Exemplo n.º 1
    def scan(self, package, categories=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.
        seen = set()

        def invoke(name, ob):
            # in one scan, we only process each object once
            if id(ob) in seen:

            category_keys = categories
                attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR)
                # some metaclasses do insane things when asked for an attribute
                # (like not raising an AttributeError)
            if not attached_categories.attached_to(ob):
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = attached_categories.keys()
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, "__path__"):  # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__ + ".")

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                if loader is not None:  # happens on pypy with orphaned pyc
                    module_type = loader.etc[2]
                    # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                    # and package directories
                    if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                        # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                        # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                        # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                        module = sys.modules[modname]
                        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(module, None):
                            invoke(name, ob)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def scan(self, package, categories=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.
        def invoke(name, ob):
            category_keys = categories
            attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR, {})
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = attached_categories.keys()
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, '__path__'):  # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__ + '.')

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                module_type = loader.etc[2]
                # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                # and package directories
                if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                    # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                    # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                    # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                    module = sys.modules[modname]
                    for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(module, None):
                        invoke(name, ob)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def scan(self, package, categories=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.
        def invoke(name, ob):
            category_keys = categories
            attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR, {})
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = attached_categories.keys()
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, '__path__'): # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__+'.')

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                module_type = loader.etc[2]
                # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                # and package directories
                if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                    # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                    # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                    # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                    module = sys.modules[modname]
                    for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(module, None):
                        invoke(name, ob)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def scan(self, package, categories=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.
        seen = set()
        def invoke(name, ob):
            # in one scan, we only process each object once
            if id(ob) in seen:
            category_keys = categories
                # Some metaclasses do insane things when asked for an
                # ``ATTACH_ATTR``, like not raising an AttributeError but
                # some other arbitary exception.  Some even shittier
                # introspected code lets us access ``ATTACH_ATTR`` far but
                # barfs on a second attribute access for ``attached_to``
                # (still not raising an AttributeError, but some other
                # arbitrary exception).  Finally, the shittiest code of all
                # allows the attribute access of the ``ATTACH_ATTR`` *and*
                # ``attached_to``, (say, both ``ob.__getattr__`` and
                # ``attached_categories.__getattr__`` returning a proxy for
                # any attribute access), which either a) isn't callable or b)
                # is callable, but, when called, shits its pants in an
                # potentially arbitrary way (although for b, only TypeError
                # has been seen in the wild, from PyMongo).  Thus the
                # catchall except: return here, which in any other case would
                # be high treason.
                attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR)
                if not attached_categories.attached_to(ob):
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = attached_categories.keys()
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, '__path__'): # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__+'.')

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                if loader is not None: # happens on pypy with orphaned pyc
                    module_type = loader.etc[2]
                    # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                    # and package directories
                    if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                        # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                        # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                        # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                        module = sys.modules[modname]
                        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(module, None):
                            invoke(name, ob)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def scan(self, package, categories=None, onerror=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.

        The ``onerror`` argument should either be ``None`` or a callback
        function which behaves the same way as the ``onerror`` callback
        function described in
        http://docs.python.org/library/pkgutil.html#pkgutil.walk_packages .

        By default, during a scan, Venusian will propagate all errors that
        happen during its code importing process, including
        :exc:`ImportError`.  If you use a custom ``onerror`` callback, you
        can change this behavior.
        Here's an example ``onerror`` callback that ignores

            import sys
            def onerror(name):
                if not issubclass(sys.exc_info()[0], ImportError):
                    raise # reraise the last exception

        The ``name`` passed to ``onerror`` is the module or package dotted
        name that could not be imported due to an exception.

        .. note:: the ``onerror`` callback is new as of Venusian 1.0.
        if onerror is None:
            # by default, propagate all errors (for bw compat purposes)
            def onerror(name):

        seen = set()

        def invoke(name, ob):
            # in one scan, we only process each object once
            if id(ob) in seen:

            category_keys = categories
                # Some metaclasses do insane things when asked for an
                # ``ATTACH_ATTR``, like not raising an AttributeError but
                # some other arbitary exception.  Some even shittier
                # introspected code lets us access ``ATTACH_ATTR`` far but
                # barfs on a second attribute access for ``attached_to``
                # (still not raising an AttributeError, but some other
                # arbitrary exception).  Finally, the shittiest code of all
                # allows the attribute access of the ``ATTACH_ATTR`` *and*
                # ``attached_to``, (say, both ``ob.__getattr__`` and
                # ``attached_categories.__getattr__`` returning a proxy for
                # any attribute access), which either a) isn't callable or b)
                # is callable, but, when called, shits its pants in an
                # potentially arbitrary way (although for b, only TypeError
                # has been seen in the wild, from PyMongo).  Thus the
                # catchall except: return here, which in any other case would
                # be high treason.
                attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR)
                if not attached_categories.attached_to(ob):
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = list(attached_categories.keys())
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, '__path__'):  # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__,
                                    package.__name__ + '.',

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                if loader is not None:  # happens on pypy with orphaned pyc
                        module_type = loader.etc[2]
                        # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                        # and package directories
                        if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                            # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                            # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                            # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                            except Exception:
                            module = sys.modules.get(modname)
                            if module is not None:
                                for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(
                                        module, None):
                                    invoke(name, ob)
                        if (hasattr(loader, 'file')
                                and hasattr(loader.file, 'close')):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def scan(self, package, categories=None, onerror=None):
        """ Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages.  All
        top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
        venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be

        The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
        package or module object.

        The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
        callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
        special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
        categories.  The default is ``None``.

        The ``onerror`` argument should either be ``None`` or a callback
        function which behaves the same way as the ``onerror`` callback
        function described in
        http://docs.python.org/library/pkgutil.html#pkgutil.walk_packages .

        By default, during a scan, Venusian will propagate all errors that
        happen during its code importing process, including
        :exc:`ImportError`.  If you use a custom ``onerror`` callback, you
        can change this behavior.
        Here's an example ``onerror`` callback that ignores

            import sys
            def onerror(name):
                if not isinstance(sys.exc_info()[0], ImportError):
                    raise # reraise the last exception

        The ``name`` passed to ``onerror`` is the module or package dotted
        name that could not be imported due to an exception.
        if onerror is None:
            # by default, propagate all errors (for bw compat purposes)
            def onerror(name):

        seen = set()
        def invoke(name, ob):
            # in one scan, we only process each object once
            if id(ob) in seen:
            category_keys = categories
                # Some metaclasses do insane things when asked for an
                # ``ATTACH_ATTR``, like not raising an AttributeError but
                # some other arbitary exception.  Some even shittier
                # introspected code lets us access ``ATTACH_ATTR`` far but
                # barfs on a second attribute access for ``attached_to``
                # (still not raising an AttributeError, but some other
                # arbitrary exception).  Finally, the shittiest code of all
                # allows the attribute access of the ``ATTACH_ATTR`` *and*
                # ``attached_to``, (say, both ``ob.__getattr__`` and
                # ``attached_categories.__getattr__`` returning a proxy for
                # any attribute access), which either a) isn't callable or b)
                # is callable, but, when called, shits its pants in an
                # potentially arbitrary way (although for b, only TypeError
                # has been seen in the wild, from PyMongo).  Thus the
                # catchall except: return here, which in any other case would
                # be high treason.
                attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR)
                if not attached_categories.attached_to(ob):
            if category_keys is None:
                category_keys = list(attached_categories.keys())
            for category in category_keys:
                callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
                for callback in callbacks:
                    callback(self, name, ob)

        for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(package):
            invoke(name, ob)

        if hasattr(package, '__path__'): # package, not module
            results = walk_packages(package.__path__, package.__name__+'.',

            for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
                loader = importer.find_module(modname)
                if loader is not None: # happens on pypy with orphaned pyc
                    module_type = loader.etc[2]
                    # only scrape members from non-orphaned source files
                    # and package directories
                    if module_type in (imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY):
                        # NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
                        # loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
                        # inappropriate double-execution of module code
                        except Exception:
                        module = sys.modules.get(modname)
                        if module is not None:
                            for name, ob in inspect.getmembers(module, None):
                                invoke(name, ob)