Exemplo n.º 1
def get_Cu_dx2y2_O_indices(VS):
    Get the list of index for states with one hole on Cu and the other on neighboring O 
    with dx2-y2 symmetry (1/sqrt(4)) * (px1-py2-px3+py4)
    dim = VS.dim
    Cu_dx2y2_O_indices = []

    state = vs.create_state('up', 'dx2y2', 0, 0, 'dn', 'px', 1, 0)
    canonical_state, _ = vs.make_state_canonical(state)
    idx = VS.get_index(canonical_state)
    print "Cu_dx2y2_O_indices", idx

    state = vs.create_state('up', 'dx2y2', 0, 0, 'dn', 'py', 0, 1)
    canonical_state, _ = vs.make_state_canonical(state)
    idx = VS.get_index(canonical_state)
    print "Cu_dx2y2_O_indices", idx
    state = vs.create_state('up','dx2y2',0,0,'dn','px',-1,0)
    canonical_state,_ = vs.make_state_canonical(state)
    state = vs.create_state('up','dx2y2',0,0,'dn','py',0,-1)
    canonical_state,_ = vs.make_state_canonical(state)
    return Cu_dx2y2_O_indices
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_singlet_triplet_partner(state, VS):
    For a given state find its partner state to form a singlet/triplet.
    Applies to general opposite-spin state, not nesessarily in d_double

    phase: dictionary containing the phase values exp(-kx*Rx*1j/2.0-ky*Ry*1j/2.0).
        Created with hamiltonian.create_phase_dict.
    VS: VS: VariationalSpace class from the module variational_space

    index: index of the singlet/triplet partner state in the VS
    phase: phase factor with which the partner state needs to be multiplied.
    s1 = state['hole1_spin']
    s2 = state['hole2_spin']
    orb1 = state['hole1_orb']
    orb2 = state['hole2_orb']
    x1, y1 = state['hole1_coord']
    x2, y2 = state['hole2_coord']

    tmp_state = vs.create_state(s2, orb1, x1, y1, s1, orb2, x2, y2)
    partner_state, phase = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

    return VS.get_index(partner_state), phase
Exemplo n.º 3
def find_singlet_triplet_partner_d_double(state, VS):
    For a given state find its partner state to form a singlet/triplet.
    Right now only applied for d_double states

    phase: dictionary containing the phase values exp(-kx*Rx*1j/2.0-ky*Ry*1j/2.0).
        Created with hamiltonian.create_phase_dict.
    VS: VS: VariationalSpace class from the module variational_space

    index: index of the singlet/triplet partner state in the VS
    phase: phase factor with which the partner state needs to be multiplied.
    s1 = state['hole1_spin']
    s2 = state['hole2_spin']
    orb1 = state['hole1_orb']
    orb2 = state['hole2_orb']
    x1, y1 = state['hole1_coord']
    x2, y2 = state['hole2_coord']

    partner_state = vs.create_state('up', orb2, x2, y2, 'dn', orb1, x1, y1)
    phase = -1.0

    return VS.get_index(partner_state), phase
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_singlet_triplet_partner_d_double(state, VS):
    For a given state find its partner state to form a singlet/triplet.
    Right now only applied for d_double states

    VS: VariationalSpace class from the module variational_space

    index: index of the singlet/triplet partner state in the VS
    phase: phase factor with which the partner state needs to be multiplied.
    s1 = state['hole1_spin']
    s2 = state['hole2_spin']
    orb1 = state['hole1_orb']
    orb2 = state['hole2_orb']
    x1, y1, z1 = state['hole1_coord']
    x2, y2, z2 = state['hole2_coord']

    partner_state = vs.create_state('up', orb2, x2, y2, z2, 'dn', orb1, x1, y1,
    phase = -1.0

    return VS.get_index(partner_state), phase
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_tpp_nn_matrix(VS, tpp_nn_hop_fac):
    similar to comments in create_tpd_nn_matrix
    print "start create_tpp_nn_matrix"
    print "=========================="

    dim = VS.dim
    data = []
    row = []
    col = []
    for i in xrange(0, dim):
        start_state = VS.get_state(VS.lookup_tbl[i])

        # only hole hops with tpd
        if start_state['type'] == 'no_eh':

        if start_state['type'] == 'one_eh':
            s1 = start_state['e_spin']
            orb1 = start_state['e_orb']
            orb2 = start_state['h_orb']
            x1, y1, z1 = start_state['e_coord']
            x2, y2, z2 = start_state['h_coord']

            # hole hops, only p-orbitals has t_pp
            if orb2 in pam.O_orbs and orb2 not in pam.ap_orbs and orb2 != 'pz1' and orb2 != 'pz2':
                for dir_ in tpp_nn_hop_dir:
                    vx, vy, vz = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                    orbs2 = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2 + vx, y2 + vy, z2 + vz)

                    if orbs2 != pam.O1_orbs and orbs2 != pam.O2_orbs:

                    if not vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1, y1, x2 + vx, y2 + vy):

                    for o2 in orbs2:
                        if o2 == 'pz1' or o2 == 'pz2':

                        new_state = vs.create_state(s1, orb1, x1, y1, z1, o2,
                                                    x2 + vx, y2 + vy, z2 + vz)
                        o12 = sorted([orb2, dir_, o2])
                        o12 = tuple(o12)
                        set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i, VS,

    row = np.array(row)
    col = np.array(col)
    data = np.array(data)

    # check if hoppings occur within groups of (up,up), (dn,dn), and (up,dn)
    out = sps.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(dim, dim))

    return out
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_tpp_nn_matrix(phase, VS, tpp_nn_hop_fac):
    similar to comments in create_tpd_nn_matrix
    print "start create_tpp_nn_matrix"
    print "=========================="

    dim = VS.dim
    data = []
    row = []
    col = []
    for i in xrange(0, dim):
        start_state = VS.get_state(VS.lookup_tbl[i])

        # below check has been done in create_tpd_nn_matrix so here not necessary
        #assert VS.get_uid(start_state) == VS.lookup_tbl[i]
        s1 = start_state['hole1_spin']
        s2 = start_state['hole2_spin']
        orb1 = start_state['hole1_orb']
        orb2 = start_state['hole2_orb']
        x1, y1 = start_state['hole1_coord']
        x2, y2 = start_state['hole2_coord']

        # only p-orbitals has t_pp
        if orb1 in pam.O_orbs:
            # hole 1 hops (coordninates need to be shifted -> phase change)
            for dir_ in tpp_nn_hop_dir:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                x1_new, y1_new = x1 + vx, y1 + vy

                # get the position of reference site(Cu) in the same unit cell
                orbs1_new, Rx_new, Ry_new = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(
                    x1_new, y1_new)
                if orbs1_new == ['NotOnSublattice'
                                 ] or orbs1_new == pam.Cu_orbs:

                x1_shift = x1_new - Rx_new
                y1_shift = y1_new - Ry_new
                x2_shift = x2 - Rx_new
                y2_shift = y2 - Ry_new

                # consider t_pp for all cases
                for o1 in orbs1_new:
                    if s1 == s2 and o1 == orb2 and x1_shift == x2_shift and y1_shift == y2_shift:

                    #if pam.if_project_out_two_holes_on_different_Cu == 1:
                    #    if (o1 in pam.Cu_orbs and orb2 in pam.Cu_orbs and (x1_shift,y1_shift)!=(x2_shift,y2_shift)):
                    #        continue

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1_shift, y1_shift, x2_shift,
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1,o1,  x1_shift,y1_shift,\
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        o12 = sorted([orb1, dir_, o1])
                        o12 = tuple(o12)

        # hole 2 hops, only p-orbitals has t_pp
        if orb2 in pam.O_orbs:
            for dir_ in tpp_nn_hop_dir:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                x2_new, y2_new = x2 + vx, y2 + vy

                orbs2_new, _, _ = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2_new, y2_new)
                if orbs2_new == ['NotOnSublattice'
                                 ] or orbs2_new == pam.Cu_orbs:

                for o2 in orbs2_new:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and orb1 == o2 and x1 == x2_new and y1 == y2_new:

                    #if pam.if_project_out_two_holes_on_different_Cu == 1:
                    #    if (orb1 in pam.Cu_orbs and o2 in pam.Cu_orbs and (x1,y1)!=(x2_new,y2_new)):
                    #        continue

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1, y1, x2_new, y2_new):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, orb1, x1, y1, s2, o2,
                                                    x2_new, y2_new)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        o12 = sorted([orb2, dir_, o2])
                        o12 = tuple(o12)
                        set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i, VS,
                                           tpp_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

    row = np.array(row)
    col = np.array(col)
    data = np.array(data)

    # check if hoppings occur within groups of (up,up), (dn,dn), and (up,dn)
    assert (check_spin_group(row, col, data, VS) == True)
    out = sps.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(dim, dim))

    return out
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_tpd_nn_matrix(phase, VS, tpd_nn_hop_dir, if_tpd_nn_hop,
    Create nearest neighbor (NN) pd hopping part of the Hamiltonian

    phase: dictionary containing the phase values exp(-kx*Rx*1j/2.0-ky*Ry*1j/2.0).
        Created with create_phase_dict.
    VS: VariationalSpace class from the module variationalSpace
    matrix: (sps coo format) t_pd hopping part of the Hamiltonian without 
        the prefactor t_pd.
    Note from the sps documentation
    By default when converting to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j)
    entries will be summed together
    See note_on_set_hopping_term.jpg for how to set up the hopping elements
    The convention is to assign the phase to hole1 hopping 
    When hole1 hops, there is an additional phase 
    It seems hole2 can hop to another orb, but actually not, 
    j'+n-1=j-n only change hole2's coordinate, not the orb
    For multiorbital cases, should make sure that hole2 does not change orb
    print "start create_tpd_nn_matrix"
    print "=========================="

    dim = VS.dim
    tpd_orbs = tpd_nn_hop_fac.keys()
    data = []
    row = []
    col = []
    for i in xrange(0, dim):
        start_state = VS.get_state(VS.lookup_tbl[i])

        # double check which cost some time, might not necessary
        assert VS.get_uid(start_state) == VS.lookup_tbl[i]

        s1 = start_state['hole1_spin']
        s2 = start_state['hole2_spin']
        orb1 = start_state['hole1_orb']
        orb2 = start_state['hole2_orb']
        x1, y1 = start_state['hole1_coord']
        x2, y2 = start_state['hole2_coord']

        #print s1,s2,orb1,orb2,x1, y1,x2, y2

        # some d-orbitals might have no tpd
        if if_tpd_nn_hop[orb1] == 1:
            # hole 1 hops (coordninates need to be shifted -> phase change)
            for dir_ in tpd_nn_hop_dir[orb1]:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]

                # recall that x1, y1 are kept in (1,0), (0,1), (0,0)
                x1_new, y1_new = x1 + vx, y1 + vy

                # it is possible that up hole hops to neighboring unit cell
                # so need to get the position of reference site(Cu) after hopping
                orb, Rx_new, Ry_new = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x1_new, y1_new)

                if orb == ['NotOnSublattice']:

                # get the coordinates relative to the new unit cell origin
                x1_shift = x1_new - Rx_new
                y1_shift = y1_new - Ry_new

                # dn hole needs change coor corresponding to the new unit cell of up hole
                # but not change orb. see above and note_on_set_hopping_term.jpg
                x2_shift = x2 - Rx_new
                y2_shift = y2 - Ry_new

                orbs1_new, _, _ = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x1_shift, y1_shift)
                orbs2_new, _, _ = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2_shift, y2_shift)

                if orbs1_new == ['NotOnSublattice'
                                 ] or orbs2_new == ['NotOnSublattice']:

                # consider t_pd for all cases
                # recall that when up hole hops, dn hole should not change orb
                for o1 in orbs1_new:
                    if if_tpd_nn_hop[o1] == 0:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and o1 == orb2 and x1_shift == x2_shift and y1_shift == y2_shift:

                    #if pam.if_project_out_two_holes_on_different_Cu == 1:
                    #    if (o1 in pam.Cu_orbs and orb2 in pam.Cu_orbs and (x1_shift,y1_shift)!=(x2_shift,y2_shift)):
                    #        continue

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1_shift, y1_shift, x2_shift,
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1,o1,  x1_shift,y1_shift,\
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        o12 = tuple([orb1, dir_, o1])
                        if o12 in tpd_orbs:

        # hole 2 hops; some d-orbitals might have no tpd
        if if_tpd_nn_hop[orb2] == 1:
            for dir_ in tpd_nn_hop_dir[orb2]:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                x2_new, y2_new = x2 + vx, y2 + vy
                orbs2_new, _, _ = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2_new, y2_new)

                if orbs2_new == ['NotOnSublattice']:
                for o2 in orbs2_new:
                    if if_tpd_nn_hop[o2] == 0:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and orb1 == o2 and x1 == x2_new and y1 == y2_new:

                    #if pam.if_project_out_two_holes_on_different_Cu == 1:
                    #    if (orb1 in pam.Cu_orbs and o2 in pam.Cu_orbs and (x1,y1)!=(x2_new,y2_new)):
                    #        continue

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1, y1, x2_new, y2_new):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, orb1, x1, y1, s2, o2,
                                                    x2_new, y2_new)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        o12 = tuple([orb2, dir_, o2])
                        if o12 in tpd_orbs:
                            set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i,
                                               VS, tpd_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

    row = np.array(row)
    col = np.array(col)
    data = np.array(data)

    # check if hoppings occur within groups of (up,up), (dn,dn), and (up,dn)
    assert (check_spin_group(row, col, data, VS) == True)
    out = sps.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(dim, dim))

    return out
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_tpp_nn_matrix(VS, tpp_nn_hop_fac):
    similar to comments in create_tpd_nn_matrix
    print "start create_tpp_nn_matrix"
    print "=========================="

    dim = VS.dim
    data = []
    row = []
    col = []
    for i in xrange(0, dim):
        start_state = VS.get_state(VS.lookup_tbl[i])

        # below check has been done in create_tpd_nn_matrix so here not necessary
        #assert VS.get_uid(start_state) == VS.lookup_tbl[i]
        s1 = start_state['hole1_spin']
        s2 = start_state['hole2_spin']
        orb1 = start_state['hole1_orb']
        orb2 = start_state['hole2_orb']
        x1, y1 = start_state['hole1_coord']
        x2, y2 = start_state['hole2_coord']

        # hole1 hops: only p-orbitals has t_pp
        if orb1 in pam.O_orbs:
            for dir_ in tpp_nn_hop_dir:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                orbs1 = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x1 + vx, y1 + vy)
                if orbs1 == ['NotOnSublattice'] or orbs1 == pam.Cu_orbs:

                # consider t_pd for all cases; when up hole hops, dn hole should not change orb
                for o1 in orbs1:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and o1 == orb2 and (x1 + vx, y1 + vy) == (x2,

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1 + vx, y1 + vy, x2, y2):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, o1, x1 + vx, y1 + vy,
                                                    s2, orb2, x2, y2)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        s1n = new_state['hole1_spin']
                        s2n = new_state['hole2_spin']
                        orb1n = new_state['hole1_orb']
                        orb2n = new_state['hole2_orb']
                        x1n, y1n = new_state['hole1_coord']
                        x2n, y2n = new_state['hole2_coord']
                        #print x1,y1,orb1,s1,x2,y2,orb2,s2,'tpp hops to',x1n, y1n,orb1n,s1n,x2n, y2n,orb2n,s2n

                        o12 = sorted([orb1, dir_, o1])
                        o12 = tuple(o12)
                        set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i, VS,
                                           tpp_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

        # hole 2 hops, only p-orbitals has t_pp
        if orb2 in pam.O_orbs:
            for dir_ in tpp_nn_hop_dir:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                orbs2 = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2 + vx, y2 + vy)

                if orbs2 == ['NotOnSublattice'] or orbs2 == pam.Cu_orbs:

                for o2 in orbs2:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and orb1 == o2 and (x1, y1) == (x2 + vx,
                                                                y2 + vy):

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1, y1, x2 + vx, y2 + vy):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, orb1, x1, y1, s2, o2,
                                                    x2 + vx, y2 + vy)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        s1n = new_state['hole1_spin']
                        s2n = new_state['hole2_spin']
                        orb1n = new_state['hole1_orb']
                        orb2n = new_state['hole2_orb']
                        x1n, y1n = new_state['hole1_coord']
                        x2n, y2n = new_state['hole2_coord']
                        #print x1,y1,orb1,s1,x2,y2,orb2,s2,'tpp hops to',x1n, y1n,orb1n,s1n,x2n, y2n,orb2n,s2n

                        o12 = sorted([orb2, dir_, o2])
                        o12 = tuple(o12)
                        set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i, VS,
                                           tpp_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

    row = np.array(row)
    col = np.array(col)
    data = np.array(data)

    # check if hoppings occur within groups of (up,up), (dn,dn), and (up,dn)
    assert (check_spin_group(row, col, data, VS) == True)
    out = sps.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(dim, dim))

    return out
Exemplo n.º 9
def create_tpd_nn_matrix(VS, tpd_nn_hop_dir, if_tpd_nn_hop, tpd_nn_hop_fac):
    Create nearest neighbor (NN) pd hopping part of the Hamiltonian

    VS: VariationalSpace class from the module variationalSpace
    matrix: (sps coo format) t_pd hopping part of the Hamiltonian without 
        the prefactor t_pd.
    Note from the sps documentation
    By default when converting to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j)
    entries will be summed together
    print "start create_tpd_nn_matrix"
    print "=========================="

    dim = VS.dim
    tpd_orbs = tpd_nn_hop_fac.keys()
    data = []
    row = []
    col = []
    for i in xrange(0, dim):
        start_state = VS.get_state(VS.lookup_tbl[i])

        # double check which cost some time, might not necessary
        assert VS.get_uid(start_state) == VS.lookup_tbl[i]

        s1 = start_state['hole1_spin']
        s2 = start_state['hole2_spin']
        orb1 = start_state['hole1_orb']
        orb2 = start_state['hole2_orb']
        x1, y1 = start_state['hole1_coord']
        x2, y2 = start_state['hole2_coord']

        # hole 1 hops: some d-orbitals might have no tpd
        if if_tpd_nn_hop[orb1] == 1:
            for dir_ in tpd_nn_hop_dir[orb1]:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                orbs1 = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x1 + vx, y1 + vy)
                if orbs1 == ['NotOnSublattice']:

                # consider t_pd for all cases; when up hole hops, dn hole should not change orb
                for o1 in orbs1:
                    if if_tpd_nn_hop[o1] == 0:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and o1 == orb2 and (x1 + vx, y1 + vy) == (x2,

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1 + vx, y1 + vy, x2, y2):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, o1, x1 + vx, y1 + vy,
                                                    s2, orb2, x2, y2)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        s1n = new_state['hole1_spin']
                        s2n = new_state['hole2_spin']
                        orb1n = new_state['hole1_orb']
                        orb2n = new_state['hole2_orb']
                        x1n, y1n = new_state['hole1_coord']
                        x2n, y2n = new_state['hole2_coord']
                        # print x1,y1,orb1,s1,x2,y2,orb2,s2,'tpd hops to',x1n, y1n,orb1n,s1n,x2n, y2n,orb2n,s2n

                        o12 = tuple([orb1, dir_, o1])
                        if o12 in tpd_orbs:
                            set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i,
                                               VS, tpd_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

        # hole 2 hops; some d-orbitals might have no tpd
        if if_tpd_nn_hop[orb2] == 1:
            for dir_ in tpd_nn_hop_dir[orb2]:
                vx, vy = directions_to_vecs[dir_]
                orbs2 = lat.get_unit_cell_rep(x2 + vx, y2 + vy)
                if orbs2 == ['NotOnSublattice']:

                for o2 in orbs2:
                    if if_tpd_nn_hop[o2] == 0:
                    # consider Pauli principle
                    if s1 == s2 and orb1 == o2 and (x1, y1) == (x2 + vx,
                                                                y2 + vy):

                    if vs.check_in_vs_condition(x1, y1, x2 + vx, y2 + vy):
                        tmp_state = vs.create_state(s1, orb1, x1, y1, s2, o2,
                                                    x2 + vx, y2 + vy)
                        new_state, ph = vs.make_state_canonical(tmp_state)

                        s1n = new_state['hole1_spin']
                        s2n = new_state['hole2_spin']
                        orb1n = new_state['hole1_orb']
                        orb2n = new_state['hole2_orb']
                        x1n, y1n = new_state['hole1_coord']
                        x2n, y2n = new_state['hole2_coord']
                        #print x1,y1,orb1,s1,x2,y2,orb2,s2,'tpd hops to',x1n, y1n,orb1n,s1n,x2n, y2n,orb2n,s2n

                        o12 = tuple([orb2, dir_, o2])
                        if o12 in tpd_orbs:
                            set_matrix_element(row, col, data, new_state, i,
                                               VS, tpd_nn_hop_fac[o12] * ph)

    row = np.array(row)
    col = np.array(col)
    data = np.array(data)

    # check if hoppings occur within groups of (up,up), (dn,dn), and (up,dn)
    assert (check_spin_group(row, col, data, VS) == True)
    out = sps.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(dim, dim))

    return out