Exemplo n.º 1
def run(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negative test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negative)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        test.cancel("This version of libvirt does not support "
                    "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    reuse_external = "yes" == params.get("reuse_external", "no")
    start_ga = params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    config_format = "yes" == params.get("config_format", "no")
    snapshot_image_format = params.get("snapshot_image_format")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")
    create_autodestroy = 'yes' == params.get("create_autodestroy", "no")
    unix_channel = "yes" == params.get("unix_channel", "yes")
    dac_denial = "yes" == params.get("dac_denial", "no")
    check_json_no_savevm = "yes" == params.get("check_json_no_savevm", "no")
    disk_snapshot_attr = params.get('disk_snapshot_attr', 'external')
    set_snapshot_attr = "yes" == params.get("set_snapshot_attr", "no")

    # gluster related params
    replace_vm_disk = "yes" == params.get("replace_vm_disk", "no")
    disk_src_protocol = params.get("disk_source_protocol")
    restart_tgtd = params.get("restart_tgtd", "no")
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name")
    tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir()
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "gluster-pool")
    brick_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, pool_name)

    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    usr = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if usr:
        if usr.count('EXAMPLE'):
            usr = '******'

    if disk_src_protocol == 'iscsi':
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 4):
            test.cancel("'iscsi' disk doesn't support in"
                        " current libvirt version.")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 7):
        # As bug 1017289 closed as WONTFIX, the support only
        # exist on 1.2.7 and higher
        if disk_src_protocol == 'gluster':
            test.cancel("Snapshot on glusterfs not support in "
                        "current version. Check more info with "

    if libvirt_version.version_compare(5, 5, 0):
        # libvirt-5.5.0-2 commit 68e1a05f starts to allow --no-metadata and
        # --print-xml to be used together.
        if "--no-metadata" in options and "--print-xml" in options:
            logging.info("--no-metadata and --print-xml can be used together "
                         "in this libvirt version. Not expecting a failure.")
            status_error = "no"

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negative test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), bad_disk)
        with open(bad_disk, 'w') as bad_file:

    # Generate external disk
    if reuse_external:
        disk_path = ''
        for i in range(dnum):
            external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
            if params.get(external_disk):
                disk_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
                process.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % disk_path,
        # Only chmod of the last external disk for negative case
        if dac_denial:
            process.run("chmod 500 %s" % disk_path, shell=True)

    qemu_conf = None
    libvirtd_conf = None
    libvirtd_log_path = None
    libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
        # Config "snapshot_image_format" option in qemu.conf
        if config_format:
            qemu_conf = utils_config.LibvirtQemuConfig()
            qemu_conf.snapshot_image_format = snapshot_image_format
            logging.debug("the qemu config file content is:\n %s" % qemu_conf)

        if check_json_no_savevm:
            libvirtd_conf = utils_config.LibvirtdConfig()
            libvirtd_conf["log_level"] = '1'
            libvirtd_conf["log_filters"] = '"1:json 3:remote 4:event"'
            libvirtd_log_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
            libvirtd_conf["log_outputs"] = '"1:file:%s"' % libvirtd_log_path
            logging.debug("the libvirtd config file content is:\n %s" %

        if replace_vm_disk:
            libvirt.set_vm_disk(vm, params, tmp_dir)

        if set_snapshot_attr:
            if vm.is_alive():
            vmxml_new = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            disk_xml = vmxml_backup.get_devices(device_type="disk")[0]
            # set snapshot attribute in disk xml
            disk_xml.snapshot = disk_snapshot_attr
            new_disk = disk.Disk(type_name='file')
            new_disk.xmltreefile = disk_xml.xmltreefile
            logging.debug("The vm xml now is: %s" % vmxml_new.xmltreefile)

        # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
        if unix_channel and options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
            session = vm.wait_for_login()
            if start_ga == "no":
                # The qemu-ga could be running and should be killed
                session.cmd("kill -9 `pidof qemu-ga`")
                # Check if the qemu-ga get killed
                stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                if not stat_ps:
                    # As managed by systemd and set as autostart, qemu-ga
                    # could be restarted, so use systemctl to stop it.
                    session.cmd("systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent")
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if not stat_ps:
                        test.cancel("Fail to stop agent in " "guest")

            if domain_state == "paused":
            # Remove channel if exist
            if vm.is_alive():
            xml_inst = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)

        # Record the previous snapshot-list
        snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

        # Attach disk before create snapshot if not print xml and multi disks
        # specified in cfg
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(1, dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
                                         'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                process.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 200M" % disk_path,
                                  'vd%s' % list(string.ascii_lowercase)[i],

        # Run virsh command
        # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
        for count in range(int(multi_num)):
            if create_autodestroy:
                # Run virsh command in interactive mode
                vp = virsh.VirshPersistent()
                vp.create(vmxml_backup['xml'], '--autodestroy')
                cmd_result = vp.snapshot_create_as(vm_name,
                cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name,
                # for multi snapshots without specific snapshot name, the
                # snapshot name is using time string with 1 second
                # incremental, to avoid get snapshot failure with same name,
                # sleep 1 second here.
                if int(multi_num) > 1:
            output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
            status = cmd_result.exit_status

            # check status_error
            if status_error == "yes":
                if status == 0:
                    test.fail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
                    # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                    if (options.find("memspec") >= 0
                            and options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                        if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                            test.fail("Run failed but file %s exist" %
                            logging.info("Run failed as expected and memspec"
                                         " file already been removed")
                    # Check domain xml is not updated if reuse external fail
                    elif reuse_external and dac_denial:
                        output = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout.strip()
                        if "reuse_external" in output:
                            test.fail("Domain xml should not be "
                                      "updated with snapshot image")
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected")

            elif status_error == "no":
                if status != 0:
                    test.fail("Run failed with right command: %s" % output)
                    # Check the special options
                    snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                    logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                    check_snapslist(test, vm_name, options, option_dict,
                                    output, snaps_before, snaps_list)

                    # For cover bug 872292
                    if check_json_no_savevm:
                        pattern = "The command savevm has not been found"
                        with open(libvirtd_log_path) as f:
                            for line in f:
                                if pattern in line and "error" in line:
                                    test.fail("'%s' was found: %s" %
                                              (pattern, line))

        if vm.is_alive():
        # recover domain xml
        path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            test.fail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

        if disk_src_protocol == 'gluster':

        if disk_src_protocol == 'iscsi':
            libvirt.setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(False, restart_tgtd=restart_tgtd)

        # rm bad disks
        if bad_disk is not None:
        # rm attach disks and reuse external disks
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
                                         'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                if os.path.exists(disk_path):
                if reuse_external:
                    external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
                    disk_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
                    if os.path.exists(disk_path):

        # restore config
        if config_format and qemu_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf or (config_format and qemu_conf):

        if libvirtd_log_path and os.path.exists(libvirtd_log_path):
def check_snapslist(vm_name, options, option_dict, output,
                    snaps_before, snaps_list):
    no_metadata = options.find("--no-metadata")
    fdisks = "disks"

    # command with print-xml will not really create snapshot
    if options.find("print-xml") >= 0:
        xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output)

        # With --print-xml there isn't new snapshot created
        if len(snaps_before) != len(snaps_list):
            raise error.TestFail("--print-xml create new snapshot")

        # The following does not check with print-xml
        get_sname = output.split()[2]

        # check domain/snapshot xml depends on if have metadata
        if no_metadata < 0:
            output_dump = virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name,
            output_dump = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout.strip()
            fdisks = "devices"

        xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output_dump)

        find = 0
        for snap in snaps_list:
            if snap == get_sname:
                find = 1

        # Should find snap in snaplist without --no-metadata
        if (find == 0 and no_metadata < 0):
            raise error.TestFail("Can not find snapshot %s!"
                                 % get_sname)
        # Should not find snap in list without metadata
        elif (find == 1 and no_metadata >= 0):
            raise error.TestFail("Can find snapshot metadata even "
                                 "if have --no-metadata")
        elif (find == 0 and no_metadata >= 0):
            logging.info("Can not find snapshot %s as no-metadata "
                         "is given" % get_sname)

            # Check snapshot only in qemu-img
            if (options.find("--disk-only") < 0 and
                    options.find("--memspec") < 0):
                ret = check_snap_in_image(vm_name, get_sname)

                if ret is False:
                    raise error.TestFail("No snap info in image")

            logging.info("Find snapshot %s in snapshot list."
                         % get_sname)

        # Check if the disk file exist when disk-only is given
        if options.find("disk-only") >= 0:
            for disk in xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk'):
                diskpath = disk.find('source').get('file')
                if os.path.isfile(diskpath):
                    logging.info("disk file %s exist" % diskpath)
                    # Didn't find <source file="path to disk"/>
                    # in output - this could leave a file around
                    # wherever the main OS image file is found
                    logging.debug("output_dump=%s", output_dump)
                    raise error.TestFail("Can not find disk %s"
                                         % diskpath)

        # Check if the guest is halted when 'halt' is given
        if options.find("halt") >= 0:
            domstate = virsh.domstate(vm_name)
            if re.match("shut off", domstate.stdout):
                logging.info("Domain is halted after create "
                raise error.TestFail("Domain is not halted after "
                                     "snapshot created")

    # Check the snapshot xml regardless of having print-xml or not
    if (options.find("name") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
        if xtf.findtext('name') == option_dict["name"]:
            logging.info("get snapshot name same as set")
            raise error.TestFail("Get wrong snapshot name %s" %

    if (options.find("description") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
        desc = xtf.findtext('description')
        if desc == option_dict["description"]:
            logging.info("get snapshot description same as set")
            raise error.TestFail("Get wrong description on xml")

    if options.find("diskspec") >= 0:
        if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
            index = len(option_dict['diskspec'])
            index = 1

        disks = xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk')

        for num in range(index):
            if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
                option_disk = option_dict['diskspec'][num]
                option_disk = option_dict['diskspec']

            option_disk = "name=" + option_disk
            disk_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(option_disk,
                                                      ",", 0, "=")
            logging.debug("disk_dict is %s", disk_dict)

            # For no metadata snapshot do not check name and
            # snapshot
            if no_metadata < 0:
                dname = disks[num].get('name')
                logging.debug("dname is %s", dname)
                if dname == disk_dict['name']:
                    logging.info("get disk%d name same as set in "
                                 "diskspec", num)
                    raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d name %s"
                                         % num, dname)

                if option_disk.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                    dsnap = disks[num].get('snapshot')
                    logging.debug("dsnap is %s", dsnap)
                    if dsnap == disk_dict['snapshot']:
                        logging.info("get disk%d snapshot type same"
                                     " as set in diskspec", num)
                        raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d "
                                             "snapshot type %s" %
                                             num, dsnap)

            if option_disk.find('driver=') >= 0:
                dtype = disks[num].find('driver').get('type')
                if dtype == disk_dict['driver']:
                    logging.info("get disk%d driver type same as "
                                 "set in diskspec", num)
                    raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d driver "
                                         "type %s" % num, dtype)

            if option_disk.find('file=') >= 0:
                sfile = disks[num].find('source').get('file')
                if sfile == disk_dict['file']:
                    logging.info("get disk%d source file same as "
                                 "set in diskspec", num)
                    if os.path.exists(sfile):
                    raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d source "
                                         "file %s" % num, sfile)

    # For memspec check if the xml is same as setting
    # Also check if the mem file exists
    if options.find("memspec") >= 0:
        memspec = option_dict['memspec']
        if re.search('file=', option_dict['memspec']) < 0:
            memspec = 'file=' + option_dict['memspec']

        mem_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(memspec, ",", 0,
        logging.debug("mem_dict is %s", mem_dict)

        if no_metadata < 0:
            if memspec.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                snap = xtf.find('memory').get('snapshot')
                if snap == mem_dict['snapshot']:
                    logging.info("get memory snapshot type same as"
                                 " set in diskspec")
                    raise error.TestFail("Get wrong memory snapshot"
                                         " type on print xml")

            memfile = xtf.find('memory').get('file')
            if memfile == mem_dict['file']:
                logging.info("get memory file same as set in "
                raise error.TestFail("Get wrong memory file on "
                                     "print xml %s", memfile)

        if options.find("print-xml") < 0:
            if os.path.isfile(mem_dict['file']):
                logging.info("memory file generated")
                raise error.TestFail("Fail to generate memory file"
                                     " %s", mem_dict['file'])
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_snapslist(test, vm_name, options, option_dict, output, snaps_before,
    no_metadata = options.find("--no-metadata")
    fdisks = "disks"

    # command with print-xml will not really create snapshot
    if options.find("print-xml") >= 0:
        xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output)

        # With --print-xml there isn't new snapshot created
        if len(snaps_before) != len(snaps_list):
            test.fail("--print-xml create new snapshot")

        # The following does not check with print-xml
        get_sname = output.split()[2]

        # check domain/snapshot xml depends on if have metadata
        if no_metadata < 0:
            output_dump = virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name,
            output_dump = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout.strip()
            fdisks = "devices"

        xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output_dump)

        find = 0
        for snap in snaps_list:
            if snap == get_sname:
                find = 1

        # Should find snap in snaplist without --no-metadata
        if (find == 0 and no_metadata < 0):
            test.fail("Can not find snapshot %s!" % get_sname)
        # Should not find snap in list without metadata
        elif (find == 1 and no_metadata >= 0):
            test.fail("Can find snapshot metadata even "
                      "if have --no-metadata")
        elif (find == 0 and no_metadata >= 0):
            logging.info("Can not find snapshot %s as no-metadata "
                         "is given" % get_sname)

            # Check snapshot only in qemu-img
            if (options.find("--disk-only") < 0
                    and options.find("--memspec") < 0):
                ret = check_snap_in_image(vm_name, get_sname)

                if ret is False:
                    test.fail("No snap info in image")

            logging.info("Find snapshot %s in snapshot list." % get_sname)

        # Check if the disk file exist when disk-only is given
        if options.find("disk-only") >= 0:
            for disk in xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk'):
                if disk.get('snapshot') == 'no':
                diskpath = disk.find('source').get('file')
                if os.path.isfile(diskpath):
                    logging.info("disk file %s exist" % diskpath)
                    # Didn't find <source file="path to disk"/>
                    # in output - this could leave a file around
                    # wherever the main OS image file is found
                    logging.debug("output_dump=%s", output_dump)
                    test.fail("Can not find disk %s" % diskpath)

        # Check if the guest is halted when 'halt' is given
        if options.find("halt") >= 0:
            domstate = virsh.domstate(vm_name)
            if re.match("shut off", domstate.stdout):
                logging.info("Domain is halted after create " "snapshot")
                test.fail("Domain is not halted after " "snapshot created")

    # Check the snapshot xml regardless of having print-xml or not
    if (options.find("name") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
        if xtf.findtext('name') == option_dict["name"]:
            logging.info("get snapshot name same as set")
            test.fail("Get wrong snapshot name %s" % xtf.findtext('name'))

    if (options.find("description") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
        desc = xtf.findtext('description')
        if desc == option_dict["description"]:
            logging.info("get snapshot description same as set")
            test.fail("Get wrong description on xml")

    if options.find("diskspec") >= 0:
        if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
            index = len(option_dict['diskspec'])
            index = 1

        disks = xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk')

        for num in range(index):
            if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
                option_disk = option_dict['diskspec'][num]
                option_disk = option_dict['diskspec']

            option_disk = "name=" + option_disk
            disk_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(option_disk, ",", 0, "=")
            logging.debug("disk_dict is %s", disk_dict)

            # For no metadata snapshot do not check name and
            # snapshot
            if no_metadata < 0:
                dname = disks[num].get('name')
                logging.debug("dname is %s", dname)
                if dname == disk_dict['name']:
                    logging.info("get disk%d name same as set in "
                                 "diskspec", num)
                    test.fail("Get wrong disk%d name %s" % (num, dname))

                if option_disk.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                    dsnap = disks[num].get('snapshot')
                    logging.debug("dsnap is %s", dsnap)
                    if dsnap == disk_dict['snapshot']:
                            "get disk%d snapshot type same"
                            " as set in diskspec", num)
                        test.fail("Get wrong disk%d "
                                  "snapshot type %s" % (num, dsnap))

            if option_disk.find('driver=') >= 0:
                dtype = disks[num].find('driver').get('type')
                if dtype == disk_dict['driver']:
                        "get disk%d driver type same as "
                        "set in diskspec", num)
                    test.fail("Get wrong disk%d driver "
                              "type %s" % (num, dtype))

            if option_disk.find('file=') >= 0:
                sfile = disks[num].find('source').get('file')
                if sfile == disk_dict['file']:
                        "get disk%d source file same as "
                        "set in diskspec", num)
                    if os.path.exists(sfile):
                    test.fail("Get wrong disk%d source "
                              "file %s" % (num, sfile))

    # For memspec check if the xml is same as setting
    # Also check if the mem file exists
    if options.find("memspec") >= 0:
        memspec = option_dict['memspec']
        if not re.search('file=', option_dict['memspec']):
            memspec = 'file=' + option_dict['memspec']

        mem_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(memspec, ",", 0, "=")
        logging.debug("mem_dict is %s", mem_dict)

        if no_metadata < 0:
            if memspec.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                snap = xtf.find('memory').get('snapshot')
                if snap == mem_dict['snapshot']:
                    logging.info("get memory snapshot type same as"
                                 " set in diskspec")
                    test.fail("Get wrong memory snapshot" " type on print xml")

            memfile = xtf.find('memory').get('file')
            if memfile == mem_dict['file']:
                logging.info("get memory file same as set in " "diskspec")
                test.fail("Get wrong memory file on " "print xml %s", memfile)

        if options.find("print-xml") < 0:
            if os.path.isfile(mem_dict['file']):
                logging.info("memory file generated")
                test.fail("Fail to generate memory file"
                          " %s", mem_dict['file'])
def run(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negative test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negative)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    reuse_external = "yes" == params.get("reuse_external", "no")
    start_ga = params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    config_format = "yes" == params.get("config_format", "no")
    snapshot_image_format = params.get("snapshot_image_format")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")
    create_autodestroy = 'yes' == params.get("create_autodestroy", "no")
    unix_channel = "yes" == params.get("unix_channel", "yes")
    dac_denial = "yes" == params.get("dac_denial", "no")
    check_json_no_savevm = "yes" == params.get("check_json_no_savevm", "no")
    disk_snapshot_attr = params.get('disk_snapshot_attr', 'external')
    set_snapshot_attr = "yes" == params.get("set_snapshot_attr", "no")

    # gluster related params
    replace_vm_disk = "yes" == params.get("replace_vm_disk", "no")
    disk_src_protocol = params.get("disk_source_protocol")
    restart_tgtd = params.get("restart_tgtd", "no")
    vol_name = params.get("vol_name")
    tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir()
    pool_name = params.get("pool_name", "gluster-pool")
    brick_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, pool_name)

    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    usr = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if usr:
        if usr.count('EXAMPLE'):
            usr = '******'

    if disk_src_protocol == 'iscsi':
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 4):
            raise error.TestNAError("'iscsi' disk doesn't support in"
                                    " current libvirt version.")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current"
                                    " libvirt version.")

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 7):
        # As bug 1017289 closed as WONTFIX, the support only
        # exist on 1.2.7 and higher
        if disk_src_protocol == 'gluster':
            raise error.TestNAError("Snapshot on glusterfs not support in "
                                    "current version. Check more info with "

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negative test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, bad_disk)
        os.open(bad_disk, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)

    # Generate external disk
    if reuse_external:
        disk_path = ''
        for i in range(dnum):
            external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
            if params.get(external_disk):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir,
                utils.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % disk_path)
        # Only chmod of the last external disk for negative case
        if dac_denial:
            utils.run("chmod 500 %s" % disk_path)

    qemu_conf = None
    libvirtd_conf = None
    libvirtd_log_path = None
    libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
        # Config "snapshot_image_format" option in qemu.conf
        if config_format:
            qemu_conf = utils_config.LibvirtQemuConfig()
            qemu_conf.snapshot_image_format = snapshot_image_format
            logging.debug("the qemu config file content is:\n %s" % qemu_conf)

        if check_json_no_savevm:
            libvirtd_conf = utils_config.LibvirtdConfig()
            libvirtd_conf["log_level"] = '1'
            libvirtd_conf["log_filters"] = '"1:json 3:remote 4:event"'
            libvirtd_log_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "libvirtd.log")
            libvirtd_conf["log_outputs"] = '"1:file:%s"' % libvirtd_log_path
            logging.debug("the libvirtd config file content is:\n %s" %

        if replace_vm_disk:
            libvirt.set_vm_disk(vm, params, tmp_dir)

        if set_snapshot_attr:
            if vm.is_alive():
            vmxml_new = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            disk_xml = vmxml_backup.get_devices(device_type="disk")[0]
            # set snapshot attribute in disk xml
            disk_xml.snapshot = disk_snapshot_attr
            new_disk = disk.Disk(type_name='file')
            new_disk.xmltreefile = disk_xml.xmltreefile
            logging.debug("The vm xml now is: %s" % vmxml_new.xmltreefile)

        # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
        if unix_channel and options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
            session = vm.wait_for_login()
            if start_ga == "no":
                # The qemu-ga could be running and should be killed
                session.cmd("kill -9 `pidof qemu-ga`")
                # Check if the qemu-ga get killed
                stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                if not stat_ps:
                    # As managed by systemd and set as autostart, qemu-ga
                    # could be restarted, so use systemctl to stop it.
                    session.cmd("systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent")
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if not stat_ps:
                        raise error.TestNAError("Fail to stop agent in "

            if domain_state == "paused":
            # Remove channel if exist
            if vm.is_alive():
            xml_inst = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)

        # Record the previous snapshot-list
        snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

        # Attach disk before create snapshot if not print xml and multi disks
        # specified in cfg
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(1, dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, 'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                utils.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 200M" % disk_path)
                virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, disk_path,
                                  'vd%s' % list(string.lowercase)[i],

        # Run virsh command
        # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
        for count in range(int(multi_num)):
            if create_autodestroy:
                # Run virsh command in interactive mode
                vp = virsh.VirshPersistent()
                vp.create(vmxml_backup['xml'], '--autodestroy')
                cmd_result = vp.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
                cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
                # for multi snapshots without specific snapshot name, the
                # snapshot name is using time string with 1 second
                # incremental, to avoid get snapshot failure with same name,
                # sleep 1 second here.
                if int(multi_num) > 1:
            output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
            status = cmd_result.exit_status

            # check status_error
            if status_error == "yes":
                if status == 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
                    # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                    if (options.find("memspec") >= 0 and
                            options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                        if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                            raise error.TestFail("Run failed but file %s exist"
                                                 % option_dict['memspec'])
                            logging.info("Run failed as expected and memspec"
                                         " file already been removed")
                    # Check domain xml is not updated if reuse external fail
                    elif reuse_external and dac_denial:
                        output = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout.strip()
                        if "reuse_external" in output:
                            raise error.TestFail("Domain xml should not be "
                                                 "updated with snapshot image")
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected")

            elif status_error == "no":
                if status != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command: %s"
                                         % output)
                    # Check the special options
                    snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                    logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                    check_snapslist(vm_name, options, option_dict, output,
                                    snaps_before, snaps_list)

                    # For cover bug 872292
                    if check_json_no_savevm:
                        pattern = "The command savevm has not been found"
                        with open(libvirtd_log_path) as f:
                            for line in f:
                                if pattern in line and "error" in line:
                                    raise error.TestFail("'%s' was found: %s"
                                                         % (pattern, line))

        if vm.is_alive():
        # recover domain xml
        path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            raise error.TestFail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

        if disk_src_protocol == 'gluster':
            libvirt.setup_or_cleanup_gluster(False, vol_name, brick_path)

        if disk_src_protocol == 'iscsi':
            libvirt.setup_or_cleanup_iscsi(False, restart_tgtd=restart_tgtd)

        # rm bad disks
        if bad_disk is not None:
        # rm attach disks and reuse external disks
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, 'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                if os.path.exists(disk_path):
                if reuse_external:
                    external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
                    disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir,
                    if os.path.exists(disk_path):

        # restore config
        if config_format and qemu_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf or (config_format and qemu_conf):

        if libvirtd_log_path and os.path.exists(libvirtd_log_path):
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_virsh_snapshot_create_as(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negtive test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negtive)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negtive)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negtive)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    external_disk = params.get("external_disk")
    start_ga =  params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(test.virtdir, memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negtive test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, bad_disk)
        os.open(bad_disk, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)

    # Gererate external disk
    if external_disk is not None:
        external_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, external_disk)
        commands.getoutput("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % external_disk)

    # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
    if options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
        if vm.is_alive():
        virt_xml_obj = libvirt_xml.VMXML(virsh_instance=virsh)
        if start_ga == "yes":
            session = vm.wait_for_login()

            # Check if qemu-ga already started automatically
            cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent || yum install -y qemu-guest-agent"
            stat_install = session.cmd_status(cmd, 300)
            if stat_install != 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Fail to install qemu-guest-agent, make"
                                     "sure that you have usable repo in guest")

            # Check if qemu-ga already started
            stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
            if stat_ps != 0:
                session.cmd("qemu-ga -d")
                # Check if the qemu-ga really started
                stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                if stat_ps != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Fail to run qemu-ga in guest")

        if domain_state == "paused":

    # Record the previous snapshot-list
    snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

    # Run virsh command
    # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
    for count in range(int(multi_num)):
        cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
                                              ignore_status=True, debug=True)
        output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
        status = cmd_result.exit_status

        # check status_error
        if status_error == "yes":
            if status == 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
                # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                if (options.find("memspec") >= 0
                    and options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                    if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                        raise error.TestFail("Run failed but file %s exist"
                                             % option_dict['memspec'])
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected and memspec file"
                                     " already beed removed")
                    logging.info("Run failed as expected")

        elif status_error == "no":
            if status != 0:
                raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command: %s"
                                     % output)
                # Check the special options
                snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                no_metadata = options.find("--no-metadata")
                fdisks = "disks"

                # command with print-xml will not really create snapshot
                if options.find("print-xml") >= 0:
                    xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output)

                    # With --print-xml there isn't new snapshot created
                    if len(snaps_before) != len(snaps_list):
                        raise error.TestFail("--print-xml create new snapshot")

                    # The following does not check with print-xml
                    get_sname = output.split()[2]

                    # check domain/snapshot xml depends on if have metadata
                    if no_metadata < 0:
                        output_dump = virsh.snapshot_dumpxml(vm_name, get_sname)
                        output_dump = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name)
                        fdisks = "devices"

                    xtf = xml_utils.XMLTreeFile(output_dump)

                    find = 0
                    for snap in snaps_list:
                        if snap == get_sname:
                            find = 1

                    # Should find snap in snaplist without --no-metadata
                    if (find == 0 and no_metadata < 0):
                        raise error.TestFail("Can not find snapshot %s!"
                                             % get_sname)
                    # Should not find snap in list without metadata
                    elif (find == 1 and no_metadata >= 0):
                        raise error.TestFail("Can find snapshot metadata even "
                                             "if have --no-metadata")
                    elif (find == 0 and no_metadata >= 0):
                        logging.info("Can not find snapshot %s as no-metadata "
                                     "is given" % get_sname)

                        # Check snapshot only in qemu-img
                        if (options.find("--disk-only") < 0
                            and options.find("--memspec") < 0):
                            ret = check_snap_in_image(vm_name, get_sname)

                            if ret == False:
                                raise error.TestFail("No snap info in image")

                        logging.info("Find snapshot %s in snapshot list."
                                     % get_sname)

                    # Check if the disk file exist when disk-only is given
                    if options.find("disk-only") >= 0:
                        for disk in xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk'):
                            diskpath = disk.find('source').get('file')
                            if os.path.isfile(diskpath):
                                logging.info("disk file %s exist" % diskpath)
                                raise error.TestFail("Can not find disk %s"
                                                     % diskpath)

                    # Check if the guest is halted when 'halt' is given
                    if options.find("halt") >= 0:
                        domstate = virsh.domstate(vm_name)
                        if re.match("shut off", domstate.stdout):
                            logging.info("Domain is halted after create "
                            raise error.TestFail("Domain is not halted after "
                                                 "snapshot created")

                # Check the snapshot xml regardless of having print-xml or not
                if (options.find("name") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
                    if xtf.findtext('name') == option_dict["name"]:
                        logging.info("get snapshot name same as set")
                        raise error.TestFail("Get wrong snapshot name %s" %

                if (options.find("description") >= 0 and no_metadata < 0):
                    desc = xtf.findtext('description')
                    if desc == option_dict["description"]:
                        logging.info("get snapshot description same as set")
                        raise error.TestFail("Get wrong description on xml")

                if options.find("diskspec") >= 0:
                    if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
                        index = len(option_dict['diskspec'])
                        index = 1

                    disks = xtf.find(fdisks).findall('disk')

                    for num in range(index):
                        if isinstance(option_dict['diskspec'], list):
                            option_disk = option_dict['diskspec'][num]
                            option_disk = option_dict['diskspec']

                        option_disk = "name=" + option_disk
                        disk_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(option_disk,
                                                                  ",", 0, "=")
                        logging.debug("disk_dict is %s", disk_dict)

                        # For no metadata snapshot do not check name and
                        # snapshot
                        if no_metadata < 0:
                            dname = disks[num].get('name')
                            logging.debug("dname is %s", dname)
                            if dname == disk_dict['name']:
                                logging.info("get disk%d name same as set in "
                                             "diskspec", num)
                                raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d name %s"
                                                      % num, dname)

                            if option_disk.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                                dsnap = disks[num].get('snapshot')
                                logging.debug("dsnap is %s", dsnap)
                                if dsnap == disk_dict['snapshot']:
                                    logging.info("get disk%d snapshot type same"
                                                 " as set in diskspec", num)
                                    raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d "
                                                         "snapshot type %s" %
                                                          num, dsnap)

                        if option_disk.find('driver=') >= 0:
                            dtype = disks[num].find('driver').get('type')
                            if dtype == disk_dict['driver']:
                                logging.info("get disk%d driver type same as "
                                             "set in diskspec", num)
                                raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d driver "
                                                     "type %s" % num, dtype)

                        if option_disk.find('file=') >=0:
                            sfile = disks[num].find('source').get('file')
                            if sfile == disk_dict['file']:
                                logging.info("get disk%d source file same as "
                                             "set in diskspec", num)
                                raise error.TestFail("Get wrong disk%d source "
                                                     "file %s" % num, sfile)

                # For memspec check if the xml is same as setting
                # Also check if the mem file exists
                if options.find("memspec") >= 0:
                    memspec = option_dict['memspec']
                    if re.search('file=', option_dict['memspec']) < 0:
                        memspec = 'file=' + option_dict['memspec']

                    mem_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(memspec, ",", 0,
                    logging.debug("mem_dict is %s", mem_dict)

                    if no_metadata < 0:
                        if memspec.find('snapshot=') >= 0:
                            snap = xtf.find('memory').get('snapshot')
                            if snap == mem_dict['snapshot']:
                                logging.info("get memory snapshot type same as"
                                             " set in diskspec")
                                raise error.TestFail("Get wrong memory snapshot"
                                                     " type on print xml")

                        memfile = xtf.find('memory').get('file')
                        if memfile == mem_dict['file']:
                            logging.info("get memory file same as set in "
                            raise error.TestFail("Get wrong memory file on "
                                                 "print xml %s", memfile)

                    if options.find("print-xml") < 0:
                        if os.path.isfile(mem_dict['file']):
                            logging.info("memory file generated")
                            raise error.TestFail("Fail to generate memory file"
                                                 " %s", mem_dict['file'])

    # Environment clean
    if options.find("quiesce") >= 0 and start_ga == "yes":
        session.cmd("rpm -e qemu-guest-agent")

    # recover domain xml
    path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        raise error.TestFail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

    # rm bad disks
    if bad_disk is not None:
Exemplo n.º 6
def run(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negative test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negative)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    external_disk = params.get("external_disk")
    start_ga = params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")
    create_autodestroy = 'yes' == params.get("create_autodestroy", "no")

    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    usr = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if usr:
        if usr.count('EXAMPLE'):
            usr = '******'

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current" +
                                    " libvirt version.")

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(test.virtdir, memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negative test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, bad_disk)
        os.open(bad_disk, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)

    # Generate external disk
    if external_disk is not None:
        external_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, external_disk)
        commands.getoutput("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % external_disk)

        # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
        if options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
            if vm.is_alive():
            virt_xml_obj = libvirt_xml.VMXML(virsh_instance=virsh)
            session = vm.wait_for_login()

            # Check if qemu-ga already started automatically
            cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent || yum install -y qemu-guest-agent"
            stat_install = session.cmd_status(cmd, 300)
            if stat_install != 0:
                raise error.TestNAError("Fail to install qemu-guest-agent, "
                                        "make sure that you have usable repo "
                                        "in guest")

            # Check if qemu-ga already started
            stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
            if stat_ps != 0:
                if start_ga == "yes":
                    session.cmd("qemu-ga -d")
                    # Check if the qemu-ga really started
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if stat_ps != 0:
                        raise error.TestNAError("Fail to run qemu-ga in guest")
                if start_ga == "no":
                    # The qemu-ga could be running and should be killed
                    session.cmd("kill -9 `pidof qemu-ga`")
                    # Check if the qemu-ga get killed
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if not stat_ps:
                        # As managed by systemd and set as autostart, qemu-ga
                        # could be restarted, so use systemctl to stop it.
                        session.cmd("systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent")
                        stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                        if not stat_ps:
                            raise error.TestNAError("Fail to stop agent in "

            if domain_state == "paused":

        # Record the previous snapshot-list
        snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

        # Run virsh command
        # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
        for count in range(int(multi_num)):
            if create_autodestroy:
                # Run virsh command in interactive mode
                vp = virsh.VirshPersistent()
                vp.create(vmxml_backup['xml'], '--autodestroy')
                cmd_result = vp.snapshot_create_as(vm_name,
                cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name,
            output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
            status = cmd_result.exit_status

            # check status_error
            if status_error == "yes":
                if status == 0:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        "Run successfully with wrong command!")
                    # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                    if (options.find("memspec") >= 0
                            and options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                        if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                            raise error.TestFail(
                                "Run failed but file %s exist" %
                                "Run failed as expected and memspec file"
                                " already beed removed")
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected")

            elif status_error == "no":
                if status != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command: %s" %
                    # Check the special options
                    snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                    logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                    check_snapslist(vm_name, options, option_dict, output,
                                    snaps_before, snaps_list)

        # Environment clean
        if options.find("quiesce") >= 0 and start_ga == "yes":
            session.cmd("rpm -e qemu-guest-agent")

        # recover domain xml
        path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            raise error.TestFail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

        # rm bad disks
        if bad_disk is not None:
Exemplo n.º 7
def run(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negative test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negative)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    reuse_external = "yes" == params.get("reuse_external", "no")
    start_ga = params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    config_format = "yes" == params.get("config_format", "no")
    snapshot_image_format = params.get("snapshot_image_format")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")
    create_autodestroy = 'yes' == params.get("create_autodestroy", "no")
    unix_channel = "yes" == params.get("unix_channel", "yes")
    dac_denial = "yes" == params.get("dac_denial", "no")
    check_json_no_savevm = "yes" == params.get("check_json_no_savevm", "no")

    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    usr = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if usr:
        if usr.count('EXAMPLE'):
            usr = '******'

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            raise error.TestNAError("API acl test not supported in current"
                                    + " libvirt version.")

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negative test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, bad_disk)
        os.open(bad_disk, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)

    # Generate external disk
    if reuse_external:
        disk_path = ''
        for i in range(dnum):
            external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
            if params.get(external_disk):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir,
                utils.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % disk_path)
        # Only chmod of the last external disk for negative case
        if dac_denial:
            utils.run("chmod 500 %s" % disk_path)

    qemu_conf = None
    libvirtd_conf = None
    libvirtd_log_path = None
    libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
        # Config "snapshot_image_format" option in qemu.conf
        if config_format:
            qemu_conf = utils_config.LibvirtQemuConfig()
            qemu_conf.snapshot_image_format = snapshot_image_format
            logging.debug("the qemu config file content is:\n %s" % qemu_conf)

        if check_json_no_savevm:
            libvirtd_conf = utils_config.LibvirtdConfig()
            libvirtd_conf["log_level"] = '1'
            libvirtd_conf["log_filters"] = '"1:json 3:remote 4:event"'
            libvirtd_log_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, "libvirtd.log")
            libvirtd_conf["log_outputs"] = '"1:file:%s"' % libvirtd_log_path
            logging.debug("the libvirtd config file content is:\n %s" %

        # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
        if unix_channel and options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
            if vm.is_alive():
            virt_xml_obj = libvirt_xml.VMXML(virsh_instance=virsh)
            session = vm.wait_for_login()

            # Check if qemu-ga already started automatically
            cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent || yum install -y qemu-guest-agent"
            stat_install = session.cmd_status(cmd, 300)
            if stat_install != 0:
                raise error.TestNAError("Fail to install qemu-guest-agent, "
                                        "make sure that you have usable repo "
                                        "in guest")

            # Check if qemu-ga already started
            stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
            if stat_ps != 0:
                if start_ga == "yes":
                    session.cmd("qemu-ga -d")
                    # Check if the qemu-ga really started
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if stat_ps != 0:
                        raise error.TestNAError("Fail to run qemu-ga in guest")
                if start_ga == "no":
                    # The qemu-ga could be running and should be killed
                    session.cmd("kill -9 `pidof qemu-ga`")
                    # Check if the qemu-ga get killed
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if not stat_ps:
                        # As managed by systemd and set as autostart, qemu-ga
                        # could be restarted, so use systemctl to stop it.
                        session.cmd("systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent")
                        stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                        if not stat_ps:
                            raise error.TestNAError("Fail to stop agent in "

            if domain_state == "paused":

        # Record the previous snapshot-list
        snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

        # Attach disk before create snapshot if not print xml and multi disks
        # specified in cfg
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(1, dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, 'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                utils.run("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 200M" % disk_path)
                virsh.attach_disk(vm_name, disk_path,
                                  'vd%s' % list(string.lowercase)[i],

        # Run virsh command
        # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
        for count in range(int(multi_num)):
            if create_autodestroy:
                # Run virsh command in interactive mode
                vp = virsh.VirshPersistent()
                vp.create(vmxml_backup['xml'], '--autodestroy')
                cmd_result = vp.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
                cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
            output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
            status = cmd_result.exit_status

            # check status_error
            if status_error == "yes":
                if status == 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
                    # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                    if (options.find("memspec") >= 0
                            and options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                        if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                            raise error.TestFail("Run failed but file %s exist"
                                                 % option_dict['memspec'])
                            logging.info("Run failed as expected and memspec"
                                         " file already been removed")
                    # Check domain xml is not updated if reuse external fail
                    elif reuse_external and dac_denial:
                        output = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout.strip()
                        if "reuse_external" in output:
                            raise error.TestFail("Domain xml should not be "
                                                 "updated with snapshot image")
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected")

            elif status_error == "no":
                if status != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command: %s"
                                         % output)
                    # Check the special options
                    snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                    logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                    check_snapslist(vm_name, options, option_dict, output,
                                    snaps_before, snaps_list)

                    # For cover bug 872292
                    if check_json_no_savevm:
                        pattern = "The command savevm has not been found"
                        with open(libvirtd_log_path) as f:
                            for line in f:
                                if pattern in line and "error" in line:
                                    raise error.TestFail("'%s' was found: %s"
                                                         % (pattern, line))

        # recover domain xml
        path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            raise error.TestFail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

        # rm bad disks
        if bad_disk is not None:
        # rm attach disks and reuse external disks
        if dnum > 1 and "--print-xml" not in options:
            for i in range(dnum):
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, 'disk%s.qcow2' % i)
                if os.path.exists(disk_path):
                external_disk = "external_disk%s" % i
                disk_path = os.path.join(test.tmpdir, params.get(external_disk))
                if os.path.exists(disk_path):

        # restore config
        if config_format and qemu_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf:

        if libvirtd_conf or (config_format and qemu_conf):

        if libvirtd_log_path and os.path.exists(libvirtd_log_path):
def run(test, params, env):
    Test snapshot-create-as command
    Make sure that the clean repo can be used because qemu-guest-agent need to
    be installed in guest

    The command create a snapshot (disk and RAM) from arguments which including
    the following point
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --diskspec --name --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml with multi --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --print-xml --memspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --description
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --no-metadata --print-xml (negative test)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --atomic --disk-only
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --quiesce --disk-only (positive and negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --reuse-external
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only --diskspec
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --memspec --reuse-external --atomic(negative)
    * virsh snapshot-create-as --disk-only and --memspec (negative)
    * Create multi snapshots with snapshot-create-as
    * Create snapshot with name a--a a--a--snap1

    if not virsh.has_help_command('snapshot-create-as'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the snapshot-create-as test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("snap_createas_opts")
    multi_num = params.get("multi_num", "1")
    diskspec_num = params.get("diskspec_num", "1")
    bad_disk = params.get("bad_disk")
    external_disk = params.get("external_disk")
    start_ga = params.get("start_ga", "yes")
    domain_state = params.get("domain_state")
    memspec_opts = params.get("memspec_opts")
    diskspec_opts = params.get("diskspec_opts")

    opt_names = locals()
    if memspec_opts is not None:
        mem_options = compose_disk_options(test, params, memspec_opts)
        # if the parameters have the disk without "file=" then we only need to
        # add testdir for it.
        if mem_options is None:
            mem_options = os.path.join(test.virtdir, memspec_opts)
        options += " --memspec " + mem_options

    tag_diskspec = 0
    dnum = int(diskspec_num)
    if diskspec_opts is not None:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        opt_names['diskopts_1'] = diskspec_opts

    # diskspec_opts[n] is used in cfg when more than 1 --diskspec is used
    if dnum > 1:
        tag_diskspec = 1
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i] = params.get("diskspec_opts%s" % i)

    if tag_diskspec == 1:
        for i in range(1, dnum + 1):
            disk_options = compose_disk_options(test, params,
                                                opt_names["diskopts_%s" % i])
            options += " --diskspec " + disk_options

    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    option_dict = {}
    option_dict = utils_misc.valued_option_dict(options, r' --(?!-)')
    logging.debug("option_dict is %s", option_dict)

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    logging.debug("original xml is %s", vmxml_backup)

    # Generate empty image for negative test
    if bad_disk is not None:
        bad_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, bad_disk)
        os.open(bad_disk, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)

    # Generate external disk
    if external_disk is not None:
        external_disk = os.path.join(test.virtdir, external_disk)
        commands.getoutput("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 1G" % external_disk)

        # Start qemu-ga on guest if have --quiesce
        if options.find("quiesce") >= 0:
            if vm.is_alive():
            virt_xml_obj = libvirt_xml.VMXML(virsh_instance=virsh)
            if start_ga == "yes":
                session = vm.wait_for_login()

                # Check if qemu-ga already started automatically
                cmd = "rpm -q qemu-guest-agent || yum install -y qemu-guest-agent"
                stat_install = session.cmd_status(cmd, 300)
                if stat_install != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Fail to install qemu-guest-agent, make"
                                         "sure that you have usable repo in guest")

                # Check if qemu-ga already started
                stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                if stat_ps != 0:
                    session.cmd("qemu-ga -d")
                    # Check if the qemu-ga really started
                    stat_ps = session.cmd_status("ps aux |grep [q]emu-ga")
                    if stat_ps != 0:
                        raise error.TestFail("Fail to run qemu-ga in guest")

            if domain_state == "paused":

        # Record the previous snapshot-list
        snaps_before = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)

        # Run virsh command
        # May create several snapshots, according to configuration
        for count in range(int(multi_num)):
            cmd_result = virsh.snapshot_create_as(vm_name, options,
                                                  ignore_status=True, debug=True)
            output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
            status = cmd_result.exit_status

            # check status_error
            if status_error == "yes":
                if status == 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
                    # Check memspec file should be removed if failed
                    if (options.find("memspec") >= 0
                            and options.find("atomic") >= 0):
                        if os.path.isfile(option_dict['memspec']):
                            raise error.TestFail("Run failed but file %s exist"
                                                 % option_dict['memspec'])
                            logging.info("Run failed as expected and memspec file"
                                         " already beed removed")
                        logging.info("Run failed as expected")

            elif status_error == "no":
                if status != 0:
                    raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command: %s"
                                         % output)
                    # Check the special options
                    snaps_list = virsh.snapshot_list(vm_name)
                    logging.debug("snaps_list is %s", snaps_list)

                    check_snapslist(vm_name, options, option_dict, output,
                                        snaps_before, snaps_list)

        # Environment clean
        if options.find("quiesce") >= 0 and start_ga == "yes":
            session.cmd("rpm -e qemu-guest-agent")

        # recover domain xml
        path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/snapshot/" + vm_name
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            raise error.TestFail("Still can find snapshot metadata")

        # rm bad disks
        if bad_disk is not None: