Exemplo n.º 1
    def greatCircle(self, bearing):
        '''Compute the n-vector normal to great circle obtained by
           heading on given compass bearing from this point as its

           Direction of vector is such that initial bearing vector
           b = c × p.

           @param bearing: Initial compass bearing (C{degrees}).

           @return: N-vector representing great circle (L{Nvector}).

           @raise Valuerror: Polar coincidence.


           >>> n = LatLon(53.3206, -1.7297).toNvector()
           >>> gc = n.greatCircle(96.0)  # [-0.794, 0.129, 0.594]
        s, c = sincos2d(bearing)

        e = NorthPole.cross(self, raiser='pole')  # easting
        n = self.cross(e, raiser='point')  # northing

        e = e.times(c / e.length)
        n = n.times(s / n.length)
        return n.minus(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _gc(p, b):
     n = p.toNvector()
     de = NorthPole.cross(n, raiser='pole').unit()  # east vector @ n
     dn = n.cross(de)  # north vector @ n
     s, c = sincos2d(b)
     dest = de.times(s)
     dnct = dn.times(c)
     d = dnct.plus(dest)  # direction vector @ n
     return n.cross(d)  # great circle point + bearing
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fEd(self, deg):
        '''The incomplete integral of the second kind with
           the argument given in degrees.

           @param deg: Angle (C{degrees}).

           @return: E(π deg/180, k).
        n = ceil(deg / 360.0 - 0.5)
        sn, cn = sincos2d(deg - n * 360.0)
        return self.fE(sn, cn, self.fDelta(sn, cn)) + 4 * self.cE * n
Exemplo n.º 4
    def rhumbDestination(self, distance, bearing, radius=R_M, height=None):
        '''Return the destination point having travelled along a rhumb
           (loxodrome) line from this point the given distance on the
           given bearing.

           @param distance: Distance travelled (C{meter}, same units as
           @param bearing: Bearing from this point (compass C{degrees360}).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
           @keyword height: Optional height, overriding the default
                            height (C{meter}, same unit as I{radius}).

           @return: The destination point (spherical C{LatLon}).


           >>> p = LatLon(51.127, 1.338)
           >>> q = p.rhumbDestination(40300, 116.7)  # 50.9642°N, 001.8530°E

           @JSname: I{rhumbDestinationPoint}
        a1, b1 = self.to2ab()

        r = float(distance) / float(radius)  # angular distance in radians

        sb, cb = sincos2d(bearing)

        da = r * cb
        a2 = a1 + da
        # normalize latitude if past pole
        if a2 > PI_2:
            a2 = PI - a2
        elif a2 < -PI_2:
            a2 = -PI - a2

        dp = log(tanPI_2_2(a2) / tanPI_2_2(a1))
        # E-W course becomes ill-conditioned with 0/0
        q = (da / dp) if abs(dp) > EPS else cos(a1)
        b2 = (b1 + r * sb / q) if abs(q) > EPS else b1

        h = self.height if height is None else height
        return self.classof(degrees90(a2), degrees180(b2), height=h)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def destination(self, distance, bearing, radius=R_M, height=None):
        '''Locate the destination from this point after having
           travelled the given distance on the given bearing.

           @param distance: Distance travelled (C{meter}, same units
                            as B{C{radius}}).
           @param bearing: Bearing from this point (compass C{degrees360}).
           @keyword radius: Optional, mean earth radius (C{meter}).
           @keyword height: Optional height at destination, overriding
                            the default height (C{meter}, same units as

           @return: Destination point (L{LatLon}).

           @raise Valuerror: Polar coincidence.


           >>> p = LatLon(51.4778, -0.0015)
           >>> q = p.destination(7794, 300.7)
           >>> q.toStr()  # 51.513546°N, 000.098345°W

           @JSname: I{destinationPoint}.
        p = self.toNvector()

        e = NorthPole.cross(p, raiser='pole').unit()  # east vector at p
        n = p.cross(e)  # north vector at p

        s, c = sincos2d(bearing)
        q = n.times(c).plus(e.times(s))  # direction vector @ p

        s, c = sincos2(float(distance) /
                       float(radius))  # angular distance in radians
        n = p.times(c).plus(q.times(s))
        return n.toLatLon(
            LatLon=self.classof)  # Nvector(n.x, n.y, n.z).toLatLon(...)
Exemplo n.º 6
def toUps8(latlon, lon=None, datum=None, Ups=Ups, pole='',
                             falsed=True, strict=True, name=''):
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UPS coordinate.

       @param latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                      geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @keyword lon: Optional longitude (C{degrees}) or C{None}
                     if I{latlon} is a C{LatLon}.
       @keyword datum: Optional datum for this UPS coordinate,
                       overriding I{latlon}'s datum (C{Datum}).
       @keyword Ups: Optional (sub-)class to return the UPS
                     coordinate (L{Ups}) or C{None}.
       @keyword pole: Optional top/center of (stereographic) projection
                      (C{str}, C{'N[orth]'} or C{'S[outh]'}).
       @keyword falsed: False both easting and northing (C{bool}).
       @keyword strict: Restrict I{lat} to UPS ranges (C{bool}).
       @keyword name: Optional I{Ups} name (C{str}).

       @return: The UPS coordinate (L{Ups}) or a 8-tuple (zone, hemisphere,
                easting, northing, band, datum, convergence, scale) if
                I{Ups} is C{None}.

       @raise RangeError: If I{strict} and I{lat} outside the valid UPS
                          bands or if I{lat} or I{lon} outside the valid
                          range and I{rangerrrors} set to C{True}.

       @raise TypeError: If I{latlon} is not ellipsoidal.

       @raise ValueError: If I{lon} value is missing or if I{latlon}
                          is invalid.

       @see: Karney's C++ class U{UPS
    lat, lon, d, name = _to4lldn(latlon, lon, datum, name)
    z, B, p, lat, lon = upsZoneBand5(lat, lon, strict=strict)

    p = str(pole or p)[:1]
    N = p in 'Nn'
    E = d.ellipsoid
    A = abs(lat - 90) < _TOL

    t = tan(radians(lat if N else -lat))
    T = E.es_taupf(t)
    r = hypot1(T) + abs(T)
    if T >= 0:
        r = 0 if A else 1 / r

    k0 = getattr(Ups, '_scale0', _K0)  # Ups is class or None
    r *= 2 * k0 * E.a / E.es_c

    k = k0 if A else _scale(E, r, t)
    c = lon  # [-180, 180) from .upsZoneBand5
    x, y = sincos2d(c)
    x *= r
    y *= r
    if N:
        y = -y
        c = -c

    if falsed:
        x += _Falsing
        y += _Falsing

    if Ups is None:
        r = z, p, x, y, B, d, c, k
        if z != _UPS_ZONE and not strict:
            z = _UPS_ZONE  # ignore UTM zone
        r = _xnamed(Ups(z, p, x, y, band=B, datum=d,
                                    convergence=c, scale=k,
                                    falsed=falsed), name)
        if hasattr(Ups, '_hemisphere'):
            r._hemisphere = _hemi(lat)
    return r
Exemplo n.º 7
def toUps8(latlon,
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to a UPS coordinate.

       @param latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                      geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @keyword lon: Optional longitude (C{degrees}) or C{None}
                     if B{C{latlon}} is a C{LatLon}.
       @keyword datum: Optional datum for this UPS coordinate,
                       overriding B{C{latlon}}'s datum (C{Datum}).
       @keyword Ups: Optional (sub-)class to return the UPS
                     coordinate (L{Ups}) or C{None}.
       @keyword pole: Optional top/center of (stereographic) projection
                      (C{str}, C{'N[orth]'} or C{'S[outh]'}).
       @keyword falsed: False both easting and northing (C{bool}).
       @keyword strict: Restrict B{C{lat}} to UPS ranges (C{bool}).
       @keyword name: Optional B{C{Ups}} name (C{str}).

       @return: The UPS coordinate (B{C{Ups}}) or a
                L{UtmUps8Tuple}C{(zone, hemipole, easting, northing,
                band, datum, convergence, scale)} if B{C{Ups}} is
                C{None}.  The C{hemipole} is the C{'N'|'S'} pole,
                the UPS projection top/center.

       @raise RangeError: If B{C{strict}} and B{C{lat}} outside the
                          valid UPS bands or if B{C{lat}} or B{C{lon}}
                          outside the valid range and L{rangerrors}
                          set to C{True}.

       @raise TypeError: If B{C{latlon}} is not ellipsoidal.

       @raise ValueError: If B{C{lon}} value is missing or if B{C{latlon}}
                          is invalid.

       @see: Karney's C++ class U{UPS
    lat, lon, d, name = _to4lldn(latlon, lon, datum, name)
    z, B, p, lat, lon = upsZoneBand5(
        lat, lon, strict=strict)  # PYCHOK UtmUpsLatLon5Tuple

    E = d.ellipsoid

    p = str(pole or p)[:1].upper()
    N = p == 'N'  # is north

    a = lat if N else -lat
    A = abs(a - 90) < _TOL  # at pole

    t = tan(radians(a))
    T = E.es_taupf(t)
    r = hypot1(T) + abs(T)
    if T >= 0:
        r = 0 if A else 1 / r

    k0 = getattr(Ups, '_scale0', _K0)  # Ups is class or None
    r *= 2 * k0 * E.a / E.es_c

    k = k0 if A else _scale(E, r, t)
    c = lon  # [-180, 180) from .upsZoneBand5
    x, y = sincos2d(c)
    x *= r
    y *= r
    if N:
        y = -y
        c = -c

    if falsed:
        x += _Falsing
        y += _Falsing

    if Ups is None:
        r = UtmUps8Tuple(z, p, x, y, B, d, c, k)
        if z != _UPS_ZONE and not strict:
            z = _UPS_ZONE  # ignore UTM zone
        r = Ups(z,
        r._hemisphere = _hemi(lat)
        if isinstance(latlon, _LLEB) and d is latlon.datum:
            r._latlon_to(latlon, falsed)  # XXX weakref(latlon)?
    return _xnamed(r, name)