def OnTimer(timestamp=0): global seconds seconds += 1 if not tester.test_is_active and seconds < 2: maybe_start_testing() elif seconds >= max_run_time: print("FAIL The test maximum runtime of %d seconds was reached. Stopping the hub..." % max_run_time) sys.stdout.flush() tester.finish_testing(0) vh.StopHub(2)
def maybe_start_testing(): hub_name = vh.GetConfig("config", "hub_name") if hub_name == special_hub_name: ver = vh.__version__ if ver[0] == 1 and (ver[1] > 2 or ver[1] == 2 and ver[2] > 3): tester.start_testing(my_test) else: print("ERROR: Cannot run VH Integration Test. Expected version <2.0.0 and >1.2.3, but got %s" % str(ver)) sys.stdout.flush() vh.StopHub(1)
def finish_testing(self, exit_code): if self.test_is_active: now = time.time() if self.failed_tests_count == 0 and self.all_tests_count > 0: s = "All %d tests succeeded! " % self.all_tests_count else: s = "%d out of %d tests failed. " % (self.failed_tests_count, self.all_tests_count) s += "Testing took %s seconds" % (now - self.start_time) self.test(s) self.test_is_active = False print("\n================= Ending VH Integration Test =================\n") sys.stdout.flush() vh.StopHub(exit_code)