, showstamp=False) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(img, False, True) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.set_spacing(10) hbox.pack_start(vbox, False, True) hbox.pack_start(ScrolledWindow, True, True) self.expander = gtk.Expander(_("Dependencies")) pythonversion = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) self.vbox2 = gtk.VBox() self.vbox2.set_spacing(5) self.vbox2.set_border_width(5) self.expander.add(self.vbox2) hboxpython = gtk.HBox(5) python = gtk.Label("Python:") python.set_alignment(0, 0.5) VersionPython = gtk.Label(pythonversion) VersionPython.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hboxpython.pack_start(python, True, True) hboxpython.pack_start(VersionPython, True, True) hboxgtk = gtk.HBox(5) gtkversion = '.'.join(map(str, gtk.gtk_version[:3])) VersionGTK = gtk.Label(gtkversion) gtkplus = gtk.Label("GTK+:") gtkplus.set_alignment(0, 0.5) VersionGTK.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hboxgtk.pack_start(gtkplus, True, True) hboxgtk.pack_start(VersionGTK, True, True) hboxpygtk = gtk.HBox(5) pygtkversion = '.'.join(map(str, gtk.pygtk_version[:3])) VersionPyGTK = gtk.Label(pygtkversion) pygtkplus = gtk.Label("PyGTK+:") pygtkplus.set_alignment(0, 0.5) VersionPyGTK.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hboxpygtk.pack_start(pygtkplus, True, True) hboxpygtk.pack_start(VersionPyGTK, True, True) self.vbox2.pack_start(hboxpython, True, True) self.vbox2.pack_start(hboxgtk, True, True) self.vbox2.pack_start(hboxpygtk, True, True) self.vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True) self.vbox.pack_start(self.expander, True, True) self.LicenseButton = self.nicotine.CreateIconButton( gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, "stock", self.license, _("License") ) self.action_area.pack_start(self.LicenseButton) self.CreditsButton = self.nicotine.CreateIconButton( gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, "stock", self.credits, _("Credits") ) self.action_area.pack_start(self.CreditsButton) self.CloseButton = self.nicotine.CreateIconButton( gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, "stock",, _("Close") ) self.CloseButton.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) self.action_area.pack_start(self.CloseButton) self.show_all()
def __init__(self, parent, nicotine): self.nicotine = nicotine GenericAboutDialog.__init__(self, parent, _("Credits"), self.nicotine) self.set_resizable(True) self.resize(450, 300) self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.DevScrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.DevScrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.DevScrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.DevTextView = gtk.TextView() self.DevTextView.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) self.DevTextView.set_cursor_visible(False) self.DevTextView.set_editable(False) self.DevTextView.set_left_margin(3) self.DevScrolledWindow.add(self.DevTextView) text = """ # Nicotine+ MAINTAINERS ### Active Michael Labouebe (aka gfarmerfr) - Developer - [gfarmerfr(at)free(dot)fr] Mutnick - Created Nicotine+ GitHub Organization - Developer - [muhing(at)yahoo(dot)com] eLvErDe - Provides Nicotine+ Website - Migrated source code from SVN to Github - Developer (retired ?) Kip Warner - Debianization - [kip(at)thevertigo(dot)com] ### Retired daelstorm - Developer - [daelstorm(at)gmail(dot)com] gallows (aka 'burp O') - Developer, Packager - [g4ll0ws(at)gmail(dot)com] - Submitted Slack.Build file QuinoX - Developer hedonist (formerly known as alexbk) - OS X maintainer / developer - [ak(at)sensi(dot)org] - Author of original pyslsk, which is used for nicotine core lee8oi - Bash Commander - [winslaya(at)gmail(dot)com] - New and updated /alias INMCM - Nicotine+ topic maintainer on - suser-guru - Suse Linux packager - - Nicotine+ RPM's for Suse 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, 10.1 osiris - handy-man, documentation, some GNU/Linux packaging, Nicotine+ on win32 - Author of Nicotine+ Guide - [] # Nicotine MAINTAINERS ### Retired Hyriand - Founder - [hyriand(at)thegraveyard(dot)org] osiris - handy-man - [] SmackleFunky - Beta tester Wretched - Beta tester - Bringer of great ideas (va)\*10^3 - Beta tester - Designer of the old nicotine homepage and artwork (logos) sierracat - MacOSX tester - Developed soulseeX Gustavo - [gjc(at)inescporto(dot)pt] - Made the exception dialog SeeSchloss - Developer - Made 1.0.8 win32 installer - Created Soulfind, opensource Soulseek Server written in D vasi - Mac developer - [[email protected]] - Packaged nicotine on OSX PowerPc Country flags provided by, distributed under a CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license.""" AppendLine(self.DevTextView, text, None, None, showstamp=False) developersLabel = gtk.Label(_("Developers")) self.notebook.append_page(self.DevScrolledWindow, developersLabel) self.TransScrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.TransScrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.TransScrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.TransTextView = gtk.TextView() self.TransTextView.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) self.TransTextView.set_cursor_visible(False) self.TransTextView.set_editable(False) self.TransTextView.set_left_margin(3) self.TransScrolledWindow.add(self.TransTextView) text = """ Dutch * nince78 (2007) * hyriand German * Meokater (2007) * (._.) (2007) * lippel (2004) * hyriand (2003) Spanish * Silvio Orta (2007) * Dreslo French * Michael Labouebe (2016-2017) <*****@*****.**> * ManWell (2007) * ><((((*> (2007-2009) * flashfr * systr Italian * Nicola (2007) <*****@*****.**> * dbazza Polish * Amun-Ra (2007) * thine (2007) * owczi Swedish * alimony <*****@*****.**> Hungarian * djbaloo <*****@*****.**> Slovak * Josef Riha (2006) <*****@*****.**> Portuguese Brazilian * Suicide|Solution (2006) <*****@*****.**> Lithuanian * Žygimantas Beručka (2006) <*****@*****.**> Finnish * Kalevi <*****@*****.**> Euskara * The Team <*****@*****.**>""" AppendLine(self.TransTextView, text, None, None, showstamp=False) translatorsLabel = gtk.Label(_("Translators")) self.notebook.append_page(self.TransScrolledWindow, translatorsLabel) self.vbox.pack_start(self.notebook)
def OnEnter(self, widget): bytes = widget.get_text() try: text = unicode(bytes, "UTF-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: log.addwarning( _("We have a problem, PyGTK get_text does not seem to return UTF-8. Please file a bug report. Bytes: %s" ) % (repr(bytes))) text = unicode(bytes, "UTF-8", "replace") if not text: widget.set_text("") return if is_alias(, text): import thread thread.start_new_thread(self.threadAlias, (text, )) widget.set_text("") return s = text.split(" ", 1) cmd = s[0] if len(s) == 2 and s[1]: realargs = args = s[1] else: args = self.user realargs = "" if cmd in ("/alias", "/al"): AppendLine(self.ChatScroll,, None, "") if["words"]["aliases"]: self.frame.chatrooms.roomsctrl.UpdateCompletions() self.frame.privatechats.UpdateCompletions() elif cmd in ("/unalias", "/un"): AppendLine(self.ChatScroll,, None, "") if["words"]["aliases"]: self.frame.chatrooms.roomsctrl.UpdateCompletions() self.frame.privatechats.UpdateCompletions() elif cmd in ["/join", "/j"]: elif cmd in ["/w", "/whois", "/info"]: if args: self.frame.LocalUserInfoRequest(args) self.frame.OnUserInfo(None) elif cmd in ["/b", "/browse"]: if args: self.frame.BrowseUser(args) self.frame.OnUserBrowse(None) elif cmd == "/ip": if args: user = args if user not in elif cmd == "/pm": if realargs: self.frame.privatechats.SendMessage(realargs, None, 1) elif cmd in ["/m", "/msg"]: if realargs: s = realargs.split(" ", 1) user = s[0] if len(s) == 2: msg = s[1] else: msg = None self.frame.privatechats.SendMessage(user, msg) elif cmd in ["/s", "/search"]: if realargs: self.frame.Searches.DoSearch(realargs, 0) self.frame.OnSearch(None) elif cmd in ["/us", "/usearch"]: if realargs: self.frame.Searches.DoSearch(realargs, 3, [self.user]) self.frame.OnSearch(None) elif cmd in ["/rs", "/rsearch"]: if realargs: self.frame.Searches.DoSearch(realargs, 1) self.frame.OnSearch(None) elif cmd in ["/bs", "/bsearch"]: if realargs: self.frame.Searches.DoSearch(realargs, 2) self.frame.OnSearch(None) elif cmd in ["/ad", "/add", "/buddy"]: if args: self.frame.userlist.AddToList(args) elif cmd in ["/rem", "/unbuddy"]: if args: self.frame.userlist.RemoveFromList(args) elif cmd == "/ban": if args: self.frame.BanUser(args) elif cmd == "/ignore": if args: self.frame.IgnoreUser(args) elif cmd == "/ignoreip": if args: self.frame.IgnoreIP(args) elif cmd == "/unban": if args: self.frame.UnbanUser(args) elif cmd == "/unignore": if args: self.frame.UnignoreUser(args) elif cmd == "/ctcpversion": if args: self.frame.privatechats.SendMessage(args, CTCP_VERSION, 1, bytestring=True) elif cmd in ["/clear", "/cl"]: self.ChatScroll.get_buffer().set_text("") elif cmd in ["/a", "/away"]: self.frame.OnAway(None) elif cmd in ["/q", "/quit", "/exit"]: self.frame.OnExit(None) return elif cmd in ["/c", "/close"]: self.OnClose(None) elif cmd == "/now": self.NowPlayingThread() elif cmd == "/detach": self.Detach() elif cmd == "/attach": self.Attach() elif cmd == "/rescan": self.frame.OnRescan() elif cmd[: 1] == "/" and self.frame.pluginhandler.TriggerPrivateCommandEvent( self.user, cmd[1:], args): pass elif cmd and cmd[:1] == "/" and cmd != "/me" and cmd[:2] != "//": self.frame.logMessage(_("Command %s is not recognized") % text) return else: if text[:2] == "//": text = text[1:] if self.chats.connected: self.SendMessage(text) widget.set_text("") return widget.set_text("")
def ShowMessage(self, text, status=None, timestamp=None): if text[:4] == "/me ": line = "* %s %s" % (self.user, self.frame.CensorChat(text[4:])) speech = line[2:] tag = self.tag_me else: line = "[%s] %s" % (self.user, self.frame.CensorChat(text)) speech = self.frame.CensorChat(text) tag = self.tag_remote timestamp_format =["logging"][ "private_timestamp"] if status and not self.offlinemessage: AppendLine( self.ChatScroll, _("* Message(s) sent while you were offline. Timestamps are reported by the server and can be off." ), self.tag_hilite, timestamp_format=timestamp_format) self.offlinemessage = 1 if not status and self.offlinemessage: self.offlinemessage = False if status: # The timestamps from the server are off by a lot, so we'll only use them when this is an offline message # Also, they are in UTC so we need to correct them if daylight: timestamp -= (3600 * daylight) else: timestamp += altzone AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, line, self.tag_hilite, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_format=timestamp_format, username=self.user, usertag=self.tag_username) else: AppendLine(self.ChatScroll, line, tag, timestamp_format=timestamp_format, username=self.user, usertag=self.tag_username) if self.Log.get_active(): WriteLog(["logging"]["privatelogsdir"], self.user, line) autoreply =["server"]["autoreply"] if self.frame.away and not self.autoreplied and autoreply: self.SendMessage(u"[Auto-Message] %s" % autoreply) self.autoreplied = 1 self.frame.Notifications.new_tts(["ui"]["speechprivate"] % { "user": self.frame.Notifications.tts_clean(self.user), "message": self.frame.Notifications.tts_clean(speech) })