def show_function_usage(fname, funcname_list, dpath_list): # Check to see for function usage funcname_list = [r'\b%s\b' % (funcname.strip(),) for funcname in funcname_list if len(funcname) > 0] flagged_funcnames = [] for funcname in funcname_list: found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = ut.grep([funcname], dpath_list=dpath_list) total = 0 for lines in found_lines_list: total += len(lines) funcname_ = funcname.replace('\\b', '') print(funcname_ + ' ' + str(total)) if total == 1: flagged_funcnames.append(funcname_) # See where external usage is isexternal_list = [fname == fname_ for fname_ in found_filestr_list] external_filestr_list = ut.compress(found_filestr_list, isexternal_list) external_lines_list = ut.compress(found_lines_list, isexternal_list) #external_lxs_list = ut.compress(found_lxs_list, isexternal_list) if len(external_filestr_list) == 0: print(' no external usage') else: for filename, lines in zip(external_filestr_list, external_lines_list): print(' * filename=%r' % (filename,)) print(ut.list_str(lines)) #print(ut.list_str(list(zip(external_filestr_list, external_lines_list)))) print('----------') print('flagged:') print('\n'.join(flagged_funcnames))
def change_doctestcommand_to_use_dashm_flag(): r""" VimRegex: # note sure how to execute replace command in vim in one lin %s/python\s*\([A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*\)\.py\(.*\)/python -m \1 \2 """ # # CANNOT USE [^ ] FOR SOME GOD DAMN REASON USE /S instead regex_list = ['python [A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S* --allexamples'] dpath_list = [ ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/utool/utool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/vtool/vtool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/plottool/plottool')), ut.ensure_crossplat_path(ut.truepath('~/code/guitool/guitool')), ] #ut.named_field_repl(['python ', ('modrelpath',),]) #['python ', ('modrelpath', 'utool[\\/].*'), '--allexamples']) res = ut.grep(regex_list, recursive=True, dpath_list=dpath_list, verbose=True) found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = res fpath = res[0][0] import re keypat_list = [ ('prefix', 'python\s*'), ('modrelpath', '[A-Za-z_]+[\\/]\S*'), ('suffix', '.*'), ] namedregex = ut.named_field_regex(keypat_list) # Define function to pass to re.sub def replmodpath(matchobj): groupdict_ = matchobj.groupdict() relpath = groupdict_['modrelpath'] prefix = groupdict_['prefix'] suffix = groupdict_['suffix'] modname = relpath modname = modname.replace('\\', '.') modname = modname.replace('/', '.') modname = modname.replace('.py', '') return prefix + '-m ' + modname + suffix for fpath in found_filestr_list: text = ut.read_from(fpath) #matchobj =, text, flags=re.MULTILINE) #print(text) #for matchobj in re.finditer(namedregex, text): # print(ut.get_match_text(matchobj)) # print('--') newtext = re.sub(namedregex, replmodpath, text) # Perform replacement ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
def glossterms(): re_glossterm = ut.named_field('glossterm', '.' + ut.REGEX_NONGREEDY) pat = r'\\glossterm{' + re_glossterm + '}' tup = ut.grep(pat, fpath_list=testdata_fpaths(), verbose=True) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = tup glossterm_list = [] for line in ut.flatten(found_lines_list): match =, line) glossterm = match.groupdict()['glossterm'] glossterm_list.append(glossterm) print('Glossary Terms: ') print(ut.repr2(ut.dict_hist(glossterm_list), nl=True, strvals=True))
def find_module_callers(): """ TODO: attempt to build a call graph between module functions to make it easy to see what can be removed and what cannot. """ import utool as ut from os.path import normpath mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') module = ut.import_module_from_fpath(mod_fpath) user_profile = ut.ensure_user_profile() doctestables = list( ut.iter_module_doctestable(module, include_builtin=False)) grepkw = {} grepkw['exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['dpath_list'] = user_profile.project_dpaths grepkw['verbose'] = True usage_map = {} for funcname, func in doctestables: print('Searching for funcname = %r' % (funcname, )) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = ut.grep( [funcname], **grepkw) used_in = (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) usage_map[funcname] = used_in external_usage_map = {} for funcname, used_in in usage_map.items(): (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = used_in isexternal_flag = [ normpath(fpath) != normpath(mod_fpath) for fpath in found_fpath_list ] ext_used_in = (ut.compress(found_fpath_list, isexternal_flag), ut.compress(found_lines_list, isexternal_flag), ut.compress(found_lxs_list, isexternal_flag)) external_usage_map[funcname] = ext_used_in for funcname, used_in in external_usage_map.items(): (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = used_in print('Calling modules: \n' + ut.repr2(ut.unique_ordered( ut.flatten([used_in[0] for used_in in external_usage_map.values()])), nl=True))
def abstract_external_module_cv2(): from os.path import join # NOQA modname = 'cv2' repo_dirs = ut.get_project_repo_dirs() #exclude_dirs = [join(dpath, 'build') for dpath in repo_dirs] grepkw = dict( #exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, dpath_list=repo_dirs, greater_exclude_dirs=ut.get_standard_exclude_dnames(), recursive=True, ) modregex = '\<' + modname + '\>' tup = ut.grep(modregex, **grepkw) fpath_list, line_list, lineno_list = tup fpath_list = [fpath.replace('\\', '/') for fpath in fpath_list] print('\n'.join(fpath_list))
def _grep_dpath(dpath): grep_tup = ut.grep([pat], dpath_list=[dpath], exclude_patterns=['*.pyc'], verbose=False) reflags = 0 (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = grep_tup regex_list = [pat] _exprs_flags = [ut.util_regex.extend_regex2(expr, reflags) for expr in regex_list] extended_regex_list = ut.take_column(_exprs_flags, 0) grep_result = ut.GrepResult(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list, extended_regex_list, reflags=reflags) text = '\n'.join([ 'Greping Directory "{}"'.format(dpath), 'tofind_list={}'.format(ut.repr2(extended_regex_list)), grep_result.make_resultstr(colored=False), '=============', 'found_fpath_list = {}'.format(ut.repr2(found_fpath_list, nl=1)) ]) return text
def find_module_callers(): """ TODO: attempt to build a call graph between module functions to make it easy to see what can be removed and what cannot. """ import utool as ut from os.path import normpath mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') mod_fpath = ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis/expt/') module = ut.import_module_from_fpath(mod_fpath) user_profile = ut.ensure_user_profile() doctestables = list(ut.iter_module_doctestable(module, include_builtin=False)) grepkw = {} grepkw['exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['dpath_list'] = user_profile.project_dpaths grepkw['verbose'] = True usage_map = {} for funcname, func in doctestables: print('Searching for funcname = %r' % (funcname,)) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = ut.grep([funcname], **grepkw) used_in = (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) usage_map[funcname] = used_in external_usage_map = {} for funcname, used_in in usage_map.items(): (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = used_in isexternal_flag = [normpath(fpath) != normpath(mod_fpath) for fpath in found_fpath_list] ext_used_in = (ut.compress(found_fpath_list, isexternal_flag), ut.compress(found_lines_list, isexternal_flag), ut.compress(found_lxs_list, isexternal_flag)) external_usage_map[funcname] = ext_used_in for funcname, used_in in external_usage_map.items(): (found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = used_in print('Calling modules: \n' + ut.repr2(ut.unique_ordered(ut.flatten([used_in[0] for used_in in external_usage_map.values()])), nl=True))
def tozip(): re_fpath = ut.named_field('fpath', 'figure.*?[jp][pn]g') + '}' patterns = [ 'chapter4-application.tex', 'figdef4*', 'main.tex', 'def.tex', 'Crall*', 'thesis.cls', 'header*', 'colordef.tex', '*.bib' ] exclude_dirs = ['guts'] fpaths = sorted( ut.glob('.', patterns, recursive=True, exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs)) tup = ut.grep(re_fpath, fpath_list=fpaths, verbose=True) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = tup fig_fpath_list = [] for line in ut.flatten(found_lines_list): if not line.startswith('%'): for match in re.finditer(re_fpath, line): fig_fpath = match.groupdict()['fpath'] if 'junc' not in fig_fpath and 'markov' not in fig_fpath and 'bayes' not in fig_fpath: fig_fpath_list += [fig_fpath] fpath_list = fig_fpath_list + fpaths ut.archive_files('', fpath_list)
def grep(r, *tofind_list): import utool as ut #include_patterns = ['*.py', '*.cxx', '*.cpp', '*.hxx', '*.hpp', '*.c', '*.h', '*.vim'] ut.grep(tofind_list, recursive=True, verbose=True)
def grep_projects(tofind_list, user_profile=None, verbose=True, new=False, **kwargs): r""" Greps the projects defined in the current UserProfile Args: tofind_list (list): user_profile (None): (default = None) Kwargs: user_profile CommandLine: python -m utool --tf grep_projects grep_projects Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_project import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> import sys >>> tofind_list = ut.get_argval('--find', type_=list, >>> default=[sys.argv[-1]]) >>> grep_projects(tofind_list) """ import utool as ut user_profile = ensure_user_profile(user_profile) kwargs = kwargs.copy() colored = kwargs.pop('colored', True) grepkw = {} grepkw['greater_exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['dpath_list'] = user_profile.project_dpaths grepkw['include_patterns'] = user_profile.project_include_patterns grepkw['exclude_patterns'] = user_profile.project_exclude_patterns grepkw.update(kwargs) msg_list1 = [] msg_list2 = [] print_ = msg_list1.append print_('Greping Projects') print_('tofind_list = %s' % (ut.list_str(tofind_list, nl=True), )) #print_('grepkw = %s' % ut.dict_str(grepkw, nl=True)) if verbose: print('\n'.join(msg_list1)) #with ut.Timer('greping', verbose=True): grep_result = ut.grep(tofind_list, **grepkw) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = grep_result # HACK, duplicate behavior. TODO: write grep print result function reflags = grepkw.get('reflags', 0) _exprs_flags = [ut.extend_regex2(expr, reflags) for expr in tofind_list] extended_regex_list = ut.take_column(_exprs_flags, 0) reflags_list = ut.take_column(_exprs_flags, 1) # HACK # pat = ut.util_regex.regex_or(extended_regex_list) reflags = reflags_list[0] # from utool import util_regex resultstr = ut.make_grep_resultstr(grep_result, extended_regex_list, reflags, colored=colored) msg_list2.append(resultstr) print_ = msg_list2.append #for fpath, lines, lxs in zip(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, # found_lxs_list): # print_('----------------------') # print_('found %d line(s) in %r: ' % (len(lines), fpath)) # name = split(fpath)[1] # max_line = len(lines) # ndigits = str(len(str(max_line))) # for (lx, line) in zip(lxs, lines): # line = line.replace('\n', '') # print_(('%s : %' + ndigits + 'd |%s') % (name, lx, line)) # iter_ = zip(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) # for fpath, lines, lxs in iter_: # print_('----------------------') # print_('found %d line(s) in %r: ' % (len(lines), fpath)) # name = split(fpath)[1] # max_line = len(lines) # ndigits = str(len(str(max_line))) # for (lx, line) in zip(lxs, lines): # line = line.replace('\n', '') # colored_line = ut.highlight_regex( # line.rstrip('\n'), pat, reflags=reflags) # print_(('%s : %' + ndigits + 'd |%s') % (name, lx, colored_line)) print_('====================') print_('found_fpath_list = ' + ut.list_str(found_fpath_list)) print_('') #print_('gvim -o ' + ' '.join(found_fpath_list)) if verbose: print('\n'.join(msg_list2)) msg_list = msg_list1 + msg_list2 if new: return GrepResult(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list, extended_regex_list, reflags) else: return msg_list
def autogen_argparse2(dpath_list): r""" FUNCTION IS NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY ONLY RETURNS LIST OF FLAGS THAT THE PROGRAM SILENTLY TAKES Example: >>> from utool.util_arg import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> dpath_list = [ ... ut.truepath('~/code/utool/utool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/guitool/guitool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/vtool/vtool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/plottool/plottool'), ... ] >>> flagtups_list = autogen_argparse2(dpath_list) >>> flagtup_list_ = [ut.regex_replace('[)(\']','',tupstr) for tupstr in ut.flatten(flagtups_list)] >>> flagtup_list = ut.flatten([tupstr.split(',') for tupstr in flagtup_list_]) >>> flagtup_set = set([tupstr.strip() for tupstr in flagtup_list if tupstr.find('=') == -1]) >>> print('\n'.join(flagtup_set)) """ import utool as ut import parse include_patterns = ['*.py'] regex_list = ['get_argflag', 'get_argval'] recursive = True result = ut.grep(regex_list, recursive, dpath_list, include_patterns, verbose=True) (found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = result # TODO: Check to see if in a comment block flagtups_list = [] for found_lines in found_lines_list: flagtups = [] for line in found_lines: line_ = ut.regex_replace('#.*', '', line) argval_parse_list = [ '\'{flag}\' in sys.argv', 'get_argval({flagtup}, type={type}, default={default})', 'get_argval({flagtup}, {type}, default={default})', 'get_argval({flagtup}, {type}, {default})', 'get_argval({flagtup})', ] argflag_parse_list = [ 'get_argflag({flagtup})', ] def parse_pattern_list(parse_list, line): #result_list = [] result = None for pattern in parse_list: result = parse.parse('{_prefix}' + pattern, line_) if result is not None: break #if len(result_list) > 1: # print('warning') #result_list.append(result) return result val_result = parse_pattern_list(argval_parse_list, line) flag_result = parse_pattern_list(argflag_parse_list, line) if flag_result is None and val_result is None: print('warning1') elif flag_result is not None and val_result is not None: print('warning2') else: result = flag_result if val_result is None else val_result flagtups.append(result['flagtup']) flagtups_list.append(flagtups) return flagtups_list
def grep_projects(tofind_list, user_profile=None, verbose=True, new=False, **kwargs): r""" Greps the projects defined in the current UserProfile Args: tofind_list (list): user_profile (None): (default = None) Kwargs: user_profile CommandLine: python -m utool --tf grep_projects grep_projects Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_project import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> import sys >>> tofind_list = ut.get_argval('--find', type_=list, >>> default=[sys.argv[-1]]) >>> grep_projects(tofind_list) """ import utool as ut user_profile = ensure_user_profile(user_profile) kwargs = kwargs.copy() colored = kwargs.pop('colored', True) grepkw = {} grepkw['greater_exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['exclude_dirs'] = user_profile.project_exclude_dirs grepkw['dpath_list'] = user_profile.project_dpaths grepkw['include_patterns'] = user_profile.project_include_patterns grepkw['exclude_patterns'] = user_profile.project_exclude_patterns grepkw.update(kwargs) msg_list1 = [] msg_list2 = [] print_ = msg_list1.append print_('Greping Projects') print_('tofind_list = %s' % (ut.repr4(tofind_list, nl=True),)) #print_('grepkw = %s' % ut.repr4(grepkw, nl=True)) if verbose: print('\n'.join(msg_list1)) #with ut.Timer('greping', verbose=True): grep_result = ut.grep(tofind_list, **grepkw) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = grep_result # HACK, duplicate behavior. TODO: write grep print result function reflags = grepkw.get('reflags', 0) _exprs_flags = [ut.extend_regex2(expr, reflags) for expr in tofind_list] extended_regex_list = ut.take_column(_exprs_flags, 0) reflags_list = ut.take_column(_exprs_flags, 1) # HACK # pat = ut.util_regex.regex_or(extended_regex_list) reflags = reflags_list[0] # from utool import util_regex resultstr = ut.make_grep_resultstr(grep_result, extended_regex_list, reflags, colored=colored) msg_list2.append(resultstr) print_ = msg_list2.append #for fpath, lines, lxs in zip(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, # found_lxs_list): # print_('----------------------') # print_('found %d line(s) in %r: ' % (len(lines), fpath)) # name = split(fpath)[1] # max_line = len(lines) # ndigits = str(len(str(max_line))) # for (lx, line) in zip(lxs, lines): # line = line.replace('\n', '') # print_(('%s : %' + ndigits + 'd |%s') % (name, lx, line)) # iter_ = zip(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) # for fpath, lines, lxs in iter_: # print_('----------------------') # print_('found %d line(s) in %r: ' % (len(lines), fpath)) # name = split(fpath)[1] # max_line = len(lines) # ndigits = str(len(str(max_line))) # for (lx, line) in zip(lxs, lines): # line = line.replace('\n', '') # colored_line = ut.highlight_regex( # line.rstrip('\n'), pat, reflags=reflags) # print_(('%s : %' + ndigits + 'd |%s') % (name, lx, colored_line)) print_('====================') print_('found_fpath_list = ' + ut.repr4(found_fpath_list)) print_('') #print_('gvim -o ' + ' '.join(found_fpath_list)) if verbose: print('\n'.join(msg_list2)) msg_list = msg_list1 + msg_list2 if new: return GrepResult(found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list, extended_regex_list, reflags) else: return msg_list
def main(): print(ut.bubbletext('TeX FiX')) #dryrun = ut.get_argflag('--dryrun') dryrun = not ut.get_argflag('-w') if dryrun: print('dryrun=True, specify --w to save any changes') find_text = ut.get_argval('--grep') if find_text is not None: tup = ut.grep(find_text, fpath_list=testdata_fpaths(), verbose=True) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = tup else: print('~~~ --grep [text] ~~~') findrepl = ut.get_argval('--sed', type_=list, default=None) if findrepl is not None: assert len(findrepl) == 2, 'must specify a search and replace' search, repl = findrepl tup = ut.sed(search, repl, fpath_list=testdata_fpaths(), verbose=True, force=not dryrun) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def fix_common_errors(): for tex_fpath in testdata_fpaths(): fix_section_common_errors(tex_fpath, dryrun) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def fixcap(): for tex_fpath in testdata_fpaths(): fix_section_title_capitalization(tex_fpath, dryrun) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def fixsent(): fix_sentences() # for tex_fpath in testdata_fpaths(): # fix_section_title_capitalization(tex_fpath, dryrun) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def glossterms(): re_glossterm = ut.named_field('glossterm', '.' + ut.REGEX_NONGREEDY) pat = r'\\glossterm{' + re_glossterm + '}' tup = ut.grep(pat, fpath_list=testdata_fpaths(), verbose=True) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = tup glossterm_list = [] for line in ut.flatten(found_lines_list): match =, line) glossterm = match.groupdict()['glossterm'] glossterm_list.append(glossterm) print('Glossary Terms: ') print(ut.repr2(ut.dict_hist(glossterm_list), nl=True, strvals=True)) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def fix_chktex(): """ ./ --fixcite --fix-chktex """ import parse fpaths = testdata_fpaths() print('Running chktex') output_list = [ ut.cmd('chktex', fpath, verbose=False)[0] for fpath in fpaths ] fixcite = ut.get_argflag('--fixcite') fixlbl = ut.get_argflag('--fixlbl') fixcmdterm = ut.get_argflag('--fixcmdterm') for fpath, output in zip(fpaths, output_list): text = ut.readfrom(fpath) buffer = text.split('\n') pat = '\n' + ut.positive_lookahead('Warning') warn_list = list( filter(lambda x: x.startswith('Warning'), re.split(pat, output))) delete_linenos = [] if not (fixcmdterm or fixlbl or fixcite): print(' CHOOSE A FIX ') modified_lines = [] for warn in warn_list: warnlines = warn.split('\n') pres = parse.parse( 'Warning {num} in {fpath} line {lineno}: {warnmsg}', warnlines[0]) if pres is not None: fpath_ = pres['fpath'] lineno = int(pres['lineno']) - 1 warnmsg = pres['warnmsg'] try: assert fpath == fpath_, ('%r != %r' % (fpath, fpath_)) except AssertionError: continue if 'No errors printed' in warn: #print('Cannot fix') continue if lineno in modified_lines: print('Skipping modified line') continue if fixcmdterm and warnmsg == 'Command terminated with space.': print('Fix command termination') errorline = warnlines[1] # NOQA carrotline = warnlines[2] pos = carrotline.find('^') if 0: print('pos = %r' % (pos, )) print('lineno = %r' % (lineno, )) print('errorline = %r' % (errorline, )) modified_lines.append(lineno) line = buffer[lineno] pre_, post_ = line[:pos], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '{} ' + post_).rstrip(' ') #print('newline = %r' % (newline,)) buffer[lineno] = newline elif fixlbl and warnmsg == 'Delete this space to maintain correct pagereferences.': print('Fix label newline') fpath_ = pres['fpath'] errorline = warnlines[1] # NOQA new_prevline = buffer[ lineno - 1].rstrip() + errorline.lstrip(' ') buffer[lineno - 1] = new_prevline modified_lines.append(lineno) delete_linenos.append(lineno) elif fixcite and re.match( 'Non-breaking space \\(.~.\\) should have been used', warnmsg): #print(warnmsg) #print('\n'.join(warnlines)) print('Fix citation space') carrotline = warnlines[2] pos = carrotline.find('^') modified_lines.append(lineno) line = buffer[lineno] if line[pos] == ' ': pre_, post_ = line[:pos], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '~' + post_).rstrip(' ') else: pre_, post_ = line[:pos + 1], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '~' + post_).rstrip(' ') print(warn) print(line[pos]) assert False #assert line[pos] == ' ', '%r' % line[pos] break if len(pre_.strip()) == 0: new_prevline = buffer[ lineno - 1].rstrip() + newline.lstrip(' ') buffer[lineno - 1] = new_prevline delete_linenos.append(lineno) else: #print('newline = %r' % (newline,)) buffer[lineno] = newline #print(warn) if len(delete_linenos) > 0: mask = ut.index_to_boolmask(delete_linenos, len(buffer)) buffer = ut.compress(buffer, ut.not_list(mask)) newtext = '\n'.join(buffer) #ut.dump_autogen_code(fpath, newtext, 'tex', fullprint=False) ut.print_difftext( ut.get_textdiff(text, newtext, num_context_lines=4)) if ut.get_argflag('-w'): ut.writeto(fpath, newtext) else: print('Specify -w to finialize change') @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def reformat(): """ ./ --reformat --fpaths NewParts.tex >>> from texfix import * # NOQA """ fpaths = testdata_fpaths() for fpath in fpaths: text = ut.readfrom(fpath) root = latex_parser.LatexDocPart.parse_text(text, debug=None) if ut.get_argflag('--fixcref'): root.find(' \\\\cref') continue #print(root.children) #root.children = root.children[0:5] #print('Parsed Str Short') new_text = '\n'.join(root.reformat_blocks(debug=None)) # remove trailing spaces new_text = re.sub(' *$', '', new_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) # remove double newlines new_text = re.sub('(\n *)+\n+', '\n\n', new_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) if ut.get_argflag('--summary'): print('---summary---') root.print_summary() print('---/summary---') # ut.colorprint(root.summary_str(), 'blue') numchars1 = len(text.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')) numchars2 = len(new_text.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')) print('numchars1 = %r' % (numchars1, )) print('numchars2 = %r' % (numchars2, )) #assert numchars1 == numchars2, '%r == %r' % (numchars1, numchars2) print('old newlines = %r' % (text.count('\n'), )) print('new newlines = %r' % (new_text.count('\n'), )) #import unicodedata #new_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', new_text).encode('ascii','ignore') #print('new_text = %r' % (new_text,)) ut.dump_autogen_code(fpath, new_text, codetype='latex', fullprint=False) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def outline(): """ ./ --fpaths chapter4-application.tex --outline --asmarkdown --numlines=999 -w --ignoreinputstartswith=def,Crall,header,colordef,figdef """ fpaths = testdata_fpaths() print('fpaths = %r' % (fpaths, )) for fpath in fpaths: text = ut.readfrom(fpath) root = latex_parser.LatexDocPart.parse_text(text, debug=None) # HACK new_text = '\n'.join(root.reformat_blocks(debug=None)) # remove trailing spaces new_text = re.sub(' *$', '', new_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) # remove double newlines new_text = re.sub('(\n *)+\n+', '\n\n', new_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) document = root.find_descendant_type('document') #document = root.find_descendant_type('section', pat='Identification') print('document = %r' % (document, )) if document is not None: root = document sectionpat = ut.get_argval('--section', default=None) if sectionpat is not None: root = root.find_descendant_type('section', pat=sectionpat) print('root = %r' % (root, )) if root is None: # import utool # utool.embed() raise Exception('section %r does not exist' % (sectionpat)) #print(root.get_debug_tree_text()) #ut.colorprint(root.summary_str(outline=True), 'yellow') print('---outline---') outline = True # outline = False outline_text = root.summary_str(outline=outline, highlight=False) summary = root.summary_str(outline=outline, highlight=True) if not ut.get_argflag('-w'): print(summary) print('---/outline---') if root._config['asmarkdown']: codetype = 'markdown' newext = '.md' else: codetype = 'latex' newext = None ut.dump_autogen_code(ut.augpath(fpath, augpref='outline_', newext=newext), outline_text, codetype=codetype, fullprint=False) @ut.argv_flag_dec(indent=' ') def tozip(): re_fpath = ut.named_field('fpath', 'figure.*?[jp][pn]g') + '}' patterns = [ 'chapter4-application.tex', 'figdef4*', 'main.tex', 'def.tex', 'Crall*', 'thesis.cls', 'header*', 'colordef.tex', '*.bib' ] exclude_dirs = ['guts'] fpaths = sorted( ut.glob('.', patterns, recursive=True, exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs)) tup = ut.grep(re_fpath, fpath_list=fpaths, verbose=True) found_fpath_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list = tup fig_fpath_list = [] for line in ut.flatten(found_lines_list): if not line.startswith('%'): for match in re.finditer(re_fpath, line): fig_fpath = match.groupdict()['fpath'] if 'junc' not in fig_fpath and 'markov' not in fig_fpath and 'bayes' not in fig_fpath: fig_fpath_list += [fig_fpath] fpath_list = fig_fpath_list + fpaths ut.archive_files('', fpath_list) fix_common_errors() fixcap() glossterms() fix_chktex() reformat() outline() tozip() fixsent() ut.argv_flag_dec(check_doublewords, indent=' ')() ut.argv_flag_dec(findcite, indent=' ')() print('Use --fpaths to specify specific files')