Exemplo n.º 1
 def executeSQLGroup(self, db, dbCommandList, isFetch):
     """ Executes a command consisting of multiple SELECT statements
         It returns a list of results from the SELECT statements
     data = []
     # break up into bundles
     BUNDLE_SIZE = 10000
     num_commands = len(dbCommandList)
     n = 0
     while n<num_commands:
         dbCommands = dbCommandList[n:(n+BUNDLE_SIZE)]
         commandString = ''
         for prepared, values in dbCommands:
             command = prepared % \
                           db.escape(values, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
             commandString += command
         cur = db.cursor()
             result = cur.execute(commandString)
             while True:
                 r = cur.fetchall() if isFetch else cur.lastrowid
                 next = cur.nextset()
                 if not next:
         except Exception, e:
             raise VistrailsDBException('Command failed: %s -- """ %s """' % 
                                        (e, commandString))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def executeSQLGroup(self, db, dbCommandList, isFetch):
     """ Executes a command consisting of multiple SELECT statements
         It returns a list of results from the SELECT statements
     data = []
     # break up into bundles
     BUNDLE_SIZE = 10000
     num_commands = len(dbCommandList)
     n = 0
     while n<num_commands:
         dbCommands = dbCommandList[n:(n+BUNDLE_SIZE)]
         commandString = ''
         for prepared, values in dbCommands:
             command = prepared % \
                       tuple(db.escape(v, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
                        for v in values)
             commandString += command
         cur = db.cursor()
             result = cur.execute(commandString)
             while True:
                 r = cur.fetchall() if isFetch else cur.lastrowid
                 next = cur.nextset()
                 if not next:
         except Exception, e:
             raise VistrailsDBException('Command failed: %s -- """ %s """' % 
                                        (e, commandString))
Exemplo n.º 3
def runWorkflowQuery(config, vistrail=None, version=None, fromTime=None,
        toTime=None, user=None, offset=0, limit=100, modules=[], thumbs=None):
    # returns list of workflows:
    #         (vistrail name, vistrail id, id, name, date, user, thumb)
    result = []
    db = open_db_connection(config)
    select_part = \
    """SELECT DISTINCT v.name, v.id, w.parent_id, a1.value,
              action.date, action.user"""
    from_part = \
    """FROM workflow w"""
    # "tag name" exist in workflow table but may have been changed
    # so we use value from the vistrail __tag__ annotation
    where_part = \
    """WHERE w.entity_type='workflow'"""
    limit_part = 'LIMIT %s, %s' % (int(offset), int(limit))

    if vistrail:
            where_part += " AND v.id=%s" % int(vistrail)
        except ValueError:
            where_part += " AND v.name=%s" % \
                   db.escape(vistrail, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if version:
            where_part += " AND w.parent_id=%s" % int(version)
        except ValueError:
            where_part += " AND a1.value=%s" % \
                   db.escape(version, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if fromTime:
        where_part += " AND w.last_modified>%s" % \
               db.escape(fromTime, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if toTime:
        where_part += " AND w.last_modified<%s" % \
               db.escape(toTime, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if user:
        where_part += " AND action.user=%s" % \
               db.escape(user, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    next_port = 1
    old_alias = None
    for i, module, connected in zip(range(1,len(modules)+1), *zip(*modules)):
        module = module.lower()
        alias = "m%s"%i
        from_part += \
        """ JOIN module {0} ON
                ({0}.parent_id=w.id AND {0}.entity_type=w.entity_type AND
                   db.escape(module, get_db_lib().converters.conversions))
        if connected:
            p1_alias, p2_alias=("port%s"%next_port), ("port%s"%(next_port+1))
            next_port += 2
            from_part += \
            """ JOIN port {0} ON
                ({0}.entity_id=w.id AND {0}.entity_type=w.entity_type AND
                 {0}.moduleId={1}.id AND {0}.type='source')""".format(
                 p1_alias, old_alias)
            from_part += \
            """ JOIN port {0} ON
                ({0}.entity_id=w.id AND {0}.entity_type=w.entity_type AND
                 {0}.moduleId={1}.id AND {0}.type='destination' AND
                 {0}.parent_id = {2}.parent_id)""".format(
                 p2_alias, alias, p1_alias)
        old_alias = alias
    from_part += \
    """ JOIN vistrail v ON w.vistrail_id = v.id JOIN
            action ON action.entity_id=w.vistrail_id AND
                       action.id=w.parent_id LEFT JOIN
            action_annotation a1 ON
                a1.entity_id=w.vistrail_id AND
                a1.action_id=w.parent_id AND
                (a1.akey='__tag__' OR a1.akey IS NULL)"""
    if thumbs:
        select_part += ', t.image_bytes'
        from_part += """ LEFT JOIN action_annotation a2 ON
                              (a2.entity_id=w.vistrail_id AND
                               a2.action_id=w.parent_id AND
                               (a2.akey='__thumb__' OR
                                a2.akey IS NULL)) LEFT JOIN
                         thumbnail t ON a2.value=t.file_name"""
        select_part += ', NULL'

    command = ' '.join([select_part, from_part, where_part, limit_part]) + ';'
    #print command
        c = db.cursor()
        rows = c.fetchall()
        result = rows
    except get_db_lib().Error, e:
        msg = "Couldn't perform query on db (%d : %s)" % \
            (e.args[0], e.args[1])
        raise VistrailsDBException(msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
def runLogQuery(config, vistrail=None, version=None, fromTime=None, toTime=None,
             user=None, completed=None, offset=0, limit=100, modules=[],
    # returns list of workflow executions:
    #         (vistrail name, vistrail id, log id, workflow id, workflow name,
    #          execution id, start time, end time, user, completed, thumb)
    result = []
    db = open_db_connection(config)
    select_part = \
    """SELECT DISTINCT v.name, v.id, w.entity_id,
              w.parent_version, a1.value, w.id,
              w.ts_start, w.ts_end, w.user, w.completed"""
    from_part = \
    """FROM workflow_exec w JOIN
            log_tbl l ON (l.id = w.entity_id) JOIN
            vistrail v ON (l.vistrail_id = v.id) LEFT JOIN
            action_annotation a1 ON (a1.entity_id=v.id AND
    where_part = \
    """WHERE w.parent_type='vistrail' AND
             w.entity_type='log' AND
             (a1.akey='__tag__' OR a1.akey IS NULL)"""
    limit_part = 'LIMIT %s, %s' % (int(offset), int(limit))

    if vistrail:
            where_part += " AND v.id=%s" % int(vistrail)
        except ValueError:
            where_part += " AND v.name=%s" % \
                   db.escape(vistrail, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if version:
            where_part += " AND w.parent_version=%s" % int(version)
        except ValueError:
            where_part += " AND a1.value=%s" % \
                   db.escape(version, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if fromTime:
        where_part += " AND w.ts_end>%s" % \
               db.escape(fromTime, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if toTime:
        where_part += " AND w.ts_start<%s" % \
               db.escape(toTime, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    if user:
        where_part += " AND w.user=%s" % \
               db.escape(user, get_db_lib().converters.conversions)
    completed_dict = {'no':0, 'yes':1, 'ok':1}
    if completed is not None:
        except ValueError:
            completed = completed_dict.get(str(completed).lower(), -1)
        where_part += " AND w.completed=%s" % completed
    if thumbs:
        select_part += ', t.image_bytes'
        from_part += """ LEFT JOIN action_annotation a2 ON
                              (a2.entity_id=v.id AND
                               a2.action_id=w.parent_version) LEFT JOIN
                         thumbnail t ON a2.value=t.file_name"""
        where_part += " AND (a2.akey='__thumb__' OR a2.akey IS NULL)"
        select_part += ', NULL'
    # TODO nested module executions are not detected
    for i, module, mCompleted in zip(range(1,len(modules)+1), *zip(*modules)):
        alias = "m%s"%i
        from_part += \
        """ JOIN module_exec %s ON
                (%s.parent_id=w.id AND
                 %s.entity_id=w.entity_id AND
        """.replace('%s', alias)
        where_part += \
        """ AND %s.parent_type='workflow_exec'
            AND %s.module_name=%s """ % (alias, alias,
              db.escape(module.lower(), get_db_lib().converters.conversions) )
        if mCompleted is not None:
            mCompleted = completed_dict.get(str(mCompleted).lower(), -1)
            where_part += """ AND %s.completed=%s""" % (alias, mCompleted)
    command = ' '.join([select_part, from_part, where_part, limit_part]) + ';'
    #print command
        c = db.cursor()
        rows = c.fetchall()
        result = rows
    except get_db_lib().Error, e:
        msg = "Couldn't perform query on db (%d : %s)" % \
            (e.args[0], e.args[1])
        raise VistrailsDBException(msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
        msg = "Couldn't perform query on db (%d : %s)" % \
            (e.args[0], e.args[1])
        raise VistrailsDBException(msg)

    # count all rows when offset = 0
    if 0 == offset:
        select_part = 'SELECT count(0)'
        command = ' '.join([select_part,from_part,where_part]) +';'
        #print command
            c = db.cursor()
            res = c.fetchall()
            result= (result, res[0][0])
        except get_db_lib().Error, e:
            msg = "Couldn't perform query on db (%d : %s)" % \
                (e.args[0], e.args[1])
            raise VistrailsDBException(msg)

    return result

def runLogQuery(config, vistrail=None, version=None, fromTime=None, toTime=None,
             user=None, completed=None, offset=0, limit=100, modules=[],
    # returns list of workflow executions:
    #         (vistrail name, vistrail id, log id, workflow id, workflow name,
    #          execution id, start time, end time, user, completed, thumb)
    result = []
    db = open_db_connection(config)