Exemplo n.º 1
def test_serialize_forget(seed):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='serialized.ripl') as f:
        v1 = get_ripl(seed=seed)
        v1.assume('is_tricky', '(flip 0.2)')
        v1.assume('theta', '(if is_tricky (beta 1.0 1.0) 0.5)')
        v1.assume('flip_coin', '(lambda () (flip theta))')
        for i in range(10):
            v1.observe('(flip_coin)', 'true', label='y{}'.format(i))


        v2 = get_ripl()

        for i in range(10):

        v2.predict('is_tricky', label='pid')

        infer = "(resimulation_mh default one %s)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample(
        samples = collectStateSequence(v2, 'pid', infer=infer)
        ans = [(False, 0.8), (True, 0.2)]
        return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, samples)
 def posterior_inference_action():
     # Work around the fact that Puma doesn't have rejection sampling
     # by asking for a bunch of MH.
     if backend_name() == 'lite':
         return "(rejection default all 1)"
         return "(resimulation_mh default one %d)" % (
             default_num_transitions_per_sample(), )
Exemplo n.º 3
def checkPGibbsBasic2(in_parallel, seed):
  # Basic sanity test
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("x","(flip 0.1)",label="pid")
  infer = "(pgibbs default one 2 %s %s)" % (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel)
  predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer=infer)
  ans = [(False,.9),(True,.1)]
  return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 4
def testDetachRegenInference(seed):
    ripl = custom_mh_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
    ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,
                                 infer="(repeat %d (custom_mh default all))" %
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Exemplo n.º 5
def checkPGibbsBasic1(in_parallel, seed):
  # Basic sanity test
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  infer = "(pgibbs default one 2 %s %s)" % (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel)

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer=infer)
  ans = [(True,.5),(False,.5)]
  return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 6
def testCustomProposalInference(seed):
    ripl = gaussian_drift_mh_ripl(seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
    ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
    predictions = collectSamples(
        infer="(repeat %d (gaussian_drift_mh default all 0.5))" %
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def try_at_five(maker):
     r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
     r.assume("mu", "(normal 0 1)")
     r.assume("obs", "(%s mu 1 1 1)" % maker)
     r.observe("(obs)", 5)
     infer = "(mh default all %d)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample()
     return collectSamples(r,
Exemplo n.º 8
def testExecuteSmoke(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    predictions = []
    for _ in range(default_num_samples()):
        ripl.execute_program("""[assume x (normal 0 1)]
;; An observation
[observe (normal x 1) 2] ; with an end-of-line comment
[infer (mh default one %s)]""" % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
def checkEnumerativeGibbsBoostThrashClose(in_parallel, seed):
    # Enumerating two choices with almost the same posterior probability
    # should mix well.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(flip 0.1)", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(flip (if x .91 .09))", "true")
    infer = "(gibbs default one %s %s)" % \
        (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel)
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer)
    ans = [(False, .471), (True, .529)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _test_serialize_program(v, label, action):
    engine = v.sivm.core_sivm.engine

    if action == 'serialize':
        trace1 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        serialized = trace1.dump()
        trace2 = engine.model.restore_trace(serialized)
        assert isinstance(serialized, tuple)
        assert len(serialized) == 3
        assert isinstance(serialized[0], list)
        assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in serialized[0])
        assert isinstance(serialized[1],
                          dict)  # Mapping directive ids to directives
        for (key, val) in serialized[1].iteritems():
            assert isinstance(key, int)
            assert isinstance(val, list)
        assert isinstance(serialized[2], set)  # Names of bound foreign sps
        for elem in serialized[2]:
            assert isinstance(elem, basestring)
        assert isinstance(trace2, type(trace1))
        assert isinstance(trace2.trace, type(trace1.trace))
    elif action == 'copy':
        trace1 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        trace2 = engine.model.copy_trace(trace1)
        assert isinstance(trace2, type(trace1))
        assert isinstance(trace2.trace, type(trace1.trace))
    elif action == 'convert_puma':
            from venture.puma import trace
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest("Puma backend does not appear to be installed")
        trace1 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        trace2 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        assert 'venture.puma' in trace2.trace.__module__
    elif action == 'convert_lite':
        trace1 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        trace2 = engine.getDistinguishedTrace()
        assert 'venture.lite' in trace2.trace.__module__
        assert False

    infer = "(resimulation_mh default one %s)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample(
    r2 = collectStateSequence(v, label, infer=infer)

    r1 = collectStateSequence(v, label, infer=infer)

    return reportSameDiscrete(r1, r2)
Exemplo n.º 11
def testCycleKernel(seed):
    # Same example as testBlockingExample0, but a cycle kernel that
    # covers everything should solve it
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("a", "(tag 0 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid")
    ripl.assume("b", "(tag 1 1 (normal a 1.0))")
    ripl.observe("(normal b 1.0)", 14.0)

    infer = "(repeat %s (do (mh 0 0 1) (mh 1 1 1)))" % \

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer)
    return reportKnownGaussian(34.0 / 3.0, math.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0), predictions)
def checkEnumerativeGibbsXOR2(in_parallel, seed):
    # Tests that an XOR chain mixes with enumerative gibbs.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("x", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0015))", label="pid")
    ripl.assume("y", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0005))")
                "(lambda (pred noise) (flip (if pred 1.0 noise)))")
    ripl.observe("(noisy_true (= (+ x y) 1) .000001)", "true")
    infer = "(gibbs 0 0 %s %s)" % \
        (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel)
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer)
    ans = [(True, .75), (False, .25)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testOccasionalRejectionBrush(seed):
    # Another version, this time with explicit brush creating the mix mh
    # correction.

    # Note that in this case, the correction is sound: The number of
    # random choices available in the default one scope really is
    # changing, whereas in `testOccasionalRejection` it is not.

    # To see why, consider what transition the operator (gibbs default
    # one 1) induces on this model (assuming the current behavior of
    # always claiming the proposal weight is 0).
    # - False, False is not possible
    # - From False, True:
    #   - With probability 50%, enumerate the second coin, and propose
    #     to keep it at True.
    #   - Else, enumerate the first coin, find that both states are
    #     equally good, and
    #     - With probability 50%, propose to leave it
    #     - Else, propose to change it to True, which is accepted (with
    #       or without the correction)
    #   - Ergo, move to the True state 25% of the time.
    # - From True, enumerate the first coin
    #   - With probability 50%, the second coin comes up False in the brush;
    #     propose to stay in the True state.
    #   - Else, both states equally good
    #     - With probability 50%, propose to stay in the True state
    #     - Else, propose to move to the False, True state
    #       - If the correction is applied, this proposal will be
    #         rejected with probability 50%.
    #   - Ergo, move to the False, True state 25% (no correction) or
    #     12.5% (correction) of the time.
    # - The former will induce a 50/50 stationary distribution on the
    #   value of flip1, whereas the right answer is 2:1 odds in favor of
    #   True.
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
(assume flip1 (flip))
(assume flip1_or_flip2
  (if flip1 true (flip)))
(observe (exactly flip1_or_flip2) true)
;; Reject with a non-negligible probability per transition, which would
;; cause a crash if Gibbs couldn't handle rejection
(gibbs default one 50 false)
    infer = "(gibbs default one %s false)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample(
    predictions = collectSamples(r, address="flip1", infer=infer)
    ans = [(True, 2.0 / 3), (False, 1.0 / 3)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 14
def testModelSwitchingSmoke(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
[define normal_through_model
  (lambda (mu sigma)
    (do (m <- (new_model))
        (res <- (in_model m
          (do (assume x (normal 0 ,(* (sqrt 2) sigma)))
              (assume y (normal x ,(* (sqrt 2) sigma)))
              (observe y (* 2 mu))
              (mh default one %s)
              (sample x))))
        (return (first res))))]
  """ % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
  predictions = [ripl.infer("(normal_through_model 0 1)") for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
  return reportKnownGaussian(0.0, 1.0, predictions)
def checkForEachParticleCustomMH(mode, seed):
    n = max(2, default_num_samples())
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
        "drift_mh", """\
(lambda (scope block)
   (on_subproblem default all
      (lambda (x) (normal x 1))))))
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
    ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2)
    ripl.infer("(resample%s %s)" % (mode, n))
    for _ in range(default_num_transitions_per_sample()):
        ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (drift_mh default all))")
    predictions = ripl.infer("(for_each_particle (sample x))")
    return reportKnownGaussian(1, 0.5**0.5, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 16
def testModelForkingSmoke(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
[assume p (beta 1 1)]

[define beta_through_model
  (lambda (a b)
    (do (m <- (fork_model))
        (res <- (in_model m
          (do (repeat (- a 1) (observe (flip p) true))
              (repeat (- b 1) (observe (flip p) false))
              (mh default one %s)
              (sample p))))
        (return (first res))))]
  """ % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
  predictions = [ripl.infer("(beta_through_model 3 2)") for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
  cdf = stats.beta(3,2).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
def checkEnumerativeGibbsXOR3(in_parallel, seed):
    # A regression catching a mysterious math domain error.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("x", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0015))", label="pid")
    ripl.assume("y", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0005))")
                "(lambda (pred noise) (tag 0 0 (flip (if pred 1.0 noise))))")
    # This predict is the different between this test and
    # testEnumerativeGibbsXOR2, and currently causes a mystery math
    # domain error.

    ripl.predict("(noisy_true (= (+ x y) 1) .000001)")
    ripl.observe("(noisy_true (= (+ x y) 1) .000001)", "true")
    infer = "(gibbs 0 0 %s %s)" % \
        (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel)
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer)
    ans = [(True, .75), (False, .25)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 18
def testBinomial3(seed):
    # A simple test that checks the binomial enumerate method
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    b = 0.7
    p1 = 0.3
    p2 = 0.4
    n = 4
    ripl.assume("p", "(tag 0 1 (if (flip %f) %f %f))" % (b, p1, p2))
    ripl.predict("(tag 0 0 (binomial %d p))" % n, label="pid")

    predictions = collectSamples(
        infer="(repeat %s (do (resimulation_mh 0 1 1) (gibbs 0 0 1)))" %

    ans = [(x, b * scipy.stats.binom.pmf(x, n, p1) +
            (1 - b) * scipy.stats.binom.pmf(x, n, p2)) for x in range(n + 1)]
    assert_almost_equal(sum([xx[1] for xx in ans]), 1)
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 19
def checkUCKernel(name, params, seed):
  package = simulation_agreement_packages[name]
  maker = package['gibbs']
  def enstring(param):
    if isinstance(param, list):
      return "(" + " ".join(enstring(p) for p in param) + ")"
      return str(param)
  param_str = " ".join([enstring(p) for p in params])
  report = package['reporter']
  r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  r.assume("made", "(tag 'latent 0 (%s %s))" % (maker, param_str))
  for i in range(5):
    r.predict("(tag 'data %d (made))" % i, label="datum_%d" % i)
  def samples(infer):
    return collectIidSamples(r, address="datum_0",
  prior = samples("pass")
  geweke = """(repeat %d (do (resimulation_mh 'latent one 1)
    (resimulation_mh 'data all 1)))""" % default_num_transitions_per_sample()
  geweke_result = samples(geweke)
  return report(prior, geweke_result)
def testOccasionalRejectionBrushScope(seed):
    # Another version, this time requiring correct computation of the
    # correction on a custom scope (which is carefully arranged to avoid
    # creating blocks where some principal node might be in the brush).
    # This particular arrangment of blocks is chosen to falsify the
    # heuristic present at the time of writing in both Lite and Puma's
    # correction computation, which is to add the number of blocks the
    # scope had remaining in the pre-proposal trace with the number of
    # blocks that gained root nodes in the proposal.  This heuristic is
    # wrong if a block that is not empty in the pre-proposal trace gains
    # a new node due to the proposal, which is what happens here, when
    # `flip2` proposes to move from True to False.
    r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
(assume flip1 (tag "frob" 1 (flip)))
(assume flip2 (tag "frob" 2 (flip)))
(assume flip2_or_flip3
  (if flip2 true (tag "frob" 1 (flip))))
(observe (exactly (or flip1 flip2_or_flip3)) true)
    infer = '(gibbs "frob" one %s false)' % default_num_transitions_per_sample(
    predictions = collectSamples(r,
    # TODO Would be nice to do the power analysis to pick the number of
    # samples.  Not sure exactly what distribution the expected bug
    # produces, but empirically it looks like it might be 2:1
    # True:False.  (The incorrect computation being singled out
    # overcorrects, which I think means more rejections of True->False
    # moves than are justified.)  A reasonable fallback might be "Pick
    # the closest distribution given by comparably small integer ratios
    # that is skewed in the expected direction".
    ans = [(True, 4.0 / 7), (False, 3.0 / 7)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Exemplo n.º 21
def inferCommand(slice_method):
    ntransitions = default_num_transitions_per_sample()
    return "(%s default one 0.5 10000 %s)" % (slice_method, ntransitions)
Exemplo n.º 22
def testGoldwater1():
    # Fairly complicated program. Just checks to make sure it runs
    # without crashing.
    raise SkipTest(
        "This test blocked the inference quality suite for 9 hours once.  Issue: https://app.asana.com/0/11127829865276/12392223521813"
    ripl = get_ripl()

    brent = [
        "catanddog", "dogandcat", "birdandcat", "dogandbird", "birdcatdog"

    N = default_num_transitions_per_sample()

    alphabet = "".join(set("".join(list(
    d = {}
    for i in xrange(len(alphabet)):
        d[alphabet[i]] = i

                "(if (flip) (normal 10 1) (gamma 1 1))")
    ripl.assume("alphabet_length", str(len(alphabet)))

        "((if (flip) make_sym_dir_cat make_uc_sym_dir_cat) parameter_for_dirichlet alphabet_length)"
    # TODO What is the second parameter to make_crp supposed to be?
    # This line used to say "((if (flip) make_crp make_crp) (gamma 1.0 1.0) (uniform_continuous 0.001 0.01))"
                "((if (flip) make_crp make_crp) (gamma 1.0 1.0))")

    ripl.assume("sample_letter_in_word", """
(mem (lambda (word_id pos)
    ripl.assume("is_end", """
(mem (lambda (word_id pos)
  (flip .3)))

        "get_word_id", """
(mem (lambda (sentence sentence_pos)
  (if (= sentence_pos 0)
      (if (is_end (get_word_id sentence (- sentence_pos 1))
                  (get_pos sentence (- sentence_pos 1)))
          (get_word_id sentence (- sentence_pos 1))))))

        "get_pos", """
(mem (lambda (sentence sentence_pos)
  (if (= sentence_pos 0)
      (if (is_end (get_word_id sentence (- sentence_pos 1))
                  (get_pos sentence (- sentence_pos 1)))
        (+ (get_pos sentence (- sentence_pos 1)) 1)))))

        "sample_symbol", """
(mem (lambda (sentence sentence_pos)
  (sample_letter_in_word (get_word_id sentence sentence_pos) (get_pos sentence sentence_pos))))

    ripl.assume("noise", "(gamma 1 1)")
                "(lambda (pred noise) (flip (if pred 1.0 noise)))")

    for i in range(len(brent)):  #for each sentence
        for j in range(len(brent[i])):  #for each letter
            ripl.predict("(sample_symbol %d %d)" % (i, j))
                "(noisy_true (eq (sample_symbol %d %d) atom<%d>) noise)" %
                (i, j, d[str(brent[i][j])]), "true")

    ripl.infer(N)  # TODO Make this an actual inference quality test.