Exemplo n.º 1
def getDefaultParams(stentType=''):
    """ getDefaultParams()
    Get the paramater stuct filled with defaults.
    These defaults may not be optimal for you stent type and/or scanner

    # Generic params
    params = ssdf.new()
    # The threshold for detecting seed points
    params.seed_threshold = 650
    # The scale factor for the data to create speed image
    params.mcp_speedFactor = 100
    # The MCP threshold. Small=faster, but will miss connections if too small!
    # params.mcp_evolutionThreshold = 0.06  # deprecated in favor of mcp_maxCoverageFronts
    # The MCP max coverage fraction for evolving fronts
    params.mcp_maxCoverageFronts = 0.03
    # The Expected Number of Connections
    params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    # The th to determine a really strong connection
    params.graph_strongThreshold = 1200
    # The th to determine a really weak connection
    params.graph_weakThreshold = 100
    # The size of tails to trim and clusters to remove
    params.graph_trimLength = 3
    params.graph_minimumClusterSize = 8
    # The th (vector) and angTh to detect corners
    params.graph_angleVector = 5
    params.graph_angleTh = 45

    # Stent type dependencies
    if stentType == 'zenith':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'talent':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'aneurx':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 4
        params.graph_minimumClusterSize = 400
    elif stentType == 'anaconda':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'anacondaRing':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 3
        params.mcp_maxCoverageFronts = 0.003
        params.graph_trimLength = 0
        # The length of the struts in anaconda proximal fixation rings
        params.graph_min_strutlength = 6
        params.graph_max_strutlength = 12
    elif stentType == 'endurant':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'excluder':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'nellix':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType == 'branch':
        params.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2
    elif stentType:
        raise ValueError('Unknown stent type %s' % stentType)

    # Done
    return params
Exemplo n.º 2
def getDefaultParams():

    #Default params
    params = ssdf.new()
    params.max_dist = 2
    params.weighting_factor = 0.99
    params.weighting_factor_bif = 0.95
    params.distance = 4
    return params
Exemplo n.º 3
 def Pack(self):
     """ Pack()
     Pack the contents in an ssdf struct, such that it can be stored.
     # If nodelist is empty, ndim defaults to two
     ndim = 2
     # Get a list of all edges
     cc = self.GetEdges()
     # Check whether the nodes are homogenous, otherwise we cannot store
     if len(self):
         ndim = self[0].ndim
         for node in self:
             if not node.ndim == ndim:
                 raise ValueError('All nodes should have the same dimension.')
     # Init struct
     struct = ssdf.new()
     # Create array of nodes        
     pp = Pointset(ndim)
     for node in self:
     struct.nodes = pp.data
     # Create the edges
     tmp = np.zeros((len(cc), 2), dtype=np.uint32)
     for i in range(len(cc)):
         c = cc[i]            
         tmp[i,0] = c._i1
         tmp[i,1] = c._i2
     struct.edges = tmp
     # Store the properties of the edges. The propRefs array
     # Does contain redundant data, but it can be stored efficiently
     # because the compression handles that...
     allProps = ''
     propRefs = np.zeros((len(cc), 2), dtype=np.uint32)
     for i in range(len(cc)):
         tmp = serializeProps(cc[i].props)
         propRefs[i, 0] = len(allProps)
         propRefs[i, 1] = len(allProps) + len(tmp)
         allProps += tmp
     struct.edgePropRefs = propRefs
     if allProps:
         struct.edgeProps = np.frombuffer( allProps, dtype=np.uint8)
         struct.edgeProps = np.zeros( (0,), dtype=np.uint8)
     # done
     return struct
Exemplo n.º 4
 def Pack(self):
     """ Pack()
     Pack the contents in an ssdf struct, such that it can be stored.
     # If nodelist is empty, ndim defaults to two
     ndim = 2
     # Get a list of all edges
     cc = self.GetEdges()
     # Check whether the nodes are homogenous, otherwise we cannot store
     if len(self):
         ndim = self[0].ndim
         for node in self:
             if not node.ndim == ndim:
                 raise ValueError('All nodes should have the same dimension.')
     # Init struct
     struct = ssdf.new()
     # Create array of nodes        
     pp = Pointset(ndim)
     for node in self:
     struct.nodes = pp.data
     # Create the edges
     tmp = np.zeros((len(cc), 2), dtype=np.uint32)
     for i in range(len(cc)):
         c = cc[i]            
         tmp[i,0] = c._i1
         tmp[i,1] = c._i2
     struct.edges = tmp
     # Store the properties of the edges. The propRefs array
     # Does contain redundant data, but it can be stored efficiently
     # because the compression handles that...
     allProps = b''
     propRefs = np.zeros((len(cc), 2), dtype=np.uint32)
     for i in range(len(cc)):
         tmp = serializeProps(cc[i].props)
         propRefs[i, 0] = len(allProps)
         propRefs[i, 1] = len(allProps) + len(tmp)
         allProps += tmp
     struct.edgePropRefs = propRefs
     if allProps:
         struct.edgeProps = np.frombuffer( allProps, dtype=np.uint8)
         struct.edgeProps = np.zeros( (0,), dtype=np.uint8)
     # done
     return struct
Exemplo n.º 5
def cropaveraged(basedir,
    """ Crop averaged volume of stent
    With loadvol, load ssdf containing an averaged volume and save new cropped ssdf
    s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, crop_in, what)
    vol = s.vol

    # Open cropper tool
    print('Set the appropriate cropping range for "%s" '
          'and click finish to continue' % crop_out)
    print('Loading... be patient')
    fig = vv.figure()
    fig.title = 'Cropping for "%s"' % crop_out
    vol_crop = cropper.crop3d(vol, fig)

    if vol_crop.shape == vol.shape:
        raise RuntimeError('User cancelled (no crop)')

    # Calculate crop range from origin
    rz = int(vol_crop.origin[0] / vol_crop.sampling[0] + 0.5)
    rz = rz, rz + vol_crop.shape[0]
    ry = int(vol_crop.origin[1] / vol_crop.sampling[1] + 0.5)
    ry = ry, ry + vol_crop.shape[1]
    rx = int(vol_crop.origin[2] / vol_crop.sampling[2] + 0.5)
    rx = rx, rx + vol_crop.shape[2]

    # Initialize struct
    s2 = ssdf.new()
    s2.sampling = vol_crop.sampling  # z, y, x voxel size in mm
    s2.stenttype = s.stenttype
    for key in dir(s):
        if key.startswith('meta'):
            suffix = key[4:]
            s2['meta' + suffix] = s['meta' + suffix]

    # Set new croprange, origin and vol
    offset = [i[0] for i in s.croprange]  # origin of crop_in
    s2.croprange = ([rz[0] + offset[0], rz[1] + offset[0]
                     ], [ry[0] + offset[1], ry[1] + offset[1]],
                    [rx[0] + offset[2], rx[1] + offset[2]])
    s2.origin = vol_crop.origin
    s2.vol = vol_crop

    # Export and save
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, crop_out, what)
    file_out = os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename)
    ssdf.save(file_out, s2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, fname=None):

        # Store filename
        self._fname = fname

        # Load
        if fname and os.path.exists(fname):
            self._db = ssdf.load(fname)
            self._db = ssdf.new()

        # Key of last added entry
        self._lastkey = ''
Exemplo n.º 7
 def pack(self):
     """ Pack the graph to an ssdf struct.
     This method is not stent-specific and is a generic graph export to ssdf.
     # Prepare
     s = ssdf.new()
     s.nodes = []
     s.edges = []
     # Serialize
     s.graph = ssdf.loads(ssdf.saves(self.graph))
     for node in self.nodes_iter():
         #node_info = {'node': node, 'attr': self.node[node]}
         node_info = node, self.node[node]
     for edge in self.edges_iter():
         #edge_info = {'node1': edge[0], 'node2':edge[1], 'attr': self.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]}
         edge_info = edge[0], edge[1], self.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]
     return s
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     # Define settings file name
     self._fname = os.path.join(appdata_dir('visvis'), 'config.ssdf')
     # Init settings
     self._s = ssdf.new()
     # Load settings if we can
     if os.path.exists(self._fname):
             self._s = ssdf.load(self._fname)
         except Exception:
     # Update any missing settings to their defaults
     for key in dir(self):
         if key.startswith('_'):
         self._s[key] = getattr(self, key)
     # Save now so the config file contains all settings
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):

        # Define settings file name
        self._fname = os.path.join(appdata_dir('visvis'), 'config.ssdf')

        # Init settings
        self._s = ssdf.new()

        # Load settings if we can
        if os.path.exists(self._fname):
                self._s = ssdf.load(self._fname)
            except Exception:

        # Update any missing settings to their defaults
        for key in dir(self):
            if key.startswith('_'):
            self._s[key] = getattr(self, key)

        # Save now so the config file contains all settings
Exemplo n.º 10
def saveaveraged(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, phases):
    """ Step C: Save average of a number of volumes (phases in cardiac cycle)
    Load ssdf containing all phases and save averaged volume as new ssdf

    filename = '%s_%s_%s_phases.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname)
    file_in = os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename)
    if not os.path.exists(file_in):
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find ssdf for given input %s' % ptcode,
                           ctcode, cropname)
    s = ssdf.load(file_in)
    s_avg = ssdf.new()
    averaged = np.zeros(s.vol0.shape, np.float64)
    if phases[1] < phases[0]:
        phaserange = list(range(0, 100, 10))
        for i in range(phases[1] + 10, phases[0], 10):
        phaserange = range(phases[0], phases[1] + 10, 10)
    for phase in phaserange:
        averaged += s['vol%i' % phase]
        s_avg['meta%i' % phase] = s['meta%i' % phase]
    averaged *= 1.0 / len(phaserange)
    averaged = averaged.astype('float32')

    s_avg.vol = averaged
    s_avg.sampling = s.sampling  # z, y, x voxel size in mm
    s_avg.origin = s.origin
    s_avg.stenttype = s.stenttype
    s_avg.croprange = s.croprange
    s_avg.ctcode = s.ctcode
    s_avg.ptcode = s.ptcode

    avg = 'avg' + str(phases[0]) + str(phases[1])
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, avg)
    file_out = os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename)
    ssdf.save(file_out, s_avg)
Exemplo n.º 11
import os
from visvis import ssdf

# vv.imwrite('d:/almar/projects/ims/test0.png', vv.getframe(vv.gcf()))
fontGenApp = r'"C:\Program Files (x86)\BMFontGen\bmfontgen.exe"'

# If the size is even, the even fontsizes in visvis will look much better
# than the uneven. Matlab uses fontsize 9 for tickmarks by default, but I
# like even fontsizes better. Additionally, too large size will result in
# aliasing for smaller fontsizes in visvis.

size = 16 # 18 is good, 20 won't fit,
bmsize = 1024
outdir = 'tmp/'

s = ssdf.new()
s.serif = ssdf.new()
s.serif.name = 'FreeSerif'

fonts = {   'mono':'FreeMono', 'sans':'FreeSans', 'serif':'FreeSerif'}
#fonts = {   'mono':'Courier New', 'sans':'Arial', 'serif':'Times new roman'}

for font in fonts:
    fontName = fonts[font]
    options = []
    # parameters
    options.append( '-name %s' % fontName )
    options.append( '-size %i' % size )
    options.append( '-bmsize %i' % bmsize )
Exemplo n.º 12
def processFont(fontname):

    ## retrieve fontsize
    fontsize = 6 # default very small so we see the error
    for line in open(path+'tmp/temp_font'+'.txt'):
        if line.startswith('-size'):
            fontsize = int(line[6:])
    ## info

    entries = {}
    for line in open(path + 'tmp/' + fontname + '.xml'):
        # find character code
        i = line.find('code=')
        if i<0: continue
        ch = line[i+6:i+10]    
        ch = int(ch,16)    
        # create char
        char = Char()
        # find location in texture
        i = line.find('origin=')
        i1 = line.find("\"",i)
        if i<0 or i1<0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"",i1+1)
        if i2<0: continue
        tmp = line[i1+1:i2]
        tmp = tmp.split(',')    
        if len(tmp)!=2: continue
        char.origin = [int(i) for i in tmp]
        # find size
        i = line.find('size=')
        i1 = line.find("\"",i)
        if i<0 or i1<0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"",i1+1)
        if i2<0: continue
        tmp = line[i1+1:i2]
        tmp = tmp.split('x')    
        if len(tmp)!=2: continue
        char.size = [int(float(i)+0.5) for i in tmp]
        # find width
        i = line.find('aw=')
        i1 = line.find("\"",i)
        if i<0 or i1<0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"",i1+1)
        if i2<0: continue
        tmp = line[i1+1:i2]    
        char.aw = int(tmp)    
        # store char    
        entries[ch] = char

    ## make lists of the information

    # a list of all registered characters
    charcodes = entries.keys()

    L = max(charcodes)+1
    origin = np.zeros((L,2), dtype=np.uint16)
    size = np.zeros((L,2), dtype=np.uint8)
    width = np.zeros((L,), dtype=np.uint8)
    for code in entries:
        char = entries[code]
        origin[code,0] = char.origin[0]
        origin[code,1] = char.origin[1]
        size[code,0] = char.size[0]
        size[code,1] = char.size[1]
        width[code] = char.aw
    ## image
    tmp = Image.open(path+'tmp/'+fontname+'-0.png')
    im = np.asarray(tmp)
    im = im[:,:,0]
    h, w = im.shape

    ## store data    
    s = ssdf.new()
    s.charcodes = np.array(charcodes, dtype=np.uint16)
    s.origin = origin
    s.size = size
    s.width = width
    s.data = im.copy()
    s.fontsize = fontsize
    return s
Exemplo n.º 13

    ## store data    
    s = ssdf.new()
    s.charcodes = np.array(charcodes, dtype=np.uint16)
    s.origin = origin
    s.size = size
    s.width = width
    s.data = im.copy()
    s.fontsize = fontsize
    return s
## Scan available fonts and pack them

files = os.listdir(path)
base = ssdf.new()
for font in ['mono', 'sans', 'serif']:
    ss = []
    for fonttype in ['r', 'b', 'i']:  # regular, bold, italic
        fontname = font+'_'+fonttype        
        s = processFont(fontname)
    # process to pack together
    sr, sb, si = ss[0], ss[1], ss[2]
    for fonttype in ['b', 'i']:
        s = ss[{'b':1,'i':2}[fonttype]]
        # cut interesting part of image in i or b
        [Iy,Ix] = np.where(s.data>0); y1 = Iy.max()
        data = s.data[0:y1+1,:]
        # paste that part in image of regular
Exemplo n.º 14
        raise NotImplemented("This method needs to be implemented.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Test experiment

    # Let's say we want to estimate for which value of x some magic process
    # is maximum. We simulate this process using noise. By using a seed,
    # the experiments are repeatable.
    import time

    params = ssdf.new()
    params.noise_level = 3
    params.x = 3

    class TestExperiment(Experiment):
        """ In this experiment we will use series 0 to repeat the process
        (using different instantiations of the noise). We will use series 1
        to vary the parameter x of which we want to know the optimum value.
        def experiment(self, params):
            """ experiment(params)            
            Our magic box. Given params.x, it calculates a value. In a
            real experiment, this calculation may be unknown to us.
            t0 = time.time()
            noise = np.random.normal(0, params.noise_level)
Exemplo n.º 15
            print("deforms saved to disk.")

            # Store averaged volume, where the volumes are registered

            from visvis import ssdf

            # Create average volume from *all* volumes deformed to the "center"
            N = len(reg._ims)
            mean_vol = np.zeros(reg._ims[0].shape, 'float64')
            for i in range(N):
                vol, deform = reg._ims[i], reg.get_deform(i)
                mean_vol += deform.as_backward().apply_deformation(vol)
            mean_vol *= 1.0 / N

            # Create struct
            s_avg = ssdf.new()
            for i in range(10):
                phase = i * 10
                s_avg['meta%i' % phase] = s['meta%i' % phase]
            s_avg.sampling = s.sampling  # z, y, x voxel size in mm
            s_avg.origin = s.origin
            s_avg.stenttype = s.stenttype
            s_avg.croprange = s.croprange
            s_avg.vol = mean_vol.astype('float32')
            s_avg.params = s2.params

            # Save
            avg = 'avgreg'
            filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, avg)
            ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s_avg)
            print("avgreg saved to disk.")
Exemplo n.º 16
def processFont(fontname):

    ## retrieve fontsize
    fontsize = 6  # default very small so we see the error
    for line in open(path + 'tmp/temp_font' + '.txt'):
        if line.startswith('-size'):
            fontsize = int(line[6:])

    ## info

    entries = {}
    for line in open(path + 'tmp/' + fontname + '.xml'):
        # find character code
        i = line.find('code=')
        if i < 0: continue
        ch = line[i + 6:i + 10]
        ch = int(ch, 16)
        # create char
        char = Char()
        # find location in texture
        i = line.find('origin=')
        i1 = line.find("\"", i)
        if i < 0 or i1 < 0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"", i1 + 1)
        if i2 < 0: continue
        tmp = line[i1 + 1:i2]
        tmp = tmp.split(',')
        if len(tmp) != 2: continue
        char.origin = [int(ii1) for ii1 in tmp]
        # find size
        i = line.find('size=')
        i1 = line.find("\"", i)
        if i < 0 or i1 < 0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"", i1 + 1)
        if i2 < 0: continue
        tmp = line[i1 + 1:i2]
        tmp = tmp.split('x')
        if len(tmp) != 2: continue
        char.size = [int(float(ii2) + 0.5) for ii2 in tmp]
        # find width
        i = line.find('aw=')
        i1 = line.find("\"", i)
        if i < 0 or i1 < 0: continue
        i2 = line.find("\"", i1 + 1)
        if i2 < 0: continue
        tmp = line[i1 + 1:i2]
        char.aw = int(tmp)
        # store char
        entries[ch] = char

    ## make lists of the information

    # a list of all registered characters
    charcodes = list(entries.keys())

    L = max(charcodes) + 1
    origin = np.zeros((L, 2), dtype=np.uint16)
    size = np.zeros((L, 2), dtype=np.uint8)
    width = np.zeros((L, ), dtype=np.uint8)
    for code in entries:
        char = entries[code]
        origin[code, 0] = char.origin[0]
        origin[code, 1] = char.origin[1]
        size[code, 0] = char.size[0]
        size[code, 1] = char.size[1]
        width[code] = char.aw

    ## image
    tmp = Image.open(path + 'tmp/' + fontname + '-0.png')
    im = np.asarray(tmp)
    im = im[:, :, 0]
    h, w = im.shape

    ## store data
    s = ssdf.new()
    s.charcodes = np.array(charcodes, dtype=np.uint16)
    s.origin = origin
    s.size = size
    s.width = width
    s.data = im.copy()
    s.fontsize = fontsize
    return s
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, ptcode, ctcode, basedir):
        ## Perform image registration

        import os, time

        import numpy as np
        import visvis as vv
        import pirt.reg  # Python Image Registration Toolkit
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol
        import scipy
        from scipy import ndimage

        # Select dataset to register
        cropname = 'prox'
        what = 'phases'

        # Load volumes
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)

        vols = []
        phases = []
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('vol'):
                # create vol with zoom in z-direction
                zscale = (s[key].sampling[0] / s[key].sampling[1])  # z / y
                # resample vol using spline interpolation, 3rd order piecewise polynomial
                vol_zoom = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
                    s[key], [zscale, 1, 1], 'float32')
                s[key].sampling = [
                    s[key].sampling[1], s[key].sampling[1], s[key].sampling[2]

                # set scale and origin
                vol_zoom_type = vv.Aarray(vol_zoom, s[key].sampling,
                vol = vol_zoom_type


        t0 = time.time()

        # Initialize registration object
        reg = pirt.reg.GravityRegistration(*vols)

        reg.params.mass_transforms = 2  # 2nd order (Laplacian) triggers more at lines
        reg.params.speed_factor = 1.0
        reg.params.deform_wise = 'groupwise'  # groupwise!
        reg.params.mapping = 'backward'
        reg.params.deform_limit = 1.0
        reg.params.final_scale = 1.0  # We might set this a wee bit lower than 1 (but slower!)
        reg.params.scale_sampling = 16
        reg.params.final_grid_sampling = 20
        reg.params.grid_sampling_factor = 0.5

        # Go!

        t1 = time.time()
        print('Registration completed, which took %1.2f min.' %
              ((t1 - t0) / 60))

        # Store registration result

        from visvis import ssdf

        # Create struct

        s2 = vv.ssdf.new()
        N = len(vols)
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('meta'):
                s2[key] = s[key]
        s2.origin = s.origin
        s2.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s2.croprange = s.croprange

        # Obtain deform fields
        for i in range(N):
            fields = [field for field in reg.get_deform(i).as_backward()]
            phase = phases[i][3:]
            s2['deform%s' % phase] = fields
        s2.sampling = s2['deform%s' %
                         phase][0].sampling  # Sampling of deform is different!
        s2.originDeforms = s2['deform%s' %
                              phase][0].origin  # But origin is zero
        s2.params = reg.params

        # Save
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
        ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
        print("deforms saved to disk.")

        # Store averaged volume, where the volumes are registered

        #from visvis import ssdf

        # Create average volume from *all* volumes deformed to the "center"
        N = len(reg._ims)
        mean_vol = np.zeros(reg._ims[0].shape, 'float64')
        for i in range(N):
            vol, deform = reg._ims[i], reg.get_deform(i)
            mean_vol += deform.as_backward().apply_deformation(vol)
        mean_vol *= 1.0 / N

        # Create struct
        s_avg = ssdf.new()
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('meta'):
                s_avg[key] = s[key]
        s_avg.sampling = s.vol0.sampling  # z, y, x after interpolation
        s_avg.origin = s.origin
        s_avg.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s_avg.croprange = s.croprange
        s_avg.vol = mean_vol.astype('float32')
        s_avg.params = s2.params

        fig1 = vv.figure(1)
        fig1.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
        a1 = vv.subplot(111)
        a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        renderstyle = 'mip'
        a1b = vv.volshow(s_avg.vol, clim=(0, 2000), renderStyle=renderstyle)
        #a1b.isoThreshold = 600
        vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
        vv.title('Average volume of %s phases (%s) (resized data)' %
                 (len(phases), renderstyle))

        # Save
        avg = 'avgreg'
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, avg)
        ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s_avg)
        print("avgreg saved to disk.")

        t1 = time.time()
        print('Registration completed, which took %1.2f min.' %
              ((t1 - t0) / 60))
Exemplo n.º 18
import os
from visvis import ssdf

# vv.imwrite('d:/almar/projects/ims/test0.png', vv.getframe(vv.gcf()))
fontGenApp = r'"C:\Program Files (x86)\BMFontGen\bmfontgen.exe"'

# If the size is even, the even fontsizes in visvis will look much better
# than the uneven. Matlab uses fontsize 9 for tickmarks by default, but I
# like even fontsizes better. Additionally, too large size will result in
# aliasing for smaller fontsizes in visvis.

size = 16 # 18 is good, 20 won't fit, 
bmsize = 1024
outdir = 'tmp/'

s = ssdf.new()
s.serif = ssdf.new()
s.serif.name = 'FreeSerif'

fonts = {   'mono':'FreeMono', 'sans':'FreeSans', 'serif':'FreeSerif'}
#fonts = {   'mono':'Courier New', 'sans':'Arial', 'serif':'Times new roman'}

for font in fonts:
    fontName = fonts[font]
    options = []
    # parameters
    options.append( '-name %s' % fontName )
    options.append( '-size %i' % size )
    options.append( '-bmsize %i' % bmsize )
Exemplo n.º 19
    ## store data
    s = ssdf.new()
    s.charcodes = np.array(charcodes, dtype=np.uint16)
    s.origin = origin
    s.size = size
    s.width = width
    s.data = im.copy()
    s.fontsize = fontsize
    return s

## Scan available fonts and pack them

files = os.listdir(path)
base = ssdf.new()
for font in ['mono', 'sans', 'serif']:
    ss = []
    for fonttype in ['r', 'b', 'i']:  # regular, bold, italic
        fontname = font + '_' + fonttype
        s = processFont(fontname)

    # process to pack together
    sr, sb, si = ss[0], ss[1], ss[2]
    for fonttype in ['b', 'i']:
        s = ss[{'b': 1, 'i': 2}[fonttype]]
        # cut interesting part of image in i or b
        [Iy, Ix] = np.where(s.data > 0)
        y1 = Iy.max()
        data = s.data[0:y1 + 1, :]
Exemplo n.º 20
def savecropvols(vols,
    """ Step B: Crop and Save SSDF
    Input: vols from Step A
    Save 2 or 10 volumes (cardiac cycle phases) in one ssdf file
    Cropper tool opens to manually set the appropriate cropping range in x,y,z
    Click 'finish' to continue saving
    Meta information (dicom), origin, stenttype and cropping range are saved

        vol0 = vv.Aarray(
            vols[0], vols[0].meta.sampling)  # vv.Aarray defines origin: 0,0,0
    except AttributeError:
        print('AttributeError no meta with vol, use given sampling')
        vol0 = vv.Aarray(vols[0], sampling)

    # Open cropper tool
    print('Set the appropriate cropping range for "%s" '
          'and click finish to continue' % cropname)
    print('Loading... be patient')
    fig = vv.figure()
    fig.title = 'Cropping for "%s"' % cropname
    #vol_crop = cropper.crop3d(vol0, fig)
    vol_crop = crop3d(vol0, fig)  # use local while error with cropper

    if vol_crop.shape == vol0.shape:
        print('User did not crop')

    # Calculate crop range from origin
    rz = int(vol_crop.origin[0] / vol_crop.sampling[0] + 0.5)
    rz = rz, rz + vol_crop.shape[0]
    ry = int(vol_crop.origin[1] / vol_crop.sampling[1] + 0.5)
    ry = ry, ry + vol_crop.shape[1]
    rx = int(vol_crop.origin[2] / vol_crop.sampling[2] + 0.5)
    rx = rx, rx + vol_crop.shape[2]

    # Initialize struct
    s = ssdf.new()
    s.sampling = vol_crop.sampling  # z, y, x voxel size in mm
    s.origin = vol_crop.origin
    s.croprange = rz, ry, rx  # in world coordinates
    s.stenttype = stenttype
    s.ctcode = ctcode
    s.ptcode = ptcode

    # Export and save
    if len(vols) == 1:  # when static ct
        s.vol = vols[0][rz[0]:rz[1], ry[0]:ry[1], rx[0]:rx[1]]
        s.meta = vols[0].meta
        vols[0].meta.PixelData = None  # avoid ssdf warning
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_phase.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname)
    else:  # dynamic ct
        for volnr in range(0, len(vols)):
            phase = volnr * 10
            if len(vols) == 2:  # when only diastolic/systolic volume
                    phase = vols[
                        volnr].meta.SeriesDescription[:2]  # '78%, iDose'
                    phase = int(phase)
                except AttributeError:  # has no meta
                    phase = volnr
            s['vol%i' % phase] = vols[volnr][rz[0]:rz[1], ry[0]:ry[1],
                s['meta%i' % phase] = vols[volnr].meta
                vols[volnr].meta.PixelData = None  # avoid ssdf warning
            except AttributeError:  # has no meta
                # s['meta%i'% phase] = meta # given input var
                # todo: meta type now error TypeError: unorderable types: DataElement() < DataElement()
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_phases.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname)
    file_out = os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename)
    ssdf.save(file_out, s)
    print('ssdf saved to {}.'.format(file_out))