Exemplo n.º 1
 def addcombinationscheat():
     for i in range(10):
         plant1index = random.randint(0, numberofshopplants - 1)
         plant2index = random.randint(0, numberofshopplants - 1)
         plant1 = shopplantlist[plant1index]
         plant2 = shopplantlist[plant2index]
         devprint("###### making cross between " + plant1.name + " and " +
         shopplantlist.append(makecross(plant1, plant2))
Exemplo n.º 2
def crossnodes(nodes):
    def randnode():
        return random.choice(nodes)

    # make a fresh plant node
    pnode = PlantNode([], 0, 0)

    attributes = dir(object.__getattribute__(nodes[0], "item"))

    # pick randomly in the attributes
    for attrkey in attributes:
        if attrkey[0] == '_':
            attr = getattr(randnode(), attrkey)
            newattr = None

            if attrkey == "children":
                newattr = [
                ]  # ignore children because we are only crossing two nodes
            elif attrkey == "plantshapelist":
                newattr, shapedonernode = combineshapes(nodes)
                newattr = attr

            pnode = pnode.destructiveset(attrkey, newattr)

    #### hand tuned attributes, which override the randomly picked ones above

    # chance to pick difference nodes for the repeat numbers
    if random.random() < 0.01:
        devprint("repeat nums from different nodes")
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset(
                                 len(nodes) - 1)].repeatnumseparate)
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset(
                                 len(nodes) - 1)].repeatnumcircle)
        repeatnumindex = random.randint(0, len(nodes) - 1)
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumseparate",
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumcircle",

    return pnode
Exemplo n.º 3
def random_node_at_layer(layerlists : List[List[List[PlantNode]]], layerindex, addedsofar : List[PlantNode]):
    devprint("random node at layer " + str(layerindex))
    # sort by length so that we can access layers that exist
    layerlists = sorted(layerlists, key = len)
    maxlayer = len(layerlists[-1])-1

    def random_node_from_layer(chosenlayerindex):
        # choose an i such that all the layers on i and over have enough layers
        i = 0
        while len(layerlists[i])-1 < chosenlayerindex:
            i += 1

        possibleplantlayerlists = layerlists[i:]
        possiblenodes = []
        for plantlayerlist in possibleplantlayerlists:
            for potentialnode in plantlayerlist[chosenlayerindex]:
                if not potentialnode in addedsofar:

        # if all of the nodes have been chosen before pick a new one
        if len(possiblenodes) == 0:
            return random.choice(random.choice(random.choice(possibleplantlayerlists)))
            return random.choice(possiblenodes)
    def random_node():
        # most of the time pick from one of the same layer in the else
        random_layer = layerindex

        if layerindex > maxlayer:
            random_layer = random.randint(0, maxlayer)
        elif picknodeafterlayerchance(layerindex): # chance for after index
            random_layer = random.randint(layerindex, maxlayer)
        elif picknodebeforelayerp(layerindex):
            random_layer = random.randint(0, max(layerindex-1, 0))
        return random_node_from_layer(random_layer)

    # chance to cross nodes
    chosen_node = None
    original_node = None
    if random.random() < crossnodeschance:
        devprint("crossing nodes")
        chosen_node =  crossnodes([random_node(), random_node()])
        original_node = random_node()
        chosen_node = copy.deepcopy(random_node())

    # if layer index is one, usually make it point up, always fixes if angle offset is math.pi/2 or more, since that is horizontal
    if layerindex == 0:
        if random.random() < abs(chosen_node.angleoffset)/(math.pi/2):
            devprint("fixing first node's angle offset to be 0")
            chosen_node = chosen_node.destructiveset("angleoffset", 0)

    return chosen_node, original_node
Exemplo n.º 4
def crossnodes(nodes):
    def randnode():
        return random.choice(nodes)

    # make a fresh plant node
    pnode = PlantNode([], 0, 0)

    attributes = dir(object.__getattribute__(nodes[0], "item"))

    # pick randomly in the attributes
    for attrkey in attributes:
        if attrkey[0] == '_':
            attr = getattr(randnode(), attrkey)
            newattr = None

            if attrkey == "children":
                newattr = [] # ignore children because we are only crossing two nodes
            elif attrkey == "plantshapelist":
                newattr, shapedonernode = combineshapes(nodes)
                newattr = attr
            pnode = pnode.destructiveset(attrkey, newattr)

    #### hand tuned attributes, which override the randomly picked ones above

    # chance to pick difference nodes for the repeat numbers
    if random.random() < 0.01:
        devprint("repeat nums from different nodes")
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumseparate", nodes[random.randint(0, len(nodes)-1)].repeatnumseparate)
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumcircle", nodes[random.randint(0, len(nodes)-1)].repeatnumcircle)
        repeatnumindex = random.randint(0, len(nodes)-1)
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumseparate", nodes[repeatnumindex].repeatnumseparate)
        pnode = pnode.destructiveset("repeatnumcircle", nodes[repeatnumindex].repeatnumcircle)

    return pnode
Exemplo n.º 5
def random_node_at_layer(layerlists: List[List[List[PlantNode]]], layerindex,
                         addedsofar: List[PlantNode]):

    devprint("random node at layer " + str(layerindex))
    # sort by length so that we can access layers that exist
    layerlists = sorted(layerlists, key=len)
    maxlayer = len(layerlists[-1]) - 1

    def random_node_from_layer(chosenlayerindex):
        # choose an i such that all the layers on i and over have enough layers
        i = 0
        while len(layerlists[i]) - 1 < chosenlayerindex:
            i += 1

        possibleplantlayerlists = layerlists[i:]
        possiblenodes = []
        for plantlayerlist in possibleplantlayerlists:
            for potentialnode in plantlayerlist[chosenlayerindex]:
                if not potentialnode in addedsofar:

        # if all of the nodes have been chosen before pick a new one
        if len(possiblenodes) == 0:
            return random.choice(
            return random.choice(possiblenodes)

    def random_node():
        # most of the time pick from one of the same layer in the else
        random_layer = layerindex

        if layerindex > maxlayer:
            random_layer = random.randint(0, maxlayer)
        elif picknodeafterlayerchance(layerindex):  # chance for after index
            random_layer = random.randint(layerindex, maxlayer)
        elif picknodebeforelayerp(layerindex):
            random_layer = random.randint(0, max(layerindex - 1, 0))
        return random_node_from_layer(random_layer)

    # chance to cross nodes
    chosen_node = None
    original_node = None
    if random.random() < crossnodeschance:
        devprint("crossing nodes")
        chosen_node = crossnodes([random_node(), random_node()])
        original_node = random_node()
        chosen_node = copy.deepcopy(random_node())

    # if layer index is one, usually make it point up, always fixes if angle offset is math.pi/2 or more, since that is horizontal
    if layerindex == 0:
        if random.random() < abs(chosen_node.angleoffset) / (math.pi / 2):
            devprint("fixing first node's angle offset to be 0")
            chosen_node = chosen_node.destructiveset("angleoffset", 0)

    return chosen_node, original_node
Exemplo n.º 6
def randomcombinecolors(c1, c2):
    devprint("combine colors")
    weight1 = random.uniform(0, 1)
    return combinecolors(c1, c2, weight1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def picknodebeforelayerp(currentlayer):
    pickp = random.random() < 0.02 + (currentlayer - 1) * 0.01
    if pickp:
        devprint("Picking node before layer at layer " + str(currentlayer))
    return pickp
Exemplo n.º 8
def picknodeafterlayerchance(currentlayer):
    pickp = random.random() < 0.03 + min(currentlayer * 0.2, 0.25)
    if pickp:
        devprint("picking node after layer at layer " + str(currentlayer))
    return pickp
Exemplo n.º 9
def simulatedifficulty(subgrid, maxships, settings, pixelsize):
    result = simulatesmart(subgrid, maxships, settings, pixelsize)

    return result            
Exemplo n.º 10
def drawplant(head_node):
    devprint("drawing plant")
    surface = Surface((40, 43), SRCALPHA)
    rootpos = (surface.get_width()/2, surface.get_height()-3)
    # the stack has the node, the currentx, and the currenty for each node in it
    # currentx and currenty are without resizing of the surface
    stack = []
    # keeps track of offset needed because of resizing the surface
    resizeoffset = (0, 0)

    for i in range(head_node.repeatnumseparate):
        firstx = potwidth * random.random() * head_node.brancharea + rootpos[0]
        stack.append(math.pi/2) # base angle strait up to start with
    callcount = 0

    while len(stack) != 0 and callcount < 1000:
        callcount += 1
        base_angle = stack.pop()
        currenty = stack.pop()
        currentx = stack.pop()
        node = stack.pop()
        randomspacings = [0]
        spacingLength = 0
        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle-1):
            randomspacings.append(random.uniform(node.anglespace-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglespace+node.anglevariance*node.anglespace))
            spacingLength += randomspacings[i+1]

        startspacing = random.uniform(-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)/2 * random.choice((-1, 1))
        # start angle so that it points up on average
        angle = base_angle + startspacing - (spacingLength/2)  + node.angleoffset*random.choice((-1, 1))

        # update the random spacing to be final angles
        for i in range(len(randomspacings)):
            angle = angle + randomspacings[i]
            randomspacings[i] = angle

        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle):
            # draw all the plantshapes at this angle
            # pick a random angle out of the list
            angle = randomspacings.pop(random.randint(0, len(randomspacings)-1))

            widthscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.widthvariance
            heightscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.heightvariance

            # now add the current node
            surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, new_resize_offset = surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, (currentx, currenty), resizeoffset,  widthscalar, heightscalar)
            resizeoffset = new_resize_offset

            # find the new currentx and currenty
            mainlistlen = len(mainltranslated)

            # add all the children at the current position
            for childnode in node.children:
                futureindexpositions = getfuturenodeindexpositions(childnode.repeatnumseparate, mainlistlen, childnode.brancharea, childnode.branchoffset)
                for i in range(childnode.repeatnumseparate):
                    futurex = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][0]+mainloffset[0]
                    futurey = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][1]+mainloffset[1]
                    futureangle = listangleatindex(mainltranslated, futureindexpositions[i])

    finalsurfaceanchor = (rootpos[0] + resizeoffset[0], rootpos[1]+resizeoffset[1])
    # draw dirt clumps at bottom
    clumpradius = 4
    clumprange = 14
    clumpnum = 4
    for i in range(clumpnum):
        gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(finalsurfaceanchor[0] + i * clumprange/clumpnum - clumprange/2)+1,
                       int(random.uniform(clumpradius/3, clumpradius)),
                        brighten(dirtcolor, -10))
    return surface, finalsurfaceanchor 
Exemplo n.º 11
def simulatesmart(subgrid, loopcount, settings, pixelsize):
    # time increment will decide how quickly the ship moves, needs to be high enough to escape scroll
    timeincrement = (1000.0/basescrollspeed)/5
    maxdeaths = int(subgrid.rect.w/pixelsize)*4
    deathcount = 0
    wincount = 0
    game = GridGame([subgrid], Ship(), scrollgrowthrate = 0)

    # initialize variables used in the loop
    # positions in pixel coordinates
    oldx = None
    oldy = None
    xpos = None
    ypos = None
    time = None
    deaths = None
    direction = None

    for i in range(loopcount):
        direction = (1, 0)
        deaths = 0
        xpos = 2
        ypos = int((1/pixelsize - 1) * i/loopcount)
        oldx = xpos
        oldy = ypos
        time = 0

        while True:

            # if you hit something, try again
            if game.gameoverp(time, settings, pixelsize, shippospixels = (xpos, ypos)):
                deathcount += 1
                deaths += 1
                if deaths > maxdeaths:

                # was moving left or right
                if direction[1] == 0:
                    if random.random() < 0.4:
                        direction = (-direction[0], 0)
                        direction = (0, random.choice((-1, 1)))
                elif direction[0] == 0:
                    if random.random() < 0.1:
                        direction = (-1, 0)
                    elif random.random() < 0.7:
                        direction = (1, 0)
                        direction = (0, -direction[1]) # opposite verticle directio
                xpos = oldx
                ypos = oldy
                time -= timeincrement
            # win if made to the end
            if xpos*pixelsize >= subgrid.rect.w:
                # if it has, it made it
                wincount += 1

            # movement
            oldx = xpos
            oldy = ypos
            xpos += direction[0]
            ypos += direction[1]
            time += timeincrement

    if deathcount == 0:
        return wincount
        return float(wincount)/deathcount
Exemplo n.º 12
def randomcombinecolors(c1, c2):
    devprint("combine colors")
    weight1 = random.uniform(0, 1)
    return combinecolors(c1, c2, weight1)
Exemplo n.º 13
def picknodebeforelayerp(currentlayer):
    pickp = random.random() < 0.02 + (currentlayer-1)*0.01
    if pickp:
        devprint("Picking node before layer at layer " + str(currentlayer))
    return pickp
Exemplo n.º 14
def picknodeafterlayerchance(currentlayer):
    pickp = random.random() < 0.03 + min(currentlayer*0.2, 0.25)
    if pickp:
        devprint("picking node after layer at layer " + str(currentlayer))
    return pickp
Exemplo n.º 15
def surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, offset_in, current_resize_offset, widthscalar, heightscalar):
    transformedlists = transformtopointlists(node.plantshapelist,
                                        node.shiftchance, angle,
                                        widthscalar, heightscalar)

    mainloffset = None
    mainltranslated = None

    def currentoffset():
        return (offset_in[0] + current_resize_offset[0], offset_in[1] + current_resize_offset[1])

    def surface_offset(pointlist_bounds):
        return Rect(currentoffset()[0]-node.anchor[0]+pointlist_bounds[0], currentoffset()[1]-node.anchor[1]+pointlist_bounds[1], pointlist_bounds.width, pointlist_bounds.height)

    # go through all the plantshapes and their corresponding transformed lists
    for i in range(len(transformedlists)):
        currentlist = transformedlists[i]
        bounds = getlistbounds(currentlist)

        # make the surface
        shape_surface = Surface((bounds.width, bounds.height), SRCALPHA)
        # translate points into this surface
        shiftedlist = offsetpointlist(currentlist, (-bounds[0], -bounds[1]))

        # draw the plant shape onto the new surface
        plantshape = node.plantshapelist[i]
        if plantshape.fillcolor != None:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.fillcolor)
        if plantshape.outlinecolor != None:
            gfxdraw.polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.outlinecolor)

        # apply the texture if any
        for ptexture in plantshape.textures:
            addtexture(shape_surface, ptexture)

        # now check if resizing is needed
        newsurfacerect = surface.get_rect().union(surface_offset(bounds))
        if not newsurfacerect == surface.get_rect():
            new_surface = Surface((newsurfacerect.width, newsurfacerect.height), SRCALPHA)
            new_surface.blit(surface, (-newsurfacerect.x, -newsurfacerect.y))

            current_resize_offset = (current_resize_offset[0]-newsurfacerect.x, current_resize_offset[1]-newsurfacerect.y)

            surface = new_surface
            devprint("Resized surface to " + str(new_surface.get_width()) + " by " + str(new_surface.get_height()))

        surface.blit(shape_surface, surface_offset(bounds))

        # also save the first list for other nodes to go off of
        if i == 0:
            # save the offset of l without the resizing
            mainloffset = surface_offset(bounds)
            # also remove the current resize offset
            mainloffset = (mainloffset[0] - current_resize_offset[0], mainloffset[1]-current_resize_offset[1])
            mainltranslated = shiftedlist
    return surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, current_resize_offset
Exemplo n.º 16
def simulatesmart(subgrid, loopcount, settings, pixelsize):
    # time increment will decide how quickly the ship moves, needs to be high enough to escape scroll
    timeincrement = (1000.0/basescrollspeed)/5
    maxdeaths = int(subgrid.rect.w/pixelsize)*4
    deathcount = 0
    wincount = 0
    game = GridGame([subgrid], Ship(), scrollgrowthrate = 0)

    # initialize variables used in the loop
    # positions in pixel coordinates
    oldx = None
    oldy = None
    xpos = None
    ypos = None
    time = None
    deaths = None
    direction = None

    for i in range(loopcount):
        direction = (1, 0)
        deaths = 0
        xpos = 2
        ypos = int((1/pixelsize - 1) * i/loopcount)
        oldx = xpos
        oldy = ypos
        time = 0

        while True:

            # if you hit something, try again
            if game.gameoverp(time, settings, pixelsize, shippospixels = (xpos, ypos)):
                deathcount += 1
                deaths += 1
                if deaths > maxdeaths:

                # was moving left or right
                if direction[1] == 0:
                    if random.random() < 0.4:
                        direction = (-direction[0], 0)
                        direction = (0, random.choice((-1, 1)))
                elif direction[0] == 0:
                    if random.random() < 0.1:
                        direction = (-1, 0)
                    elif random.random() < 0.7:
                        direction = (1, 0)
                        direction = (0, -direction[1]) # opposite verticle directio
                xpos = oldx
                ypos = oldy
                time -= timeincrement
            # win if made to the end
            if xpos*pixelsize >= subgrid.rect.w:
                # if it has, it made it
                wincount += 1

            # movement
            oldx = xpos
            oldy = ypos
            xpos += direction[0]
            ypos += direction[1]
            time += timeincrement

    if deathcount == 0:
        return wincount
        return float(wincount)/deathcount
Exemplo n.º 17
def drawplant(head_node):
    devprint("drawing plant")
    surface = Surface((40, 43), SRCALPHA)
    rootpos = (surface.get_width()/2, surface.get_height()-3)
    # the stack has the node, the currentx, and the currenty for each node in it
    # currentx and currenty are without resizing of the surface
    stack = []
    # keeps track of offset needed because of resizing the surface
    resizeoffset = (0, 0)

    for i in range(head_node.repeatnumseparate):
        firstx = potwidth * random.random() * head_node.brancharea + rootpos[0]
        stack.append(math.pi/2) # base angle strait up to start with
    callcount = 0

    while len(stack) != 0 and callcount < 1000:
        callcount += 1
        base_angle = stack.pop()
        currenty = stack.pop()
        currentx = stack.pop()
        node = stack.pop()
        randomspacings = [0]
        spacingLength = 0
        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle-1):
            randomspacings.append(random.uniform(node.anglespace-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglespace+node.anglevariance*node.anglespace))
            spacingLength += randomspacings[i+1]

        startspacing = random.uniform(-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)/2 * random.choice((-1, 1))
        # start angle so that it points up on average
        angle = base_angle + startspacing - (spacingLength/2)  + node.angleoffset*random.choice((-1, 1))

        # update the random spacing to be final angles
        for i in range(len(randomspacings)):
            angle = angle + randomspacings[i]
            randomspacings[i] = angle

        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle):
            # draw all the plantshapes at this angle
            # pick a random angle out of the list
            angle = randomspacings.pop(random.randint(0, len(randomspacings)-1))

            widthscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.widthvariance
            heightscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.heightvariance

            # now add the current node
            surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, new_resize_offset = surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, (currentx, currenty), resizeoffset,  widthscalar, heightscalar)
            resizeoffset = new_resize_offset

            # find the new currentx and currenty
            mainlistlen = len(mainltranslated)

            # add all the children at the current position
            for childnode in node.children:
                futureindexpositions = getfuturenodeindexpositions(childnode.repeatnumseparate, mainlistlen, childnode.brancharea)
                for i in range(childnode.repeatnumseparate):
                    futurex = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][0]+mainloffset[0]
                    futurey = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][1]+mainloffset[1]
                    futureangle = listangleatindex(mainltranslated, futureindexpositions[i])

    finalsurfaceanchor = (rootpos[0] + resizeoffset[0], rootpos[1]+resizeoffset[1])
    # draw dirt clumps at bottom
    clumpradius = 4
    clumprange = 14
    clumpnum = 4
    for i in range(clumpnum):
        gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(finalsurfaceanchor[0] + i * clumprange/clumpnum - clumprange/2)+1,
                       int(random.uniform(clumpradius/3, clumpradius)),
                        brighten(dirtcolor, -10))
    return surface, finalsurfaceanchor 
Exemplo n.º 18
def surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, offset_in, current_resize_offset, widthscalar, heightscalar):
    transformedlists = transformtopointlists(node.plantshapelist,
                                        node.shiftchance, angle,
                                        widthscalar, heightscalar)

    mainloffset = None
    mainltranslated = None

    def currentoffset():
        return (offset_in[0] + current_resize_offset[0], offset_in[1] + current_resize_offset[1])

    def surface_offset(pointlist_bounds):
        return Rect(currentoffset()[0]-node.anchor[0]+pointlist_bounds[0], currentoffset()[1]-node.anchor[1]+pointlist_bounds[1], pointlist_bounds.width, pointlist_bounds.height)

    # go through all the plantshapes and their corresponding transformed lists
    for i in range(len(transformedlists)):
        currentlist = transformedlists[i]
        bounds = getlistbounds(currentlist)

        # make the surface
        shape_surface = Surface((bounds.width, bounds.height), SRCALPHA)
        # translate points into this surface
        shiftedlist = offsetpointlist(currentlist, (-bounds[0], -bounds[1]))

        # draw the plant shape onto the new surface
        plantshape = node.plantshapelist[i]
        if plantshape.fillcolor != None:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.fillcolor)
        if plantshape.outlinecolor != None:
            gfxdraw.polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.outlinecolor)

        # apply the texture if any
        for ptexture in plantshape.textures:
            addtexture(shape_surface, ptexture)

        # now check if resizing is needed
        newsurfacerect = surface.get_rect().union(surface_offset(bounds))
        if not newsurfacerect == surface.get_rect():
            new_surface = Surface((newsurfacerect.width, newsurfacerect.height), SRCALPHA)
            new_surface.blit(surface, (-newsurfacerect.x, -newsurfacerect.y))

            current_resize_offset = (current_resize_offset[0]-newsurfacerect.x, current_resize_offset[1]-newsurfacerect.y)

            surface = new_surface
            devprint("Resized surface to " + str(new_surface.get_width()) + " by " + str(new_surface.get_height()))

        surface.blit(shape_surface, surface_offset(bounds))

        # also save the first list for other nodes to go off of
        if i == 0:
            # save the offset of l without the resizing
            mainloffset = surface_offset(bounds)
            # also remove the current resize offset
            mainloffset = (mainloffset[0] - current_resize_offset[0], mainloffset[1]-current_resize_offset[1])
            mainltranslated = shiftedlist
    return surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, current_resize_offset