Exemplo n.º 1
    def intersectionPoint(self, pos, vel):
        posR = pos - self.origin

        # Calculate dot products and norms using the vector's component that is
        # perpendicular to the cylinder's axis (direction).
        # These are algebraically simplified versions for better performance
        posDotDir = vector3.dot(posR, self.direction)
        velDotDir = vector3.dot(vel, self.direction)
        posDotVel = vector3.dot(posR, vel) - posDotDir * velDotDir
        normPos2 = vector3.norm2(posR) - posDotDir**2
        normVel2 = vector3.norm2(vel) - velDotDir**2

        if normVel2 == 0:
            return math.inf

        A = posDotVel / normVel2
        B = (normPos2 - self.R2) / normVel2
        C = A**2 - B

        if C <= 0:
            return math.inf

        if B >= 0:
            if A >= 0:
                ds = math.inf
                ds = -sqrt(C) - A
            ds = sqrt(C) - A

        if ds <= 0:
            ds = math.inf

        return ds
Exemplo n.º 2
    def hit(self, ray_, t_min, t_max):
        assert isinstance(ray_, Ray)
        oc = ray_.origin - self.center
        a = dot(ray_.direction, ray_.direction)
        b = dot(oc, ray_.direction)
        c = dot(oc, oc) - self.radius * self.radius
        discriminant = b * b - a * c

        if discriminant > 0.0:
            temp = (-b - sqrt(b*b - a * c)) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                p = ray_.point_at_parameter(temp)
                rec = HitRecord(t=temp,
                                normal=(p - self.center) / self.radius,

                return True, rec

            temp = (-b + sqrt(b*b - a * c)) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                p = ray_.point_at_parameter(temp)
                rec = HitRecord(t=temp,
                                normal=(p - self.center) / self.radius,
                return True, rec

        return False, None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def hit(self, ray_, t_min, t_max):
        assert isinstance(ray_, Ray)
        oc = ray_.origin - self.center
        a = dot(ray_.direction, ray_.direction)
        b = dot(oc, ray_.direction)
        c = dot(oc, oc) - self.radius * self.radius
        discriminant = b * b - a * c

        if discriminant > 0.0:
            temp = (-b - sqrt(b * b - a * c)) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                p = ray_.point_at_parameter(temp)
                rec = HitRecord(t=temp,
                                normal=(p - self.center) / self.radius,

                return True, rec

            temp = (-b + sqrt(b * b - a * c)) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                p = ray_.point_at_parameter(temp)
                rec = HitRecord(t=temp,
                                normal=(p - self.center) / self.radius,
                return True, rec

        return False, None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def intersectionPoint(self, pos, vel):
        posR = pos - self.origin

        a = vector3.dot(vel, self.normalVector)
        b = vector3.dot(posR, self.normalVector)
        if a == 0:
            ds = math.inf
            ds = -b / a

        if ds <= 0:
            ds = math.inf

        return ds
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, ray, ds):
        if self.constraint(ray.pos):
            normalVector = self.interphase.getNormalVector(ray.pos);

            if vector3.dot(ray.vel, normalVector) > 0:
                self.finalPower[ray.k] += ray.power;
                self.counter += 1;
                ray.loopOn = False;
Exemplo n.º 6
def mt(v):
	r = v[0:3]
	t = v[3:6]
	x = np.linalg.norm(r)
	b = trig.cosox2(x)
	c = trig.sinox3(x)
	g = trig.specialFun1(x)
	h = trig.specialFun3(x)
	I = np.identity(3)
	return b*quat.skew(t) + c*(r*t.transpose() + t*r.transpose()) + v3.dot(r,t)*((c - b) * I + g*quat.skew(r) + h*r*r.transpose())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def intersectionPoint(self, pos, vel):
        posR = pos - self.origin

        posX = vector3.dot(posR, self.directionX)
        posY = vector3.dot(posR, self.directionY)
        velX = vector3.dot(vel, self.directionX)
        velY = vector3.dot(vel, self.directionY)

        if velX == 0:
            if velY == 0:
                return math.inf
                ds = (posX**2 * self.C - posY) / velY

                if ds <= 0:
                    return math.inf
                    return ds

        A = (posX * velX - velY / 2 / self.C) / velX**2
        B = (posX**2 - posY / self.C) / velX**2
        C = A**2 - B

        if C <= 0:
            return math.inf

        if B >= 0:
            if A >= 0:
                ds = math.inf
                ds = -sqrt(C) - A
            ds = sqrt(C) - A

        if ds <= 0:
            ds = math.inf

        return ds
Exemplo n.º 8
    def process(self, ray, ds):
        if self.constraint(ray.pos):
            normalVector = self.interphase.getNormalVector(ray.pos);

            # Get the reflected direction (for total or partial reflection)
            reflectedVel = ray.vel-2*vector3.projectNormal(ray.vel, normalVector);

            # Get the incidence angle
            cosTheta = vector3.dot(ray.vel, normalVector);

            # Choose the incident and refracted media based on the angle
            if cosTheta > 0:
                N1 = self.Nminus[ray.k];
                N2 = self.Nplus[ray.k];
                N1 = self.Nplus[ray.k];
                N2 = self.Nminus[ray.k];

            if N2 < N1 and cosTheta < sqrt(1-pow(N2/N1, 2)):
                # Total internal reflection

                ray.vel = reflectedVel;
                # Refraction or partial reflection

                # Get the refraction angle for calculating Fresnel reflection
                newCosTheta = copysign(sqrt(1-(1-cosTheta*cosTheta)*(N1/N2)**2), cosTheta);

                # Get the Fresnel coefficient for partial reflection
                fresnelR = basics.fresnelR(cosTheta, newCosTheta, N1, N2);

                if random() < fresnelR:
                    # Partial reflection (random chance)

                    ray.vel = reflectedVel;
                    # Refraction (if no partial reflection)

                    # Calculate refracted direction
                    tangentVel = ray.vel-cosTheta*normalVector;
                    newTangentVel = tangentVel*N1/N2;
                    newNormalVel = newCosTheta*normalVector;

                    ray.vel = newTangentVel+newNormalVel;
Exemplo n.º 9
	def getValuesFromPose(self, P):
		'''return the virtual values of the pots corresponding to the pose P'''
		vals = []
		grads = []
		for i, r, l, placement, attach_p in zip(range(3), self.rs, self.ls, self.placements, self.attach_ps):
			#first pot axis
			a = placement.rot * col([1, 0, 0])
			#second pot axis
			b = placement.rot * col([0, 1, 0])
			#string axis
			c = placement.rot * col([0, 0, 1])

			#attach point on the joystick
			p_joystick = P * attach_p
			v = p_joystick - placement.trans
			va = v - dot(v, a)*a
			vb = v - dot(v, b)*b
			#angles of the pots
			alpha = math.atan2(dot(vb, a), dot(vb, c))
			beta = math.atan2(dot(va, b), dot(va, c))
			#calculation of the derivatives
			dv = np.bmat([-P.rot.mat() * quat.skew(attach_p), P.rot.mat()])
			dva = (np.eye(3) - a*a.T) * dv
			dvb = (np.eye(3) - b*b.T) * dv
			dalpha = (1/dot(vb,vb)) * (dot(vb,c) * a.T - dot(vb,a) * c.T) * dvb
			dbeta = (1/dot(va,va)) * (dot(va,c) * b.T - dot(va,b) * c.T) * dva
		return (col(vals), np.bmat([[grads]]))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def scatter(self, ray_in, hit_record):
        reflected = reflect(unit_vector(ray_in.direction), hit_record.normal)
        scattered = Ray(hit_record.p, reflected + random_in_unit_sphere() * self.fuzz)
        b = dot(scattered.direction, hit_record.normal) > 0.0

        return b, self.albedo, scattered