Exemplo n.º 1
def main(tv):
    yield declareReturnNop(tv, Zp)
    x, y, z = tv.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, input)
    product = x * y * z
    opened_product = yield tv.open(product)
    print "Product:", opened_product.value
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(tv):
    yield declareReturnNop(tv, Zp)

    a, b, c = tv.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, input1)
    x, y, z = tv.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zq, input2)

    d = yield tv.open(tv.mul(tv.mul(a, b), c))
    w = yield tv.open(tv.mul(tv.mul(x, y), z))

    def check(result, field, expected):
        if result == expected:
            print "%s: %s (correct)" % (field, result.value)
            print "%s: %s (incorrect, expected %d)" % (field, result.value,

    check(d, "Zp", Zp(base - 1) * Zp(base - 2) * Zp(base - 3))
    check(w, "Zq", Zq(base + 1) * Zq(base + 2) * Zq(base + 3))

Exemplo n.º 3
def main(rt):
    global tv
    tv = rt
    T = load_tableau(tv.options.tableau)
    k = tv.options.security_parameter
    l = tv.options.bit_length
    m = len(T) - 1
    n = len(T[0]) - 1
    N = m + n
    if N % 4 == 0: N += 1
    p = 1 + N * (1 + (N**2) % 4 + 4 * (2**(l + k + 1) / N))
    while not is_prime(p):
        p += 4 * N
    Zp = GF(p)
    yield declareReturnNop(tv, Zp)

    for i in xrange(len(T)):
        for j in xrange(len(T[0])):
            T[i][j] = Share(tv, Zp, Zp(T[i][j]))

    w = Zp(2)**((p - 1) / N)  # lucky choice 2
    w_powers = [Zp(1)]
    for _ in xrange(N - 1):
        w_powers.append(w_powers[-1] * w)
    basis = [Share(tv, Zp, w_powers[-(i + n)]) for i in xrange(m)]
    cobasis = [Share(tv, Zp, w_powers[-j]) for j in xrange(n)]
    iter = 0
    prev_pivot = Share(tv, Zp, Zp(1))

    print "%d Termination?..." % iter
    min, p_col_index = int_minimal(T[-1][:-1])
    while (yield tv.open(min < 0)):
        iter += 1

        print "%d Determining pivot..." % iter
        p_col = [tv.in_prod(T[i][:-1], p_col_index) for i in xrange(m + 1)]
        constraints = [(T[i][-1] + (p_col[i] <= 0), p_col[i])
                       for i in xrange(m)]
        (_, pivot), p_row_index = frac_minimal(constraints)

        print "%d Updating tableau..." % iter
        # swap basis entries
        minplus = map(operator.neg, p_row_index) + p_col_index
        row_col_ind = tv.in_prod(basis + cobasis, minplus)
        h = tv.scalar_mul(row_col_ind, minplus)
        for i in xrange(m):
            basis[i] -= h[i]
        for j in xrange(n):
            cobasis[j] -= h[m + j]
        #  T[i,j] = T[i,j]*p/p' - (C[i]/p' - p_row_index[i])*(R[j] + p * p_col_index[j])
        prev_p_inv = ~prev_pivot
        p_col = tv.scalar_mul(prev_p_inv, p_col)
        for i in xrange(m):
            p_col[i] -= p_row_index[i]
        p_row = [
            tv.in_prod([T[i][j] for i in xrange(m)], p_row_index)
            for j in xrange(n + 1)
        delta_row = tv.scalar_mul(prev_pivot, p_col_index)
        for j in xrange(n):
            p_row[j] += delta_row[j]
        T = tv.gauss(T, pivot * prev_p_inv, p_col, p_row)
        prev_pivot = pivot

        print "%d Termination?..." % iter
        min, p_col_index = int_minimal(T[-1][:-1])

    print "Termination..."
    max = yield tv.open(T[-1][-1])
    cd = yield tv.open(prev_pivot)
    print " max(f) = %d / %d" % (max.value, cd.value)

    print "Computing solution..."
    solution = [0] * n
    for i in xrange(m):
        x_powers = pow_list(T[i][-1] * ~Zp(N), basis[i], N)
        for j in xrange(n):
            coefs = [w_powers[(j * k) % N] for k in xrange(N)]
            solution[j] += tv.lin_comb(coefs, x_powers)
    solution = yield map(tv.open, solution)

    print "Computing dual solution..."
    dual_solution = [0] * m
    for j in xrange(n):
        x_powers = pow_list(T[-1][j] * ~Zp(N), cobasis[j], N)
        for i in xrange(m):
            coefs = [w_powers[((n + i) * k) % N] for k in xrange(N)]
            dual_solution[i] += tv.lin_comb(coefs, x_powers)
    dual_solution = yield map(tv.open, dual_solution)

    file = open(os.path.join("data", certificate_filename), "w")
    file.write('# tableau = \n' + options.tableau + '\n')
    file.write('# modulus = \n' + str(p) + '\n')
    file.write('# bit-length = \n' + str(tv.options.bit_length) + '\n')
    file.write('# security param = \n' + str(tv.options.security_parameter) +
    file.write('# threshold = \n' + str(tv.threshold) + '\n')
    file.write('# common divisor = \n' + str(cd.value) + '\n')
    file.write('# Solution = \n')
    for j in xrange(len(solution)):
        file.write(str(solution[j].value) + '\t')
    file.write('# Dual Solution = \n')
    for i in xrange(len(dual_solution)):
        file.write(str(dual_solution[i].value) + '\t')

Exemplo n.º 4
def run(runtime):
    yield declareReturnNop(runtime, runtime.Zp)

    global config
    npoints = int(config.get("main", "npoints"))
    ninputters = int(config.get("main", "ninputters"))
    perblock = int(config.get("main", "perblock"))
    nblocks = (npoints + perblock - 1) / perblock

    print "Welcome"

    shs = vc_read_additive_shares(runtime, runtime.Zp, "input",
                                  range(1, ninputters + 1))

    ds = []
    es = []
    vs = []
    rs = []

    for i in xrange(nblocks):
        print "Block", i
        vc_start(runtime, "block", "block" + str(i))
        shcur, rndcur = vc_import_additive_shares(runtime, shs,
                                                  4 * i * perblock,
                                                  4 * perblock, i, nblocks)
        vc_declare_block(runtime, shcur, rndcur, "input")
        dsm = None
        esm = None
        vsm = None
        for j in xrange(perblock):
            #print "Point", j
            d, e, v = inner(runtime, shcur[4 * j + 0], shcur[4 * j + 1],
                            shcur[4 * j + 2], shcur[4 * j + 3])
            if j == 0:  # TODO: clean this up
                dsm = d
                esm = e
                vsm = v
                dsm = dsm + d
                esm = esm + e
                vsm = vsm + v

        rndi = VcShare.random(runtime)
        vc_declare_block(runtime, [dsm, esm, vsm], rndi, "output")


    d = sum([di.sh for di in ds])
    e = sum([ei.sh for ei in es])
    v = sum([vi.sh for vi in vs])
    r = sum([
        ri.sh for ri in rs
    ])  # TODO: we have to rely on the specific shape of the randomness here...

    vc_start(runtime, "fin", "fin")
    dv, ev, vv = map(lambda x: VcShare.from_share(runtime, x), [d, e, v])
    rndcur = VcShare.from_share(runtime, r)
    vc_declare_block(runtime, [dv, ev, vv], rndcur, "input")
    chi = fin(runtime, dv, ev, vv)

    chis = chi.ensure_single(runtime)
    chio = yield chis.open()
    chio = runtime.get_value(chio)
    print "Final result: chi statistic=", chio, ", p-value=", 1 - chi2.cdf(
        chio, 1)

        vc_declare_block(runtime, [chis], VcShare.random(runtime), "output"))

    print "Done."
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(runtime):
    tv = runtime

    # This is the value we will use in the protocol.
    millions = rand.randint(1, 200)
    print "I am Millionaire %d and I am worth %d millions." \
        % (tv.id, millions)

    # For the comparison protocol to work, we need a sufficiently
    # large field modulus.
    k = tv.options.security_parameter
    l = tv.options.bit_length
    ln = len(tv.players).bit_length()
    Zp = GF(find_prime(2**(l + k + ln + 1), blum=True))
    yield declareReturnNop(tv, Zp)

    # We must secret share our input with the other parties. They
    # will do the same and we end up with three variables
    m1, m2, m3 = tv.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, millions)

    # Now that everybody has secret shared their inputs we can
    # compare them. We compare the worth of the first millionaire
    # with the two others, and compare those two millionaires with
    # each other.
    m1_ge_m2 = m1 >= m2
    m1_ge_m3 = m1 >= m3
    m2_ge_m3 = m2 >= m3

    # The results are secret shared, so we must open them before
    # we can do anything usefull with them.
    open_m1_ge_m2 = tv.open(m1_ge_m2)
    open_m1_ge_m3 = tv.open(m1_ge_m3)
    open_m2_ge_m3 = tv.open(m2_ge_m3)

    # We will now gather the results.
    m1_ge_m2, m1_ge_m3, m2_ge_m3 = yield open_m1_ge_m2, open_m1_ge_m3, open_m2_ge_m3

    # We can establish the correct order of Millionaires 2 and 3.
    if m2_ge_m3:
        comparison = [3, 2]
        comparison = [2, 3]

    # We only have to insert Millionaire 1 in the correct spot.
    if m1_ge_m2 and m1_ge_m3:
        # Millionaire 1 is largest.
        comparison = comparison + [1]
    elif not m1_ge_m2 and not m1_ge_m3:
        # Millionaire 1 is smallest.
        comparison = [1] + comparison
        # Millionaire 1 is between the others.
        comparison = [comparison[0], 1, comparison[1]]

    print "From poorest to richest:"
    for id in comparison:
        if id == tv.id:
            print "  Millionaire %d (%d millions)" % (id, millions)
            print "  Millionaire %d" % id
