Exemplo n.º 1
    def shallowcopy(qreq_, qaids=None):
        Creates a copy of qreq with the same qparams object and a subset of
        the qx and dx objects.  used to generate chunks of vsone and vsmany

            >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from wbia.algo.smk.match_chips5 import *  # NOQA
            >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_pipeline import testdata_smk
            >>> import wbia
            >>> wbia, smk, qreq_ = testdata_smk()
            >>> qreq2_ = qreq_.shallowcopy(qaids=1)
            >>> assert qreq_.daids is qreq2_.daids, 'should be the same'
            >>> assert len(qreq_.qaids) != len(qreq2_.qaids), 'should be diff'
            >>> #assert qreq_.metadata is not qreq2_.metadata
        # qreq2_ = qreq_.__class__()
        cls = qreq_.__class__
        qreq2_ = cls.__new__(cls)
        qaids = ut.ensure_iterable(qaids)
        assert ut.issubset(qaids, qreq_.qaids), 'not a subset'
        qreq2_.qaids = qaids
        return qreq2_
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None,
                 modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut
        if url is not None and '.git@' in url:
            # parse out specific branch
            repo.default_branch = url.split('@')[-1]
            url = '@'.join(url.split('@')[:-1])
            repo.default_branch = None
        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        if pythoncmd is None:
            import sys
            pythoncmd = sys.executable
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 3
def view_file_in_directory(fpaths):
    import utool as ut
    fpaths = ut.ensure_iterable(fpaths)
    fnames = [basename(f) for f in fpaths]
    dpaths = [dirname(f) for f in fpaths]
    dpath_to_fnames = ut.group_items(fnames, dpaths)
    for dpath, fnames in dpath_to_fnames.items():
        ut.view_directory(dpath, fnames[0], verbose=False)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _exec_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
     if fields is not None:
         fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
         if ignore_case:
             fields = [f.lower() for f in fields]
         flags_ = _flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
         logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
     return flags
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_prefered_browser(pref_list=[], fallback=True):
        browser_preferences (list): (default = [])
        fallback (bool): uses default if non of preferences work (default = True)

        python -m utool.util_grabdata --test-get_prefered_browser

        import webbrowser
        pref_list = ['chrome', 'firefox', 'google-chrome']
        pref_list = ['firefox', 'google-chrome']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_grabdata import *  # NOQA
        >>> browser_preferences = ['firefox', 'chrome', 'safari']
        >>> fallback = True
        >>> browser = get_prefered_browser(browser_preferences, fallback)
        >>> result = ('browser = %s' % (str(browser),))
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
    import webbrowser
    import utool as ut
    pref_list = ut.ensure_iterable(pref_list)
    error_list = []

    # Hack for finding chrome on win32
    if ut.WIN32:
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24873302/webbrowser-chrome-exe-does-not-work
        win32_chrome_fpath = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'
        win32_chrome_browsername = win32_chrome_fpath + ' %s'
        win32_map = {
            'chrome': win32_chrome_browsername,
            'google-chrome': win32_chrome_browsername,
        for browsername, win32_browsername in win32_map.items():
            index = ut.listfind(pref_list, browsername)
            if index is not None and True:  # ut.checkpath(win32_browsername):
                pref_list.insert(index + 1, win32_browsername)

    for browsername in pref_list:
            browser = webbrowser.get(browsername)
            return browser
        except webbrowser.Error as ex:
            print(str(browsername) + ' failed. Reason: ' + str(ex))

    if fallback:
        browser = webbrowser
        return browser
        raise AssertionError('No browser meets preferences=%r. error_list=%r' %
                             (pref_list, error_list,))
Exemplo n.º 6
def imagesets(ibs, gsids=None, text=None):
    if text is not None:
        gsids = ibs.get_imageset_imgsetids_from_text(text)
    if gsids is None:
        gsids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids()
    elif gsids.__class__.__name__ == 'ImageSets':
        return gsids
    gsids = ut.ensure_iterable(gsids)
    return ImageSets(gsids, ibs)
Exemplo n.º 7
def remove_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list):
    if isinstance(tag_list, six.string_types):
        # Apply single tag to everybody
        tag_list = [tag_list] * len(aid_list)
    tags_list = [ut.ensure_iterable(tag) for tag in tag_list]
    text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list)
    orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list]
    new_tags_list = [ut.setdiff(t2, t1) for t1, t2 in zip(tags_list, orig_tags_list)]
    new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list]
    ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
 def dummy_single_func(depc, *row_arg, **kw):
     config = kw.get('config')
     param_val = config[config_param]
     data = []
     for row, p in zip(row_arg, parents):
         p = p.replace('*', '')
         # print('p = %r' % (p,))
         # print('row = %r' % (row,))
         if not p.startswith(depc.root):
             native_cols = depc.get_native(p, ut.ensure_iterable(row))
             parent_data = '+'.join(
                 ['#'.join(col) for col in native_cols])
             parent_data = ('root(' + ';'.join(
                 list(map(str, ut.ensure_iterable(row)))) + ')')
         data += [parent_data]
     d = '[' + '&'.join(data) + ']'
     retstr = tablename + '(' + d + ':' + str(param_val) + ')'
     return (retstr, )
Exemplo n.º 9
def images(ibs, gids=None, uuids=None, **kwargs):
    """ Makes an Images object """
    if uuids is not None:
        assert gids is None, 'specify one primary key'
        gids = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(uuids)
    if gids is None:
        gids = ibs.get_valid_gids()
    elif gids.__class__.__name__ == 'Images':
        return gids
    gids = ut.ensure_iterable(gids)
    return Images(gids, ibs, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids):
    hacky getter for dynamic properties of annotmatches using notes table

        prop (str):
        annotmatch_rowids (?):

        list: filtered_aid_list

        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annotmatch_prop

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> # Test setting and getting standard keys
        >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> import wbia
        >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
        >>> prop = 'hard'
        >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids()
        >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
        >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),))
        >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[::2]
        >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids, [True] * len(subset_rowids))
        >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
        >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,))

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> # Test setting and getting non-standard keys
        >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> import wbia
        >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
        >>> prop = 'occlusion'
        >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids()
        >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
        >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),))
        >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[1::2]
        >>> subset_rowids1 = annotmatch_rowids[::2]
        >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids))
        >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, 'pose', subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids))
        >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
        >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,))
    # if prop.lower() in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_STANDARD_SET:
    #    return ibs.get_annotmatch_standard_prop(prop, annotmatch_rowids)
    for prop_ in ut.ensure_iterable(prop):
        flag1 = prop_.lower() not in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER_SET
        flag2 = prop_.lower() not in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OLD_SET
        if flag1 and flag2:
            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown prop_=%r' % (prop_, ))
    return get_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
Exemplo n.º 11
def annots(ibs, aids=None, uuids=None, **kwargs):
    """ Makes an Annots object """
    if uuids is not None:
        assert aids is None, 'specify one primary key'
        aids = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_uuid(uuids)
    if aids is None:
        aids = ibs.get_valid_aids()
    elif aids.__class__.__name__ == 'Annots':
        return aids
    aids = ut.ensure_iterable(aids)
    return Annots(aids, ibs, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def issue(repo, command, sudo=False, dry=False, error='raise', return_out=False):
        issues a command on a repo

            python -m utool.util_git --exec-repocmd

            >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from utool.util_git import *  # NOQA
            >>> import utool as ut
            >>> repo = dirname(ut.get_modpath(ut, prefer_pkg=True))
            >>> command = 'git status'
            >>> sudo = False
            >>> result = repocmd(repo, command, sudo)
            >>> print(result)
        import utool as ut
        if ut.WIN32:
            assert not sudo, 'cant sudo on windows'
        if command == 'short_status':
            return repo.short_status()
        command_list = ut.ensure_iterable(command)
        cmdstr = '\n        '.join([cmd_ for cmd_ in command_list])
        if not dry:
            print('+--- *** repocmd(%s) *** ' % (cmdstr,))
            print('repo=%s' % ut.color_text(repo.dpath, 'yellow'))
        verbose = True
        with repo.chdir_context():
            ret = None
            for count, cmd in enumerate(command_list):
                if dry:
                if not sudo or ut.WIN32:
                    # ret = os.system(cmd)
                    cmdinfo = ut.cmd2(cmd, verbout=True)
                    out, err, ret = ut.take(cmdinfo, ['out', 'err', 'ret'])
                    # cmdinfo = ut.cmd2('sudo ' + cmd, verbose=1)
                    out, err, ret = ut.cmd(cmd, sudo=True)
                if verbose > 1:
                    print('ret(%d) = %r' % (count, ret,))
                if ret != 0:
                    if error == 'raise':
                        raise Exception('Failed command %r' % (cmd,))
                    elif error == 'return':
                        return out
                        raise ValueError('unknown flag error=%r' % (error,))
                if return_out:
                    return out
        if not dry:
Exemplo n.º 13
def make_standard_test_scripts(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        varydict, expt_name, media_name = args[0]
        varydict, expt_name, media_name = args
    media_names = ut.ensure_iterable(media_name)
    cmd_fmtstr_list = []
    for media_name in media_names:
        cmd_flaglist = get_results_command(expt_name, media_name)
        cmd_fmtstr = ''.join(cmd_flaglist)
        cmd_fmtstr = ' \\\n   '.join(cmd_flaglist)
    fname = 'experiment_' + expt_name + '.sh'
    return write_formatted_script_lines(cmd_fmtstr_list, [varydict], fname)
Exemplo n.º 14
def make_standard_test_scripts(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        varydict, expt_name, media_name = args[0]
        varydict, expt_name, media_name = args
    media_names = ut.ensure_iterable(media_name)
    cmd_fmtstr_list = []
    for media_name in media_names:
        cmd_flaglist = get_results_command(expt_name, media_name)
        cmd_fmtstr = ''.join(cmd_flaglist)
        cmd_fmtstr = ' \\\n   '.join(cmd_flaglist)
    fname = 'experiment_' + expt_name + '.sh'
    return write_formatted_script_lines(cmd_fmtstr_list, [varydict], fname)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def generate_class_images(dream, target_labels):
        import plottool as pt
        fnum = None
        kw = dict(init='gauss', niters=500, update_rate=.05, weight_decay=1e-4)
        target_labels = list(range(model.output_dims))
        dream = draw_net.Dream(model, **kw)
        target_labels = 8
        images = list(dream.generate_class_images(target_labels))

        vid = vt.make_video(images, 'dynimg.pimj', fps=1, is_color=False, format='PIM1')
        vid = vt.make_video2(images, 'dynimg')

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        ims = []
        for img in imgs:
            im = plt.imshow(img[:, :, 0], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')

        import matplotlib.animation as animation
        fig = plt.figure()
        ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=50, blit=True,
        import ibeis_cnn.__THEANO__ as theano
        from ibeis_cnn.__THEANO__ import tensor as T  # NOQA
        import utool as ut
        input_shape = dream.model.input_shape
        b, c, w, h = input_shape
        was_scalar = not ut.isiterable(target_labels)
        target_labels = ut.ensure_iterable(target_labels)
        assert len(target_labels) <= b, 'batch size too small'
        initial_state = dream._make_init_state()
        shared_images = theano.shared(initial_state.astype(np.float32))
        step_fn = dream._make_objective(shared_images, target_labels)
        out = dream._postprocess_class_image(shared_images, target_labels,
        yield out
        for _ in ut.ProgIter(range(dream.niters), lbl='class dream',
            # objective = step_fn()
            # print('objective = %r' % (objective,))
            out = dream._postprocess_class_image(shared_images, target_labels,
            yield out
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None, modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut

        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(repo, url=None, code_dir=None, dpath=None,
                 modname=None, pythoncmd=None):
        # modname might need to be called egg?
        import utool as ut
        repo.url = url
        repo._modname = None
        if modname is None:
            modname = []
        repo._modname_hints = ut.ensure_iterable(modname)
        repo.dpath = None
        repo.scripts = {}
        repo.pythoncmd = pythoncmd

        if dpath is None and repo.url is not None and code_dir is not None:
            dpath = join(code_dir, repo.reponame)
        if dpath is not None:
            repo.dpath = util_path.unixpath(dpath)
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_test_qaids(ibs):
    """ Gets test annotation_rowids based on command line arguments """
    test_qaids = []
    valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids()
    printDBG('1. valid_aids = %r' % valid_aids[0:5])

    if params.args.qaid is not None:
        printDBG('Testing qaid=%r' % params.args.qaid)

    if params.args.all_cases:
        printDBG('Testing all %d cases' % (len(valid_aids),))
        printDBG('1. test_qaids = %r' % test_qaids[0:5])
        printDBG('2. test_qaids = %r' % test_qaids[0:5])
        is_hard_list = ibsfuncs.get_annot_is_hard(ibs, valid_aids)
        hard_aids = utool.filter_items(valid_aids, is_hard_list)
        printDBG('Testing %d known hard cases' % len(hard_aids))

    if params.args.all_gt_cases:
        has_gt_list = ibs.get_annot_has_groundtruth(valid_aids)
        hasgt_aids = utool.filter_items(valid_aids, has_gt_list)
        print('Testing all %d ground-truthed cases' % len(hasgt_aids))

    # Sample a large pool of query indexes
    # Filter only the ones you want from the large pool
    if params.args.index is not None:
        indexes = utool.ensure_iterable(params.args.index)
        #printDBG('Chosen indexes=%r' % (indexes,))
        #printDBG('test_qaids = %r' % test_qaids[0:5])
        _test_qaids = [test_qaids[xx] for xx in indexes]
        test_qaids = _test_qaids
        #printDBG('test_qaids = %r' % test_qaids)
    elif len(test_qaids) == 0 and len(valid_aids) > 0:
        #printDBG('no hard or gt aids. Defaulting to the first ANNOTATION')
        test_qaids = valid_aids[0:1]

    #print('test_qaids = %r' % test_qaids)
    test_qaids = utool.unique_keep_order2(test_qaids)
    return test_qaids
Exemplo n.º 19
def append_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list):
    Generally appends tags to annotations. Careful not to introduce too many
    random tags. Maybe we should just let that happen and introduce tag-aliases

    Note: this is more of a set add rather than a list append

    TODO: remove
    # Ensure each item is a list
    #tags_list = [tag if isinstance(tag, list) else [tag] for tag in tag_list]
    if isinstance(tag_list, six.string_types):
        # Apply single tag to everybody
        tag_list = [tag_list] * len(aid_list)
    tags_list = [ut.ensure_iterable(tag) for tag in tag_list]
    text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list)
    orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list]
    new_tags_list = [ut.unique(t1 + t2) for t1, t2 in zip(tags_list, orig_tags_list)]
    ibs.set_annot_case_tags(aid_list, new_tags_list)
Exemplo n.º 20
def matches(ibs, ams=None, edges=None, uuid_edges=None, **kwargs):
    """ Makes an Annots object """
    if uuid_edges is not None:
        assert ams is None, 'specify one primary key'
        assert edges is None, 'specify one primary key'
        uuids1, uuids2 = list(zip(*uuid_edges))
        aids1 = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_uuid(uuids1)
        aids2 = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_uuid(uuids2)
        ams = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey(aids1, aids2)
    if edges is not None:
        assert ams is None, 'specify one primary key'
        assert uuid_edges is None, 'specify one primary key'
        aids1, aids2 = list(zip(*edges))
        ams = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey(aids1, aids2)
    if ams is None:
        ams = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids()
    elif ams.__class__.__name__ == 'AnnotMatches':
        return ams
    ams = ut.ensure_iterable(ams)
    return AnnotMatches(ams, ibs, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def issue(repo, command, sudo=False):
        issues a command on a repo

            python -m utool.util_git --exec-repocmd

            >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from utool.util_git import *  # NOQA
            >>> import utool as ut
            >>> repo = dirname(ut.get_modpath(ut, prefer_pkg=True))
            >>> command = 'git status'
            >>> sudo = False
            >>> result = repocmd(repo, command, sudo)
            >>> print(result)
        import utool as ut

        if ut.WIN32:
            assert not sudo, "cant sudo on windows"
        command_list = ut.ensure_iterable(command)
        cmdstr = "\n        ".join([cmd_ for cmd_ in command_list])
        print("+--- *** repocmd(%s) *** " % (cmdstr,))
        print("repo=%s" % ut.color_text(repo.dpath, "yellow"))
        with ut.ChdirContext(repo.dpath, verbose=False):
            ret = None
            for count, cmd in enumerate(command_list):
                if not sudo or ut.WIN32:
                    ret = os.system(cmd)
                    out, err, ret = ut.cmd(cmd, sudo=True)
                verbose = True
                if verbose > 1:
                    print("ret(%d) = %r" % (count, ret))
                if ret != 0:
                    raise Exception("Failed command %r" % (cmd,))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def issue(repo, command, sudo=False):
        issues a command on a repo

            python -m utool.util_git --exec-repocmd

            >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from utool.util_git import *  # NOQA
            >>> import utool as ut
            >>> repo = dirname(ut.get_modpath(ut, prefer_pkg=True))
            >>> command = 'git status'
            >>> sudo = False
            >>> result = repocmd(repo, command, sudo)
            >>> print(result)
        import utool as ut
        if ut.WIN32:
            assert not sudo, 'cant sudo on windows'
        command_list = ut.ensure_iterable(command)
        cmdstr = '\n        '.join([cmd_ for cmd_ in command_list])
        print('+--- *** repocmd(%s) *** ' % (cmdstr,))
        print('repo=%s' % ut.color_text(repo.dpath, 'yellow'))
        with ut.ChdirContext(repo.dpath, verbose=False):
            ret = None
            for count, cmd in enumerate(command_list):
                if not sudo or ut.WIN32:
                    ret = os.system(cmd)
                    out, err, ret = ut.cmd(cmd, sudo=True)
                verbose = True
                if verbose > 1:
                    print('ret(%d) = %r' % (count, ret,))
                if ret != 0:
                    raise Exception('Failed command %r' % (cmd,))
Exemplo n.º 23
def build_alias_map(regex_map, tag_vocab):
    Constructs explicit mapping. Order of items in regex map matters.
    Items at top are given preference.

        >>> tags_list = [['t1', 't2'], [], ['t3'], ['t4', 't5']]
        >>> tag_vocab = ut.flat_unique(*tags_list)
        >>> regex_map = [('t[3-4]', 'A9'), ('t0', 'a0')]
        >>> unmapped = list(set(tag_vocab) - set(alias_map.keys()))
    import utool as ut
    import re
    alias_map = ut.odict([])
    for pats, new_tag in reversed(regex_map):
        pats = ut.ensure_iterable(pats)
        for pat in pats:
            flags = [re.match(pat, t) for t in tag_vocab]
            for old_tag in ut.compress(tag_vocab, flags):
                alias_map[old_tag] = new_tag
    identity_map = ut.take_column(regex_map, 1)
    for tag in ut.filter_Nones(identity_map):
        alias_map[tag] = tag
    return alias_map
Exemplo n.º 24
    def make_class_images(dream, target_labels):
        import ibeis_cnn.__THEANO__ as theano
        from ibeis_cnn.__THEANO__ import tensor as T  # NOQA
        import utool as ut

        was_scalar = not ut.isiterable(target_labels)
        target_labels = ut.ensure_iterable(target_labels)

        if True:
            # We are forcing a batch size for this visualization
            input_shape = (len(target_labels),) + dream.model.input_shape[1:]
            # Maybe some cnn layers cant take variable batches?
            input_shape = dream.model.input_shape
        b, c, w, h = input_shape
        assert len(target_labels) <= b, 'batch size too small'

        initial_state = dream._make_init_state()

        # make image a shared variable that you can update
        if dream.shared_images is None:
            dream.shared_images = theano.shared(initial_state)

        if dream.step_fn is None:
            dream.step_fn = dream._make_objective(dream.shared_images, target_labels)

        # Optimize objective via backpropogation for a few iterations
        for _ in ut.ProgIter(range(dream.niters), lbl='making class model img',
            #print('objective = %r' % (objective,))

        out = dream._postprocess_class_image(dream.shared_images, target_labels, was_scalar)
        return out
Exemplo n.º 25
def export(ibs, aid_pairs=None):
    3 - 4 different animals
    2 views of each
    matching keypoint coordinates on each annotation
    if aid_pairs is None:
        if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MOTHERS':
            aid_pair_list = MOTHERS_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS
        if ibs.get_dbname() == 'GZ_ALL':
            aid_pair_list = GZ_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS
    export_path = expanduser('~/Dropbox/Assignments/dataset')
    for aid_pair in aid_pair_list:
        cm_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(aid_pair, aid_pair)
        #ibeis.viz.show_qres(ibs, qaid2_qres.values()[1]); df2.iup()
        mrids_list = []
        mkpts_list = []
        for cm in cm_list:
            qaid = cm.qaid
            print('Getting kpts from %r' % qaid)
            posrid_list = utool.ensure_iterable(cm.get_classified_pos())
            mrids_list.extend([(qaid, posrid) for posrid in posrid_list])
            mkpts_list.extend(cm.get_matching_keypoints(ibs, posrid_list))

        mkey2_kpts = {}
        for mrids_tup, mkpts_tup in zip(mrids_list, mkpts_list):
            assert len(mrids_tup) == 2, 'must be a match tuple'
            mrids_ = np.array(mrids_tup)
            sortx = mrids_.argsort()
            mrids_ = mrids_[sortx]
            mkpts_ = np.array(mkpts_tup)[sortx]
            if sortx[0] == 0:
            mkey = tuple(mrids_.tolist())
                kpts_list = mkey2_kpts[mkey]
                print('append to mkey=%r' % (mkey, ))
            except KeyError:
                print('new mkey=%r' % (mkey, ))
                kpts_list = []
            mkey2_kpts[mkey] = kpts_list

        mkeys_list = mkey2_kpts.keys()
        mkeys_keypoints = mkey2_kpts.values()

        for mkeys, mkpts_list in zip(mkeys_list, mkeys_keypoints):
            kpts1_m = np.vstack([mkpts[0] for mkpts in mkpts_list])
            kpts2_m = np.vstack([mkpts[1] for mkpts in mkpts_list])
            match_lines = [
                )) + ', ' for kp1, kp2 in zip(kpts1_m, kpts2_m)

            mcpaths_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(mkeys)
            fnames_list = list(map(lambda x: split(x)[1], mcpaths_list))
            for path in mcpaths_list:
                utool.copy(path, export_path)

            header_lines = [
                '# Exported keypoint matches (might be duplicates matches)',
                '# matching_aids = %r' % (mkey, )
            header_lines += [
                '# img%d = %r' % (count, fname)
                for count, fname in enumerate(fnames_list)
            header_lines += [
                '# LINE FORMAT: match_pts = [(img1_xy, img2_xy) ... ]'
            header_text = '\n'.join(header_lines)
            match_text = '\n'.join(['match_pts = ['] + match_lines + [']'])
            matchfile_text = '\n'.join([header_text, match_text])
            matchfile_name = ('match_aids(%d,%d).txt' % mkey)
            matchfile_path = join(export_path, matchfile_name)
            utool.write_to(matchfile_path, matchfile_text)
            print(utool.truncate_str(match_text, maxlen=500))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def execute_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
     if fields is not None:
         fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
         flags_ = flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
         logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
     return flags
Exemplo n.º 27
def filterflags_general_tags(
    maybe integrate into utool? Seems pretty general

        tags_list (list):
        has_any (None): (default = None)
        has_all (None): (default = None)
        min_num (None): (default = None)
        max_num (None): (default = None)

        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --helpx
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --none_match n
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --has_none=n,o
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:1
        python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:2

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P', 'o'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['q', 'v'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=list)
        >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,))
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> print(flags)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> has_all = 'n'
        >>> min_num = 1
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']]
        >>> kwargs = {
        >>>     'any_endswith': 'n',
        >>>     'any_match': None,
        >>>     'any_startswith': 'n',
        >>>     'has_all': None,
        >>>     'has_any': None,
        >>>     'has_none': None,
        >>>     'max_num': 3,
        >>>     'min_num': 1,
        >>>     'none_match': ['P'],
        >>> }
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> filtered = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ut.repr2(filtered),))
        result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']]
    import re
    import operator

    def fix_tags(tags):
        return {six.text_type(t.lower()) for t in tags}

    if logic is None:
        logic = 'and'

    logic_func = {'and': np.logical_and, 'or': np.logical_or}[logic]

    default_func = {'and': np.ones, 'or': np.zeros}[logic]

    tags_list_ = [fix_tags(tags_) for tags_ in tags_list]
    flags = default_func(len(tags_list_), dtype=np.bool)

    if min_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) >= min_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if max_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) <= max_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_any is not None:
        has_any = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_any)))
        flags_ = [len(has_any.intersection(tags_)) > 0 for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_none is not None:
        has_none = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_none)))
        flags_ = [
            len(has_none.intersection(tags_)) == 0 for tags_ in tags_list_
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_all is not None:
        has_all = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_all)))
        flags_ = [
            len(has_all.intersection(tags_)) == len(has_all)
            for tags_ in tags_list_
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    def check_item(tags_, fields, op, compare):
        t_flags = [any([compare(t, f) for f in fields]) for t in tags_]
        num_passed = sum(t_flags)
        flag = op(num_passed, 0)
        return flag

    def flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        flags = [
            check_item(tags_, fields, op, compare) for tags_ in tags_list_
        return flags

    def execute_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        if fields is not None:
            fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
            flags_ = flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
            logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
        return flags

    flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, any_startswith, operator.gt,

    flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, any_endswith, operator.gt,

    flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, any_match, operator.gt,
                           lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))

    flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, none_match, operator.eq,
                           lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))
    return flags
Exemplo n.º 28
 def execute_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
     if fields is not None:
         fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
         flags_ = flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
         logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
     return flags
Exemplo n.º 29
def filterflags_general_tags(tags_list,
    maybe integrate into utool? Seems pretty general

        tags_list (list):
        has_any (None): (default = None)
        has_all (None): (default = None)
        min_num (None): (default = None)
        max_num (None): (default = None)

        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --helpx
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --none_match n
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --has_none=n,o
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:1
        python -m ibeis.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:2

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P', 'o'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['q', 'v'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=list)
        >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,))
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> print(flags)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> has_all = 'n'
        >>> min_num = 1
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.tag_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']]
        >>> kwargs = {
        >>>     'any_endswith': 'n',
        >>>     'any_match': None,
        >>>     'any_startswith': 'n',
        >>>     'has_all': None,
        >>>     'has_any': None,
        >>>     'has_none': None,
        >>>     'max_num': 3,
        >>>     'min_num': 1,
        >>>     'none_match': ['P'],
        >>> }
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> filtered = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ut.repr2(filtered),))
        result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']]
    import re
    import operator
    from ibeis import constants as const

    def fix_tags(tags):
        from ibeis import constants as const
        return {const.__STR__(t.lower()) for t in tags}

    if logic is None:
        logic = 'and'

    logic_func = {
        'and': np.logical_and,
        'or': np.logical_or,

    default_func = {
        'and': np.ones,
        'or': np.zeros,

    tags_list_ = [fix_tags(tags_) for tags_ in tags_list]
    flags = default_func(len(tags_list_), dtype=np.bool)

    if min_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) >= min_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if max_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) <= max_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_any is not None:
        has_any = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_any)))
        flags_ = [len(has_any.intersection(tags_)) > 0 for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_none is not None:
        has_none = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_none)))
        flags_ = [len(has_none.intersection(tags_)) == 0 for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_all is not None:
        has_all = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_all)))
        flags_ = [len(has_all.intersection(tags_)) == len(has_all) for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    def test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare):
        t_flags = [any([compare(t, f) for f in fields]) for t in tags_]
        num_passed = sum(t_flags)
        flag = op(num_passed, 0)
        return flag

    def flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        flags = [test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare) for tags_ in tags_list_]
        return flags

    def execute_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        if fields is not None:
            fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
            flags_ = flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
            logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
        return flags

    flags = execute_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_startswith,
        operator.gt, const.__STR__.startswith)

    flags = execute_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_endswith,
        operator.gt, const.__STR__.endswith)

    flags = execute_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_match,
        operator.gt, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))

    flags = execute_filter(
        flags, tags_list, none_match,
        operator.eq, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))
    return flags
Exemplo n.º 30
def demodata_infr(**kwargs):
    kwargs = {}

        python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --show
        python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --num_pccs=25
        python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --profile --num_pccs=100

        >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import *  # NOQA
        >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo
        >>> import networkx as nx
        >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=6, p_incon=.5, size_std=2)
        >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(kwargs)
        >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs)
        >>> pccs = list(infr.positive_components())
        >>> assert len(pccs) == kwargs['num_pccs']
        >>> nonfull_pccs = [cc for cc in pccs if len(cc) > 1 and nx.is_empty(nx.complement(infr.pos_graph.subgraph(cc)))]
        >>> expected_n_incon = len(nonfull_pccs) * kwargs['p_incon']
        >>> n_incon = len(list(infr.inconsistent_components()))
        >>> # TODO can test that we our sample num incon agrees with pop mean
        >>> #sample_mean = n_incon / len(nonfull_pccs)
        >>> #pop_mean = kwargs['p_incon']
        >>> print('status = ' + ut.repr4(infr.status(extended=True)))
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> infr.show(pickable=True, groupby='name_label')
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()

        kwargs = {
            'ccs': [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
    import networkx as nx
    import vtool as vt
    from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils

    def kwalias(*args):
        params = args[0:-1]
        default = args[-1]
        for key in params:
            if key in kwargs:
                return kwargs[key]
        return default

    num_pccs = kwalias('num_pccs', 16)
    size_mean = kwalias('pcc_size_mean', 'pcc_size', 'size', 5)
    size_std = kwalias('pcc_size_std', 'size_std', 0)
    # p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', .1)
    p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', 0)
    p_pcc_incomp = kwargs.get('p_incomp', 0)
    pcc_sizes = kwalias('pcc_sizes', None)

    pos_redun = kwalias('pos_redun', [1, 2, 3])
    pos_redun = ut.ensure_iterable(pos_redun)

    # number of maximum inconsistent edges per pcc
    max_n_incon = kwargs.get('n_incon', 3)

    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    counter = 1

    if pcc_sizes is None:
        pcc_sizes = [
            int(randn(size_mean, size_std, rng=rng, a_min=1))
            for _ in range(num_pccs)
        num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes)

    if 'ccs' in kwargs:
        # Overwrites other options
        pcc_sizes = list(map(len, kwargs['ccs']))
        num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes)
        size_mean = None
        size_std = 0

    new_ccs = []
    pcc_iter = list(enumerate(pcc_sizes))
    pcc_iter = ut.ProgIter(pcc_iter,
                           enabled=num_pccs > 20,
                           label='make pos-demo')
    for i, size in pcc_iter:
        p = 0.1
        want_connectivity = rng.choice(pos_redun)
        want_connectivity = min(size - 1, want_connectivity)

        # Create basic graph of positive edges with desired connectivity
        g = nx_utils.random_k_edge_connected_graph(size,
        nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='evidence_decision', values=POSTV)
        nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='truth', values=POSTV)
        # nx.set_node_attributes(g, name='orig_name_label', values=i)
        assert nx.is_connected(g)

        # Relabel graph with non-conflicting names
        if 'ccs' in kwargs:
            g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, dict(enumerate(kwargs['ccs'][i])))
            # Make sure nodes do not conflict with others
            g = nx.relabel_nodes(
                g, dict(enumerate(range(counter,
                                        len(g) + counter + 1))))
            counter += len(g)

        # The probability any edge is inconsistent is `p_incon`
        # This is 1 - P(all edges consistent)
        # which means p(edge is consistent) = (1 - p_incon) / N
        complement_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_,
        if len(complement_edges) > 0:
            # compute probability that any particular edge is inconsistent
            # to achieve probability the PCC is inconsistent
            p_edge_inconn = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incon)**(1 / len(complement_edges))
            p_edge_unrev = 0.1
            p_edge_notcomp = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incomp)**(1 /
            probs = np.array([p_edge_inconn, p_edge_unrev, p_edge_notcomp])
            # if the total probability is greater than 1 the parameters
            # are invalid, so we renormalize to "fix" it.
            # if probs.sum() > 1:
            #     warnings.warn('probabilities sum to more than 1')
            #     probs = probs / probs.sum()
            pcumsum = probs.cumsum()
            # Determine which mutually exclusive state each complement edge is in
            # logger.info('pcumsum = %r' % (pcumsum,))
            states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, rng.rand(len(complement_edges)))

            incon_idxs = np.where(states == 0)[0]
            if len(incon_idxs) > max_n_incon:
                logger.info('max_n_incon = %r' % (max_n_incon, ))
                chosen = rng.choice(incon_idxs, max_n_incon, replace=False)
                states[np.setdiff1d(incon_idxs, chosen)] = len(probs)

            grouped_edges = ut.group_items(complement_edges, states)
            for state, edges in grouped_edges.items():
                truth = POSTV
                if state == 0:
                    # Add in inconsistent edges
                    evidence_decision = NEGTV
                    # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV
                    # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': NEGTV}))
                elif state == 1:
                    evidence_decision = UNREV
                    # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV
                    # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': UNREV}))
                elif state == 2:
                    evidence_decision = INCMP
                    truth = INCMP
                # Add in candidate edges
                attrs = {
                    'evidence_decision': evidence_decision,
                    'truth': truth
                for (u, v) in edges:
                    g.add_edge(u, v, **attrs)
        # (list(g.nodes()), new_edges))

    pos_g = nx.union_all(new_ccs)
    assert len(new_ccs) == len(list(nx.connected_components(pos_g)))
    assert num_pccs == len(new_ccs)

    # Add edges between the PCCS
    neg_edges = []

    if not kwalias('ignore_pair', False):
        logger.info('making pairs')

        pair_attrs_lookup = {
            0: {
                'evidence_decision': NEGTV,
                'truth': NEGTV
            1: {
                'evidence_decision': INCMP,
                'truth': INCMP
            2: {
                'evidence_decision': UNREV,
                'truth': NEGTV
            },  # could be incomp or neg

        # These are the probabilities that one edge has this state
        p_pair_neg = kwalias('p_pair_neg', 0.4)
        p_pair_incmp = kwalias('p_pair_incmp', 0.2)
        p_pair_unrev = kwalias('p_pair_unrev', 0)

        # p_pair_neg = 1
        cc_combos = ((list(g1.nodes()), list(g2.nodes()))
                     for (g1, g2) in it.combinations(new_ccs, 2))
        valid_cc_combos = [(cc1, cc2) for cc1, cc2 in cc_combos
                           if len(cc1) and len(cc2)]
        for cc1, cc2 in ut.ProgIter(valid_cc_combos, label='make neg-demo'):
            possible_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_, it.product(cc1, cc2))
            # probability that any edge between these PCCs is negative
            n_edges = len(possible_edges)
            p_edge_neg = 1 - (1 - p_pair_neg)**(1 / n_edges)
            p_edge_incmp = 1 - (1 - p_pair_incmp)**(1 / n_edges)
            p_edge_unrev = 1 - (1 - p_pair_unrev)**(1 / n_edges)

            # Create event space with sizes proportional to probabilities
            pcumsum = np.cumsum([p_edge_neg, p_edge_incmp, p_edge_unrev])
            # Roll dice for each of the edge to see which state it lands on
            possible_pstate = rng.rand(len(possible_edges))
            states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, possible_pstate)

            flags = states < len(pcumsum)
            stateful_states = states.compress(flags)
            stateful_edges = ut.compress(possible_edges, flags)

            unique_states, groupxs_list = vt.group_indices(stateful_states)
            for state, groupxs in zip(unique_states, groupxs_list):
                # logger.info('state = %r' % (state,))
                # Add in candidate edges
                edges = ut.take(stateful_edges, groupxs)
                attrs = pair_attrs_lookup[state]
                for (u, v) in edges:
                    neg_edges.append((u, v, attrs))
        logger.info('Made {} neg_edges between PCCS'.format(len(neg_edges)))
        logger.info('ignoring pairs')

    import wbia

    G = wbia.AnnotInference._graph_cls()
    infr = wbia.AnnotInference.from_netx(G, infer=kwargs.get('infer', True))
    infr.verbose = 3


    # fontname = 'Ubuntu'
    fontsize = 12
    fontname = 'sans'
    splines = 'spline'
    # splines = 'ortho'
    # splines = 'line'
    infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle')
    infr.graph.graph['ignore_labels'] = True
    infr.graph.graph['dark_background'] = False
    infr.graph.graph['fontname'] = fontname
    infr.graph.graph['fontsize'] = fontsize
    infr.graph.graph['splines'] = splines
    infr.set_node_attrs('width', 29)
    infr.set_node_attrs('height', 29)
    infr.set_node_attrs('fontsize', fontsize)
    infr.set_node_attrs('fontname', fontname)
    infr.set_node_attrs('fixed_size', True)

    # Set synthetic ground-truth attributes for testing
    # infr.apply_edge_truth()
    infr.edge_truth = infr.get_edge_attrs('truth')
    # Make synthetic verif
    infr.dummy_verif = DummyVerif(infr)
    infr.verifiers = {}
    infr.verifiers['match_state'] = infr.dummy_verif
    infr.demokw = kwargs
    return infr
Exemplo n.º 31
 def types(pubman, want):
     want = set(ut.ensure_iterable(want))
     for pub in pubman.pub_list:
         if pub.type in want:
             yield pub
Exemplo n.º 32
def get_training_featscores(qreq_, cm_list, disttype=None, namemode=True,
                            fsvx=slice(None, None, None), threshx=None,
                            thresh=.9, num=None, top_percent=None):
    Returns the flattened set of feature scores between each query and the
    correct groundtruth annotations as well as the top scoring false

        qreq_ (ibeis.QueryRequest):  query request object with hyper-parameters
        cm_list (list):
        disttype (None): (default = None)
        namemode (bool): (default = True)
        fsvx (slice): (default = slice(None, None, None))
        threshx (None): (default = None)
        thresh (float): only used if threshx is specified (default = 0.9)


        tuple: (tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg)

        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_featscores

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> cm_list, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cmlist(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default:qsize=10'])
        >>> disttype = None
        >>> namemode = True
        >>> fsvx = None
        >>> threshx = 1
        >>> thresh = 0.5
        >>> (tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg) = get_training_featscores(
        >>>     qreq_, cm_list, disttype, namemode, fsvx, threshx, thresh)
        >>> result = scorecfg
        >>> print(result)
        (lnbnn*fg)[fg > 0.5]

        lnbnn*fg[fg > 0.5]
    if fsvx is None:
        fsvx = slice(None, None, None)

    fsv_col_lbls = None
    tp_fsvs_list = []
    tn_fsvs_list = []

    #cm_list = [ cm_list[key] for key in sorted(cm_list.keys()) ]
    # Train on only positive examples
    trainable = [
        qreq_.ibs.get_annot_has_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=cm.daid_list) and
        cm.get_top_nids()[0] == cm.qnid
        for cm in cm_list
    cm_list_ = ut.compress(cm_list, trainable)
    print('training using %d chipmatches' % (len(cm_list)))

    if disttype is None:
        fsv_col_lbls = cm.fsv_col_lbls
        train_getter = get_training_fsv
        fsv_col_lbls = ut.ensure_iterable(disttype)
        # annots = {}  # Hack for cached vector lookups
        ibs = qreq_.ibs
        data_annots = ut.KeyedDefaultDict(ibs.get_annot_lazy_dict, config2_=qreq_.data_config2_)
        query_annots = ut.KeyedDefaultDict(ibs.get_annot_lazy_dict, config2_=qreq_.query_config2_)
        train_getter = partial(get_training_desc_dist,
                               fsv_col_lbls=fsv_col_lbls, qreq_=qreq_,

    for cm in ut.ProgIter(cm_list_, lbl='building train featscores',
                          adjust=True, freq=1):
            tp_fsv, tn_fsv = train_getter(
                cm, namemode=namemode, top_percent=top_percent)
        except UnbalancedExampleException:
    fsv_tp = np.vstack(tp_fsvs_list)
    fsv_tn = np.vstack(tn_fsvs_list)

    fsv_col_lbls_ = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, fsvx)
    fsv_tp_ = fsv_tp.T[fsvx].T
    fsv_tn_ = fsv_tn.T[fsvx].T

    if threshx is not None:
        tp_scores = fsv_tp_[fsv_tp.T[threshx] > thresh].prod(axis=1)
        tn_scores = fsv_tn_[fsv_tn.T[threshx] > thresh].prod(axis=1)
        threshpart = ('[' + fsv_col_lbls[threshx] + ' > ' + str(thresh) + ']')
        scorecfg = '(%s)%s' % ('*'.join(fsv_col_lbls_), threshpart)
        tp_scores = fsv_tp_.prod(axis=1)
        tn_scores = fsv_tn_.prod(axis=1)
        scorecfg = '*'.join(fsv_col_lbls_)

    return tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg
Exemplo n.º 33
 def add_edge2(u, v, *args, **kwargs):
     v = ut.ensure_iterable(v)
     u = ut.ensure_iterable(u)
     for _u, _v in ut.product(u, v):
         graph.add_edge(_u, _v, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 34
def filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_any=None, has_all=None,
                             has_none=None, min_num=None, max_num=None,
                             any_startswith=None, any_endswith=None,
                             in_any=None, any_match=None, none_match=None,
                             logic='and', ignore_case=True):
    maybe integrate into utool? Seems pretty general

        tags_list (list):
        has_any (None): (default = None)
        has_all (None): (default = None)
        min_num (None): (default = None)
        max_num (None): (default = None)

        in_any should probably be ni_any

    TODO: make this function more natural

        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --helpx
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --none_match n
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0  --has_none=n,o
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:1
        python -m utool.util_tags --exec-filterflags_general_tags:2

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_tags import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P', 'o'], ['n', 'o'], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['q', 'v'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=list)
        >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,))
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> print(flags)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_tags import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o'], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']]
        >>> has_all = 'n'
        >>> min_num = 1
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num)
        >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_tags import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o'], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']]
        >>> kwargs = {
        >>>     'any_endswith': 'n',
        >>>     'any_match': None,
        >>>     'any_startswith': 'n',
        >>>     'has_all': None,
        >>>     'has_any': None,
        >>>     'has_none': None,
        >>>     'max_num': 3,
        >>>     'min_num': 1,
        >>>     'none_match': ['P'],
        >>> }
        >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs)
        >>> filtered = ut.compress(tags_list, flags)
        >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ut.repr2(filtered),))
        result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']]
    import numpy as np
    import utool as ut

    def _fix_tags(tags):
        if ignore_case:
            return set([]) if tags is None else {six.text_type(t.lower()) for t in tags}
            return set([]) if tags is None else {six.text_type() for t in tags}

    if logic is None:
        logic = 'and'

    logic_func = {
        'and': np.logical_and,
        'or': np.logical_or,

    default_func = {
        'and': np.ones,
        'or': np.zeros,

    tags_list_ = [_fix_tags(tags_) for tags_ in tags_list]
    flags = default_func(len(tags_list_), dtype=np.bool)

    if min_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) >= min_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if max_num is not None:
        flags_ = [len(tags_) <= max_num for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_any is not None:
        has_any = _fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_any)))
        flags_ = [len(has_any.intersection(tags_)) > 0 for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_none is not None:
        has_none = _fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_none)))
        flags_ = [len(has_none.intersection(tags_)) == 0 for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    if has_all is not None:
        has_all = _fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_all)))
        flags_ = [len(has_all.intersection(tags_)) == len(has_all) for tags_ in tags_list_]
        logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)

    def _test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare):
        t_flags = [any([compare(t, f) for f in fields]) for t in tags_]
        num_passed = sum(t_flags)
        flag = op(num_passed, 0)
        return flag

    def _flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        flags = [_test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare) for tags_ in tags_list_]
        return flags

    def _exec_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare):
        if fields is not None:
            fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields)
            if ignore_case:
                fields = [f.lower() for f in fields]
            flags_ = _flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare)
            logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags)
        return flags

    flags = _exec_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_startswith,
        operator.gt, six.text_type.startswith)

    flags = _exec_filter(
        flags, tags_list, in_any,
        operator.gt, operator.contains)

    flags = _exec_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_endswith,
        operator.gt, six.text_type.endswith)

    flags = _exec_filter(
        flags, tags_list, any_match,
        operator.gt, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))

    flags = _exec_filter(
        flags, tags_list, none_match,
        operator.eq, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t))
    return flags
Exemplo n.º 35
    def _make_rankings(
        # from wbia.algo.graph import graph_iden

        # TODO: expose other ranking algos like SMK
        rank_algo = 'LNBNN'
        infr.print('Exec {} ranking algorithm'.format(rank_algo), 1)
        ibs = infr.ibs
        if qaids is None:
            qaids = infr.aids
        qaids = ut.ensure_iterable(qaids)
        if daids is None:
            daids = infr.aids
        if cfgdict is None:
            cfgdict = {
                # 'can_match_samename': False,
                'can_match_samename': True,
                'can_match_sameimg': True,
                # 'augment_queryside_hack': True,
                'K': 3,
                'Knorm': 3,
                'prescore_method': 'csum',
                'score_method': 'csum',
        infr.print('Using LNBNN config = %r' % (cfgdict,))
        # hack for using current nids
        if name_method == 'node':
            aids = sorted(set(ut.aslist(qaids) + ut.aslist(daids)))
            custom_nid_lookup = infr.get_node_attrs('name_label', aids)
        elif name_method == 'edge':
            custom_nid_lookup = {
                aid: nid for nid, cc in infr.pos_graph._ccs.items() for aid in cc
        elif name_method == 'wbia':
            custom_nid_lookup = None
            raise KeyError('Unknown name_method={}'.format(name_method))

        qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(
            verbose=infr.verbose >= 2,

        # cacher = qreq_.get_big_cacher()
        # if not cacher.exists():
        #     pass
        #     # import sys
        #     # sys.exit(1)

        cm_list = qreq_.execute(
        infr._set_vsmany_info(qreq_, cm_list)

        edges = set(infr._cm_breaking(cm_list, review_cfg={'ranks_top': 5}))
        return edges
Exemplo n.º 36
 def __delitem__(self, index):
     import utool as ut
     index = ut.ensure_iterable(index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_fpath_list, index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_lines_list, index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_lxs_list, index)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def __delitem__(self, index):
     import utool as ut
     index = ut.ensure_iterable(index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_fpath_list, index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_lines_list, index)
     ut.delete_items_by_index(self.found_lxs_list, index)
Exemplo n.º 38
def export(ibs, aid_pairs=None):
    3 - 4 different animals
    2 views of each
    matching keypoint coordinates on each annotation
    if aid_pairs is None:
        if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MOTHERS':
            aid_pair_list = MOTHERS_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS
        if ibs.get_dbname() == 'GZ_ALL':
            aid_pair_list = GZ_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS
    export_path = expanduser('~/Dropbox/Assignments/dataset')
    for aid_pair in aid_pair_list:
        qaid2_qres = ibs.query_intra_encounter(aid_pair)
        #ibeis.viz.show_qres(ibs, qaid2_qres.values()[1]); df2.iup()
        mrids_list = []
        mkpts_list = []
        for qaid, qres in six.iteritems(qaid2_qres):
            print('Getting kpts from %r' % qaid)
            posrid_list = utool.ensure_iterable(qres.get_classified_pos())
            mrids_list.extend([(qaid, posrid) for posrid in posrid_list])
            mkpts_list.extend(qres.get_matching_keypoints(ibs, posrid_list))

        mkey2_kpts = {}
        for mrids_tup, mkpts_tup in zip(mrids_list, mkpts_list):
            assert len(mrids_tup) == 2, 'must be a match tuple'
            mrids_ = np.array(mrids_tup)
            sortx = mrids_.argsort()
            mrids_ = mrids_[sortx]
            mkpts_ = np.array(mkpts_tup)[sortx]
            if sortx[0] == 0:
            mkey = tuple(mrids_.tolist())
                kpts_list = mkey2_kpts[mkey]
                print('append to mkey=%r' % (mkey,))
            except KeyError:
                print('new mkey=%r' % (mkey,))
                kpts_list = []
            mkey2_kpts[mkey] = kpts_list

        mkeys_list = mkey2_kpts.keys()
        mkeys_keypoints = mkey2_kpts.values()

        for mkeys, mkpts_list in zip(mkeys_list, mkeys_keypoints):
            kpts1_m = np.vstack([mkpts[0] for mkpts in mkpts_list])
            kpts2_m = np.vstack([mkpts[1] for mkpts in mkpts_list])
            match_lines = [
                ) + ', '
                for kp1, kp2 in zip(kpts1_m, kpts2_m)]

            mcpaths_list = ibs.get_annot_cpaths(mkeys)
            fnames_list = map(lambda x: split(x)[1], mcpaths_list)
            for path in mcpaths_list:
                utool.copy(path, export_path)

            header_lines = ['# Exported keypoint matches (might be duplicates matches)',
                            '# matching_aids = %r' % (mkey,)]
            header_lines += ['# img%d = %r' % (count, fname) for count, fname in enumerate(fnames_list)]
            header_lines += ['# LINE FORMAT: match_pts = [(img1_xy, img2_xy) ... ]']
            header_text = '\n'.join(header_lines)
            match_text  = '\n'.join(['match_pts = ['] + match_lines + [']'])
            matchfile_text = '\n'.join([header_text, match_text])
            matchfile_name = ('match_aids(%d,%d).txt' % mkey)
            matchfile_path = join(export_path, matchfile_name)
            utool.write_to(matchfile_path, matchfile_text)
            print(utool.truncate_str(match_text, maxlen=500))
Exemplo n.º 39
 def add_edge2(u, v, *args, **kwargs):
     v = ut.ensure_iterable(v)
     u = ut.ensure_iterable(u)
     for _u, _v in ut.product(u, v):
         graph.add_edge(_u, _v, *args, **kwargs)