Exemplo n.º 1
def test_uses_get_multi(monkeypatch):
    def breakdown(*a, **kw):
        raise AssertionError('Expected use of get_multi')

    get_multi_calls = []

    old_get = MemoryStorage.get

    def get_multi(self, hrefs):
        hrefs = list(hrefs)
        for href in hrefs:
            item, etag = old_get(self, href)
            yield href, item, etag

    monkeypatch.setattr(MemoryStorage, 'get', breakdown)
    monkeypatch.setattr(MemoryStorage, 'get_multi', get_multi)

    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    expected_href, etag = a.upload(item)

    sync(a, b, {})
    assert get_multi_calls == [[expected_href]]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_already_synced():
    a = MemoryStorage(fileext=".a")
    b = MemoryStorage(fileext=".b")
    item = Item("UID:1")
    status = {
        "1": (
                "href": "1.a",
                "hash": item.hash,
                "etag": a.get("1.a")[1]
                "href": "1.b",
                "hash": item.hash,
                "etag": b.get("1.b")[1]
    old_status = deepcopy(status)
    a.update = b.update = a.upload = b.upload = lambda *a, **kw: pytest.fail(
        "Method shouldn't have been called.")

    for _ in (1, 2):
        sync(a, b, status)
        assert status == old_status
        assert items(a) == items(b) == {item.raw}
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_bogus_etag_change():
    '''Assert that sync algorithm is resilient against etag changes if content
    didn\'t change.

    In this particular case we test a scenario where both etags have been
    updated, but only one side actually changed its item content.
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    item = format_item('ASDASD')

    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {item.raw}

    new_item = format_item('ASDASD')
    (href_b, etag_b), = b.list()
    a.update(href_a, item, etag_a)
    b.update(href_b, new_item, etag_b)

    b.delete = b.update = b.upload = blow_up

    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {new_item.raw}
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_irrelevant_status():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {'foo': 'bar'}

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=())
    assert not status
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_irrelevant_status():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {"foo": "bar"}

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=())
    assert not status
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_already_synced():
    a = MemoryStorage(fileext='.a')
    b = MemoryStorage(fileext='.b')
    item = Item('UID:1')
    status = {
        '1': ({
            'href': '1.a',
            'hash': item.hash,
            'etag': a.get('1.a')[1]
        }, {
            'href': '1.b',
            'hash': item.hash,
            'etag': b.get('1.b')[1]
    old_status = deepcopy(status)
    a.update = b.update = a.upload = b.upload = \
        lambda *a, **kw: pytest.fail('Method shouldn\'t have been called.')

    for _ in (1, 2):
        sync(a, b, status)
        assert status == old_status
        assert items(a) == items(b) == {item.raw}
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_unicode_hrefs():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    item = format_item('äää')
    href, etag = a.upload(item)
    sync(a, b, status)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_moved_href():
    Concrete application: ppl_ stores contact aliases in filenames, which means
    item's hrefs get changed. Vdirsyncer doesn't synchronize this data, but
    also shouldn't do things like deleting and re-uploading to the server.

    .. _ppl: http://ppladdressbook.org/
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    href, etag = a.upload(Item(u'UID:haha'))
    sync(a, b, status)

    b.items['lol'] = b.items.pop('haha')

    # The sync algorithm should prefetch `lol`, see that it's the same ident
    # and not do anything else.
    a.get_multi = blow_up  # Absolutely no prefetch on A
    # No actual sync actions
    a.delete = a.update = a.upload = b.delete = b.update = b.upload = blow_up

    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert len(list(a.list())) == len(list(b.list())) == 1
    assert status['haha'][1]['href'] == 'lol'
    old_status = deepcopy(status)

    # Further sync should be a noop. Not even prefetching should occur.
    b.get_multi = blow_up

    sync(a, b, status)
    assert old_status == status
    assert len(list(a.list())) == len(list(b.list())) == 1
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_uses_get_multi(monkeypatch):
    def breakdown(*a, **kw):
        raise AssertionError('Expected use of get_multi')

    get_multi_calls = []

    old_get = MemoryStorage.get

    def get_multi(self, hrefs):
        hrefs = list(hrefs)
        for href in hrefs:
            item, etag = old_get(self, href)
            yield href, item, etag

    monkeypatch.setattr(MemoryStorage, 'get', breakdown)
    monkeypatch.setattr(MemoryStorage, 'get_multi', get_multi)

    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item('UID:1')
    expected_href, etag = a.upload(item)

    sync(a, b, {})
    assert get_multi_calls == [[expected_href]]
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_irrelevant_status():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {'1': ('1', 1234, '1.ics', 2345)}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert not status
    assert not items(a)
    assert not items(b)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_both_readonly():
    a = MemoryStorage(read_only=True)
    b = MemoryStorage(read_only=True)
    assert a.read_only
    assert b.read_only
    status = {}
    with pytest.raises(BothReadOnly):
        sync(a, b, status)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_irrelevant_status():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {"1": ("1", 1234, "1.ics", 2345)}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert not status
    assert not items(a)
    assert not items(b)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_conflict_same_content():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta("foo", "bar")
    b.set_meta("foo", "bar")

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=["foo"])
    assert a.get_meta("foo") == b.get_meta("foo") == status["foo"] == "bar"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_conflict_same_content():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'bar')

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=['foo'])
    assert a.get_meta('foo') == b.get_meta('foo') == status['foo'] == 'bar'
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_conflict_resolution_new_etags_without_changes():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    href_b, etag_b = b.upload(item)
    status = {'1': (href_a, 'BOGUS_a', href_b, 'BOGUS_b')}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert status == {'1': (href_a, etag_a, href_b, etag_b)}
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_partial_sync_error():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}

    b.read_only = True

    with pytest.raises(PartialSync):
        sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='error')
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_duplicate_hrefs():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    a.list = lambda: [("a", "a")] * 3
    a.items["a"] = ("a", Item("UID:a"))

    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        sync(a, b, status)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_readonly():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage(read_only=True)
    status = {}
    href_a, _ = a.upload(Item(u'UID:1'))
    href_b, _ = b.upload(Item(u'UID:2'))
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 2 and a.has(href_a) and not b.has(href_a)
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1 and not a.has(href_a) and not b.has(href_a)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_duplicate_hrefs():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    a.list = lambda: [('a', 'a')] * 3
    a.items['a'] = ('a', Item('UID:a'))

    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        sync(a, b, status)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_partial_sync_revert():
    a = MemoryStorage(instance_name="a")
    b = MemoryStorage(instance_name="b")
    status = {}
    b.read_only = True

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert")
    assert len(status) == 2
    assert items(a) == {"UID:1", "UID:2"}
    assert items(b) == {"UID:2"}

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert")
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {"UID:2"}
    assert items(b) == {"UID:2"}

    # Check that updates get reverted
    a.items[next(iter(a.items))] = ("foo", Item("UID:2\nupdated"))
    assert items(a) == {"UID:2\nupdated"}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert")
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {"UID:2\nupdated"}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert")
    assert items(a) == {"UID:2"}

    # Check that deletions get reverted
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert", force_delete=True)
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync="revert", force_delete=True)
    assert items(a) == {"UID:2"}
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_partial_sync_revert():
    a = MemoryStorage(instance_name='a')
    b = MemoryStorage(instance_name='b')
    status = {}
    b.read_only = True

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 2
    assert items(a) == {'UID:1', 'UID:2'}
    assert items(b) == {'UID:2'}

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}
    assert items(b) == {'UID:2'}

    # Check that updates get reverted
    a.items[next(iter(a.items))] = ('foo', Item('UID:2\nupdated'))
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2\nupdated'}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2\nupdated'}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}

    # Check that deletions get reverted
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_partial_sync_revert():
    a = MemoryStorage(instance_name='a')
    b = MemoryStorage(instance_name='b')
    status = {}
    item1 = format_item('1')
    item2 = format_item('2')
    b.read_only = True

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 2
    assert items(a) == {item1.raw, item2.raw}
    assert items(b) == {item2.raw}

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {item2.raw}
    assert items(b) == {item2.raw}

    # Check that updates get reverted
    item2_up = format_item('2')
    a.items[next(iter(a.items))] = ('foo', item2_up)
    assert items(a) == {item2_up.raw}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {item2_up.raw}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert items(a) == {item2.raw}

    # Check that deletions get reverted
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    assert items(a) == {item2.raw}
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_missing_status():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert a.has('1.txt')
    assert b.has('1.txt')
Exemplo n.º 24
    def newstorage(self, read_only, flaky_etags):
        s = MemoryStorage()
        s.read_only = read_only
        if flaky_etags:
            def get(href):
                _, item = s.items[href]
                etag = _random_string()
                s.items[href] = etag, item
                return item, etag
            s.get = get

        return s
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_empty_storage_dataloss():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    with pytest.raises(StorageEmpty):
        sync(MemoryStorage(), b, status)

    with pytest.raises(StorageEmpty):
        sync(a, MemoryStorage(), status)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_no_uids():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    href_a, _ = a.upload(Item(u'ASDF'))
    href_b, _ = b.upload(Item(u'FOOBAR'))
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)

    a_items = set(a.get(href)[0].raw for href, etag in a.list())
    b_items = set(b.get(href)[0].raw for href, etag in b.list())

    assert a_items == b_items == {u'ASDF', u'FOOBAR'}
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_updated_and_deleted():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(Item(u"UID:1"))
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    (href_b, etag_b), = b.list()
    b.delete(href_b, etag_b)
    a.update(href_a, Item(u"UID:1\nupdated"), etag_a)
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    assert len(list(a.list())) == len(list(b.list())) == 1
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_repair_unsafe_uids(uid):
    s = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'BEGIN:VCARD\nUID:123\nEND:VCARD').with_uid(uid)
    href, etag = s.upload(item)
    assert s.get(href)[0].uid == uid
    assert not href_safe(uid)

    repair_storage(s, repair_unsafe_uid=True)

    new_href = list(s.list())[0][0]
    assert href_safe(new_href)
    newuid = s.get(new_href)[0].uid
    assert href_safe(newuid)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_repair_unsafe_uids(uid):
    assert not href_safe(uid)

    s = MemoryStorage()
    href, etag = s.upload(Item(u'BEGIN:VCARD\nUID:{}\nEND:VCARD'.format(uid)))
    assert s.get(href)[0].uid == uid


    new_href = list(s.list())[0][0]
    assert href_safe(new_href)
    newuid = s.get(new_href)[0].uid
    assert href_safe(newuid)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_conflict():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'baz')

    with pytest.raises(MetaSyncConflict):
        metasync(a, b, status, keys=['foo'])

    assert a.get_meta('foo') == 'bar'
    assert b.get_meta('foo') == 'baz'
    assert not status
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_missing_status_and_different_items():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    item1 = Item(u'UID:1\nhaha')
    item2 = Item(u'UID:1\nhoho')
    with pytest.raises(SyncConflict):
        sync(a, b, status)
    assert not status
    sync(a, b, status, conflict_resolution='a wins')
    assert_item_equals(item1, b.get('1')[0])
    assert_item_equals(item1, a.get('1')[0])
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_updated_and_deleted():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(Item('UID:1'))
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    (href_b, etag_b), = b.list()
    b.delete(href_b, etag_b)
    updated = Item('UID:1\nupdated')
    a.update(href_a, updated, etag_a)
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    assert items(a) == items(b) == {updated.raw}
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_ident_conflict(sync_inbetween):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(Item(u'UID:aaa'))
    href_b, etag_b = a.upload(Item(u'UID:bbb'))
    if sync_inbetween:
        sync(a, b, status)

    a.update(href_a, Item(u'UID:xxx'), etag_a)
    a.update(href_b, Item(u'UID:xxx'), etag_b)

    with pytest.raises(IdentConflict):
        sync(a, b, status)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_moved_href():
    Concrete application: ppl_ stores contact aliases in filenames, which means
    item's hrefs get changed. Vdirsyncer doesn't synchronize this data, but
    also shouldn't do things like deleting and re-uploading to the server.

    .. _ppl: http://ppladdressbook.org/
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    href, etag = a.upload(Item('UID:haha'))
    sync(a, b, status)

    b.items['lol'] = b.items.pop('haha')

    # The sync algorithm should prefetch `lol`, see that it's the same ident
    # and not do anything else.
    a.get_multi = blow_up  # Absolutely no prefetch on A
    # No actual sync actions
    a.delete = a.update = a.upload = b.delete = b.update = b.upload = blow_up

    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {'UID:haha'}
    assert status['haha'][1]['href'] == 'lol'
    old_status = deepcopy(status)

    # Further sync should be a noop. Not even prefetching should occur.
    b.get_multi = blow_up

    sync(a, b, status)
    assert old_status == status
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {'UID:haha'}
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_already_synced():
    a = MemoryStorage(fileext='.a')
    b = MemoryStorage(fileext='.b')
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    status = {
        '1': ({
            'href': '1.a',
            'hash': item.hash,
            'etag': a.get('1.a')[1]
        }, {
            'href': '1.b',
            'hash': item.hash,
            'etag': b.get('1.b')[1]
    old_status = deepcopy(status)
    a.update = b.update = a.upload = b.upload = \
        lambda *a, **kw: pytest.fail('Method shouldn\'t have been called.')

    for _ in (1, 2):
        sync(a, b, status)
        assert status == old_status
        assert items(a) == items(b) == {item.raw}
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_repair_unsafe_uids(uid):
    s = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'BEGIN:VCARD\nUID:{}\nEND:VCARD'.format(uid))
    href, etag = s.upload(item)
    assert s.get(href)[0].uid == uid
    assert not href_safe(uid)

    repair_storage(s, repair_unsafe_uid=True)

    new_href = list(s.list())[0][0]
    assert href_safe(new_href)
    newuid = s.get(new_href)[0].uid
    assert href_safe(newuid)
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_insert_hash():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}

    item = Item('UID:1')
    href, etag = a.upload(item)
    sync(a, b, status)

    for d in status['1']:
        del d['hash']

    a.update(href, Item('UID:1\nHAHA:YES'), etag)
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert 'hash' in status['1'][0] and 'hash' in status['1'][1]
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_no_uids():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {'ASDF', 'FOOBAR'}
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_conflict_x_wins(wins):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'baz')

             conflict_resolution='a wins' if wins == 'a' else 'b wins')

    assert a.get_meta('foo') == b.get_meta('foo') == status['foo'] == (
        'bar' if wins == 'a' else 'baz')
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_read_only_and_prefetch():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    b.read_only = True

    status = {}
    item1 = Item(u'UID:1\nhaha')
    item2 = Item(u'UID:2\nhoho')

    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    assert not items(a) and not items(b)
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_no_uids():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {"ASDF", "FOOBAR"}
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_conflict_resolution_new_etags_without_changes():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u"UID:1")
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    href_b, etag_b = b.upload(item)
    status = {"1": (href_a, "BOGUS_a", href_b, "BOGUS_b")}

    sync(a, b, status)

    (ident, (status_a, status_b)), = status.items()
    assert ident == "1"
    assert status_a["href"] == href_a
    assert status_a["etag"] == etag_a
    assert status_b["href"] == href_b
    assert status_b["etag"] == etag_b
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_conflict_resolution_new_etags_without_changes():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    href_b, etag_b = b.upload(item)
    status = {'1': (href_a, 'BOGUS_a', href_b, 'BOGUS_b')}

    sync(a, b, status)

    (ident, (status_a, status_b)), = status.items()
    assert ident == '1'
    assert status_a['href'] == href_a
    assert status_a['etag'] == etag_a
    assert status_b['href'] == href_b
    assert status_b['etag'] == etag_b
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_conflict_resolution_invalid_mode():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item_a = Item('UID:1\nitem a')
    item_b = Item('UID:1\nitem b')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sync(a, b, {}, conflict_resolution='yolo')
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_conflict_same_content():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'bar')

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=['foo'])
    assert a.get_meta('foo') == b.get_meta('foo') == status['foo'] == 'bar'
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_already_synced():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    status = {
        '1': ('1.txt', a.get('1.txt')[1], '1.txt', b.get('1.txt')[1])
    old_status = dict(status)
    a.update = b.update = a.upload = b.upload = \
        lambda *a, **kw: pytest.fail('Method shouldn\'t have been called.')

    for i in (1, 2):
        sync(a, b, status)
        assert status == old_status
        assert a.has('1.txt') and b.has('1.txt')
Exemplo n.º 47
    def newstorage(self, flaky_etags, null_etag_on_upload):
        s = MemoryStorage()
        if flaky_etags:
            def get(href):
                old_etag, item = s.items[href]
                etag = _random_string()
                s.items[href] = etag, item
                return item, etag
            s.get = get

        if null_etag_on_upload:
            _old_upload = s.upload
            _old_update = s.update
            s.upload = lambda item: (_old_upload(item)[0], 'NULL')
            s.update = lambda h, i, e: _old_update(h, i, e) and 'NULL'

        return s
Exemplo n.º 48
    def newstorage(self, flaky_etags, null_etag_on_upload):
        s = MemoryStorage()
        if flaky_etags:
            def get(href):
                old_etag, item = s.items[href]
                etag = _random_string()
                s.items[href] = etag, item
                return item, etag
            s.get = get

        if null_etag_on_upload:
            _old_upload = s.upload
            _old_update = s.update
            s.upload = lambda item: (_old_upload(item)[0], 'NULL')
            s.update = lambda h, i, e: _old_update(h, i, e) and 'NULL'

        return s
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_conflict_x_wins(wins):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta("foo", "bar")
    b.set_meta("foo", "baz")

        conflict_resolution="a wins" if wins == "a" else "b wins",

    assert (a.get_meta("foo") == b.get_meta("foo") == status["foo"] ==
            ("bar" if wins == "a" else "baz"))
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_readonly():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage(read_only=True)
    status = {}
    href_a, _ = a.upload(Item(u'UID:1'))
    href_b, _ = b.upload(Item(u'UID:2'))
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 2 and a.has(href_a) and not b.has(href_a)
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert len(status) == 1 and not a.has(href_a) and not b.has(href_a)
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_partial_sync_revert():
    a = MemoryStorage(instance_name='a')
    b = MemoryStorage(instance_name='b')
    status = {}
    b.read_only = True

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 2
    assert items(a) == {'UID:1', 'UID:2'}
    assert items(b) == {'UID:2'}

    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}
    assert items(b) == {'UID:2'}

    # Check that updates get reverted
    a.items[next(iter(a.items))] = ('foo', Item('UID:2\nupdated'))
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2\nupdated'}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert len(status) == 1
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2\nupdated'}
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert')
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}

    # Check that deletions get reverted
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    sync(a, b, status, partial_sync='revert', force_delete=True)
    assert items(a) == {'UID:2'}
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_already_synced():
    a = MemoryStorage(fileext=".a")
    b = MemoryStorage(fileext=".b")
    item = Item(u"UID:1")
    status = {"1": ({"href": "1.a", "etag": a.get("1.a")[1]}, {"href": "1.b", "etag": b.get("1.b")[1]})}
    old_status = dict(status)
    a.update = b.update = a.upload = b.upload = lambda *a, **kw: pytest.fail("Method shouldn't have been called.")

    for i in (1, 2):
        sync(a, b, status)
        assert status == old_status
        assert a.has("1.a") and b.has("1.b")
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_no_uids():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    href_a, _ = a.upload(Item(u'ASDF'))
    href_b, _ = b.upload(Item(u'FOOBAR'))
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)

    a_items = set(a.get(href)[0].raw for href, etag in a.list())
    b_items = set(b.get(href)[0].raw for href, etag in b.list())

    assert a_items == b_items == {u'ASDF', u'FOOBAR'}
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_conflict_resolution_both_etags_new(winning_storage):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u"UID:1")
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    href_b, etag_b = b.upload(item)
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert status
    a.update(href_a, Item(u"UID:1\nitem a"), etag_a)
    b.update(href_b, Item(u"UID:1\nitem b"), etag_b)
    with pytest.raises(SyncConflict):
        sync(a, b, status)
    sync(a, b, status, conflict_resolution="{} wins".format(winning_storage))
    item_a, _ = a.get(href_a)
    item_b, _ = b.get(href_b)
    assert_item_equals(item_a, item_b)
    n = item_a.raw.splitlines()
    assert u"UID:1" in n
    assert u"item {}".format(winning_storage) in n
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_conflict_resolution_both_etags_new(winning_storage):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    item = Item(u'UID:1')
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(item)
    href_b, etag_b = b.upload(item)
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert status
    a.update(href_a, Item(u'UID:1\nitem a'), etag_a)
    b.update(href_b, Item(u'UID:1\nitem b'), etag_b)
    with pytest.raises(SyncConflict):
        sync(a, b, status)
    sync(a, b, status, conflict_resolution='{} wins'.format(winning_storage))
    item_a, _ = a.get(href_a)
    item_b, _ = b.get(href_b)
    assert_item_equals(item_a, item_b)
    n = normalize_item(item_a)
    assert u'UID:1' in n
    assert u'item {}'.format(winning_storage) in n
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_conflict_x_wins(wins):
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'baz')

    metasync(a, b, status, keys=['foo'],
             conflict_resolution='a wins' if wins == 'a' else 'b wins')

    assert a.get_meta('foo') == b.get_meta('foo') == status['foo'] == (
        'bar' if wins == 'a' else 'baz'
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_conflict():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    a.set_meta('foo', 'bar')
    b.set_meta('foo', 'baz')

    with pytest.raises(MetaSyncConflict):
        metasync(a, b, status, keys=['foo'])

    assert a.get_meta('foo') == 'bar'
    assert b.get_meta('foo') == 'baz'
    assert not status
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_updated_and_deleted():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    href_a, etag_a = a.upload(Item(u'UID:1'))
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    (href_b, etag_b), = b.list()
    b.delete(href_b, etag_b)
    updated = Item(u'UID:1\nupdated')
    a.update(href_a, updated, etag_a)
    sync(a, b, status, force_delete=True)

    assert items(a) == items(b) == {updated.raw}
Exemplo n.º 59
def test_missing_status_and_different_items():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    item1 = Item(u'UID:1\nhaha')
    item2 = Item(u'UID:1\nhoho')
    with pytest.raises(SyncConflict):
        sync(a, b, status)
    assert not status
    sync(a, b, status, conflict_resolution='a wins')
    assert_item_equals(item1, b.get('1.txt')[0])
    assert_item_equals(item1, a.get('1.txt')[0])
Exemplo n.º 60
def test_no_uids():
    a = MemoryStorage()
    b = MemoryStorage()
    status = {}
    sync(a, b, status)
    assert items(a) == items(b) == {u'ASDF', u'FOOBAR'}