Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_random(cls, shape, n=None, prob=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate signals randomly.

        If `n` is set, see `vectorbt.signals.nb.generate_rand_nb`.
        If `prob` is set, see `vectorbt.signals.nb.generate_rand_by_prob_nb`.

        `n` should be either a scalar or an array that will broadcast to the number of columns.
        `prob` should be either a single number or an array that will broadcast to match `shape`.
        `**kwargs` will be passed to pandas constructor.

        ## Example

        For each column, generate a variable number of signals:
        >>> pd.DataFrame.vbt.signals.generate_random((5, 3), n=[0, 1, 2],
        ...     seed=42, index=sig.index, columns=sig.columns)
                        a      b      c
        2020-01-01  False  False   True
        2020-01-02  False  False   True
        2020-01-03  False  False  False
        2020-01-04  False   True  False
        2020-01-05  False  False  False

        For each column and time step, pick a signal with 50% probability:
        >>> pd.DataFrame.vbt.signals.generate_random((5, 3), prob=0.5,
        ...     seed=42, index=sig.index, columns=sig.columns)
                        a      b      c
        2020-01-01   True   True   True
        2020-01-02  False   True  False
        2020-01-03  False  False  False
        2020-01-04  False  False   True
        2020-01-05   True  False   True
        flex_2d = True
        if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
            flex_2d = False
            shape = (shape, 1)
        elif isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) == 1:
            flex_2d = False
            shape = (shape[0], 1)

        if n is not None and prob is not None:
            raise ValueError("Either n or prob should be set")
        if n is not None:
            n = np.broadcast_to(n, shape[1])
            result = nb.generate_rand_nb(shape, n, seed=seed)
        elif prob is not None:
            prob = np.broadcast_to(prob, shape)
            result = nb.generate_rand_by_prob_nb(shape, prob, flex_2d, seed=seed)
            raise ValueError("At least n or prob should be set")

        if cls.is_series():
            if shape[1] > 1:
                raise ValueError("Use DataFrame accessor")
            return pd.Series(result[:, 0], **kwargs)
        return pd.DataFrame(result, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generate_random_by_prob(cls, shape, prob, seed=None, **kwargs):
        """See `vectorbt.signals.nb.generate_rand_by_prob_nb`.

        `prob` must be either a single number or an array that will be broadcast to match `shape`.
        `**kwargs` will be passed to pandas constructor.

            For each column and time step, pick a signal with 0.5 probability:
            >>> print(pd.DataFrame.vbt.signals.generate_random_by_prob((5, 3), 0.5,
            ...     seed=42, index=sig.index, columns=sig.columns))
                            a      b      c
            2020-01-01   True   True   True
            2020-01-02  False   True  False
            2020-01-03  False  False  False
            2020-01-04  False  False   True
            2020-01-05   True  False   True
        if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
            shape = (shape, 1)
        elif isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) == 1:
            shape = (shape[0], 1)

        probs = np.broadcast_to(prob, shape)
        result = nb.generate_rand_by_prob_nb(shape, probs, seed=seed)

        if cls.is_series():
            return pd.Series(result[:, 0], **kwargs)
        return pd.DataFrame(result, **kwargs)