Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None,
                 modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut
        if url is not None and '.git@' in url:
            # parse out specific branch
            repo.default_branch = url.split('@')[-1]
            url = '@'.join(url.split('@')[:-1])
            repo.default_branch = None
        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        if pythoncmd is None:
            import sys
            pythoncmd = sys.executable
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None, modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut

        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None,
                 modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut
        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 4
def grab_zipped_url(zipped_url, ensure=True, appname='utool',
                    download_dir=None, force_commonprefix=True, cleanup=False,
                    redownload=False, spoof=False):
    downloads and unzips the url

        zipped_url (str): url which must be either a .zip of a .tar.gz file
        ensure (bool):  eager evaluation if True(default = True)
        appname (str): (default = 'utool')
        download_dir (str): containing downloading directory
        force_commonprefix (bool): (default = True)
        cleanup (bool): (default = False)
        redownload (bool): (default = False)
        spoof (bool): (default = False)

        python -m utool.util_grabdata --exec-grab_zipped_url --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_grabdata import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> zipped_url = '?'
        >>> ensure = True
        >>> appname = 'utool'
        >>> download_dir = None
        >>> force_commonprefix = True
        >>> cleanup = False
        >>> redownload = False
        >>> spoof = False
        >>> result = grab_zipped_url(zipped_url, ensure, appname, download_dir,
        >>>                          force_commonprefix, cleanup, redownload,
        >>>                          spoof)
        >>> print(result)

        >>> from utool.util_grabdata import *  # NOQA
        >>> zipped_url = 'https://lev.cs.rpi.edu/public/data/testdata.zip'
        >>> zipped_url = 'http://www.spam.com/eggs/data.zip'

    zipped_url = clean_dropbox_link(zipped_url)
    zip_fname = split(zipped_url)[1]
    data_name = split_archive_ext(zip_fname)[0]
    # Download zipfile to
    if download_dir is None:
        download_dir = util_cplat.get_app_resource_dir(appname)
    # Zipfile should unzip to:
    data_dir = join(download_dir, data_name)
    if ensure or redownload:
        if redownload:
        if not exists(data_dir) or redownload:
            # Download and unzip testdata
            zip_fpath = realpath(join(download_dir, zip_fname))
            #print('[utool] Downloading archive %s' % zip_fpath)
            if not exists(zip_fpath) or redownload:
                download_url(zipped_url, zip_fpath, spoof=spoof)
            unarchive_file(zip_fpath, force_commonprefix)
            if cleanup:
                util_path.delete(zip_fpath)  # Cleanup
    if cleanup:
    return util_path.unixpath(data_dir)