Exemplo n.º 1
def vector_converge(tea_name,r_rating, r_vc):
	if DEBUG:
		print "[new recieved]tea_name:" , tea_name, "rating:", r_rating,  "new v clocks:",r_vc

	rating, choices, vc = get_from_redis(tea_name)
	if rating == None: # no key found for the tea
		conv_rating = r_rating
                conv_choices = [r_rating]
                conv_vc =  r_vc
		if DEBUG:
			print "[previous]tea_name:" , tea_name, "rating:", rating,"choices:", choices, "new v clocks:",vc
		#compare existing clocks and received clock	
		#print "r_vc = " , r_vc.clock , "vc=", vc.clock ,
		if DEBUG:
			print "[compare] r_vc == vc :", (r_vc == vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc > vc: " , (r_vc > vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc < vc: " , (r_vc < vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc >= vc: " ,( r_vc >= vc)
			print "[compare] coalesce = " , VectorClock.coalesce([r_vc,vc])
			print "[compare] converge = " , VectorClock.converge([r_vc,vc])
		if r_vc == vc:
			conv_rating = r_rating
                	conv_choices = None
                	conv_vc =  None
		elif r_vc > vc: # more recent data
			#compute mean value
			conv_rating = r_rating 
			#choose the recent vector clocks
			conv_vc = r_vc
			#choose the recent choices based on the clocks 
			conv_choices = [r_rating] 
		elif r_vc < vc: # ignore 
			if DEBUG:
				print "[ignore] r_vc<vc"
			#compute mean value
                        conv_rating = rating
                        #choose the recent vector clocks
                        conv_vc = None
                        #choose the recent choices based on the clocks
                        conv_choices = None
			combined_clocks_list = VectorClock.coalesce([r_vc,vc])
			if DEBUG:
				print "combined clocks:",combined_clocks_list
			if r_vc in combined_clocks_list and vc in combined_clocks_list:	
				#choose merged choices based on the clocks
				conv_choices = choices + [r_rating]
				conv_rating = meanAvg(conv_choices)
                        	#choose the recent vector clocks
                        	conv_vc = VectorClock.converge([r_vc,vc]) 
				if DEBUG:
					print "[incom] c_choices=", conv_choices, "c_rating=",conv_rating, "c_vc=", conv_vc						
	return conv_rating, conv_choices,conv_vc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def put(self, key, metadata, value, destnode=None):
#        print "node: ",len(DynamoNode.nodelist)
        temp = metadata
        while True:
            metadata = temp
            if destnode is None:  # Pick a random node to send the request to
                destnode = random.choice(DynamoNode.nodelist)
            # Input metadata is always a sequence, but we always need to insert a
            # single VectorClock object into the ClientPut message
#            print '-------------------------choice:', destnode
            if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0] is None:
                metadata = VectorClock()
                # A Put operation always implies convergence
                metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
            putmsg = ClientPut(self.addr, destnode, key, value, metadata)
            con  = self.connections[self.servers.index(destnode)]
            result = Framework.send_message(putmsg, con)
            if result is not False:
            destnode = None
        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
 def put_message(self, fromnode, key, value, metadata):
     #print 'client put!!!'
     metadata = pickle.loads(metadata)
     if metadata is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         # A Put operation always implies convergence
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(fromnode, self.addr, key, value, metadata)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def put(self, key, metadata, value, destnode=None):
     if destnode is None:
         destnode = random.choice(DynamoNode.nodelist)
     if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0] is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(self, destnode, key, value, metadata)
     return putmsg
Exemplo n.º 5
 def put_message(self, fromnode, key, value, metadata):
     #print 'client put!!!'
     metadata = pickle.loads(metadata)
     if metadata is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         # A Put operation always implies convergence
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(fromnode, self.addr, key, value, metadata)
    # Framework.schedule(timers_to_process=0)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def put(self, key, metadata, value, destnode=None):
     if destnode is None:  # Pick a random node to send the request to
         destnode = random.choice(DynamoNode.nodelist)
     # Input metadata is always a sequence, but we always need to insert a
     # single VectorClock object into the ClientPut message
     if len(metadata) == 1 and metadata[0] is None:
         metadata = VectorClock()
         # A Put operation always implies convergence
         metadata = VectorClock.converge(metadata)
     putmsg = ClientPut(self, destnode, key, value, metadata)
     return putmsg
Exemplo n.º 7
def vector_converge(tea_name,r_rating, r_vc):
	conv_list =[]

	if DEBUG:
		print "\n[new recieved]tea_name:" , tea_name, "rating:", r_rating,  "new v clocks:",r_vc

	rating, choices, vc_list = get_from_redis(tea_name)	
	if rating == None: # no key found for the tea
		conv_rating = r_rating
                conv_choices = [r_rating]
		vc = merge_dict(vc_list)
		coal = VectorClock.coalesce([vc,r_vc])
                conv = VectorClock.converge([vc,r_vc])
		if DEBUG:
			print "[previous]vc_list to vc format:", vc
			print "[previous]tea_name:" , tea_name, "rating:", rating,"choices:", choices
			print "[compare] r_vc == vc :", (r_vc == vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc > vc: " , (r_vc > vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc < vc: " , (r_vc < vc)
			print "[compare] r_vc >= vc: " ,( r_vc >= vc)
			print "[compare] coalesce = " , VectorClock.coalesce([vc,r_vc])
			print "[compare] converge = " , VectorClock.converge([vc,r_vc])
			print "[compare] r_vc in v.coalesce = ",r_vc in VectorClock.coalesce([vc,r_vc])
			print "[compare] vc in v.coalesce = ",vc in VectorClock.coalesce([vc,r_vc])
			print "[compare] r_vc in v.converge = ",r_vc in seperate_to_vc_list(conv)
			print "[compare] vc in v.converge = ",vc in seperate_to_vc_list(conv)
			print "[compare] r_vc < v.converge ", r_vc <=  VectorClock.converge([vc,r_vc])
		   	print "[compare] vc < v.converge ", vc <=  VectorClock.converge([vc,r_vc])
		is_incomparable = (r_vc in coal) and (vc in coal) and ( r_vc <= conv ) and ( vc <= conv)

		if r_vc == vc:
			conv_rating = r_rating
                	conv_choices = None
			conv_list = None
		elif r_vc > vc: # more recent data
			#compute mean value,recent vector clocksd, and choices
			conv_rating = r_rating 
			conv_choices = [r_rating] 
		elif r_vc < vc: # ignore 
			if DEBUG:
				print "[ignore] r_vc<vc"
                        conv_rating = rating
                        conv_choices = None
			conv_list = None	
		elif is_incomparable:
			combined_clocks_list = VectorClock.coalesce([vc,r_vc])
			if DEBUG:
				print "combined clocks:",combined_clocks_list
				print "----- [incom] r_vc:", r_vc
				print "----- [incom] vc:", vc
				print "----- [incom] coal:", coal
				print "----- [incom] conv:", conv		
				print "----- [incom] choices:",choices, ",r_choices:", r_rating
		 	conv_vc_list = seperate_to_vc_list(conv)	
			#find choices related with conv_list
			conv_choices = []
			conv_list,conv_choices = decide_to_append_vc_list(vc_list,choices,conv_vc_list,conv_list,conv_choices)  #check previous vc list
			conv_list,conv_choices = decide_to_append_vc_list([r_vc],[r_rating],conv_vc_list,conv_list,conv_choices)#check received r_vc list  
			conv_list,conv_choices = eliminate_old_clocks(conv_list,conv_choices) #double check
			conv_rating = meanAvg(conv_choices)

			if DEBUG:	
				print "----- [incomp] new conv_choices:",conv_choices
				print "----- [incomp] new conv_list:", conv_list
				print "----- [incomp] new conv_rating:",conv_rating	
	return conv_rating, conv_choices,conv_list