Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_any_value_substitution(self):
        allowed_values = [
                "foo": AnyValue(),
                "bar": ValueSet(123)
                "foo": ValueSet(2),
                "bar": ValueSet(321)
                "foo": ValueSet(3),
                "bar": ValueSet(123)

        # No substitution
        assert allowed_values_for(allowed_values, "foo",
                                  {"bar": 123}) == AnyValue()

        # With substitution
        assert (allowed_values_for(
            {"bar": 123},
            ValueSet(1, 2, 3, 4),
        ) == ValueSet(1, 2, 3, 4))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_combine(self):
        a1 = AnyValue()
        a2 = AnyValue()
        vs = ValueSet()

        for a in [a1, a2, vs]:
            for b in [a1, a2, vs]:
                if not (a == b == vs):
                    assert isinstance(a + b, AnyValue)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_level_assumptions(self):
     # The test case generator assumes that levels either require the slice
     # prefix bytes to be zero or allow it to be anything -- any condition
     # other than this would require the test case generator to be more
     # flexible than it is.
     # The above assumption is verified below
     for values in LEVEL_CONSTRAINTS:
         if Profiles.high_quality in values["profile"]:
             assert values["slice_prefix_bytes"] == AnyValue() or values[
             ] == ValueSet(0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_read_constraints_from_csv():
    constraints = read_constraints_from_csv(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sample_constraint_table.csv"))

    # Every column included (incl. empty column!)
    assert len(constraints) == 4

    # All columns should have all row names
    assert all(
        set(c) == set(["foo", "bar", "baz", "quo", "qux"])
        for c in constraints)

    # Plain integers in 'foo'
    assert constraints[0]["foo"] == ValueSet(1)
    assert constraints[1]["foo"] == ValueSet(2)
    assert constraints[2]["foo"] == ValueSet()  # Empty
    assert constraints[3]["foo"] == ValueSet(3)

    # Multiple integers in 'bar'
    assert constraints[0]["bar"] == ValueSet(10, 100)
    assert constraints[1]["bar"] == ValueSet(20, 200)
    assert constraints[2]["bar"] == ValueSet()  # Empty
    assert constraints[3]["bar"] == ValueSet(30, 300)

    # 'Ditto' used in 'baz'
    assert constraints[0]["baz"] == ValueSet(12)
    assert constraints[1]["baz"] == ValueSet(12)  # Ditto'd
    assert constraints[2]["baz"] == ValueSet()  # Empty
    assert constraints[3]["baz"] == ValueSet(3)

    # 'any', ranges and empty values used in 'quo'
    assert constraints[0]["quo"] == AnyValue()
    assert constraints[1]["quo"] == ValueSet((2, 200), (300, 3000))
    assert constraints[2]["quo"] == ValueSet()  # Empty
    assert constraints[3]["quo"] == ValueSet()

    # Booleans in 'qux'
    assert constraints[0]["qux"] == ValueSet(False)
    assert constraints[1]["qux"] == ValueSet(True)
    assert constraints[2]["qux"] == ValueSet()  # Empty
    assert constraints[3]["qux"] == ValueSet(True, False)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_str(self):
     assert str(AnyValue()) == "{<any value>}"
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_repr(self):
     assert repr(AnyValue()) == "AnyValue()"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_is_disjoint(self):
     assert AnyValue().is_disjoint(AnyValue()) is False
     assert AnyValue().is_disjoint(ValueSet()) is True
     assert AnyValue().is_disjoint(ValueSet(1)) is False
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_compare(self):
        assert AnyValue() == AnyValue()

        assert AnyValue() != ValueSet()
        assert ValueSet() != AnyValue()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_add(self):
        a = AnyValue()

        # Should do nothing
        a.add_range(10, 20)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_contains_everything(self):
        a = AnyValue()

        assert None in a
        assert 123 in a
        assert "foo" in a
Exemplo n.º 11
class TestValueSet(object):
    def test_constructor_empty(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        assert vs._values == set()
        assert vs._ranges == set()

    def test_add_value(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        # Duplicate values not allowed
        assert list(vs) == [123]

        # Values already in a range not allowed
        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        assert list(vs) == [123, (10, 20)]

    def test_add_range_non_overlapping(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        vs.add_range(30, 40)
        vs.add_range(22, 27)
        assert sorted(vs) == [(10, 20), (22, 27), (30, 40)]

    def test_add_range_overlap_single_values(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        assert vs._values == set([5, 25])
        assert vs._ranges == set([(10, 20)])

            # Touching
            [(10, 20), (20, 30)],
            [(20, 30), (10, 20)],
            # Overlapping
            [(10, 25), (15, 30)],
            [(15, 30), (10, 25)],
            # Super/subset
            [(10, 30), (15, 25)],
            [(15, 25), (10, 30)],
            # Many combined
            [(10, 15), (17, 22), (25, 30), (14, 26)],
    def test_add_range_overlap_existing_ranges(self, ranges):
        vs = ValueSet()
        for r in ranges:
        assert vs._ranges == set([(10, 30)])

    def test_constructor_works(self):
        vs = ValueSet(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, (10, 15), (15, 21))
        assert vs._values == set([5, 25])
        assert vs._ranges == set([(10, 21)])

    def test_empty(self):
        empty = ValueSet()
        assert None not in empty
        assert 123 not in empty
        assert "foo" not in empty

    def test_individual_values(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        assert 123 in vs
        assert 321 not in vs

        assert 123 in vs
        assert "foo" in vs
        assert 321 not in vs
        assert "bar" not in vs

    def test_ranges(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        assert 9 not in vs
        assert 9.9999 not in vs
        assert 10 in vs
        assert 15 in vs
        assert 20 in vs
        assert 20.0001 not in vs
        assert 21 not in vs

        vs.add_range(30, 40)
        assert 9 not in vs
        assert 9.9999 not in vs
        assert 10 in vs
        assert 15 in vs
        assert 20 in vs
        assert 20.0001 not in vs
        assert 21 not in vs
        assert 29 not in vs
        assert 29.9999 not in vs
        assert 30 in vs
        assert 35 in vs
        assert 40 in vs
        assert 40.0001 not in vs
        assert 41 not in vs

    def test_combination(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        vs.add_range(10, 20)

        assert 0 not in vs
        assert 1 in vs
        assert 2 not in vs
        assert 9 not in vs
        assert 10 in vs
        assert 15 in vs
        assert 20 in vs
        assert 21 not in vs

    def test_combine_value_sets(self):
        vs1 = ValueSet()
        vs1.add_range(10, 20)

        vs2 = ValueSet()
        vs2.add_range(20, 30)

        vs = vs1 + vs2

        assert 0 not in vs
        assert 1 in vs
        assert 2 in vs
        assert 3 not in vs
        assert 9 not in vs
        assert 10 in vs
        assert 15 in vs
        assert 20 in vs
        assert 25 in vs
        assert 30 in vs
        assert 31 not in vs

            # Empty is always disjoint with other value sets
            (ValueSet(), ValueSet(), True),
            (ValueSet(1, 2, 3), ValueSet(), True),
            (ValueSet((1, 3)), ValueSet(), True),
            (AnyValue(), ValueSet(), True),
            # Individual values
            (ValueSet(1), ValueSet(2), True),
            (ValueSet(1), ValueSet(1), False),
            (ValueSet(1, 2, 3), ValueSet(4, 5, 6), True),
            (ValueSet(1, 2, 3), ValueSet(3, 4, 5), False),
            # Values and ranges
            (ValueSet(1), ValueSet((2, 10)), True),
            (ValueSet(2), ValueSet((2, 10)), False),
            (ValueSet(5), ValueSet((2, 10)), False),
            (ValueSet(10), ValueSet((2, 10)), False),
            (ValueSet(11), ValueSet((2, 10)), True),
            # Ranges: don't intersect
            (ValueSet((1, 3)), ValueSet((4, 6)), True),
            # Ranges: ends touch
            (ValueSet((1, 3)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
            # Ranges: partial overlap
            (ValueSet((1, 4)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
            # Ranges: identical
            (ValueSet((3, 6)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
            # Ranges: superset
            (ValueSet((2, 6)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
            (ValueSet((3, 7)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
            (ValueSet((2, 7)), ValueSet((3, 6)), False),
    def test_is_disjoint(self, a, b, expected):
        assert a.is_disjoint(b) is expected
        assert b.is_disjoint(a) is expected

    def test_iter(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        assert set(vs) == set()

        assert set(vs) == set([1, 2, 3])

        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        vs.add_range(30, 40)
        assert set(vs) == set([1, 2, 3, (10, 20), (30, 40)])

    def test_iter_values(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        assert set(vs.iter_values()) == set()

        assert set(vs.iter_values()) == set([1, 2, 3])

        vs.add_range(10, 13)
        vs.add_range(15, 20)
        assert set(vs.iter_values()) == set(
            [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])

    def test_compare(self):
        assert ValueSet() == ValueSet()
        assert ValueSet(1, 2, (3, 4)) == ValueSet((3, 4), 2, 1)

        assert ValueSet(1) != ValueSet(2)
        assert ValueSet(1, 2) != ValueSet(1, 2, 3)
        assert ValueSet(1, 2) != ValueSet(1, (2, 3))
        assert ValueSet((2, 3)) != ValueSet((3, 2))

    def test_repr(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        assert repr(vs) == "ValueSet()"

        vs.add_range(10, 20)
        assert repr(vs) == "ValueSet(123, (10, 20))"

    def test_str(self):
        vs = ValueSet()

        assert str(vs) == "{<no values>}"

        assert str(vs) == "{10, 20, 30}"

        vs.add_range(3, 7)
        vs.add_range(13, 17)
        vs.add_range(20, 25)
        vs.add_range(33, 37)
        assert str(vs) == "{3-7, 10, 13-17, 20-25, 30, 33-37}"

    def test_str_uses_repr(self):
        vs = ValueSet()
        assert str(vs) == "{'foo'}"
Exemplo n.º 12
def custom_quantization_matrix(codec_features):
    **Tests that a custom quantization matrix can be specified.**

    A series of bitstreams with different custom quantisation matrices are
    generated as follows:

        Specifies a custom quantisation matrix with all matrix values set to zero.

        Specifies a custom quantisation matrix with all matrix values set to
        different, though arbitrary, values.

        Specifies a custom quantisation matrix containing the same values as
        the default quantisation matrix. This test case is only generated when
        a default quantization matrix is defined for the codec.

    These test cases are only generated when permitted by the VC-2 level in

    .. note::

        For lossy coding modes, the encoded picture will contain a noise signal
        (see the :decoder-test-case:`static_noise` test case).

        For lossless coding modes, the encoded picture will be the test pattern
        used by the :decoder-test-case:`lossless_quantization` test case. This
        test pattern is designed to be losslessly encodable when some
        quantization is applied.
    # Skip if the level disallows custom quantisation matrices
    constrained_values = codec_features_to_trivial_level_constraints(codec_features)
    constrained_values["custom_quant_matrix"] = True
    allowed_quant_matrix_values = allowed_values_for(
        LEVEL_CONSTRAINTS, "quant_matrix_values", constrained_values
    if allowed_quant_matrix_values == ValueSet():

    # A set of alternative quantisation matrices to test
    # [(description, quantization_matrix), ...]
    candidate_matrices = []

    # A special case: a flat (all zeros) quantisation matrix
        ("zeros", quantization_matrix_from_generator(codec_features, repeat(0)))

    # An arbitrary quantisation matrix with different values in each entry (if
    # possible)
    if allowed_quant_matrix_values == AnyValue():
        values = count()
        values = cycle(sorted(allowed_quant_matrix_values.iter_values()))
        ("arbitrary", quantization_matrix_from_generator(codec_features, values))

    # If a default quantisation matrix is available, try explicitly giving the
    # values from the default quant matrix
    wavelet_specification = (
    if wavelet_specification in QUANTISATION_MATRICES:

    # Generate test cases for each custom quantisation matrix.
    for description, quantization_matrix in candidate_matrices:
        # If we happen to have generated the quantization matrix specified in
        # the codec features, skip that case...
        if quantization_matrix == codec_features["quantization_matrix"]:

        # If we the level restricts the quantisation matrix values such that
        # the generated cases is not allowed, skip it.
        if not all(
            value in allowed_quant_matrix_values
            for orients in quantization_matrix.values()
            for value in orients.values()

        stream = generate_test_stream(
        if stream is not None:
            yield TestCase(stream, description)