class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, type, dataset, split, lr, diter, vis_screen, save_path, l1_coef, l2_coef, pre_trained_gen, pre_trained_disc, batch_size, num_workers, epochs): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(type).cuda()) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(type).cuda()) if pre_trained_disc: self.discriminator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_disc)) else: self.discriminator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen: self.generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen)) else: self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if dataset == 'birds': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['birds_dataset_path'], split=split) elif dataset == 'flowers': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['flowers_dataset_path'], split=split) else: print( 'Dataset not supported, please select either birds or flowers.' ) exit() self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.DITER = diter self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.optimD = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) self.checkpoints_path = 'checkpoints' self.save_path = save_path self.type = type def train(self, cls=False): if self.type == 'wgan': self._train_wgan(cls) elif self.type == 'gan': self._train_gan(cls) elif self.type == 'vanilla_wgan': self._train_vanilla_wgan() elif self.type == 'vanilla_gan': self._train_vanilla_gan() def _train_wgan(self, cls): one = torch.FloatTensor([1]) mone = one * -1 one = Variable(one).cuda() mone = Variable(mone).cuda() gen_iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): iterator = 0 data_iterator = iter(self.data_loader) right_images = None fake_images = None while iterator < len(self.data_loader): if gen_iteration < 25 or gen_iteration % 500 == 0: d_iter_count = 100 else: d_iter_count = self.DITER d_iter = 0 # Train the discriminator while d_iter < d_iter_count and iterator < len( self.data_loader): d_iter += 1 for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True self.discriminator.zero_grad() sample = next(data_iterator) iterator += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() outputs, _ = self.discriminator(right_images, right_embed) real_loss = torch.mean(outputs) real_loss.backward(mone) if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator( wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = torch.mean(outputs) wrong_loss.backward(one) noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), self.noise_dim, 1, 1) fake_images = Variable( self.generator(right_embed, noise).data) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = torch.mean(outputs) fake_loss.backward(one) ## NOTE: Pytorch had a bug with gradient penalty at the time of this project development ## , uncomment the next two lines and remove the params clamping below if you want to try gradient penalty # gp = Utils.compute_GP(self.discriminator,, right_embed,, LAMBDA=10) # gp.backward() d_loss = real_loss - fake_loss if cls: d_loss = d_loss - wrong_loss self.optimD.step() for p in self.discriminator.parameters():, 0.01) # Train Generator for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) g_loss = torch.mean(outputs) g_loss.backward(mone) g_loss = -g_loss self.optimG.step() gen_iteration += 1 self.logger.log_iteration_wgan(epoch, gen_iteration, d_loss, g_loss, real_loss, fake_loss) self.logger.plot_epoch(gen_iteration) self.logger.draw( right_images, fake_images, './result_images/' + str(epoch) + '_fake_images.jpg') if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def _train_gan(self, cls): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: iteration += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss if cls: d_loss = d_loss + wrong_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, right_embed) _, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) #======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. #=========================================== g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() if iteration % 5 == 0: self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(epoch) if (epoch) % 10 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch) def _train_vanilla_wgan(self): one = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([1])).cuda() mone = one * -1 gen_iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): iterator = 0 data_iterator = iter(self.data_loader) while iterator < len(self.data_loader): if gen_iteration < 25 or gen_iteration % 500 == 0: d_iter_count = 100 else: d_iter_count = self.DITER d_iter = 0 # Train the discriminator while d_iter < d_iter_count and iterator < len( self.data_loader): d_iter += 1 for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True self.discriminator.zero_grad() sample = next(data_iterator) iterator += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() outputs, _ = self.discriminator(right_images) real_loss = torch.mean(outputs) real_loss.backward(mone) noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), self.noise_dim, 1, 1) fake_images = Variable(self.generator(noise).data) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) fake_loss = torch.mean(outputs) fake_loss.backward(one) ## NOTE: Pytorch had a bug with gradient penalty at the time of this project development ## , uncomment the next two lines and remove the params clamping below if you want to try gradient penalty # gp = Utils.compute_GP(self.discriminator,, right_embed,, LAMBDA=10) # gp.backward() d_loss = real_loss - fake_loss self.optimD.step() for p in self.discriminator.parameters():, 0.01) # Train Generator for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) g_loss = torch.mean(outputs) g_loss.backward(mone) g_loss = -g_loss self.optimG.step() gen_iteration += 1 self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) self.logger.log_iteration_wgan(epoch, gen_iteration, d_loss, g_loss, real_loss, fake_loss) self.logger.plot_epoch(gen_iteration) if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def _train_vanilla_gan(self): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: iteration += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images) _, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) # ======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() if iteration % 5 == 0: self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(iteration) if (epoch) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def predict(self): for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)): os.makedirs('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)) right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # Train the generator noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'results/{0}/{1}.jpg'.format(self.save_path, t.replace("/", "")[:100])) print(t)
class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, type, dataset, split, lr, diter, vis_screen, save_path, l1_coef, l2_coef, pre_trained_gen, pre_trained_disc, batch_size, num_workers, epochs, pre_trained_disc_B, pre_trained_gen_B): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) # forward gan if is_cuda: self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory('gan').cuda()) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory('gan').cuda()) self.generator2 = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory('stage2_gan').cuda()) self.discriminator2 = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory('stage2_gan').cuda()) else: self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory('gan')) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory('gan')) self.generator2 = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory('stage2_gan')) self.discriminator2 = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory('stage2_gan')) # inverse gan # TODO: pass these as parameters from runtime in the future # inverse_type = 'inverse_gan' # if is_cuda: # self.inv_generator = torch.nn.DataParallel(gan_factory.generator_factory(inverse_type).cuda()) # self.inv_discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel(gan_factory.discriminator_factory(inverse_type).cuda()) # else: # self.inv_generator = torch.nn.DataParallel(gan_factory.generator_factory(inverse_type)) # self.inv_discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel(gan_factory.discriminator_factory(inverse_type)) if pre_trained_disc: self.discriminator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_disc)) else: self.discriminator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen: self.generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen)) else: self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_disc_B: self.discriminator2.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_disc_B)) else: self.discriminator2.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen_B: self.generator2.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen_B)) else: self.generator2.apply(Utils.weights_init) if dataset == 'birds': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['birds_dataset_path'], split=split) elif dataset == 'flowers': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['flowers_dataset_path'], split=split) else: print( 'Dataset not supported, please select either birds or flowers.' ) exit() self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.DITER = diter self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.optimD = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimD2 = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator2.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG2 = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator2.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) self.checkpoints_path = './checkpoints/' self.save_path = save_path self.type = type def train(self, cls=False, interp=False): if self.type == 'wgan': self._train_wgan(cls) elif self.type == 'gan': self._train_gan(cls, interp) elif self.type == 'vanilla_wgan': self._train_vanilla_wgan() elif self.type == 'vanilla_gan': self._train_vanilla_gan() elif self.type == 'inverse_gan': self._train_inverse_gan(cls) elif self.type == 'stackgan': self._train_stack_gan(cls, interp) def _train_wgan(self, cls): one = torch.FloatTensor([1]) mone = one * -1 if is_cuda: one = Variable(one).cuda() mone = Variable(mone).cuda() else: one = Variable(one) mone = Variable(mone) gen_iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): iterator = 0 data_iterator = iter(self.data_loader) while iterator < len(self.data_loader): if gen_iteration < 25 or gen_iteration % 500 == 0: d_iter_count = 100 else: d_iter_count = self.DITER d_iter = 0 # Train the discriminator while d_iter < d_iter_count and iterator < len( self.data_loader): d_iter += 1 for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True self.discriminator.zero_grad() sample = next(data_iterator) iterator += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(right_images, right_embed) real_loss = torch.mean(outputs) real_loss.backward(mone) if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator( wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = torch.mean(outputs) wrong_loss.backward(one) if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), self.noise_dim, 1, 1) fake_images = Variable( self.generator(right_embed, noise).data) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = torch.mean(outputs) fake_loss.backward(one) ## NOTE: Pytorch had a bug with gradient penalty at the time of this project development ## , uncomment the next two lines and remove the params clamping below if you want to try gradient penalty # gp = Utils.compute_GP(self.discriminator,, right_embed,, LAMBDA=10) # gp.backward() d_loss = real_loss - fake_loss if cls: d_loss = d_loss - wrong_loss self.optimD.step() for p in self.discriminator.parameters():, 0.01) # Train Generator for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.generator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) g_loss = torch.mean(outputs) g_loss.backward(mone) g_loss = -g_loss self.optimG.step() gen_iteration += 1 self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) self.logger.log_iteration_wgan(epoch, gen_iteration, d_loss, g_loss, real_loss, fake_loss) self.logger.plot_epoch(gen_iteration) if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def _train_gan(self, cls, interp): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 gen_losses = [] disc_losses = [] for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): for sample in tqdm(self.data_loader): # pdb.set_trace() iteration += 1 # sample.keys() = dict_keys(['right_images', 'wrong_images', 'inter_embed', 'right_embed', 'txt']) right_images = sample['right_images'] # 64x3x64x64 right_embed = sample['right_embed'] # 64x1024 wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] # 64x3x64x64 if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()) real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) if is_cuda: real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable( smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() else: real_labels = Variable(real_labels) smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels) fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels) # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs if cls: d_loss = real_loss + 0.5 * wrong_loss + 0.5 * fake_loss else: d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, right_embed) _, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) #======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. #=========================================== g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) # \ # + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ # + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) if (interp): """ GAN INT loss""" # pdb.set_trace() # print('iter {}, size {}, right {}'.format(iteration, self.batch_size, right_embed.size()))i available_batch_size = int(right_embed.size(0)) first_part = right_embed[:int(available_batch_size / 2), :] second_part = right_embed[int(available_batch_size / 2):, :] interp_embed = (first_part + second_part) * 0.5 if is_cuda: noise = Variable( torch.randn(int(available_batch_size / 2), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable( torch.randn(int(available_batch_size), 100)) interp_real_labels = torch.ones( int(available_batch_size / 2)) if is_cuda: interp_real_labels = Variable( interp_real_labels).cuda() else: interp_real_labels = Variable(interp_real_labels) fake_images = self.generator(interp_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, interp_embed) g_int_loss = criterion(outputs, interp_real_labels) g_loss = g_loss + 0.2 * g_int_loss g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() gen_losses.append([0]) disc_losses.append([0]) #if iteration % 5 == 0: # self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch,d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) # self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) #self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(epoch) with open('gen.pkl', 'wb') as f_gen, open('disc.pkl', 'wb') as f_disc: pickle.dump(gen_losses, f_gen) pickle.dump(disc_losses, f_disc) x = list(range(len(gen_losses))) plt.plot(x, gen_losses, 'g-', label='gen loss') plt.plot(x, disc_losses, 'b-', label='disc loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('gen_vs_disc_.png') plt.clf() # if (epoch) % 10 == 0: if (epoch) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch) def _train_stack_gan(self, cls, interp): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 gen_losses = [] disc_losses = [] for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): for sample in tqdm(self.data_loader): # pdb.set_trace() iteration += 1 # sample.keys() = dict_keys(['right_images', 'wrong_images', 'inter_embed', 'right_embed', 'txt']) right_images = sample['right_images'] # 64x3x64x64 right_embed = sample['right_embed'] # 64x1024 wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] # 64x3x64x64 right_images128 = sample['right_images128'] # 64x3x128x128 wrong_images128 = sample['wrong_images128'] # 64x3x128x128 if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() right_images128 = Variable(right_images128.float()).cuda() wrong_images128 = Variable(wrong_images128.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()) right_images128 = Variable(right_images128.float()) wrong_images128 = Variable(wrong_images128.float()) real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) if is_cuda: real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable( smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() else: real_labels = Variable(real_labels) smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels) fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels) # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() # ------------------- Training D stage 1 ------------------------------- outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs if cls: d_loss = real_loss + 0.5 * wrong_loss + 0.5 * fake_loss else: d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # -------------------- Training G stage 1 ------------------------------- self.generator.zero_grad() self.discriminator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, right_embed) g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) if (interp): """ GAN INT loss""" available_batch_size = int(right_embed.size(0)) first_part = right_embed[:int(available_batch_size / 2), :] second_part = right_embed[int(available_batch_size / 2):, :] interp_embed = (first_part + second_part) * 0.5 if is_cuda: noise = Variable( torch.randn(int(available_batch_size / 2), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable( torch.randn(int(available_batch_size), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) interp_real_labels = torch.ones( int(available_batch_size / 2)) if is_cuda: interp_real_labels = Variable( interp_real_labels).cuda() else: interp_real_labels = Variable(interp_real_labels) fake_images = self.generator(interp_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, interp_embed) g_int_loss = criterion(outputs, interp_real_labels) g_loss = g_loss + 0.2 * g_int_loss g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() # -------------------- Training D stage 2 ------------------------------- self.discriminator2.zero_grad() outputs = self.discriminator2(right_images128, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs = self.discriminator2(wrong_images128, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images_v1 = self.generator(right_embed, noise) fake_images_v1 = fake_images_v1.detach() fake_images = self.generator2(fake_images_v1, right_embed) fake_images = fake_images.detach() outputs = self.discriminator2(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs if cls: d_loss2 = real_loss + 0.5 * wrong_loss + 0.5 * fake_loss else: d_loss2 = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss2.backward() self.optimD2.step() # -------------------- Training G stage 2 ------------------------------- self.generator2.zero_grad() self.discriminator2.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images_v1 = self.generator(right_embed, noise) fake_images_v1 = fake_images_v1.detach() fake_images = self.generator2(fake_images_v1, right_embed) outputs = self.discriminator2(fake_images, right_embed) g_loss2 = criterion(outputs, real_labels) g_loss2.backward() self.optimG2.step() gen_losses.append([0]) disc_losses.append([0]) with open('gen.pkl', 'wb') as f_gen, open('disc.pkl', 'wb') as f_disc: pickle.dump(gen_losses, f_gen) pickle.dump(disc_losses, f_disc) """x = list(range(len(gen_losses))) plt.plot(x, gen_losses, 'g-', label='gen loss') plt.plot(x, disc_losses, 'b-', label='disc loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('gen_vs_disc_.png') plt.clf()""" # if (epoch) % 10 == 0: if (epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch) Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator2, self.generator2, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch, False, 2) def _train_inverse_gan(self, cls): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): print('epoch %d/200' % (epoch)) for sample in self.data_loader: # pdb.set_trace() iteration += 1 # sample.keys() = dict_keys(['right_images', 'wrong_images', 'inter_embed', 'right_embed', 'txt']) right_images = sample['right_images'] # 64x3x64x64 right_embed = sample['right_embed'] # 64x1024 wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] # 64x3x64x64 if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()) real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the inv_discriminator from overpowering the # inv_generator adding penalty when the inv_discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) if is_cuda: real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable( smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() else: real_labels = Variable(real_labels) smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels) fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels) # Train the inv_discriminator self.inv_discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.inv_discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.inv_discriminator( wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) # fake_images = self.inv_generator(right_embed, noise) # outputs, _ = self.inv_discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_embed = self.inv_generator(right_images) outputs, _ = self.inv_discriminator(right_images, fake_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss if cls: d_loss = d_loss + wrong_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the inv_generator self.inv_generator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) # fake_images = self.inv_generator(right_embed, noise) fake_embed = self.inv_generator(right_images) # outputs, activation_fake = self.inv_discriminator(right_images, right_embed) outputs, activation_fake = self.inv_discriminator( right_images, fake_embed) # _, activation_real = self.inv_discriminator(right_images, right_embed) # activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) # activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) #======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. #=========================================== g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) + self.l1_coef * l1_loss( fake_embed, right_embed) # + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ # + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() #if iteration % 5 == 0: # self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch,d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) # self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) #self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(epoch) # if (epoch) % 10 == 0: if (epoch) % 40 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.inv_discriminator, self.inv_generator, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch, inverse=True) def _train_vanilla_wgan(self): if is_cuda: one = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([1])).cuda() else: one = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([1])) mone = one * -1 gen_iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): iterator = 0 data_iterator = iter(self.data_loader) while iterator < len(self.data_loader): if gen_iteration < 25 or gen_iteration % 500 == 0: d_iter_count = 100 else: d_iter_count = self.DITER d_iter = 0 # Train the discriminator while d_iter < d_iter_count and iterator < len( self.data_loader): d_iter += 1 for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True self.discriminator.zero_grad() sample = next(data_iterator) iterator += 1 right_images = sample['right_images'] if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(right_images) real_loss = torch.mean(outputs) real_loss.backward(mone) if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), self.noise_dim), volatile=True) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), self.noise_dim, 1, 1) fake_images = Variable(self.generator(noise).data) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) fake_loss = torch.mean(outputs) fake_loss.backward(one) ## NOTE: Pytorch had a bug with gradient penalty at the time of this project development ## , uncomment the next two lines and remove the params clamping below if you want to try gradient penalty # gp = Utils.compute_GP(self.discriminator,, right_embed,, LAMBDA=10) # gp.backward() d_loss = real_loss - fake_loss self.optimD.step() for p in self.discriminator.parameters():, 0.01) # Train Generator for p in self.discriminator.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.generator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) g_loss = torch.mean(outputs) g_loss.backward(mone) g_loss = -g_loss self.optimG.step() gen_iteration += 1 self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) self.logger.log_iteration_wgan(epoch, gen_iteration, d_loss, g_loss, real_loss, fake_loss) self.logger.plot_epoch(gen_iteration) if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def _train_vanilla_gan(self): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): for sample in tqdm(self.data_loader): iteration += 1 # print(iteration) right_images = sample['right_images'] if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) if is_cuda: real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable( smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() else: real_labels = Variable(real_labels) smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels) fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels) # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images) _, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) # ======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() #if iteration % 5 == 0: # self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) # self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) #self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(iteration) if (epoch) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, "", epoch) def predict(self, gan_type='gan'): for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)): os.makedirs('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)) if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) # Train the generator if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) if (gan_type == 'stackgan'): fake_images = self.generator2(fake_images, right_embed) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'results/{0}/{1}.jpg'.format(self.save_path, t.replace("/", "")[:100])) print(t)
class CycleTrainer(object): def __init__(self, type, dataset, split, lr, diter, vis_screen, save_path, l1_coef, l2_coef, pre_trained_gen_A, pre_trained_disc_A, batch_size, num_workers, epochs, pre_trained_gen_B=False, pre_trained_disc_B=False): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) forward_type = 'gan' # forward gan if is_cuda: self.generator_A = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(forward_type).cuda()) self.discriminator_A = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(forward_type).cuda()) else: self.generator_A = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(forward_type)) self.discriminator_A = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(forward_type)) # inverse gan # TODO: pass these as parameters from runtime in the future inverse_type = 'inverse_gan' if is_cuda: self.generator_B = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(inverse_type).cuda()) self.discriminator_B = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(inverse_type).cuda()) else: self.generator_B = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(inverse_type)) self.discriminator_B = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(inverse_type)) if dataset == 'birds': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['birds_dataset_path'], split=split) elif dataset == 'flowers': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['flowers_dataset_path'], split=split) else: print( 'Dataset not supported, please select either birds or flowers.' ) exit() self.load_pretrained_weights(pre_trained_gen_A, pre_trained_disc_A, pre_trained_gen_B, pre_trained_disc_B) self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.DITER = diter self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.optim_D_A = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator_A.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optim_G_A = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator_A.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optim_D_B = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator_B.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optim_G_B = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator_B.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) self.checkpoints_path = './checkpoints/' self.save_path = save_path self.type = type def load_pretrained_weights(self, pre_trained_gen_A, pre_trained_disc_A, pre_trained_gen_B=False, pre_trained_disc_B=False): """ load pre trained weights for G_A, G_B, D_A, D_B """ if pre_trained_disc_A: self.discriminator_A.load_state_dict( torch.load(pre_trained_disc_A)) else: self.discriminator_A.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen_A: self.generator_A.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen_A)) else: self.generator_A.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_disc_B: self.discriminator_B.load_state_dict( torch.load(pre_trained_disc_B)) else: self.discriminator_B.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen_B: self.generator_B.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen_B)) else: self.generator_B.apply(Utils.weights_init) def train(self, cls=False): self._train_cycle_gan(cls) def _train_cycle_gan(self, cls): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() lambda_A = 2 lambda_B = 2 iteration = 0 gen_A_losses = [] gen_B_losses = [] disc_A_losses = [] disc_B_losses = [] cycle_A_losses = [] cycle_B_losses = [] for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): for sample in tqdm(self.data_loader): # pdb.set_trace() iteration += 1 # sample.keys() = dict_keys(['right_images', 'wrong_images', 'inter_embed', 'right_embed', 'txt']) right_images = sample['right_images'] # 64x3x64x64 right_embed = sample['right_embed'] # 64x1024 wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] # 64x3x64x64 if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()) real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) if is_cuda: real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable( smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() else: real_labels = Variable(real_labels) smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels) fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Train the discriminator A self.discriminator_A.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator_A( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator_A(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator_A(right_embed, noise) # G_A output outputs, _ = self.discriminator_A(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss_A = real_loss + fake_loss if cls: d_loss_A = real_loss + 0.5 * wrong_loss + 0.5 * fake_loss disc_A_losses.append([0]) d_loss_A.backward() self.optim_D_A.step() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Training discriminator B self.discriminator_B.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator_B( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator_B(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) # fake_images = self.inv_generator(right_embed, noise) # outputs, _ = self.inv_discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_embed = self.generator_B(right_images) outputs, _ = self.discriminator_B(right_images, fake_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss_B = real_loss + fake_loss if cls: d_loss_B = real_loss + 0.5 * wrong_loss + 0.5 * fake_loss disc_B_losses.append([0]) d_loss_B.backward() self.optim_D_B.step() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Train the generator A and B self.generator_A.zero_grad() self.generator_B.zero_grad() if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator_A(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator_A( fake_images, right_embed) _, activation_real = self.discriminator_A( right_images, right_embed) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) loss_G_A = criterion(outputs, real_labels) if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) # fake_images = self.inv_generator(right_embed, noise) fake_embed = self.generator_B(right_images) # outputs, activation_fake = self.inv_discriminator(right_images, right_embed) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator_B( right_images, fake_embed) loss_G_B = criterion(outputs, real_labels) + self.l1_coef * l1_loss( fake_embed, right_embed) # getting forward and backward cycle losses rec_A = self.generator_B(fake_images) loss_cycle_A = l1_loss(rec_A, right_embed) * lambda_A rec_B = self.generator_A(fake_embed, noise) loss_cycle_B = l1_loss(rec_B, right_images) * lambda_B loss_G = loss_G_A + loss_G_B + loss_cycle_A + loss_cycle_B gen_A_losses.append([0]) gen_B_losses.append([0]) cycle_A_losses.append([0]) cycle_B_losses.append([0]) loss_G.backward() self.optim_G_A.step() self.optim_G_B.step() # if (epoch) % 10 == 0: if (epoch + 1) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator_A, self.generator_A, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch) Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator_B, self.generator_B, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch, inverse=True) with open('gen_A_loss.pkl', 'wb') as gen_a_f, open( 'disc_A_loss.pkl', 'wb') as disc_a_f, open( 'gen_B_loss.pkl', 'wb') as gen_b_f, open( 'disc_B_loss.pkl', 'wb') as disc_b_f, open( 'cycle_a_loss.pkl', 'wb') as cycle_a_f, open('cycle_b_loss.pkl', 'wb') as cycle_b_f: pickle.dump(gen_A_losses, gen_a_f) pickle.dump(disc_A_losses, disc_a_f) pickle.dump(gen_B_losses, gen_b_f) pickle.dump(disc_B_losses, disc_b_f) pickle.dump(cycle_A_losses, cycle_a_f) pickle.dump(cycle_B_losses, cycle_b_f) x = list(range(len(gen_A_losses))) plt.plot(x, gen_A_losses, 'g-', label='gen A loss') plt.plot(x, disc_A_losses, 'b-', label='disc A loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('gen_A_vs_disc_A.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(x, gen_B_losses, 'g-', label='gen B loss') plt.plot(x, disc_B_losses, 'b-', label='disc B loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('gen_B_vs_disc_B.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(x, cycle_A_losses, 'g-', label='cycle A loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('cycle_A_loss.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(x, cycle_B_losses, 'b-', label='cycle B loss') plt.legend() plt.savefig('cycle_B_loss.png') plt.clf() def predict(self): for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)): os.makedirs('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)) if is_cuda: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() else: right_images = Variable(right_images.float()) right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()) # Train the generator if is_cuda: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() else: noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)) noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator_A(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'results/{0}/{1}.jpg'.format(self.save_path, t.replace("/", "")[:100])) print(t) print('done prediction')
class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, type, dataset, split, lr, diter, mode, vis_screen, l1_coef, l2_coef, pre_trained_gen, pre_trained_disc, batch_size, num_workers, epochs): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(type).cuda()) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory(type).cuda()) print(self.generator) if pre_trained_disc: self.discriminator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_disc)) else: self.discriminator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen: self.generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen)) else: self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if dataset == 'oxford': if mode is False: #if we are in training mode: self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset( config['oxford_dataset_path_train'], split=split) else: # testing mode: self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset( config['oxford_dataset_path_test'], split=split) else: print( 'Dataset not supported, please select either birds or flowers.' ) exit() self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.DITER = diter self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.optimD = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') self.save_path = 'output/%s_%s' % \ (dataset, timestamp) self.checkpoints_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'checkpoints') self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'images') self.type = type def train(self, cls=False): if self.type == 'simple': self._train_gan(cls) elif self.type == 'normal': self._train_gan(cls) elif self.type == 'deep': self._train_gan(cls) elif self.type == 'vanilla_gan': self._train_vanilla_gan() def _train_gan(self, cls): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: iteration += 1 right_images_cpu = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images_cpu.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs if cls: outputs, _ = self.discriminator(wrong_images, right_embed) wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) wrong_score = outputs noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss if cls: d_loss = d_loss + wrong_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, right_embed) _, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) #======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. #=========================================== g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() if iteration % 10 == 0: self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) if iteration % (len(self.data_loader) - 1) == 0: save_img_results(right_images_cpu, fake_images, epoch, self.image_dir) self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(epoch) if (epoch) % 10 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def _train_vanilla_gan(self): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: iteration += 1 right_images_cpu = sample['right_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images_cpu.float()).cuda() real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator(fake_images) _, activation_real = self.discriminator(right_images) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) # ======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() if iteration % 5 == 0: self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) if iteration % (len(self.data_loader) - 1) == 0: save_img_results(right_images_cpu, fake_images, epoch, self.image_dir) self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(iteration) if (epoch) % 50 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, epoch) def predict(self): i = 0 print("start predicting..") for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)): os.makedirs('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)) right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # Train the generator noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'results/{0}/{1}_{2}.jpg'.format( self.save_path, i, t.replace("/", "")[:100])) i += 1 print("number of pictures: " + str(i))
class Validation(object): def __init__(self, type, dataset, vis_screen, pre_trained_gen, batch_size, num_workers, epochs): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory(type).cuda()) if pre_trained_gen: self.generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen)) else: self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if dataset == 'birds': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset(config['birds_dataset_path'], split=1) elif dataset == 'flowers': self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset( config['flowers_val_dataset_path'], split=1) else: print( 'Dataset not supported, please select either birds or flowers.' ) exit() self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers self.num_epochs = epochs self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) self.type = type def validate(self): for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('val_results/'): os.makedirs('val_results/') right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # Get generated images noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'val_results/{1}_{0}.jpg'.format( t.replace("/", "")[:100], epoch)) print('VALIDATION: %d epoch' % (epoch))
def train(visualize=True): torch.manual_seed(config['seed']) torch.cuda.manual_seed(config['seed']) random.seed(config['seed']) device = ("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") generator = Generator().to(device) restorer = Restorer().to(device) params = list(generator.parameters()) + list(restorer.parameters()) # joint optimization optimizer = Adam(params, lr=config['lr'], weight_decay=config['weight_decay']) # Start from previous session if config['checkpoint_path'] is not None: checkpoint = torch.load(config['checkpoint_path']) generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator"]) restorer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["restorer"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimize"]) generator.train() restorer.train() # loss parameters alpha = config['loss']['alpha'] beta = config['loss']['beta'] gamma = config['loss']['gamma'] l1_loss = L1Loss().to(device) # Dataset dataset = CustomDataset() dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True) # Training Loop print("Training begins") logger = Logger(visualize=visualize) # logs and visdom plots, images batch_count, checkpoint_count = 0, 0 for epoch in range(config['n_epochs']): print("Starting Epoch #{}...".format(epoch)) for batch_i, images in enumerate(dataloader): torch.cuda.empty_cache() optimizer.zero_grad() photos = images[0].to(device) true_sketches = images[1].to(device) deteriorated_sketches = images[2].to(device) generated_sketches = generator(photos) corrected_sketches = restorer(generated_sketches) corrected_deteriorated = restorer(deteriorated_sketches) loss_base = loss_w1(generated_sketches, true_sketches, gamma) # L_base loss_aux = loss_w1(corrected_sketches, true_sketches, gamma) # L_aux loss_res = l1_loss(corrected_deteriorated, true_sketches) # L_res loss_joint = loss_base + alpha * loss_aux + beta * loss_res # L_joint loss_joint.backward() optimizer.step() # logs batch losses logger.log_iteration(epoch, batch_i, loss_base.item(), loss_res.item(), loss_aux.item(), loss_joint.item() ) if visualize and batch_count % config['sample_interval'] == 0: logger.draw( corrected_sketches[0].data.numpy() * 255, true_sketches[0].data.numpy() * 255, corrected_deteriorated[0].data.numpy() * 255, dataset.unnormalize(photos[0]).data.numpy() ) # draws a sample on Visdom # checkpoint save if batch_count % config['save_checkpoint_interval'] == 0:{ "generator": generator.state_dict(), "restorer": restorer.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), "epoch": epoch }, "{}/checkpoint_{}.pth".format(config['checkpoint_dir'], checkpoint_count)) checkpoint_count += 1 batch_count += 1 if visualize: logger.plot_epoch(epoch) # plots the average losses on Visdom
class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, dataset_path, lr, vis_screen, save_path, l1_coef, l2_coef, batch_size, num_workers, epochs): self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel(model.generator().cuda()) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( model.discriminator().cuda()) self.discriminator.apply(Utils.weights_init) self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) self.dataset = Test_Dataset(dataset_path, dataset_name='Market-1501') self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader(self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers) self.optimD = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.logger = Logger(vis_screen) self.checkpoints_path = 'checkpoints' self.save_path = save_path def train(self, cls=True): self._train_gan(cls) def _train_gan(self, cls): criterion = nn.BCELoss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() iteration = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): for sample in self.data_loader: iteration += 1 images, indices, labels, ids, cams, names = sample right_images = images right_embed = labels # wrong_images = sample['wrong_images'] right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # wrong_images = Variable(wrong_images.float()).cuda() real_labels = torch.ones(right_images.size(0)) fake_labels = torch.zeros(right_images.size(0)) # ======== One sided label smoothing ========== # Helps preventing the discriminator from overpowering the # generator adding penalty when the discriminator is too confident # ============================================= smoothed_real_labels = torch.FloatTensor( Utils.smooth_label(real_labels.numpy(), -0.1)) real_labels = Variable(real_labels).cuda() smoothed_real_labels = Variable(smoothed_real_labels).cuda() fake_labels = Variable(fake_labels).cuda() # Train the discriminator self.discriminator.zero_grad() outputs, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) real_loss = criterion(outputs, smoothed_real_labels) real_score = outputs # if cls: # outputs, _ = self.discriminator(wrong_images, right_embed) # wrong_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) # wrong_score = outputs noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, _ = self.discriminator(fake_images, right_embed) fake_loss = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs d_loss = real_loss + fake_loss # if cls: # d_loss = d_loss + wrong_loss d_loss.backward() self.optimD.step() # Train the generator self.generator.zero_grad() noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) outputs, activation_fake = self.discriminator( fake_images, right_embed) _, activation_real = self.discriminator( right_images, right_embed) activation_fake = torch.mean(activation_fake, 0) activation_real = torch.mean(activation_real, 0) # ======= Generator Loss function============ # This is a customized loss function, the first term is the regular cross entropy loss # The second term is feature matching loss, this measure the distance between the real and generated # images statistics by comparing intermediate layers activations # The third term is L1 distance between the generated and real images, this is helpful for the conditional case # because it links the embedding feature vector directly to certain pixel values. # =========================================== g_loss = criterion(outputs, real_labels) \ + self.l2_coef * l2_loss(activation_fake, activation_real.detach()) \ + self.l1_coef * l1_loss(fake_images, right_images) g_loss.backward() self.optimG.step() if iteration % 5 == 0: self.logger.log_iteration_gan(epoch, d_loss, g_loss, real_score, fake_score) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) # self.logger.plot_epoch_w_scores(epoch) if (epoch) % 10 == 0: Utils.save_checkpoint(self.discriminator, self.generator, self.checkpoints_path, self.save_path, epoch) def predict(self): for sample in self.data_loader: right_images = sample['right_images'] right_embed = sample['right_embed'] # txt = sample['txt'] if not os.path.exists('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)): os.makedirs('results/{0}'.format(self.save_path)) right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # Train the generator noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) fake_images = self.generator(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) # for image, t in zip(fake_images, txt): # im = Image.fromarray(, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) #'results/{0}/{1}.jpg'.format(self.save_path, t.replace("/", "")[:100])) # print(t) def test(self): for sample in self.data_loader: data, label, id, name = sample right_images = data right_embed = label right_images = Variable(right_images.float()).cuda() right_embed = Variable(right_embed.float()).cuda() # Train the generator noise = Variable(torch.randn(right_images.size(0), 100)).cuda() noise = noise.view(noise.size(0), 100, 1, 1) model = self.generator.cuda() model.load_state_dict( torch.load( '/home/litongxin/person_retirval/checkpoints/result/gen_190.pth' )) model.eval() fake_images = model(right_embed, noise) self.logger.draw(right_images, fake_images) for image, t, n in zip(fake_images, right_embed, name): im = Image.fromarray( 1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy())'results/{0}.jpg'.format(n))