Exemplo n.º 1
    def GET_s(self, urloid):
        """/s/http://..., show a given URL with the toolbar. if it's
           submitted, redirect to /tb/$id36"""
        path = demangle_url(request.fullpath)

        if not path:
            # it was malformed

        # if the domain is shame-banned, bail out.
        if is_shamed_domain(path)[0]:

        listing = hot_links_by_url_listing(path, sr=c.site, num=1)
        link = listing.things[0] if listing.things else None

        if link:
            # we were able to find it, let's send them to the
            # toolbar (if enabled) or comments (if not)
            return self.redirect(add_sr("/tb/" + link._id36))
            # It hasn't been submitted yet. Give them a chance to
            qs = utils.query_string({"url": path})
            return self.redirect(add_sr("/submit" + qs))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _sign_url(self, url, token):
        """Sign a url for imgix's secured sources.

        Based very heavily on the example code in the docs:


        * url -- a UrlParser instance of the url to sign.  This object may be
                 modified by the function, so make a copy beforehand if that is
                 a concern.
        * token -- a string token provided by imgix for request signing

        Returns a UrlParser instance with signing parameters.
        # Build the signing value
        signvalue = token + url.path
        if url.query_dict:
          signvalue += query_string(url.query_dict)

        # Calculate MD5 of the signing value.
        signature = hashlib.md5(signvalue).hexdigest()

        return url
Exemplo n.º 3
    def build(self, base_path=''):
        params = dict(request.GET)
        if self.dest:
            params[self.query_param] = self.dest
        elif self.query_param in params:
            del params[self.query_param]

        self.base_path = base_path
        base_path += query_string(params)
        self.path = base_path.replace('//', '/')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def build(self, base_path=''):
        base_path = ("%s/%s/" % (base_path, self.dest)).replace('//', '/')
        self.bare_path = _force_unicode(base_path.replace('//', '/')).lower()
        self.bare_path = self.bare_path.rstrip('/')
        self.base_path = base_path

        if self.use_params:
            base_path += query_string(dict(request.GET))

        # since we've been sloppy of keeping track of "//", get rid
        # of any that may be present
        self.path = base_path.replace('//', '/')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def listing(self, next_suggestions=None):
        self.things, prev, next, bcount, acount = self.get_items()

        self.next_suggestions = next_suggestions
        self._max_num = max(acount, bcount)
        self.after = None
        self.before = None

        if self.nextprev and self.prev_link and prev and bcount > 1:
            p = self.params.copy()
                'after': None,
                'before': prev._fullname,
                'count': bcount
            self.before = prev._fullname
            self.prev = (request.path + utils.query_string(p))
            p_first = self.params.copy()
            p_first.update({'after': None, 'before': None, 'count': None})
            self.first = (request.path + utils.query_string(p_first))
        if self.nextprev and self.next_link and next:
            p = self.params.copy()
                'after': next._fullname,
                'before': None,
                'count': acount
            self.after = next._fullname
            self.next = (request.path + utils.query_string(p))

        for count, thing in enumerate(self.things):
            thing.rowstyle_cls = getattr(thing, 'rowstyle_cls', "")
            thing.rowstyle_cls += ' ' + ('even' if (count % 2) else 'odd')
            thing.rowstyle = CachedVariable("rowstyle")

        #TODO: need name for template -- must be better way
        return Wrapped(self)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def intermediate_redirect(cls, form_path, sr_path=True, fullpath=None):
        Generates a /login or /over18 redirect from the specified or current
        fullpath, after having properly reformated the path via
        format_output_url.  The reformatted original url is encoded
        and added as the "dest" parameter of the new url.
        from v1.lib.template_helpers import add_sr
        params = dict(dest=cls.format_output_url(fullpath or request.fullurl))
        if c.extension == "widget" and request.GET.get("callback"):
            params['callback'] = request.GET.get("callback")

        path = add_sr(cls.format_output_url(form_path) + query_string(params),
        abort(302, location=path)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def make_qs(self, **kw):
     """Convert the provided kw into a kw string suitable for app.post."""
     return query_string(kw).lstrip("?")
Exemplo n.º 8
 def GET_login(self, *a, **kw):
     return self.redirect('/login' + query_string(dict(dest="/")))