Exemplo n.º 1
    def renderOneLine(self, y):
        """Where most of the raytracer happens, the z in range determines the quality of anti aliasing"""
        for x in range(self.surf.get_width()):
            total = 0
            color = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
            temp_color = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
            for z in range(1):
                L = []
                dx = random.uniform(-1, 1)
                dy = random.uniform(-1, 1)
                pixelvector = vector.Vector2(x + dx, y + dy)
                otherpixel = vector.Vector2(x, y)
                e = math.exp(-((dx**2) / (2 * (0.333**2)) + (dy**2) /
                               (2 * (0.333**2))))
                total += e
                direction = (self.camera.getpixelpos(pixelvector) -
                ray = Ray(color, self.camera.getpixelpos(pixelvector),
                          direction, 1)
                b = self.raycast(ray)
                temp_color += b * e

            avg_color = temp_color / total
            color = avg_color.clamp()
            color = (color * 255).i
            self.surf.set_at(otherpixel.i, color)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def run_AI(self, school):
     "Execute the three boid rules and store in steering."
     self.steering = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
     # Follow rules of separation, alignment, and cohesion.
     separation = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
     alignment = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
     cohesion = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
     # Track fish that are too close along with neighbours.
     too_close = False
     neighbors = 0
     # Loop over all other fish from the school fish is in.
     for fish in school:
         if fish is not self:
             # Get the difference in location and distance.
             offset = self.location - fish.location
             length = offset.magnitude
             # Find fish that are too close to current one.
             if length < self.DESIRED_SEPARATION:
                 separation += offset.normalize() / length
                 too_close = True
             # Try joining fish in fish's present vicinity.
             if length < self.NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE:
                 alignment += fish.velocity
                 cohesion += fish.location
                 neighbors += 1
     # Steer away from fish in this school that are nearby.
     if too_close:
         self.steering += self.correction(separation) * self.SEP_FACTOR
     # Gather with and align to schoolmates detected above.
     if neighbors:
         self.steering += self.correction(alignment) * self.ALI_FACTOR
         cohesion /= neighbors
         cohesion -= self.location
         self.steering += self.correction(cohesion) * self.ALI_FACTOR
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, position, color):
     position: a VectorN of the *center* of this object
     color: the color to draw it in pygame
     self.mPosition = position.copy()  # The center of the object
     self.mColor = color  # The color to draw it in pygame
     self.mAxes = [vector.Vector2(1, 0),
                   vector.Vector2(0, 1)]  # A set of 2 (in 2d) or 3 (in 3d)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, spawn, path_list, patrolling, direction, alignment, type):

        super().__init__()  # parent constructor

        self.current_pos = vector.Vector2(int(spawn[0]), int(spawn[1]))  # customized spawn point for enemy
        self.acceleration = vector.Vector2(50, 0)

        self.rest_direction = direction
        if not patrolling:
            self.current_direction = self.rest_direction
        self.aggro_range = 125  # range in pixels the enemy will check for an opponent to chase
        self.chase_range = 150  # range the enemy must pass in order to trigger a loss in aggro from the enemy
        self.is_chasing = 0  # boolean actor state to control player chasing
        self.chase_timer = 0  # timer that controls how long the enemy chases the player after the player leaves chase range
        self.is_losing_aggro = 0  # boolean actor state to control the use of the chase timer
        self.is_moving = 1  # boolean actor state to control movement animations
        self.attack_cd_timer = 0.5
        self.move_cd_timer = 0
        self.is_patrolling = patrolling
        self.patrol_path = path_list
        self.patrol_stage = 0
        self.patrol_stage_cap = len(self.patrol_path) - 1
        self.max_speed = vector.Vector2(50, 0)
        self.type = type

        if type == "Guard":
            self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/badnpc_walk_final.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
            self.sprite_offset = (0, 0)
            self.max_health = 100
            self.health = self.max_health
            self.damage = 5

        elif type == "Knight":
            self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/goodnpc_walk_final.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
            self.sprite_offset = (0, 0)
            self.max_health = 200
            self.health = self.max_health
            self.damage = 15

        elif type == "Boss":
            if alignment == "Good":
                self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended(
                    "Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/spell_bad_walk.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
                self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended(
                    "Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/barb_good_walk.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
                self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/people4.png").convert_alpha()

            self.sprite_offset = (0, 0)
            self.max_health = 300
            self.health = self.max_health

        self.alignment = alignment

        self.current_weapon = Weapon(self)
        self.current_weapon.current_weapon = "Spear"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        Actor Constructor, should only be called by the super, takes no arguments, yet.

        self.current_direction = vector.Vector2(1, 0)  # in rads, resets if it goes beyond -2pi or +2pi

        self.current_pos = vector.Vector2(64, 64)  # in pixels per second
        self.current_vel = vector.Vector2(0, 0)  # starts at rest
        self.acceleration = vector.Vector2(200, 0)  # based on the angle we are looking
        self.max_speed = vector.Vector2(100, 0)  # gotta go fast
        self.knock_vel = vector.Vector2(0, 0)  # for use when being knocked back
        self.move_buffer = vector.Vector2 (18, 0)  # pixel buffer to apply when doing collision detection, updated with the vectors
        self.strafe_buffer = vector.Vector2(0, 18)
        self.strafe_vel = vector.Vector2(0, 0)

        self.max_health = 100
        self.health = self.max_health  # default
        self.damage = 0
        self.is_attacking = 0  # boolean value for controlling attack animations, particularly "thrusting" ones
        self.is_swinging = 0  # another boolean value for controlling attack animations, particularly withdraw ones
        self.is_moving = 0  # boolean value for controlling movement and rest animations
        self.attack_anim_timer = 0.0  # timer used to smooth out attack animations
        self.move_anim_timer = 0.0  # timer used to smooth out movement animations
        self.attack_anim_counter = 0  # counter for controlling the "frame" of animation
        self.attack_cd_timer = 0  # cool down timer for attacks
        self.in_range = 0  # boolean used by enemy and npc to see if a target is in range to attack
        self.is_knocked_back = 0  # boolean value to determine the actor state of being knocked back
        self.knock_timer = 0  # timer for knockback animation
        self.actor_collide = 0
        self.is_patrolling = 1
        self.is_linear_patrol = 1
        self.alignment = "Neutral"

        self.sprite_size = 32  # dimension of the temporary sprites
        self.sprite_offset = (288, 128)  # offset of the temporary sprite within the temporary sheet
        self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tile"
                                                       "s from rpgmaker/people4.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
        self.sprite_column = 1  # column number of the default sprite within its relative grid
        self.sprite_row = 2  # row number of the default sprite within its relative grid

        self.hit_box = Cuboid((255, 0, 0), self.current_pos, vector.Vector2(16, 32))

        self.collision_tiles = [1200]

        self.patrol_path = []
        self.patrol_stage = 0
        self.patrol_stage_cap = 0
        self.patrol_modifier = 1
        self.destination = None

        self.Sword_Hit = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/SwordHit.wav")
        self.current_weapon = Thrusting(self)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def rotate(self, degrees):
     in 2d, this rotates around the z-axis.
     radians = math.radians(degrees)
     c_rad = math.cos(radians)
     s_rad = math.sin(radians)
     cur_x = self.mAxes[0]
     cur_y = self.mAxes[1]
     self.mAxes[0] = vector.Vector2(cur_x.x * c_rad + cur_x.y * s_rad,
                                    -cur_x.x * s_rad + cur_x.y * c_rad)
     self.mAxes[1] = vector.Vector2(cur_y.x * c_rad + cur_y.y * s_rad,
                                    -cur_y.x * s_rad + cur_y.y * c_rad)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        Player constructor, takes no arguments as of yet

        super().__init__()  # calling parents constructor

        self.g_player = self.Good()  # good player object
        self.b_player = self.Evil()  # bad player object
        self.current_pos = self.g_player.pos
        self.rotate_speed = 10  # speed at which the player rotates in pixels /s
        # self.sprite_size = 32  # dimension of the players temporary sprites
        self.sprite_sheet = self.g_player.sprite_sheet
        self.sprite_offset = self.g_player.sprite_offset  # offset of the players temporary sprite within the temporary sheet
        # self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("good_bad_RPG_art/tiles from rpgmaker/people4.png")  # players temporary sprite sheet
        self.sprite_column = 1  # column number of the default sprite within the grid of the players sprite
        self.sprite_row = 2  # row number of the default sprite within the grid of the players sprite
        self.reach = 75  # reach of players weapon
        self.damage = 15
        self.max_speed = vector.Vector2(125, 0)
        self.Cur_Background_Music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/GoodPeopleTravelingMusic.wav")
        self.Bad_Theme = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/EvilTravelingMusic.wav")
        self.Good_Theme = self.Cur_Background_Music
        self.curr_map = "Good Hub"

        self.current_weapon = Weapon(self)
        self.current_weapon.current_weapon = "Spear"
Exemplo n.º 8
    def transition_check(self, player):

        for box in self.transitions:
            temp_rect = Cuboid((0, 0, 0), vector.Vector2(box["x"], box["y"]),
                               (box["width"], box["height"]))

            if player.actor_collision(temp_rect):
                self.transition(box["Next Map"], box["Player Spawn ID"])
Exemplo n.º 9
        def __init__(self):

            self.is_active = 0  # boolean to determine if this is the currently selected player

            # self.level = 0
            # self.inventory = {}  # to be replaced with inventory class
            # self.experience = 0
            # self.weapons = {}  # to be replaced with weapon class
            # self.armor = {}  # to be replaced with armor class
            # self.trinkets = {}  # to be replaced with trinket class
            self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/spell_bad_walk.png").convert_alpha()  # temporary sprite sheet
            self.sprite_offset = (0, 0)
            self.is_active = 0
            self.pos = vector.Vector2(2650, 3060)  # players position in world coords
            self.direction = vector.Vector2(1, 0)  # radians value showing the direction the player is facing
            self.max_health = 100
            self.health = self.max_health
            self.boss_counter = 0
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):


        self.sprite_offset = (0, 0)
        self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("Assets/tiles from rpgmaker/shop_walk.png").convert_alpha()
        self.current_pos = vector.Vector2(600, 2550)
        self.current_direction = vector.Vector2(1, 0)
        self.health = 50
        self.max_health = 50
        self.is_activated = 0

        self.gui_runner = GUI.GUI()
        self.gui_runner.SetText("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc pretium lorem vel ligula vulputate ultrices non vel leo. Nunc elementum ipsum vitae tellus faucibus scelerisque. Vivamus consequat, nisl ut porta rhoncus, justo mauris ornare nisl, varius ornare nunc neque vel nisi. Sed aliquet magna eu dui iaculis bibendum. Pellentesque sed tellus dapibus, ultricies ex vel, gravida tellus. Nulla convallis elit nec felis dapibus, et vehicula odio euismod. Vestibulum et eros eu velit mollis laoreet fermentum vitae ligula. Praesent quis est non mauris luctus pharetra. Aenean tincidunt vulputate neque, nec blandit arcu placerat sed. Integer vel elit maximus, aliquam tortor ac.")
        self.gui_runner.SetColor((255, 255, 255))
        self.gui_runner.SetArea((150, 400, 500, 100))
        self.gui_runner.SetTriangle(([530, 130], [538, 130], [534, 140]))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def setup(self, background):
     "Setup the screen and boids before starting simulation."
     self.schools = []
     self.sources = []
     for body_color, trim_color in self.SCHOOLS:
         new_school = School(body_color, trim_color)
         new_source = vector.Vector2(random.random() * WIDTH,
                                     random.random() * HEIGHT)
     self.pointer = 0
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos = vector.Vector3(1, 1, 1)

        self.rot = vector.Vector2()

        self.meshFaces = []
        self.colliderFaces = []

        self.isKinetic = True
        self.velocity = vector.Vector3()
        self.useGravity = True
        self.grounded = False

        self.fixedTime = .01
        self.t = 0
Exemplo n.º 13
    def draw(self, surf, camera):
        draw function for actors, currently animates basic temporary sprites
        :param surf: pygame style Surface
        :param camera: camera object for world coordinate conversion
        :return: nothing
        if self.is_dead(): # dead men tell no tales

        temp_rect = camera.apply(self.current_pos)  # create temporary list to protect the current position
          # converts from world coord to screen coords

        temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(),
                           vector.Vector2(48, 4))

        temp_cube.mAngle = self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mAngle
        temp_vec = camera.apply(temp_cube.mPos)
        temp_cube.mPos = temp_vec

        if isinstance(self, Enemy) and self.is_chasing:

            if self.sprite_row == 4 or self.sprite_row == 1 or self.sprite_row == 2 or self.sprite_row == 3 or self.sprite_row == 0:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width() // 2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height() // 2

                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        # Drawing the actor from the sprite sheet using known attributes, and offsets the sprite so current_pos is the
        #... center of the sprite
        surf.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (temp_rect[0] - (self.sprite_size // 2),
                   temp_rect[1] - (self.sprite_size // 2)),
                  (self.sprite_column * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[0],
                   self.sprite_row * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[1],
                   self.sprite_size, self.sprite_size))

        if isinstance(self, Enemy) and self.is_chasing:
            if self.sprite_row == 5 or self.sprite_row == 6 or self.sprite_row == 7:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2
                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

            pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40, 3), 0)
            pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40 * (self.health/self.max_health), 3), 0)

        elif isinstance(self, NPC) and self.gui_runner.Visible:
Exemplo n.º 14
def str_to_Vector2_list(string):
    temp_list = []
    temp_str_1 = ""
    temp_str_2 = ""
    build_1 = 1
    build_2 = 0

    for i in range(0, len(string)):

        if not string[i] == " " and not string[i] == ",":
            if build_1 and not string[i] == " ":
                temp_str_1 += string[i]
            elif build_2 and not string[i] == ",":
                temp_str_2 += string[i]

        elif string[i] == ",":
            build_1 = 0
            build_2 = 1

        if string[i] == " " or i == len(string) - 1:
            build_1 = 1
            build_2 = 0

            if temp_str_1[0] == "-":
                temp_str_1 = temp_str_1[1:]
                modifier_1 = -1
                modifier_1 = 1

            if temp_str_2[0] == "-":
                temp_str_2 = temp_str_2[1:]
                modifier_2 = -1
                modifier_2 = 1

                    float(temp_str_1) * modifier_1,
                    float(temp_str_2) * modifier_2))
            temp_str_1 = ""
            temp_str_2 = ""

    return temp_list
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, w, h):
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.cx = w // 2
        self.cy = h // 2

        self.pos = vector.Vector3()
        self.rot = vector.Vector2()

        self.half_w, self.half_h = w / 2, h / 2
        self.fov = 90/180*math.pi; self.half_fov = self.fov/2
        self.half_w, self.half_h = w/2,h/2
        self.projY = self.half_h/math.tan(self.half_fov)
        self.projX = self.half_w/math.tan(self.half_fov)/(w/h)

        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'
        self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((w, h))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def move(self, xoffset, yoffset):
     translates this object
     self.mPosition += vector.Vector2(xoffset, yoffset)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def generate_tiled_objects(self, xml_file):
        tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
        root = tree.getroot()

        for objectgroup in root.findall("objectgroup"):
            for object in objectgroup.findall("object"):
                filename = object.get("template")

                # Enemy spawn parsing
                if filename == "EnemySpawnPosition.tx":
                    template_data = ET.parse(filename)
                    template_root = template_data.getroot()

                    object_width = object.get("width")
                    object_height = object.get("height")
                    spawn_x = float(object.get("x"))
                    spawn_y = float(object.get("y"))
                    patrolling = 1
                    for i in range(0, len(template_root[0][0])):
                        for property in object[0]:

                            if property.get("name") == "Path":
                                path_id = property.get("value")

                                if path_id == "0":
                                    patrolling = 0
                                    patrolling = 1

                    for i in range(0, len(template_root[0][0])):
                        alignment = None
                        direction = None
                        for property in object[0]:
                            attribute = property.get("name")

                            if attribute == "Alignment":
                                alignment = property.get("value")

                            elif attribute == "Direction":
                                direction = str_to_Vector2_list(
                                direction = vector.Vector2(
                                    direction[0][0], direction[0][1])

                        if alignment is None:
                            alignment = "Neutral"
                        if direction is None:
                            direction = vector.Vector2(1, 0)

                        for property in object[0]:
                            type = ""

                            if property.get("name") == "Type":
                                type = property.get("value")

                    case = 0
                    if patrolling:
                        for pathgroup in root.findall("objectgroup"):
                            for path in pathgroup.findall("object"):

                                if path.get("id") == path_id:
                                    path_x = float(path.get("x"))
                                    path_y = float(path.get("y"))
                                    path_list = path[0].get("points")
                                    path_list = str_to_Vector2_list(path_list)

                                    if path_list[0] == path_list[-1]:
                                        case = 1
                                        path_list = path_list[:-1]

                        for point in path_list:
                            point[0] += path_x
                            point[1] += path_y

                        path_list = [vector.Vector2(spawn_x, spawn_y)]

                        actor.Enemy((spawn_x, spawn_y), path_list, patrolling,
                                    direction, alignment, type))

                    if case:
                        self.enemies[-1].is_linear_patrol = 0
                # end enemy spawn parsing

                if object.get("name") == "Transition":
                    temp_transition = {
                        "x": float(object.get("x")),
                        "y": float(object.get("y")),
                        "width": float(object.get("width")),
                        "height": float(object.get("height"))
                    for properties in object:
                        for property in properties:
                            name = property.get("name")
                            value = property.get("value")

                            if name == "Player Spawn ID":
                                value = int(value)

                            temp_transition[name] = value


                if object.get("name") == "Player Spawn":

Exemplo n.º 18
    def draw(self, surf, camera):
        draw function for actors, currently animates basic temporary sprites
        :param surf: pygame style Surface
        :param camera: camera object for world coordinate conversion
        :return: nothing
        if self.is_dead():  # dead men tell no tales
        # print(self.current_weapon)
        # print(self.Spear.Hitbox)
        temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(), vector.Vector2(48, 4))

        # temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(), vector.Vector2(self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mExtents[0] * 2, self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mExtents[1] * 2))
        temp_cube.mAngle = self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mAngle
        temp_vec = camera.apply(temp_cube.mPos)
        temp_cube.mPos = temp_vec
        # ##--Lane(Weapon_drawing)--##
        if self.current_weapon.weapon_drawn is True:   # if weapon_drawn is True then draw weapon hit box
            if self.sprite_row == 4 or self.sprite_row == 1 or self.sprite_row == 2 or self.sprite_row == 3 or self.sprite_row == 0:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2

                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        temp_rect = camera.apply(self.current_pos)  # create temporary list to protect the current position
        # converts from world coord to screen coords

        # Drawing the actor from the sprite sheet using known attributes, and offsets the sprite so current_pos is the
        # ... center of the sprite
        surf.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (temp_rect[0] - (self.sprite_size // 2),
                   temp_rect[1] - (self.sprite_size // 2)),
                  (self.sprite_column * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[0],
                   self.sprite_row * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[1],
                   self.sprite_size, self.sprite_size))

        # ##--Lane(Weapon_drawing)--##
        if self.current_weapon.weapon_drawn is True:  # if weapon_drawn is True then draw weapon hit box
            if self.sprite_row == 5 or self.sprite_row == 6 or self.sprite_row == 7:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2
                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40, 3), 0)
        pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255, 255, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40 * (self.health/self.max_health), 3), 0)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def transition(self, filename, spawn_id):

        self.map = open(filename + ".txt", "r")
        self.mapFile = filename
        self.tileData = []

        self.layerNumber = 0
        for line in self.map:
            line = line.strip()
            if "[layer]" in line:
                self.layerNumber += 1
        self.map = open(self.mapFile + ".txt", "r")
        self.mapWidthTile = 0
        self.mapHeightTile = 0
        self.tileWidth = 0
        self.tileHeight = 0
        self.mapWidthPixel = 0
        self.mapHeightPixel = 0
        self.Orientation = 0
        self.backgroundColor = 0
        self.tileSet = 0
        self.LastTile = []

        # [not done]
        # Someone figure out if this should be load_extended or not...
        # Note that the load extensions will have to be changed with assets are saved in a specific file folder.
        # self.alpha_sheet = pygame.image.load_extended("../GoodEvilRPG/good_bad_RPG_art/ProjectUtumno.png").convert()
        self.alpha_sheet10 = pygame.image.load(
            "Assets/Tilesets/" + "ProjectUtumno.png").convert_alpha()

        self.anim_timer = 0
        self.timer = 0
        self.TileX = 0
        self.TileY = 0
        self.alphas = {}
        self.alpha_sheets = {}
        for i in range(0, 11):
            self.alpha_sheets[i] = pygame.image.load("Assets/Tilesets/" +
                                                     "ProjectUtumno" +
                                                     str(i * 10) + ".png")

        # Jonathan L
        self.enemies = []
        if filename == "Final":
            if self.player.g_player.boss_counter > self.player.b_player.boss_counter:
                if self.player.b_player.is_active:
                    actor.Enemy([380, 350], [], 0, vector.Vector2(0, 1),
                                "Evil", "Boss"))
                if self.player.g_player.is_active:
                    actor.Enemy([380, 350], [], 0, vector.Vector2(0, 1),
                                "Good", "Boss"))

        self.transitions = []
        self.player_spawns = []
        self.generate_tiled_objects(self.mapFile + ".tmx")
        self.is_paused = 0

        for spawn in self.player_spawns:

            if spawn_id == int(spawn[2]):
                self.player.current_pos = vector.Vector2(spawn[0], spawn[1])


Exemplo n.º 20
class Fish:

    "Fish(location) -> Fish"

    HOW_WIDE = 6  # Width of the fish
    HOW_LONG = 12  # Length of the fish

    MAX_FORCE = 0.05  # Maximum directional steering force
    MAX_SPEED = 60.0  # Maximum speed at which to travel

    SEP_FACTOR = 1.5  # Arbitrary separation mutliplier
    ALI_FACTOR = 1.0  # Arbitrary alignment mutliplier
    COH_FACTOR = 1.0  # Arbitrary cohesion mutliplier

    DESIRED_SEPARATION = 7  # Turn from each other when closer
    NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE = 17  # Maximum distance for interactions



    limits = math.hypot(HOW_LONG, HOW_WIDE)
    radius = limits / 2


    TOP = 0 - radius
    LEFT = 0 - radius
    RIGHT = WIDTH + radius
    BOTTOM = HEIGHT + radius

    SHAPE = processing.Polygon(vector.Vector2(HOW_LONG / +2, 0),
                               vector.Vector2(HOW_LONG / -2, HOW_WIDE / +2),
                               vector.Vector2(HOW_LONG / -2, HOW_WIDE / -2))

    del limits, radius, HOW_LONG, HOW_WIDE

    __slots__ = 'location', 'velocity', 'steering', 'body_color', 'trim_color'



    def __init__(self, location):
        "Initialize the fish with several vectors and colors."
        self.location = location.copy()
        self.velocity = vector.Polar2(random.random() * self.MAX_SPEED,
                                      random.random() * 360)
        self.body_color = ''
        self.trim_color = ''

    def paint(self, body_color, trim_color):
        "Assign colors to the fish's body and trim (outline)."
        self.body_color = body_color
        self.trim_color = trim_color

    def render(self, graphics):
        "Draw the fish's shape on the given graphics context."
        polygon = self.SHAPE.copy()
        graphics.draw(polygon, self.body_color, self.trim_color)

    def run_AI(self, school):
        "Execute the three boid rules and store in steering."
        self.steering = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
        # Follow rules of separation, alignment, and cohesion.
        separation = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
        alignment = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
        cohesion = vector.Vector2(0, 0)
        # Track fish that are too close along with neighbours.
        too_close = False
        neighbors = 0
        # Loop over all other fish from the school fish is in.
        for fish in school:
            if fish is not self:
                # Get the difference in location and distance.
                offset = self.location - fish.location
                length = offset.magnitude
                # Find fish that are too close to current one.
                if length < self.DESIRED_SEPARATION:
                    separation += offset.normalize() / length
                    too_close = True
                # Try joining fish in fish's present vicinity.
                if length < self.NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE:
                    alignment += fish.velocity
                    cohesion += fish.location
                    neighbors += 1
        # Steer away from fish in this school that are nearby.
        if too_close:
            self.steering += self.correction(separation) * self.SEP_FACTOR
        # Gather with and align to schoolmates detected above.
        if neighbors:
            self.steering += self.correction(alignment) * self.ALI_FACTOR
            cohesion /= neighbors
            cohesion -= self.location
            self.steering += self.correction(cohesion) * self.ALI_FACTOR

    def correction(self, target):
        "Create a force towards the direction of the target."
        target.magnitude = self.MAX_SPEED
        return (target - self.velocity).limit(self.MAX_FORCE)

    def update(self, interval):
        "Change velocity and location with respect to time."
        self.velocity += self.steering / interval
        self.location += self.velocity.limit(self.MAX_SPEED) * interval

    def wraparound(self):
        "Move the fish to wrap around the edges of the screen."
        if self.location.y < self.TOP:
            self.location.y = self.BOTTOM
        elif self.location.y > self.BOTTOM:
            self.location.y = self.TOP
        if self.location.x < self.LEFT:
            self.location.x = self.RIGHT
        elif self.location.x > self.RIGHT:
            self.location.x = self.LEFT
Exemplo n.º 21
 def mouse_pressed(self, event):
     "Create fish at cursor and add to the smallest school."
     new_fish = Fish(vector.Vector2(event.x, event.y))
     min(self.schools, key=School.size).add_fish(new_fish)
Exemplo n.º 22
Main_Menu_Music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/MainMusic.wav")
Start_Button = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/Main_Menu_Effect_1.wav")
Menu_Sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/Menu_Sounds.wav")
Good_Image = pygame.image.load("Assets/Good_Image.png")
Evil_Image = pygame.image.load("Assets/Evil_Image.png")
Title = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 70)
Start = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 45)
Quit = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 45)
Select = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 55)

Text = Title.render("Journey To Vauss", True, (255, 215, 0))
Start_Object = Start.render("Start", True, (255, 215, 0))
Quit_Object = Quit.render("Quit", True, (255, 215, 0))
Select = Select.render("Select your destiny  ...it's your choice.", True,
                       (255, 215, 0))
Start_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), vector.Vector2(485, 465),
                      vector.Vector2(90, 40))
Quit_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(255, 255, 255), vector.Vector2(485, 515),
                     vector.Vector2(90, 40))
Good_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(255, 255, 255), vector.Vector2(200, 300),
                     vector.Vector2(390, 590))
Evil_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), vector.Vector2(600, 300),
                     vector.Vector2(390, 590))

Sword_Image = pygame.image.load('Assets/Sword_Image.png').convert_alpha()

theMap = m.Map("Test_map")

done = 0
game_won = 0
In_Menu = 1