Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_current_value():
     Get the current schedinfo value and return
     current_result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, " --current",
                                      ignore_status=True, debug=True)
     current_value = analyse_schedinfo_output(current_result, set_ref)
     return current_value
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _exec_schedinfo(items, update_error=False):
            Run "virsh schedinfo" command and check result

            :param items: items to be matched
            :param update_error: True - raise exception when items are updated
                                 False - raise exception when items are
                                         not updated
            :raise: test.fail when "virsh schedinfo" command failed
            result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_name, debug=True)
            if update_error:
                items.update({"iothread_period": 100000,
                              "iothread_quota": '(17592186044415|-1)'})
            for key, val in items.items():
                if not re.findall(key+'\s*:\s+'+str(val), result.stdout):
                    test.fail("Unable to find expected value {}:{} from {}"
                              .format(key, val, result))
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")

        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result = cg_file.read()
            except IOError:
                raise error.TestError("Failed to open cgroup file %s"
                                      % cgroup_file)
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    schedinfo_param = params.get("schedinfo_param", "vcpu")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_method = params.get("schedinfo_set_method", "cmd")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_method == 'cmd':
            if set_value:
                options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
                options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref
        elif set_method == 'xml':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
                cputune = xml.cputune
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                cputune = vm_xml.VMCPUTune()
            name_map = {
                'cpu_shares': 'shares',
                'vcpu_period': 'period',
                'vcpu_quota': 'quota',
                'emulator_period': 'emulator_period',
                'emulator_quota': 'emulator_quota',
            cputune[name_map[set_ref]] = int(set_value)
            xml.cputune = cputune

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    if vm.is_dead():
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    options_ref += " %s " % options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, options_ref,
                             ignore_status=True, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
    if not vm.is_alive():

    if options_ref.count("config"):

    set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type=schedinfo_param,

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" % (
                                 set_value, set_value_of_output,
                                 set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                # Value in output of virsh schedinfo is not guaranteed 'correct'
                # when we use --config.
                # This is my attempt to fix it
                # http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2014-May/msg00466.html.
                # But this patch did not go into upstream of libvirt.
                # Libvirt just guarantee that the value is correct in next boot
                # when we use --config. So skip checking of output in this case.
                if (not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output) and
                        not (options_ref.count("config"))):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in cgroup is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
Exemplo n.º 4
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")

        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result = cg_file.read()
            except IOError:
                raise error.TestError("Failed to open cgroup file %s" %
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    schedinfo_param = params.get("schedinfo_param", "vcpu")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_method = params.get("schedinfo_set_method", "cmd")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_method == 'cmd':
            if set_value:
                options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
                options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref
        elif set_method == 'xml':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
                cputune = xml.cputune
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                cputune = vm_xml.VMCPUTune()
            name_map = {
                'cpu_shares': 'shares',
                'vcpu_period': 'period',
                'vcpu_quota': 'quota',
                'emulator_period': 'emulator_period',
                'emulator_quota': 'emulator_quota',
            cputune[name_map[set_ref]] = int(set_value)
            xml.cputune = cputune

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    if vm.is_dead():
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    options_ref += " %s " % options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref,
    status = result.exit_status

    # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
    if not vm.is_alive():

    if options_ref.count("config"):

    set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm,

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" %
                             (set_value, set_value_of_output,
                              set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                # Value in output of virsh schedinfo is not guaranteed 'correct'
                # when we use --config.
                # This is my attempt to fix it
                # http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2014-May/msg00466.html.
                # But this patch did not go into upstream of libvirt.
                # Libvirt just guarantee that the value is correct in next boot
                # when we use --config. So skip checking of output in this case.
                if (not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output)
                        and not (options_ref.count("config"))):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in cgroup is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_virsh_schedinfo_qemu_posix(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        @Param vm: the vm object
        @Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")
        cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
        if not os.path.exists(cgroup_file):
            raise error.TestNAError("Unknown path to cgroups", cgroup_file)
        get_value_cmd = "cat %s" % cgroup_file
        result = utils.run(get_value_cmd, ignore_status=True)
        return result.stdout.strip()

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_value:
            options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
            options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref

    options_ref += options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref,
    status = result.exit_status

    # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
    if not vm.is_alive():
    set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, parameter=cgroup_ref)

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" %
                             (set_value, set_value_of_output,
                              set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in cgroup is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_virsh_schedinfo_xen_credit(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameter.
    4) Recover environment like vm's state.
    5) Check result.
    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="credit"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of xen(default is credit)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "credit"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_value:
            options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
            options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref

    options_ref += options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref,
    status = result.exit_status

    if vm.is_alive():

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                    "value will be set:%s\n"
                    "set value in output:%s\n"
                    "expected value:%s" %
                    (set_value, set_value_of_output, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
def run_virsh_schedinfo_qemu_posix(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(domname, controller="cpu",
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        @Param domname: vm's name
        @Param controller: the controller which parameter is in.
        @Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        @Param libvirt_cgroup_path: the path of libvirt in cgroup
        @return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
            ctl_mount = cgroup_utils.get_cgroup_mountpoint(controller)
        except IndexError:
            return None
        if ctl_mount is not False:
            get_value_cmd = "cat %s/%s/%s/%s" % (ctl_mount,
                                 libvirt_cgroup_path, domname, parameter)
            result = utils.run(get_value_cmd, ignore_status=True)
            return result.stdout.strip()
            return None

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        @param result: CmdResult struct
        @param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        @param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    #Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    #Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_value:
            options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
            options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref

    options_ref += options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, options_ref,
                             ignore_status=True, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    # VM must be runnning to get cgroup parameters.
    if not vm.is_alive():
    set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm_name,

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" % (
                             set_value, set_value_of_output,
                             set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in cgroup is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
def run_virsh_schedinfo_xen_credit(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameter.
    4) Recover environment like vm's state.
    5) Check result.
    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="credit"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of xen(default is credit)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "credit"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_value:
            options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
            options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref

    options_ref += options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, options_ref,
                             ignore_status=True, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    if vm.is_alive():

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" % (set_value,
                                                    set_value_of_output, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: the value of parameter in cgroup.
        vm_pid = vm.get_pid()
        cgtest = libvirt_cgroup.CgroupTest(vm_pid)
        cgroup_info = cgtest.get_standardized_cgroup_info("schedinfo")

        logging.debug("cgroup_info is %s" % cgroup_info)
        if parameter in ["cpu.cfs_period_us", "cpu.cfs_quota_us"]:
            if cgroup_type == "emulator":
                parameter = "%s/%s" % (cgroup_type, parameter)
            elif cgroup_type in ["vcpu", "iothread"]:
                parameter = "<%sX>/%s" % (cgroup_type, parameter)
        for key, value in libvirt_cgroup.CGROUP_V1_SCHEDINFO_FILE_MAPPING.items():
            if value == parameter:
                cgroup_ref_key = key
        if 'cgroup_ref_key' not in locals():
            test.error("{} is not found in CGROUP_V1_SCHEDINFO_FILE_MAPPING."
        return cgroup_info[cgroup_ref_key]

    def analyse_schedinfo_output(result, set_ref):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :return: the value of the parameter.
        cg_obj = libvirt_cgroup.CgroupTest(None)
        output_dict = cg_obj.convert_virsh_output_to_dict(result)
        result_info = cg_obj.get_standardized_virsh_info("schedinfo", output_dict)
        set_value_list = []
        for set_ref_node in set_ref.split(","):
            if result_info.get(set_ref_node):

        return set_value_list

    def get_current_value():
        Get the current schedinfo value and return
        current_result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, " --current",
                                         ignore_status=True, debug=True)
        current_value = analyse_schedinfo_output(current_result, set_ref)
        return current_value

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    schedinfo_param = params.get("schedinfo_param", "vcpu")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_method = params.get("schedinfo_set_method", "cmd")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # Libvirt version where function begins to change
    libvirt_ver_function_changed = eval(params.get(
        "libvirt_ver_function_changed", '[]'))
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    start_vm = ("yes" == params.get("start_vm"))
    readonly = ("yes" == params.get("schedinfo_readonly", "no"))
    expect_msg = params.get("schedinfo_err_msg", "")

    if libvirt_cgroup.CgroupTest(None).is_cgroup_v2_enabled():
        if params.get("schedinfo_set_value_cgroupv2"):
            set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_cgroupv2")
        if params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected_cgroupv2"):
            set_value_expected = params.get(
        if params.get("cgroup_v2_unsupported_reason"):

    if libvirt_ver_function_changed:
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(*libvirt_ver_function_changed):
            set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_bk")
            set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected_bk")

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")

    # For safety reasons, we'd better back up  xmlfile.
    orig_config_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    if not orig_config_xml:
        test.error("Backing up xmlfile failed.")

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        # Prepare vm xml for iothread test
        if schedinfo_param == 'iothread':
            virsh.iothreadadd(vm_name, '1', ignore_status=False, debug=True)
        if set_method == 'cmd':
            if set_value:
                set_ref_list = set_ref.split(",")
                set_value_list = set_value.split(",")
                for i in range(0, len(set_ref_list)):
                    if "--set" in options_ref:
                        options_ref += " %s=%s" % (set_ref_list[i], set_value_list[i])
                        options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref_list[i], set_value_list[i])
                options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref
        elif set_method == 'xml':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
                cputune = xml.cputune
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                cputune = vm_xml.VMCPUTuneXML()
            name_map = {
                'cpu_shares': 'shares',
                'vcpu_period': 'period',
                'vcpu_quota': 'quota',
                'emulator_period': 'emulator_period',
                'emulator_quota': 'emulator_quota',
                'global_period': 'global_period',
                'global_quota': 'global_quota',
                'iothread_period': 'iothread_period',
                'iothread_quota': 'iothread_quota'
            cputune[name_map[set_ref]] = int(set_value)
            xml.cputune = cputune
            logging.debug("After setting xml, VM XML:\n%s",

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    if vm.is_dead() and start_vm:
        except Exception as detail:

    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    options_ref += " %s " % options_suffix

    # Get schedinfo with --current parameter
    if set_ref and options_ref.count("config") and start_vm:
        bef_current_value = get_current_value()

        # Run command
        result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, options_ref,
                                 ignore_status=True, debug=True, readonly=readonly)
        status = result.exit_status

        # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
        if not vm.is_alive():

        if options_ref.count("config") and start_vm:
            # Get schedinfo with --current parameter
            aft_current_value = get_current_value()
            if bef_current_value != aft_current_value:
                test.fail("--config change the current %s" % set_ref)

            vm_ref = vm.get_id()

        if set_ref:
            start_current_value = get_current_value()

        set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type=schedinfo_param,

        if set_ref:
            set_value_of_output = analyse_schedinfo_output(result, set_ref)

        # Check result
        if status_error == "no":
            if status:
                test.fail("Run failed with right command. Error: {}"
                if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                    logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                                 "set value in output:%s\n"
                                 "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                                 "expected value:%s" % (
                                     set_value, set_value_of_output,
                                     set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                    if set_value_of_output is None:
                        test.fail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                    # Value in output of virsh schedinfo is not guaranteed 'correct'
                    # when we use --config.
                    # This is my attempt to fix it
                    # http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2014-May/msg00466.html.
                    # But this patch did not go into upstream of libvirt.
                    # Libvirt just guarantee that the value is correct in next boot
                    # when we use --config. So skip checking of output in this case.
                    expected_value_list = sorted(set_value_expected.split(','))
                    if (not (expected_value_list == sorted(set_value_of_output)) and
                            not (options_ref.count("config"))):
                        test.fail("Run successful but value "
                                  "in output is not expected.")
                    if len(set_value_expected.split(',')) == 1:
                        if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                            test.fail("Run successful but value "
                                      "in cgroup is not expected.")
                        if not (expected_value_list == sorted(start_current_value)):
                            test.fail("Run successful but current "
                                      "value is not expected.")
            if not status:
                test.fail("Run successfully with wrong command. Output: {}"
            if not re.search(expect_msg, result.stderr_text.strip()):
                test.fail("Fail to get expect err msg! "
                          "Expected: {} Actual: {}"
                          .format(expect_msg, result.stderr_text.strip()))
Exemplo n.º 10
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")
        logging.debug("cgroup_path=%s", cgroup_path)
        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            if cgroup_type == 'iothread':
                parameter = 'iothread1/%s' % parameter
            if cgroup_type == 'vcpu' and parameter != 'cpu.shares':
                parameter = 'vcpu0/%s' % parameter
            if parameter == 'cpu.shares' and libvirt_version.version_compare(
                    7, 0, 0):
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            logging.debug("cgroup_path is updated to '%s'", cgroup_path)
        cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
        logging.debug("cgroup_file=%s", cgroup_file)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result = cg_file.read()
            except IOError:
                test.error("Failed to open cgroup file %s" % cgroup_file)
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            test.fail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value_list = []
        for set_ref_node in set_ref.split(","):
            for line in result_lines:
                key_value = line.split(":")
                key = key_value[0].strip()
                value = key_value[1].strip()
                if key == "Scheduler":
                    if value != scheduler:
                        test.cancel("This test do not support"
                                    " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
                elif key == set_ref_node:
        return set_value_list

    def get_current_value():
        Get the current schedinfo value and return
        current_result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref,
                                         " --current",
        current_value = schedinfo_output_analyse(current_result, set_ref,
        return current_value

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    schedinfo_param = params.get("schedinfo_param", "vcpu")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_method = params.get("schedinfo_set_method", "cmd")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # Libvirt version where function begins to change
    libvirt_ver_function_changed = eval(
        params.get("libvirt_ver_function_changed", '[]'))
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    start_vm = ("yes" == params.get("start_vm"))
    readonly = ("yes" == params.get("schedinfo_readonly", "no"))
    expect_msg = params.get("schedinfo_err_msg", "")

    if libvirt_ver_function_changed:
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(*libvirt_ver_function_changed):
            set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_bk")
            set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected_bk")

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")

    # For safety reasons, we'd better back up  xmlfile.
    orig_config_xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    if not orig_config_xml:
        test.error("Backing up xmlfile failed.")

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        # Prepare vm xml for iothread test
        if schedinfo_param == 'iothread':
            virsh.iothreadadd(vm_name, '1', ignore_status=False, debug=True)
        if set_method == 'cmd':
            if set_value:
                set_ref_list = set_ref.split(",")
                set_value_list = set_value.split(",")
                for i in range(0, len(set_ref_list)):
                    if "--set" in options_ref:
                        options_ref += " %s=%s" % (set_ref_list[i],
                        options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref_list[i],
                options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref
        elif set_method == 'xml':
            xml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
                cputune = xml.cputune
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                cputune = vm_xml.VMCPUTuneXML()
            name_map = {
                'cpu_shares': 'shares',
                'vcpu_period': 'period',
                'vcpu_quota': 'quota',
                'emulator_period': 'emulator_period',
                'emulator_quota': 'emulator_quota',
                'global_period': 'global_period',
                'global_quota': 'global_quota',
                'iothread_period': 'iothread_period',
                'iothread_quota': 'iothread_quota'
            cputune[name_map[set_ref]] = int(set_value)
            xml.cputune = cputune
            logging.debug("After setting xml, VM XML:\n%s",

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    if vm.is_dead() and start_vm:
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    options_ref += " %s " % options_suffix

    # Get schedinfo with --current parameter
    if set_ref and options_ref.count("config") and start_vm:
        bef_current_value = get_current_value()

        # Run command
        result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref,
        status = result.exit_status

        # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
        if not vm.is_alive():

        if options_ref.count("config") and start_vm:
            # Get schedinfo with --current parameter
            aft_current_value = get_current_value()
            if bef_current_value != aft_current_value:
                test.fail("--config change the current %s" % set_ref)

            vm_ref = vm.get_id()

        if set_ref:
            start_current_value = get_current_value()

        set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(
            vm, cgroup_type=schedinfo_param, parameter=cgroup_ref)

        if set_ref:
            set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(
                result, set_ref, scheduler_value)

        # Check result
        if status_error == "no":
            if status:
                test.fail("Run failed with right command. Error: {}".format(
                if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                    logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                                 "set value in output:%s\n"
                                 "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                                 "expected value:%s" %
                                 (set_value, set_value_of_output,
                                  set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                    if set_value_of_output is None:
                        test.fail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                    # Value in output of virsh schedinfo is not guaranteed 'correct'
                    # when we use --config.
                    # This is my attempt to fix it
                    # http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2014-May/msg00466.html.
                    # But this patch did not go into upstream of libvirt.
                    # Libvirt just guarantee that the value is correct in next boot
                    # when we use --config. So skip checking of output in this case.
                    expected_value_list = sorted(set_value_expected.split(','))
                    if (not (expected_value_list
                             == sorted(set_value_of_output))
                            and not (options_ref.count("config"))):
                        test.fail("Run successful but value "
                                  "in output is not expected.")
                    if len(set_value_expected.split(',')) == 1:
                        if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                            test.fail("Run successful but value "
                                      "in cgroup is not expected.")
                        if not (expected_value_list
                                == sorted(start_current_value)):
                            test.fail("Run successful but current "
                                      "value is not expected.")
            if not status:
                    "Run successfully with wrong command. Output: {}".format(
            if readonly:
                if not re.search(expect_msg, result.stderr.strip()):
                    test.fail("Fail to get expect err msg! "
                              "Expected: {} Actual: {}".foramt(
                                  expect_msg, result.stderr.strip()))
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh schedinfo.

    This version provide base test of virsh schedinfo command:
    virsh schedinfo <vm> [--set<set_ref>]
    TODO: to support more parameters.

    1) Get parameters and prepare vm's state
    2) Prepare test options.
    3) Run schedinfo command to set or get parameters.
    4) Get schedinfo in cgroup
    5) Recover environment like vm's state
    6) Check result.
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")

        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result = cg_file.read()
            except IOError:
                raise error.TestError("Failed to open cgroup file %s"
                                      % cgroup_file)
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()

    def schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref, scheduler="posix"):
        Get the value of set_ref.

        :param result: CmdResult struct
        :param set_ref: the parameter has been set
        :param scheduler: the scheduler of qemu(default is posix)
        output = result.stdout.strip()
        if not re.search("Scheduler", output):
            raise error.TestFail("Output is not standard:\n%s" % output)

        result_lines = output.splitlines()
        set_value = None
        for line in result_lines:
            key_value = line.split(":")
            key = key_value[0].strip()
            value = key_value[1].strip()
            if key == "Scheduler":
                if value != scheduler:
                    raise error.TestNAError("This test do not support"
                                            " %s scheduler." % scheduler)
            elif key == set_ref:
                set_value = value
        return set_value

    # Prepare vm test environment
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    domid = vm.get_id()
    domuuid = vm.get_uuid()

    # Prepare test options
    vm_ref = params.get("schedinfo_vm_ref", "domname")
    options_ref = params.get("schedinfo_options_ref", "")
    options_suffix = params.get("schedinfo_options_suffix", "")
    schedinfo_param = params.get("schedinfo_param", "vcpu")
    set_ref = params.get("schedinfo_set_ref", "")
    cgroup_ref = params.get("schedinfo_cgroup_ref", "cpu.shares")
    set_value = params.get("schedinfo_set_value", "")
    set_value_expected = params.get("schedinfo_set_value_expected", "")
    # The default scheduler on qemu/kvm is posix
    scheduler_value = "posix"
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")

    if vm_ref == "domid":
        vm_ref = domid
    elif vm_ref == "domname":
        vm_ref = vm_name
    elif vm_ref == "domuuid":
        vm_ref = domuuid
    elif vm_ref == "hex_id":
        if domid == '-':
            vm_ref = domid
            vm_ref = hex(int(domid))

    if set_ref == "none":
        options_ref = "--set"
        set_ref = None
    elif set_ref:
        if set_value:
            options_ref = "--set %s=%s" % (set_ref, set_value)
            options_ref = "--set %s" % set_ref

    options_ref += options_suffix

    # Run command
    result = virsh.schedinfo(vm_ref, options_ref,
                             ignore_status=True, debug=True)
    status = result.exit_status

    # VM must be running to get cgroup parameters.
    if not vm.is_alive():
    set_value_of_cgroup = get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type=schedinfo_param,

    if set_ref:
        set_value_of_output = schedinfo_output_analyse(result, set_ref,

    # Check result
    if status_error == "no":
        if status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command.")
            if set_ref and set_value_expected:
                logging.info("value will be set:%s\n"
                             "set value in output:%s\n"
                             "set value in cgroup:%s\n"
                             "expected value:%s" % (
                                 set_value, set_value_of_output,
                                 set_value_of_cgroup, set_value_expected))
                if set_value_of_output is None:
                    raise error.TestFail("Get parameter %s failed." % set_ref)
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in output is not expected.")
                if not (set_value_expected == set_value_of_cgroup):
                    raise error.TestFail("Run successful but value "
                                         "in cgroup is not expected.")
        if not status:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command.")