Exemplo n.º 1
def convective_deriv(a, b=None, bnd=True):
    r"""Compute (a \dot \nabla) b for vector fields a and b"""
    # [(B \dot \nabla) B]_j = B_i \partial_i B_j
    # FIXME: this is a lot of temporary arrays
    if bnd:
        if b is None:
            b = viscid.extend_boundaries(a, order=0, crd_order=0)
            b = viscid.extend_boundaries(b, order=0, crd_order=0)
        if b is None:
            b = a
        a = a['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1']

    if b.nr_comps > 1:
        diBj = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]]
        for j, jcmp in enumerate('xyz'):
            g = grad(b[jcmp], bnd=False)
            for i, icmp in enumerate('xyz'):
                diBj[i][j] = g[icmp]
        dest = viscid.zeros(a.crds, nr_comps=3)
        for i, icmp in enumerate('xyz'):
            for j, jcmp in enumerate('xyz'):
                dest[jcmp][...] += a[icmp] * diBj[i][j]
        dest = dot(a, grad(b, bnd=False))
    return dest
Exemplo n.º 2
def convective_deriv(a, b=None, bnd=True):
    r"""Compute (a \dot \nabla) b for vector fields a and b"""
    # [(B \dot \nabla) B]_j = B_i \partial_i B_j
    # FIXME: this is a lot of temporary arrays
    if bnd:
        if b is None:
            b = viscid.extend_boundaries(a, order=0, crd_order=0)
            b = viscid.extend_boundaries(b, order=0, crd_order=0)
        if b is None:
            b = a
        a = a['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1']

    if b.nr_comps > 1:
        diBj = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]]
        for j, jcmp in enumerate('xyz'):
            g = grad(b[jcmp], bnd=False)
            for i, icmp in enumerate('xyz'):
                diBj[i][j] = g[icmp]
        dest = viscid.zeros(a.crds, nr_comps=3)
        for i, icmp in enumerate('xyz'):
            for j, jcmp in enumerate('xyz'):
                dest[jcmp][...] += a[icmp] * diBj[i][j]
        dest = dot(a, grad(b, bnd=False))
    return dest
Exemplo n.º 3
def grad(fld, bnd=True):
    """2nd order centeral diff, 1st order @ boundaries if bnd"""
    # vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()
    if bnd:
        fld = viscid.extend_boundaries(fld, order=0, crd_order=0)

    if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)
        # divcenter = "Cell"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        # divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
    elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_nc(shaped=True)
        # divcenter = "Node"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        # divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only do cell and node centered gradients")

    v = fld.data
    g = viscid.zeros(fld['x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1'].crds, nr_comps=3)

    xp, xm = crdx[2:,  :,  :], crdx[:-2, :  , :  ]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    yp, ym = crdy[ :, 2:,  :], crdy[:  , :-2, :  ]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    zp, zm = crdz[ :,  :, 2:], crdz[:  , :  , :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vxp, vxm = v[2:  , 1:-1, 1:-1], v[ :-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vyp, vym = v[1:-1, 2:  , 1:-1], v[1:-1,  :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vzp, vzm = v[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:  ], v[1:-1, 1:-1,  :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    g['x'].data[...] = ne.evaluate("(vxp-vxm)/(xp-xm)")
    g['y'].data[...] = ne.evaluate("(vyp-vym)/(yp-ym)")
    g['z'].data[...] = ne.evaluate("(vzp-vzm)/(zp-zm)")
    return g
Exemplo n.º 4
def div_fc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Calculate cell centered divergence of face centered field"""
    fc = fc.atleast_3d()
    fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc)
    # FIXME: maybe it's possible to do the boundary correctly here without
    #        just faking it with a 0 order hold before returning
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(0, 1))
    div_cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec], center="cell")

    x, y, z = fc.get_crds_nc('xyz', shaped=True)
    if True:
        # x, y, z = x[1:, :, :], y[:, 1:, :], z[:, :, 1:]
        x, y, z = x[:-1, :, :], y[:, :-1, :], z[:, :, :-1]
        raise NotImplementedError()
    # x, y, z = fc.get_crds_cc('xyz', shaped=True)

    xm, xp = x[sm[0], :, :], x[sp[0], :, :]
    ym, yp = y[:, sm[1], :], y[:, sp[1], :]
    zm, zp = z[:, :, sm[2]], z[:, :, sp[2]]

    fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data, fc['x', sp[0], s0[1],
    fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, fc['y', s0[0], sp[1],
    fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, fc['z', s0[0], s0[1],

    # xp, yp, zp = xm + 1.0, ym + 1.0, zm + 1.0

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        div_cc[:, :, :] = ne.evaluate("((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) + "
                                      "((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) + "
                                      "((fcz1 - fcz0) / (zp - zm))")
        div_cc[:, :, :] = (((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) +
                           ((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) + ((fcz1 - fcz0) /
                                                          (zp - zm)))

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        div_cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(div_cc,
    div_cc.name = "div " + fc.name
    div_cc.pretty_name = "Div " + fc.pretty_name
    return div_cc
Exemplo n.º 5
def ec2cc(ec, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Average an edge centered field to cell centers"""
    ec = ec.atleast_3d()
    ec = make_ecfc_field_leading(ec)
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(ec)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(ec.nr_comp, slice(None))
    cc = viscid.zeros_like(ec[s0vec])
    cc.center = "Cell"

    ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3 = (ec['x', s0[0], sm[1],
                                 sm[2]].data, ec['x', s0[0], sm[1],
                              ec['x', s0[0], sp[1],
                                 sm[2]].data, ec['x', s0[0], sp[1],
    ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3 = (ec['y', sm[0], s0[1],
                                 sm[2]].data, ec['y', sm[0], s0[1],
                              ec['y', sp[0], s0[1],
                                 sm[2]].data, ec['y', sp[0], s0[1],
    ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3 = (ec['z', sm[0], sm[1],
                                 s0[2]].data, ec['z', sm[0], sp[1],
                              ec['z', sp[0], sm[1],
                                 s0[2]].data, ec['z', sp[0], sp[1],

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        quarter = np.array([0.25], dtype=ec.dtype)[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        s = "quarter * (a + b + c + d)"
        a, b, c, d = ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b, c, d = ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3
        cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b, c, d = ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3
        cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        cc['x'] = 0.25 * (ecx0 + ecx1 + ecx2 + ecx3)
        cc['y'] = 0.25 * (ecy0 + ecy1 + ecy2 + ecy3)
        cc['z'] = 0.25 * (ecz0 + ecz1 + ecz2 + ecz3)

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1)
    cc.name = ec.name
    cc.pretty_name = ec.pretty_name
    return cc
Exemplo n.º 6
def div_fc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Calculate cell centered divergence of face centered field"""
    fc = fc.atleast_3d()
    fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc)
    # FIXME: maybe it's possible to do the boundary correctly here without
    #        just faking it with a 0 order hold before returning
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(0, 1))
    div_cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec], center="cell")

    x, y, z = fc.get_crds_nc('xyz', shaped=True)
    if True:
        # x, y, z = x[1:, :, :], y[:, 1:, :], z[:, :, 1:]
        x, y, z = x[:-1, :, :], y[:, :-1, :], z[:, :, :-1]
        raise NotImplementedError()
    # x, y, z = fc.get_crds_cc('xyz', shaped=True)

    xm, xp = x[sm[0], :, :], x[sp[0], :, :]
    ym, yp = y[:, sm[1], :], y[:, sp[1], :]
    zm, zp = z[:, :, sm[2]], z[:, :, sp[2]]

    fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data,
                  fc['x', sp[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data)
    fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data,
                  fc['y', s0[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data)
    fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data,
                  fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data)

    # xp, yp, zp = xm + 1.0, ym + 1.0, zm + 1.0

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        div_cc[:, :, :] = ne.evaluate("((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) + "
                                      "((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) + "
                                      "((fcz1 - fcz0) / (zp - zm))")
        div_cc[:, :, :] = (((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) +
                           ((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) +
                           ((fcz1 - fcz0) / (zp - zm)))

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        div_cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(div_cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0,
    div_cc.name = "div " + fc.name
    div_cc.pretty_name = "Div " + fc.pretty_name
    return div_cc
Exemplo n.º 7
def ec2cc(ec, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Average an edge centered field to cell centers"""
    ec = ec.atleast_3d()
    ec = make_ecfc_field_leading(ec)
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(ec)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(ec.nr_comp, slice(None))
    cc = viscid.zeros_like(ec[s0vec])
    cc.center = "Cell"

    ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3 = (ec['x', s0[0], sm[1], sm[2]].data,
                              ec['x', s0[0], sm[1], sp[2]].data,
                              ec['x', s0[0], sp[1], sm[2]].data,
                              ec['x', s0[0], sp[1], sp[2]].data)
    ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3 = (ec['y', sm[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data,
                              ec['y', sm[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data,
                              ec['y', sp[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data,
                              ec['y', sp[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data)
    ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3 = (ec['z', sm[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data,
                              ec['z', sm[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data,
                              ec['z', sp[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data,
                              ec['z', sp[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data)

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        quarter = np.array([0.25], dtype=ec.dtype)[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        s = "quarter * (a + b + c + d)"
        a, b, c, d = ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b, c, d = ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3
        cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b, c, d = ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3
        cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        cc['x'] = 0.25 * (ecx0 + ecx1 + ecx2 + ecx3)
        cc['y'] = 0.25 * (ecy0 + ecy1 + ecy2 + ecy3)
        cc['z'] = 0.25 * (ecz0 + ecz1 + ecz2 + ecz3)

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1)
    cc.name = ec.name
    cc.pretty_name = ec.pretty_name
    return cc
Exemplo n.º 8
def _curl_np(fld, bnd=True):
    """2nd order centeral diff, 1st order @ boundaries if bnd"""
    if bnd:
        fld = viscid.extend_boundaries(fld, order=0, crd_order=0)

    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()

    if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)
        curlcenter = "cell"
        # curlcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        curlcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
    elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_nc(shaped=True)
        curlcenter = "node"
        # curlcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        curlcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only do cell and node centered divs")

    xp, xm = crdx[2:, :, :], crdx[:-2, :, :]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    yp, ym = crdy[:, 2:, :], crdy[:, :-2, :]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    zp, zm = crdz[:, :, 2:], crdz[:, :, :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vxpy, vxmy = vx[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1], vx[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vxpz, vxmz = vx[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:], vx[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vypx, vymx = vy[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1], vy[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vypz, vymz = vy[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:], vy[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vzpx, vzmx = vz[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1], vz[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vzpy, vzmy = vz[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1], vz[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    curl_x = (vzpy - vzmy) / (yp - ym) - (vypz - vymz) / (zp - zm)
    curl_y = -(vzpx - vzmx) / (xp - xm) + (vxpz - vxmz) / (zp - zm)
    curl_z = (vypx - vymx) / (xp - xm) - (vxpy - vxmy) / (yp - ym)

    return field.wrap_field([curl_x, curl_y, curl_z],
                            name="curl " + fld.name,
Exemplo n.º 9
def curl(fld, bnd=True):
    """2nd order centeral diff, 1st order @ boundaries if bnd"""
    if bnd:
        fld = viscid.extend_boundaries(fld, order=0, crd_order=0)

    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()

    if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)
        curlcenter = "cell"
        # curlcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        curlcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
    elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_nc(shaped=True)
        curlcenter = "node"
        # curlcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        curlcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only do cell and node centered divs")

    xp, xm = crdx[2:,  :,  :], crdx[:-2, :  , :  ]  # pylint: disable=C0326
    yp, ym = crdy[ :, 2:,  :], crdy[:  , :-2, :  ]  # pylint: disable=C0326
    zp, zm = crdz[ :,  :, 2:], crdz[:  , :  , :-2]  # pylint: disable=C0326

    vxpy, vxmy = vx[1:-1, 2:  , 1:-1], vx[1:-1,  :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=C0326
    vxpz, vxmz = vx[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:  ], vx[1:-1, 1:-1,  :-2]  # pylint: disable=C0326

    vypx, vymx = vy[2:  , 1:-1, 1:-1], vy[ :-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=C0326
    vypz, vymz = vy[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:  ], vy[1:-1, 1:-1,  :-2]  # pylint: disable=C0326

    vzpx, vzmx = vz[2:  , 1:-1, 1:-1], vz[ :-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=C0326
    vzpy, vzmy = vz[1:-1, 2:  , 1:-1], vz[1:-1,  :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=C0326

    curl_x = ne.evaluate("(vzpy-vzmy)/(yp-ym) - (vypz-vymz)/(zp-zm)")
    curl_y = ne.evaluate("-(vzpx-vzmx)/(xp-xm) + (vxpz-vxmz)/(zp-zm)")
    curl_z = ne.evaluate("(vypx-vymx)/(xp-xm) - (vxpy-vxmy)/(yp-ym)")

    return field.wrap_field([curl_x, curl_y, curl_z], curlcrds,
                            name="curl " + fld.name, fldtype="Vector",
                            center=curlcenter, time=fld.time,
Exemplo n.º 10
def _div_np(fld, bnd=True):
    """2nd order centeral diff, 1st order @ boundaries if bnd"""
    if fld.iscentered("Face"):
        # dispatch fc div immediately since that does its own pre-processing
        return viscid.div_fc(fld, bnd=bnd)

    if bnd:
        fld = viscid.extend_boundaries(fld, order=0, crd_order=0)

    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()

    if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)
        divcenter = "Cell"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
    elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_nc(shaped=True)
        divcenter = "Node"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only do cell and node centered divs")

    xp, xm = crdx[2:, :, :], crdx[:-2, :, :]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    yp, ym = crdy[:, 2:, :], crdy[:, :-2, :]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    zp, zm = crdz[:, :, 2:], crdz[:, :, :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vxp, vxm = vx[2:, 1:-1, 1:-1], vx[:-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vyp, vym = vy[1:-1, 2:, 1:-1], vy[1:-1, :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vzp, vzm = vz[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:], vz[1:-1, 1:-1, :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    div_arr = ((vxp - vxm) / (xp - xm) + (vyp - vym) / (yp - ym) +
               (vzp - vzm) / (zp - zm))
    return field.wrap_field(div_arr,
                            name="div " + fld.name,
Exemplo n.º 11
def fc2cc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Average a face centered field to cell centers"""
    fc = fc.atleast_3d()
    fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc)
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(None))
    cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec])
    cc.center = "Cell"

    fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data,
                  fc['x', sp[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data)
    fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data,
                  fc['y', s0[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data)
    fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data,
                  fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data)

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        half = np.array([0.5], dtype=fc.dtype)[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        s = "half * (a + b)"
        a, b = fcx0, fcx1  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b = fcy0, fcy1
        cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b = fcz0, fcz1
        cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        cc['x'] = 0.5 * (fcx0 + fcx1)
        cc['y'] = 0.5 * (fcy0 + fcy1)
        cc['z'] = 0.5 * (fcz0 + fcz1)

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1)
    cc.name = fc.name
    cc.pretty_name = fc.pretty_name
    return cc
Exemplo n.º 12
def fc2cc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True):
    """Average a face centered field to cell centers"""
    fc = fc.atleast_3d()
    fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc)
    s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc)

    s0vec = list(s0)
    s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(None))
    cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec])
    cc.center = "Cell"

    fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data, fc['x', sp[0], s0[1],
    fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, fc['y', s0[0], sp[1],
    fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, fc['z', s0[0], s0[1],

    if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy:
        half = np.array([0.5], dtype=fc.dtype)[0]  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        s = "half * (a + b)"
        a, b = fcx0, fcx1  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
        cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b = fcy0, fcy1
        cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        a, b = fcz0, fcz1
        cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s)
        cc['x'] = 0.5 * (fcx0 + fcx1)
        cc['y'] = 0.5 * (fcy0 + fcy1)
        cc['z'] = 0.5 * (fcz0 + fcz1)

    if bnd:
        # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape
        #        errors when doing math with the result
        cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1)
    cc.name = fc.name
    cc.pretty_name = fc.pretty_name
    return cc
Exemplo n.º 13
def div(fld, bnd=True):
    """2nd order centeral diff, 1st order @ boundaries if bnd"""
    if fld.iscentered("Face"):
        # dispatch fc div immediately since that does its own pre-processing
        return viscid.div_fc(fld, bnd=bnd)

    if bnd:
        fld = viscid.extend_boundaries(fld, order=0, crd_order=0)

    vx, vy, vz = fld.component_views()

    if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_cc(shaped=True)
        divcenter = "Cell"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
    elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
        crdx, crdy, crdz = fld.get_crds_nc(shaped=True)
        divcenter = "Node"
        # divcrds = coordinate.NonuniformCartesianCrds(fld.crds.get_clist(np.s_[1:-1]))
        divcrds = fld.crds.slice_keep(np.s_[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1])
        raise NotImplementedError("Can only do cell and node centered divs")

    xp, xm = crdx[2:,  :,  :], crdx[:-2, :  , :  ]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    yp, ym = crdy[ :, 2:,  :], crdy[:  , :-2, :  ]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    zp, zm = crdz[ :,  :, 2:], crdz[:  , :  , :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    vxp, vxm = vx[2:  , 1:-1, 1:-1], vx[ :-2, 1:-1, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vyp, vym = vy[1:-1, 2:  , 1:-1], vy[1:-1,  :-2, 1:-1]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    vzp, vzm = vz[1:-1, 1:-1, 2:  ], vz[1:-1, 1:-1,  :-2]  # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace

    div_arr = ne.evaluate("(vxp-vxm)/(xp-xm) + (vyp-vym)/(yp-ym) + "
    return field.wrap_field(div_arr, divcrds, name="div " + fld.name,
                            center=divcenter, time=fld.time, parents=[fld])