Exemplo n.º 1
def run_test(fld, seeds, plot2d=True, plot3d=True, add_title="",
             view_kwargs=None, show=False, scatter_mpl=False, mesh_mvi=True):
    interpolated_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)
    seed_name = seeds.__class__.__name__
    if add_title:
        seed_name += " " + add_title

        if not plot2d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        # plt.plot(seeds.get_points()[2, :], fld)
        mpl_plot_kwargs = dict()
        if interpolated_fld.is_spherical():
            mpl_plot_kwargs['hemisphere'] = 'north'
        vlt.plot(interpolated_fld, **mpl_plot_kwargs)

        plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
        if show:

        if scatter_mpl:
            vlt.plot2d_line(seeds.get_points(), fld, symdir='z', marker='o')
            plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
            if show:
    except ImportError:

        if not plot3d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import vlab

        _ = get_mvi_fig(offscreen=not show)

            if mesh_mvi:
                mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=interpolated_fld)
                mesh.actor.property.backface_culling = True
        except RuntimeError:

        pts = seeds.get_points()
        p = vlab.points3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], interpolated_fld.flat_data,
                          scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        if view_kwargs:

        vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:
Exemplo n.º 2
def minvar(B, p1, p2, n=40):
    """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` between `p1` and `p2`

    Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` between
    two points, i.e., `p1` and `p2` are like two spacecraft locations
    on either side of the boundary for the MVA.

        B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA
        p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary
        p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary
        n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA

        (evals, evecs)
        All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs`
        is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e.,
        the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :]
    p1 = np.array(p1).reshape((3,))
    p2 = np.array(p2).reshape((3,))
    line = viscid.Line(p1, p2, n)
    b = viscid.interp_trilin(B, line)

    return minvar_series(b.data)
Exemplo n.º 3
def minvar(B, p1, p2, n=40):
    """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` between `p1` and `p2`

    Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` between
    two points, i.e., `p1` and `p2` are like two spacecraft locations
    on either side of the boundary for the MVA.

        B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA
        p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary
        p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary
        n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA

        (evals, evecs)
        All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs`
        is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e.,
        the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :]
    p1 = np.array(p1).reshape((3, ))
    p2 = np.array(p2).reshape((3, ))
    line = viscid.Line(p1, p2, n)
    b = viscid.interp_trilin(B, line)

    return minvar_series(b.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_test(fld, seeds, plot2d=True, plot3d=True, add_title="",
             view_kwargs=None, show=False, scatter_mpl=False, mesh_mvi=True):
    interpolated_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)
    seed_name = seeds.__class__.__name__
    if add_title:
        seed_name += " " + add_title

        if not plot2d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        # plt.plot(seeds.get_points()[2, :], fld)
        mpl_plot_kwargs = dict()
        if interpolated_fld.is_spherical():
            mpl_plot_kwargs['hemisphere'] = 'north'
        vlt.plot(interpolated_fld, **mpl_plot_kwargs)

        plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
        if show:

        if scatter_mpl:
            vlt.plot2d_line(seeds.get_points(), fld, symdir='z', marker='o')
            plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
            if show:
    except ImportError:

        if not plot3d:
            raise ImportError

        vlab, _ = get_mvi_fig()

            if mesh_mvi:
                mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=interpolated_fld)
                mesh.actor.property.backface_culling = True
        except RuntimeError:

        pts = seeds.get_points()
        p = vlab.points3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], interpolated_fld.flat_data,
                          scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        if view_kwargs:

        vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_test(fld, seeds, plot2d=True, plot3d=True, add_title="",
             view_kwargs=None, show=False):
    interpolated_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)
    seed_name = seeds.__class__.__name__
    if add_title:
        seed_name += " " + add_title

        if not plot2d:
            raise ImportError
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
        # plt.plot(seeds.get_points()[2, :], fld)
        mpl_plot_kwargs = dict()
        if interpolated_fld.is_spherical():
            mpl_plot_kwargs['hemisphere'] = 'north'
        vlt.plot(interpolated_fld, **mpl_plot_kwargs)

        plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:

        if not plot3d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import vlab

            fig = _global_ns['figure']
        except KeyError:
            fig = vlab.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not show)
            _global_ns['figure'] = fig

            mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=interpolated_fld)
            mesh.actor.property.backface_culling = True
        except RuntimeError:

        pts = seeds.get_points()
        p = vlab.points3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], interpolated_fld.flat_data,
                          scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        if view_kwargs:

        vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_test(fld, seeds, plot2d=True, plot3d=True, add_title="",
             view_kwargs=None, show=False):
    interpolated_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)
    seed_name = seeds.__class__.__name__
    if add_title:
        seed_name += " " + add_title

        if not plot2d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import mpl
        # mpl.plt.plot(seeds.get_points()[2, :], fld)
        mpl_plot_kwargs = dict()
        if interpolated_fld.is_spherical():
            mpl_plot_kwargs['hemisphere'] = 'north'
        mpl.plot(interpolated_fld, **mpl_plot_kwargs)

        mpl.plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:

        if not plot3d:
            raise ImportError
        from viscid.plot import mvi

            fig = _global_ns['figure']
        except KeyError:
            fig = mvi.figure(size=[1200, 800], offscreen=not show)
            _global_ns['figure'] = fig

            mesh = mvi.mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=interpolated_fld)
            mesh.actor.property.backface_culling = True
        except RuntimeError:

        pts = seeds.get_points()
        p = mvi.points3d(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], interpolated_fld.flat_data,
                         scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        if view_kwargs:

        mvi.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
        if show:
    except ImportError:
Exemplo n.º 7
def project_along_line(line, fld):
    """Project a Vector Field Parallel to a streamline

        line (ndarray): 3xN of points along the
        fld (VectorField): Field to interpolate and project onto the
    fld_on_verts = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, line)
    dsvec = line[:, 2:] - line[:, :-2]
    dsvec = np.concatenate([dsvec[:, 0:1], dsvec, dsvec[:, -2:-1]], axis=1)
    dsvec = dsvec / np.linalg.norm(dsvec, axis=0)
    return np.sum(fld_on_verts * dsvec.T, axis=1)
Exemplo n.º 8
def minvar(B, p1, p2, n=40):
    """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` between `p1` and `p2`

    Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` between
    two points, i.e., `p1` and `p2` are like two spacecraft locations
    on either side of the boundary for the MVA.

        B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA
        p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary
        p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary
        n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA

        (evals, evecs)
        All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs`
        is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e.,
        the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :]
    p1 = np.array(p1).reshape((3,))
    p2 = np.array(p2).reshape((3,))
    line = viscid.Line(p1, p2, n)
    b = viscid.interp_trilin(B, line)

    m = np.empty((3, 3))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(i+1):
            bibj = np.average(b[:, i] * b[:, j])
            m[i, j] = bibj - (np.average(b[:, i]) * np.average(b[:, j]))
            m[j, i] = bibj - (np.average(b[:, i]) * np.average(b[:, j]))

    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(m)
    eval_mags = np.abs(evals)
    sorted_inds = np.argsort(eval_mags)
    evec_min = evecs[:, sorted_inds[0]].flatten()
    evec_int = evecs[:, sorted_inds[1]].flatten()
    evec_max = evecs[:, sorted_inds[2]].flatten()

    eval_min = eval_mags[sorted_inds[0]]
    eval_int = eval_mags[sorted_inds[1]]
    warn_thresh = 0.05
    if (eval_int - eval_min) / eval_min < warn_thresh:
        viscid.logger.warn("Minvar says minimum and intermediate eigenvalues "
                           "are too close together: {0:g} - {1:g} < {2:g}%"
                           "".format(eval_int, eval_min, warn_thresh))
    return evals[sorted_inds], np.array([evec_min, evec_int, evec_max]).T
Exemplo n.º 9
def integrate_along_lines(lines, fld, reduction="dot", mask_func=None):
    """Integrate the value of fld along a list of lines

        lines (list): list of 3xN ndarrays, N needs not be the same for
            all lines
        fld (Field): Field to interpolate / integrate
        reduction (str): If fld is a vector field, what quantity to
            integrate. Can be "dot" to dot the vectors with ds along
            the line, or "mag" to integrate the magnitude.

        ndarray with shape (len(lines), )
    arr = np.zeros((len(lines),), dtype=fld.dtype)

    cum_n = np.cumsum([0] + [line.shape[1] for line in lines])
    all_verts = np.concatenate(lines, axis=1)
    fld_on_verts = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, all_verts).data

    for i, start, stop in izip(count(), cum_n[:-1], cum_n[1:]):
        ds = np.linalg.norm(lines[i][:, 1:] - lines[i][:, :-1], axis=0)

        if len(fld_on_verts.shape) > 1:
            reduction = reduction.strip().lower()
            if reduction == "dot":
                dsvec = lines[i][:, 1:] - lines[i][:, :-1]
                dsvec = dsvec / np.linalg.norm(dsvec, axis=0)
                values = 0.5 * (fld_on_verts[start:stop - 1, :] +
                                fld_on_verts[start + 1:stop, :])
                values = values * dsvec.T
                if mask_func is not None:
                    values = np.ma.masked_where(mask_func(values), values)
                values = np.sum(values, axis=1)
            elif reduction in ["mag", "magnitude", "norm"]:
                mag = np.linalg.norm(fld_on_verts[start:stop], axis=1)
                values = 0.5 * (mag[start:stop - 1] + mag[start + 1:stop])
                raise ValueError("Unknown reduction: {0}".format(reduction))
            values = 0.5 * (fld_on_verts[start:stop - 1] +
                            fld_on_verts[start + 1:stop])

        arr[i] = np.sum(values * ds)

    return arr
Exemplo n.º 10
def minvar(B, p1, p2, n=40):
    """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` between `p1` and `p2`

    Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` between
    two points, i.e., `p1` and `p2` are like two spacecraft locations
    on either side of the boundary for the MVA.

        B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA
        p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary
        p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary
        n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA

        (evals, evecs)
        All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs`
        is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e.,
        the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :]
    p1 = np.array(p1).reshape((3, ))
    p2 = np.array(p2).reshape((3, ))
    line = viscid.Line(p1, p2, n)
    b = viscid.interp_trilin(B, line)

    m = np.empty((3, 3))
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            bibj = np.average(b[:, i] * b[:, j])
            m[i, j] = bibj - (np.average(b[:, i]) * np.average(b[:, j]))
            m[j, i] = bibj - (np.average(b[:, i]) * np.average(b[:, j]))

    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(m)
    eval_mags = np.abs(evals)
    sorted_inds = np.argsort(eval_mags)
    evec_min = evecs[:, sorted_inds[0]].flatten()
    evec_int = evecs[:, sorted_inds[1]].flatten()
    evec_max = evecs[:, sorted_inds[2]].flatten()

    eval_min = eval_mags[sorted_inds[0]]
    eval_int = eval_mags[sorted_inds[1]]
    warn_thresh = 0.05
    if (eval_int - eval_min) / eval_min < warn_thresh:
        viscid.logger.warn("Minvar says minimum and intermediate eigenvalues "
                           "are too close together: {0:g} - {1:g} < {2:g}%"
                           "".format(eval_int, eval_min, warn_thresh))
    return evals[sorted_inds], np.array([evec_min, evec_int, evec_max]).T
Exemplo n.º 11
def integrate_along_lines(lines, fld):
    """Integrate the value of fld along a list of lines

        lines (list): list of 3xN ndarrays, N needs not be the same for
            all lines
        fld (Field): Field to interpolate / integrate

        ndarray with shape (len(lines), )
    arr = np.zeros((len(lines),), dtype=fld.dtype)

    cum_n = np.cumsum([0] + [line.shape[1] for line in lines])
    all_verts = np.concatenate(lines, axis=1)
    fld_on_verts = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, all_verts)

    for i, start, stop in izip(count(), cum_n[:-1], cum_n[1:]):
        ds = np.linalg.norm(lines[i][:, 1:] - lines[i][:, :-1], axis=0)
        values = 0.5 * (fld_on_verts[start:stop - 1] +
                        fld_on_verts[start + 1:stop])
        arr[i] = np.sum(values * ds)

    return arr
Exemplo n.º 12
def prepare_lines(lines, scalars=None, do_connections=False, other=None):
    """Concatenate and standardize a list of lines

        lines (list): Must be a list of 3xN or 4xN ndarrays of xyz(s)
            data for N points along the line. N need not be the same
            for all lines. Can alse be 6xN such that lines[:][3:, :]
            are interpreted as rgb colors
        scalars (sequence): can be one of::

              - single hex color (ex, `#FD7400`)
              - sequence of Nlines hex colors
              - single rgb(a) tuple
              - sequence of Nlines rgb(a) sequences
              - sequence of N values that go with each vertex and will
                be mapped with a colormap
              - sequence of Nlines values that go each line and will
                be mapped with a colormap
              - Field. If `np.prod(fld.shape) in (N, nlines)` then the
                field is interpreted as a simple sequence of values
                (ie, the topology result from calc_streamlines for
                coloring each line). Otherwise, the field is
                interpolated onto each vertex.

        do_connections (bool): Whether or not to make connections array
        other (dict): a dictionary of other arrays that should be
            reshaped and the like the same way scalars is

        (vertices, scalars, connections, other)

        * vertices (ndarray): 3xN array of N xyz points. N is the sum
            of the lengths of all the lines
        * scalars (ndarray): N array of scalars, 3xN array of uint8
            rgb values, 4xN array of uint8 rgba values, or None
        * connections (ndarray): Nx2 array of ints (indices along
            axis 1 of vertices) describing the forward and backward
            connectedness of the lines, or None
        * other (dict): a dict of N length arrays

        ValueError: If rgb data is not in a valid range or the shape
            of scalars is not understood
    nlines = len(lines)
    npts = [line.shape[1] for line in lines]
    N = np.sum(npts)
    first_idx = np.cumsum([0] + npts[:-1])
    vertices = [np.asarray(line) for line in lines]
    vertices = np.concatenate(lines, axis=1)
    if vertices.dtype.kind not in 'fc':
        vertices = np.asarray(vertices, dtype='f')

    if vertices.shape[0] > 3:
        if scalars is not None:
            viscid.logger.warning("Overriding line scalars with scalars kwarg")
            scalars = vertices[3:, :]
        vertices = vertices[:3, :]

    if scalars is not None:
        scalars_are_strings = False

        if isinstance(scalars, viscid.field.Field):
            if np.prod(scalars.shape) in (nlines, N):
                scalars = np.asarray(scalars).reshape(-1)
                scalars = viscid.interp_trilin(scalars, vertices)
                if scalars.size != N:
                    raise ValueError("Scalars was not a scalar field")
        elif isinstance(scalars, (list, tuple, viscid.string_types, np.ndarray)):
            # string types need some extra massaging
            if any(isinstance(s, viscid.string_types) for s in scalars):
                assert all(isinstance(s, viscid.string_types) for s in scalars)

                scalars_are_strings = True
                scalars = _string_colors_as_hex(scalars)
            elif isinstance(scalars, np.ndarray):
                scalars = scalars
                for i, si in enumerate(scalars):
                    if not isinstance(si, np.ndarray):
                        scalars[i] = np.asarray(si)
                    scalars[i] = np.atleast_2d(scalars[i])
                    scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=0)
                except ValueError:
                    scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=1)

        scalars = np.atleast_2d(scalars)

        if scalars.dtype == np.dtype('object'):
            raise RuntimeError("Scalars must be numbers, tuples of numbers "
                               "that indicate rgb(a), or hex strings - they "
                               "must not be python objects")

        if scalars.shape == (1, 1):
            scalars = scalars.repeat(N, axis=1)
        elif scalars.shape == (1, nlines) or scalars.shape == (nlines, 1):
            # one scalar for each line, so broadcast it
            scalars = scalars.reshape(nlines, 1)
            scalars = [scalars[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
            scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape == (N, 1) or scalars.shape == (1, N):
            # catch these so they're not interpreted as colors if
            # nlines == 1 and N == 3; ie. 1 line with 3 points
            scalars = scalars.reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape in [(3, nlines), (nlines, 3), (4, nlines), (nlines, 4)]:
            # one rgb(a) color for each line, so broadcast it
            if (scalars.shape in [(3, nlines), (4, nlines)] and
                scalars.shape not in [(3, 3), (4, 4)]):
                # the guard against shapes (3, 3) and (4, 4) mean that
                # these square shapes are assumed Nlines x {3,4}
                scalars = scalars.T
            nccomps = scalars.shape[1]  # 3 for rgb, 4 for rgba
            colors = []
            for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
                c = scalars[i].reshape(nccomps, 1).repeat(ni, axis=1)
            scalars = np.concatenate(colors, axis=1)
        elif scalars.shape in [(3, N), (N, 3), (4, N), (N, 4)]:
            # one rgb(a) color for each vertex
            if (scalars.shape in [(3, N), (4, N)] and
                scalars.shape not in [(3, 3), (4, 4)]):
                # the guard against shapes (3, 3) and (4, 4) mean that
                # these square shapes are assumed N x {3,4}
                scalars = scalars.T
        elif scalars.shape in [(1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 4), (4, 1)]:
            # interpret a single rgb(a) color, and repeat/broadcast it
            scalars = scalars.reshape([-1, 1]).repeat(N, axis=1)
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1, N)

        # scalars now has shape (1, N), (3, N), or (4, N)

        if scalars_are_strings:
            # translate hex colors (#ff00ff) into rgb(a) values
            scalars = np.char.lstrip(scalars, '#')
            strlens = np.char.str_len(scalars)
            min_strlen, max_strlen = np.min(strlens), np.max(strlens)

            if min_strlen == max_strlen == 8:
                # 32-bit rgba  (two hex chars per channel)
                scalars = _hexchar2int(scalars.astype('S8')).reshape(-1, 4).T
            elif min_strlen == max_strlen == 6:
                # 24-bit rgb (two hex chars per channel)
                scalars = _hexchar2int(scalars.astype('S6')).reshape(-1, 3).T
                raise NotImplementedError("This should never happen as "
                                          "scalars as colors should already "
                                          "be preprocessed appropriately")
        elif scalars.shape[0] == 1:
            # normal scalars, cast them down to a single dimension
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1)
        elif scalars.shape[0] in (3, 4):
            # The scalars encode rgb data, standardize the result to a
            # 3xN or 4xN ndarray of 1 byte unsigned ints [0..255]
            if np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars <= 1):
                scalars = (255 * scalars).round().astype('u1')
            elif np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars < 256):
                scalars = scalars.round().astype('u1')
                raise ValueError("Rgb data should be in range [0, 1] or "
                                 "[0, 255], range given is [{0}, {1}]"
                                 "".format(np.min(scalars), np.max(scalars)))
            raise ValueError("Scalars should either be a number, or set of "
                             "rgb values, shape is {0}".format(scalars.shape))

        # scalars should now have shape (N, ) or be a uint8 array with shape
        # (3, N) or (4, N) encoding an rgb(a) color for each point [0..255]
        # ... done with scalars...

    # broadcast / reshape additional arrays given in other
    if other:
        for key, arr in other.items():
            if arr is None:
            elif arr.shape == (1, nlines) or arr.shape == (nlines, 1):
                arr = arr.reshape(nlines, 1)
                arr = [arr[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
                other[key] = np.concatenate(arr, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
                    other[key] = arr.reshape(-1, N)
                except ValueError:
                    viscid.logger.warning("Unknown dimension, dropping array {0}"

    if do_connections:
        connections = [None] * nlines
        for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
            # i0 is the index of the first point of the i'th line in lines
            i0 = first_idx[i]
            connections[i] = np.vstack([np.arange(i0, i0 + ni - 1.5),
                                        np.arange(i0 + 1, i0 + ni - 0.5)]).T
        connections = np.concatenate(connections, axis=0).astype('i')
        connections = None

    return vertices, scalars, connections, other
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_mp_info(pp,
                slc="x=5.5f:11.0f, y=-4.0f:4.0f, z=-3.6f:3.6f",
                fit_p0=(9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0)):
    """Get info about m-pause as flattened fields

        The first thing this function does is mask locations where
        the GSE-y current density < 1e-4. This masks out the bow
        shock and current free regions. This works for southward IMF,
        but it is not very general.

        pp (ScalarcField): pressure
        b (VectorField): magnetic field
        j (VectorField): current density
        e (VectorField, None): electric field (same centering as b). If
            None, then the info that requires E will be filled with NaN
        cache (bool, str): Save to and load from cache, if "force",
            then don't load from cache if it exists, but do save a
            cache at the end
        cache_dir (str): Directory for cache, if None, same directory
            as that file to which the grid belongs
        slc (str): slice that gives a box that contains the m-pause
        fit (str): to which resulting field should the paraboloid be fit,
            defaults to mp_xloc, but pp_max_xloc might be useful in some
        fit_p0 (tuple): Initial guess vector for paraboloid fit

        dict: Unless otherwise noted, the entiries are 2D (y-z) fields

          - **mp_xloc** location of minimum abs(Bz), this works
            better than max of J^2 for FTEs
          - **mp_sheath_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sheath side
          - **mp_sphere_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sphere side
          - **mp_width** difference between m-sheath edge and
            msphere edge
          - **mp_shear** magnetic shear taken 6 grid points into
            the m-sheath / m-sphere
          - **pp_max** max pp
          - **pp_max_xloc** location of max pp
          - **epar_max** max e parallel
          - **epar_max_xloc** location of max e parallel
          - **paraboloid** numpy.recarray of paraboloid fit. The
            parameters are given in the 0th element, and
            the 1st element contains the 1-sigma values for the fit

        RuntimeError: if using MHD crds instead of GSE crds
    if not cache_dir:
        cache_dir = pp.find_info("_viscid_dirname", "./")
    run_name = pp.find_info("run", None)
    if cache and run_name:
        t = pp.time
        mp_fname = "{0}/{1}.mpause.{2:06.0f}".format(cache_dir, run_name, t)
        mp_fname = ""

        force = cache.strip().lower() == "force"
    except AttributeError:
        force = False

        if force or not mp_fname or not os.path.isfile(mp_fname + ".xdmf"):
            raise IOError()

        mp_info = {}
        with viscid.load_file(mp_fname + ".xdmf") as dat:
            fld_names = [
                "mp_xloc", "mp_sheath_edge", "mp_sphere_edge", "mp_width",
                "mp_shear", "pp_max", "pp_max_xloc", "epar_max",
            for fld_name in fld_names:
                mp_info[fld_name] = dat[fld_name]["x=0"]

    except (IOError, KeyError):
        mp_info = {}

        crd_system = viscid.as_crd_system(b, None)
        if crd_system != 'gse':
            raise RuntimeError("get_mp_info can't work in MHD crds, "
                               "switch to GSE please")

        if j.nr_patches == 1:
            pp_block = pp[slc]
            b_block = b[slc]
            j_block = j[slc]
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = e[slc]
            # interpolate an amr grid so we can proceed
            obnd = pp.get_slice_extent(slc)
            dx = np.min(pp.skeleton.L / pp.skeleton.n, axis=0)
            nx = np.ceil((obnd[1] - obnd[0]) / dx)
            vol = viscid.seed.Volume(obnd[0], obnd[1], nx, cache=True)
            pp_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(pp, vol),
            b_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(b, vol),
            j_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(j, vol),
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(e, vol),

        # jsq = viscid.dot(j_block, j_block)
        bsq = viscid.dot(b_block, b_block)

        # extract ndarrays and mask out bow shock / current free regions
        maskval = 1e-4
        jy_mask = j_block['y'].data < maskval
        masked_bsq = 1.0 * bsq
        masked_bsq.data = np.ma.masked_where(jy_mask, bsq)

        xcc = j_block.get_crd_cc('x')
        nx = len(xcc)

        mp_xloc = np.argmin(masked_bsq, axis=0)  # indices
        mp_xloc = mp_xloc.wrap(xcc[mp_xloc.data])  # location

        pp_max = np.max(pp_block, axis=0)
        pp_max_xloc = np.argmax(pp_block, axis=0)  # indices
        pp_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[pp_max_xloc.data])  # location

        epar = viscid.project(e_block, b_block)
        epar_max = np.max(epar, axis=0)
        epar_max_xloc = np.argmax(epar, axis=0)  # indices
        epar_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[epar_max_xloc.data])  # location

        _ret = find_mp_edges(j_block, 0.1, 0.1, maskval=maskval)
        sheath_edge, msphere_edge, mp_width, sheath_ind, sphere_ind = _ret

        # extract b and b**2 at sheath + 6 grid points and sphere - 6 grid pointns
        # clipping cases where things go outside the block. clipped ponints are
        # set to nan
        step = 6
        # extract b
        if b_block.layout == "flat":
            comp_axis = 0
            ic, _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
        elif b_block.layout == "interlaced":
            comp_axis = 3
            _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape[:-1]])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
        # extract b**2
        bmag_sheath = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sheath**2, axis=comp_axis))
        bmag_sphere = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sphere**2, axis=comp_axis))
        costheta = (np.sum(b_sheath * b_sphere, axis=comp_axis) /
                    (bmag_sphere * bmag_sheath))
        costheta = np.where(
            (sheath_ind + step < nx) & (sphere_ind - step >= 0), costheta,
        mp_shear = mp_width.wrap((180.0 / np.pi) * np.arccos(costheta))

        # don't bother with pretty name since it's not written to file
        # plane_crds = b_block.crds.slice_keep('x=0', cc=True)
        # fld_kwargs = dict(center="Cell", time=b.time)
        mp_width.name = "mp_width"
        mp_xloc.name = "mp_xloc"
        sheath_edge.name = "mp_sheath_edge"
        msphere_edge.name = "mp_sphere_edge"
        mp_shear.name = "mp_shear"
        pp_max.name = "pp_max"
        pp_max_xloc.name = "pp_max_xloc"
        epar_max.name = "epar_max"
        epar_max_xloc.name = "epar_max_xloc"

        mp_info = {}
        mp_info["mp_width"] = mp_width
        mp_info["mp_xloc"] = mp_xloc
        mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"] = sheath_edge
        mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"] = msphere_edge
        mp_info["mp_shear"] = mp_shear
        mp_info["pp_max"] = pp_max
        mp_info["pp_max_xloc"] = pp_max_xloc
        mp_info["epar_max"] = epar_max
        mp_info["epar_max_xloc"] = epar_max_xloc

        # cache new fields to disk
        if mp_fname:
            viscid.save_fields(mp_fname + ".h5", mp_info.values())

        _paraboloid_params = fit_paraboloid(mp_info[fit], p0=fit_p0)
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = _paraboloid_params
    except ImportError as _exception:
            msg = _exception.message
        except AttributeError:
            msg = _exception.msg
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = viscid.DeferredImportError(msg)

    mp_info["mp_width"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause Width"
    mp_info["mp_xloc"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause $X_{gse}$ Location"
    mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosheath Edge"
    mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosphere Edge"
    mp_info["mp_shear"].pretty_name = "Magnetic Shear"
    mp_info["pp_max"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure"
    mp_info["pp_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure Location"
    mp_info["epar_max"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel"
    mp_info["epar_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel Location"

    return mp_info
Exemplo n.º 14
def prepare_lines(lines, scalars=None, do_connections=False, other=None):
    """Concatenate and standardize a list of lines

        lines (list): Must be a list of 3xN or 4xN ndarrays of xyz(s)
            data for N points along the line. N need not be the same
            for all lines. Can alse be 6xN such that lines[:][3:, :]
            are interpreted as rgb colors
        scalars (sequence): can be one of::

              - single hex color (ex, `#FD7400`)
              - sequence of Nlines hex colors
              - single rgb(a) tuple
              - sequence of Nlines rgb(a) sequences
              - sequence of N values that go with each vertex and will
                be mapped with a colormap
              - sequence of Nlines values that go each line and will
                be mapped with a colormap
              - Field. If `np.prod(fld.shape) in (N, nlines)` then the
                field is interpreted as a simple sequence of values
                (ie, the topology result from calc_streamlines for
                coloring each line). Otherwise, the field is
                interpolated onto each vertex.

        do_connections (bool): Whether or not to make connections array
        other (dict): a dictionary of other arrays that should be
            reshaped and the like the same way scalars is

        (vertices, scalars, connections, other)

        * vertices (ndarray): 3xN array of N xyz points. N is the sum
            of the lengths of all the lines
        * scalars (ndarray): N array of scalars, 3xN array of uint8
            rgb values, 4xN array of uint8 rgba values, or None
        * connections (ndarray): Nx2 array of ints (indices along
            axis 1 of vertices) describing the forward and backward
            connectedness of the lines, or None
        * other (dict): a dict of N length arrays

        ValueError: If rgb data is not in a valid range or the shape
            of scalars is not understood
    nlines = len(lines)
    npts = [line.shape[1] for line in lines]
    N = np.sum(npts)
    first_idx = np.cumsum([0] + npts[:-1])
    vertices = [np.asarray(line) for line in lines]
    vertices = np.concatenate(lines, axis=1)
    if vertices.dtype.kind not in 'fc':
        vertices = np.asarray(vertices, dtype='f')

    if vertices.shape[0] > 3:
        if scalars is not None:
            viscid.logger.warn("Overriding line scalars with scalars kwarg")
            scalars = vertices[3:, :]
        vertices = vertices[:3, :]

    if scalars is not None:
        scalars_are_strings = False

        if isinstance(scalars, viscid.field.Field):
            if np.prod(scalars.shape) in (nlines, N):
                scalars = np.asarray(scalars).reshape(-1)
                scalars = viscid.interp_trilin(scalars, vertices)
                if scalars.size != N:
                    raise ValueError("Scalars was not a scalar field")
        elif isinstance(scalars,
                        (list, tuple, viscid.string_types, np.ndarray)):
            # string types need some extra massaging
            if any(isinstance(s, viscid.string_types) for s in scalars):
                assert all(isinstance(s, viscid.string_types) for s in scalars)

                scalars_are_strings = True
                scalars = _string_colors_as_hex(scalars)
            elif isinstance(scalars, np.ndarray):
                scalars = scalars
                for i, si in enumerate(scalars):
                    if not isinstance(si, np.ndarray):
                        scalars[i] = np.asarray(si)
                    scalars[i] = np.atleast_2d(scalars[i])
                    scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=0)
                except ValueError:
                    scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=1)

        scalars = np.atleast_2d(scalars)

        if scalars.dtype == np.dtype('object'):
            raise RuntimeError("Scalars must be numbers, tuples of numbers "
                               "that indicate rgb(a), or hex strings - they "
                               "must not be python objects")

        if scalars.shape == (1, 1):
            scalars = scalars.repeat(N, axis=1)
        elif scalars.shape == (1, nlines) or scalars.shape == (nlines, 1):
            # one scalar for each line, so broadcast it
            scalars = scalars.reshape(nlines, 1)
            scalars = [scalars[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
            scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape == (N, 1) or scalars.shape == (1, N):
            # catch these so they're not interpreted as colors if
            # nlines == 1 and N == 3; ie. 1 line with 3 points
            scalars = scalars.reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape in [(3, nlines), (nlines, 3), (4, nlines),
                               (nlines, 4)]:
            # one rgb(a) color for each line, so broadcast it
            if (scalars.shape in [(3, nlines), (4, nlines)]
                    and scalars.shape not in [(3, 3), (4, 4)]):
                # the guard against shapes (3, 3) and (4, 4) mean that
                # these square shapes are assumed Nlines x {3,4}
                scalars = scalars.T
            nccomps = scalars.shape[1]  # 3 for rgb, 4 for rgba
            colors = []
            for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
                c = scalars[i].reshape(nccomps, 1).repeat(ni, axis=1)
            scalars = np.concatenate(colors, axis=1)
        elif scalars.shape in [(3, N), (N, 3), (4, N), (N, 4)]:
            # one rgb(a) color for each vertex
            if (scalars.shape in [(3, N), (4, N)]
                    and scalars.shape not in [(3, 3), (4, 4)]):
                # the guard against shapes (3, 3) and (4, 4) mean that
                # these square shapes are assumed N x {3,4}
                scalars = scalars.T
        elif scalars.shape in [(1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 4), (4, 1)]:
            # interpret a single rgb(a) color, and repeat/broadcast it
            scalars = scalars.reshape([-1, 1]).repeat(N, axis=1)
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1, N)

        # scalars now has shape (1, N), (3, N), or (4, N)

        if scalars_are_strings:
            # translate hex colors (#ff00ff) into rgb(a) values
            scalars = np.char.lstrip(scalars, '#')
            strlens = np.char.str_len(scalars)
            min_strlen, max_strlen = np.min(strlens), np.max(strlens)

            if min_strlen == max_strlen == 8:
                # 32-bit rgba  (two hex chars per channel)
                scalars = _hexchar2int(scalars.astype('S8')).reshape(-1, 4).T
            elif min_strlen == max_strlen == 6:
                # 24-bit rgb (two hex chars per channel)
                scalars = _hexchar2int(scalars.astype('S6')).reshape(-1, 3).T
                raise NotImplementedError("This should never happen as "
                                          "scalars as colors should already "
                                          "be preprocessed appropriately")
        elif scalars.shape[0] == 1:
            # normal scalars, cast them down to a single dimension
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1)
        elif scalars.shape[0] in (3, 4):
            # The scalars encode rgb data, standardize the result to a
            # 3xN or 4xN ndarray of 1 byte unsigned ints [0..255]
            if np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars <= 1):
                scalars = (255 * scalars).round().astype('u1')
            elif np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars < 256):
                scalars = scalars.round().astype('u1')
                raise ValueError("Rgb data should be in range [0, 1] or "
                                 "[0, 255], range given is [{0}, {1}]"
                                 "".format(np.min(scalars), np.max(scalars)))
            raise ValueError("Scalars should either be a number, or set of "
                             "rgb values, shape is {0}".format(scalars.shape))

        # scalars should now have shape (N, ) or be a uint8 array with shape
        # (3, N) or (4, N) encoding an rgb(a) color for each point [0..255]
        # ... done with scalars...

    # broadcast / reshape additional arrays given in other
    if other:
        for key, arr in other.items():
            if arr is None:
            elif arr.shape == (1, nlines) or arr.shape == (nlines, 1):
                arr = arr.reshape(nlines, 1)
                arr = [arr[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
                other[key] = np.concatenate(arr, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
                    other[key] = arr.reshape(-1, N)
                except ValueError:
                    viscid.logger.warn("Unknown dimension, dropping array {0}"

    if do_connections:
        connections = [None] * nlines
        for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
            # i0 is the index of the first point of the i'th line in lines
            i0 = first_idx[i]
            connections[i] = np.vstack([
                np.arange(i0, i0 + ni - 1.5),
                np.arange(i0 + 1, i0 + ni - 0.5)
        connections = np.concatenate(connections, axis=0).astype('i')
        connections = None

    return vertices, scalars, connections, other
Exemplo n.º 15
def _main():
    global offscreen_vlab

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument("--notwo", dest='notwo', action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--nothree", dest='nothree', action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser, default_verb=0)

    plot2d = not args.notwo
    plot3d = not args.nothree

    # plot2d = True
    # plot3d = True
    # args.show = True

    offscreen_vlab = not args.show

    img = np.load(os.path.join(sample_dir, "logo.npy"))
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[0])
    y = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[1])
    z = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[2])
    logo = viscid.arrays2field([x, y, z], img)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Point with custom local coordinates...')
        pts = np.vstack([[-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
                         [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
                         [ 0,  0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]])
        local_crds = viscid.asarray_datetime64([0, 60, 120, 180, 240],
        seeds = viscid.Point(pts, local_crds=local_crds)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Line...')
        seeds = viscid.Line([-1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 2], n=5)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Plane...')
        seeds = viscid.Plane([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], 2, 2,
                             nl=160, nm=170, NL_are_vectors=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Volume...')
        seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, -0.8], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
                              n=[64, 64, 3])
        # note: can't make a 2d plot of the volume w/o a slice
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=False, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="3d",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Volume (with ignorable dim)...')
        seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, 0.0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.0],
                              n=[64, 64, 1])
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="2d",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Sphere (phi, theta)...')
        seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170,
                              pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Sphere (theta, phi)...')
        seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170,
                              pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Cap (phi, theta)...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80,
                                    pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT",
                 view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Cap (theta, phi)...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80,
                                    pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP",
                 view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Patch...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalPatch(p0=[0, 0, 0], p1=[0, -0, -1],
                                      max_alpha=30.0, max_beta=59.9,
                                      nalpha=65, nbeta=80, r=0.5, roll=45.0)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        # this spline test is very custom
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spline...')
            import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
        except ImportError:
            msg = "XFail: ImportError (is scipy installed?)"
            if plot2d:
                    from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
                    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                    plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.3, 0.4), xycoords='axes fraction')
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:
            knots = np.array([[ 0.2,  0.5, 0.0], [-0.2,  0.5, 0.2],
                              [-0.2,  0.0, 0.4], [ 0.2,  0.0, 0.2],
                              [ 0.2, -0.5, 0.0], [-0.2, -0.5, 0.2]]).T
            seed_name = "Spline"
            fld = logo
            seeds = viscid.Spline(knots)
            seed_pts = seeds.get_points()
            interp_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)

            if plot2d:
                    from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
                    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    if args.show:

                    from matplotlib import rcParams
                    _ms = rcParams['lines.markersize']
                    plt.gca().scatter(knots[0, :], knots[1, :],
                                      s=(2 * _ms)**2, marker='^', color='y')
                    plt.gca().scatter(seed_pts[0, :], seed_pts[1, :],
                                      s=(1.5 * _ms)**2, marker='o', color='k')
                    vlt.plot2d_line(seed_pts, scalars=interp_fld.flat_data,
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:
            if plot3d:
                    vlab, _ = get_mvi_fig()
                    vlab.points3d(knots[0], knots[1], knots[2],
                                  color=(1.0, 1.0, 0), scale_mode='none',
                    p = vlab.points3d(seed_pts[0], seed_pts[1], seed_pts[2],
                                      color=(0, 0, 0), scale_mode='none',
                    vlab.plot_line(seed_pts, scalars=interp_fld.flat_data,
                    vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing RectilinearMeshPoints...')
        f = viscid.load_file(os.path.join(sample_dir, 'sample_xdmf.3d.[-1].xdmf'))
        slc = 'x=-40j:12j, y=-10j:10j, z=-10j:10j'
        b = f['b'][slc]
        z = b.get_crd('z')
        sheet_iz = np.argmin(b['x']**2, axis=2)
        sheet_pts = b['z=0:1'].get_points()
        sheet_pts[2, :] = z[sheet_iz].reshape(-1)
        isphere_mask = np.sum(sheet_pts[:2, :]**2, axis=0) < 5**2
        day_mask = sheet_pts[0:1, :] > -1.0
        sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(isphere_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0])
        sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(day_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0])
        nx, ny, _ = b.sshape
        sheet_seed = viscid.RectilinearMeshPoints(sheet_pts.reshape(3, nx, ny))
        vx_sheet = viscid.interp_nearest(f['vx'], sheet_seed)

            if not plot2d:
                raise ImportError
            from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            vlt.plot(vx_sheet, symmetric=True)
            plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
            if args.show:
        except ImportError:

            if not plot3d:
                raise ImportError
            vlab, _ = get_mvi_fig()
            mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(sheet_seed, scalars=vx_sheet,
                                        clim=(-400, 400))
            vlab.view(azimuth=+90.0 + 45.0, elevation=90.0 - 25.0,
                      distance=30.0, focalpoint=(-10.0, +1.0, +1.0))

            vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
            if args.show:

        except ImportError:

    # prevent weird xorg bad-instructions on tear down
    if 'figure' in _global_ns and _global_ns['figure'] is not None:
        from viscid.plot import vlab

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 16
def main():
    mhd_type = "C3"
    make_plots = 1

    mhd_type = mhd_type.upper()
    if mhd_type.startswith("C"):
        if mhd_type in ("C",):
            f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf")
        elif mhd_type in ("C2", "C3"):
            f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium2/*.3d.[-1].xdmf")
            raise ValueError()
        catol = 1e-8
        rtol = 2e-6
    elif mhd_type in ("F", "FORTRAN"):
        f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium3/*.3df.[-1]")
        catol = 1e-8
        rtol = 7e-2
        raise ValueError()

    b = f['b_cc']
    b1 = f['b_fc']
    e_cc = f['e_cc']
    e_ec = f['e_ec']
    # divb =  f['divB']

    # viscid.interact()

    if True:
        bD = viscid.empty_like(b)
        bD.data = np.array(b.data)

        b1D = viscid.empty_like(b1)
        b1D.data = np.array(b1.data)

        mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=3.5)
        mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=1.5)
        viscid.fill_dipole(bD, mask=mask5)
        viscid.set_in_region(bD, bD, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=bD)

        # compare_vectors(_b, bD, make_plots=True)
        mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=3.5)
        mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=1.5)
        viscid.fill_dipole(b1D, mask=mask5)
        viscid.set_in_region(b1D, b1D, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=b1D)

        compare_vectors(bD["x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1"], b1D.as_cell_centered(),

        # plt.clf()
        # dkwargs = dict(symmetric=True, earth=True, clim=(-1e2, 1e2))
        # ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b1)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b1D)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # vlt.show()

        bD = b1D = mask5 = mask1_5 = None

    # straight up interpolate b1 to cc crds and compare with b
    if True:
        b1_cc = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, b).as_flat()

        viscid.set_in_region(b, b, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=b,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b, rmax=5.0))
        viscid.set_in_region(b1_cc, b1_cc, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=b1_cc,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1_cc, rmax=5.0))

        compare_vectors(b, b1_cc, make_plots=True)

    # make div?
    if True:
        # make seeds for 1.5x supersampling b1
        n = 128
        seeds = viscid.Volume((5.1, -0.02, -5.0), (12.0, 0.02, 5.0), (n, 3, n))
        # do interpolation onto new seeds
        b2 = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, seeds)

        div_b = viscid.div(b)
        div_b1 = viscid.div(b1)
        div_b2 = viscid.div(b2)

        viscid.set_in_region(div_b, div_b, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b, rmax=5.0))
        viscid.set_in_region(div_b1, div_b1, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b1,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b1, rmax=5.0))
        viscid.set_in_region(div_b2, div_b2, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=div_b2,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b2, rmax=5.0))
        viscid.set_in_region(divb, divb, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, out=divb,
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(divb, rmax=5.0))

        ax1 = vlt.subplot(311)
        vlt.plot(div_b['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(div_b1['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.plot(div_b2['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        vlt.plot(divb['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)


    return 0
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_mp_info(pp, b, j, e, cache=True, cache_dir=None,
                slc="x=5.5j:11.0j, y=-4.0j:4.0j, z=-3.6j:3.6j",
                fit="mp_xloc", fit_p0=(9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0)):
    """Get info about m-pause as flattened fields

        The first thing this function does is mask locations where
        the GSE-y current density < 1e-4. This masks out the bow
        shock and current free regions. This works for southward IMF,
        but it is not very general.

        pp (ScalarcField): pressure
        b (VectorField): magnetic field
        j (VectorField): current density
        e (VectorField, None): electric field (same centering as b). If
            None, then the info that requires E will be filled with NaN
        cache (bool, str): Save to and load from cache, if "force",
            then don't load from cache if it exists, but do save a
            cache at the end
        cache_dir (str): Directory for cache, if None, same directory
            as that file to which the grid belongs
        slc (str): slice that gives a box that contains the m-pause
        fit (str): to which resulting field should the paraboloid be fit,
            defaults to mp_xloc, but pp_max_xloc might be useful in some
        fit_p0 (tuple): Initial guess vector for paraboloid fit

        dict: Unless otherwise noted, the entiries are 2D (y-z) fields

          - **mp_xloc** location of minimum abs(Bz), this works
            better than max of J^2 for FTEs
          - **mp_sheath_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sheath side
          - **mp_sphere_edge** location where Jy > 0.1 * Jy when
            coming in from the sphere side
          - **mp_width** difference between m-sheath edge and
            msphere edge
          - **mp_shear** magnetic shear taken 6 grid points into
            the m-sheath / m-sphere
          - **pp_max** max pp
          - **pp_max_xloc** location of max pp
          - **epar_max** max e parallel
          - **epar_max_xloc** location of max e parallel
          - **paraboloid** numpy.recarray of paraboloid fit. The
            parameters are given in the 0th element, and
            the 1st element contains the 1-sigma values for the fit

        RuntimeError: if using MHD crds instead of GSE crds
    if not cache_dir:
        cache_dir = pp.find_info("_viscid_dirname", "./")
    run_name = pp.find_info("run", None)
    if cache and run_name:
        t = pp.time
        mp_fname = "{0}/{1}.mpause.{2:06.0f}".format(cache_dir, run_name, t)
        mp_fname = ""

        force = cache.strip().lower() == "force"
    except AttributeError:
        force = False

        if force or not mp_fname or not os.path.isfile(mp_fname + ".xdmf"):
            raise IOError()

        mp_info = {}
        with viscid.load_file(mp_fname + ".xdmf") as dat:
            fld_names = ["mp_xloc", "mp_sheath_edge", "mp_sphere_edge",
                         "mp_width", "mp_shear", "pp_max", "pp_max_xloc",
                         "epar_max", "epar_max_xloc"]
            for fld_name in fld_names:
                mp_info[fld_name] = dat[fld_name]["x=0"]

    except (IOError, KeyError):
        mp_info = {}

        crd_system = viscid.as_crd_system(b, None)
        if crd_system != 'gse':
            raise RuntimeError("get_mp_info can't work in MHD crds, "
                               "switch to GSE please")

        if j.nr_patches == 1:
            pp_block = pp[slc]
            b_block = b[slc]
            j_block = j[slc]
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = e[slc]
            # interpolate an amr grid so we can proceed
            obnd = pp.get_slice_extent(slc)
            dx = np.min(pp.skeleton.L / pp.skeleton.n, axis=0)
            nx = np.ceil((obnd[1] - obnd[0]) / dx)
            vol = viscid.seed.Volume(obnd[0], obnd[1], nx, cache=True)
            pp_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(pp, vol),
            b_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(b, vol),
            j_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(j, vol),
            if e is None:
                e_block = np.nan * viscid.empty_like(j_block)
                e_block = vol.wrap_field(viscid.interp_trilin(e, vol),

        # jsq = viscid.dot(j_block, j_block)
        bsq = viscid.dot(b_block, b_block)

        # extract ndarrays and mask out bow shock / current free regions
        maskval = 1e-4
        jy_mask = j_block['y'].data < maskval
        masked_bsq = 1.0 * bsq
        masked_bsq.data = np.ma.masked_where(jy_mask, bsq)

        xcc = j_block.get_crd_cc('x')
        nx = len(xcc)

        mp_xloc = np.argmin(masked_bsq, axis=0)  # indices
        mp_xloc = mp_xloc.wrap(xcc[mp_xloc.data])  # location

        pp_max = np.max(pp_block, axis=0)
        pp_max_xloc = np.argmax(pp_block, axis=0)  # indices
        pp_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[pp_max_xloc.data])  # location

        epar = viscid.project(e_block, b_block)
        epar_max = np.max(epar, axis=0)
        epar_max_xloc = np.argmax(epar, axis=0)  # indices
        epar_max_xloc = pp_max_xloc.wrap(xcc[epar_max_xloc.data])  # location

        _ret = find_mp_edges(j_block, 0.1, 0.1, maskval=maskval)
        sheath_edge, msphere_edge, mp_width, sheath_ind, sphere_ind = _ret

        # extract b and b**2 at sheath + 6 grid points and sphere - 6 grid pointns
        # clipping cases where things go outside the block. clipped ponints are
        # set to nan
        step = 6
        # extract b
        if b_block.layout == "flat":
            comp_axis = 0
            ic, _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ic, ix, iy, iz]
        elif b_block.layout == "interlaced":
            comp_axis = 3
            _, iy, iz = np.ix_(*[np.arange(si) for si in b_block.shape[:-1]])
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind + step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sheath = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
            ix = np.clip(sheath_ind - step, 0, nx - 1)
            b_sphere = b_block.data[ix, iy, iz]
        # extract b**2
        bmag_sheath = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sheath**2, axis=comp_axis))
        bmag_sphere = np.sqrt(np.sum(b_sphere**2, axis=comp_axis))
        costheta = (np.sum(b_sheath * b_sphere, axis=comp_axis) /
                    (bmag_sphere * bmag_sheath))
        costheta = np.where((sheath_ind + step < nx) & (sphere_ind - step >= 0),
                            costheta, np.nan)
        mp_shear = mp_width.wrap((180.0 / np.pi) * np.arccos(costheta))

        # don't bother with pretty name since it's not written to file
        # plane_crds = b_block.crds.slice_keep('x=0', cc=True)
        # fld_kwargs = dict(center="Cell", time=b.time)
        mp_width.name = "mp_width"
        mp_xloc.name = "mp_xloc"
        sheath_edge.name = "mp_sheath_edge"
        msphere_edge.name = "mp_sphere_edge"
        mp_shear.name = "mp_shear"
        pp_max.name = "pp_max"
        pp_max_xloc.name = "pp_max_xloc"
        epar_max.name = "epar_max"
        epar_max_xloc.name = "epar_max_xloc"

        mp_info = {}
        mp_info["mp_width"] = mp_width
        mp_info["mp_xloc"] = mp_xloc
        mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"] = sheath_edge
        mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"] = msphere_edge
        mp_info["mp_shear"] = mp_shear
        mp_info["pp_max"] = pp_max
        mp_info["pp_max_xloc"] = pp_max_xloc
        mp_info["epar_max"] = epar_max
        mp_info["epar_max_xloc"] = epar_max_xloc

        # cache new fields to disk
        if mp_fname:
            viscid.save_fields(mp_fname + ".h5", list(mp_info.values()))

        _paraboloid_params = fit_paraboloid(mp_info[fit], p0=fit_p0)
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = _paraboloid_params
    except ImportError as _exception:
            msg = _exception.message
        except AttributeError:
            msg = _exception.msg
        mp_info["paraboloid"] = viscid.DeferredImportError(msg)

    mp_info["mp_width"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause Width"
    mp_info["mp_xloc"].pretty_name = "Magnetopause $X_{gse}$ Location"
    mp_info["mp_sheath_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosheath Edge"
    mp_info["mp_sphere_edge"].pretty_name = "Magnetosphere Edge"
    mp_info["mp_shear"].pretty_name = "Magnetic Shear"
    mp_info["pp_max"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure"
    mp_info["pp_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max Pressure Location"
    mp_info["epar_max"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel"
    mp_info["epar_max_xloc"].pretty_name = "Max E Parallel Location"

    return mp_info
Exemplo n.º 18
def main():
    mhd_type = "C3"
    make_plots = 1

    mhd_type = mhd_type.upper()
    if mhd_type.startswith("C"):
        if mhd_type in ("C", ):
            f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium/*.3d.[-1].xdmf")
        elif mhd_type in ("C2", "C3"):
            f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium2/*.3d.[-1].xdmf")
            raise ValueError()
        catol = 1e-8
        rtol = 2e-6
    elif mhd_type in ("F", "FORTRAN"):
        f = viscid.load_file("$WORK/tmedium3/*.3df.[-1]")
        catol = 1e-8
        rtol = 7e-2
        raise ValueError()

    b = f['b_cc']
    b1 = f['b_fc']
    e_cc = f['e_cc']
    e_ec = f['e_ec']
    # divb =  f['divB']

    # viscid.interact()

    if True:
        bD = viscid.empty_like(b)
        bD.data = np.array(b.data)

        b1D = viscid.empty_like(b1)
        b1D.data = np.array(b1.data)

        mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=3.5)
        mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(bD, rmax=1.5)
        viscid.fill_dipole(bD, mask=mask5)
        viscid.set_in_region(bD, bD, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=bD)

        # compare_vectors(_b, bD, make_plots=True)
        mask5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=3.5)
        mask1_5 = viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1D, rmax=1.5)
        viscid.fill_dipole(b1D, mask=mask5)
        viscid.set_in_region(b1D, b1D, 0.0, 0.0, mask=mask1_5, out=b1D)

        compare_vectors(bD["x=1:-1, y=1:-1, z=1:-1"],

        # plt.clf()
        # dkwargs = dict(symmetric=True, earth=True, clim=(-1e2, 1e2))
        # ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b1)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(viscid.div(b1D)['y=0j'], **dkwargs)
        # vlt.show()

        bD = b1D = mask5 = mask1_5 = None

    # straight up interpolate b1 to cc crds and compare with b
    if True:
        b1_cc = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, b).as_flat()

                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b, rmax=5.0))
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(b1_cc, rmax=5.0))

        compare_vectors(b, b1_cc, make_plots=True)

    # make div?
    if True:
        # make seeds for 1.5x supersampling b1
        n = 128
        seeds = viscid.Volume((5.1, -0.02, -5.0), (12.0, 0.02, 5.0), (n, 3, n))
        # do interpolation onto new seeds
        b2 = viscid.interp_trilin(b1, seeds)

        div_b = viscid.div(b)
        div_b1 = viscid.div(b1)
        div_b2 = viscid.div(b2)

                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b, rmax=5.0))
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b1, rmax=5.0))
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(div_b2, rmax=5.0))
                             mask=viscid.make_spherical_mask(divb, rmax=5.0))

        ax1 = vlt.subplot(311)
        vlt.plot(div_b['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        # vlt.plot(div_b1['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.plot(div_b2['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)
        vlt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
        vlt.plot(divb['y=0j'], symmetric=True, earth=True)


    return 0
def _main():
    f = viscid.load_file('~/dev/work/xi_fte_001/*.3d.*.xdmf')
    time_slice = ':'
    times = np.array([grid.time for grid in f.iter_times(time_slice)])

    # XYZ coordinates of virtual satelites in warped "plasma sheet coords"
    x_sat_psc = np.linspace(-30, 0, 31)  # X (GSE == PSC)
    y_sat_psc = np.linspace(-10, 10, 21)  # Y (GSE == PSC)
    z_sat_psc = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5)  # Z in PSC (z=0 is the plasma sheet)

    # the GSE z location of the virtual satelites in the warped plasma sheet
    # coordinates, so sat_z_gse_ts['x=5j, y=1j, z=0j'] would give the
    # plasma sheet location at x=5.0, y=1.0
    # These fields depend on time because the plasma sheet moves in time
    sat_z_gse_ts = viscid.zeros([times, x_sat_psc, y_sat_psc, z_sat_psc],
                                crd_names='txyz', center='node',
    vx_ts = viscid.zeros_like(sat_z_gse_ts)
    bz_ts = viscid.zeros_like(sat_z_gse_ts)

    for itime, grid in enumerate(f.iter_times(time_slice)):
        print("Processing time slice", itime, grid.time)

        gse_slice = 'x=-35j:0j, y=-15j:15j, z=-6j:6j'
        bx = grid['bx'][gse_slice]
        bx_argmin = np.argmin(bx**2, axis=2)
        z_gse = bx.get_crd('z')
        # ps_zloc_gse is the plasma sheet z location along the GGCM grid x/y
        ps_z_gse = viscid.zeros_like(bx[:, :, 0:1])
        ps_z_gse[...] = z_gse[bx_argmin]

        # Note: Here you could apply a gaussian filter to
        #       ps_z_gse[:, :, 0].data in order to smooth the surface
        #       if desired. Scipy / Scikit-Image have some functions
        #       that do this

        # ok, we found the plasma sheet z GSE location on the actual GGCM
        # grid, but we just want a subset of that grid for our virtual
        # satelites, so just interpolate the ps z location to our subset
        ps_z_gse_subset = viscid.interp_trilin(ps_z_gse,
                                               sat_z_gse_ts[itime, :, :, 0:1],
        # now we know the plasma sheet z location in GSE, and how far
        # apart we want the satelites in z, so put those two things together
        # to get a bunch of satelite locations
        sat_z_gse_ts[itime] = ps_z_gse_subset.data + z_sat_psc.reshape(1, 1, -1)

        # make a seed generator that we can use to fill the vx and bz
        # time series for this instant in time
        sat_loc_gse = sat_z_gse_ts[itime].get_points()
        sat_loc_gse[2, :] = sat_z_gse_ts[itime].data.reshape(-1)

        # slicing the field before doing the interpolation makes this
        # faster for hdf5 data, but probably for other data too
        vx_ts[itime] = viscid.interp_trilin(grid['vx'][gse_slice],
        bz_ts[itime] = viscid.interp_trilin(grid['bz'][gse_slice],

        # 2d plots of the plasma sheet z location to make sure we did the
        # interpolation correctly
        if False:  # pylint: disable=using-constant-test
            from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
            fig, (ax0, ax1) = vlt.subplots(2, 1)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
            vlt.plot(ps_z_gse, ax=ax0, clim=(-5, 5))
            vlt.plot(ps_z_gse_subset, ax=ax1, clim=(-5, 5))

        # make a 3d plot of the plasma sheet surface to verify that it
        # makes sense
        if True:  # pylint: disable=using-constant-test
            from viscid.plot import vlab
            fig = vlab.figure(size=(1280, 800), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1),
                              fgcolor=(0, 0, 0))
            # plot the plasma sheet coloured by vx
            # Note: points closer to x = 0 are unsightly since the plasma
            #       sheet criteria starts to fall apart on the flanks, so
            #       just remove the first few rows
            ps_z_gse_tail = ps_z_gse['x=:-2.25j']
            ps_mesh_shape = [3, ps_z_gse_tail.shape[0], ps_z_gse_tail.shape[1]]
            ps_pts = ps_z_gse_tail.get_points().reshape(ps_mesh_shape)
            ps_pts[2, :, :] = ps_z_gse_tail[:, :, 0]
            plasma_sheet = viscid.RectilinearMeshPoints(ps_pts)
            ps_vx = viscid.interp_trilin(grid['vx'][gse_slice], plasma_sheet)
            _ = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(plasma_sheet, scalars=ps_vx)
            vx_clim = (-1400, 1400)
            vx_cmap = 'viridis'
            vlab.colorbar(title='Vx', clim=vx_clim, cmap=vx_cmap,
            # plot satelite locations as dots colored by Vx with the same
            # limits and color as the plasma sheet mesh
            sat3d = vlab.points3d(sat_loc_gse[0], sat_loc_gse[1], sat_loc_gse[2],
                                  scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.2)
            vlab.apply_cmap(sat3d, clim=vx_clim, cmap=vx_cmap)

            # plot Earth for reference
            cotr = viscid.Cotr(dip_tilt=0.0)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
            vlab.plot_blue_marble(r=1.0, lines=False, ntheta=64, nphi=128,
                                  rotate=cotr, crd_system='mhd')
            vlab.plot_earth_3d(radius=1.01, night_only=True, opacity=0.5,
            vlab.view(azimuth=45, elevation=70, distance=35.0,
                      focalpoint=[-9, 3, -1])
            except TypeError:
                pass  # this happens if the figure is already closed

    # now do what we will with the time series... this is not a good
    # presentation of this data, but you get the idea
    from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
    fig, axes = vlt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(12, 12))
    for ax_row, yloc in zip(axes, np.linspace(-5, 5, len(axes))[::-1]):
        for ax, xloc in zip(ax_row, np.linspace(4, 7, len(ax_row))):
            vlt.plot(vx_ts['x={0}j, y={1}j, z=0j'.format(xloc, yloc)], ax=ax)
            vlt.plt.title('x = {0:g}, y = {1:g}'.format(xloc, yloc))
    vlt.plt.suptitle('Vx [km/s]')

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 20
def _main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument("--notwo", dest='notwo', action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--nothree", dest='nothree', action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--show", "--plot", action="store_true")
    args = viscid.vutil.common_argparse(parser, default_verb=0)

    plot2d = not args.notwo
    plot3d = not args.nothree

    # plot2d = True
    # plot3d = True
    # args.show = True

    img = np.load(os.path.join(sample_dir, "logo.npy"))
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[0])
    y = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[1])
    z = np.linspace(-1, 1, img.shape[2])
    logo = viscid.arrays2field([x, y, z], img)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Point with custom local coordinates...')
        pts = np.vstack([[-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
                         [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
                         [ 0,  0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]])
        local_crds = viscid.asarray_datetime64([0, 60, 120, 180, 240],
        seeds = viscid.Point(pts, local_crds=local_crds)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Line...')
        seeds = viscid.Line([-1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 2], n=5)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Plane...')
        seeds = viscid.Plane([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], 2, 2,
                             nl=160, nm=170, NL_are_vectors=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Volume...')
        seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, -0.8], [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
                              n=[64, 64, 3])
        # note: can't make a 2d plot of the volume w/o a slice
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=False, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="3d",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Volume (with ignorable dim)...')
        seeds = viscid.Volume([-0.8, -0.8, 0.0], [0.8, 0.8, 0.0],
                              n=[64, 64, 1])
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="2d",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Sphere (phi, theta)...')
        seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170,
                              pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Sphere (theta, phi)...')
        seeds = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=160, nphi=170,
                              pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP",

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Cap (phi, theta)...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80,
                                    pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=False)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="PT",
                 view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Cap (theta, phi)...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalCap(p0=[0, 0, 0], r=1.0, ntheta=64, nphi=80,
                                    pole=[-1, -1, -1], theta_phi=True)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, add_title="TP",
                 view_kwargs=dict(azimuth=180, elevation=180), show=args.show)

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spherical Patch...')
        seeds = viscid.SphericalPatch(p0=[0, 0, 0], p1=[0, -0, -1],
                                      max_alpha=30.0, max_beta=59.9,
                                      nalpha=65, nbeta=80, r=0.5, roll=45.0)
        run_test(logo, seeds, plot2d=plot2d, plot3d=plot3d, show=args.show)

    if 1:
        # this spline test is very custom
        viscid.logger.info('Testing Spline...')
            import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
        except ImportError:
            msg = "XFail: ImportError (is scipy installed?)"
            if plot2d:
                    from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
                    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                    plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.3, 0.4), xycoords='axes fraction')
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:
            knots = np.array([[ 0.2,  0.5, 0.0], [-0.2,  0.5, 0.2],
                              [-0.2,  0.0, 0.4], [ 0.2,  0.0, 0.2],
                              [ 0.2, -0.5, 0.0], [-0.2, -0.5, 0.2]]).T
            seed_name = "Spline"
            fld = logo
            seeds = viscid.Spline(knots)
            seed_pts = seeds.get_points()
            interp_fld = viscid.interp_trilin(fld, seeds)

            if plot2d:
                    from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
                    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    if args.show:

                    from matplotlib import rcParams
                    _ms = rcParams['lines.markersize']
                    plt.gca().scatter(knots[0, :], knots[1, :],
                                      s=(2 * _ms)**2, marker='^', color='y')
                    plt.gca().scatter(seed_pts[0, :], seed_pts[1, :],
                                      s=(1.5 * _ms)**2, marker='o', color='k')
                    vlt.plot2d_line(seed_pts, scalars=interp_fld.flat_data,
                    plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:
            if plot3d:
                    from viscid.plot import vlab
                    _ = get_mvi_fig(offscreen=not args.show)
                    vlab.points3d(knots[0], knots[1], knots[2],
                                  color=(1.0, 1.0, 0), scale_mode='none',
                    p = vlab.points3d(seed_pts[0], seed_pts[1], seed_pts[2],
                                      color=(0, 0, 0), scale_mode='none',
                    vlab.plot_line(seed_pts, scalars=interp_fld.flat_data,
                    vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
                    if args.show:
                except ImportError:

    if 1:
        viscid.logger.info('Testing RectilinearMeshPoints...')
        f = viscid.load_file(os.path.join(sample_dir, 'sample_xdmf.3d.[-1].xdmf'))
        slc = 'x=-40j:12j, y=-10j:10j, z=-10j:10j'
        b = f['b'][slc]
        z = b.get_crd('z')
        sheet_iz = np.argmin(b['x']**2, axis=2)
        sheet_pts = b['z=0:1'].get_points()
        sheet_pts[2, :] = z[sheet_iz].reshape(-1)
        isphere_mask = np.sum(sheet_pts[:2, :]**2, axis=0) < 5**2
        day_mask = sheet_pts[0:1, :] > -1.0
        sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(isphere_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0])
        sheet_pts[2, :] = np.choose(day_mask, [sheet_pts[2, :], 0])
        nx, ny, _ = b.sshape
        sheet_seed = viscid.RectilinearMeshPoints(sheet_pts.reshape(3, nx, ny))
        vx_sheet = viscid.interp_nearest(f['vx'], sheet_seed)

            if not plot2d:
                raise ImportError
            from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            vlt.plot(vx_sheet, symmetric=True)
            plt.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='2d'))
            if args.show:
        except ImportError:

            if not plot3d:
                raise ImportError
            from viscid.plot import vlab
            _ = get_mvi_fig(offscreen=not args.show)
            mesh = vlab.mesh_from_seeds(sheet_seed, scalars=vx_sheet,
                                        clim=(-400, 400))
            vlab.view(azimuth=+90.0 + 45.0, elevation=90.0 - 25.0,
                      distance=30.0, focalpoint=(-10.0, +1.0, +1.0))

            vlab.savefig(next_plot_fname(__file__, series='3d'))
            if args.show:

        except ImportError:

    # prevent weird xorg bad-instructions on tear down
    if 'figure' in _global_ns and _global_ns['figure'] is not None:
        from viscid.plot import vlab

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 21
def prepare_lines(lines, scalars=None, do_connections=False, other=None):
    """Concatenate and standardize a list of lines

        lines (list): Must be a list of 3xN or 4xN ndarrays of xyz(s)
            data for N points along the line. N need not be the same
            for all lines. Can alse be 6xN such that lines[:][3:, :]
            are interpreted as rgb colors
        scalars (ndarray, list): Can have shape 1xN for a single scalar
            or 3xN for an rgb color for each point. If the shape is
            1xNlines, the scalar is broadcast so the whole line gets
            the same value, and likewise for 3xNlines and rgb colors.
            Can also be a list of hex color (#ffffff) strings.
            Otherwise, scalars is reshaped to -1xN.
        do_connections (bool): Whether or not to make connections array
        other (dict): a dictionary of other arrays that should be
            reshaped and the like the same way scalars is

        (vertices, scalars, connections, other)

        * vertices (ndarray): 3xN array of N xyz points. N is the sum
            of the lengths of all the lines
        * scalars (ndarray): N array of scalars, 3xN array of uint8
            rgb values, or None
        * connections (ndarray): Nx2 array of ints (indices along
            axis 1 of vertices) describing the forward and backward
            connectedness of the lines, or None
        * other (dict): a dict of N length arrays

        ValueError: If rgb data is not in a valid range or the shape
            of scalars is not understood
    nlines = len(lines)
    npts = [line.shape[1] for line in lines]
    N = np.sum(npts)
    first_idx = np.cumsum([0] + npts[:-1])
    vertices = [np.asarray(line) for line in lines]
    vertices = np.concatenate(lines, axis=1)

    if vertices.shape[0] > 3:
        if scalars is not None:
            viscid.logger.warn("Overriding line scalars with scalars kwarg")
            scalars = vertices[3:, :]
        vertices = vertices[:3, :]

    if scalars is not None:
        if isinstance(scalars, viscid.field.Field):
            scalars = viscid.interp_trilin(scalars, vertices)
            if scalars.size != N:
                raise ValueError("Scalars was not a scalar field")

        scalars = np.atleast_2d(scalars)

        if scalars.shape == (1, 1):
            scalars = scalars.repeat(N, axis=1)
        elif scalars.shape == (1, nlines) or scalars.shape == (nlines, 1):
            # one scalar for each line, so broadcast it
            scalars = scalars.reshape(nlines, 1)
            scalars = [scalars[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
            scalars = np.concatenate(scalars, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape == (N, 1) or scalars.shape == (1, N):
            # catch these so they're not interpreted as colors if
            # nlines == 1 and N == 3; ie. 1 line with 3 points
            scalars = scalars.reshape(1, N)
        elif scalars.shape == (3, nlines) or scalars.shape == (nlines, 3):
            # one rgb color for each line, so broadcast it
            if scalars.shape == (3, nlines):
                scalars = scalars.T
            colors = []
            for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
                c = scalars[i].reshape(3, 1).repeat(ni, axis=1)
            scalars = np.concatenate(colors, axis=1)
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1, N)

        if scalars.dtype.kind == 'S':
            # translate hex colors (#ff00ff) into rgb values
            scalars = np.char.lstrip(scalars, '#').astype('S6')
            scalars = np.char.zfill(scalars, 6)
            scalars = np.frombuffer(np.char.decode(scalars, 'hex'), dtype='u1')
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1, 3).T
        elif scalars.shape[0] == 1:
            # normal scalars
            scalars = scalars.reshape(-1)
        elif scalars.shape[0] == 3:
            # The scalars encode rgb data, standardize the result to a
            # 3xN ndarray of 1 byte unsigned ints (chars)
            if np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars <= 1):
                scalars = (255 * scalars).round().astype('u1')
            elif np.all(scalars >= 0) and np.all(scalars < 256):
                scalars = scalars.round().astype('u1')
                raise ValueError("Rgb data should be in range [0, 1] or "
                                 "[0, 255], range given is [{0}, {1}]"
                                 "".format(np.min(scalars), np.max(scalars)))
            raise ValueError("Scalars should either be a number, or set of "
                             "rgb values, shape is {0}".format(scalars.shape))

    # broadcast / reshape additional arrays given in other
    if other:
        for key, arr in other.items():
            if arr is None:
            elif arr.shape == (1, nlines) or arr.shape == (nlines, 1):
                arr = arr.reshape(nlines, 1)
                arr = [arr[i].repeat(ni) for i, ni in enumerate(npts)]
                other[key] = np.concatenate(arr, axis=0).reshape(1, N)
                    other[key] = arr.reshape(-1, N)
                except ValueError:
                    viscid.logger.warn("Unknown dimension, dropping array {0}"

    if do_connections:
        connections = [None] * nlines
        for i, ni in enumerate(npts):
            # i0 is the index of the first point of the i'th line in lines
            i0 = first_idx[i]
            connections[i] = np.vstack([np.arange(i0, i0 + ni - 1.5),
                                        np.arange(i0 + 1, i0 + ni - 0.5)]).T
        connections = np.concatenate(connections, axis=0).astype('i')
        connections = None

    return vertices, scalars, connections, other