Exemplo n.º 1
def find_explosion(colors):
	"""Find the explostions using the tile map and colors."""
	for y in range(len(colors)):
		for x in range(len(colors[y])):
			if colors[y][x] == TileExplode:
				return(vec2_t(x, y))
	return(vec2_t(-1, -1))
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_player(colors):
	"""FInd the player using the tile map and colors."""
	for y in range(len(colors)):
		for x in range(len(colors[y])):
			if colors[y][x] == TilePlayer:
				return(vec2_t(x, y))
	return(vec2_t(-1, -1))
Exemplo n.º 3
	def step(self, action, tilemap):
		player_pos = obj_finder.find_player(tilemap)

		self.data = []
		# for y in range(player_pos.y - 1,player_pos.y + 2):
		# 	for x in range(player_pos.x + 1,player_pos.x + 3):
		# 		if obj_finder.get_tile(tilemap, x, y) == obj_finder.TileEmpty:
		# 			self.data.append(0)
		# 		elif obj_finder.get_tile(tilemap, x, y) == obj_finder.TileWall:
		# 			self.data.append(1)
		# 		else:
		# 			self.data.append(2) # 2 = obstacle / kill u.

		# self.data.append(int(float(player_pos.x) * (9.0 / 30.0)))
		# self.data.append(int(float(player_pos.y) * (9.0 / 10.0)))

		# Add proper data into array.
		for y in self.y_range:
			for x in self.x_range:
				tile = obj_finder.get_tile( tilemap,
					x + player_pos.x,y + player_pos.y )
				if tile == obj_finder.TileEmpty:
					self.data.append( 0 )
				elif tile == obj_finder.TileWall:
					self.data.append( 1 )
					self.data.append( 2 )

		reward = 0
		done = False
		if tilemap[0][0] == obj_finder.StateDead:
			reward -= 10
			done = True
			reward += 1

		if obj_finder.find_explosion(tilemap).not_equal(vec2_t(-1, -1)):
			reward += 5

		if action == 0:
			# reward += 1
		elif action == 1:
			reward += 1
		elif action == 2:

		return((self.calc_state(), reward, done))
def click_at(x, y):
    """Leftclick mouse at specified location."""
    new_pos = local_to_global(vec2_t(x, y))
    x = new_pos.x
    y = new_pos.y

    # win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))
        int(x / win32api.GetSystemMetrics(0) * 65535.0),
        int(y / win32api.GetSystemMetrics(1) * 65535.0))
    win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, x, y, 0, 0)
    time.sleep(1.0 / 60.0)  # This makes the buttons actually work.
    win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x, y, 0, 0)
def get_pixel(x, y):
    """Get the pixel at the location x, y."""
    pos = local_to_global(vec2_t(x, y))
    x = pos.x
    y = pos.y

    desktop_window = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow()
    window_dc = win32gui.GetWindowDC(desktop_window)
    color = int(win32gui.GetPixel(window_dc, x, y))

    return (color_t(
        (color & 0xFF),  # Red
        ((color >> 8) & 0xFF),  # Green
        ((color >> 16) & 0xFF)))  # Blue
def local_to_global(vec2):
    """Convert local coordinates to global coordinates."""
    local_to_global.window_rect = get_window_info()
    x = vec2.x + local_to_global.window_rect.left
    y = vec2.y + local_to_global.window_rect.top
    return (vec2_t(x, y))