Exemplo n.º 1
def find_hbas(hba_type="hba", status="online"):
    Find online hba/vhba cards.

    :params hba_type: "vhba" or "hba"
    :params status: "online" or "offline"
    :return: A list contains the online/offline vhba/hba list
    # TODO: add status=offline/online judgement, we don't test offline vhba now
    # so leave it here as a placeholder.
    result = virsh.nodedev_list(cap="scsi_host")
    if result.exit_status:
        raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr_text)
    scsi_hosts = result.stdout_text.strip().splitlines()
    online_hbas_list = []
    online_vhbas_list = []
    # go through all scsi hosts, and split hbas/vhbas into lists
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        stdout = result.stdout_text.strip()
        if result.exit_status:
            raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr_text)
        if (re.search('vport_ops', stdout) and not re.search(
                '<fabric_wwn>ffffffffffffffff</fabric_wwn>', stdout)
                and not re.search('<fabric_wwn>0</fabric_wwn>', stdout)):
        if re.search('fc_host', stdout) and not re.search('vport_ops', stdout):
    if hba_type == "hba":
        return online_hbas_list
    if hba_type == "vhba":
        return online_vhbas_list
def find_hbas(hba_type="hba", status="online"):
    Find online hba/vhba cards.

    :params hba_type: "vhba" or "hba"
    :params status: "online" or "offline"
    :return: A list contains the online/offline vhba/hba list
    # TODO: add offline/online judgement, fc storage not stable for now, so
    # leave this part after we buy npiv server
    result = virsh.nodedev_list(cap="scsi_host")
    if result.exit_status:
        raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr)

    scsi_hosts = result.stdout.strip().splitlines()
    online_hbas_list = []
    online_vhbas_list = []
    # go through all scsi hosts, and split hbas/vhbas into lists
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        stdout = result.stdout.strip()
        if result.exit_status:
            raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr)
        if re.search('vport_ops', stdout) and not re.search('<fabric_wwn>'
                                                            '', stdout):
        if re.search('fc_host', stdout) and not re.search('vport_ops', stdout):
    if hba_type == "hba":
        return online_hbas_list
    if hba_type == "vhba":
        return online_vhbas_list
def find_hbas(hba_type="hba", status="online"):
    Find online hba/vhba cards.

    :params hba_type: "vhba" or "hba"
    :params status: "online" or "offline"
    :return: A list contains the online/offline vhba/hba list
    # TODO: add offline/online judgement, fc storage not stable for now, so
    # leave this part after we buy npiv server
    result = virsh.nodedev_list(cap="scsi_host")
    if result.exit_status:
        raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr)

    scsi_hosts = result.stdout.strip().splitlines()
    online_hbas_list = []
    online_vhbas_list = []
    # go through all scsi hosts, and split hbas/vhbas into lists
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        stdout = result.stdout.strip()
        if result.exit_status:
            raise exceptions.TestFail(result.stderr)
        if re.search('vport_ops', stdout) and not re.search(
                '', stdout):
        if re.search('fc_host', stdout) and not re.search('vport_ops', stdout):
    if hba_type == "hba":
        return online_hbas_list
    if hba_type == "vhba":
        return online_vhbas_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_hbas(hba_type="hba", status="online"):
    Find online hba/vhba cards.

    :params hba_type: "vhba" or "hba"
    :params status: "online" or "offline"
    :return: A list contains the online/offline vhba/hba list
    # TODO: add status=offline/online judgement, we don't test offline vhba now
    # so leave it here as a placeholder.
    result = virsh.nodedev_list(cap="scsi_host")
    if result.exit_status:
        raise exceptions.TestFail(results_stderr_52lts(result))
    scsi_hosts = results_stdout_52lts(result).strip().splitlines()
    online_hbas_list = []
    online_vhbas_list = []
    # go through all scsi hosts, and split hbas/vhbas into lists
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        stdout = results_stdout_52lts(result).strip()
        if result.exit_status:
            raise exceptions.TestFail(results_stderr_52lts(result))
        if (re.search('vport_ops', stdout)
                and not re.search('<fabric_wwn>ffffffffffffffff</fabric_wwn>', stdout)
                and not re.search('<fabric_wwn>0</fabric_wwn>', stdout)):
        if re.search('fc_host', stdout) and not re.search('vport_ops', stdout):
    if hba_type == "hba":
        return online_hbas_list
    if hba_type == "vhba":
        return online_vhbas_list
    def dump_nodedev_xml(dev_name, dev_opt="", **dargs):
        Do dumpxml and check the result.

        step1.execute nodedev-dumpxml command.
        step1.compare info in xml with info in sysfs.

        :param dev_name: name of device.
        :param dev_opt: command extra options
        :param dargs: extra dict args
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, options=dev_opt, **dargs)
        logging.debug('Executing "virsh nodedev-dumpxml %s" finished.',
        # Compare info in xml with info in sysfs.
        nodedevice_xml = nodedev_xml.NodedevXML.new_from_dumpxml(dev_name)

        if not nodedevice_xml.validates:
            test.error("nodedvxml of %s is not validated." % (dev_name))
        # Get the dict of key to value in xml.
        # nodedev_dict_xml contain the all keys and values in xml need checking.
        nodedev_dict_xml = nodedevice_xml.get_key2value_dict()

        # Get the dict of key to path in sysfs.
        # nodedev_syspath_dict contain the all keys and the path of file which contain
        #                 information for each key.
        nodedev_syspath_dict = nodedevice_xml.get_key2syspath_dict()

        # Get the values contained in files.
        # nodedev_dict_sys contain the all keys and values in sysfs.
        nodedev_dict_sys = {}
        for key, filepath in list(nodedev_syspath_dict.items()):
            with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
                value = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
            nodedev_dict_sys[key] = value

        # Compare the value in xml and in syspath.
        for key in nodedev_dict_xml:
            xml_value = nodedev_dict_xml.get(key)
            sys_value = nodedev_dict_sys.get(key)

            if not xml_value == sys_value:
                if (key == 'numa_node'
                        and not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5)):
                    logging.warning("key: %s in xml is not supported yet" %
                    test.error("key: %s in xml is %s,"
                               "but in sysfs is %s." %
                               (key, xml_value, sys_value))

            "Compare info in xml and info in sysfs finished"
            "for device %s.", dev_name)
def do_nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, dev_opt="", **dargs):
    Do dumpxml and check the result.

    (1).execute nodedev-dumpxml command.
    (2).compare info in xml with info in sysfs.

    :param dev_name: name of device.
    :param dev_opt: command extra options
    :param dargs: extra dict args
    :raise TestFail: if execute command failed
                     or check result failed.
    result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, options=dev_opt, **dargs)
    if result.exit_status:
        raise error.TestError("Dumpxml node device %s failed.\n"
                              "Detail:%s." % (dev_name, result.stderr))
    logging.debug('Executing "virsh nodedev-dumpxml %s" finished.', dev_name)
    # compare info in xml with info in sysfs.
    nodedevxml = nodedev_xml.NodedevXML.new_from_dumpxml(dev_name)
    if not nodedevxml.validates:
        raise error.TestError("nodedvxml of %s is not validated." % (dev_name))
    # Get the dict of key to value in xml.
    # key2value_dict_xml contain the all keys and values in xml need checking.
    key2value_dict_xml = nodedevxml.get_key2value_dict()
    # Get the dict of key to path in sysfs.
    # key2syspath_dict contain the all keys and the path of file which contain
    #                 information for each key.
    key2syspath_dict = nodedevxml.get_key2syspath_dict()
    # Get the values contained in files.
    # key2value_dict_sys contain the all keys and values in sysfs.
    key2value_dict_sys = {}
    for key, filepath in key2syspath_dict.items():
        value = utils.read_one_line(filepath)
        key2value_dict_sys[key] = value

    # Compare the value in xml and in syspath.
    for key in key2value_dict_xml:
        value_xml = key2value_dict_xml.get(key)
        value_sys = key2value_dict_sys.get(key)
        if not value_xml == value_sys:
            if (key == 'numa_node'
                    and not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5)):
                logging.warning("key: %s in xml is not supported yet" % key)
                raise error.TestError("key: %s in xml is %s,"
                                      "but in sysfs is %s." %
                                      (key, value_xml, value_sys))

        "Compare info in xml and info in sysfs finished"
        "for device %s.", dev_name)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def dump_nodedev_xml(dev_name, dev_opt="", **dargs):
        Do dumpxml and check the result.

        step1.execute nodedev-dumpxml command.
        step1.compare info in xml with info in sysfs.

        :param dev_name: name of device.
        :param dev_opt: command extra options
        :param dargs: extra dict args
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, options=dev_opt, **dargs)
        logging.debug('Executing "virsh nodedev-dumpxml %s" finished.', dev_name)
        # Compare info in xml with info in sysfs.
        nodedevice_xml = nodedev_xml.NodedevXML.new_from_dumpxml(dev_name)

        if not nodedevice_xml.validates:
            test.error("nodedvxml of %s is not validated." % (dev_name))
        # Get the dict of key to value in xml.
        # nodedev_dict_xml contain the all keys and values in xml need checking.
        nodedev_dict_xml = nodedevice_xml.get_key2value_dict()

        # Get the dict of key to path in sysfs.
        # nodedev_syspath_dict contain the all keys and the path of file which contain
        #                 information for each key.
        nodedev_syspath_dict = nodedevice_xml.get_key2syspath_dict()

        # Get the values contained in files.
        # nodedev_dict_sys contain the all keys and values in sysfs.
        nodedev_dict_sys = {}
        for key, filepath in list(nodedev_syspath_dict.items()):
            with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
                value = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
            nodedev_dict_sys[key] = value

        # Compare the value in xml and in syspath.
        for key in nodedev_dict_xml:
            xml_value = nodedev_dict_xml.get(key)
            sys_value = nodedev_dict_sys.get(key)

            if not xml_value == sys_value:
                if (key == 'numa_node' and not
                        libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5)):
                    logging.warning("key: %s in xml is not supported yet" % key)
                    test.error("key: %s in xml is %s,"
                               "but in sysfs is %s." %
                               (key, xml_value, sys_value))

        logging.debug("Compare info in xml and info in sysfs finished"
                      "for device %s.", dev_name)
Exemplo n.º 8
def restart_libvirtd_and_check_vhbaxml(scsi_host, test):
    Check a vhba's xml before and after restart libvirtd. Return false
    if vhba's xml chnaged.
    libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
    cmd_result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
    scsi_host_xml = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
    if "<device>" not in scsi_host_xml:
        test.fail("node device %s has invalid xml: %s" %
                  (scsi_host, scsi_host_xml))
    cmd_result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
    scsi_host_xml_new = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
    if (scsi_host_xml == scsi_host_xml_new):
        logging.debug("vhba's xml is same before&after libvirtd restarted:\n%s"
                      % scsi_host_xml_new)
        return True
    logging.debug("vhba's xml is not same before&after libvirtd restarted "
                  "before: %s\nafter: %s" % (scsi_host_xml, scsi_host_xml_new))
    return False
Exemplo n.º 9
def nodedev_validate(file=None, **virsh_dargs):
    Test for schema nodedev
    # Get dev name
    cmd_result = virsh.nodedev_list()

    dev_name = cmd_result.stdout.strip().splitlines()[1]
    if dev_name:
        cmd_result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, to_file=file)
Exemplo n.º 10
def do_nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, dev_opt="", **dargs):
    Do dumpxml and check the result.

    (1).execute nodedev-dumpxml command.
    (2).compare info in xml with info in sysfs.

    :param dev_name: name of device.
    :param dev_opt: command extra options
    :param dargs: extra dict args
    :raise TestFail: if execute command failed
                     or check result failed.
    result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(dev_name, options=dev_opt, **dargs)
    if result.exit_status:
        raise error.TestError("Dumpxml node device %s failed.\n"
                              "Detail:%s." % (dev_name, result.stderr))
    logging.debug('Executing "virsh nodedev-dumpxml %s" finished.', dev_name)
    # compare info in xml with info in sysfs.
    nodedevxml = nodedev_xml.NodedevXML.new_from_dumpxml(dev_name)
    if not nodedevxml.validates:
        raise error.TestError("nodedvxml of %s is not validated." % (dev_name))
    # Get the dict of key to value in xml.
    # key2value_dict_xml contain the all keys and values in xml need checking.
    key2value_dict_xml = nodedevxml.get_key2value_dict()
    # Get the dict of key to path in sysfs.
    # key2syspath_dict contain the all keys and the path of file which contain
    #                 information for each key.
    key2syspath_dict = nodedevxml.get_key2syspath_dict()
    # Get the values contained in files.
    # key2value_dict_sys contain the all keys and values in sysfs.
    key2value_dict_sys = {}
    for key, filepath in key2syspath_dict.items():
        value = utils.read_one_line(filepath)
        key2value_dict_sys[key] = value

    # Compare the value in xml and in syspath.
    for key in key2value_dict_xml:
        value_xml = key2value_dict_xml.get(key)
        value_sys = key2value_dict_sys.get(key)
        if not value_xml == value_sys:
            if (key == 'numa_node' and not
                    libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 2, 5)):
                logging.warning("key: %s in xml is not supported yet" % key)
                raise error.TestError("key: %s in xml is %s,"
                                      "but in sysfs is %s." %
                                      (key, value_xml, value_sys))

    logging.debug("Compare info in xml and info in sysfs finished"
                  "for device %s.", dev_name)
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_nodedev_dumpxml(selected_device):
    Returns LibvirtXMLBase instance holding the nodedev xml.

    :param selected_device: device identifier
    :return: LibvirtXMLBase instance from nodedev-dumpxml output
    result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(selected_device, ignore_status=False)
    xml = LibvirtXMLBase()
    xml.xml = result.stdout_text
    logging.debug("nodedev-dumpxml for '%s': %s", selected_device,
    return xml
def check_vport_ops_cap(test, scsi_hosts):
    Check vport operation capability
    :params scsi_hosts: list of the scsi_host
    vport_ops_list = []
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        if result.exit_status:
        if re.search('vport_ops', result.stdout.strip()):

    logging.debug("The vport_ops list: %s", vport_ops_list)
    return vport_ops_list
def check_vport_ops_cap(scsi_hosts):
    Check vport operation capability
    :params scsi_hosts: list of the scsi_host
    vport_ops_list = []
    for scsi_host in scsi_hosts:
        result = virsh.nodedev_dumpxml(scsi_host)
        if result.exit_status:
            raise error.TestFail(result.stderr)
        if re.search('vport_ops', result.stdout.strip()):

    logging.debug("The vport_ops list: %s", vport_ops_list)
    return vport_ops_list