Exemplo n.º 1
    def _two_part_modules(self, index):
        Prepare a list of frequencies of two-part interval n-grams in a piece. This method is
        called by :meth:`_interval_ngrams` when required.

        These indexers and experimenters will run:

        * :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.interval.IntervalIndexer`
        * :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer`
        * :class:`~vis.analyzers.indexers.ngram.NGramIndexer`

        :param index: The index of the IndexedPiece on which to the experiment, as stored in
        :type index: int

        :returns: The result of :class:`NGramIndexer` for a single piece.
        :rtype: list of :class:`pandas.Series`
        piece = self._data[index]
        # make settings for interval indexers
        settings = {u'quality': self.settings(index, u'interval quality')}
        settings[u'simple or compound'] = u'simple' if self.settings(None, u'simple intervals') \
                                          is True else u'compound'
        vert_ints = piece.get_data([noterest.NoteRestIndexer, interval.IntervalIndexer], settings)
        horiz_ints = piece.get_data([noterest.NoteRestIndexer, interval.HorizontalIntervalIndexer],
        # run the offset and repeat indexers, if required
        vert_ints = self._run_off_rep(index, vert_ints)
        horiz_ints = self._run_off_rep(index, horiz_ints)
        # each key in vert_ints corresponds to a two-voice combination we should use
        post = []
        for combo in vert_ints.iterkeys():
            # which "horiz" part to use?
            horiz_i = interval.key_to_tuple(combo)[1]
            # make the list of parts
            parts = [vert_ints[combo], horiz_ints[horiz_i]]
            # assemble settings
            setts = {u'vertical': [0], u'horizontal': [1]}
            setts[u'mark singles'] = self.settings(None, u'mark singles')
            setts[u'continuer'] = self.settings(None, u'continuer')
            setts[u'n'] = self.settings(None, u'n')
            if self.settings(None, u'include rests') is not True:
                setts[u'terminator'] = u'Rest'
            # run NGramIndexer, then append the result to the corresponding index of the dict
            post.append(piece.get_data([ngram.NGramIndexer], setts, parts)[0])
        return post
 def test_two_part_modules_1(self, mock_int, mock_nri, mock_ng, mock_horiz, mock_ror):
     # - we'll only use self._data[1]; excluding "Rest"
     # 1.) prepare the test and mocks
     test_pieces = [MagicMock(IndexedPiece, name=x) for x in [u'test1', u'test2', u'test3']]
     # set up fake part names
     for piece in test_pieces:
         piece.metadata.return_value = [u'S', u'A', u'T', u'B']
     # set up pseudo-IntervalIndexer results for mock_ror
     part_combos = [u'0,3', u'1,3', u'2,3', u'0,1', u'0,2', u'1,2']
     ror_vert_ret = {x: MagicMock(name=u'piece2 part ' + x) for x in part_combos}
     ror_horiz_ret = [MagicMock(name=u'piece2 horiz ' + str(x)) for x in xrange(4)]
     ror_returns = [ror_vert_ret, ror_horiz_ret]
     def ror_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
         # NB: we need to accept "args" as a mock framework formality
         # pylint: disable=W0613
         return ror_returns.pop(0)
     mock_ror.side_effect = ror_side_effect
     # set up fake return values for IntervalIndexer
     vert_ret = u"IntervalIndexer's return"
     horiz_ret = u"HorizontalIntervalIndexer's return"
     # set up return values for IndexedPiece.get_data()
     returns = [vert_ret, horiz_ret, [u'piece2 3rd get_data()'], [u'piece2 4th get_data()'],
                [u'piece2 5th get_data()'], [u'piece2 6th get_data()'], [u'piece2 7th get_data()'],
                [u'piece2 8th get_data()']]
     def side_effect(*args):
         # NB: we need to accept "args" as a mock framework formality
         # pylint: disable=W0613
         return returns.pop(0)
     for piece in test_pieces:
         piece.get_data.side_effect = side_effect
     expected = [x[0] for x in returns[2:]]
     # 2.) prepare WorkflowManager and run the test
     test_wc = WorkflowManager(test_pieces)
     test_index = 1
     test_wc.settings(test_index, u'interval quality', True)
     test_wc.settings(test_index, u'simple intervals', True)
     test_wc.settings(test_index, u'filter repeats', False)
     test_wc.settings(test_index, u'offset interval', None)
     actual = test_wc._two_part_modules(test_index)
     # 3.) confirm everything was called in the right order
     # - that every IP is asked for its vertical and horizontal interval indexes
     #   (that "mark singles" and "continuer" weren't put in the settings)
     expected_interv_setts = {u'quality': True, u'simple or compound': u'simple'}
     expected_ngram_settings = {u'horizontal': [1], u'vertical': [0], u'n': 2,
                                u'continuer': 'dynamic quality', u'mark singles': False,
                                u'terminator': u'Rest'}
     # four-part piece means 6 combinations for NGramIndexer, plus 2 calls to interval indexers
     self.assertEqual(8, test_pieces[test_index].get_data.call_count)
     exp_calls = [mock.call([mock_nri, mock_int], expected_interv_setts),
                 mock.call([mock_nri, mock_horiz], expected_interv_setts)]
     for i in xrange(len(exp_calls)):
         self.assertEqual(test_pieces[test_index].get_data.mock_calls[i], exp_calls[i])
     # - that _run_off_rep() is called once for horizontal and vertical
     self.assertEqual(2, mock_ror.call_count)
     mock_ror.assert_any_call(test_index, vert_ret)
     mock_ror.assert_any_call(test_index, horiz_ret, is_horizontal=True)
     # - that each IndP.get_data() called NGramIndexer with the right settings at some point
     for combo in ror_vert_ret.iterkeys():
     self.assertSequenceEqual(expected, actual)
 def test_key_to_tuple_2(self):
     in_val = u'234522,98100'
     expected = (234522, 98100)
     actual = key_to_tuple(in_val)
     self.assertSequenceEqual(expected, actual)
 def test_key_to_tuple_1(self):
     in_val = u'5,6'
     expected = (5, 6)
     actual = key_to_tuple(in_val)
     self.assertSequenceEqual(expected, actual)