def iothread_id(self):
        iothreads = self.params['iothreads']
        if 'iothreadids' not in self.params:
            self.params['iothreadids'] = set()
        ids = self.params['iothreadids']

        tid = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
        while tid in ids and len(ids) < iothreads:
            tid = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
        return str(tid)
    def iothread_id(self):
        iothreads = self.params['iothreads']
        if 'iothreadids' not in self.params:
            self.params['iothreadids'] = set()
        ids = self.params['iothreadids']

        tid = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
        while tid in ids and len(ids) < iothreads:
            tid = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
        return str(tid)
 def hexdec(self):
     min_val = 0
     max_val = 9999
     only_dec = False
     if 'pciDomain' in self.node_path:
     elif 'pciBus' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 99
     elif 'pciSlot' in self.node_path:
         min_val = 1
         max_val = 19
     elif 'pciFunc' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 7
     elif 'usbAddr' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 999
         only_dec = True
     elif 'usbClass' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 99
     elif 'usbId' in self.node_path:
     n = utils_random.integer(min_val, max_val)
     if only_dec:
         s = str(n)
         s = random.choice([str(n), hex(n)])
     return s
 def hexdec(self):
     min_val = 0
     max_val = 9999
     only_dec = False
     if 'pciDomain' in self.node_path:
     elif 'pciBus' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 99
     elif 'pciSlot' in self.node_path:
         min_val = 1
         max_val = 19
     elif 'pciFunc' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 7
     elif 'usbAddr' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 999
         only_dec = True
     elif 'usbClass' in self.node_path:
         max_val = 99
     elif 'usbId' in self.node_path:
     n = utils_random.integer(min_val, max_val)
     if only_dec:
         s = str(n)
         s = random.choice([str(n), hex(n)])
     return s
 def actual_mem_unit(self):
     maxmem, _ = self.get_max_mem()
     actmem = utils_random.integer(1, maxmem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while actmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     actmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     actmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['actmem'] = actmem
     self.params['actmem_unit'] = unit
     return str(unit)
 def actual_mem_unit(self):
     maxmem, _ = self.get_max_mem()
     actmem = utils_random.integer(1, maxmem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while actmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     actmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     actmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['actmem'] = actmem
     self.params['actmem_unit'] = unit
     return str(unit)
 def get_max_mem(self):
     if 'maxmem' in self.params:
         maxmem = self.params['maxmem']
         unit = self.params['maxmem_unit']
         maxmem = utils_random.integer(1, 10000000)
         unit = 'eib'
         while maxmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
             unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
         maxmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
         maxmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
         self.params['maxmem'] = maxmem
         self.params['maxmem_unit'] = unit
     return maxmem, unit
 def get_max_mem(self):
     if 'maxmem' in self.params:
         maxmem = self.params['maxmem']
         unit = self.params['maxmem_unit']
         maxmem = utils_random.integer(1, 10000000)
         unit = 'eib'
         while maxmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
             unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
         maxmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
         maxmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
         self.params['maxmem'] = maxmem
         self.params['maxmem_unit'] = unit
     return maxmem, unit
 def cell_memory(self):
     maxmem, _ = self.get_max_mem()
     if 'left_numa_mem' not in self.params:
         self.params['left_numa_mem'] = maxmem
     left_mem = self.params['left_numa_mem']
     mem = utils_random.integer(1, left_mem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while mem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     mem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     mem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['left_numa_mem'] -= mem
     self.params['cell_mem_unit'] = unit
     #print 'cell', self.params['left_numa_mem'], self.params['cell_mem_unit']
     return str(mem / UNIT_MAP[self.params['cell_mem_unit']])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def cur_mem_unit(self):
     actmem = self.params['actmem']
     curmem = utils_random.integer(1, actmem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while curmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         #print unit, UNIT_MAP.keys()
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     curmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     curmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['curmem'] = curmem
     self.params['curmem_unit'] = unit
     #print 'maxmem', self.params['maxmem'], self.params['maxmem_unit']
     #print 'actmem', self.params['actmem'], self.params['actmem_unit']
     #print 'curmem', self.params['curmem'], self.params['curmem_unit']
     return str(unit)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def cell_memory(self):
     maxmem, _ = self.get_max_mem()
     if 'left_numa_mem' not in self.params:
         self.params['left_numa_mem'] = maxmem
     left_mem = self.params['left_numa_mem']
     mem = utils_random.integer(1, left_mem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while mem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     mem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     mem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['left_numa_mem'] -= mem
     self.params['cell_mem_unit'] = unit
     #print 'cell', self.params['left_numa_mem'], self.params['cell_mem_unit']
     return str(mem / UNIT_MAP[self.params['cell_mem_unit']])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def cur_mem_unit(self):
     actmem = self.params['actmem']
     curmem = utils_random.integer(1, actmem)
     unit = 'eib'
     while curmem <= UNIT_MAP[unit]:
         #print unit, UNIT_MAP.keys()
         unit = random.choice(UNIT_MAP.keys())
     curmem /= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     curmem *= UNIT_MAP[unit]
     self.params['curmem'] = curmem
     self.params['curmem_unit'] = unit
     #print 'maxmem', self.params['maxmem'], self.params['maxmem_unit']
     #print 'actmem', self.params['actmem'], self.params['actmem_unit']
     #print 'curmem', self.params['curmem'], self.params['curmem_unit']
     return str(unit)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def route_netmask(self):
        def _ip2int(addr):
            return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]

        def _int2ip(addr):
            return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))

        address = self.cur_xml.get('address')
        if ':' in address:
            return self.go_on()

        int_addr = _ip2int(address)
        prefix = utils_random.integer(0, 32)
        int_nm = (2**prefix - 1) * 2**(32 - prefix)

        netmask = _int2ip(int_nm)
        address = _int2ip(int_nm & int_addr)
        self.cur_xml.set('address', address)
        return netmask
Exemplo n.º 14
    def route_netmask(self):
        def _ip2int(addr):
            return struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(addr))[0]

        def _int2ip(addr):
            return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", addr))

        address = self.cur_xml.get('address')
        if ':' in address:
            return self.go_on()

        int_addr = _ip2int(address)
        prefix = utils_random.integer(0, 32)
        int_nm = (2**prefix - 1) * 2**(32 - prefix)

        netmask = _int2ip(int_nm)
        address = _int2ip(int_nm & int_addr)
        self.cur_xml.set('address', address)
        return netmask
Exemplo n.º 15
 def iothreads(self):
     self.params['iothreads'] = utils_random.integer(1, 1000)
     return str(self.params['iothreads'])
Exemplo n.º 16
 def hyperv_spinlock_retries(self):
     retries = utils_random.integer(4095, 100000000)
     return str(retries)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def hostdev_device(self):
     # TODO: There should be a bug
     dev = utils_random.integer(0, 99999)
     return str(dev)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def iothreadpin_iothread(self):
     iothreads = self.params['iothreads']
     iothread = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
     return str(iothread)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def usbport(self):
     max_val = 999
     cnt = utils_random.integer(1, 4)
     return '.'.join([str(utils_random.integer(0, max_val))
                      for i in xrange(cnt)])
Exemplo n.º 20
 def hostdev_device(self):
     # TODO: There should be a bug
     dev = utils_random.integer(0, 99999)
     return str(dev)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def numatune_cellid(self):
     n = utils_random.integer(0, self.params['numa_maxid'])
     return str(n)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def iothreadpin_iothread(self):
     iothreads = self.params['iothreads']
     iothread = utils_random.integer(0, iothreads)
     return str(iothread)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def idmap(self):
     if self.xml.find('./idmap/uid') is None:
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def current_vcpu(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     cnt = utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
     return str(cnt)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def iothreads(self):
     self.params['iothreads'] = utils_random.integer(1, 1000)
     return str(self.params['iothreads'])
Exemplo n.º 26
 def numa_cnt(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def idmap(self):
     if self.xml.find('./idmap/uid') is None:
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def vcpupin(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(0, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def usbport(self):
     max_val = 999
     cnt = utils_random.integer(1, 4)
     return '.'.join(
         [str(utils_random.integer(0, max_val)) for i in xrange(cnt)])
Exemplo n.º 30
 def current_vcpu(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     cnt = utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
     return str(cnt)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def vcpupin(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(0, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def numatune_cellid(self):
     n = utils_random.integer(0, self.params['numa_maxid'])
     return str(n)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def numa_cnt(self):
     max_vcpu = self.get_max_vcpu()
     return utils_random.integer(1, max_vcpu)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def hyperv_spinlock_retries(self):
     retries = utils_random.integer(4095, 100000000)
     return str(retries)