Exemplo n.º 1
def test_dag_custom_operations():
    """Tests if custom dantro data operations can be registered via the
    extensions made to PlotManager.

    NOTE This test has to be the FIRST here, because side effects of other
         tests can lead to some pre-conditions of this test not being valid.
    print("Available operations:", ", ".join(available_operations()))
    assert "my_custom_dummy_operation" not in available_operations()

    # Now, set up the model and its PlotManager
    model = ModelTest('dummy')
    mv, dm = model.create_run_load()
    mv.pm.raise_exc = True
    plot_cfgs = load_yml(DAG_PLOTS)

    # Should still not be available
    assert "my_custom_dummy_operation" not in available_operations()

    # Now, do some unrelated plot operation, i.e. not requiring model-specific
    # plot functions, but only utopya plot functions.
    # This should still lead to the _invoke_creator method being called, which
    # takes care of invoking register_operation
    mv.pm.plot("test", out_dir=mv.dirs['eval'], **plot_cfgs['uni_ts'])

    assert "my_custom_dummy_operation" in available_operations()
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_Parameter_validation():
    """Tests validation of the Parameter class."""
    def get_match(element) -> Tuple[Any, str]:
        """If the given element is a sequence, assume the second value is
        an error match string
        if isinstance(element, (tuple, list)):
            return element[0], element[1]
        return element, None

    cfg = load_yml(PM_CFG_PATH)

    for case_name, case_cfg in chain(cfg["to_assert"].items(),
        print(f"Testing case '{case_name}' ...")
        param = case_cfg["construct_param"]

        if "expected_default" in case_cfg:
            assert param.default == case_cfg["expected_default"]

        for val in case_cfg["validate_true"]:
            assert param.validate(val)

        for val in case_cfg["validate_false"]:
            val, match = get_match(val)

            assert not param.validate(val, raise_exc=False)
            with pytest.raises(utopya.parameter.ValidationError, match=match):
                assert param.validate(val)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_parameter_extraction():
    """Tests extraction and dumping of Parameter objects from and to a
    cfg = load_yml(PM_CFG_PATH)["to_extract"]
    model_cfg, params_to_validate = _extract(cfg, model_name='model')

    assert model_cfg, {} == _extract(model_cfg, model_name='model')
    assert len(params_to_validate) == 10  # NOTE When adjusting this, add the
    #      explicit case below!

    # Check explicitly
    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param1',
                                'subparam1')] == Parameter(default=0.3,
                                                           limits=[0, 2],

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param1',
                                'subparam3')] == Parameter(default=-3,
                                                           limits=[None, 0],

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param1',
                                'subparam4')] == Parameter(default=42.2,
                                                           limits=[0, None],

    assert (params_to_validate[(
    )] == Parameter.from_shorthand(0.5, mode='is-probability'))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param3',
                                'subparam2y')] == Parameter.from_shorthand(
                                    True, mode='is-bool'))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param3',
                                'subparam2n')] == Parameter.from_shorthand(
                                    False, mode='is-bool'))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param3', 'subparam3')] == Parameter(
        default="baz", dtype=str, is_any_of=['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bam']))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model',
                                'param4')] == Parameter.from_shorthand(
                                    2, mode='is-int'))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param5')] == Parameter(default=0.4))

    assert (params_to_validate[('model', 'param6')] == Parameter(default=None,
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_yaml_roundtrip():
    """Tests loading and writing from and to yaml files."""
    def make_roundtrip(obj: Any) -> Any:
        s = io.StringIO("")
        yaml.dump(obj, stream=s)
        s = s.getvalue()
        return yaml.load(s)

    cfg = load_yml(PM_CFG_PATH)["to_extract"]
    model_cfg, params_to_validate = _extract(cfg, model_name='model')

    for param_key, param in params_to_validate.items():
        assert make_roundtrip(param) == param

        # Check magic methods once more
        assert param == param
        assert param != 'foo'
        assert str(param)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_dag_plotting():
    """Makes sure that DAG plotting works as expected"""
    # Now, set up the model
    model = ModelTest('dummy')
    mv, dm = model.create_run_load()
    mv.pm.raise_exc = True

    # Load some configuration arguments
    shared_kwargs = dict(out_dir=mv.dirs['eval'])
    plot_cfgs = load_yml(DAG_PLOTS)

    # Can do a simple DAG-based universe and multiverse plot
    for cfg_name, plot_cfg in plot_cfgs.items():
        if cfg_name.startswith('.'):

        # The actual plotting
        print("Plotting '{}' ...".format(cfg_name))
        mv.pm.plot(cfg_name, **shared_kwargs, **plot_cfg)
        print("Successfully plotted '{}'!\n\n".format(cfg_name))
Exemplo n.º 6
def sc_run_kws():
    return load_yml(STOP_CONDS_PATH)['run_kwargs']
Exemplo n.º 7
def cfg() -> dict:
    return load_yml(TEST_CFG_PATH)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_graph_plot_class():
    """Tests the plot_funcs._graph module.

    Mainly tests basic functionality, class attribute management and
    configuration parsing. Plotting of more complex graph data (using features
    like property-mapping) is tested in test_plotting.test_graph_plots.
    graph = nx.complete_graph(3, create_using=nx.Graph)
    digraph = nx.complete_graph(3, create_using=nx.DiGraph)

    # Initialize GraphPlot with defaults
    gp = GraphPlot(graph)

    # Check that all nodes and edges are selected for drawing
    assert gp._nodes_to_draw == [0, 1, 2]
    assert len(gp._edges_to_draw) == 3
    assert gp._nodes_to_shrink == []

    # Check properties
    assert isinstance(gp.g, nx.Graph)
    assert gp.g is not gp._g

    # Draw nodes, edges, and default labels
    gp.draw(node_labels=dict(enabled=True), edge_labels=dict(enabled=True))
    # Draw again, re-creating the colormanagers
    gp.draw(nodes=dict(vmin=0.), edges=dict(edge_vmin=0.))

    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_nodes, mpl.collections.PathCollection)
    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_edges, mpl.collections.LineCollection)
    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_node_labels, dict)
    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_edge_labels, dict)
    assert gp._mpl_node_cbar is None
    assert gp._mpl_edge_cbar is None

    # Check that the label drawing kwargs are not set permanently
    assert gp._node_label_kwargs == {}
    assert gp._edge_label_kwargs == {}

    # Add colorbars
    # Doing this twice should be ok and should remove the first colorbars

    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_node_cbar, mpl.colorbar.Colorbar)
    assert isinstance(gp._mpl_edge_cbar, mpl.colorbar.Colorbar)

    # Clear plot
    # Doing this twice should be ok

    # Done with testing the drawing on this figure.

    # Test the subgraph selection
    # Select two nodes to draw, remove 1 node and 2 edges from the graph
    gp = GraphPlot(graph, select=dict(nodelist=[0, 1]))
    assert gp._g.number_of_nodes() == 2
    assert gp._g.number_of_edges() == 1
    assert gp._nodes_to_draw == [0, 1]
    assert len(gp._edges_to_draw) == 1
    assert gp._nodes_to_shrink == []

    # Select two nodes to draw, but don't remove anything from the graph
    gp = GraphPlot(graph, select=dict(nodelist=[0, 1], drop=False))
    assert gp._g.number_of_nodes() == 3
    assert gp._g.number_of_edges() == 3
    assert gp._nodes_to_draw == [0, 1]
    assert len(gp._edges_to_draw) == 1
    assert gp._nodes_to_shrink == []

    # With open_edges, the non-selected node is still drawn but shrinked
    gp = GraphPlot(graph, select=dict(nodelist=[0, 1], open_edges=True))
    assert gp._g.number_of_nodes() == 3
    assert gp._g.number_of_edges() == 3
    assert gp._nodes_to_draw == [0, 1, 2]
    assert len(gp._edges_to_draw) == 3
    assert gp._nodes_to_shrink == [2]

    # Now go through configurations and test initialization and drawing
    configs = load_yml(GRAPH_PLOT_CLS)

    for name, cfg in configs.items():
        fig = plt.figure()

        # Try using a graphviz node layout, which requires pydot
        if name == "graphviz":
                import pydot
            except ImportError:
                with pytest.raises(ImportError,
                                   match="No module named 'pydot'"):
                    gp = GraphPlot(digraph, fig=fig, **cfg)


        # Configurations for which an Error is raised
        if "_raises" in cfg:
            exc_type = getattr(builtins, cfg.pop("_raises"))
            match = cfg.pop("_match")

            with pytest.raises(exc_type, match=match):
                gp = GraphPlot(digraph, fig=fig, **cfg)

        # Configurations that lead to a warning
        elif "_warns" in cfg:
            warn_type = getattr(builtins, cfg.pop("_warns"))
            match = cfg.pop("_match")

            with pytest.warns(warn_type, match=match):
                gp = GraphPlot(digraph, fig=fig, **cfg)

        # These should work fine
            gp = GraphPlot(digraph, fig=fig, **cfg)
