Exemplo n.º 1
def vector_and_center_pbc_trim(point1, point2, box, method=1):
    """ Calculate the vector coordinates and the position of its center in the master cell """
    if method == 1:
        x = point2.x - point1.x
        xcenter = (point2.x + point1.x) / 2.
        x_trimmed = np.remainder(x + box.x / 2., box.x) - box.x / 2.
        xcenter_trimmed = xcenter + (x_trimmed - x) / 2.
        y = point2.y - point1.y
        ycenter = (point2.y + point1.y) / 2.
        y_trimmed = np.remainder(y + box.y / 2., box.y) - box.y / 2.
        ycenter_trimmed = ycenter + (y_trimmed - y) / 2.
        z = point2.z - point1.z
        zcenter = (point2.z + point1.z) / 2.
        z_trimmed = np.remainder(z + box.z / 2., box.z) - box.z / 2.
        zcenter_trimmed = zcenter + (z_trimmed - z) / 2.
    elif method == 2:
        x1, y1, z1 = point1.x, point1.y, point1.z
        x2, y2, z2 = point2.x, point2.y, point2.z
        x = x2 - x1
        y = y2 - y1
        z = z2 - z1
        xcenter = (x2 + x1) / 2.
        ycenter = (y2 + y1) / 2.
        zcenter = (z2 + z1) / 2.
        if box.x > 0:
            x_trimmed = x - box.x * int(round(x / box.x))
            xcenter_trimmed = xcenter - 0.5 * box.x * int(round(x / box.x))
            xcenter_trimmed = xcenter_trimmed - box.x * int(
                round(xcenter_trimmed / box.x))
            x_trimmed = x
            xcenter_trimmed = xcenter
            xcenter_trimmed = xcenter_trimmed - box.x * int(
                round(xcenter_trimmed / box.x))
        if box.y > 0:
            y_trimmed = y - box.y * int(round(y / box.y))
            ycenter_trimmed = ycenter - 0.5 * box.y * int(round(y / box.y))
            ycenter_trimmed = ycenter_trimmed - box.y * int(
                round(ycenter_trimmed / box.y))
            y_trimmed = y
            ycenter_trimmed = ycenter
            ycenter_trimmed = ycenter_trimmed - box.y * int(
                round(ycenter_trimmed / box.y))
        if box.z > 0:
            z_trimmed = z - box.z * int(round(z / box.z))
            zcenter_trimmed = zcenter - 0.5 * box.z * int(round(z / box.z))
            zcenter_trimmed = zcenter_trimmed - box.z * int(
                round(zcenter_trimmed / box.z))
            z_trimmed = z
            zcenter_trimmed = zcenter
            zcenter_trimmed = zcenter_trimmed - box.z * int(
                round(zcenter_trimmed / box.z))
    _vector = vector3d.Vector3d()
    _vector.set(x_trimmed, y_trimmed, z_trimmed)
    _center_vector = vector3d.Vector3d()
    _center_vector.set(xcenter_trimmed, ycenter_trimmed, zcenter_trimmed)
    return _vector, _center_vector
Exemplo n.º 2
 def exclude_sphere(self, pos, r):
     r_sq = r * r
     low = vector3d.Vector3d(pos.x - r, pos.y - r, pos.z - r)
     high = vector3d.Vector3d(pos.x + r, pos.y + r, pos.z + r)
     low_i, low_j, low_k = self.indices(low)
     high_i, high_j, high_k = self.indices(high)
     for i in self.int_range(low_i, high_i):
         for j in self.int_range(low_j, high_j):
             for k in self.int_range(low_k, high_k):
                 if not self.is_excluded(i, j, k):
                     if self.is_grid_point_near_sphere(i, j, k, pos, r_sq):
                         self.set_excluded(i, j, k, True)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self._atoms = []
     self._bonds = []
     self._angles = []
     self._dihedrals = []
     self._molecules = []
     self._box = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self._box_center = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self.title = ""
     self._atoms_by_num = {}
     self._atoms_by_id = {}
     self._bonds_by_num = {}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def exclude_sphere(self, pos, r):
     low = vector3d.Vector3d(pos.x - r, pos.y - r, pos.z - r)
     low_i, low_j, low_k = self.indices(low)
     high = vector3d.Vector3d(pos.x + r, pos.y + r, pos.z + r)
     high_i, high_j, high_k = self.indices(high)
     r_sq = r * r
     for i in self.int_range(low_i, high_i):
         for j in self.int_range(low_j, high_j):
             for k in self.int_range(low_k, high_k):
                 l = i * self.n_sq + j * self.n + k
                 if self.array[l] == 0:
                     if self.is_grid_point_near_sphere(i, j, k, pos, r_sq):
                         self.array[l] = 1
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.is_hetatm = False
     self.pos = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self.vel = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self.mass = 0.0
     self.type = ""
     self.element = ""
     self.chain_id = " "
     self.res_type = ""
     self.res_num = ""
     self.res_insert = ""
     self.bfactor = 0.0
     self.occupancy = 0.0
     self.num = 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, grid_spacing, width, center):
        self.width = float(width)
        half_width = self.width / 2.0
        self.center = center.copy()
        self.spacing = float(grid_spacing)
        self.inv_spacing = 1.0 / self.spacing

        self.n = 1
        cover = 0
        self.low = vector3d.Vector3d()
        while cover < half_width:
            self.n += 1
            half_n_point = int(self.n / 2)
            self.low.x = self.center.x - half_n_point * self.spacing
            self.low.y = self.center.y - half_n_point * self.spacing
            self.low.z = self.center.z - half_n_point * self.spacing
            width_1 = abs(self.center.x - self.low.x)
            high_x = self.low.x + self.n * self.spacing
            width_2 = abs(high_x - self.center.x)
            cover = min(width_1, width_2)

        self.actual_width = self.n * self.spacing
        self.total_volume = self.actual_width**3
        self.total_point = self.n**3

        self.array = array.array('b')
        for i in xrange(self.total_point):
        self.n_sq = self.n**2

        self.x = [self.low.x + i * self.spacing for i in xrange(self.n)]
        self.y = [self.low.y + j * self.spacing for j in xrange(self.n)]
        self.z = [self.low.z + k * self.spacing for k in xrange(self.n)]
Exemplo n.º 7
def BoxFromPdbLine(line):
    _box = vector3d.Vector3d()
    linesplit = line.split()
    _box.x = float(linesplit[1])
    _box.y = float(linesplit[2])
    _box.z = float(linesplit[3])
    return _box
Exemplo n.º 8
def exclude_surface(grid, atoms, probe):
    test_point = vector3d.Vector3d()
    sphere_points = asa.generate_sphere_points(960)
    for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):
        is_interior_atom = "asa" in atom_i.__dict__ and atom_i.asa < 9
        if not is_interior_atom:
            neighbor_indices = asa.find_neighbor_indices(atoms, probe, i)
            n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
            j_closest_neighbor = 0
            radius = probe + atom_i.radius
            for point in sphere_points:
                is_point_accessible = True
                test_point.x = point[0] * radius + atom_i.pos.x
                test_point.y = point[1] * radius + atom_i.pos.y
                test_point.z = point[2] * radius + atom_i.pos.z
                cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)
                for j in cycled_indices:
                    atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
                    r = atom_j.radius + probe
                    d_x = test_point.x - atom_j.pos.x
                    d_y = test_point.y - atom_j.pos.y
                    d_z = test_point.z - atom_j.pos.z
                    if d_x * d_x + d_y * d_y + d_z * d_z < r * r:
                        j_closest_neighbor = j
                        is_point_accessible = False
                if is_point_accessible:
                    grid.exclude_sphere(test_point, probe)
Exemplo n.º 9
def vector_pbc_trim( vector, box ):
#Calculate the values of the vector between the nearest replicas taking into account the periodic boundary conditions
	x = vector.x - box.x * int(round(vector.x / box.x))
	y = vector.y - box.y * int(round(vector.y / box.y))
	z = vector.z - box.z * int(round(vector.z / box.z))
	_vector_pbc_trim = vector3d.Vector3d()
	_vector_pbc_trim.set( x, y, z )
	return _vector_pbc_trim
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     self.is_hetatm = False
     self.pos = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self.vel = vector3d.Vector3d()
     self.mass = 0.0
     self.type = ""
     self.element = ""
     self.id = ""
     self.mol_id = ""
     self.res_type = ""
     self.res_num = 0
     self.res_insert = ""
     self.bfactor = 0.0
     self.occupancy = 0.0
     self.num = 0
     self.pbc = vector3d.Vector3d(0, 0, 0)
     self.neighbors = []
     self.inum = 0  #Internal number within a frame
Exemplo n.º 11
 def read_gro(self, fname):
     f = open(fname, 'r')
     self.title = f.readline().strip()
     natoms = int(f.readline())
     for i in range(natoms):
         atom = AtomFromGroLine(f.readline())
     box_array = map(float, f.readline().split())
     _box = vector3d.Vector3d(box_array[0], box_array[1], box_array[2])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def com(self):
     com = vector3d.Vector3d(0., 0., 0.)
     atoms_with_mass = len(
         list([atom.mass for atom in self._atoms if atom.mass > 0.]))
     if atoms_with_mass > 0:
         use_masses = True
         denominator = atoms_with_mass
         use_masses = False
         denominator = self.n_atom()
     for atom in self._atoms:
         if use_masses: mass = atom.mass
         else: mass = 1.0
         com += atom.pos.scaled_vec(mass)
     com.scale(1. / float(denominator))
     return com
Exemplo n.º 13
def calculate_asa(atoms, probe, n_sphere_point=960):
  Returns list of accessible surface areas of the atoms,
  using the probe and atom radius to define the surface.
  sphere_points = generate_sphere_points(n_sphere_point)
  const = 4.0 * math.pi / len(sphere_points)
  test_point = vector3d.Vector3d()
  areas = []
  for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):
    neighbor_indices = find_neighbor_indices(atoms, probe, i)
    n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
    j_closest_neighbor = 0
    radius = probe + atom_i.radius
    n_accessible_point = 0
    for point in sphere_points:
      is_accessible = True
      test_point.x = point[0]*radius + atom_i.pos.x
      test_point.y = point[1]*radius + atom_i.pos.y
      test_point.z = point[2]*radius + atom_i.pos.z
      cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)
      for j in cycled_indices:
        atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
        r = atom_j.radius + probe
        diff_sq = vector3d.pos_distance_sq(atom_j.pos, test_point)
        if diff_sq < r*r:
          j_closest_neighbor = j
          is_accessible = False
      if is_accessible:
        n_accessible_point += 1
    area = const*n_accessible_point*radius*radius 
  return areas
Exemplo n.º 14
 def get_vector3d(self, index):
     return vector3d.Vector3d(self.xs[index], self.ys[index], self.zs[index])
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_center(atoms):
    center = vector3d.Vector3d(0, 0, 0)
    for atom in atoms:
        center += atom.pos
    center.scale(1.0 / float(len(atoms)))
    return center
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self,Coordinates):
     self.pos = vector3d.Vector3d()
Exemplo n.º 17
def NpArray2Vector3d(array):
	return vector3d.Vector3d(array[0], array[1], array[2])
Exemplo n.º 18
def getUnitStructure(config, unitType, atomNumOffset = 0):
#Determine variables:
	keyAtom = "C3"
#Determine set of required atom types
	lists = { "SLS" : ["O1", "C2", "C3", "O4", "H5", "H10", "C6", "H7", "H8", "H9"], \
	"SLM" : ["O1", "C2", "C3", "O4", "H5", "C6", "H7", "H8", "H9"], \
	"SLE" : ["O1", "C2", "C3", "O4", "H5", "O10", "H11", "C6", "H7", "H8", "H9"] }
	A_lists = { "SLS" : {"O1_next":15.9994, "O1":15.9994, "C2":12.011, "C3":12.011, "O4":15.9994, "H5":1.008, "H10":1.008}, \
	"SLM" : {"O1_next":15.9994, "C2":12.011, "C3":12.011, "O4":15.9994, "H5":1.008}, \
	"SLE" : {"C2":12.011, "C3":12.011, "O4":15.9994, "H5":1.008, "O10":15.9994, "H11":1.008} }
	B_lists = { "SLS" : {"C6":12.011, "H7":1.008, "H8":1.008, "H9":1.008}, \
	"SLM" : {"C6":12.011, "H7":1.008, "H8":1.008, "H9":1.008}, \
	"SLE" : {"C6":12.011, "H7":1.008, "H8":1.008, "H9":1.008} }
#Sort configuration atoms by number
#Available atom identifiers:
#Monomer unit number (1, 2, 3), "res_num"; monomer unit type (SLS, SLM, SLE) "res_type"; atom type (O1...H9), "type"; atom number (enumeration across all molecules), "num"
	template_counter = 0
	maxAtomNum = 0
	for i in range(len(config.atoms())):
		atom = config.atoms()[i]
		if atom.num >= atomNumOffset:
			resNum = atom.res_num
			if atom.res_type == unitType and atom.type == lists[unitType][0]:
				template = {}
				for requiredType in lists[unitType]:	#Adding all of the atoms of the atomistic structure
					template[requiredType] = findAtom(config, requiredType, resNum, i, "forward")
				if unitType != "SLE":	#Adding O1 atom of the next monomer unit (to determine position of A bead)
					template["O1_next"] = findAtom(config, "O1", resNum + 1, i, "forward")
				if unitType != "SLS": #Adding C3 atom of the previous monomer unit (required for the template)
					template["C3_prev"] = findAtom(config, "C3", resNum - 1, i, "backward")
				template2 = copy.deepcopy(template)
				for key in template:
					template2[key].pos, _ = config.interatom_vector(template[keyAtom].num, template[key].num)
				template = template2
				A_pos = vector3d.Vector3d()
				A_mass = 0.
				for key in A_lists[unitType]:
					dA = copy.deepcopy(template[key].pos)
					A_pos += dA
					A_mass += A_lists[unitType][key]
				A = Atom()
				A.pos = A_pos
				A.type = "A"
				template["A"] = A
				B_pos = vector3d.Vector3d()
				B_mass = 0.
				for key in B_lists[unitType]:
					dB = copy.deepcopy(template[key].pos)
					B_pos += dB
					B_mass += B_lists[unitType][key]
				B = Atom()
				B.pos = B_pos
				B.type = "B"
				template["B"] = B
				if unitType != "SLS":
					C3_prev_pos = template["C3_prev"].pos
					unitVector = A_pos - C3_prev_pos
					C3_pos = template["C3"].pos
					unitVector = C3_pos - A_pos
					_, unitVector2, __ = getUnitStructure(config, "SLM", atomNumOffset)
					unitVector += unitVector2
					A_next_pos = A_pos + unitVector
					A_next = Atom()
					A_next.pos = A_next_pos
					template["A_next"] = A_next
				template_counter += 1
				for key in template:
					if key != "O1_next":
						atomNum = template[key].num
						if atomNum != None and atomNum > maxAtomNum:
							maxAtomNum = atomNum
				return template, unitVector, maxAtomNum
Exemplo n.º 19
def CalculateCrystallinityParameter(config,
                                        0., 0., 0.),
    if mode == 'histo':
        s_hist = createHistogram(smin, smax, sbins)
        s_hist_norm_total = 0.
        for i in range(sbins):
            sleft, sright = smin + i * s_hist["step"], smin + (
                i + 1) * s_hist["step"]
            costhetaleft, costhetaright = (2. / 3. * (sleft + 0.5))**0.5, (
                2. / 3. * (sright + 0.5))**0.5
            s_hist["norm"][i] = 1. / (costhetaleft + costhetaright)
    progress = 0
    bondlist = []
    if storeAsAtomtypes:
        atomOrderingList = []
    for bond in config.bonds():
        if (bondtypes is None) or (bond.type in bondtypes):
    if reference_vector.length_sq() == 0.:
        ave_b = vector3d.Vector3d()
        i_b = 0
        for i in range(len(bondlist)):
            b1, r1 = config.bond_vector_by_num(bondlist[i])
            ave_b = ave_b + b1
            i_b += 1
        if i_b > 0:
            ave_b.scale(1. / float(i_b))
        ave_b = reference_vector
    if mode == 'average':
        npBonds = createNumpyBondsArrayFromConfig(config,
        refBond = Bond()
        refBond.atom1, refBond.atom2 = Atom(), Atom()
        refBond.atom1.pos = vector3d.Vector3d(0., 0., 0.)
        refBond.atom2.pos = ave_b
        cosSq = calculateAveCosSqForReference(config, refBond, npBonds, -1.)
        return 1.5 * cosSq - 0.5
    elif mode == 'histo':
        for i in range(len(bondlist)):
            b1, r1 = config.bond_vector_by_num(bondlist[i])
            s_value = 1.5 * (b1.x * ave_b.x + b1.y * ave_b.y + b1.z * ave_b.z
                             )**2 / b1.length_sq() / ave_b.length_sq() - 0.5
            if storeAsAtomtypes:
                bondAtomNums = [
                for atomNum in bondAtomNums:
                            x["num"] for x in atomOrderingList
                    except ValueError:
                            "num": atomNum,
                            "values": [s_value]
            updateHistogram(s_value, s_hist)
        if storeAsAtomtypes:
            for atomCryst in atomOrderingList:
                atom = config.atom_by_num(atomCryst["num"])
                atomCrystallinity = np.mean(atomCryst["values"])
                if atomCrystallinity >= 0.:
                    atom.type = "C" + "%02d" % int(atomCrystallinity * 100)
                    atom.type = "Cm" + "%02d" % int(atomCrystallinity * -100)
        normHistogram(s_hist, normInternalNorm=True)
        return s_hist
Exemplo n.º 20
 def pos(self, i, j, k):
     return vector3d.Vector3d(self.x[i], self.y[j], self.z[k])