Exemplo n.º 1
def test_open():
    """Open a chrome file and ensure that data can be pulled from it."""

    chrome = open("tests/resources/chromemanifest/chrome.manifest")
    chrome_data = chrome.read()

    manifest = ChromeManifest(chrome_data, "chrome.manifest")
    assert manifest is not None

    assert manifest.get_value("locale", "basta")["object"] == "resource"

    g_obj = list(manifest.get_objects("subject", "predicate"))

    assert len(g_obj) == 1
    assert g_obj[0] == "object"

    obj_resource = list(manifest.get_triples(None, None, "resource"))
    assert len(obj_resource) == 2

    pred_pred = list(manifest.get_triples(None, "predicate", None))
    assert len(pred_pred) == 2

    sub_locale = list(manifest.get_triples("locale", None, None))
    assert len(sub_locale) == 2
def test_open():
    """Open a chrome file and ensure that data can be pulled from it."""

    chrome = open('tests/resources/chromemanifest/chrome.manifest')
    chrome_data = chrome.read()

    manifest = ChromeManifest(chrome_data, 'chrome.manifest')
    assert manifest is not None

    assert manifest.get_value('locale', 'basta')['object'] == 'resource'

    g_obj = list(manifest.get_objects('subject', 'predicate'))

    assert len(g_obj) == 1
    assert g_obj[0] == 'object'

    obj_resource = list(manifest.get_triples(None, None, 'resource'))
    assert len(obj_resource) == 2

    pred_pred = list(manifest.get_triples(None, 'predicate', None))
    assert len(pred_pred) == 2

    sub_locale = list(manifest.get_triples('locale', None, None))
    assert len(sub_locale) == 2
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_open():
    """Open a chrome file and ensure that data can be pulled from it."""

    chrome = open("tests/resources/chromemanifest/chrome.manifest")
    chrome_data = chrome.read()

    manifest = ChromeManifest(chrome_data, "chrome.manifest")
    assert manifest is not None

    assert manifest.get_value("locale", "basta")["object"] == "resource"

    g_obj = list(manifest.get_objects("subject", "predicate"))

    assert len(g_obj) == 1
    assert g_obj[0] == "object"

    obj_resource = list(manifest.get_triples(None, None, "resource"))
    assert len(obj_resource) == 2

    pred_pred = list(manifest.get_triples(None, "predicate", None))
    assert len(pred_pred) == 2

    sub_locale = list(manifest.get_triples("locale", None, None))
    assert len(sub_locale) == 2
def test_open():
    """Open a chrome file and ensure that data can be pulled from it."""

    chrome = open('tests/resources/chromemanifest/chrome.manifest')
    chrome_data = chrome.read()

    manifest = ChromeManifest(chrome_data, 'chrome.manifest')
    assert manifest is not None

    assert manifest.get_value('locale', 'basta')['object'] == 'resource'

    g_obj = list(manifest.get_objects('subject', 'predicate'))

    assert len(g_obj) == 1
    assert g_obj[0] == 'object'

    obj_resource = list(manifest.get_triples(None, None, 'resource'))
    assert len(obj_resource) == 2

    pred_pred = list(manifest.get_triples(None, 'predicate', None))
    assert len(pred_pred) == 2

    sub_locale = list(manifest.get_triples('locale', None, None))
    assert len(sub_locale) == 2
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_conduittoolbar(err, package_contents=None, xpi_manager=None):
    "Find and blacklist Conduit toolbars"

    # Ignore non-extension types
        return None

    # Tests regarding the install.rdf file.
    if err.get_resource("has_install_rdf"):

        # Go out and fetch the install.rdf instance object
        install = err.get_resource("install_rdf")

        # Define a list of specifications to search for Conduit with
        parameters = {
            "http://www.conduit.com/": install.uri("homepageURL"),
            "Conduit Ltd.": install.uri("creator"),
            "More than just a toolbar.": install.uri("description"),

        # Iterate each specification and test for it.
        for k, uri_reference in parameters.items():
            # Retrieve the value
            results = install.get_object(None, uri_reference)
            # If the value exists, test for the appropriate content
            if results == k:
                err.reject = True
                err_mesg = "Conduit value (%s) found in install.rdf" % k
                return err.warning(
                    ("testcases_conduit", "test_conduittoolbar", "detected_rdf"),
                    "Detected Conduit toolbar.",

        # Also test for the update URL
        update_url_value = "https://ffupdate.conduit-services.com/"

        results = install.get_object(None, install.uri("updateURL"))
        if results and results.startswith(update_url_value):
            err.reject = True
            return err.warning(
                ("testcases_conduit", "test_conduittoolbar", "detected_updateurl"),
                "Detected Conduit toolbar.",
                "Conduit update URL found in install.rdf.",

    # Do some matching on the files in the package
    conduit_files = ("components/Conduit*", "searchplugin/conduit*")
    for file_ in package_contents:
        for bad_file in conduit_files:
            # If there's a matching file, it's Conduit
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_, bad_file):
                err.reject = True
                return err.warning(
                    ("testcases_conduit", "test_conduittoolbar", "detected_files"),
                    "Detected Conduit toolbar.",
                    "Conduit directory (%s) found." % bad_file,

    # Do some tests on the chrome.manifest file if it exists
    if "chrome.manifest" in package_contents:
        # Grab the chrome manifest
        if err.get_resource("chrome.manifest"):  # pragma: no cover
            # It's cached in the error bundler
            chrome = err.get_resource("chrome.manifest")
            # Not cached, so we grab it.
            chrome_data = xpi_manager.read("chrome.manifest")
            chrome = ChromeManifest(chrome_data)
            err.save_resource("chrome.manifest", chrome)

        # Get all styles for customizing the toolbar
        data = chrome.get_value("style", "chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul")

        # If the style exists and it contains "ebtoolbarstyle"...
        if data is not None and data["object"].count("ebtoolbarstyle") > 0:
            err.reject = True
            return err.warning(
                ("testcases_conduit", "test_conduittoolbar", "detected_chrome_manifest"),
                "Detected Conduit toolbar.",
                "'ebtoolbarstyle' found in chrome.manifest",