def write_script_lines(line_list, fname): exename = 'python' regen_cmd = (exename + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)).replace( expanduser('~'), '~') script_lines = [] script_lines.append('#!/bin/sh') script_lines.append("echo << 'EOF' > /dev/null") script_lines.append('RegenCommand:') script_lines.append(' ' + regen_cmd) script_lines.append('CommandLine:') script_lines.append(' sh ' + fname) script_lines.append('dont forget to tmuxnew') script_lines.append('EOF') script_lines.extend(line_list) script = '\n'.join(script_lines) import wbia from os.path import dirname, join dpath = dirname(ut.get_module_dir(wbia)) fpath = join(dpath, fname) if not ut.get_argflag('--dryrun'): ut.writeto(fpath, script) ut.chmod_add_executable(fpath) return fname, script, line_list
def add_to_win32_PATH(script_fpath, *add_path_list): r""" Writes a registery script to update the PATH variable into the sync registry CommandLine: python -m utool.util_win32 --test-add_to_win32_PATH --newpath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin" Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_win32 import * # NOQA >>> script_fpath = join(ut.truepath('~'), 'Sync/win7/registry', 'UPDATE_PATH.reg') >>> new_path = ut.get_argval('--newpath', str, default=None) >>> result = add_to_win32_PATH(script_fpath, new_path) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut write_dir = dirname(script_fpath) key = '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment]' rtype = 'REG_EXPAND_SZ' # Read current PATH values win_pathlist = list(os.environ['PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep)) new_path_list = ut.unique_ordered(win_pathlist + list(add_path_list)) #new_path_list = unique_ordered(win_pathlist, rob_pathlist) print('\n'.join(new_path_list)) pathtxt = pathsep.join(new_path_list) varval_list = [('Path', pathtxt)] regfile_str = make_regfile_str(key, varval_list, rtype) ut.view_directory(write_dir) print(regfile_str) ut.writeto(script_fpath, regfile_str, mode='wb') print('Please have an admin run the script. You may need to restart')
def dev_autogen_explicit_injects(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf dev_autogen_explicit_injects Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.controller_inject import * # NOQA >>> dev_autogen_explicit_injects() """ import ibeis # NOQA classname = CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME regen_command = ( 'python -m ibeis.control.controller_inject ' '--exec-dev_autogen_explicit_injects') import ibeis.control.IBEISControl conditional_imports = [ modname for modname in ibeis.control.IBEISControl.AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_MODNAMES if isinstance(modname, tuple) ] source_block = ut.autogen_explicit_injectable_metaclass( classname, regen_command, conditional_imports) dpath = ut.get_module_dir(ibeis.control.IBEISControl) fpath = ut.unixjoin(dpath, '') ut.writeto(fpath, source_block)
def exec_(script): import utool as ut print('+**** exec %s script *******' % (script.type_)) print('repo = %r' % (repo,)) with ut.ChdirContext(repo.dpath): if script.is_fpath_valid(): normbuild_flag = '--no-rmbuild' if ut.get_argflag(normbuild_flag): ut.cmd(script.fpath + ' ' + normbuild_flag) else: ut.cmd(script.fpath) else: if script.text is not None: print('ABOUT TO EXECUTE') ut.print_code(script.text, 'bash') if ut.are_you_sure('execute above script?'): from os.path import join scriptdir = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool', 'build_scripts') script_path = join(scriptdir, 'script_' + script.type_ + '_' + ut.hashstr27(script.text) + '.sh') ut.writeto(script_path, script.text) _ = ut.cmd('bash ', script_path) # NOQA else: print("CANT QUITE EXECUTE THIS YET") ut.print_code(script.text, 'bash') #os.system(scriptname) print('L**** exec %s script *******' % (script.type_))
def resolve_conflicts(fpath, strat, force=False, verbose=True): """ Parses merge conflits and takes either version """ import utool as ut import re top_pat = re.escape('<' * 7) mid_pat = re.escape('=' * 7) bot_pat = re.escape('>' * 7) flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL # Pattern to remove the top part theirs_pat1 = re.compile('^%s.*?%s.*?$\n' % (top_pat, mid_pat), flags=flags) theirs_pat2 = re.compile('^%s.*?$\n' % (bot_pat), flags=flags) # Pattern to remove the bottom part ours_pat1 = re.compile('^%s.*?%s.*?$\n' % (mid_pat, bot_pat), flags=flags) ours_pat2 = re.compile('^%s.*?$\n' % (top_pat), flags=flags) strat_pats = { 'theirs': [theirs_pat1, theirs_pat2], 'ours': [ours_pat1, ours_pat2], } text_in = ut.readfrom(fpath) text_out = text_in strat = 'ours' strat = 'theirs' for pat in strat_pats[strat]: text_out = pat.sub('', text_out) if verbose: ut.print_difftext(ut.difftext(text_in, text_out, num_context_lines=3)) if force: ut.writeto(fpath, text_out)
def exec_(script): import utool as ut print("+**** exec %s script *******" % (script.type_)) print("repo = %r" % (repo,)) with ut.ChdirContext(repo.dpath): if script.is_fpath_valid(): normbuild_flag = "--no-rmbuild" if ut.get_argflag(normbuild_flag): ut.cmd(script.fpath + " " + normbuild_flag) else: ut.cmd(script.fpath) else: if script.text is not None: print("ABOUT TO EXECUTE") ut.print_code(script.text, "bash") if ut.are_you_sure("execute above script?"): from os.path import join scriptdir = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir("utool", "build_scripts") script_path = join( scriptdir, "script_" + script.type_ + "_" + ut.hashstr27(script.text) + ".sh" ) ut.writeto(script_path, script.text) _ = ut.cmd("bash ", script_path) # NOQA else: print("CANT QUITE EXECUTE THIS YET") ut.print_code(script.text, "bash") # os.system(scriptname) print("L**** exec %s script *******" % (script.type_))
def _setup_links(self, cfg_prefix, config=None): """ Called only when setting up an experiment to make a measurement. Creates symlinks such that all data is written to a directory that depends on a computer name, cfg_prefix and an arbitrary configuration dict. Then force the link in the basic directory to point to abs_dpath. """ # Setup directory from os.path import expanduser assert self.dname is not None computer_id = ut.get_argval('--comp', default=ut.get_computer_name()) conf_dpath = ut.ensuredir((expanduser(self.base_dpath), 'configured')) comp_dpath = ut.ensuredir((join(conf_dpath, computer_id))) link_dpath = ut.ensuredir((self.base_dpath, 'link')) # if True: # # move to new system # old_dpath = join(conf_dpath, self.dbname + '_' + computer_id) # if exists(old_dpath): # ut.move(old_dpath, join(comp_dpath, self.dbname)) try: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config.getstate_todict_recursive()) except AttributeError: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config) hashid = ut.hash_data(cfgstr)[0:6] suffix = '_'.join([cfg_prefix, hashid]) dbcode = self.dbname + '_' + suffix abs_dpath = ut.ensuredir(join(comp_dpath, dbcode)) self.dname = dbcode self.dpath = abs_dpath self.abs_dpath = abs_dpath # Place a basic link in the base link directory links = [] links.append(expanduser(join(link_dpath, self.dbname))) # # Make a configured but computer agnostic link # links.append(expanduser(join(conf_dpath, self.dbname))) for link in links: try: # Overwrite any existing link so the most recently used is # the default = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link, overwrite=True) except Exception: if exists(abs_dpath): newpath = ut.non_existing_path(abs_dpath, suffix='_old') ut.move(link, newpath) = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link) ut.writeto(join(abs_dpath, 'info.txt'), cfgstr)
def tryout_web_graphs(self, infr): """ pip install bokeh Notes: pip install plotly # eww need to sign up and get a key import mpld3 mpld3.save_html(fig, open('fig.html', 'w')) mpld3.save_json(fig, open('fig.json', 'w')) fig = pt.gcf() """ #import plottool as pt # from networkx.readwrite import json_graph G = infr.graph data = json_graph.node_link_data(G) json_text = ut.to_json(data, pretty=True) ut.writeto('graph.json', json_text) ut.editfile('graph.json') ut.startfile('d3_example.html')
def ensure_text(fname, text, repo_dpath='.', force=None, locals_={}, chmod=None): """ Args: fname (str): file name text (str): repo_dpath (str): directory path string(default = '.') force (bool): (default = False) locals_ (dict): (default = {}) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_git import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> result = setup_repo() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut ut.colorprint('Ensuring fname=%r' % (fname), 'yellow') if force is None and ut.get_argflag('--force-%s' % (fname,)): force = True fpath = join(repo_dpath, fname) if force or not ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=2, n=5): text_ = ut.remove_codeblock_syntax_sentinals(text) fmtkw = locals_.copy() fmtkw['fname'] = fname text_ = text_.format(**fmtkw) + '\n' ut.writeto(fpath, text_) try: if chmod: ut.chmod(fpath, chmod) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True)
def inject_python_code2(fpath, patch_code, tag): """ Does autogeneration stuff """ import utool as ut text = ut.readfrom(fpath) start_tag = '# <%s>' % tag end_tag = '# </%s>' % tag new_text = ut.replace_between_tags(text, patch_code, start_tag, end_tag) ut.writeto(fpath, new_text)
def autogen_ipynb(ibs, launch=None, run=None): r""" Autogenerates standard IBEIS Image Analysis IPython notebooks. CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --run --db lynx python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --asreport python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --noexample --withtags python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_MTEST # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db ~/work/PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,dminqual=good python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normalizer=[None,normlnbnn-test] python -m ibeis.templates.generate_notebook --exec-autogen_ipynb --db wd_peter_blinston --ipynb python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 --ipynb python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:qindex=0:100 -t best best:normsum=True --ipynb --noexample python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl --run jupyter-notebook Experiments-lynx.ipynb killall python python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW -a default:has_any=hasnotch python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW default:proot=vsmany -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2,qindex=0:50 --noexample Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.templates.generate_notebook import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = autogen_ipynb(ibs) >>> print(result) """ dbname = ibs.get_dbname() fname = 'Experiments-' + dbname nb_fpath = fname + '.ipynb' if ut.get_argflag('--cells'): notebook_cells = make_ibeis_cell_list(ibs) print('\n# ---- \n'.join(notebook_cells)) return # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified notebook_str = make_ibeis_notebook(ibs) ut.writeto(nb_fpath, notebook_str) run = ut.get_argflag('--run') if run is None else run launch = launch if launch is not None else ut.get_argflag('--ipynb') if run: run_nb = ut.run_ipython_notebook(notebook_str) output_fpath = ut.export_notebook(run_nb, fname) ut.startfile(output_fpath) elif launch: ut.cmd('jupyter-notebook', nb_fpath, detatch=True) #ut.cmd('ipython-notebook', nb_fpath) #ut.startfile(nb_fpath) else: print('notebook_str =\n%s' % (notebook_str, ))
def autogen_ipynb(ibs, launch=None, run=None): r""" Autogenerates standard IBEIS Image Analysis IPython notebooks. CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --run --db lynx python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --asreport python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --noexample --withtags python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_MTEST # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db ~/work/PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,dminqual=good python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normalizer=[None,normlnbnn-test] python -m ibeis.templates.generate_notebook --exec-autogen_ipynb --db wd_peter_blinston --ipynb python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 --ipynb python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:qindex=0:100 -t best best:normsum=True --ipynb --noexample python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl --run jupyter-notebook Experiments-lynx.ipynb killall python python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW -a default:has_any=hasnotch python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW default:proot=vsmany -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2,qindex=0:50 --noexample Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.templates.generate_notebook import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = autogen_ipynb(ibs) >>> print(result) """ dbname = ibs.get_dbname() fname = 'Experiments-' + dbname nb_fpath = fname + '.ipynb' if ut.get_argflag('--cells'): notebook_cells = make_ibeis_cell_list(ibs) print('\n# ---- \n'.join(notebook_cells)) return # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified notebook_str = make_ibeis_notebook(ibs) ut.writeto(nb_fpath, notebook_str) run = ut.get_argflag('--run') if run is None else run launch = launch if launch is not None else ut.get_argflag('--ipynb') if run: run_nb = ut.run_ipython_notebook(notebook_str) output_fpath = ut.export_notebook(run_nb, fname) ut.startfile(output_fpath) elif launch: ut.cmd('jupyter-notebook', nb_fpath, detatch=True) #ut.cmd('ipython-notebook', nb_fpath) #ut.startfile(nb_fpath) else: print('notebook_str =\n%s' % (notebook_str,))
def convert_tests_from_ibeis_to_nose(module_list): # PARSE OUT TESTABLE DOCTESTTUPS #import utool as ut testtup_list = [] seen_ = set() topimport_list = [] for module in module_list: mod_doctest_tup = ut.get_module_doctest_tup(module=module, verbose=False, allexamples=True) enabled_testtup_list, frame_fpath, all_testflags, module = mod_doctest_tup flags = [tup.src not in seen_ for tup in enabled_testtup_list] enabled_testtup_list = ut.compress(enabled_testtup_list, flags) testtup_list.extend(enabled_testtup_list) if len(enabled_testtup_list) > 0: topimport_list.append('from %s import * # NOQA' % (module.__name__,)) print('Found %d test tups' % (len(testtup_list))) autogen_test_src_funcs = [] #import redbaron for testtup in testtup_list: name = num = testtup.num src = testtup.src want = testtup.want import re src = re.sub('# ENABLE_DOCTEST\n', '', src) src = re.sub('from [^*]* import \* *# NOQA\n', '', src) src = re.sub(r'from [^*]* import \*\n', '', src) src = ut.str_between(src, None, 'ut.quit_if_noshow').rstrip('\n') src = ut.str_between(src, None, 'ut.show_if_requested').rstrip('\n') # import utool # utool.embed() """ """ #flag = testtup.flag if want.endswith('\n'): want = want[:-1] if want: #src_node = redbaron.RedBaron(src) #if len(src_node.find_all('name', 'result')) > 0: # src_node.append('assert result == %r' % (want,)) if '\nresult = ' in src: src += '\nassert str(result) == %r' % (want,) func_src = 'def test_%s_%d():\n' % (name.replace('.', '_'), num,) + ut.indent(src) autogen_test_src_funcs.append(func_src) autogen_test_src = '\n'.join(topimport_list) + '\n\n\n' + '\n\n\n'.join(autogen_test_src_funcs) + '\n' from ibeis import tests from os.path import join moddir = ut.get_module_dir(tests) ut.writeto(join(moddir, ''), autogen_test_src)
def dump_profile_text(): import utool as ut print("Dumping Profile Information") profile = ut.PROFILE_FUNC output_text, summary_text = get_profile_text(profile) #profile.dump_stats('out.lprof') print(summary_text) ut.writeto('profile_output.txt', output_text + '\n' + summary_text) ut.writeto('profile_output.%s.txt' % (ut.get_timestamp()), output_text + '\n' + summary_text)
def make_bayes_notebook(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.unstable.demobayes --exec-make_bayes_notebook Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.unstable.demobayes import * # NOQA >>> result = make_bayes_notebook() >>> print(result) """ from wbia.templates import generate_notebook initialize = ut.codeblock(r""" # STARTBLOCK import os os.environ['UTOOL_NO_CNN'] = 'True' from wbia.unstable.demobayes import * # NOQA # Matplotlib stuff import matplotlib as mpl %matplotlib inline %load_ext autoreload %autoreload from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML("<style>body .container { width:99% !important; }</style>") # ENDBLOCK """) cell_list_def = [ initialize, show_model_templates, demo_modes, demo_name_annot_complexity, # demo_model_idependencies, demo_single_add, demo_ambiguity, demo_conflicting_evidence, demo_annot_idependence_overlap, ] def format_cell(cell): if ut.is_funclike(cell): header = '# ' + ut.to_title_caps(ut.get_funcname(cell)) code = (header, ut.get_func_sourcecode(cell, stripdef=True, stripret=True)) else: code = (None, cell) return generate_notebook.format_cells(code) cell_list = ut.flatten([format_cell(cell) for cell in cell_list_def]) nbstr = generate_notebook.make_notebook(cell_list)'nbstr = %s' % (nbstr, )) fpath = 'demobayes.ipynb' ut.writeto(fpath, nbstr) ut.startfile(fpath)
def dummy_preproc_spam(depc, *args, **kwargs): config = kwargs.get('config', None) if config is None: config = {} print('Computing notch') ut.writeto('tmp.txt', ut.lorium_ipsum()) for x in zip(*args): size = (42, 21) uuid = ut.get_zero_uuid() vector = np.ones(3) yield ('spam', 3665, size, uuid, vector, 'tmp.txt')
def dummy_preproc_spam(depc, *args, **kwargs): config = kwargs.get('config', None) if config is None: config = {} print('[preproc] Computing spam') ut.writeto('tmp.txt', ut.lorium_ipsum()) for x in zip(*args): size = (42, 21) uuid = ut.get_zero_uuid() vector = np.ones(3) yield ('spam', 3665, size, uuid, vector, 'tmp.txt')
def make_bayes_notebook(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes --exec-make_bayes_notebook Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes import * # NOQA >>> result = make_bayes_notebook() >>> print(result) """ from ibeis.templates import generate_notebook initialize = ut.codeblock( r''' # STARTBLOCK import os os.environ['UTOOL_NO_CNN'] = 'True' from ibeis.algo.hots.demobayes import * # NOQA # Matplotlib stuff import matplotlib as mpl %matplotlib inline %load_ext autoreload %autoreload from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML("<style>body .container { width:99% !important; }</style>") # ENDBLOCK ''' ) cell_list_def = [ initialize, show_model_templates, demo_modes, demo_name_annot_complexity, ###demo_model_idependencies, demo_single_add, demo_ambiguity, demo_conflicting_evidence, demo_annot_idependence_overlap, ] def format_cell(cell): if ut.is_funclike(cell): header = '# ' + ut.to_title_caps(ut.get_funcname(cell)) code = (header, ut.get_func_sourcecode(cell, stripdef=True, stripret=True)) else: code = (None, cell) return generate_notebook.format_cells(code) cell_list = ut.flatten([format_cell(cell) for cell in cell_list_def]) nbstr = generate_notebook.make_notebook(cell_list) print('nbstr = %s' % (nbstr,)) fpath = 'demobayes.ipynb' ut.writeto(fpath, nbstr) ut.startfile(fpath)
def render_html(html_str): """ makes a temporary html rendering """ import utool as ut from os.path import abspath import webbrowser html_dpath = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('utool', 'temp_html') fpath = abspath(ut.unixjoin(html_dpath, 'temp.html')) url = 'file://' + fpath ut.writeto(fpath, html_str)
def dump_profile_text(): import utool as ut print("Dumping Profile Information") profile = ut.PROFILE_FUNC try: output_text, summary_text = get_profile_text(profile) except AttributeError: print('profile is not on') else: #profile.dump_stats('out.lprof') print(summary_text) ut.writeto('profile_output.txt', output_text + '\n' + summary_text) ut.writeto('profile_output.%s.txt' % (ut.get_timestamp()), output_text + '\n' + summary_text)
def convert_tests_from_utool_to_nose(module_list): # PARSE OUT TESTABLE DOCTESTTUPS #import utool as ut testtup_list = [] seen_ = set() topimport_list = [] for module in module_list: mod_doctest_tup = ut.get_module_doctest_tup(module=module, verbose=False, allexamples=True) enabled_testtup_list, frame_fpath, all_testflags, module = mod_doctest_tup flags = [tup.src not in seen_ for tup in enabled_testtup_list] enabled_testtup_list = ut.compress(enabled_testtup_list, flags) testtup_list.extend(enabled_testtup_list) if len(enabled_testtup_list) > 0: topimport_list.append('from %s import * # NOQA' % (module.__name__,)) print('Found %d test tups' % (len(testtup_list))) autogen_test_src_funcs = [] #import redbaron for testtup in testtup_list: name = num = testtup.num src = testtup.src want = testtup.want import re src = re.sub('# ENABLE_DOCTEST\n', '', src) src = re.sub('from [^*]* import \* *# NOQA\n', '', src) src = re.sub('from [^*]* import \*\n', '', src) #flag = testtup.flag if want.endswith('\n'): want = want[:-1] if want: #src_node = redbaron.RedBaron(src) #if len(src_node.find_all('name', 'result')) > 0: # src_node.append('assert result == %r' % (want,)) if '\nresult = ' in src: src += '\nassert str(result) == %r' % (want,) func_src = 'def test_%s_%d():\n' % (name.replace('.', '_'), num,) + ut.indent(src) autogen_test_src_funcs.append(func_src) autogen_test_src = '\n'.join(topimport_list) + '\n\n\n' + '\n\n\n'.join(autogen_test_src_funcs) + '\n' from utool import tests from os.path import join moddir = ut.get_module_dir(tests) ut.writeto(join(moddir, ''), autogen_test_src)
def ensure_text(fname, text, repo_dpath='.', force=None, locals_={}, chmod=None): """ Args: fname (str): file name text (str): repo_dpath (str): directory path string(default = '.') force (bool): (default = False) locals_ (dict): (default = {}) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_git import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> result = setup_repo() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut ut.colorprint('Ensuring fname=%r' % (fname), 'yellow') if force is None and ut.get_argflag('--force-%s' % (fname, )): force = True fpath = join(repo_dpath, fname) if force or not ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=2, n=5): text_ = ut.remove_codeblock_syntax_sentinals(text) fmtkw = locals_.copy() fmtkw['fname'] = fname text_ = text_.format(**fmtkw) + '\n' ut.writeto(fpath, text_) try: if chmod: ut.chmod(fpath, chmod) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True)
def write_script_lines(line_list, fname): exename = 'python' regen_cmd = (exename + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)).replace(expanduser('~'), '~') script_lines = [] script_lines.append('#!/bin/sh') script_lines.append('echo << \'EOF\' > /dev/null') script_lines.append('RegenCommand:') script_lines.append(' ' + regen_cmd) script_lines.append('CommandLine:') script_lines.append(' sh ' + fname) script_lines.append('dont forget to tmuxnew') script_lines.append('EOF') script_lines.extend(line_list) script = '\n'.join(script_lines) print(script) import ibeis from os.path import dirname, join dpath = dirname(ut.get_module_dir(ibeis)) fpath = join(dpath, fname) if not ut.get_argflag('--dryrun'): ut.writeto(fpath, script) ut.chmod_add_executable(fpath) return fname, script, line_list
def update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis ensure_local_war python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config --show Example: >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() >>> webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') >>> wb_target = ibeis.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET >>> unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(update_wildbook_install_config, globals()) >>> #update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['permission_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['jdoconfig_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['asset_store_fpath']) """ mysql_mode = not ut.get_argflag('--nomysql') #if ut.get_argflag('--vd'): # ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) #find_installed_tomcat # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ # '/ImageSetSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line, ) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') # Make sure we are using a non-process based database jdoconfig_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('Fixing backend database config') print('jdoconfig_fpath = %r' % (jdoconfig_fpath, )) ut.assertpath(jdoconfig_fpath) jdoconfig_text = ut.readfrom(jdoconfig_fpath) #ut.vd(dirname(jdoconfig_fpath)) #ut.editfile(jdoconfig_fpath) if mysql_mode: jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', False) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', 1) mysql_user = '******' mysql_passwd = 'somepassword' mysql_dbname = 'ibeiswbtestdb' # Use mysql jdoconfig_text = re.sub('datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionURL *= *jdbc:mysql:.*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/' + mysql_dbname, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) jdoconfig_text = re.sub('^.*jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shepherd.*$', '', jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) else: # Use SQLIIte jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', False) ut.writeto(jdoconfig_fpath, jdoconfig_text) # Need to make sure wildbook can store information in a reasonalbe place #tomcat_data_dir = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'webapps', 'wildbook_data_dir') tomcat_data_dir = join(webapps_dpath, 'wildbook_data_dir') ut.ensuredir(tomcat_data_dir) ut.writeto(join(tomcat_data_dir, 'test.txt'), 'A hosted test file') asset_store_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'createAssetStore.jsp') asset_store_text = ut.read_from(asset_store_fpath) #data_path_pat = ut.named_field('data_path', 'new File(".*?").toPath') new_line = 'LocalAssetStore as = new LocalAssetStore("example Local AssetStore", new File("%s").toPath(), "%s", true);' % ( tomcat_data_dir, 'http://localhost:8080/' + basename(tomcat_data_dir)) # HACKY asset_store_text2 = re.sub('^LocalAssetStore as = .*$', new_line, asset_store_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) ut.writeto(asset_store_fpath, asset_store_text2)
need_encoding_fpaths = [] for pat in pattern_items: print('Checking for pattern: %r' % (pat,)) for fpath in fpath_list: pattern = re.escape(pat) found_lines, found_lxs = ut.grepfile(fpath, pattern) # DID NOT FIND ENCODING LINE if len(found_lines) == 0: need_encoding_fpaths.append(fpath) print('The following fpaths need encoding lines: ' + ut.list_str(need_encoding_fpaths, strvals=True)) if do_write or show_diff: for fpath in need_encoding_fpaths: print('\n-----------------\nFound file without encodeing line: ' + fpath) line_list = ut.read_lines_from(fpath) linenum = find_encoding_insert_position(line_list) if linenum is not None: #print(' * linenum = %r' % (linenum,)) new_lines = line_list[:linenum] + [encoding_line + '\n'] + line_list[linenum:] new_text = ''.join(new_lines) if show_diff: old_text = ''.join(line_list) textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(old_text, new_text, num_context_lines=1) print('Diff:') ut.print_difftext(textdiff) if do_write: ut.writeto(fpath, new_text) pass
def update_bindings(): r""" Returns: dict: matchtups CommandLine: python ~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts/ --exec-update_bindings ~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts/ --exec-update_bindings Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from autogen_bindings import * # NOQA >>> import sys >>> import utool as ut >>> sys.path.append(ut.truepath('~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts')) >>> matchtups = update_bindings() >>> result = ('matchtups = %s' % (ut.repr2(matchtups),)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from os.path import basename import difflib import numpy as np import re binding_names = [ 'build_index', 'used_memory', 'add_points', 'remove_point', 'compute_cluster_centers', 'load_index', 'save_index', 'find_nearest_neighbors', 'radius_search', 'remove_points', 'free_index', 'find_nearest_neighbors_index', # 'size', # 'veclen', # 'get_point', # 'flann_get_distance_order', # 'flann_get_distance_type', # 'flann_log_verbosity', # 'clean_removed_points', ] _places = [ '~/code/flann/src/cpp/flann/flann.cpp', '~/code/flann/src/cpp/flann/flann.h', '~/code/flann/src/python/pyflann/', '~/code/flann/src/python/pyflann/', ] eof_sentinals = { # '': '# END DEFINE BINDINGS', '': 'def ensure_2d_array(arr', # 'flann.h': '// END DEFINE BINDINGS', 'flann.h': '#ifdef __cplusplus', 'flann.cpp': None, '': None, } block_sentinals = { 'flann.h': re.escape('/**'), 'flann.cpp': 'template *<typename Distance>', # '': '\n', '': 'flann\.[a-z_.]* =', # '': ' def .*', '': ' [^ ].*', } places = {basename(fpath): fpath for fpath in ut.lmap(ut.truepath, _places)} text_dict = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.readfrom, places) lines_dict = {key: val.split('\n') for key, val in text_dict.items()} orig_texts = text_dict.copy() # NOQA binding_defs = {} named_blocks = {} print('binding_names = %r' % (binding_names,)) for binding_name in binding_names: blocks, defs = autogen_parts(binding_name) binding_defs[binding_name] = defs named_blocks[binding_name] = blocks for binding_name in ut.ProgIter(binding_names): ut.colorprint('+--- GENERATE BINDING %s -----' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') blocks_dict = named_blocks[binding_name] for key in places.keys(): ut.colorprint('---- generating %s for %s -----' % (binding_name, key,), 'yellow') # key = '' # print(text_dict[key]) old_text = text_dict[key] line_list = lines_dict[key] #text = old_text block = blocks_dict[key] debug = ut.get_argflag('--debug') # debug = True # if debug: # print(ut.highlight_code(block, splitext(key)[1])) # Find a place in the code that already exists searchblock = block if key.endswith('.cpp') or key.endswith('.h'): searchblock = re.sub(ut.REGEX_C_COMMENT, '', searchblock, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) searchblock = '\n'.join(searchblock.splitlines()[0:3]) # @ut.cached_func(verbose=False) def cached_match(old_text, searchblock): def isjunk(x): return False return x in ' \t,*()' def isjunk2(x): return x in ' \t,*()' # Not sure why the first one just doesnt find it # isjunk = None sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=False) sm0 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=True) sm1 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk2, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=False) sm2 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk2, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=True) matchtups = (sm.get_matching_blocks() + sm0.get_matching_blocks() + sm1.get_matching_blocks() + sm2.get_matching_blocks()) return matchtups matchtups = cached_match(old_text, searchblock) # Find a reasonable match in matchtups found = False if debug: # print('searchblock =\n%s' % (searchblock,)) print('searchblock = %r' % (searchblock,)) for (a, b, size) in matchtups: matchtext = old_text[a: a + size] pybind = binding_defs[binding_name]['py_binding_name'] if + '\\b', matchtext) or + '\\b', matchtext): found = True pos = a + size if debug: print('MATCHING TEXT') print(matchtext) break else: if debug and 0: print('Not matching') print('matchtext = %r' % (matchtext,)) matchtext2 = old_text[a - 10: a + size + 20] print('matchtext2 = %r' % (matchtext2,)) if found: linelens = np.array(ut.lmap(len, line_list)) + 1 sumlen = np.cumsum(linelens) row = np.where(sumlen < pos)[0][-1] + 1 #print(line_list[row]) # Search for extents of the block to overwrite block_sentinal = block_sentinals[key] row1 = ut.find_block_end(row, line_list, block_sentinal, -1) - 1 row2 = ut.find_block_end(row + 1, line_list, block_sentinal, +1) eof_sentinal = eof_sentinals[key] if eof_sentinal is not None: print('eof_sentinal = %r' % (eof_sentinal,)) row2 = min([count for count, line in enumerate(line_list) if line.startswith(eof_sentinal)][-1], row2) nr = len((block + '\n\n').splitlines()) new_line_list = ut.insert_block_between_lines( block + '\n', row1, row2, line_list) rtext1 = '\n'.join(line_list[row1:row2]) rtext2 = '\n'.join(new_line_list[row1:row1 + nr]) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint('FOUND AND REPLACING %s' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext1)) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint('FOUND AND REPLACED WITH %s' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext2)) if not ut.get_argflag('--diff') and not debug: print(ut.color_diff_text(ut.difftext(rtext1, rtext2, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True))) else: # Append to end of the file eof_sentinal = eof_sentinals[key] if eof_sentinal is None: row2 = len(line_list) - 1 else: row2_choice = [count for count, line in enumerate(line_list) if line.startswith(eof_sentinal)] if len(row2_choice) == 0: row2 = len(line_list) - 1 assert False else: row2 = row2_choice[-1] - 1 # row1 = row2 - 1 # row2 = row2 - 1 row1 = row2 new_line_list = ut.insert_block_between_lines( block + '\n', row1, row2, line_list) # block + '\n\n\n', row1, row2, line_list) rtext1 = '\n'.join(line_list[row1:row2]) nr = len((block + '\n\n').splitlines()) rtext2 = '\n'.join(new_line_list[row1:row1 + nr]) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint('NOT FOUND AND REPLACING %s' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext1)) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint('NOT FOUND AND REPLACED WITH %s' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext2)) if not ut.get_argflag('--diff') and not debug: print(ut.color_diff_text(ut.difftext(rtext1, rtext2, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True))) text_dict[key] = '\n'.join(new_line_list) lines_dict[key] = new_line_list ut.colorprint('L___ GENERATED BINDING %s ___' % (binding_name,), 'yellow') for key in places: new_text = '\n'.join(lines_dict[key]) #ut.writeto(ut.augpath(places[key], '.new'), new_text) ut.writeto(ut.augpath(places[key]), new_text) for key in places: if ut.get_argflag('--diff'): difftext = ut.get_textdiff(orig_texts[key], new_text, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True) difftext = ut.color_diff_text(difftext) print(difftext)
def fix_chktex(): """ ./ --fixcite --fix-chktex """ import parse fpaths = testdata_fpaths() print('Running chktex') output_list = [ ut.cmd('chktex', fpath, verbose=False)[0] for fpath in fpaths ] fixcite = ut.get_argflag('--fixcite') fixlbl = ut.get_argflag('--fixlbl') fixcmdterm = ut.get_argflag('--fixcmdterm') for fpath, output in zip(fpaths, output_list): text = ut.readfrom(fpath) buffer = text.split('\n') pat = '\n' + ut.positive_lookahead('Warning') warn_list = list( filter(lambda x: x.startswith('Warning'), re.split(pat, output))) delete_linenos = [] if not (fixcmdterm or fixlbl or fixcite): print(' CHOOSE A FIX ') modified_lines = [] for warn in warn_list: warnlines = warn.split('\n') pres = parse.parse( 'Warning {num} in {fpath} line {lineno}: {warnmsg}', warnlines[0]) if pres is not None: fpath_ = pres['fpath'] lineno = int(pres['lineno']) - 1 warnmsg = pres['warnmsg'] try: assert fpath == fpath_, ('%r != %r' % (fpath, fpath_)) except AssertionError: continue if 'No errors printed' in warn: #print('Cannot fix') continue if lineno in modified_lines: print('Skipping modified line') continue if fixcmdterm and warnmsg == 'Command terminated with space.': print('Fix command termination') errorline = warnlines[1] # NOQA carrotline = warnlines[2] pos = carrotline.find('^') if 0: print('pos = %r' % (pos, )) print('lineno = %r' % (lineno, )) print('errorline = %r' % (errorline, )) modified_lines.append(lineno) line = buffer[lineno] pre_, post_ = line[:pos], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '{} ' + post_).rstrip(' ') #print('newline = %r' % (newline,)) buffer[lineno] = newline elif fixlbl and warnmsg == 'Delete this space to maintain correct pagereferences.': print('Fix label newline') fpath_ = pres['fpath'] errorline = warnlines[1] # NOQA new_prevline = buffer[ lineno - 1].rstrip() + errorline.lstrip(' ') buffer[lineno - 1] = new_prevline modified_lines.append(lineno) delete_linenos.append(lineno) elif fixcite and re.match( 'Non-breaking space \\(.~.\\) should have been used', warnmsg): #print(warnmsg) #print('\n'.join(warnlines)) print('Fix citation space') carrotline = warnlines[2] pos = carrotline.find('^') modified_lines.append(lineno) line = buffer[lineno] if line[pos] == ' ': pre_, post_ = line[:pos], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '~' + post_).rstrip(' ') else: pre_, post_ = line[:pos + 1], line[pos + 1:] newline = (pre_ + '~' + post_).rstrip(' ') print(warn) print(line[pos]) assert False #assert line[pos] == ' ', '%r' % line[pos] break if len(pre_.strip()) == 0: new_prevline = buffer[ lineno - 1].rstrip() + newline.lstrip(' ') buffer[lineno - 1] = new_prevline delete_linenos.append(lineno) else: #print('newline = %r' % (newline,)) buffer[lineno] = newline #print(warn) if len(delete_linenos) > 0: mask = ut.index_to_boolmask(delete_linenos, len(buffer)) buffer = ut.compress(buffer, ut.not_list(mask)) newtext = '\n'.join(buffer) #ut.dump_autogen_code(fpath, newtext, 'tex', fullprint=False) ut.print_difftext( ut.get_textdiff(text, newtext, num_context_lines=4)) if ut.get_argflag('-w'): ut.writeto(fpath, newtext) else: print('Specify -w to finialize change')
pattern = re.escape(pat) found_lines, found_lxs = ut.grepfile(fpath, pattern) # DID NOT FIND ENCODING LINE if len(found_lines) == 0: need_encoding_fpaths.append(fpath) print('The following fpaths need encoding lines: ' + ut.list_str(need_encoding_fpaths, strvals=True)) if do_write or show_diff: for fpath in need_encoding_fpaths: print('\n-----------------\nFound file without encodeing line: ' + fpath) line_list = ut.read_lines_from(fpath) linenum = find_encoding_insert_position(line_list) if linenum is not None: #print(' * linenum = %r' % (linenum,)) new_lines = line_list[:linenum] + [encoding_line + '\n' ] + line_list[linenum:] new_text = ''.join(new_lines) if show_diff: old_text = ''.join(line_list) textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(old_text, new_text, num_context_lines=1) print('Diff:') ut.print_difftext(textdiff) if do_write: ut.writeto(fpath, new_text) pass
def install_wildbook(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Script to setup wildbook on a unix based system (hopefully eventually this will generalize to win32) CommandLine: # Reset python -m ibeis --tf reset_local_wildbook # Setup python -m ibeis --tf install_wildbook # Startup python -m ibeis --tf startup_wildbook_server --show --exec-mode # Reset python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-reset_local_wildbook # Setup python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-install_wildbook # Startup python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-startup_wildbook_server --show --exec-mode Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> result = install_wildbook() >>> print(result) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory from os.path import basename, splitext, join import time import re import subprocess try: output = subprocess.check_output(['java', '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _java_version = output.split('\n')[0] _java_version = _java_version.replace('java version ', '') java_version = _java_version.replace('"', '') print('java_version = %r' % (java_version,)) if not java_version.startswith('1.7'): print('Warning wildbook is only supported for java 1.7') except OSError: output = None if output is None: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find java on this machine. ' 'Please install java:') tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() assert tomcat_dpath is not None, 'Could not find tomcat' war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile() war_fname = basename(war_fpath) wb_target = splitext(war_fname)[0] # Ensure environment variables #os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = find_java_jvm() #os.environ['TOMCAT_HOME'] = tomcat_dpath #os.environ['CATALINA_HOME'] = tomcat_dpath # Move the war file to tomcat webapps if not there webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') deploy_war_fpath = join(webapps_dpath, war_fname) if not ut.checkpath(deploy_war_fpath, verbose=verbose): ut.copy(war_fpath, deploy_war_fpath) # Ensure that the war file has been unpacked unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) if not ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=verbose): # Need to make sure you start catalina in the same directory otherwise # the derby databsae gets put in in cwd tomcat_startup_dir = get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir() with ut.ChdirContext(tomcat_startup_dir): # Starting and stoping catalina should be sufficient to unpack the # war startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') shutdown_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath)) print('It is NOT ok if the fails\n') # wait for the war to be unpacked for retry_count in range(0, 6): time.sleep(1) if ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=True): break else: print('Retrying') # ensure that the server is ruuning import requests print('Checking if we can ping the server') response = requests.get('http://localhost:8080') if response is None or response.status_code != 200: print('There may be an error starting the server') else: print('Seem able to ping the server') # assert tht the war was unpacked ut.assertpath(unpacked_war_dpath, ( 'Wildbook war might have not unpacked correctly. This may ' 'be ok. Try again. If it fails a second time, then there is a ' 'problem.'), verbose=True) # shutdown the server ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(shutdown_fpath)) print('It is ok if the fails') time.sleep(.5) # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line,) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') print('Wildbook is installed and waiting to be started')
def autogen_ipynb(ibs, launch=None, run=None): r""" Autogenerates standard IBEIS Image Analysis IPython notebooks. CommandLine: python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --run --db lynx python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --run --db lynx python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST -p :proot=smk,num_words=64000 default python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --asreport python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST --noexample --withtags python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db STS_SandTigers python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db PZ_MTEST # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db ~/work/PZ_MTEST python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,dminqual=good python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normalizer=[None,normlnbnn-test] python -m wbia.templates.generate_notebook --exec-autogen_ipynb --db wd_peter_blinston --ipynb python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 --ipynb python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:qindex=0:100 -t best best:normsum=True --ipynb --noexample python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl --run jupyter-notebook Experiments-lynx.ipynb killall python python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW -a default:has_any=hasnotch python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db humpbacks --ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW default:proot=vsmany -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2,qindex=0:50 --noexample python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db testdb_curvrank --ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankDorsal python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db testdb_curvrank --ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankFluke python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db PW_Master --ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankDorsal python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db testdb_identification --ipynb -t default:proot=Deepsense Ignore: python -m wbia autogen_ipynb --db WS_ALL Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.templates.generate_notebook import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = autogen_ipynb(ibs) >>> print(result) """ dbname = ibs.get_dbname() fname = 'Experiments-' + dbname nb_fpath = fname + '.ipynb' if ut.get_argflag('--cells'): notebook_cells = make_wbia_cell_list(ibs) print('\n# ---- \n'.join(notebook_cells)) return # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified notebook_str = make_wbia_notebook(ibs) ut.writeto(nb_fpath, notebook_str) run = ut.get_argflag('--run') if run is None else run launch = launch if launch is not None else ut.get_argflag('--ipynb') if run: run_nb = ut.run_ipython_notebook(notebook_str) output_fpath = ut.export_notebook(run_nb, fname) ut.startfile(output_fpath) elif launch: command = ' '.join( [ 'jupyter-notebook', '--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=10000000', '--NotebookApp.token=', nb_fpath, ] ) ut.cmd2(command, detatch=True, verbose=True) else: print('notebook_str =\n%s' % (notebook_str,))
def make_application_icon(exe_fpath, dry=True, props={}): r""" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-make_application_icon --exe=cockatrice --icon=/home/joncrall/code/Cockatrice/cockatrice/resources/cockatrice.png python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-make_application_icon --exe=cockatrice --icon=/home/joncrall/code/Cockatrice/cockatrice/resources/cockatrice.png python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-make_application_icon --exe=/opt/zotero/zotero --icon=/opt/zotero/chrome/icons/default/main-window.ico python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-make_application_icon --exe "env WINEPREFIX="/home/joncrall/.wine" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/joncrall/.wine32-dotnet45/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Desktop/Hearthstone.lnk" --path "/home/joncrall/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone" # Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/joncrall/.wine" wine /home/joncrall/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/ --icon=/opt/zotero/chrome/icons/default/main-window.ico python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-make_application_icon --exe=/home/joncrall/code/build-ArenaTracker-Desktop_Qt_5_6_1_GCC_64bit-Debug update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_ubuntu import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> exe_fpath = ut.get_argval('--exe', default='cockatrice') >>> icon = ut.get_argval('--icon', default=None) >>> dry = not ut.get_argflag(('--write', '-w')) >>> props = {'terminal': False, 'icon': icon} >>> result = make_application_icon(exe_fpath, dry, props) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut exe_fname_noext = splitext(basename(exe_fpath))[0] app_name = exe_fname_noext.replace('_', '-') nice_name = ' '.join( [word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower() for word in app_name.replace('-', ' ').split(' ')] ) lines = [ '[Desktop Entry]', 'Name={nice_name}', 'Exec={exe_fpath}', ] if 'mime_name' in props: lines += ['MimeType=application/x-{mime_name}'] if 'icon' in props: lines += ['Icon={icon}'] if props.get('path'): lines += ['Path={path}'] # if props.get('comment'): # lines += ['Path={comment}'] lines += [ 'Terminal={terminal}', 'Type=Application', 'Categories=Utility;Application;', 'Comment=Custom App', ] fmtdict = locals() fmtdict.update(props) prefix = ut.truepath('~/.local/share') app_codeblock = '\n'.join(lines).format(**fmtdict) app_dpath = join(prefix, 'applications') app_fpath = join(app_dpath, '{app_name}.desktop'.format(**locals())) print(app_codeblock) print('---') print(app_fpath) print('L___') if not dry: ut.writeto(app_fpath, app_codeblock, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, n=None) ut.cmd('update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications')
def add_new_mimetype_association(ext, mime_name, exe_fpath=None, dry=True): """ TODO: move to external manager and generalize Args: ext (str): extension to associate mime_name (str): the name of the mime_name to create (defaults to ext) exe_fpath (str): executable location if this is for one specific file References: Args: ext (str): extension to associate exe_fpath (str): executable location mime_name (str): the name of the mime_name to create (defaults to ext) CommandLine: python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-add_new_mimetype_association # Add ability to open ipython notebooks via double click python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-add_new_mimetype_association --mime-name=ipynb+json --ext=.ipynb --exe-fpath=/usr/local/bin/ipynb python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-add_new_mimetype_association --mime-name=ipynb+json --ext=.ipynb --exe-fpath=jupyter-notebook --force python -m utool.util_ubuntu --exec-add_new_mimetype_association --mime-name=sqlite --ext=.sqlite --exe-fpath=sqlitebrowser Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_ubuntu import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> ext = ut.get_argval('--ext', type_=str, default=None) >>> mime_name = ut.get_argval('--mime_name', type_=str, default=None) >>> exe_fpath = ut.get_argval('--exe_fpath', type_=str, default=None) >>> dry = not ut.get_argflag('--force') >>> result = add_new_mimetype_association(ext, mime_name, exe_fpath, dry) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut terminal = True mime_codeblock = ut.codeblock( ''' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mime-info xmlns=""> <mime-type type="application/x-{mime_name}"> <glob-deleteall/> <glob pattern="*{ext}"/> </mime-type> </mime-info> ''' ).format(**locals()) prefix = ut.truepath('~/.local/share') mime_dpath = join(prefix, 'mime/packages') mime_fpath = join(mime_dpath, 'application-x-{mime_name}.xml'.format(**locals())) print(mime_codeblock) print('---') print(mime_fpath) print('L___') if exe_fpath is not None: exe_fname_noext = splitext(basename(exe_fpath))[0] app_name = exe_fname_noext.replace('_', '-') nice_name = ' '.join( [word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower() for word in app_name.replace('-', ' ').split(' ')] ) app_codeblock = ut.codeblock( ''' [Desktop Entry] Name={nice_name} Exec={exe_fpath} MimeType=application/x-{mime_name} Terminal={terminal} Type=Application Categories=Utility;Application; Comment=Custom App ''' ).format(**locals()) app_dpath = join(prefix, 'applications') app_fpath = join(app_dpath, '{app_name}.desktop'.format(**locals())) print(app_codeblock) print('---') print(app_fpath) print('L___') # WRITE FILES if not dry: ut.ensuredir(mime_dpath) ut.ensuredir(app_dpath) ut.writeto(mime_fpath, mime_codeblock, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, n=None) if exe_fpath is not None: ut.writeto(app_fpath, app_codeblock, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, n=None) # UPDATE BACKENDS #ut.cmd('update-mime-database /usr/share/mime') #~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list print(ut.codeblock( ''' Run these commands: update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime ''' )) if exe_fpath is not None: ut.cmd('update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications') ut.cmd('update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime') else: print('dry_run')
def make_individual_latex_figures(ibs, fpaths_list, flat_case_labels, cfgx2_shortlbl, case_figdir, analysis_fpath_list): # HACK MAKE LATEX CONVINENCE STUFF #print('LATEX HACK') if len(fpaths_list) == 0: print('nothing to render') return RENDER = ut.get_argflag('--render') DUMP_FIGDEF = ut.get_argflag(('--figdump', '--dump-figdef', '--figdef')) if not (DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER): # HACK return latex_code_blocks = [] latex_block_keys = [] caption_prefix = ut.get_argval('--cappref', type_=str, default='') caption_suffix = ut.get_argval('--capsuf', type_=str, default='') cmdaug = ut.get_argval('--cmdaug', type_=str, default='custom') selected = None for case_idx, (fpaths, labels) in enumerate(zip(fpaths_list, flat_case_labels)): if labels is None: labels = [cmdaug] if len(fpaths) < 4: nCols = len(fpaths) else: nCols = 2 _cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + ' Case ' + ' '.join(labels) + '_' + str(case_idx) #print('_cmdname = %r' % (_cmdname,)) cmdname = ut.latex_sanitize_command_name(_cmdname) label_str = cmdname if len(caption_prefix) == 0: caption_str = ut.escape_latex('Casetags: ' + ut.list_str(labels, nl=False, strvals=True) + ', db=' + ibs.get_dbname() + '. ') else: caption_str = '' use_sublbls = len(cfgx2_shortlbl) > 1 if use_sublbls: caption_str += ut.escape_latex('Each figure shows a different configuration: ') sublbls = ['(' + chr(97 + count) + ') ' for count in range(len(cfgx2_shortlbl))] else: #caption_str += ut.escape_latex('This figure depicts correct and #incorrect matches from configuration: ') sublbls = [''] * len(cfgx2_shortlbl) def wrap_tt(text): return r'{\tt ' + text + '}' _shortlbls = cfgx2_shortlbl _shortlbls = list(map(ut.escape_latex, _shortlbls)) # Adjust spacing for breaks #tex_small_space = r'' tex_small_space = r'\hspace{0pt}' # Remove query specific config flags in individual results _shortlbls = [re.sub('\\bq[^,]*,?', '', shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] # Let config strings be broken over newlines _shortlbls = [re.sub('\\+', tex_small_space + '+' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] _shortlbls = [re.sub(', *', ',' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] _shortlbls = list(map(wrap_tt, _shortlbls)) cfgx2_texshortlbl = ['\n ' + lbl + shortlbl for lbl, shortlbl in zip(sublbls, _shortlbls)] caption_str += ut.conj_phrase(cfgx2_texshortlbl, 'and') + '.\n ' caption_str = '\n ' + caption_prefix + caption_str + caption_suffix caption_str = caption_str.rstrip() figure_str = ut.get_latex_figure_str(fpaths, nCols=nCols, label_str=label_str, caption_str=caption_str, use_sublbls=None, use_frame=True) latex_block = ut.latex_newcommand(cmdname, figure_str) latex_block = '\n%----------\n' + latex_block latex_code_blocks.append(latex_block) latex_block_keys.append(cmdname) # HACK remove_fpath = ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015') + '/' latex_fpath = join(case_figdir, 'latex_cases.tex') if selected is not None: selected_keys = selected else: selected_keys = latex_block_keys selected_blocks = ut.dict_take(dict(zip(latex_block_keys, latex_code_blocks)), selected_keys) figdef_block = '\n'.join(selected_blocks) figcmd_block = '\n'.join(['\\' + key for key in latex_block_keys]) selected_block = figdef_block + '\n\n' + figcmd_block # HACK: need full paths to render selected_block_renderable = selected_block selected_block = selected_block.replace(remove_fpath, '') if RENDER: ut.render_latex_text(selected_block_renderable) if DUMP_FIGDEF: ut.writeto(latex_fpath, selected_block) #if NOT DUMP AND NOT RENDER: # print('STANDARD LATEX RESULTS') # cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + 'Results' # latex_block = ut.get_latex_figure_str2(analysis_fpath_list, cmdname, nCols=1) # ut.print_code(latex_block, 'latex') if DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER: ut.print_code(selected_block, 'latex')
def _inject_getter_attrs(metaself, objname, attrs, configurable_attrs, depc_name=None, depcache_attrs=None, settable_attrs=None, aliased_attrs=None): """ Used by the metaclass to inject methods and properties into the class inheriting from ObjectList1D """ if settable_attrs is None: settable_attrs = [] settable_attrs = set(settable_attrs) # Inform the class of which variables will be injected metaself._settable_attrs = settable_attrs metaself._attrs = attrs metaself._configurable_attrs = configurable_attrs if depcache_attrs is None: metaself._depcache_attrs = [] else: metaself._depcache_attrs = [ '%s_%s' % (tbl, col) for tbl, col in depcache_attrs ] if aliased_attrs is not None: metaself._attrs_aliases = aliased_attrs else: metaself._attrs_aliases = {} # if not getattr(metaself, '__needs_inject__', True): # return attr_to_aliases = ut.invert_dict(metaself._attrs_aliases, unique_vals=False) # What is difference between configurable and depcache getters? # Could depcache getters just be made configurable? # I guess its just an efficincy thing. Actually its config2_-vs-config # FIXME: rectify differences between normal / configurable / depcache # getter def _make_caching_setter(attrname, _rowid_setter): def _setter(self, values, *args, **kwargs): if self._ibs is None: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = values else: if self._caching and attrname in self._internal_attrs: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = values _rowid_setter(self, self._rowids, values) ut.set_funcname(_setter, '_set_' + attrname) return _setter def _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter): def _getter(self): if self._ibs is None or (self._caching and attrname in self._internal_attrs): data = self._internal_attrs[attrname] else: data = _rowid_getter(self, self._rowids) if self._caching: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = data return data ut.set_funcname(_getter, '_get_' + attrname) return _getter # make default version use implicit rowids and another # that takes explicit rowids. def _make_setters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'set_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_setter(self, rowids, values, *args, **kwargs): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) ibs_callable(rowids, values, *args, **kwargs) ut.set_funcname(_rowid_setter, '_rowid_set_' + attrname) _setter = _make_caching_setter(attrname, _rowid_setter) return _rowid_setter, _setter # --- def _make_getters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'get_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) data = ibs_callable(rowids) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter def _make_cfg_getters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'get_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) data = ibs_callable(rowids, config2_=self._config) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter def _make_depc_getters(depc_name, attrname, tbl, col): def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): depc = getattr(self._ibs, depc_name) data = depc.get(tbl, rowids, col, config=self._config) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter # Collect setter / getter functions and properties rowid_getters = [] getters = [] setters = [] properties = [] for attrname in attrs: _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_getters(objname, attrname) if attrname in settable_attrs: _rowid_setter, _setter = _make_setters(objname, attrname) setters.append(_setter) else: _setter = None prop = property(fget=_getter, fset=_setter) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) for attrname in configurable_attrs: _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_cfg_getters(objname, attrname) prop = property(fget=_getter) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) if depcache_attrs is not None: for tbl, col in depcache_attrs: attrname = '%s_%s' % (tbl, col) _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_depc_getters( depc_name, attrname, tbl, col) prop = property(fget=_getter, fset=None) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) aliases = [] # Inject all gathered information for attrname, func in rowid_getters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) # ensure aliases have rowid getters for alias in attr_to_aliases.get(attrname, []): alias_funcname = '_rowid_get_' + alias setattr(metaself, alias_funcname, func) for func in getters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) for func in setters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) for attrname, prop in properties: setattr(metaself, attrname, prop) for alias in attr_to_aliases.pop(attrname, []): aliases.append((alias, attrname)) setattr(metaself, alias, prop) if ut.get_argflag('--autogen-core'): # TODO: turn on autogenertion given a flag def expand_closure_source(funcname, func): source = ut.get_func_sourcecode(func) closure_vars = [ (k, v.cell_contents) for k, v in zip(func.func_code.co_freevars, func.func_closure) ] source = ut.unindent(source) import re for k, v in closure_vars: source = re.sub('\\b' + k + '\\b', ut.repr2(v), source) source = re.sub('def .*\(self', 'def ' + funcname + '(self', source) source = ut.indent(source.strip(), ' ') + '\n' return source explicit_lines = [] # build explicit version for jedi? for funcname, func in getters: source = expand_closure_source(funcname, func) explicit_lines.append(source) # build explicit version for jedi? for funcname, func in setters: source = expand_closure_source(funcname, func) explicit_lines.append(source) for attrname, prop in properties: getter_name = None if prop.fget is None else ut.get_funcname( prop.fget) setter_name = None if prop.fset is None else ut.get_funcname( prop.fset) source = ' %s = property(%s, %s)' % (attrname, getter_name, setter_name) explicit_lines.append(source) for alias, attrname in aliases: source = ' %s = %s' % (alias, attrname) explicit_lines.append(source) explicit_source = '\n'.join([ 'from ibeis import _ibeis_object', '', '', 'class _%s_base_class(_ibeis_object.ObjectList1D):', ' __needs_inject__ = False', '', ]) % (objname, ) explicit_source += '\n'.join(explicit_lines) explicit_fname = '' % (objname, ) from os.path import dirname, join ut.writeto(join(dirname(__file__), explicit_fname), explicit_source + '\n') if attr_to_aliases: raise AssertionError('Unmapped aliases %r' % (attr_to_aliases, ))
def update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis ensure_local_war python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config python -m ibeis update_wildbook_install_config --show Example: >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() >>> webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') >>> wb_target = ibeis.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET >>> unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(update_wildbook_install_config, globals()) >>> #update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['permission_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['jdoconfig_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['asset_store_fpath']) """ mysql_mode = not ut.get_argflag('--nomysql') #if ut.get_argflag('--vd'): # ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) #find_installed_tomcat # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ # '/ImageSetSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line,) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') # Make sure we are using a non-process based database jdoconfig_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') print('Fixing backend database config') print('jdoconfig_fpath = %r' % (jdoconfig_fpath,)) ut.assertpath(jdoconfig_fpath) jdoconfig_text = ut.readfrom(jdoconfig_fpath) #ut.vd(dirname(jdoconfig_fpath)) #ut.editfile(jdoconfig_fpath) if mysql_mode: jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', False) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', 1) mysql_user = '******' mysql_passwd = 'somepassword' mysql_dbname = 'ibeiswbtestdb' # Use mysql jdoconfig_text = re.sub( 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = '******'datanucleus.ConnectionURL *= *jdbc:mysql:.*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/' + mysql_dbname, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) jdoconfig_text = re.sub( '^.*jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shepherd.*$', '', jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) else: # Use SQLIIte jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', False) ut.writeto(jdoconfig_fpath, jdoconfig_text) # Need to make sure wildbook can store information in a reasonalbe place #tomcat_data_dir = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'webapps', 'wildbook_data_dir') tomcat_data_dir = join(webapps_dpath, 'wildbook_data_dir') ut.ensuredir(tomcat_data_dir) ut.writeto(join(tomcat_data_dir, 'test.txt'), 'A hosted test file') asset_store_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'createAssetStore.jsp') asset_store_text = ut.read_from(asset_store_fpath) #data_path_pat = ut.named_field('data_path', 'new File(".*?").toPath') new_line = 'LocalAssetStore as = new LocalAssetStore("example Local AssetStore", new File("%s").toPath(), "%s", true);' % ( tomcat_data_dir, 'http://localhost:8080/' + basename(tomcat_data_dir) ) # HACKY asset_store_text2 = re.sub('^LocalAssetStore as = .*$', new_line, asset_store_text, flags=re.MULTILINE) ut.writeto(asset_store_fpath, asset_store_text2)
def update_bindings(): r""" Returns: dict: matchtups CommandLine: python ~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts/ --exec-update_bindings ~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts/ --exec-update_bindings Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from autogen_bindings import * # NOQA >>> import sys >>> import utool as ut >>> sys.path.append(ut.truepath('~/local/build_scripts/flannscripts')) >>> matchtups = update_bindings() >>> result = ('matchtups = %s' % (ut.repr2(matchtups),)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from os.path import basename import difflib import numpy as np import re binding_names = [ 'build_index', 'used_memory', 'add_points', 'remove_point', 'compute_cluster_centers', 'load_index', 'save_index', 'find_nearest_neighbors', 'radius_search', 'remove_points', 'free_index', 'find_nearest_neighbors_index', # 'size', # 'veclen', # 'get_point', # 'flann_get_distance_order', # 'flann_get_distance_type', # 'flann_log_verbosity', # 'clean_removed_points', ] _places = [ '~/code/flann/src/cpp/flann/flann.cpp', '~/code/flann/src/cpp/flann/flann.h', '~/code/flann/src/python/pyflann/', '~/code/flann/src/python/pyflann/', ] eof_sentinals = { # '': '# END DEFINE BINDINGS', '': 'def ensure_2d_array(arr', # 'flann.h': '// END DEFINE BINDINGS', 'flann.h': '#ifdef __cplusplus', 'flann.cpp': None, '': None, } block_sentinals = { 'flann.h': re.escape('/**'), 'flann.cpp': 'template *<typename Distance>', # '': '\n', '': 'flann\.[a-z_.]* =', # '': ' def .*', '': ' [^ ].*', } places = { basename(fpath): fpath for fpath in ut.lmap(ut.truepath, _places) } text_dict = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.readfrom, places) lines_dict = {key: val.split('\n') for key, val in text_dict.items()} orig_texts = text_dict.copy() # NOQA binding_defs = {} named_blocks = {} print('binding_names = %r' % (binding_names, )) for binding_name in binding_names: blocks, defs = autogen_parts(binding_name) binding_defs[binding_name] = defs named_blocks[binding_name] = blocks for binding_name in ut.ProgIter(binding_names): ut.colorprint('+--- GENERATE BINDING %s -----' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') blocks_dict = named_blocks[binding_name] for key in places.keys(): ut.colorprint( '---- generating %s for %s -----' % ( binding_name, key, ), 'yellow') # key = '' # print(text_dict[key]) old_text = text_dict[key] line_list = lines_dict[key] #text = old_text block = blocks_dict[key] debug = ut.get_argflag('--debug') # debug = True # if debug: # print(ut.highlight_code(block, splitext(key)[1])) # Find a place in the code that already exists searchblock = block if key.endswith('.cpp') or key.endswith('.h'): searchblock = re.sub(ut.REGEX_C_COMMENT, '', searchblock, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) searchblock = '\n'.join(searchblock.splitlines()[0:3]) # @ut.cached_func(verbose=False) def cached_match(old_text, searchblock): def isjunk(x): return False return x in ' \t,*()' def isjunk2(x): return x in ' \t,*()' # Not sure why the first one just doesnt find it # isjunk = None sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=False) sm0 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=True) sm1 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk2, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=False) sm2 = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk2, old_text, searchblock, autojunk=True) matchtups = (sm.get_matching_blocks() + sm0.get_matching_blocks() + sm1.get_matching_blocks() + sm2.get_matching_blocks()) return matchtups matchtups = cached_match(old_text, searchblock) # Find a reasonable match in matchtups found = False if debug: # print('searchblock =\n%s' % (searchblock,)) print('searchblock = %r' % (searchblock, )) for (a, b, size) in matchtups: matchtext = old_text[a:a + size] pybind = binding_defs[binding_name]['py_binding_name'] if + '\\b', matchtext) or pybind + '\\b', matchtext): found = True pos = a + size if debug: print('MATCHING TEXT') print(matchtext) break else: if debug and 0: print('Not matching') print('matchtext = %r' % (matchtext, )) matchtext2 = old_text[a - 10:a + size + 20] print('matchtext2 = %r' % (matchtext2, )) if found: linelens = np.array(ut.lmap(len, line_list)) + 1 sumlen = np.cumsum(linelens) row = np.where(sumlen < pos)[0][-1] + 1 #print(line_list[row]) # Search for extents of the block to overwrite block_sentinal = block_sentinals[key] row1 = ut.find_block_end(row, line_list, block_sentinal, -1) - 1 row2 = ut.find_block_end(row + 1, line_list, block_sentinal, +1) eof_sentinal = eof_sentinals[key] if eof_sentinal is not None: print('eof_sentinal = %r' % (eof_sentinal, )) row2 = min([ count for count, line in enumerate(line_list) if line.startswith(eof_sentinal) ][-1], row2) nr = len((block + '\n\n').splitlines()) new_line_list = ut.insert_block_between_lines( block + '\n', row1, row2, line_list) rtext1 = '\n'.join(line_list[row1:row2]) rtext2 = '\n'.join(new_line_list[row1:row1 + nr]) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint('FOUND AND REPLACING %s' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext1)) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint( 'FOUND AND REPLACED WITH %s' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext2)) if not ut.get_argflag('--diff') and not debug: print( ut.color_diff_text( ut.difftext(rtext1, rtext2, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True))) else: # Append to end of the file eof_sentinal = eof_sentinals[key] if eof_sentinal is None: row2 = len(line_list) - 1 else: row2_choice = [ count for count, line in enumerate(line_list) if line.startswith(eof_sentinal) ] if len(row2_choice) == 0: row2 = len(line_list) - 1 assert False else: row2 = row2_choice[-1] - 1 # row1 = row2 - 1 # row2 = row2 - 1 row1 = row2 new_line_list = ut.insert_block_between_lines( block + '\n', row1, row2, line_list) # block + '\n\n\n', row1, row2, line_list) rtext1 = '\n'.join(line_list[row1:row2]) nr = len((block + '\n\n').splitlines()) rtext2 = '\n'.join(new_line_list[row1:row1 + nr]) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint( 'NOT FOUND AND REPLACING %s' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext1)) if debug: print('-----') ut.colorprint( 'NOT FOUND AND REPLACED WITH %s' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') print(ut.highlight_code(rtext2)) if not ut.get_argflag('--diff') and not debug: print( ut.color_diff_text( ut.difftext(rtext1, rtext2, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True))) text_dict[key] = '\n'.join(new_line_list) lines_dict[key] = new_line_list ut.colorprint('L___ GENERATED BINDING %s ___' % (binding_name, ), 'yellow') for key in places: new_text = '\n'.join(lines_dict[key]) #ut.writeto(ut.augpath(places[key], '.new'), new_text) ut.writeto(ut.augpath(places[key]), new_text) for key in places: if ut.get_argflag('--diff'): difftext = ut.get_textdiff(orig_texts[key], new_text, num_context_lines=7, ignore_whitespace=True) difftext = ut.color_diff_text(difftext) print(difftext)
def save(bibman): text2 = bibman.dumps() ut.writeto(bibman.fpath, text2)
def install_wildbook(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Script to setup wildbook on a unix based system (hopefully eventually this will generalize to win32) CommandLine: # Reset ibeis purge_local_wildbook ibeis ensure_wb_mysql ibeis ensure_local_war # Setup ibeis install_wildbook # ibeis install_wildbook --nomysql # Startup ibeis startup_wildbook_server --show Alternates: ibeis install_wildbook --redownload-war ibeis install_wildbook --assets ibeis startup_wildbook_server --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> result = install_wildbook() >>> print(result) """ import requests # Ensure that the war file has been unpacked tomcat_dpath, webapps_dpath, wb_target = ensure_local_war() unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) tomcat_startup_dir = get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir() fresh_install = not ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=verbose) if fresh_install: # Need to make sure you start catalina in the same directory otherwise # the derby databsae gets put in in cwd with ut.ChdirContext(tomcat_startup_dir): # Starting and stoping catalina should be sufficient to unpack the # war startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') #shutdown_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath)) print('It is NOT ok if the fails\n') # wait for the war to be unpacked for retry_count in range(0, 6): time.sleep(1) if ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=True): break else: print('Retrying') # ensure that the server is ruuning print('Checking if we can ping the server') response = requests.get('http://localhost:8080') if response is None or response.status_code != 200: print('There may be an error starting the server') else: print('Seem able to ping the server') # assert tht the war was unpacked ut.assertpath(unpacked_war_dpath, ( 'Wildbook war might have not unpacked correctly. This may ' 'be ok. Try again. If it fails a second time, then there is a ' 'problem.'), verbose=True) # Don't shutdown just yet. Need to create assets update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) asset_flag_fpath = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'made_assets.flag') # Pinging the server to create asset store # Ensureing that createAssetStore exists if not ut.checkpath(asset_flag_fpath): if not fresh_install: startup_wildbook_server() #web_url = startup_wildbook_server(verbose=False) print('Creating asset store') wb_url = 'http://localhost:8080/' + wb_target response = requests.get(wb_url + '/createAssetStore.jsp') if response is None or response.status_code != 200: print('There may be an error starting the server') #if response.status_code == 500: print(response.text) assert False, 'response error' else: print('Created asset store') # Create file signaling we did this ut.writeto(asset_flag_fpath, 'True') shutdown_wildbook_server(verbose=False) print('It is ok if the shutdown fails') elif fresh_install: shutdown_wildbook_server(verbose=False) # print('Wildbook is installed and waiting to be started')
def main(bib_fpath=None): r""" intro point to fixbib script CommmandLine: fixbib python -m fixtex bib python -m fixtex bib --dryrun python -m fixtex bib --dryrun --debug """ if bib_fpath is None: bib_fpath = 'My Library.bib' # DEBUG = ub.argflag('--debug') # Read in text and ensure ascii format dirty_text = ut.readfrom(bib_fpath) from fixtex.fix_tex import find_used_citations, testdata_fpaths if exists('custom_extra.bib'): extra_parser = bparser.BibTexParser(ignore_nonstandard_types=False) parser = bparser.BibTexParser() ut.delete_keys(parser.alt_dict, ['url', 'urls']) print('Parsing extra bibtex file') extra_text = ut.readfrom('custom_extra.bib') extra_database = extra_parser.parse(extra_text, partial=False) print('Finished parsing extra') extra_dict = extra_database.get_entry_dict() else: extra_dict = None #udata = dirty_text.decode("utf-8") #dirty_text = udata.encode("ascii", "ignore") #dirty_text = udata # parser = bparser.BibTexParser() # bib_database = parser.parse(dirty_text) # d = bib_database.get_entry_dict() print('BIBTEXPARSER LOAD') parser = bparser.BibTexParser(ignore_nonstandard_types=False, common_strings=True) ut.delete_keys(parser.alt_dict, ['url', 'urls']) print('Parsing bibtex file') bib_database = parser.parse(dirty_text, partial=False) print('Finished parsing') bibtex_dict = bib_database.get_entry_dict() old_keys = list(bibtex_dict.keys()) new_keys = [] for key in ub.ProgIter(old_keys, label='fixing keys'): new_key = key new_key = new_key.replace(':', '') new_key = new_key.replace('-', '_') new_key = re.sub('__*', '_', new_key) new_keys.append(new_key) # assert len(ut.find_duplicate_items(new_keys)) == 0, 'new keys created conflict' assert len(ub.find_duplicates(new_keys)) == 0, 'new keys created conflict' for key, new_key in zip(old_keys, new_keys): if key != new_key: entry = bibtex_dict[key] entry['ID'] = new_key bibtex_dict[new_key] = entry del bibtex_dict[key] # The bibtext is now clean. Print it to stdout #print(clean_text) verbose = None if verbose is None: verbose = 1 # Find citations from the tex documents key_list = None if key_list is None: cacher = ub.Cacher('texcite1', enabled=0) data = cacher.tryload() if data is None: fpaths = testdata_fpaths() key_list, inverse = find_used_citations(fpaths, return_inverse=True) # ignore = ['JP', '?', 'hendrick'] # for item in ignore: # try: # key_list.remove(item) # except ValueError: # pass if verbose: print('Found %d citations used in the document' % (len(key_list), )) data = key_list, inverse key_list, inverse = data # else: # key_list = None unknown_pubkeys = [] debug_author = ub.argval('--debug-author', default=None) # ./ --debug_author=Kappes if verbose: print('Fixing %d/%d bibtex entries' % (len(key_list), len(bibtex_dict))) # debug = True debug = False if debug_author is not None: debug = False known_keys = list(bibtex_dict.keys()) missing_keys = set(key_list) - set(known_keys) if extra_dict is not None: missing_keys.difference_update(set(extra_dict.keys())) if missing_keys: print('The library is missing keys found in tex files %s' % (ub.repr2(missing_keys), )) # Search for possible typos: candidate_typos = {} sedlines = [] for key in missing_keys: candidates = ut.closet_words(key, known_keys, num=3, subset=True) if len(candidates) > 1: top = candidates[0] if ut.edit_distance(key, top) == 1: # "sed -i -e 's/{}/{}/g' *.tex".format(key, top) import os replpaths = ' '.join( [relpath(p, os.getcwd()) for p in inverse[key]]) sedlines.append("sed -i -e 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format( key, top, replpaths)) candidate_typos[key] = candidates print('Cannot find key = %r' % (key, )) print('Did you mean? %r' % (candidates, )) print('Quick fixes') print('\n'.join(sedlines)) # group by file just = max([0] + list(map(len, missing_keys))) missing_fpaths = [inverse[key] for key in missing_keys] for fpath in sorted(set(ub.flatten(missing_fpaths))): # ut.fix_embed_globals() subkeys = [k for k in missing_keys if fpath in inverse[k]] print('') ut.cprint('--- Missing Keys ---', 'blue') ut.cprint('fpath = %r' % (fpath, ), 'blue') ut.cprint('{} | {}'.format('Missing'.ljust(just), 'Did you mean?'), 'blue') for key in subkeys: print('{} | {}'.format(ut.highlight_text(key.ljust(just), 'red'), ' '.join(candidate_typos[key]))) # for key in list(bibtex_dict.keys()): if extra_dict is not None: # Extra database takes precidence over regular key_list = list(ut.unique(key_list + list(extra_dict.keys()))) for k, v in extra_dict.items(): bibtex_dict[k] = v full = ub.argflag('--full') for key in key_list: try: entry = bibtex_dict[key] except KeyError: continue self = BibTexCleaner(key, entry, full=full) if debug_author is not None: debug = debug_author in entry.get('author', '') if debug: ut.cprint(' --- ENTRY ---', 'yellow') print(ub.repr2(entry, nl=1)) entry = self.fix() # self.clip_abstract() # self.shorten_keys() # self.fix_authors() # self.fix_year() # old_pubval = self.fix_pubkey() # if old_pubval: # unknown_pubkeys.append(old_pubval) # self.fix_arxiv() # self.fix_general() # self.fix_paper_types() if debug: print(ub.repr2(entry, nl=1)) ut.cprint(' --- END ENTRY ---', 'yellow') bibtex_dict[key] = entry unwanted_keys = set(bibtex_dict.keys()) - set(key_list) if verbose: print('Removing unwanted %d entries' % (len(unwanted_keys))) ut.delete_dict_keys(bibtex_dict, unwanted_keys) if 0: d1 = bibtex_dict.copy() full = True for key, entry in d1.items(): self = BibTexCleaner(key, entry, full=full) pub = self.publication() if pub is None: print(self.entry['ENTRYTYPE']) old = self.fix_pubkey() x1 = self._pubval() x2 = self.standard_pubval(full=full) # if x2 is not None and len(x2) > 5: # print(ub.repr2(self.entry)) if x1 != x2: print('x2 = %r' % (x2, )) print('x1 = %r' % (x1, )) print(ub.repr2(self.entry)) # if 'CVPR' in self.entry.get('booktitle', ''): # if 'CVPR' != self.entry.get('booktitle', ''): # break if old: print('old = %r' % (old, )) d1[key] = self.entry if full: d1 = bibtex_dict.copy() import numpy as np import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d1, orient='index') paged_items = df[~pd.isnull(df['pub_accro'])] has_pages = ~pd.isnull(paged_items['pages']) print('have pages {} / {}'.format(has_pages.sum(), len(has_pages))) print(ub.repr2(paged_items[~has_pages]['title'].values.tolist())) entrytypes = dict(list(df.groupby('pub_type'))) if False: # entrytypes['misc'] g = entrytypes['online'] g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] entrytypes['book'] entrytypes['thesis'] g = entrytypes['article'] g = entrytypes['incollection'] g = entrytypes['conference'] def lookup_pub(e): if e == 'article': return 'journal', 'journal' elif e == 'incollection': return 'booksection', 'booktitle' elif e == 'conference': return 'conference', 'booktitle' return None, None for e, g in entrytypes.items(): print('e = %r' % (e, )) g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] if 'pub_full' in g.columns: place_title = g['pub_full'].tolist() print(ub.repr2(ub.dict_hist(place_title))) else: print('Unknown publications') if 'report' in entrytypes: g = entrytypes['report'] missing = g[pd.isnull(g['title'])] if len(missing): print('Missing Title') print(ub.repr2(missing[['title', 'author']].values.tolist())) if 'journal' in entrytypes: g = entrytypes['journal'] g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] missing = g[pd.isnull(g['journal'])] if len(missing): print('Missing Journal') print(ub.repr2(missing[['title', 'author']].values.tolist())) if 'conference' in entrytypes: g = entrytypes['conference'] g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] missing = g[pd.isnull(g['booktitle'])] if len(missing): print('Missing Booktitle') print(ub.repr2(missing[['title', 'author']].values.tolist())) if 'incollection' in entrytypes: g = entrytypes['incollection'] g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] missing = g[pd.isnull(g['booktitle'])] if len(missing): print('Missing Booktitle') print(ub.repr2(missing[['title', 'author']].values.tolist())) if 'thesis' in entrytypes: g = entrytypes['thesis'] g = g[g.columns[~np.all(pd.isnull(g), axis=0)]] missing = g[pd.isnull(g['institution'])] if len(missing): print('Missing Institution') print(ub.repr2(missing[['title', 'author']].values.tolist())) # import utool # utool.embed() # Overwrite BibDatabase structure bib_database._entries_dict = bibtex_dict bib_database.entries = list(bibtex_dict.values()) #conftitle_to_types_set_hist = {key: set(val) for key, val in conftitle_to_types_hist.items()} #print(ub.repr2(conftitle_to_types_set_hist)) print('Unknown conference keys:') print(ub.repr2(sorted(unknown_pubkeys))) print('len(unknown_pubkeys) = %r' % (len(unknown_pubkeys), )) writer = BibTexWriter() writer.contents = ['comments', 'entries'] writer.indent = ' ' writer.order_entries_by = ('type', 'author', 'year') new_bibtex_str = bibtexparser.dumps(bib_database, writer) # Need to check #jegou_aggregating_2012 # Fix the Journal Abreviations # References: # # Write out clean bibfile in ascii format clean_bib_fpath = ub.augpath(bib_fpath.replace(' ', '_'), suffix='_clean') if not ub.argflag('--dryrun'): ut.writeto(clean_bib_fpath, new_bibtex_str)
def make_individual_latex_figures(ibs, fpaths_list, flat_case_labels, cfgx2_shortlbl, case_figdir, analysis_fpath_list): # HACK MAKE LATEX CONVINENCE STUFF #print('LATEX HACK') if len(fpaths_list) == 0: print('nothing to render') return RENDER = ut.get_argflag('--render') DUMP_FIGDEF = ut.get_argflag(('--figdump', '--dump-figdef', '--figdef')) if not (DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER): # HACK return latex_code_blocks = [] latex_block_keys = [] caption_prefix = ut.get_argval('--cappref', type_=str, default='') caption_suffix = ut.get_argval('--capsuf', type_=str, default='') cmdaug = ut.get_argval('--cmdaug', type_=str, default='custom') selected = None for case_idx, (fpaths, labels) in enumerate(zip(fpaths_list, flat_case_labels)): if labels is None: labels = [cmdaug] if len(fpaths) < 4: nCols = len(fpaths) else: nCols = 2 _cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + ' Case ' + ' '.join(labels) + '_' + str( case_idx) #print('_cmdname = %r' % (_cmdname,)) cmdname = ut.latex_sanitize_command_name(_cmdname) label_str = cmdname if len(caption_prefix) == 0: caption_str = ut.escape_latex( 'Casetags: ' + ut.list_str(labels, nl=False, strvals=True) + ', db=' + ibs.get_dbname() + '. ') else: caption_str = '' use_sublbls = len(cfgx2_shortlbl) > 1 if use_sublbls: caption_str += ut.escape_latex( 'Each figure shows a different configuration: ') sublbls = [ '(' + chr(97 + count) + ') ' for count in range(len(cfgx2_shortlbl)) ] else: #caption_str += ut.escape_latex('This figure depicts correct and #incorrect matches from configuration: ') sublbls = [''] * len(cfgx2_shortlbl) def wrap_tt(text): return r'{\tt ' + text + '}' _shortlbls = cfgx2_shortlbl _shortlbls = list(map(ut.escape_latex, _shortlbls)) # Adjust spacing for breaks #tex_small_space = r'' tex_small_space = r'\hspace{0pt}' # Remove query specific config flags in individual results _shortlbls = [ re.sub('\\bq[^,]*,?', '', shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls ] # Let config strings be broken over newlines _shortlbls = [ re.sub('\\+', tex_small_space + '+' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls ] _shortlbls = [ re.sub(', *', ',' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls ] _shortlbls = list(map(wrap_tt, _shortlbls)) cfgx2_texshortlbl = [ '\n ' + lbl + shortlbl for lbl, shortlbl in zip(sublbls, _shortlbls) ] caption_str += ut.conj_phrase(cfgx2_texshortlbl, 'and') + '.\n ' caption_str = '\n ' + caption_prefix + caption_str + caption_suffix caption_str = caption_str.rstrip() figure_str = ut.get_latex_figure_str(fpaths, nCols=nCols, label_str=label_str, caption_str=caption_str, use_sublbls=None, use_frame=True) latex_block = ut.latex_newcommand(cmdname, figure_str) latex_block = '\n%----------\n' + latex_block latex_code_blocks.append(latex_block) latex_block_keys.append(cmdname) # HACK remove_fpath = ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015') + '/' latex_fpath = join(case_figdir, 'latex_cases.tex') if selected is not None: selected_keys = selected else: selected_keys = latex_block_keys selected_blocks = ut.dict_take( dict(zip(latex_block_keys, latex_code_blocks)), selected_keys) figdef_block = '\n'.join(selected_blocks) figcmd_block = '\n'.join(['\\' + key for key in latex_block_keys]) selected_block = figdef_block + '\n\n' + figcmd_block # HACK: need full paths to render selected_block_renderable = selected_block selected_block = selected_block.replace(remove_fpath, '') if RENDER: ut.render_latex_text(selected_block_renderable) if DUMP_FIGDEF: ut.writeto(latex_fpath, selected_block) #if NOT DUMP AND NOT RENDER: # print('STANDARD LATEX RESULTS') # cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + 'Results' # latex_block = ut.get_latex_figure_str2(analysis_fpath_list, cmdname, nCols=1) # ut.print_code(latex_block, 'latex') if DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER: ut.print_code(selected_block, 'latex')