def load(self): "Rewrite load method" PosCar.load(self) with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: for i in range(self.totline): f.readline() #get dimension of 3d array grid = f.readline().strip(whitespace) empty = not grid # empty row while empty: grid = f.readline().strip(whitespace) empty = not grid x, y, z = line2list(grid, dtype=int) #read electron localization function data elf_data = [] for line in f: datalist = line2list(line) elf_data.extend(datalist) ######################################### # # # !!! Notice !!! # # NGX is the length of the **0th** axis # # NGY is the length of the **1st** axis # # NGZ is the length of the **2nd** axis # # # ######################################### #reshape to 3d array elf_data = np.array(elf_data).reshape((x, y, z), order='F') #set attrs self.grid = x, y, z self.elf_data = elf_data return
def test_get_poscar_content(self): " Make sure we can get the correct poscar content. " poscar = PosCar(self.filename) ref_content = """Created by VASPy\n 1.000000000\n 7.29321435 -4.21073927 0.00000000\n 0.00000000 8.42147853 0.00000000\n -0.00000000 0.00000000 16.87610843\n Pt\n 36\nSelective Dynamics\nDirect\n 0.244666665792 0.223999996980 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.022444443570 0.112888885869 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.133555554681 0.001777774758 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.133555554681 0.001777774758 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.577999999126 0.223999996980 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.355777776904 0.112888885869 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.466888888015 0.001777774758 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.466888888015 0.001777774758 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.911333332459 0.223999996980 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.689111110237 0.112888885869 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.800222221348 0.001777774758 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.800222221348 0.001777774758 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.244666665792 0.557333330313 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.022444443570 0.446222219202 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.133555554681 0.335111108091 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.133555554681 0.335111108091 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.577999999126 0.557333330313 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.355777776904 0.446222219202 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.466888888015 0.335111108091 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.466888888015 0.335111108091 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.911333332459 0.557333330313 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.689111110237 0.446222219202 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.800222221348 0.335111108091 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.800222221348 0.335111108091 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.244666665792 0.890666663647 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.022444443570 0.779555552536 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.133555554681 0.668444441424 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.133555554681 0.668444441424 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.577999999126 0.890666663647 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.355777776904 0.779555552536 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.466888888015 0.668444441424 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.466888888015 0.668444441424 0.407446329115 T T T \n 0.911333332459 0.890666663647 0.135815443038 F F F \n 0.689111110237 0.779555552536 0.271630886077 T T T \n 0.800222221348 0.668444441424 0.000000000000 F F F \n 0.800222221348 0.668444441424 0.407446329115 T T T \n""" ret_content = poscar.get_poscar_content() self.assertEqual(ref_content, ret_content)
import numpy as np from vaspy.atomco import XyzFile, PosCar from vaspy.functions import str2list class ContinueError(Exception): pass if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: %s *.xyz' % sys.argv[0] exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] a = XyzFile(filename=filename) b = PosCar(filename='POSCAR') #create new dir if not os.path.exists('./continue'): os.mkdir('./continue') if os.path.isfile('./fort.188'): fail = os.system("cp INCAR POTCAR KPOINTS fort.188 vasp.script ./continue") else: fail = os.system("cp INCAR POTCAR KPOINTS vasp.script ./continue") if not fail: #new fort.188 #change distance of 2 atoms with open('./continue/fort.188', 'r') as f: content_list = f.readlines() m, n, distance = str2list(content_list[5]) # atom number and distance x =[int(m)-1, :] # atom coordinates
from vaspy.matstudio import XsdFile from vaspy.functions import str2list _logger = logging.getLogger("vaspy.script") # Set arguments parser. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--xsd", help="create MaterStudio .xsd file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() outcar = OutCar() poses, forces = outcar.forces(-1) poscar = PosCar() tfs = incar = InCar() #print(incar.paras) EDIFFG = incar.get_pvalue('EDIFFG') #EDIFFG = 0.05 bad_ids = [] max_idx = [-1, -1, -1] max_force = [0., 0., 0.] for i, (pos, force, tf) in enumerate(zip(poses, forces, tfs)): for j, (c, f) in enumerate(zip(tf, force)): if c == 'T': if np.fabs(f) >= max_force[j]: max_idx[j] = i
from vaspy.atomco import XyzFile, PosCar from vaspy.functions import str2list class ContinueError(Exception): pass if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: %s *.xyz' % sys.argv[0] exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] a = XyzFile(filename=filename) b = PosCar(filename='POSCAR') #create new dir if not os.path.exists('./continue'): os.mkdir('./continue') if os.path.isfile('./fort.188'): fail = os.system("cp INCAR POTCAR KPOINTS fort.188 vasp.script ./continue") else: fail = os.system("cp INCAR POTCAR KPOINTS vasp.script ./continue") if not fail: #new fort.188 #change distance of 2 atoms with open('./continue/fort.188', 'r') as f: content_list = f.readlines() m, n, distance = str2list(content_list[5]) # atom number and distance x =[int(m) - 1, :] # atom coordinates