Exemplo n.º 1
 def vis_skeleton_3d_all(self, pg):
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
     for obj_index, obj in enumerate(pg.objects):
         p = center_to_corners(pg.objects[obj_index].terminal.obj_center,
                               pg.objects[obj_index].terminal.angle * 2)
             ax, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7],
     for obj in self.pg.objects:
         if obj.action_group is not None:
             r = random.random()
             num_actitivity = len(obj.action_group)
             if 0 < r < 0.5:
                 vis_index = 0
                 vis_index = np.random.permutation(num_actitivity)[0]
             cur_skeleton = obj.action_group[vis_index]['skeleton']
             visualize.plot_skeleton(ax, cur_skeleton, 'r-')
     ax.set_xlim([-1, 2])
     ax.set_ylim([-1, 2])
     ax.set_zlim([-1, 2])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def vis_skeleton(self, pg, cur_skeleton, involved_index):
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
     # ax.scatter(p_camera[0], p_camera[1], p_camera[2], c='r', marker='o')
     for obj_index, obj in enumerate(pg.objects):
         p = center_to_corners(pg.objects[obj_index].terminal.obj_center,
         if obj_index not in involved_index:
             visualize.plot_cuboid(ax, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5],
                                   p[6], p[7], 'g-')
             visualize.plot_cuboid(ax, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5],
                                   p[6], p[7], 'b-')
     visualize.plot_skeleton(ax, cur_skeleton, 'r-')
     ax.set_xlim([-2, 2])
     ax.set_ylim([-2, 2])
     ax.set_zlim([-2, 2])
Exemplo n.º 3
# load pre-trained svm model
clf = load(model_path.format(species))

# perform stem vs leaf classification
predict = clf.predict(features)
data = np.column_stack((xyz, predict))
stem = data[np.where(data[:, -1] == 0)]
leaf = data[np.where(data[:, -1] == 1)]

# perform clustering
dbscan = DBSCAN(min_samples=2, p=0).fit(leaf[:, :-1])
leaves, labels = utils.refineClustering(leaf[:, :-1], dbscan.labels_)
organs = utils.prepare4Skel(stem, leaves)

# visualize different organs
fh = plt.figure()
vis.plot_semantic_pointcloud(fh, organs)
plt.title('Sematic classification of plant organs')

# perform skeletonization
cwise_skeleton_nodes = som.getSkeleton(organs)
graph = som.getGraph(cwise_skeleton_nodes, xyz)

# convert this graph to skeleton class
S = utils.convert_to_skeleton_class(cwise_skeleton_nodes, graph)

# plot skeleton
fh = plt.figure()
vis.plot_skeleton(fh, S)
plt.title('Skeleton structure of the plant')
import skeleton_matching as skm
import non_rigid_registration as nrr
from iterative_registration import iterative_registration
import visualize as vis

# %% load skeleton data
species = 'maize'
day1 = '03-13'
day2 = '03-14'
skel_path = '../data/{}/{}.graph.txt'
S1 = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day1))
S2 = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day2))

# visualize input data
fh1 = plt.figure()
vis.plot_skeleton(fh1, S1, 'b')
vis.plot_skeleton(fh1, S2, 'r')

# %% compute non-rigid registration params

# set matching params
match_params = {
    'weight_e': 0.01,
    'match_ends_to_ends': True,
    'use_labels': False,
    'label_penalty': 1,
    'debug': False

# set registration params
Exemplo n.º 5
import skeleton_matching as skm
import pointcloud as pcd
import visualize as vis

# %% Load data
species = 'maize'
day1 = '03-13'
day2 = '03-14'
skel_path = '../data/{}/{}.graph.txt'
pc_path = '../data/{}/{}.xyz'
corres_path = '../data/{}/{}-{}.corres.txt'
reg_path = '../data/{}/{}-{}.reg.npy'
S1 = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day1))
S2 = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day2))
P1 = pcd.load_pointcloud(pc_path.format(species, day1))
P2 = pcd.load_pointcloud(pc_path.format(species, day2))
corres = np.loadtxt(corres_path.format(species, day1, day2), dtype=np.int32)
T12 = np.load(reg_path.format(species, day1, day2))

# deform complete pointcloud
P1_ds = pcd.downsample_pointcloud(P1, 3)
P2_ds = pcd.downsample_pointcloud(P2, 3)
P1_deformed = pcd.deform_pointcloud(P1_ds, T12, corres, S1, S2)

# visualize results
fh = plt.figure()
vis.plot_skeleton(fh, S1, 'b')
vis.plot_skeleton(fh, S2, 'r')
vis.plot_pointcloud(fh, P2, 'r')
vis.plot_pointcloud(fh, P1_deformed, 'b')
vis.plot_skeleton_correspondences(fh, S1, S2, corres, 'g')
Exemplo n.º 6
def iterative_registration(S1, S2, params):
  Iterative procedure for non-rigid registration of skeleton graphs.

  S1, S2 : Skeleton Class
    Two skeletons for which we compute the non-rigid registration params
  params : Dictionary
    num_iter :     Maximum number of iterations used in the procedure 
                   default: 10
    match_params : parameters used for correspondence estimation step 
                   See skeleton_matching module for details.
    reg_params :   parameters used for correspondence estimation step 
                   See non_rigid_registration module for details.

  T12 : list of 4x4 numpy arrays 
    Affine transformation corresponding to each node in S1
  corres : numpy array (Mx2)
    correspondence between two skeleton nodes

  # default params
  if 'num_iter' not in params:
    params['num_iter'] = 10
  # params for matching and registration module
  match_params = params['match_params']
  reg_params = params['reg_params']
  # Initialize solution
  m = S1.XYZ.shape[0]
  R_init = []
  t_init = []
  for i in range(m):
  reg_params['R_init'] = R_init
  reg_params['t_init'] = t_init
  # initialize  
  S1_transformed =  skel.Skeleton.copy_skeleton(S1)
  old_corres = -np.ones([m,2])

  # perform matching and deformation in a loop
  for i in range(params['num_iter']):
    print('-------------------- Global Iteration {} --------------------------'.format(i))
    # find correspondences
    corres = skm.skeleton_matching(S1_transformed, S2, match_params)
    if params['visualize']:
      fh_vis = plt.figure()
      vis.plot_skeleton(fh_vis, S1,'b');
      vis.plot_skeleton(fh_vis, S2,'r');
      vis.plot_skeleton_correspondences(fh_vis, S1, S2, corres)
      plt.title("Iteration {}: # of Matches = {} ".format(i, corres.shape[0]))
    # find registration params
    T12 = nrr.register_skeleton(S1, S2, corres, reg_params)
    # apply registration params to skeleton S1
    S1_transformed = nrr.apply_registration_params_to_skeleton(S1, T12)
    # compute registration error for skeleton nodes
    err = nrr.compute_skeleton_registration_error(S1, S2, corres, T12)
    print('Registration error for skeleton nodes = ', err)

    # use results as approximates for next iteration
    for j in range(m):
      reg_params['R_init'][j] = T12[j][0:3,0:3]
      reg_params['t_init'][j] = np.reshape(T12[j][0:3,3], (3,1))
    # Is there any change in correspondences ? If no, stop
    if corres.shape[0] == old_corres.shape[0] and np.array_equal(np.sort(corres, axis=0), np.sort(old_corres, axis=0)):
    old_corres = corres.copy()    
     # visualize registration results
    if params['visualize']:
      fh_vis = plt.figure()  
      vis.plot_skeleton(fh_vis, S1,'b');
      vis.plot_skeleton(fh_vis, S2,'r');
      vis.plot_skeleton(fh_vis, S1_transformed,'k');
      vis.plot_skeleton_correspondences(fh_vis, S1_transformed, S2, corres)
      plt.title("Iteration {}: Registration ".format(i))

  return T12, corres
def register_skeleton(S1, S2, corres, params):
  This function computes the (non-rigid) registration params between the
  two skeletons. This function computes the normal equation, solves the
  non-linear least squares problem.

  S1, S2 : Skeleton Class
    Two skeletons for which we compute the non-rigid registration params
  corres : numpy array (Mx2)
    correspondence between two skeleton nodes
  params : Dictionary
    num_iter :  Maximum number of iterations for the optimization routine
                default: 10
    w_rot :     Weight for the rotation matrix constraints
                default: 100,
    w_reg :     Weight for regularization constraints
                default: 100
    w_corresp:  Weight for correspondence constraints 
                default: 1
    w_fix :     Weight for fixed nodes 
                default: 1
    fix_idx :   list of fixed nodes
                default : []
    R_fix :     list of rotation matrices for fixed nodes
                default : [np.eye(3)]
    t_fix :     list of translation vectors for fixed nodes
                default: [np.zeros((3,1))]
    use_robust_kernel :   Use robust kernels for optimization (recommended if corres has outliers)
                          default : True
    robust_kernel_type :  Choose a robust kernel type (huber, cauchy, geman-mcclure)
                          default: 'cauchy'
    robust_kernel_param : scale/outlier parameter for robust kernel 
                          default: 2
    debug :     show debug visualizations + info
                default: False

  T12 : list of 4x4 numpy arrays 
    Affine transformation corresponding to each node in S1


    print('Computing registration params.')

    # set default params if not provided
    if 'num_iter' not in params:
        params['num_iter'] = 10

    if 'w_rot' not in params:
        params['w_rot'] = 100

    if 'w_reg' not in params:
        params['w_reg'] = 100

    if 'w_corresp' not in params:
        params['w_corresp'] = 1

    if 'w_fix' not in params:
        params['w_fix'] = 1

    if 'fix)idx' not in params:
        params['fix_idx'] = []

    if 'use_robust_kernel' not in params:
        params['use_robust_kernel'] = False

    if 'robust_kernel_type' not in params:
        params['robust_kernel_type'] = 'cauchy'

    if 'robust_kernel_param' not in params:
        params['robust_kernel_param'] = 2

    if 'debug' not in params:
        params['debug'] = False

    # initialize normal equation
    J_rot, r_rot, J_reg, r_reg, J_corresp, r_corresp, J_fix, r_fix = \
      initialize_normal_equations(S1, corres, params)

    # initialze solution
    x = initialize_solution(S1, params)

    # initialize weights
    W_rot, W_reg, W_corresp, W_fix = initialize_weight_matrices(\
      params['w_rot'], len(r_rot), params['w_reg'], len(r_reg), \
      params['w_corresp'], len(r_corresp) , params['w_fix'], len(r_fix))

    # # initialize variables in optimization
    m = S1.XYZ.shape[0]
    T12 = [None] * m
    R = [None] * m
    t = [None] * m
    for j in range(m):
        xj = x[12 * j:12 * (j + 1)]
        R[j] = np.reshape(xj[0:9], (3, 3))
        t[j] = xj[9:12]

    # perform optimization
    if params['debug']:
        fh_debug = plt.figure()
    E_prev = np.inf
    dx_prev = np.inf

    for i in range(params['num_iter']):

        # counters used for different constraints
        jk = 0
        jc = 0
        jf = 0

        # compute jacobian  and residual for each constraint types
        for j in range(m):
            # registration params for jth node
            Rj = R[j]
            tj = t[j]

            # constraints from rotation matrix entries
            Jj_rot, rj_rot = compute_rotation_matrix_constraints(Rj)
            J_rot[6 * j:6 * (j + 1), 12 * j:12 * (j + 1)] = Jj_rot
            r_rot[6 * j:6 * (j + 1)] = rj_rot

            # constraints from regularization term
            ind = np.argwhere(S1.A[j, :] == 1).flatten()
            for k in range(np.sum(S1.A[j, :])):

                # params
                Rk = R[ind[k]]
                tk = t[ind[k]]

                Jj_reg, Jk_reg, r_jk_reg = compute_regularization_constraints(
                    Rj, tj, Rk, tk)

                # collect all constraints
                nc = r_jk_reg.shape[0]
                J_reg[nc * jk:nc * (jk + 1), 12 * j:12 * (j + 1)] = Jj_reg
                J_reg[nc * jk:nc * (jk + 1),
                      ind[k] * 12:12 * (ind[k] + 1)] = Jk_reg
                r_reg[nc * jk:nc * (jk + 1)] = r_jk_reg

                # increment counter for contraints from neighbouring nodes
                jk = jk + 1

            # constraints from correspondences
            if corres.shape[0] > 0:
                ind_C = np.argwhere(corres[:, 0] == j).flatten()
                if len(ind_C) > 0:

                    # observations
                    Y = Obs(S1.XYZ[j, :].reshape(3, 1),
                            S2.XYZ[corres[ind_C, 1], :].reshape(3, 1))

                    # compute constraints
                    J_jc_corresp, r_jc_corresp = compute_corresp_constraints(
                        Rj, tj, Y)

                    # collect all constraints
                    nc = r_jc_corresp.shape[0]
                    J_corresp[nc * jc:nc * (jc + 1),
                              12 * j:12 * (j + 1)] = J_jc_corresp
                    r_corresp[nc * jc:nc * (jc + 1)] = r_jc_corresp

                    # increment counter for correspondence constraints
                    jc = jc + 1

            # constraints from fixed nodes
            if len(params['fix_idx']) > 0:
                if j in params['fix_idx']:
                    ind_f = params['fix_idx'].index(j)

                    # observations
                    R_fix = params['R_fix'][ind_f]
                    t_fix = params['t_fix'][ind_f]

                    # compute fix node constraints
                    J_jf_fix, r_jf_fix = compute_fix_node_constraints(
                        Rj, tj, R_fix, t_fix)
                    nc = r_jf_fix.shape[0]

                    J_fix[nc * jf:nc * (jf + 1),
                          12 * j:12 * (j + 1)] = J_jf_fix
                    r_fix[nc * jf:nc * (jf + 1)] = r_jf_fix

                    # update counter
                    jf = jf + 1

        # compute weights and residual using robust kernel
        if params['use_robust_kernel']:
            if params['robust_kernel_type'] == 'huber':
                _, _, W_corresp = rf.loss_huber(r_corresp,

            elif params['robust_kernel_type'] == 'cauchy':
                _, _, W_corresp = rf.loss_cauchy(r_corresp,

            elif params['robust_kernel_type'] == 'geman_mcclure':
                _, _, W_corresp = rf.loss_geman_mcclure(
                    r_corresp, params['robust_kernel_param'])

                print('Robust kernel not undefined. \n')

            W_corresp = params['w_corresp'] * np.diag(W_corresp.flatten())

        # collect all constraints
        J = np.vstack((J_rot, J_reg, J_corresp, J_fix))
        r = np.vstack((r_rot, r_reg, r_corresp, r_fix))

        # construct weight matrix
        W = combine_weight_matrices(W_rot, W_reg, W_corresp, W_fix)

        # solve linear system
        A = J.T @ W @ J
        b = J.T @ W @ r
        dx = -np.linalg.solve(A, b)

        # Errors
        E_rot = r_rot.T @ W_rot @ r_rot
        E_reg = r_reg.T @ W_reg @ r_reg
        E_corresp = r_corresp.T @ W_corresp @ r_corresp
        E_fix = r_fix.T @ W_fix @ r_fix
        E_total = E_rot + E_reg + E_corresp + E_fix

        # print errors
        if params['debug']:
            print("Iteration # ", i)
            print("E_total = ", E_total)
            print("E_rot = ", E_rot)
            print("E_reg = ", E_reg)
            print("E_corresp = ", E_corresp)
            print("E_fix = ", E_fix)
            print("Rank(A) = ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(A))

        # update current estimate
        for j in range(m):
            dx_j = dx[12 * j:12 * (j + 1)]
            R[j] = R[j] + np.reshape(dx_j[0:9], (3, 3), order='F')
            t[j] = t[j] + dx_j[9:12]

        # collect and return transformation
        for j in range(m):
            T12[j] = hf.M(R[j], t[j])

        # apply registration to skeleton for visualization
        if params['debug']:
            # compute registration error
            S2_hat = apply_registration_params_to_skeleton(S1, T12)
            vis.plot_skeleton(fh_debug, S1, 'b')
            vis.plot_skeleton(fh_debug, S2, 'r')
            vis.plot_skeleton(fh_debug, S2_hat, 'k')
            vis.plot_skeleton_correspondences(fh_debug, S2_hat, S2, corres)
            plt.title("Iteration " + str(i))

        # exit criteria
        if np.abs(E_total - E_prev) < 1e-6 or np.abs(
                np.linalg.norm(dx) - np.linalg.norm(dx_prev)) < 1e-6:
            print("Exiting optimization.")
            print('Total error = ', E_total)

        # update last solution
        E_prev = E_total
        dx_prev = dx

    return T12
Exemplo n.º 8
import skeleton as skel
import skeleton_matching as skm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import visualize as vis

# Load data
species = 'maize'
day1 = '03-13'
day2 = '03-14'
skel_path = '../data/{}/{}.graph.txt'
S1_maize = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day1))
S2_maize = skel.Skeleton.read_graph(skel_path.format(species, day2))

# Perform matching
params = {
    'weight_e': 0.01,
    'match_ends_to_ends': True,
    'use_labels': True,
    'label_penalty': 1,
    'debug': False
corres = skm.skeleton_matching(S1_maize, S2_maize, params)
print("Estimated correspondences: \n", corres)

# visualize results
fh = plt.figure()
vis.plot_skeleton(fh, S1_maize, 'b')
vis.plot_skeleton(fh, S2_maize, 'r')
vis.plot_skeleton_correspondences(fh, S1_maize, S2_maize, corres)
plt.title("Estimated correspondences between skeletons")