Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_images_for_range_camid( self, camid, start, end ):
     Get a list of the images between timestamps start and end for the 
     provided camid. List of tuples (camid, timestamp).
     session = self.Session()
     start = Utils.timestamp_str_to_datetime( start )
     end = Utils.timestamp_str_to_datetime( end )
     imgs = []
     for row in session.query( Image ).\
                 filter( Image.camid==camid).\
                 filter( Image.timestamp > start ).\
                 filter( Image.timestamp < end ).\
                 order_by( Image.timestamp ):
         imgs.append( (row.camid, Utils.timestamp_datetime_to_str( row.timestamp ) ) )
     return imgs
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_full_path_for_image( self, camid, timestamp ):
     Get the full-image path for the provided camid and timestamp. 
     Returns a tuple (content type, path) or None.
     session = self.Session()
     timestamp = Utils.timestamp_str_to_datetime( timestamp )
     for row in session.query( Image ).\
                 filter( Image.camid==camid ).\
                 filter( Image.timestamp==timestamp ):
         return (row.content_type, row.full)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 3
 def insert_image( self, camid, content_type, fullpath, thumbpath, timestamp ):
     Insert a fully-specified image into the images table.
     Returns the imgid.
     session = self.Session()
     timestamp = Utils.timestamp_str_to_datetime( timestamp )
     image = Image( camid=camid, content_type=content_type, 
                    full=fullpath, thumb=thumbpath, timestamp=timestamp )
     session.add( image )
     return image.imgid