Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_ratings(self, device_infos):
        devdt = {}
        min_dt = {}
        for desc, device_info in sorted(device_infos.items()):
            krninfo = device_info.get("matrix_multiplication")
            if krninfo is None:
            devdt[desc] = {}
            for dtype, typeinfo in krninfo.items():
                bs_vo_dt = typeinfo.get("0")
                if bs_vo_dt is None or len(bs_vo_dt) < 3:
                devdt[desc][dtype] = bs_vo_dt[2]
                min_dt[dtype] = min(min_dt.get(dtype, 1.0e30), bs_vo_dt[2])

        table = prettytable.PrettyTable("device", " dtype", "rating")
        table.align["device"] = "l"
        table.align[" dtype"] = "l"
        rating = {}
        for desc, dtypedt in sorted(devdt.items()):
            rating[desc] = {}
            for dtype, dt in sorted(dtypedt.items()):
                rating[desc][dtype] = min_dt[dtype] / dt
                table.add_row(desc, dtype, "%.3f" % rating[desc][dtype])
        self.debug("Device ratings:\n%s", str(table))

        if self.device_info.desc in rating:
            self.device_info.rating = rating[self.device_info.desc]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        super(OpenCLDevice, self).__init__()

        self._blas = None
        self._id = None

        # Workaround for NVIDIA
        # (fixes incorrect behaviour with OpenCL binaries)
        if os.getenv("CUDA_CACHE_DISABLE") is None:
            os.putenv("CUDA_CACHE_DISABLE", "1")

        # Workaround for AMD
        # (fixes segmentation fault when accessed over ssh with X and
        #  no X is running or when accessing locally and integrated
        #  video device is used instead of AMD one)
        d = os.getenv("DISPLAY")
        if d is not None and d != os.getenv("COMPUTE"):

        # Set 64-bit mode for AMD OpenCL by default
        if os.getenv("GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR") is None:
            os.putenv("GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR", "1")

        # Get the device
        res = self._get_some_device()

        # Restore DISPLAY to enable drawing
        if d is not None:
            os.putenv("DISPLAY", d)
        if not res:

        log_configs = "Selected the following OpenCL configuration:\n"
        table = prettytable.PrettyTable("device", " dtype", "rating",
                                        "BLOCK_SIZE", "VECTOR_OPT", "version")
        table.align["device"] = "l"
        table.align[" dtype"] = "l"
        table.align["BLOCK_SIZE"] = "l"
        table.align["VECTOR_OPT"] = "l"
        for dtype in sorted(opencl_types.dtypes.keys()):
            rating = self.device_info.rating.get(dtype)
            if rating is None:
                rating = ""
                rating = "%.3f" % rating
            bs_vo = self.device_info.get_kernel_bs_vo(dtype=dtype)
            table.add_row(self.device_info.desc, dtype, rating, bs_vo[0],
                          bs_vo[1], self.device_info.version)
        self.info(log_configs + str(table))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        super(CUDADevice, self).__init__()
        self._context_ = None
        self._id = None
        self._blas_ = {}

        # Get the device

        log_configs = "Selected the following CUDA device:\n"
        table = prettytable.PrettyTable("device", "mem", "compute", "pci")
        table.align["device"] = "l"
        table.align["mem"] = "r"
        table.align["pci"] = "l"
                      self.context.device.total_mem // 1048576,
                      "%d.%d" % self.context.device.compute_capability,
        self.info(log_configs + str(table))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _dump_unit_attributes(self, arrays=True):
        import veles.external.prettytable as prettytable
        from veles.workflow import Workflow

        self.debug("Dumping unit attributes of %s...", str(self.workflow))
        table = prettytable.PrettyTable("#", "unit", "attr", "value")
        table.align["#"] = "r"
        table.align["unit"] = "l"
        table.align["attr"] = "l"
        table.align["value"] = "l"
        table.max_width["value"] = 100
        for i, u in enumerate(self.workflow.units_in_dependency_order):
            for k, v in sorted(u.__dict__.items()):
                if k not in Workflow.HIDDEN_UNIT_ATTRS:
                    if (not arrays and hasattr(v, "__len__") and len(v) > 32
                            and not isinstance(v, str)
                            and not isinstance(v, bytes)):
                        strv = "object of class %s of length %d" % (repr(
                            v.__class__.__name__), len(v))
                        strv = repr(v)
                    table.add_row(i, u.__class__.__name__, k, strv)