Exemplo n.º 1
    Ey = Wy @ h[1:] + by

    Sig_y_diag = np.diag(Sigma_y).reshape(yd,1)
    Sig_y_in = np.ones((T,yd,1))*Sig_y_diag
    y= np.random.normal(Ey, np.sqrt(Sig_y_in))

    if train_weights == True:

        #Update Weights
        x = np.concatenate((h[:-1, :, :], u, np.ones((T, 1, 1))), axis=1)
        xxT = (x[..., None] * x[:, None, :]).reshape(T, d + ud + 1, d + ud + 1)

        Wz_bar, Wz, Uz, bz = update.Wbar_update(z, omega_z, x, xxT,
                                                1 / Sigma_theta, Wz_mu_prior,
                                                T, d, ud)

        Wr_bar, Wr, Ur, br = update.Wbar_update(r, omega_r, x, xxT,
                                                1 / Sigma_theta, Wr_mu_prior,
                                                T, d, ud)

        #slight adjustment to x for tanh approx
        rx = 2 * np.concatenate(
            (h[:-1, :, :] * r, u, np.ones((T, 1, 1))), axis=1)
        rxrxT = (rx[..., None] * rx[:, None, :]).reshape(
            T, d + ud + 1, d + ud + 1)
        Wp_bar, Wp, Up, bp = update.Wbar_update(v, gamma, rx, rxrxT,
                                                1 / Sigma_theta, Wp_mu_prior,
                                                T, d, ud)
Exemplo n.º 2
def gibbs_loop(N, N_burn, T, d,T_check, ud, yd, h0, inv_var, Sigma_y_inv,
               Sigma_y_theta,Sigma_y, Wz_mu_prior, Wr_mu_prior, Wp_mu_prior,
               Wy_mu_prior, Wz, Uz, bz, Wr, Ur, br, Wp, Up, bp, Wy, by,
               train_weights, u, y, h, r, rh, z, log_check):

    h_plot_samples = np.zeros((N,d))
    log_joint_vec = []
    h_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,T,d))
    h_samples_vec2 = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,T+1,d))
    z_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,T,d))
    r_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,T,d))
    v_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,T,d))
    Wz_bar_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,d,d+ud+1))
    Wr_bar_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,d,d+ud+1))
    Wp_bar_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,d,d+ud+1))
    Wy_bar_samples_vec = np.zeros((N-N_burn-1,yd,d+1))
    h_samples =0
    z_samples =0
    r_samples =0
    v_samples =0
    Wz_bar_samples = 0
    Wr_bar_samples = 0
    Wp_bar_samples = 0
    Wy_bar_samples = 0

    Wz_bar = Wz_mu_prior
    Wr_bar = Wr_mu_prior
    Wp_bar = Wp_mu_prior
    Wy_bar = Wy_mu_prior
    for k in range(0,N):
        #Update pgs
        omega_z = update.pg_update(1, h, u, Wz, Uz, bz, T, d)
        omega_r = update.pg_update(1, h, u, Wr, Ur, br, T, d)
        rh[:-1,:,:] = r*h[:-1,:,:]
        gamma = update.pg_update(1, rh, u, 2*Wp, 2*Up, 2*bp, T, d)

        #Update v
        fv = build.build_v_param(h,z,rh,u,Wp,Up,bp, inv_var, d)
        Ev = update.update_bern(fv)
        v  = np.random.binomial(1, Ev, size=(T,d,1))

        #Update Zs
        fz = build.build_z_param(h,v,inv_var.reshape(d,1), Wz, Uz, u, bz, d)
        Ez = update.update_bern(fz)
        z = np.random.binomial(1,Ez, size=(T,d,1))
        #Update r's
        for j in range(0,d):
            frd = build.build_rd_param(h,u,v,gamma,r,Wp,Up,bp,Wr,Ur,br,j)
            Erd = update.update_bern(frd)
            r[:,j,:] = np.random.binomial(1,Erd, size=(T,1))

        #Update hs
        #Kalman sampling
        J_dyn_11,J_dyn_22,J_dyn_21,J_obs,J_ini = build.build_prec_x_kalman(
            inv_var, Sigma_y_inv, Wy,
            Wz, omega_z, z, Wr, omega_r, r,
            Wp, gamma, v, T, d)
        h_dyn_1, h_dyn_2, h_obs, h_ini = build.build_prec_muT_kalman(
            h0, u, inv_var, y, Sigma_y_inv, Wy, by,
            z, omega_z, Wz, Uz, bz,
            r, omega_r, Wr, Ur, br,
            v, Wp, Up, bp, gamma, T, d)
        log_Z_obs = np.zeros(T)
        h =messages.kalman_info_sample(J_ini, h_ini, 0, J_dyn_11, J_dyn_21,
                                       J_dyn_22, h_dyn_1, h_dyn_2, 0,
                                       J_obs, h_obs, log_Z_obs)
        h = h.reshape(T,d,1)
        h = np.concatenate((h0.reshape(1,d,1), h), axis=0)
        #Full T*dXT*d matrix
        prec = build.build_prec_x(inv_var, Sigma_y_inv, Wy,
                                  Wz, omega_z, z, Wr, omega_r, r,
                                  Wp, gamma, v, T, d)
        prec_muT = build.build_prec_muT(h0, u, inv_var, y, Sigma_y_inv, Wy, by,
                                        z, omega_z, Wz, Uz, bz,
                                        r, omega_r, Wr, Ur, br,
                                        v, Wp, Up, bp, gamma, T, d)
        mu, covar = update.update_normal_dim(prec,prec_muT)
        h = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[:,0],covar)
        h = h.reshape(T,d,1)
        h = np.concatenate((h0.reshape(1,d,1), h), axis=0)

        #Sample y's, for Testing purposes                                      
        Ey = Wy @ h[1:] + by                                                   
        Sig_y_diag = np.diag(Sigma_y).reshape(yd,1)                            
        Sig_y_in = np.ones((T,yd,1))*Sig_y_diag                              
        y= np.random.normal(Ey, np.sqrt(Sig_y_in))   

        if train_weights == True:
             #Update Weights
            x = np.concatenate((h[:-1,:,:],u, np.ones((T,1,1))), axis=1)
            xxT = (x[...,None]*x[:,None,:]).reshape(T,d+ud+1,d+ud+1)

            Wz_bar, Wz, Uz, bz = update.Wbar_update(z,omega_z,x,xxT,
            Wr_bar, Wr, Ur, br = update.Wbar_update(r,omega_r,x,xxT,
            #slight adjustment to x for tanh approx
            rx = 2*np.concatenate((h[:-1,:,:]*r,u, np.ones((T,1,1))), axis=1)
            rxrxT = (rx[...,None]*rx[:,None,:]).reshape(T,d+ud+1,d+ud+1)
            Wp_bar, Wp, Up, bp = update.Wbar_update(v, gamma, rx, rxrxT,
            #Update y weights
            x = np.concatenate((h[1:,:,:], np.ones((T,1,1))), axis=1)
            xxT = (x[...,None]*x[:,None,:]).reshape(T,d+1,d+1)
            Wy_bar, Wy, by = update.Wbar_y_update(x,xxT,y, Sigma_y_inv,
                                                  1/Sigma_y_theta, Wy_mu_prior,
        if k > N_burn:
            h_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = h[1:].reshape(T,d)
            h_samples_vec2[k-N_burn-1] = h.reshape(T+1,d)
            z_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = z.reshape(T,d)
            r_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = r.reshape(T,d)
            v_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = v.reshape(T,d)

            h_samples += h
            z_samples += z
            r_samples += r
            v_samples += v
            Wz_bar_samples += Wz_bar
            Wz_bar_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = Wz_bar
            Wr_bar_samples += Wr_bar
            Wr_bar_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = Wr_bar
            Wp_bar_samples += Wp_bar
            Wp_bar_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = Wp_bar
            Wy_bar_samples += Wy_bar
            Wy_bar_samples_vec[k-N_burn-1] = Wy_bar
        h_plot_samples[k] = h[T_check,:,0]

        sig_h_inv = np.diag(inv_var)
        if k%log_check == 0:
            log_joint_vec.append( log_prob.marg_full_log_joint_no_weights(T, d, yd,
                              u, y, h, sig_h_inv, z, v, r,
                              Wz, Uz, bz, Wr, Ur, br,
                              Wp, Up, bp, Wy, by, Sigma_y_inv) )
    return h_samples, z_samples, r_samples, v_samples, Wz_bar_samples, Wr_bar_samples, Wp_bar_samples, Wy_bar_samples, h_samples_vec, Wz_bar_samples_vec, Wr_bar_samples_vec, Wp_bar_samples_vec, Wy_bar_samples_vec, h_plot_samples, log_joint_vec, z_samples_vec, r_samples_vec, v_samples_vec, h_samples_vec2 
Exemplo n.º 3
    #Update hs
    prec = build.build_prec_x(inv_var, W, omega, z, T, d)
    prec_muT = build.build_prec_muT(h0, u, inv_var, z, omega, W, U, b, T, d)
    mu, covar = update.update_normal_dim(prec, prec_muT)

    h = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[:, 0], covar)
    h = h.reshape(T, d, 1)
    h = np.concatenate((h0.reshape(1, d, 1), h), axis=0)

    if train_weights == True:
        #Update Weights
        x = np.concatenate((h[1:, :, :], u, np.ones((T, 1, 1))), axis=1)
        xxT = (x[..., None] * x[:, None, :]).reshape(T, d + ud + 1, d + ud + 1)

        W_covar, W_mu = update.Wbar_update(z, omega, x, xxT, 1 / Sigma_theta,
                                           W_mu_prior, T, d, ud)
        W_bar = update.sample_weights(W_covar, W_mu, d, ud)
        W, U, b = update.extract_W_weights(W_bar, d, ud)
    if k%100 == 0:
        loglike = build.log_like(h0,inv_var,h, z, omega, u, W, U, b, bpg,T, d)
    if k > N_burn:
        h_samples += h
        z_samples += z
        W_bar_samples += W_bar

Eh = h_samples / (N - N_burn - 1)