Exemplo n.º 1
    def constraints(self, particle):
        # adjust the effects of the limits (constraints) of the world on the partcle
        # it must run before acceleration and velocity are applied in impulse
        World.Log_Data("constraint start: {}".format(particle))
        if particle.position.get_z() > self.max_z:
            particle.velocity = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
            particle.acceleration = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
                "YES! Rock bottom post constraints:{}".format(particle))
        if particle.position.get_y() > self.max_y:

        if particle.position.get_x() > self.max_x:

        if particle.position.get_y() < self.min_y:

        if particle.position.get_x() < self.min_x:

        if particle.position.get_z() < self.min_z:

        if particle.velocity.get_z() > 20.0:
        World.Log_Data("constraint end: {}".format(particle))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_create_particle(self):
     p = Particle(Vector3dm(1, 2, 3, "c"), Vector3dm(4, 5, 6, "c"))
         1), "particle init: x pos bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_x(), 1)
         2), "particle init: y pos bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_y(), 2)
         3), "particle init: z pos bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_z(), 3)
         4), "particle init: x vel bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_x(), 4)
         5), "particle init: y vel bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_y(), 5)
         6), "particle init: z vel bad result: is {} should be {}".format(
             p.position.get_z(), 6)
Exemplo n.º 3
	def test_add(self):
		expected_sum_x = -6
		expected_sum_y = 13
		expected_sum_z = -25
		v1 = Vector3dm(13,-5,-20,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(-19,18,-5,"c")
		v3 = v1.add(v2)
		x,y,z = v3.vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,expected_sum_x,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(x,expected_sum_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,expected_sum_y,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(y,expected_sum_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,expected_sum_z,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(z,expected_sum_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v3.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 4
	def test_sub(self):
		expected_sum_x = 10
		expected_sum_y = -21
		expected_sum_z = 9
		v1 = Vector3dm(-9,-4,10,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(-19,17,1,"c")
		v3 = v1.sub(v2)
		x,y,z = v3.vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,expected_sum_x,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(x,expected_sum_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,expected_sum_y,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(y,expected_sum_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,expected_sum_z,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(z,expected_sum_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v3.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 5
	def test_inner(self):
		expected_dot = -14.0
		x1 = -1
		y1 = 2
		z1 = -3
		x2 = 1
		y2 = -2
		z2 = 3
		v1 = Vector3dm(x1,y1,z1,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(x2,y2,z2,"c")
		dot = v1.dot(v2)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(dot,expected_dot,6,"Dot bad result: is {} should be {}".format(dot,expected_dot))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 6
	def test_dot(self):
		# got example from https://chortle.ccsu.edu/VectorLessons/vch07/vch07_14.html
		expected_dot = -14.0
		x1 = -1
		y1 = 2
		z1 = -3
		x2 = 1
		y2 = -2
		z2 = 3
		v1 = Vector3dm(x1,y1,z1,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(x2,y2,z2,"c")
		dot = v1.dot(v2)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(dot,expected_dot,6,"Dot bad result: is {} should be {}".format(dot,expected_dot))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 7
	def test_cross_product(self):
		v1 = Vector3dm(2,3,4,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(5,6,7,"c")
		r_x = -3.0
		r_y = 6.0
		r_z = -3.0
		v1_x_v2 = v1.cross(v2)
		x = v1_x_v2.get_x()
		y = v1_x_v2.get_y()
		z = v1_x_v2.get_z()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,r_x,6,"test_cross bad result: is {} should be {}".format(x,r_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,r_y,6,"test_cross bad result: is {} should be {}".format(y,r_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,r_z,6,"test_cross bad result: is {} should be {}".format(z,r_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 8
	def test_origin_distance(self):
		expected_dist = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059
		v1 = Vector3dm(-1,1,1,"c")	

		dist = v1.origin_distance()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(dist,expected_dist,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(dist,expected_dist))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, pos_vect, vel_vect=Vector3dm.zero_vector(), id=""):
        self.position = pos_vect
        self.velocity = vel_vect
        self.acceleration = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
        self.id = id
        self.count = 0

        # various accelration Attributes
        # aerodynamics
        self.aero_coef = .05  # scale factor for Aerodynamic drag which opposes velocity

        #colision avoidance
        self.col_size = 1  # collision size
        self.dis_size = 20  # display size
        self.color = (255, 255, 255)
        self.flash_color = (255, 50, 0)  # bright red
Exemplo n.º 10
 def random_goal(self, current_pos, min_dist, max_dist):
     # given your current position and how far (min and max) you want to go, this gets you a goal
     # input: vector of current_pos, scaler of minimum and maximum distance
     # return: a vector with the new position of the random goal.
     #		self.width = float(width) # total x dimension
     #		self.depth = float(depth) # total y dimension
     #		self.height = float(height) # total z dimension
     #		self.min_x = -width/2 # x coordinate of left wall
     #		self.min_y = -depth/2 # y coordinate of back wall
     #		self.min_z = 0.0 #z coordinate of floor
     #		self.max_x = self.width/2
     #		self.max_y = self.depth/2
     #		self.max_z = self.height
     dist = random.random() * (max_dist - min_dist) + min_dist
     theta = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
     phi = random.random() * math.pi
     result = Vector3dm(dist, theta, phi, "s").add(current_pos)
     x, y, z = result.convert_to_cartesian().vals
     if x > self.max_x:
     elif x < self.min_x:
     if y > self.max_y:
     elif y < self.min_y:
     if z > self.max_z:
     elif z < self.min_z:
     return result
Exemplo n.º 11
def rand_vector(v, min_dist, max_dist):

    min_x = -500
    max_x = 500
    min_y = -500
    max_y = 500
    min_z = 0
    max_z = 1000

    dist = random.random() * (max_dist - min_dist) + min_dist
    theta = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
    phi = random.random() * math.pi

    old_v = Vector3dm(dist, theta, phi, "s").add(v)
    v = old_v.convert_to_cartesian()
    x, y, z = v.vals
    #bad_vec = False
    #if x>max_x or x<min_x or y>max_y or y<min_y or z>max_z or z<min_z:
    #	bad_vec = True
    if x > max_x:
    elif x < min_x:
    if y > max_y:
    elif y < min_y:
    if z > max_z:
    elif z < min_z:
    #if bad_vec:
    #	print("bad vec",dist,old_v.convert_to_cartesian(),v)
    return v
Exemplo n.º 12
	def create_world(self,particle_count):
		self.pixies = []

		for i in range(0,particle_count):
			position = Vector3dm(-400,-400,800,"c")
			pixie = Pixie(position)
Exemplo n.º 13
	def test_convert_to_spherical(self):
		x = 2*math.sqrt(3)
		y = 6
		z = -4
		v = Vector3dm(x,y,z,"c")

		# the expected answer
		tr = 8.0
		ttheta = math.pi/3.0
		tphi = 2*math.pi/3.0
		v2 = v.convert_to_spherical()
		r,theta,phi = v2.vals

		self.assertAlmostEqual(r,tr,6,"c2s bad r: is {} should be {}".format(r,tr))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(theta,ttheta,6,"c2s bad theta: is {} should be {}".format(theta,ttheta))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(phi,tphi,6,"c2s bad phi: is {} should be {}".format(phi,tphi))
		r,theta,phi = v2.convert_to_spherical().vals # should do nothing

		self.assertAlmostEqual(r,tr,6,"c2s #2 bad r: is {} should be {}".format(r,tr))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(theta,ttheta,6,"c2s #2 bad theta: is {} should be {}".format(theta,ttheta))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(phi,tphi,6,"c2s bad #2 phi: is {} should be {}".format(phi,tphi))
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 14
 def create_world(self, particle_count):
     for i in range(0, particle_count):
         position = Vector3dm(
             random.randrange(int(self.min_x), int(self.max_x)),
             random.randrange(int(self.min_y), int(self.max_y)),
             random.randrange(int(self.min_z), int(self.max_z)), "c")
         self.particles.append(Particle(pos_vect=position, id=i))
Exemplo n.º 15
	def test_get_z(self):
		x = 1
		y = 2
		z = 3
		v1 = Vector3dm(z,y,z,"c")
		res_z = v1.get_z()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(res_z,z,6,"get_z bad result: is {} should be {}".format(res_z,z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 16
	def test_get_phi(self):
		r = 1
		theta = 2
		phi = 3
		v1 = Vector3dm(r,theta,phi,"s")
		res_phi = v1.get_phi()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(res_phi,phi,6,"get_phi bad result: is {} should be {}".format(res_phi,phi))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 17
	def test_set_z(self):
		x = 1
		y = 2
		z = 3
		v = Vector3dm(x,y,z,"c")
		z = v.get_z()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(10,z,6,"set_z bad result: is {} should be {}".format(z,10))		
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 18
	def test_set_r(self):
		r = 1
		theta = 2
		phi = 3
		v = Vector3dm(r,theta,phi,"s")
		r = v.get_r()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(10,r,6,"set_phi bad result: is {} should be {}".format(r,10))		
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 19
	def test_unit_vector(self):
		v = Vector3dm(12,-3,-4,"c").unit()
		r_x = 12/13
		r_y = -3/13
		r_z = -4/13
		x,y,z = v.get_x(),v.get_y(),v.get_z()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,r_x,6,"test_unit bad result: is {} should be {}".format(x,r_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,r_y,6,"test_unit bad result: is {} should be {}".format(y,r_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,r_z,6,"test_unit bad result: is {} should be {}".format(z,r_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 20
	def brain(self):
		# this is code that changes the acceleration based on pixie desires.
		result = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
		CLOSE_RANGE = 10.0
		MAX_ACC = 20.0
		if self.goal is None:
			self.goal = self.goals[self.goal_idx]
			self.goal_idx += 1
			if self.goal_idx > len(self.goals):
				self.goal_idx = 0
			World.Log_Data("brain New Goal: {} (#{})".format(self.goal,self.goal_idx))
			return result
		range = self.position.magnitude(self.goal)
		if range < CLOSE_RANGE: # we've reached our goal
			self.goal = None
			World.Log_Data("brain REACHED goal")
			return result
		World.Log_Data("brain Current goal: {}".format(self.goal))
		World.Log_Data("brain range: {}".format(range))
		direction = self.position.point_at_that(self.goal)
		World.Log_Data("point at {} from {} to {}".format(direction.convert_to_cartesian(),self.position,self.goal))

		if direction.get_r() > MAX_ACC:
		speed = self.velocity.get_r()

		slowing = speed/MAX_ACC # Seconds to slow
		arrival = range/speed # seconds to get there
		if slowing < arrival:
			result = direction
			World.Log_Data("brain Speeding Toward Direction: {}={}".format(result,result.convert_to_cartesian()))

			if speed <= CLOSE_RANGE:
				return Vector3dm.zero_vector() #coast closer
			elif speed < CLOSE_RANGE+MAX_ACC:
				direction.set_r(speed - CLOSE_RANGE) #get the speed to around the close_range; fastest we can go to not overshoot
			result = direction.neg()
			World.Log_Data("brain SLOWING toward direction: {} (Direction: {}".format(result,direction))
		return result
Exemplo n.º 21
	def test_magnitude(self):
		expected_mag = 18.78829423
		v1 = Vector3dm(7,4,1,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(13,18,-10,"c")
		mag = v1.magnitude(v2)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(mag,expected_mag,6,"magnitude1 bad mag: is {} should be {}".format(mag,expected_mag))

		expected_mag = 29.06888371
		v1 = Vector3dm(-3,18,6,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(8,-2,-12,"c")
		mag = v1.magnitude(v2)
		self.assertAlmostEqual(mag,expected_mag,6,"magnitude2 bad mag: is {} should be {}".format(mag,expected_mag))

		expected_mag = 23.53720459
		v1 = Vector3dm(12,-19,7,"c")
		mag = v1.magnitude()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(mag,expected_mag,6,"magnitude3 bad mag: is {} should be {}".format(mag,expected_mag))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 22
	def test_conversion_inversion_c2s_s2c(self):
		tx = 2*math.sqrt(3)
		ty = 6
		tz = -4

		v = Vector3dm(tx,ty,tz,"c")
		x,y,z = v.convert_to_spherical().convert_to_cartesian().vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,tx,6,"inversion1 bad x: is {} should be {}".format(x,tx))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,ty,6,"inversion1 bad y: is {} should be {}".format(y,ty))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,tz,6,"inversion1 bad z: is {} should be {}".format(z,tz))
		tr = 8
		ttheta = math.pi/4
		tphi = math.pi/6
		v = Vector3dm(tr,ttheta,tphi,"s")
		r,theta,phi = v.convert_to_cartesian().convert_to_spherical().vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(r,tr,6,"inversion2 #2 bad r: is {} should be {}".format(r,tr))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(theta,ttheta,6,"inversion2 #2 bad theta: is {} should be {}".format(theta,ttheta))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(phi,tphi,6,"inversion2 bad #2 phi: is {} should be {}".format(phi,tphi))
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 23
	def test_zero_vector(self):
		zero_vector = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
		vx = zero_vector.get_x()
		vy = zero_vector.get_y()
		vz = zero_vector.get_z()
		vr = zero_vector.get_r()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(vx,0.0,6,"test_zero_vector bad result: is {} should be {}".format(vx,0.0))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(vy,0.0,6,"test_zero_vector bad result: is {} should be {}".format(vy,0.0))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(vz,0.0,6,"test_zero_vector bad result: is {} should be {}".format(vz,0.0))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(vr,0.0,6,"test_zero_vector bad result: is {} should be {}".format(vr,0.0))
		self.assertEqual(type(zero_vector.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_random_goal(self):
     w = World(1, 40, 40, 40)
     pos = Vector3dm(0, 0, 0, "c")
     goal = w.random_goal(pos, 100, 500)
     x, y, z = goal.convert_to_cartesian().vals
     self.assertLessEqual(x, 20)
     self.assertLessEqual(y, 20)
     self.assertLessEqual(z, 40)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(x, -20)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(y, -20)
     self.assertGreaterEqual(z, 0)
Exemplo n.º 25
	def test_mult(self):
		v = Vector3dm(1,1,1,"c")
		v_mult = v.mult(6.0)
		x,y,z = v_mult.vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,6.0,6,"mult x: is {} should be {}".format(x,6.0))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,6.0,6,"mult y: is {} should be {}".format(y,6.0))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,6.0,6,"mult z: is {} should be {}".format(z,6.0))
		self.assertEqual(type(v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		r = v_mult.get_r()
		self.assertAlmostEqual(r, 10.392304845413264,6,"mult r: is {} should be {}".format(r,6.0))
Exemplo n.º 26
	def test_neg(self):
		expected_sum_x = 5
		expected_sum_y = 13
		expected_sum_z = -4
		v1 = Vector3dm(-5,-13,4,"c")
		v3 = v1.neg()
		x,y,z = v3.vals
		self.assertAlmostEqual(x,expected_sum_x,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(x,expected_sum_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(y,expected_sum_y,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(y,expected_sum_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(z,expected_sum_z,6,"origindist bad distance: is {} should be {}".format(z,expected_sum_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v3.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 27
    def gravity(self, particle):

        # return the value for gravity in m/impulse/impulse
        #gravity_acc = particle.position.point_at_that(self.gravity_locus)
        #World.Log_Data("point at:{}".format(gravity_acc.convert_to_cartesian()))
        #World.Log_Data("self.gravity_mag: {}".format(self.gravity_mag*  float(self.impulse_duration) / World.MICROS_IN_SEC))
        #gravity_acc.set_r(self.gravity_mag *  float(self.impulse_duration) / World.MICROS_IN_SEC)
        gravity_acc = Vector3dm(0, 0, 0.0098, "c")
        return gravity_acc
Exemplo n.º 28
    def impulse(self):
        for i in range(0, len(self.particles)):
            el = self.particles[i]
            el.acceleration = Vector3dm.zero_vector()
            World.Log_Data("{}: impulse old: {}".format(i, el))

            brain_acc = el.brain()
            brain_acc.set_r(brain_acc.get_r() * float(self.impulse_duration) /
            World.Log_Data("{}: brain: {}".format(
                i, brain_acc.convert_to_cartesian()))

            aero_acc = el.aero_acc()
            World.Log_Data("{}: pre set aero_acc: {}".format(
                i, aero_acc.convert_to_cartesian()))
            aero_acc.set_r(brain_acc.get_r() * float(self.impulse_duration) /
            World.Log_Data("{}: post set aero_acc: {}".format(
                i, aero_acc.convert_to_cartesian()))

            gravity_acc = self.gravity(el)
            physics_acc = self.physics(el)

            World.Log_Data("{}: impulse pre:{}".format(i, el))

            el.acceleration = Vector3dm.zero_vector().add(brain_acc).add(

            el.velocity = el.velocity.add(el.acceleration)
            el.position = el.position.add(el.velocity)

            World.Log_Data("{}: impulse post:{}".format(i, el))

                el)  # change the particle based on wall/space constraints
            World.Log_Data("{}: impulse new: {}".format(i, el))

        self.sim_time += self.impulse_duration
        World.Log_Data("time: {}".format(self.sim_time))
Exemplo n.º 29
	def test_point_at_that(self):
		#example from http://mathonline.wikidot.com/determining-a-vector-given-two-points
		x1 = 2
		y1 = 2
		z1 = 1
		x2 = 6
		y2 = 3
		z2 = 2
		exp_x = 4
		exp_y = 1
		exp_z = 1
		v1 = Vector3dm(x1,y1,z1,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(x2,y2,z2,"c")
		res_v = v1.point_at_that(v2).convert_to_cartesian()
		rx = res_v.vals[0]
		ry = res_v.vals[1]
		rz = res_v.vals[2]
		self.assertAlmostEqual(rx,exp_x,6,"point_at_that x bad result: is {} should be {}".format(rx,exp_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(ry,exp_y,6,"point_at_that y bad result: is {} should be {}".format(ry,exp_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(rz,exp_z,6,"point_at_that z bad result: is {} should be {}".format(rz,exp_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
Exemplo n.º 30
	def test_where_from_here(self):
		#example from http://mathonline.wikidot.com/determining-a-vector-given-two-points; rearranged
		x1 = 2
		y1 = 2
		z1 = 1
		x2 = 4
		y2 = 1
		z2 = 1
		exp_x = 6
		exp_y = 3
		exp_z = 2
		v1 = Vector3dm(x1,y1,z1,"c")
		v2 = Vector3dm(x2,y2,z2,"c")
		res_v = v1.where_from_here(v2).convert_to_cartesian()
		rx = res_v.vals[0]
		ry = res_v.vals[1]
		rz = res_v.vals[2]
		self.assertAlmostEqual(rx,exp_x,6,"where_from_here x bad result: is {} should be {}".format(rx,exp_x))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(ry,exp_y,6,"where_from_here y bad result: is {} should be {}".format(ry,exp_y))
		self.assertAlmostEqual(rz,exp_z,6,"where_from_here z bad result: is {} should be {}".format(rz,exp_z))
		self.assertEqual(type(v1.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(v2.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")
		self.assertEqual(type(res_v.vals),type([]),"test changed vals type")